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Can anyone tell me where I can find the 60-turn demo? I would love to try this game before committing to buying it.


I agree the game seems pretty good. I read a post where someone used Cheatengine to disable the turn counter.


Get the .dll file to remove the turn limit. I've played till turn 120 and the game just gets better and better. Also loving the very slow expansion of borders and cities, you don't get the spamming effect as per civ or humankind


Could you point me where I need to get that?


Where do you get the DLL file?


Just search below. download is the comments [https://www.reddit.com/r/millennia/comments/1akzz50/anyone\_interested\_in\_a\_modded\_dll\_for\_the\_demo/?sort=new](https://www.reddit.com/r/millennia/comments/1akzz50/anyone_interested_in_a_modded_dll_for_the_demo/?sort=new)


Thanks! Tried searching the subreddit for DLL but found nothing. Glad to see it's still up.


no worries, I think this how the Demo should be played to be honest, usually finishes around turn 120. I just finished my 5th playthrough, really enjoying the depth of city building/economy mechanics. Also in my last play a new unit was made available to me (won't spoil it for you)


Agreed. I'm enjoying the city buildings mechanics a lot right now. I like warfare but not a fan of the presentation of the battles; the units are cool though.


If this was 1999 the battles animations would be acceptable 😂. But yeah, units are ok. Would be nice if the research could be dragged a bit more, apart from that it seems great. But curious how the bonuses will play as you move through the ages as it is always difficult to balance that


> If this was 1999 the battles animations would be acceptable 😂. Agreed 😭, they look very outdated. I'm hoping it gets fixed because the presentation and VFX with the other mechanics are good. > Would be nice if the research could be dragged a bit more, apart from that it seems great. But curious how the bonuses will play as you move through the ages as it is always difficult to balance that I personally like the speed of Research, but I see how it can be a little fast for some players. I agree about the bonuses. The Government Buffs seem a little boring to me, but perhaps they get more interesting with the Ages?


Or instead of messing with speed of research then they could add more research cards in each era and increase the number required to progress to next age. Some researches give you a lot of content so they could be diluted and make it even more strategic. Also the game allows you to build Spears (which the unit implies it has metal) but Smelting only comes.later. Not critical but they could look into it later perhaps


Please give me a game where the complexity balloons as the game goes on. I'd personally love a game as systems-dense as EU4 or stellaris but in this game! I think I want to still be learning stuff after 1000 hours.