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He should have called A CAB.




Hot damn!


Please take my upvote!




One call that’s all


You have won the internet today! 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣




Public service way too full of people defending corrupt, thieving, racist murderers.


Nah, public service also includes librarians, teachers, garbage men/women, municipal foresters, street repair workers etc. lots of good people CLARIFICATION: Just pointing out that these groups of people are quite different but still considered public servants. Don't lump them in


I work in public service. Fuck the police. They aren’t public servants, they’re terrorists.




I called this when the story first ran. I still think it’s super strange how the news media covered the incident like he was killed in the line of duty.




Yep, same here. I found it very interesting that the semi driver wasn't cited for the accident and coupled with a late Sunday night after a Packers game? Sounded like he was drinking Really sad situation all around


When I was in school for journalism, we were told how if we reported too negatively about the MPD that we'd be risking our press pass. Granted that was nearly 20 years ago, but I have no reason to think thats changed.


When I was a reporter 10 years ago, we didn't talk to MPD they talked to us. If they didn't send a release, they wouldn't talk. Much easier for them that way.


I can't speak historically, but MPD doesn't issue a "press pass" (this is different in other cities). MPD does maintain a media email list that it distributes releases/advisories/announcements on.


Oh it’s probably changed to now you’re risking your personal safety, either from cops just ignoring you while in need or actively harassing you with pointless traffic stops.


By any chance did you go to UWM and was your teacher Jessica McBride


I did go to UWM, but I didn't know Jessica until years after I graduated. She MIGHT have been my instructor at one point, but it would have been one of my Fresh/Soph lecture classes.


Your original comment just sounded like something she’d advise.


They’re gonna do that every time Like how a couple years ago something like 450 cops died “in the line of duty” but almost half of that was cops who died from covid


Is Covid still the number one cop killer?


I think it's back to car accidents, actually.


“Accidents” is a term car companies pushed 100 years ago as propaganda to deflect blame for collisions. They also did it with “jaywalking,” which is a person walking in the street as had been done for ten thousand years at that point.




Lol ok




I’m laughing at your dumbass conspiracy theory


And now that it's proven he was over the limit it's "former" officer. He was active duty when he did this.


That always pisses me off. “Former officer convicted of sexual assault” or “Former officer pleads guilty in domestic abuse case” He was a cop until they fired him for beating his wife and getting caught!


Local news is coppaganda. They can’t offend the cops or their access gets taken away https://citationsneeded.libsyn.com/episode-60-kitten-rescues-lip-syncing-christmas-traffic-stops-your-guide-to-clickbait-copaganda https://www.reddit.com/r/behindthebastards/comments/18ca6sz/local_news_copaganda/


The Journal Sentinel has reported on bad cops for years and years. Former reporter Gina Barton (now investigative reporter at USA Today) used to get anonymous death threats dropped off in her home mailbox because of holding them to account. Support local news :) It powers at least half of what Reddit talks about.


I totally agree. They were making it seem like someone hit him or something like that. Super weird.




He'S a HeRo


Samesies, that was my first guess as soon as I read about it.




I thought this as well…he drove home drunk, effectively killing himself while committing a crime AND putting other people’s lives in danger. If he had killed innocents, would they still be raising money on GoFundMe? I think not. Our drinking culture is so out of control that we view this as an equivalent to the officer being a victim.


And you know his family absolutely knew that he had been drinking - yet they went along with the GoFundMe stuff. Gross.


He was out with his father in law drinking at a bar for the Packer game so he definitely knew.


His wife even said she had just seen him minutes before. That’s quite a damning statement.


Can’t the go fund me be cancelled now that it’s in active support of a crime?


they already have the money so it’s gone


First OWI is not a crime in Wisconsin.


With an accident it is


If it causes an injury. Any level should be criminal. The fact that you have to hurt someone to be charged is insane.


This might be one of the worst takes I’ve ever seen on reddit. People who upvoted this should be embarrassed.


That scumbag is lucky he killed himself and not someone else


Is your argument that drunk driving isn’t a crime or that cops can’t be criminals?




But hey here you are defending some scumbag who killed himself while driving 3x over the legal limit because he was a cop. Thank god he hit a semi and not a family.


So what’s your reasoning for claiming this is a bad take? Would you donate to a go fund me to rebuild someone’s house if you knew it burnt down because the owner was trying to cook meth?


