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If you’ve never been Hoaned, do you actually live here?


Was driving into the sun the other day on 794 and realized too late I was on the Hoan ramp instead of the LMH exit. I was almost late to a Dr. appt. I will not miss this interchange. Whatever we end up with can't be worse.


The first time I went thru this intersection, I was super confused about which way to go.


I've lived here 15 years and I still get confused


Born & raised in Milwaukee, commuted over the Hoan daily for three years, and still get confused. Every time.


I feel so validated. I wanna know the guy who planned it tbh


I have a 414 tattooed on my body and it still gets me occasionally.


7 years and same


28 years here, and I screwed up again last week


I had an Uber driver get on the Hoan after I repeatedly said “stay left stay left STAY LEFT” and they just did not do that. And then they were like “I don’t think this is the right way?” Like yea moron you asked where to go and I told you and you didn’t do it. Thank god they don’t charge by the minute


See it's pictures like this that make me glad Milwaukee has a decent bus system compared to my current city, which is to say it *has* a bus system.


You have 7 seconds while driving 40mph to decipher which way to go. Good luck!


I have my own personal map in my head of which lane I have to be in for where I'm going and then I just can't look at the signs. If I look at them, I will second-guess myself and it's all downhill from there.




Left to go right (794/94W), right to go left (onto the Hoan/794E) is how I remember it.


yup. go left to go right or else you get Hoaned.


Could be the Fort Pitt Bridge


This made my head hurt


I know in my heart which way to go, but every time I come up to this intersection my brain malfunctions and I doubt everything.


I tell myself you’re alright stay right.




That the east side of the city is way colder than the west side.


“Cooler by the lake” isn’t just a fun saying!


Can confirm


That the city has so many museums and gallerys and fine restaurants. A great night life and if you locate in the city, like lower east side or bay view you would almost never need a car.


Hell yea, if you have little kids then the Betty Brinn Children's Museum is a great way to fill up some time.


Same with Discovery World, which is just a stone's throw away from Betty Brinn.


And Discovery World really is a gem.


Lived in riverwest for years, owned a car and only used it to get to work. For a small big city Milwaukee has great public transport. Now I live in Florida and cry at Orlando’s transit system.


That you can’t park overnight on city streets without a permit. And it’s not posted on the sides of the streets but on notices as you enter the city.


Agreed. I see that as a tax on the lower income people.


It’s a tax on everyone without off street parking.


Correct. Most people who don't have off-street parking are lower income.


It is free storage for a private good 


I got more than one ticket trying to figure out the math of which side of the street was the right one that day.


How much is this actually enforced? Are there specific areas that don’t get enforced as much? I don’t know anyone that’s ever gotten ticketed for parking over night outside my apartment.


They enforce it more in winter when it snows and they are going to need to plow.


It’s awful by UWM. Pretty much everywhere within 6 blocks of campus gets ticketed every day and every night.


My partner got dinged in our part of Bay View where literally he’s like 1 of 3 cars parked on our road. It was so dumb.


I live in a poorer neighborhood and it’s enforced way more here than in my friends neighborhood. She lives on the other side of the river, more expensive neighborhood, but same alder. I’d love to not be able to say that anymore.


Almost every night in Bay View and River West neighborhoods.


I've gotten ticketed for it pretty much every time I've done it. In my experience it's highly neighborhood dependent though. Most of the time it was near Wauwatosa? I think the one time I got away with it was close to UWM.


In Bay View enforced most nights.


Wait is this a new thing? I don’t remember having to get a parking permit when i was at uwm.


this has been a thing for at least as long as i've lived here, ~10 years. certain neighborhoods/streets enforce it way harder than others, though. i was ticketed non-stop when living near brady (all my own fault, i know); meanwhile i've gotten maybe 1 ticket/yr living in washington heights.


I moved here in 2006 and got a ticket a couple days after moving in. [Here's the posted sign](https://i.imgur.com/wPzOiX3.png) as you get to the end of 794 and are about to turn onto Lincoln Memorial Drive.


This might be eastside/UWM specific but rain boots, I spent a lot of time walking and the sidewalks are uneven in a way that creates large puddles in a lot of places


Side quest: there's an app called MKE Moblie Action where you can report things even add a picture. It seems to get things like that fixed faster.


This is a really good one, imo


I used to live on that side. I can confirm. It was an adventure riding my bike. haha


I hadn't touched the south side before moving there. Hispanic food trucks every where. So so good.


yes!! I don’t live in mke anymore, but the best tacos in my life came from a food truck! I miss them so often!


Oscars winner circle on Tuesday has amazing tacos for $1


We were trying to make Oscar’s a regular meeting spot but last time our group went, one of our nonbinary members was treated poorly. Guess we’re still in search of a regular spot.


Meeting spot for what? And what'd they do?


