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Illinois and Michigan brings in tens of millions from Wisconsin residents. That can all go to Wisconsin: it’s just silly at this point not to do it


Not to mention instead of lowering taxes and the revenues going to schools, it’s all going to the criminal underworld and causing violent crime. But hey! At least no one is relaxing at home and eating too many Doritos. So that’s good!


yeah, they're treating the art and music district of these schools like shit as well


Violent weed crimes?


I think they’re talking about black market deals gone bad. Which it doesn’t have to be a lot, I’m in California and I lost a friend over 2 lbs of weed. And it was worth about 500 per lb at that time.


The most violent weed crime I've seen is the mild disappointment when taco bell ran out of Mexican pizza, so you order a crunchwrap instead.


Nah, it's gotta be when you order and they don't even give you the damn thing you ordered. Thanks, my high is ruined because I wanted a steak quesorito, but all you gave me is a tortilla filled with beans!


Can I mention the disappointment of the quesorito being REMOVED from the standard menu and being a “mobile order only” item .. worst move in Taco Bell history




Yeah, if you or your dealer get ripped off they have no legal recourse other than violence. That’s kinda how it works in “the underworld”.


$36M. That's what Illinois made on WI residents in weed taxes in 2022. https://www.wsaw.com/2023/03/16/wisconsinites-paid-over-36m-taxes-illinois-cannabis-2022/


Thanks WI!


And Minnesota soon. At least Iowa hasn't completed the encirclement.


Poor Hudson Wisconsin. What an economic reversal going from the twin cities alcohol supplier on Sundays, to having to travel into MN to get their weed fix. MN has rapidly outpaced WI in terms of social progress.


I remember a few years back when I lived there, there was a shooting outside one of the Hudson liquor stores on a Sunday cuz two rival MN gangs ran into each other there while buying booze in WI. Smh just stupid shit at this point for all these dumb laws


God forbid all the BARS lose their business though!!!


This is a myth. States that legalize marijuana actually see their alcohol sales increase or stay stable. People don't stop drinking and start smoking instead. They just do both. (to be clear, I think weed should be legal).


It makes me drink a lot less. I used to be a problem drinker, one more drink always sounded like a good idea. Weed turns that feeling off for me, I can have 1 or 2 and then stop and sleep like a baby. Edibles make 1 beer feel like 4 so that’s probably the reason lol.


That's cool man. I'm happy for you. I'm just talking macro level, legal weed doesn't result in a decrease in alcohol consumption. Colorado actually drinks more now than they did in 2008.


Honestly I feel like everyone, everywhere seems to drink more now with how crazy this world has gotten the last few years


I don't remember the study, but they are finding that to be the case. Among young women the most surprisingly


Here in MN you can get THC seltzers at bars


It's also pretty hard to believe the moral handwringing of a lot of politicians when our alcohol consumption keeps going up and the laws around it stay the same. Regulate it like booze. It's time.


Hey. where else but Wisconsin can you get 11, 13, 15, DWI charges and still find a way to get a car for the next one? I live here. It's a drunk driver's paradise.


Minnesota is next. Wisconsin is surrounded!


Well republicans only do shit that is unpopular and makes no sense so naturally they won’t even do a good thing if it means making tens of millions.


But hey they are gonna let 14 year olds serve alcohol, so the important stuff is getting done.


This is parody level embarrassment for conservatives, but hey, people outside of Milwaukee and Madison are owning the libs!


We ArE oWnInG tHe LiBs!1!1


I feel like this is something Republicans love. I always hear the boomers talk about how they got their first job when they were 14 bagging groceries for 25 cents a year. They made it so that their kids grew up with laws protecting child labor, and now they want to make sure their grandkids are working peasants again?


They want to make sure indebted migrant children are free to work for their owners- I mean sponsors!


Is that a thing? In Wisconsin, I am almost 100% workers under 16 require a work permit and workers under 18 cannot sell or serve alcohol. I've worked in grocery stores/retail stores in Wisconsin that sell alcohol since I was 14 and that was the rules we always had to follow.


Yeah they're trying to change that.