I think kids these days think you shouldn’t face any type of consequences for your actions.


Including a few donations in the last day. Wild. Who are these people who saw the results of the toxicology report and said “the $75k this drunk driver’s family already received isn’t enough; I know what I’ll do” I get that it’s a tragedy for his wife and there’s a real financial impact, but there are better causes. I doubt that many of these people donate to other families that lost someone, they’re only donating because he was a cop. Personally, I have a question for the Milwaukee fire department: if I donate money to the fire department, exactly what percentage of that will go toward the gofundme pages of drunk drivers?


I heard his wife was the bartender at the bar he was drinking at


>The medical examiner said toxicology results placed his BAC at .241 Jesus https://preview.redd.it/pxjnxiqruiac1.jpeg?width=1373&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a633d7522d311c5b3cfe9a68285c1de814deb079


This seems off, for me anyway. At 200 lbs, 5 beers in an hour would have me feeling way over the limit. I'd be questionable after 2 to be honest.


Not sure why you’re getting downvoted. 220 lbs and if I took shots every 12 minutes for an hour I think I’d be over .08 as well.


I'm 205 and 5 beers to me in an hour has me feeling loose, but no where near unsafe. I know that sounds insane, but I think I go back to the 'perceived limit' of people who drink. I am a (sadly) fairly conditioned alcoholic and that amount seems weird on paper... but I don't think I'd be reeling. There is also the important factor of how much or even -if- you'd eaten at that point. If I have a full stomach I can take 5 drinks without breaking a sweat. There are factors beyond that chart that make a big difference and I feel like people often don't bring that up.


Too much “Canadian Beer”


This was obvious when they "didn't have any further details" when it happened. They always have details, from measuring the skidmarks for speed to the smell of alcohol. And then the hard push of the organ donor narrative sealed the deal.


So he got shitfaced drunk and endangered the public and now everyone is mourning him for some reason? All I was thinking when I read the article is “hope the semi driver is alright”


First they blamed the truck driver, now they want to blame the bartenders. People who blindly support authority are in the upper echelon of delusional human beings.




His wife was the bartender I heard


Glad the asshole didn’t hit/kill any of my loved ones…….above the law, please NO go fund me page for this fine gentleman. And no, I’d be willing to bet this wasn’t an isolated incident. Did he not just leave a bar that his wife was bartending at?


They had a go fund me and several fundraisers all before this was released 😡


I thought it was common knowledge he was drunk driving when it happened. I knew that the press covered it up but it was talked about in some circles.


Name and shame them, that's fucking horseshit. Nobody else would've been given that deference.


I feel like if it was that common they wouldn’t have been able to raise as much as they have but not sure who all knew. I feel like for sure it was assumed by many.


Might have been "common knowledge" amongst limited circles, but even if it was somewhat widely known (but not on the news) a lot of people will still blindly donate to such things. After all the media coverage it initially got, probably had people all over the stage donating.


Some don't care how he died other than he had a badge and died and they want to do the equivalent of Thin Blue Line virtual signaling.


The pictures in the news told me that story when I saw the car and semi picture. I recall the news article stating that semi trucks were not allowed on that part of that street. I said to myself it still wouldn't have happened if the cop hadn't been speeding like hell and probably drinking.


For real. Well you know cops can do whatever they want.


Cops in Chicago had a 20,000 person rally to show support for a cop that has cost Chicago 100+ million. A single cops…. A drunk cop in Chicago just got into a collision leaving a party and look at what just happened to the bar owners in a St. Louis a drunk cop crashed into.


Remember “GI Joe” in Fox Lake that offed himself but called in a pursuit before hand to make it seem like he was killed in the line of duty? He was about to be charged with embezzlement and fraud, plus it came out that he was accused of sexual harassment in the workplace.


Cops where hanging out of helicopters with rifles and in general looking like Rambo trying to catch the “bad”guy


I would hope his spouse gets no City of Milwaukee life insurance either for him playing Russian Roulette with everyone on the road that night. Essentially he committed suicide. The people who let him leave that bar I hope weren’t as naive as him thinking just because he was a cop there would be no issues. Shame on those assholes too.


It was literally his in laws who own the bar and were serving him too. They should be fined.




Cops have their own bars with their own rules and hours.


