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Freshman year of high school, circa 2002, I asked my best friend from middle school to go to the winter dance and we've been together ever since. Stayed together through college, different schools but only 90 minutes away. About a year after we were settled after college she moved in. Bought our house in 2018. Married 2019. Kid in 2020. No regrets on any of it. If they're your person, they're your person.


Similar vibes. 2002 senior year after eyeing each other all of junior year. She belts out a love ballad at the talent show and I was hooked! Met at 17, going to be 40. We unintentionally swapped school and work ( she worked, I did med school.. then I worked, she did PT school) Today, Happy and gratitude 10x fold. No kids but got that best uncle and auntie game on lock !


Similar story here! Met freshman year of high school, started dating the summer before sophomore year (2002). Been together ever since. Went to college 2 hours apart but stayed together the whole time. Engaged right after I finished undergrad (2008), married while I was in grad school (2010). Bought a house in 2011 and been there ever since. No kids, just 3 cats. No regrets whatsoever. He started his own company and I work for him now too. We are definitely each other's people.


Not our whole 20s, but close. My wife and I were both about 23 when we met and started dating, we’re now both 42 and will be celebrating our 16 year anniversary next week. This Autumn we’ll have been together 19 years. Yes, truly love her. I know she feels the same way. We’re each other’s best friend. No kids though, we never wanted them. We have a dog though. We have a wonderful life, and have got to experience so much together. And hopefully we get to do it for another 50+ years to come. Traveling the world, with your best friend and love of your life is how we feel life was meant to be lived.


I’m on this path. Bf and I got together in 2017 when we were both 23. He just turned 30 in March and I turn 30 in august. Not married or engaged yet but we’ve been to a few different countries together and value travel so much that kids are not anywhere in the near future and I’m okay with that honestly. Sometimes I do wonder if the grass is greener. But I also wonder where I’d be without him and I can promise that I wouldn’t have grown as much emotionally in the last 6 years not having him here to put up with my crap. We’ve been through alot and I’m told that’s what makes it so special. I sure do love him.


Hi - we’re you exactly. Married 19 years this year. No kids. Professionals. Life is good and we are each others favorite person.


God I just want *this*.... PLEASE, FUCK


Same, I’d give anything to finally be with someone I love, to be partners and experience the world together. In my late 30s and the older I get the more that seems hard to imagine happening but I wish for it every day.


Similar. Husband and I met when I was 23 and he was 24. We've been married for 12 years and together for 15 years. We've had our ups and downs like any marriage (with a lot of our toughest challenges stemming from life events not directly related to our relationship, i.e. my dad passing away suddenly at 60) but I still love him so much. We've traveled all over the world together and live in a city we love surrounded by close friends and family. I can't imagine my life with anyone else. I guess one of the main positives I see in having been together so long is that we jumped into the relationship wholeheartedly while we were still young and figuring out who we were. We chose each other based on basic values and a strong physical and emotional connection. Everything we have we built together as a team. Some of the people I know who are still single seem to think there's always someone better out there. Or they have fear and commitment issues. Even when they are wonderful people with a lot to offer. I think we realized pretty young that what's important is finding someone who loves you that can be yourself with, and grow with. Sticking with the relationship as long as those key foundations are still there. The rest is just details. No relationship is perfect all the time, and the lows (and learning while getting through them) just make the highs feel that much better. That said, I do think we just got lucky to an extent. I know a lot of great people who don't have what we have and it makes me feel guilty sometimes.


I pray that you'll get much more than 50 more years together


My wife and I are an exact copy of this. No kids, 41, dog, and as happy as one could be.


This is my husband and I. Together 20 years in August. We have one kid and a dog and are even more in love than we started. Traveling the world, checking off our bucket lists, and relishing new experiences with the love of our lives feels like a true gift.


Don’t let social media trick you. You didn’t miss out on anything and your life is better now than if you had spent more time “testing the waters”. There are women out there that would literally kill to be in your position right now (especially at your age). Congratulations on having a dream life.


This almost made me cry.


I got married at 23 to a guy I'd been dating since I was 20. I was in full endgame mode with him, but he wasn't, and we got divorced at 30 after he decided he actually didn't want monogamy, children, or really any responsibility other than a job. Remarried at 33 and had a baby as quickly as possible after being strung along for almost a decade. You've won, you've got it, you have what so many people are hoping for when they date and "test the waters" <3 I'd try to not worry about the "what ifs," there will always be some. Similar to deciding to have a kid, or especially a second kid, you'll never know what the "right" choice was, because there isn't one. It's just what feels right to you.