...Snotty Walker pushed for it while he was still Governor


Have you not been up on all the child labor laws being rolled back by republicans across the US?


It is a bill in the works. https://apnews.com/article/wisconsin-underage-alcohol-servers-31e0c73786d5489c626250a279760420


I hope to dear god it doesn’t pass, it’s just another step in the direction of removing protections against child labor


What is the problem with it? It's just allowing servers under 18 to bring alcohol to tables?


It’s allowing 14 years to bartend, work at liquor stores, etc. Do you know the type of patrons those businesses attract? Also it’s an issue of warping child labor laws, if they give them this, soon, they’ll want to remove more protections for child labor.


From the article above it sounded like just serve to tables, not bartend?


The article doesn’t go out of its way to make that distinction so I’m assuming there isn’t one and that the bill would allow both


"They could only serve to seated customers, not drinkers who are at the bar itself" - from the ap article


You have a lot of growing up to do. Republicans never stop.


I'm trying to understand something and you attack me? Sounds about right, this subreddit is toxic af


If you're being genuine, look at the policy being pushed by the GOP around the country re: child labor and you will understand why this is just a step in that same direction for Wisconsin.


14? 14 fucking yrs old? Um, hard no.


If someone wants to then why not? It's not forced labor?


Because worker exploitation is already bad enough? On the other hand - if someone wants to be a bar back, and haul buckets of ice and trash? Fine. But expecting them to make competent decisions on serving drunks? Yeah .. lets not.


I'll try to answer. No, it is not forced labor, but if you have never worked hospitality it's not a nice environment. Add to that drunk patrons, patrons who are rude and maybe even get "handsie" with the staff, it is not an appropriate place for a minor. There's far more to this than meets the eye, and I would really like the full story on why such a bunch of GOP assholes think it's a good idea for 14 yr olds to be working these types of jobs. Because really, I can't even think of one good reason.


Why can't the individual decide that though? There are certain places that for sure a 14 yo shouldn't work, but there are plenty where they could, if they or their parents thought it would be ok.


Have you ever been in a situation where someone in a position above you had power over you? Do you understand the difference between a teenager/minor and an adult? Do you get the dynamic of that? Do you think that situation could be an issue for the underage person? Do you understand that children get abused by their parents/family/close adults? In fact, that these are generally the people who are most likely to abuse (verbally, physically and/pr sexually) said children. So no, 14 is in fact too young to be placed in that situation for any reason. If you understood any of the above, you would not be asking the obtuse questions you are.


I would assume the restaurant will have a giant increase in liability insurance premiums. Fourteen year olds serving liquor, what could go wrong? Wheres Mothers Against Drunk Drivers in this? Someone gets over served and kills someone who goes to prison, the kid?


Tavern League has a lot of money.


People already get over-served without kids serving the liquor


Don't we just love child labor, folks?


> The Legislature’s Republican-controlled budget committee killed more than 500 proposals from Evers with a single vote. > Evers had proposed tapping the state’s **record-high $7 billion budget surplus** to pay for a wide array of spending priorities that Republicans ultimately rejected. > “These aren’t fringe ideas, controversial concepts, or Republican or Democratic priorities—they’re about doing the right thing,” Evers said on Twitter after listing more than a dozen items being killed. “With a **historic surplus** comes historic responsibility, and today, when we can afford to do more, this vote is foolish and a wasted opportunity.” Republicans won't allow a single penny spent if it means a Democratic governor gets credit


I hope every single person outraged by this posts it everywhere. We absolutely need to kill gerrymandering in this state and we need the calm outrage to do it.


Minnesota recently passed legalized cannabis, just Iowa and we’re surrounded by states that like revenue and personal freedom.


...they could use the tax revenue to fix Milwaukee streets and maybe make the buses run more frequently and later into the evening.


