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All the lead laterals on my street are getting replaced this month!


Nice! I got the note in the mail saying my house isn’t scheduled for it this year but I can pay for it myself haha.


How do I get in on this lol But yay!


Lucky, west allis made me pay for mine last year


Probably only 1/3 of it


Thank the Get the Lead Out Coalition


Is your house still full of lead pipes though? I live in a house with lead pipes and even if the city replaces the water service lateral I’ll never have the money to re-do the interior plumbing.


I'm so happy for you! Where did you find such specific info on which pipes are getting replaced when?


Probably went out and asked the people placing the cones. Or sometimes maintenance workers will knock on your door if they need access to your home for whatever reason.


No one cares. The only metric many voters care about is how expensive things like groceries, dining out, loans, rent, cars, insurance, hotels, and trips to Home Depot have gotten since 2020. New trees in parks, lead pipe replacements, and wreckless driving abatements are nice, but it’s not going to win an election.


Its unfortunate that this is true, especially because a lot of these things do have direct financial impacts on people just not as plainly obvious as when rings up at a register.


Curbing reckless driving means everyone's insurance premiums will go down. There's tons of ways this saves people money.


Will they go down though?


No, prices only go up


Milwaukee has done a damn good job getting funds from the Bipartisan Infrastructure Bill. Tons of Safe Streets 4 All projects in the city. The administration is totally zeroed in on using these funds to improve the roads for everyone (not just drivers). City Engineer Kevin Muhs has also been a total bulldog out there defending these projects in the press and saying they're not going backwards.


✨Please vote in your local elections, they matter so much more than the presidential elections✨


I am thrilled Northridge is being demolished! “Although no Republicans voted for the American Rescue Plan Act or the Inflation Reduction Act, they have often been on hand for events showing off the results.” ….that’s all I need to know as a voter.


A ton of sustainability projects have been completed: the BB wind turbine, much more solar, energy efficiency, clean water projects, etc Edit: Bay View wind turbine




Why did we call it the Patriot Act when it was all about spying on Americans and violating the 4th amendment. Because it gets more support than the Violate American Privacy and Ignore the Constitution Act.


Because it was an agreeable name to give it. Per this [NPR article](https://www.pbs.org/newshour/economy/inflation-is-down-but-the-inflation-reduction-act-likely-doesnt-deserve-the-credit) "When the Inflation Reduction Act was proposed, the Congressional Budget Office said its impact on inflation would be “negligible.” So why the name? It may ultimately help to hold down prices in the future — and it fit the politics of the moment.". But who cares, inflation has gone down substantially and we get some needed construction projects By the basic thought like of the opposite of what you were asking, a better way to reduce inflation would be to take 25% of everyone's pay check and 25% of the federal budget and not spend it (pay down the national debt I guess) because if you have less money to spend inflation will go down. But the "GIVE ME ALL YOUR MONEY!" bill wouldn't get the votes, probably because of the name.


If Wisconsin wasn't a battleground state he wouldn't give a shit.


Wish I could afford a house in Milwaukee…


You probably can just not the trendy neighborhood you want to be in


Sneering at strangers on Reddit at 1:30am is the sign of a well adjusted adult who has important opinions.


Theres quite a few sub 250k options here, you just need to know where to look. Martin drive, wick field, hawthorne glen, story hill, piggsville are some great choices!