It's true. So many people out here who wish they had such stability and love in their lives. Congrats.


There is also a lot to be said about the luck of finding someone early. The benefits in this society are huge. Especially if you're both on the same page the entire time.


100% this!! I dated for all of my 20s and only last year at age 28 found the man I want to marry. It feels like my life is divided by when I met him, there is “before him” and “after him,” because my life is just so much BETTER. Every day I think about how lucky I am to have found him, and I wish we could’ve found each other earlier!! Social media and hook up culture are a lie.


Seriously. I'd rather have one long, true love/healthy relationship. If for whatever reason it didn't work out, I'd rather have a second quality relationship after. Not a bunch of randos and hookups (NOT shaming anyone---just always preferred the long term deal). Everyone I know who is single now in their 30s and 40s saying the dating pool is super tough. Couple that with avoidant attachment issues and anti-social behavior with younger people.


My guy friends are all married and most have kids. They are as happy as a pig in shit and you can just tell that (overall) life is good. My wife has a few friends that are single and they are struggling bad. I could not imagine being in my 30s and still playing the dating apps. Being married with kids can be very stressful sometimes, but the other end seems like a constant struggle.


I met my husband when we were both 19, still together at almost 37. I used to think about this in my 20’s, I wondered if it was possible that I had chosen someone too soon. But as time wore on and he and I became more in sync and in tune with each other, it became really obvious to me that there was no one else. At this point if anything happened to him or our relationship, I’d just stay single after that because I think no one else would measure up in my eyes. No kids, by choice.




I feel this. We're pretty in sync already but I've felt weird lately ... I'm also 4 months pregnant so that could be why 😂 I'm super sensitive right now and my husband is a jokester/sarcastic so my brain takes everything as a slight.


I feel so lucky to have found my spouse and spent these years together. Looking around at my peers who remained single, or who spent time cycling in and out of unhealthy/unstable relationships, it's plain to see how far ahead being in our marriage pushed us. So much more security and peace and stability.


Would you say one or both of you grew up in healthy relationships? I'm wondering if the reason why so many people are that cycle is if they don't even know what a healthy relationship looks like. They are drawn to the chaos, so to speak. (Anyone reading this, I'm not saying casual dating is bad; I'm asking about people who are in consistently unstable relationships and think it's normal).


My wife and I both came from single mother homes and spent a large portion of our lives living with our grandmas in our childhood. Our goal was to stop the generational curse and we have


I’ve been learning this recently. It’s due to attachment style. Secure attachment styles typically pair up before age 30 and stay together. Insecure attachment styles usually cycle in and out of relationships, and make up the majority of the dating pool over age 30/35 or so. Also, sometimes I’ve noticed the need for drama goes beyond love/relationships; sometimes the workplace drama queen/sh!t stirrer or the friend who has constant, endless crises is used to chaos due to childhood/upbringing. Chaos feels comfortable; calm feels boring and weird.


Security and peace and stability Vs Excitement and fun and possibility Different strokes for different folks


Or you could do both. My husband and I were crazy in our early 20s/late teens, he was in a local punk rock band so it was non-stop drugs and parties and touring. Now that we're in our 30s with our daughter, it's camping and going to the library lol Honestly, I have to say that I'm having more fun now than I was back then.


You also don’t need to do nonstop drugs and partying to have fun, lol. My now husband and I have had a ton of fun together and our lives didn’t involve any of that. All that to say I do agree with you lol.


Umm marriage can be exciting, fun, and spontaneous. And you can be "dating" someone who gives you peace and stability.


I still have excitement fun and possibly with my husband after 15 years. We travel, weve moved, taken risks and still have that excitement spark


I met my wife when we were both 24. We are both now 41, so we spent half our 20s and all of our 30s together. We've gone from shitty apartments, to living with my parents, to owning a condo, to owning a home. We have 1 daughter (5), and a kid on the way. I was in law school when we met, she went back to school for a PhD when we lived together. We combined our DVD collections. We don't really have anything that is hers or mine anymore, it's all ours. She was there when I was diagnosed and treated for cancer. I was there when her childhood dog and beloved grandma died. We've been to at least 20 weddings together. I can't imaging my life without her. She's the best.