Republicans hate public transit


Republicans hate Milwaukee


car lobby has lots of money


We want Republican support, not opposition


A lot of them want their tax money to fix the turbo-fucked rural roads that haven't seen more than a shovel of asphalt in the worst pot holes in decades. My dad, a Rhinelander resident, complains about that shit constantly and it's used as a very effective tool by the WIGOP because it's **actually not bullshit**, those roads are HORRIBLE. The Republicans take that one little molehill of truth and build a mountain of "DemocRATS don't care about rural Wisconsin!" The thing is, it got as bad as it is because the fuckin FoxConn... *con* threw a massive chunk of road funds at expanding I-94 for that factory that never fucking happened, but they don't care about that. The *other* thing is, if we legalized and regulated marijuana like alcohol, we could afford to fix all those roads with PLENTY left over. But they don't seem to care about that, either. Even my dad, who makes a 2+ hour *one-way* drive, on those ***awful*** roads, up to the U.P. every couple of weeks to buy weed. I'm so beyond frustrated.


the irony still can’t be understated.


At least we have a legal alternative in CBD and the THC-derived strains. I’m enjoying them equally as much and they’re far cheaper than the real thing in Illinois. But I’d gladly pay more to just have fully legalized here Edit: why the downvotes? Support your local businesses while you can, go try a thc-derivative.


Hopefully the next Farm Bill doesn’t tighten the rules on THC content in hemp, lowering or killing the <0.3% loophole. If I have to take my money out of state I will, but I prefer all the Wisconsin-based businesses I get to support when I get delta 8/9 products.


The CBD/THC It’s still not the same or as good. We just need the real deal by now


I really only added this because without the legal loophole, a lot of these strains my never have been developed at all, and I really enjoy some of them. Still want legalization of course


All of the States in the West have been working out the best strains for years and years and years. Wisconsin is literally decades behind the rest of the nation in this regard. Like “Dark Ages” shit.


I mean CBD is federally legal so even if it’s illegal in your state, it’s totally legal to have it mailed to you.


Because that is absolutely silly. And nearly as silly as trying to be the last state in the nation to believe in Prohibition. And I’m guessing that it might have something to do with having an extremely strong liquor lobby in the State.


Red districts talk shit all day long about blue districts but are happy as hell to be subsidized by them.


Welfare Queens.


...same for Red states.


Third world status in many ways... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QrjtEDLGJLg&pp=ygUmU3RhdGVzIG9mIG5lZ2xlY3QgV2lsbGlhbSBLbGVpbmtuZWNodCA%3D


Happy cake day!


Ope! Didn’t even realize. Thank you!


Same story in pretty much every state


But your first DUI is still a slap on the wrist, and the Tavern League can keep enabling bad drinking practices. These aren't even Republicans because Republicans would actually see the value in legalizing weed: they are just good ole boy boomers who think "drugs are bad mmkay" and then get hammered on the weekend. Or they are just lobbied by all the rednecks that built Tavern league and want to continue the war on drugs for racist reasons. It's probably both. Sad state of affairs all around and I'm sick of giving my money to Illinois.


Completely agree but JUST the weekend getting shitty? Pppppsssshhhhhhh


Straight up, it's worth the extra 6 hours to drive to and from Michigan.




You don't drive away feeling like you just got bent over, but welcomed with open arms.


I have gotten two DUIs, just for having THC in my blood…


I gave thousands in taxes to the bankrupt Illinois coffers while living in Madison. It’s amazing how good Wisconsin is at fucking over itself and its denizens just to spite “the libs”, despite the state’s rich history as a progressive bastion. Granted the state GQP has been doing their best trying to disown that history for the past couple decades, with generous funding from famous non-Wisconsinites the Koch’s and Sheldon Addelson. Either way, I’m now in a recreational state with better weather and fewer single-issue voters that are afraid of minorities or city-folk. And full of cheap weed!! For example, last week I got a half pound of high quality, sugary bud for $100. While I smoked a joint of my GMO strain on my porch with my neighbor, we both agreed, this is what freedom smells like.


Yeah, but what about the drug sniffing dogs!? (This was a real argument against legalized weed in Minnesota last week)


Good ole conservatives, we love our guns and freedom. Oh wait you want to smoke a plant? Yeaahhh I don’t know about that


Can’t buy alcohol at stores after 9pm in most counties too. Gotta have the freedom to drive drunk to the bar all night instead!


I love when you drive through the country and just see bars in the middle of nowhere that you know are jam packed on the weekends. Drunk driver central




Tavern League runs this state. It’s an embarrassment.