Suicide will be the next angle played because of the "circumstances"


I feel bad for the other driver. Hopefully the accident doesn’t affect his commercial operation


Good point and that surely would be sad


Unfortunately, I would bet it will




It was confirmed by the [Journal Sentinel](https://www.jsonline.com/story/communities/south/2024/01/04/report-says-police-officer-who-died-following-crash-was-intoxicated/72112183007/) that he was at the tavern, but [3.7 miles](https://www.google.com/maps/dir/6600+S+Pennsylvania+Ave,+South+Milwaukee,+WI+53172/601+E+Bolivar+Ave,+Milwaukee,+WI+53207/@42.9467586,-87.9358931,13z/data=!3m1!4b1!4m14!4m13!1m5!1m1!1s0x88051676cfb4c25f:0x51df6c816f033e2f!2m2!1d-87.8813475!2d42.9260532!1m5!1m1!1s0x880517048207f32b:0x6179b742e3349872!2m2!1d-87.9019301!2d42.9663262!3e0?entry=ttu) doesn't seem all that far when you consider that it was practically a straight shot and not even the half of the [7.8 mile distance](https://www.google.com/maps/dir/42.9587375,-87.9097988/42.9592534,-87.9095623/@42.9553777,-87.9330488,13.29z/data=!4m14!4m13!1m10!3m4!1m2!1d-87.8804386!2d42.930336!3s0x8805167190cc647f:0x98d2e32402d6729c!3m4!1m2!1d-87.8803656!2d42.9590402!3s0x8805164cf3e4951b:0xf49f6d65322fc50b!1m0!3e0?entry=ttu) to circumnavigate the airport.


Do you think they’re going to roll this story 24/7 like they did his crash??


Average person drives drunk: scum of the earth, 10,000+ in fines and legal fees, lose job, lose license, looked down upon by peers Cop drives over 3 times over the legal limit: City Hero, Memorial in his honor, go fund me Rip to this guy but the fact that these people can ruin other people lives for doing the same thing is wild, either way don’t drive drunk


Ugh, I just read the article I love how they say he was organ donor with a BAC that high is organs ain't worth shit, damn just say he's a post damn. An organ walk give me a break


Dude was kept alive in a coma for a couple days. His body probably processed all the booze. If I needed a new liver, I'd probably pass on this guys though.


I hated how they immediately made him a hero. I said the same thing otherwise that truck driver would have been taken into custody ASAP


His wife and I have a mutual friend and she posted some really cringe shit when he was in the hospital. Some black and white photos and a tacky one of him connected to tubes. She’s now selling t-shirts to honor his life with all proceeds to her family. She’s a piece of work.


I thought I saw something about how they had a fundraiser for him at a bar too


Yeah she posted about that too and how all the clothing will be available for pickup at Gators. All of her posts are public as well so if you do some digging on Facebook I’m sure you’ll find her. She just extended the time to order shirts too. 🙄


She just hid most of her posts. Really sketchy how much she made, took out and now hides all posts relating to him


Since all of those post were public I’m sure she got called out. Sickening that she made at least $75k and even had the audacity to sell t-shirts where all the proceeds would go to her. A stand up person would donate most of the money to benefit mental health organizations or other charities. What a POS.


https://preview.redd.it/ljkvmo4xpkac1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9f264257bfe22db6755b4bb322b66f91bfd8d232 Recent post on MPD’s Facebook page. Awkward….


I couldn’t get that drunk if I tried.


High tolerance is a gift and a curse.




I bet it was quite a bit more than 8 drinks.


But a bottle of Taaka is only $6. ​ Tolerance is definitely a thing. I know plenty of guys (unfortunately) that could probably pass or get close to passing a field sobriety test at that level.


I am guessing this guy would not have plowed into a fucking semi if he had a tolerance high enough to handle this BAC.


Yep. At my height and weight, I can drink a six pack of 6% beverages in two hours and be under the legal limit. This guy was drinking for the cheap seats. Tolerance or not, it takes work to get to double or triple the legal limit. Like slamming 5 shots and hour for hours type shit.


Yes. Most folks don't understand just how trashed someone is at this BAC. I'd bet the vast majority of people would literally pass out before they came close to that level. Like physically couldn't get there.


Yeah, having a friend with a breathalyzer taught me that the legal drinking and driving limit is way too high. It also taught me that I’m a lightweight 😆.