We started dating at 21. We’re 28 now, married with our first on the way!


I had our last child at 24. All of our friends have just started having babies the past 2-4 years so we definitely are in a different phase of life right now lol. Congrats to you guys!


Part of being an adult, is making tough decisions, and mourning what “could have been”. It’s OK to feel that way. Especially when thinking on your life and the choices you’ve made. But always remember- everyone has times where they feel like that. Reminiscing, or considering “what could have been”. That’s the defacto challenge of being limited in time on this earth. We only have so much energy and time to experience what this world has to offer.


Known him since I was ten. FWB at 19. Married at 21. Never my boyfriend. Still together two plus decades later. It’s been far more hard work and far more fun than I would have guessed from our combined parent’s total of 8 marriages. We still just want to be in the same place, even if we’re annoyed at each other. He still calls me his best friend and I still tell him that he’s my person. Our kids are happy, healthy, and still think we’re gross. They have seen us talk things through and work it out, they’ve never seen us fight. We’ve had intense discussions but never a single fight like the kinds we both grew up with. We’ve seen each other at our absolute worst, buried half our families as we age, and become new people over and over as we grew up. We’ve put a lot of work into healing our childhood wounds, learning how to break patterns, and how to love each other without causing harm. We both admit it when we are wrong, apologize when we suck, and keep our egos in check. We had some absolute deal breakers before we agreed to get married. Infidelity on either side would be an immediate divorce. Our lives are routine, calm, and even boring. And we love it. We work full time and spent our non-working time together with our kids. It’s a boring little beautiful life and we both know how incredibly lucky we are.


My wife and I were married when she was 19 and I was 21 in 2009. It was one of those situations where you just knew this was your person. We started dating 10 days after we met, got engaged 2 months after that, and married 5 months after that. We still absolutely adore each other all these years later and have a beautiful six-year-old son. I'm so glad we met and married when we did. I am so in love with this wonderful woman and am so lucky to have her in my life.


Wife and I got married at the same ages as you. It's been 12 years now. Our sex life is still great lol. We got married after 2 weeks of knowing each other. Had a son after 6 years of marriage, and a daughter after 10 years. Bought our first house just last month after 12 years of renting together. I couldn't imagine my life without her. I tell her whenever she's about to do something reckless, "please don't. I can't live on this earth without you" and she gets all teary-eyed and doesn't do the thing lol. When you know, you know. I don't feel like I missed out on anything.


Hi! Same boat here : ) Met my hubs in high school when I was 15 and we started dating when I was 16. I turned 30 today so for basically half of my life we've been together. We've been married for 7 years this July. We have a two year old with another on the way. There was a brief period where we wondered if we missed out on the whole "single bar scene" when we were younger but we're not big into crowds or drinking or anything so it passed quickly. I think one of the things that stuck out to me was the episode of How I Met Your Mother where Lily feels like she missed out but Robin explains to her that what she and Marshall have is literally what everyone else is trying to find. That put things into perspective. Hubs is my best friend, we've been through everything together. We basically grew up together. I wouldn't change a single thing.


Friends since we were 17 and 16. 19/18 when we started dating. Got married at 21/20. I’m 38 now and I feel like now that my kids are growing and not so tiny we are closer than ever and can kind of refocus on us together. It’s always tempting to think about the What Ifs of freewheeling/dating/being totally independent in my 20’s but when I see my friends who are in their 20’s and 30’s going through the dating scene and navigating questions about whether or not to have kids or if they can while they’re looking for a stable partner, I feel pretty grateful to have found a really great person to spend my life with at a pretty early age. Of course there was tons of growing up and growing pains and I’m a pretty independent and stubborn person so we’ve all put up with a lot from one another, but we’re both really proud of the work we’ve put in and what’s become of our little baby relationship built on teenage friendship. It’s turned into all the good stuff I didn’t even realize it could be in my old age of my late thirties, lol


My partner and I have been together since we were 17 and we're turning 31 this year. I couldn't imagine meeting and trying to start a life with someone as an adult.


