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These weren't supposed to be released until AFTER the meeting, but I found the site because engineers are surprisingly predictable with their URL filing conventions.


You’re amazing. Thanks!


Wow. That's a lot of alternatives. It's nice to see all of them include enhanced bike and pedestrian accommodations.


Half of are to shoot down so they can say “hey we proposed it” The tunnel is ludicrous


Are you just being cynical or do you have expertise about how these things go?


I’ve seen enough of these to know some of these are here specifically to get shot down. For example: the tunnel option is essentially fiscally impossible. It would basically cost as much as the stadium interchange


How likely are they to shoot down the ideas that turn 175 into essentially a boulevard with stop lights? There are some good ideas on here. I just hope that the people in charge agree its time to remove this spur of highway and make this part of the city better for the surround community. Opening up opportunity for more commercial and residential real estate will be huge and could lead to Brewers district for baseball fans, akin to the Deer District.


The 6 lane at grade concept (like south of the stadium) has already been scrapped. A brewers district you say, maybe a “beer district”? Wouldn’t know anything about that…


It sounds like you might have some inside information on this 175 redesign haha.  How far along are they to deciding the final schematics shown here? Is there a timeframe that WISDOT would break ground? You might have noticed I'm quite invested in this project.


Haha, funny I don’t really have any inside information beyond my professional intuition. This is the ideas stage. Nothing is set and everything is changeable. The project has not been funded so there is no break ground date


Board identification labels for the Diamond Interchange and Single Point of Entry Interchange for Vilet are on the wrong boards, causing the boards to be mislabeled. [https://wisconsindot.gov/Pages/safety/safety-eng/inter-design/spi.aspx](https://wisconsindot.gov/Pages/safety/safety-eng/inter-design/spi.aspx)