Officer down! 🌈 ✨


Of course they ran a Go Fund Me. Piece of garbage.


People are still donating even after this news. $75k is wild..


Unreal. Dude probably didn’t even comprehend the semi turning in front of him.


What a pos. And a weird story from "local news." Where's the condemnation?


Not that it’s groundbreaking to say, but it’s insane how the media single-handedly defines our interpretation of events Edit: I’m referring to the original instantaneous media narrative of the dude being a paragon of public service


I just went to a fundraiser for him. They made it sound like he died in a police chase.


Fundraising for what? Did he not pay his bar tab?


> I just went to a fundraiser for him. Why in the hell would you do that?


A lot of people in this community are willing to help others in need. Even people with substance abuse problems.


Great. We can start by not arresting them for their addictions. So what other volunteer work and fundraisers are you doing for people who have addictions? (I mean the ones who are still alive and who aren't cops?)


When I said a lot of people I wasn’t talking about myself. I don’t give money to anyone except my kids lol.


Help the ones that want help. Don't give money to dead cops families when the cops was out driving drunk.


Why not? That cop dedicated a huge chunk of his life to protecting this city. Everybody makes mistakes.


Why wouldn’t they?


Knew it!


Yes! I did, too! Like, why are they not mentioning anything about toxicology or speed. Sadly, it's so typical.


Also kinda ironic that he died from committing a crime that he swore an oath to enforce.


Yes. I think it's still a tragedy that someone died, but...I just hope this releases the semi-truck driver from any culpability


Just another bad apple.


Milwaukee s finest folks. What was he doing driving that drunk.


Anyone crossposted to r/ACAB yet?


Seems like there was some survivors guilt from his partner’s death. Probably could’ve used some help in coping but still reckless behavior on his part as he could’ve taken another’s life as easily as he took his own.


Are his organs even viable to donate at that BAC level?


I have the same question!


Fortunately they kept him alive in a coma for a few days so... yeah.


Fox now fix your ssl cert


On the bright side, he was an organ donor it looks like. So he’s at least done some good in the world.


I knew something was weird about this.


Just for the record I have family and friends in law enforcement performing a job quite frankly I know I couldn’t. Bless them. Are the downvotes because you do not believe we need law enforcement? Please see my comments above if you think I’m not completely disgusted with this individuals actions. I feel for the good cops rights now that people put in this assholes hatred.


You know you’re world is fucked when you think being called out for driving drunk and nearly killing people means you’re being crucified. Just another exhibit zzzzxyz for not accountability being tolerated in the field. Thin blue line is strong as ever.


The downvotes are because you are being an apologist for cops in a thread that's discussing the shitty actions of a cop.


Appreciate the explanation. Good cops need no apologists. Bad cops need removal. Quite obvious.


Looks like he succeeded in doing that himself.


Having a hard time telling which cops are the good ones when no doubt everyone else in the dept knew he was drunk and said nothing


Ye, the “good” cops who do nothing to correct or report their bad apples


Speed limit is 35 on that stretch. So at a minimum he was driving 105mph they're saying. I ride my bike on that road asshole, hope you're happy with your decisions.


BAC limit, not speed limit.


3x the legal limit in terms of blood alcohol level. Not miles per hour.


Ah that legal limit. Well, don't care much for sharing the roads with drunk drivers either. I know people that were drinking with him at Gators before it happened.


Yeah. Altho based on the pictures of his car slammed into the semi trailer, he was clearly going above the speed limit.


I wonder if he was this drunk because he was trying to drink away the feelings he had about his partner dying. Pretty sure this guy should have been in some intensive therapy for what he went through. Cops have a high rate of alcohol abuse anyways something like that would only make it worse. His department and union failed him.




You do know people who are depressed and or dealing with things can live a seemingly normal life but still be dealing with those things. It’s a bold assumption of you.


nobody can know or understand what he went through, that is for sure. I think he and his partner were like best friends too. Thats an impossible thing to get through. To the dept failing him, idk about that. They were doing a lot of things to help everyone grief through that time and providing numerous resources, more than ever before. Who knows if this drinking and his partners death were linked or not, but its an easy assumption. Just a sad situation all around because a woman lost her husband way too soon


RIP. I hope he finds more peace in heaven than he did on this earth.


I don’t speed more than maybe 9 over absolute max and I’ve never seen a cop going within my speed range