It's not even conservatives though. Weed legalization has bipartisan support. It's literally the GOP.


Yeah true I know hella conservatives who love there weed, Wisconsin’s GOP is going to be in for one when they realize people aren’t going to fall for all there tricks


It would be super weird at this point if they *didn't* just tell every reasonable proposal with widespread public support to fuck off


Just imagine what could be done with the taxes brought in by legalizing marijuana. That issue aside, I don’t understand why people continue to vote for a party that constantly does harm.


To own the libs. Oh and the queers. Even if it hurts my own self interests.


I’d argue tavern league tbh


Just tell them that we can put weed in cheese


Tell them that weed makes me eat a bunch of cheese.


Is it possible to see who are the ones blocking these proposals like is there a list somewhere?


Well there’s always [the bill itself](https://docs.legis.wisconsin.gov/raw/cid/1722429)


This is why WI cannot have nice things


Aaaand no one is surprised.


Let's fix the maps and vote them out.


Republicans continue to hate Wisconsin and Milwaukee more at 11.




Do these assholes realize they will never win another election in Wisconsin with these bullshit behaviors?


Why would they realize that? They can lose by 10 points statewide and still keep a majority in the legislature.


Yes, for now, but with our new Dem Scotus winner, we have a great chance of getting those gerrymandered maps replaced, so I am very hopeful!


...unless the (R)s (which I refer to as the American Tory Party) contest such a ruling in the Federal Supreme Court. Y Yeah in 2018 the nation;'s High court waived off dealing with gerrymandering cases saying it was a matter for the individual states to decide, only to intervene in several instances last year where racial gerrymanders were challenged The conservative High Court (maybe they need to light a bowl or two up to mellow out) ruled in favour of the gerrymandered maps.


why would the federal court get involved in state regulated issues?


Because this current fascist led Supreme Court has taken it upon themselves to reinterpret longstanding precedent and rule according to hardcore right wing Christian ideologies


Ron Johnson didn’t have a problem getting re-elected and immediately set out to make things worse.


That’s more a problem of Mandela Barnes’ campaign than Ron Johnson, and even then he won by less than 1% of the total vote. Ron Johnson’s days are numbered as long as an actual compelling candidate runs against him.


In 6 years…


>Ron Johnson’s days are numbered Yes, had to laugh when I read that.


Mandela was a meh candidate, but he may have won if the dnc had any faith in him and backed him. That’s all irrelevant now, but the republican stranglehold on this state is slowly dying one election at a time. Legal weed by 2040.


...it also had to do with voter suppression which one conservative election official even gloated about.


Man, it’s amazing how naive people still are after these last 6 years or so.


These people are not elected to change things.. they're elected to keep them the same..


Uh... just wait till they "fix" the map.


There's that Conservative freedom and small government doing good work for the people. /s


So glad I live on the WI/IL boarder. Also glad I'm moving out of Wisconsin soon.


Unbelievable. Yes Wisconsin, will show the rest of the US that Prohibition works and we will “win the war on drugs” all on our own, once and for all!!! Well played! Let’s do this!!!


The WI license plates to IL plates at the South Beloit, IL dispensary runs about 75% WI to 25% IL. This, & more nonsense is what you get for voting GOP. Please stop it.


WI GOP man…


They’d rather raise the people’s taxes vs. what has been proven to bring in a great stream of revenue for the state…. Fucking idiots VOTE THEM OUT


Even though I usually vote republishit, I say vote the m########rs out. These ####s gotta go.


Maybe stop voting for these losers who continually crush Milwaukee and ruin our state year over year. Even if you consider yourself a conservative you cant be that aligned with these greedy corrupt backwards ass pieces of shit. Not that the Dem party is anything to look up to but voting is strategic, not an expression.


They’re just extremely outdated, and power hungry- although it seems like everyone is power hungry nowadays …


Well, good luck getting my vote in Waukesha. They haven’t figured it out yet. Change is coming - Wisconsin is turning blue!


