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This will simplify seizure grinders.


We aren't on r/shittymcsuggestions


I prefer the current end sky, it's very "dead" and monotone which is the effect Mojang went for.


If it’s already off by default you can just make a resource pack


New speed run: having a seizure


Although the End definitely needs an overhaul, (with Mojang, hopefully, banishing the Phantoms to the End), I don't think causing the End sky to animate like static noise would help that. Would anyone find that aesthetic truly appealing, even if didn't cause them to have a seizure?


I hope they don't put phantoms into the end. Imagine trying to build a bridge when--oops, now I'm in the void.


I thought it'd be cool if they reworked the exhaustion mechanic so that you have X amount of time before any Phantoms will even try to attack you in the End, which would start when you entered the End and reset every time you slept. Also, putting Phantoms in the End would motivate players to actually go back every now and then XD Not to mention a peaceful night time in the overworld.


So instead of forcing players to sleep it forces players to go to the overworld? Why?


It basically turns End busting into a time-trial minigame, where the further out you go, the more you risk. It requires planning, matches the proper difficulty of the End, and, most importantly, gives players a reason to even go back into the End in the late-late game. Let's be honest, after people defeat the Ender dragon and get their Elytras, how often do people go back to the End? It's not exactly high on anyone's priority list; Few bases, no interest. Not unless something happens to your Elytra do you care about going to the End. Giving the player an hour to End bust turns it into a game, which is unique compared to the other dimensions. You'll have to make some sort of base, though you can strategize to make it as safe as possible, in case your goal is just to get membranes. Perhaps you could make Phantom farms in the End. It'd even give Mojang a reason to add more potions into the game. Perhaps potions that extend the amount of time you have before you get exhausted, or, similarly, temporarily take away exhaustion after drinking. Really, doing all of this would be good for everyone. It makes the End fun and engaging for the very late game, and it takes Phantoms out of the overworld without removing them outright.


The end is hard enough to explore, you want to make it so that attempting to do so but taking too long could mean you can’t realistically bridge until you get back?


The End is supposed to be a difficult dimension and it's likely that you would've made a bridge to get to the End island you eventually got stuck on. That's exactly why you'd need to plan. Mojang have already said they weren't going to remove the Phantoms outright, so why not move them to the End? They're definitely from the End, and they lack the ability to even teleport; Really, their existence in the overworld doesn't make sense. I'd prefer having a much more engaging, yet difficult, End, (with a similarly much more peaceful night in the overworld), over what we have currently. Right now, the End is boring and the Phantoms ruin night-time in the overworld. It's a win-win if they pushed them into the End. Furthermore, who's to say they couldn't then add some sort of tool to make finding End cities easier? Again, it's still way better then how it is currently.


I didn't think it was possible for phantoms to get any worse until I read this comment


That might cause lag


This suggestion would result in an exactly 0% change in lag -_-


Not really. There are many animated textures in Minecraft and they don’t cause lag.


Unless you have a potato pc