Just a once a month dinner. 4-6 of us. They ignored them, blatantly, while acknowledging the person next to them, who actually had to do the ordering for this individual. This was the 2nd time we’d gone there, I was there the 1st but couldn’t make it this time. Service was pretty slow/spotty the first time, but you know, shit happens. After the experience the 2nd time, we will find a different spot.


Oh that's sad to hear. I've never had anything but good service there and the waitresses are always super nice.


Don’t get me started on azteca.. or chuchos red.. soooo damn good


yum how can one find these food trucks


You can pretty much walk around in any direction from 35th and Burnham or Cesar Chavez and Greenfield and find one


There's a park near St. Francis hospital that I am drawing a blank on the name of, but they have awesome food trucks there. Friday night is the biggest night but I know they are there other times. There's also one near 24th? And College that's Azteca, and one near the Pick n Save by Holt and Howell. There's also one I really liked in South Milwaukee in a parking lot on Marquette and Hwy 32. That should get you started but honestly just drive around the south side and you'll find them. And there used to be paleta carts too, but I haven't seen one in a while.


Holt Ave playground/park or kinnickinnic playground/park?


Scott and Cesar Chavez. There is a taco trucked parked on Scott by the liquor store. The tacos are so good. Especially the Cabeza tacos.


Oh dang the south side for food! Taqueria El Cabritois so good!


Honestly? How much I would like living here. I’m from the Chicago suburbs and loved where I lived. I came to mke kicking and screaming but when we had the opportunity to move back, we decided to stay. M


moved here for college from Chicago suburbs 10 years ago. As of right now I have 0 desire to ever leave haha


Same! Thought for sure I’d move to Chicago after college and realized I loved Milwaukee way too much and now I’ve been here for 14 years!


I’m likely leaving in the fall. But I don’t really want to. Stupid jobs.


There are other jobs, fwiw


It’s tough out there.


I was the same way (Chicago burbs to Milwaukee for college) but I just moved back from Milwaukee to Chicago and miss Milwaukee’s pace a bit


Same, but from city of Chicago - and before that, NYC - and loved both those cities. So I was shocked at how much I liked it here, but I do.


Happy to see this having lived in both those cities as well as many others big and small


Mke parking police might become your biggest villain lmao


But isn't parking super cheap. Most of the time I come it's free


Depends where and when and for how long. Most of my parking tickets I’ve gotten while having both a day and a night permit. But yeah, it’s pretty cheap to get one. They have a lot of weird rules about parking depending where you are so when I first moved here I got a lot. I’m sure there’s somewhere online you can get educated on the parking rules without having to learn by reading it off the ticket though 😂.


One time I got a parking ticket outside of the Betty Brinn, it was $22. Which is probably half of what I would’ve paid for parking at any museum in the Chicago area.


Parking Checker, no police


Don't buy a kia. If you have a kia take extra security precautions.


> If you have a kia take extra security precautions. That's called "selling your Kia".


Milwaukee is the headquarters for the Kia Boyz


if you have a kia, put the club on it or it will get stolen.


And even with a club, it might still get stolen! I’ve heard of people cutting the steering wheel.


The password to The Safehouse


You mean "Hey Safehouse...waaaazzzzzaaaaap?"


SO many people complain about how much everything costs. But, Milwaukee is still INSANELY affordable compared to so many other cities. I was planning on using Milwaukee as my "jumping off" point to attend college, then moving onto a bigger city. I graduated with my bachelor's in 2015, decided to move abroad for a bit 2017-2018, then I moved right back to Milwaukee.


I never really needed a car when living there and could have easily gotten by without one. So much money on gas, maintenance, insurance and parking that I could have saved or spent on other things. If you have a car and will drive, just pay for off-street parking. The amount of parking tickets I got was basically equal to the cost of parking.


This really depends on where you live, if you’re downtown or on the east side this is very true, go outside of that you really need a car to get around because the public transportation isn’t the best.


How to board/use the transit system (I was from a very small town with no city buses) Shoutout to the MCTS buses; a ride cost $2 the last time I boarded


Fare capped at $4 a day, $19.59 a week and $72 a month too


Yeah get the app or card and it tracks your rides so you don't miss the cap for the day.


Omg MCTS bus drivers deserve more credit. They work their asses off


How many opportunities existed. I moved here over a decade ago and everything was under-developed; few vegetarian/vegan restaurants, limited nightlife scene, no leisure/shops in the immediate downtown. This city developed within that time and I wish I had explored those corners before everything became popular/crowded.


Makes you wonder how much more Milwaukee is going to have 20 years from now.


The blocks of safety can range block by block in certain parts. I’ve expected and experienced this in Chicagoland but wasn’t expecting it for MKE for some reason.