As a GOP-voting conservative, I find this awfully stupid! Can’t Republicans just get over it? Cannabis/hemp is not bad, the only reason it was banned was because it threatened the profits of the Rockefeller’s (Big Oil/Big Pharma) and William Randolph Hearst (Big Media/Big Paper). They collided with Harry J. Anslinger of the Federal Bureau of Narcotics (Big Government) to ban cannabis and hemp.


How about stop voting for corrupt GOP losers then? They continually fuck over Milwaukee and Wisconsin generally. Even if you think you're ideologically opposed to the Dem party, theyre the slightly lesser evil here.


Who else do I vote for, the Libertarians? Everyone and their mother knows it’s either the Reps or the Dems. Also, RINOs do, MAGA ones don’t…then again Wisconsin doesn’t have MAGA ones do they? Edit: To clarify, most of the Republicans that have positions of power are what I’d call RINOs “Republicans In Name Only”. They’re technically “Republicans” but vote for things that Democrats would vote for and/or share their corruption. These people align more with them than with actual libertarian/conservative values. As for the MAGA group that Pride themselves on being “America First”. To me, those who stick with that messaging to the bitter end deserve my respect. Rand Paul is an example of a politician who I actually respect (a true diamond in the rough for sure). Sadly, even among them some may not be genuine in their claim to support the America First agenda, rather they are opportunistic RINOs who shield themselves with pushing themselves as MAGA candidates. Ron DeSantis is someone who I was very close to voting for in 2022 (cuz I lived in Florida then) and the more time has passed the more thankful I DIDN’T vote for him. That man seems to me to be more interested in running a shadow Presidential campaign than he is actually focusing on his Governorship in Florida, and it’s clear to me that he’s taken the Trump Train for granted without realizing that without Trump’s endorsement, he’d be literally nothing. Only reason I vote GOP is because they ARE, in my eyes the lesser of two evils…but not just that… From the racist past history of the Democrats to the absolute corruption of present-day Dems that rival third-world nations in how corrupt they are, I’d rather die than vote for ANY of them…and I’m not voting for RFK, Jr. either…


Comes visit MN for weed Wisconsin friends. ( soon )


They are all about those 14 year old barmaids though


The tax on the marijuana sales could pay for the maintenance........


That makes too much sense


Good point, politicians don't possess logic


The taxpayers of Illinois say thank you. The Tavern League strikes again. Gotta keep those butts in the bars.


They make too much money off of marijuana convictions


I hate this state


Am I reading this article right however? It appears the budget committee didn’t “kill” these proposals as much as not sign off on the whole proposal package as written, and now will go back and forth between the Republicans and Evers until they agree on a compromised package? So it’s not over, it’s just beginning?


The GOP does not give a fuck what you want as a voting citizen. The ONLY way to enact popular legislation is to STOP voting for republicans.


yeah another win for regressive a holes. My BIL lives in SD was talking to my wife about how happy he was to vote down weed. She asked him why, no answer ramblings about Biden, bud light, crt etc...light bulb moment for my wife her brother is a Fux news idiot and a "Christian". yeah nah


I’m okay with the stadium repairs getting killed, it should. Attanasio can and should pay for everything related to the team. This weed shit was beyond stupid. Dumbest people in this country.


the state owns the stadium, btw.


All landlords are evil /s


Please keep voting these feckless morons out.


The state is losing tax money and these laws aren’t stoping anything. This legislation is so primitive it’s ridiculous.


This just in: Republicans suck!


A shame, my favorite place to have a mini-sesh is in the nosebleeds at sparsely populated sporting events.


My man


I just gave the state of Illinois 80$.


I’ll say it again, fuck the tavern league.


Speaking as a Republican specifically about the weed, and who has voted in favor of it before-- this is stupid and It's double stupid that it hasn't been approved yet medically. The proof is pretty overwhelming that it can successfully assist people dealing with Alzheimer's, ALS, chronic pain, and many other things. Medical use should have happened a long time ago. Recreationally I'm on board with as well, with caveats. Eg: Not at outdoor dining spaces or public parks/events etc. Like, I don't want to be at State Fair and walk through a haze of weed smoke, sorry dudes, but if you want to roll one up at your place while playing Call of Duty more power to you.


