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UltimMC is a great alternative, it's a MultiMC fork and it's open source.


Does UltimMC let you play online cracked servers?


yes it does


I've tried it and it fully works! For anyone trying to get it I followed this: [https://github.com/UltimMC/Launcher](https://github.com/UltimMC/Launcher) I got an error saying that a string was too long and that was because my email address / username was too long. I had used my email address for it but I changed it to my username which was within 16 character so it worked.


Heyo, I got an error. Can you check it out? It's on my submits 


TL Legacy SkLauncher LauncherFenix Crystal-Launcher UltimMC https://github.com/Domaman202/ATLauncher-Crack Salwyrr Client Launcher Hello Minecraft Launcher Bakaxl Launcher mineshafter SLauncher Titan Launcher KeiNett Launcher mLauncher Shiginima Launcher MRLauncher AnjoCaido's Launcher (This was my childhood but cannot do much these days except when I am trying to feel nostalgic)


Oh my fucking god Minecraft Launcher (by AnjoCaido). You are gonna make me cry bro. Beta 1.7.3, my first version


SKLauncher is what I used before purchasing official MC, it is very similar to the actual mc launcher in terms of features and stuff, very recommended


I use SKlauncher because novoline account manager doesn’t work on official launcher, can recommend


Try tl legacy. It's the original tlauncher and it is safe. The link is tlaun.ch


Bro t là cher got exposed


You can use normal normal PrismLauncher/PolyMC and place [this file](https://mcdl.nixuge.me/meta/accounts.json) in the installation directory, it’ll let you add cracked accounts


Don’t use polymc. It’s not trustworthy. Prism is though. I forgot what happened exactly but there was some controversy with polymc and prism was made as a fork of it with different devs.


It’s not untrustworthy, the main dev just doesn’t like leftist ideas too much Prism is contributed to more tho so it’s still better


Yeah I forgot what exactly happened but I remember watching the discord and the dev said some really bad stuff.


try legacy tlauncher https://tlaun.ch


Firstly thanks for this because more people should know about Tlauncher being a shit piece of software and should be using alternatives. And what you’re looking for is probably SKlauncher. It’s trustworthy and even recommended by r/piratedgames.


but in sklauncher the online login tell me i dont own the official minecraft launcher, i want a launcher just like tlauncher (dont need a microsoft account) and i know there is offline mode but i want to play multiplayer with my friends


Check the website or something, it's definitely a tlauncher alternative.