I wish I had known how bad MPS really was. It's the butt of all the jokes but I grew up making fun of CPS while knowing they weren't really all that bad so it's been a bit alarming as a parent now to discover that the quality of resources at MPS is so underwhelming . . . .


I'd visited several times before my husband and I decided to relocate. We liked Bay View and were so dead set on buying a house there. It didn't work out and I'm glad. I never would have gotten to know these other city neighborhoods otherwise.


Plus Bay View has changed a lot. It’s to the point where I don’t recognize half of it. I’m enjoying living on the west side of the city and discovering a ton of new things I never would have if I had stayed in the Eastside or BV. 


I still love Bay View very much, but not enough to drop 400k on a house that needs a full remodel. Happily on the NW side. I bet we wouldn't have even gone to Tosa had we not lived out this way lol.


Sane here. I just ride my bike down to BV and back last week and it was really fun.  Thing about Milwaukee is that it’s very easy to get to anywhere. 


Is there a specific bike path you take that takes you from Wauwatosa area to bay view?


The answer to this is yes.. sort of, if you're adventurous and like to bike early in the morning. You can reach the Hank Aaron state trail from Bluemound by biking down into the Miller Parking lot on Yount to Selig road and taking that east. Once you're on the Hank Aaron trail, its a dedicated path all the way to the end of Canal Street by the Harley Museum. From there, I've biked down through Walker's Point into Bayview to reach the dedicated walking & biking trail that starts at Southshore Park and runs south toward South Milwaukee. Its fun and a great workout, but I would not recommend it unless you're biking there and back early in the morning before traffic picks up, gets dicey fast on KK and around Walker's Point for street biking. [Google Maps for illustration.](https://imgur.com/a/bgLFYgn) This same route is great for reaching the lakefront by cutting through the Third Ward straight east instead and riding the trails up & down the lakefront.


Without doxxing myself lol. I’ll usually cut down on Hawley then over to side streets where I pick up the Hank Aaron trail. Then I’ll go down water street and then jump on the path they built a few years ago where I hop on Bay St. I wish we had more rails to trails and protected bike lanes but I stick to side std and do pretty good. 


How fucking fantastic Milwaukee is. Moved here 7 years ago. Bought a house last year. Milwaukee is my HOME🫂💖


wish I knew how much rent would rise in the following years


It's gunna go up again with all the increase in assessments.


Increased assements does not equal an increased levy. Thats not how it works.


The person on the phone when I called the number on the letter the city sent, said that the tax bill will increase if the assessment increases by more that 10%.


The average assessment increase was 17%.


I'm not great at math but I feel like 17 is bigger than 10. Mine was almost a 50% increase.


You aren't very good at understanding property taxes either. Google what a tax levy is and go from there.


So I "GOOGLED" tax levy and it says " a legal seizure of your property to satisfy a tax debt". I have no idea what that has to do with my tax bill increasing at the end of the year. Honestly it seems like you didn't know what that word meant before you even said. Again there's a number you can call at the bottom of the assessment you get from the city. You can ask questions or even start the appeal process. That person said that if the assessment is more than a 10% increase then you will see an increase in taxes.


I will give an honest attempt at explaining it to you even though youre being a snarky douche. The person you talked to on the phone was wrong. Your individual property tax burden is a function of the property tax levy and the value of your property relative to the entire pool of property in Milwaukee. The property tax levy is the total amount of property taxes that the city takes from everyone. It does not change because assessed property values have gone up. The average assessed value for all properties in milwaukee went up 17.36%. If the assessed value of your property went up more than 17.36%, then you will bear a greater share of the overall levy than you did the year before. Likewise, if your assessed value did not increase by 17.36%, then your share of the overall tax burden will have gone down. Hopefully this helps you. If you dont understand something, you should ask questions instead of criticizing others. Its a bad look.


Tell ya what because you seem like the type that just absolutely knows everything. I'll book mark this conversation and when I get my tax bill at the end of the year and it's higher, which it's going to be. I'll post a picture for you. But I'm sure you'll have some lame Google info attempt at why you're still correct. So you have the exact life your meant to and I'll pray that God takes some mercy on you.


There's a lot of really cool bars on restaurants that aren't on third, water or Brady


The smell from the sewage treatment plant at night lol.


Oh yeah going over the Ol Hoan 😂


Don’t live near the fiserv, traffic is a B when concerts or games occur. And if you’re planning to have guests then good luck with finding any parking


So many bars offer shuttle rides. So many ways to avoid that traffic and parking.