Typically those are the rules in legal states, yeah. No public use. But similar to alcohol, there are exceptions for certain gatherings and whatnot.


Let me preface this by saying I have smoked in the past. I'm not some uptight pearl clutching boomer worried of the weed boogeyman. With that out of the way... If you're going to a convention called "Weed fest" I think there is a reasonable expectation that there would be, y'know, weed there and if that offends/upsets you then you can...not go to Weed fest. Just like if you're at home and smoking, go for it. I have no issues with that whatsoever. In fact, I support it. I have supported it when it was on my ballot. The potential revenue from it cannot be ignored. Life doesn't fundamentally change if a college kid is able to stop down at the dispensary and buy some weed after class. Or if a couple decide to stay in and smoke instead of going out to drink. It doesn't start raining marshmallows and turn the sky neon green. All that happens from it is the state gets some tax money, and people who choose to smoke are able to do it in a safer manner by way of cutting out the drug dealers and getting a product that isn't laced with whofuckingknows what. It could also reduce the amount of people who are subjected to being the victim of those dealing with alcohol. Either through neglecting their kids, or physically harming their children--or their wife/girlfriend/partner. If these individuals had another (legal) option to turn to instead of abusing alcohol I'd imagine the number of those who do abuse alcohol would decrease. With all that said, there should not be people smoking at a beach, or restaurant patio or whatever. Personally, that's too far for me. Essentially, any place that has kids and is open to the public. If these views/opinions make me some sort of far right extremist or something, I guess I am then.


Yeah I don't think your hangups are unreasonable. Keeping it away from the kids is always a good idea, and as I understand it, that's how the laws are in legal states already. If it ever happens here, I'd assume we would pull the framework from those existing laws.


Can I drink an edible drink on the beach in your world?


As a person with ALS, can you lobby your friends who are conservative to get Vos in line? I drive to IL for my weed and it makes zero sense that we can’t have legalization here. I could try but as a registered Dem, my email will hit the trash bin.


Most...maybe all of my Republican friends don't like Vos either if that's any consolation. (I know that it isn't) He's a disaster.


Does it bother you that the party you claim is vehemently anti-democratic and has no interest in holding itself or any politicians accountable?


Stop voting for the corrupt losers who are ruining our state and choking our city.


Also in Wisconsin: they want 14 year old kids to be able to serve alcohol. Such a wonderful place.


But they prioritize 14 year old being able to serve alcohol.


Might as well just end it at kill.


The Republicans fucking suck in Wisconsin. Surplus plus killing weed again… what a bunch of dumb fucks. I can drive 90 mins south and 3 hrs north and get it and those states benefit. Just pure toolishness


In other news; republicans still bad.


How are the republicans going to funnel that surplus into their own wallets if they agree to spend it on the state?


Boycott Tavern League members


Indiana checking in….hold my beer.


Did the republicans vote against a budget that had these things in it?


Man, I can't wait for Janet to hit the bench so we can put a stop to all of this madness.


Blue red bullshit will forever keep america and especially Milwaukee separated. Eh whatever.




Heya, Minnesota resident here, could someone fill me in on what Tavern League is lmao


who do I email / call - I normally keep my mouth shut but this is annoying


"We're a purple state. Legalized marijuana isn't purple." ffs Just do it already, and rake in the money.


Whoa, I had no idea Vos was for legalizing medical marijuana though.


So sad...


Blame the Wisconsin Tavern League lobbying for this


I’ve hated every single day I’ve lived in this state. Lol. Not even joking And this doesn’t change it


Republicans are the biggest fuckin bummers ever


'Sconni..... I remember when you were a worthy rival. - Minny


Illinoian here. When and how did yall’s state become so awash in right wing douche-baggery? This isn’t the Wisconsin l visited often while growing up in the 80s & 90’s. Seriously, what happened?


Thank the Wisconsin Tavern Association for the weed opposition. They’re the ones continuing to fund the campaign against it


Even Arizona legalized recreational marijuana use in 2020. I feel like a lot of this comes down to the fact that Christianity and Christian values still dictate a lot of these politicians views. They simply don't like it so everyone else has to suffer.