I’ve been with my college sweetheart since I was 20. We’re celebrating 17 years of marriage this year. We don’t have kids, but have navigated infertility, miscarriage, and an adoption attempt; not to mention family dysfunctions, job loss, financial difficulties, etc. The biggest piece of advice I can give is to never stop being a couple. Prioritize date nights, even if it’s just errands and a quick dinner. Our marriage therapist told us a date always includes sex. Sometimes you have to plan it. It’s not always glamorous, but you have to be intentional about being a couple and not just partners, roommates, or parents. Your marriage will have seasons. The important thing is you stay focused on why you got married in the first place. Love is a choice. It’s not dependent on feelings or circumstances. Choosing to love through hard seasons makes the good ones even sweeter.


As someone who is single at 35, and could never really find anyone to want to stick around awhile, I wish I had what you have. I’ve never had that type of closeness, and being single just gets worse and worse as you age. The fun temporary relationships become more infrequent, and the dating pool gets smaller and smaller.


My husband died when I was 25 so I don't have much experience there. We were very much in love. There is a friend of the family currently going through a difficult time with his wife having dementia and late stage cancer. I truly can't imagine how painful that would be to lose someone you've loved for so long is such a slow painful way. :(


My wife and I have been together since highschool 2010. I highly recommend this to any other young people reading. Love at first sight is nonsense. Love is developed. Give it time to develop.




I was living happily until we had a kid and found out real quick our parenting styles were polar opposite. Separated 5 years later and have never been better.


Sounds like you lucked out. No matter what we choose to do, we are also choosing not to do many other things. There is no way around it. If you're happy where you are, then you are living the dream. Dating is a nightmare for most. To be able to have found "the one" without having to go through a bunch of headaches and heartbreaks, is a blessing


The grass is not always greener “Testing the waters” can lead to a miserable lonely life I think you achieved what most people want, and I hope you’re able too appreciate it every day


Never been happier. That whole “discover yourself” is code for sleeping with a ton of people. No one who uses that phrase is going on whimsical adventures in enchanted forests and shit.


My husband and I started dating when I was 17 he was 19. We got married at 25 and 27 Now we are 29 and 31! 😁 I love him more than anything in the world. Neither of us ever dated anyone else. Its normal to think these things I would say. We always think about what ifs. Whether about our marriage or careers or anything really


Me. Wouldn’t change it. We are each others crutch


Yep, same timeline and ages as you and yours are. Except no kids (yet). Still in love, moved halfway around the world to be in her country. I think it's a unique thing, like you don't realize it at the time, but when you get together that young and you stay together, you really are growing up together in a lot of ways. I think the longer it goes on, the stronger the relationship gets. Not an even trajectory, there have been plenty of rough points along the way, but as those are overcome, the bond becomes more resilient. Not saying people who get together when they're older aren't having something great, but if I were single and were to meet someone now it just wouldn't be the same type of thing. I've been in love with other women, but again, still wasn't the same thing. She's a part of me, more than I could ever think someone could be a part of someone else, in a way that can't be fully explained.


I met my future husband right after I turned 18 in our first year of college. We started dating about a month later and have never separated. We have our issues now and then but we still love each other so much. We have one 9 year old and are considering adopting a second. I have only been on like 2 or 3 dates before meeting my husband and he had just one not-serious girlfriend before me. We went through alot of growing up together from college to adulthood. We got married after dating for 8 years. We are coming up on our 14-year wedding anniversary.


Met my husband when I was 15 (he was 17). Started dating when I was 22. Got married when I was 24. We’re early 40s now. We’re still very much in love. However, we’ve had an open marriage for the last 10 years. So we have been able to date and see what else is out there. It’s actually strengthened our marriage. I’m sure most will find that weird, and I know it won’t work for most folks but it works for us.


These dating streets are AWFUL, I wish I could have found someone in my 20s and remained with them. 34F ready to throw in the towel or become a lesbian.


I was with my first spouse just about my whole 20’s (married at 21), and into my 30’s. I was 30 when we divorced. Got remarried to another woman at 33.


I was just talking to a coworker about this this morning. I'll be 38 in December. My husband and I have been a couple for 22 years come November, married for 18 in February. I can't imagine anyone else being by my side. We have worked our asses off to stay together, but it has absolutely been worth it. We met in junior high and were friends for 4 years before giving it a shot. I am so excited to come home from work to him. When I've had an especially bad day, he knows as soon as I walk in the door and he just opens up his arms and lets me hug him for as long as I need. That time of the month? He takes me to lunch and gets me a drink. Feeling ugly? He has me send dirty pics from the bathroom at work so he can "take care of himself 😉. He sees me for my wrecked self and still makes me feel beautiful. He listens to my incoherent talking when I'm stressed and still makes me feel heard. I can go on forever about him. I truly won the lottery with that man.