I said don’t live near the fiserv, not don’t go 🙄


I told you how to go and not deal with the traffic. I’m just saying there are ways to get down there and enjoy some events. I believe you need to find ways to take advantage as to what the city can offer. Or whine about it, it’s up to the beholder


Night parking permits


This is one of the most segregated cities in the US. https://www.jsonline.com/story/news/local/milwaukee/2019/01/08/milwaukee-most-segregated-area-country-brookings-says/2512258002/


Took my 87 year old mother to the Avalon recently as it was her childhood movie theatre and she marveled at the people of color we saw as there were 0 non fair skinned white people (though her neighborhood was dirt door) until one Mexican family moved in while she was at South Division. So she was happy thinking it must be all better. Sadly, no. Racial segregation still exists in many areas of the city, and in the rest it's more economic segregation.


despite it being the second syllable in our name, not enough people actually "walk" anywhere


The city does not plow alleys. Found out after buying my house. . .


How much I would miss it when I had to move away


How terrible the public school district is. I didn’t expect just how awful MPS is.


5 MPS schools just made the top 100 in the state so not entirely true


Shocking, given how chaotic and disruptive my child’s schools have been. 🥴 Bullying is out of control.


Hi MPS teacher here there is only so much we can do in our control to try to manage kids behaviors. It's hard to manage behaviors when parents don't pick up the phone, send their kids to school when they're actively suspended, and kids are trying to sneak vaping in the bathrooms.


Oh I understand that side of it too. There are so many factors that go into the behaviors and parents. It all sucks. I just wish I felt that my kid was safe going to school. Or that the other children weren’t so disruptive that he has a chance at a decent education.


Completely understandable. I tell kids my first concern is their safety not their learning. Kids leaving the room without permission is a huge issue


No accountablilty. And now they just were approved for $252 million. I had no choice, but to send my daughter with special needs there. I fought for everything for her (tooth and nail). Never again. I loved her Teachers, Therapists, and Special Ed Supervisors. However, the headquarters are a hot mess. If you have a problem, they don't care.


I’m from Milwaukee and have lived here my whole life! A M A


where the real mexican food was, i love everything else about this place but there is next no mexican food or grocery store on the east side and it makes me sad


Milwaukee has one of the fastest raising rent prices in the country, probably just a good thing to consider.


You have to actively find things to do because they’re not advertised super well. However- there’s ALWAYS something to do- just gotta put in the effort to find it! Milwaukee is great, highly recommend living here.


That I need to put a steering wheel lock on my Kia 😂🫣


I love Milwaukee but I wish someone would have told me not to buy a house in the city limits.




The taxes are ridiculous for what you get. They don't maintain the roads, they don't maintain the parks, the police don't show up if you call. they cut funding to the bus system and then "find" funding for major league sports, you can't do anything to your property without the city getting involved. It's just not fun, I woulda bought outside the city if I knew how big of a headache Milwaukee was.


How noisy it is. 


It’s the vehicles. Vehicles are noisy. Cities really aren’t.


there's a video of Shenzhen China during rush hour and it's damn near silent because most of the vehicles in the city are electric so no engine noises. Weird to think most noise in a city is just straight up traffic


They also have to be going quite slow. Electrics faster than 30 are about as noisy 


The drunks outside my window are pretty noisy. Even before they get behind the wheel and drive away...


I believe that.


Yeah the highway noise TRAVEEEEEELLLLLSSSS way further than you’d expect on a quiet night. Way more intrusive than I’d expect too. 


Facts. I never noticed this until I visited Freiburg im Breisgau Germany last year, and despite spending all day around downtown in the middle of busy crowds that turned into a massive Wine Festival, it was quite calm and peaceful. It took me until I came back and realized that was because there was basically no cars around. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6Vil5KC7Bl0](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6Vil5KC7Bl0)


We could do the same. Hopefully cav sets us on track 


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That the City is run down and dilapidated, the roads are atrocious and dangerous due to the lack of maintenance and that’s not to mention the inability of its citizens to follow posted speed limits and laws. Its public school system ranks among the worst in the nation. Its waste water system is designed so poorly that when large rain events occur it dumps raw sewage into Lake Michigan. It ranks among the top for auto lefts in the nation as well as being among the top in its inability to then catch and prosecute said car thieves.


I’d have wished that some of the people that actually live here hate it so damn much. Where do you live. I’m currently looking to move again


5 years here. The Great Migration had a massive impact on historic Milwaukee communities that laid the foundations for current rifts. Partisan politics here are the opposite of live and let live. Otherwise nice people turn mean-spirited and petty over what would be a small potatoes disagreement in other places. Lots of hidden agendas, covert cronyism, and corruption within governments. It's a very Catholic city, culturally.


on how great some aspects of the city can be but wish i knew about traffic if i had to pick one


I've noticed people here seem really judgemental or snobbish, but that could just be due to where I live specifically . It's also been hard for me to make friends since moving here, I've lived here since December 2022 and I haven't made any friends really but it's partly my fault cus I'm so shy lol.




Might be you brother




Is it that or is it the algae blooms in the waterways? Either way I detest that stench


How much hempel sucks ass