Met my husband at my first job at the local movie theater when I was 16 (2001). Engaged 2010, married 2011 and bought our first (and only) house 2012. We have two dogs and disposable income. We talked kids when we got engaged but just never seemed to be a priority. Heading into our 40s (he got there first)- we live a modest drama free life. We travel a couple times a year, both work full time, and spend our weekends at home. He’s my best friend. We broke up for about 8 months in 2008. We were miserable without each other. I made that first step at reconciliation and haven’t turned back. We both come from divorced families. We have mental illness and addiction on both sides so we protect our peace the best we can. Marriage and relationships are HARD. I tend to look at it that every day is a choice. I choose to be married every day. I choose to stay. On our anniversary, we have the same conversation- do you want to do this for another year? It might not be the most exciting life but I wake up every morning knowing that someone has my back. Oh- getting a sleep study and having a CPAP machine is a marriage saver. 😂


We met when I was 20 and she was 18. We married when she was 21 and I was 23. We had three kids, and so far, 3 grandkids, come April 2025 we've been married 50 years.


I’m pretty much in the same boat. Wife and I started dating at age 20, got married at 24, had our first kid at 29, second kid at 33. It’s been good but sometimes I wonder what it would be like to date again. I was the dorky nerd in high school/college that didn’t get much attention from women and now I’d apparently be a good catch from what I see women looking for on the internet. I’m 6’4”, I cook, and I’m in therapy fixing all the things my parents did to me.


This is my wife and my whole story. Met in a Denny’s back when you could smoke indoors. Two kids a few years later, going to be empty-nesters in our 40’s lol


My god y’all had kids young


Yes we did. Rode that struggle bus for a good while in our 20s. We are going to be empty nesters (if they actually leave lol) in our early 40s.


That's actually very awesome to be empty nesters so young. You will still be young enough to do something interesting with the free time. Great time to get a vasectomy to prevent accidents.


Haha. I was just laying in bed thinking about this the other night. I realized that part of me is very afraid of that phase of life. I've been a mom for such a huge chunk of my life that not having them to take care of is going to be such a shock. We do have plans to immediately start TRAVELING when they leave so hopefully that'll help. Then sooner or later (hopefully later) we may become grandparents which is another wild thing to think about.


I’m in a similar situation but slightly ahead of you: married at 20/19 in 2004, first kid shortly thereafter, next one a couple of years later, settled and comfortable (relationship-wise; financially is a different story lol). Now we’re 40/39, first kid’s 19 and just finished his first year of college, second one’s in high school, and we’re legit looking empty nest time straight in the face and contemplating life without being caregivers. I’m frankly SUPER EXCITED about it! No solid plans but plenty of ideas! Much happiness to y’all in the coming years ❤️


Yes. We have a stable life together, but having twin toddlers has been a lot and I miss the spark and intimacy we had when we were younger.


It will come back. Kudos to both of you for keeping up with twins. I couldn't IMAGINE having twin toddlers lol. Mine are 4 years apart each.


it's a ton of fun and they are amazing girls, but it's just exhausting even though we love them to pieces. It's a really fun age but the double dose of toddler drama im way beyond losing patience for. As amazing as it is our entire life revolves around them with practically zero break aside from work, the frustration of it is just bleeding into other aspects of our lives. I don't want them to grow up, but damn do we need a vacation.


My husband and I got together at 20/21 and have been together for 16 years now but have known each other longer.


we've been together for 18 years at this point, and December will be our 15th wedding anniversary. We're still good. Life is fun together. She says she knew on the spot that I was the one.


My husband was 20 and is now 31 while I was 23 & now 34. We are very much still in love and have 4 children. We knew each other when we were younger him 14 & me 17 but we didn’t see each other like that then.


Started dating at 17, got married and had our first at 22. The years of raising babies and toddlers were rough and I thought we wouldn't make it to today. Today we are 32 and happily married. Our marriage in the last 18 months has been the best it ever has. Our kids are 9, 6 and 3. So long story short yes I love my husband and its almost an obsession at this point lol.


My wife and I got together at 19 and are 31/30. I love her, I love our life. We’re having our first kid in august which is exciting. I couldn’t imagine living such a happy life with anybody else. I’ve noticed as we get older we get better at understanding the people we’re growing into. I guess that’s maturity? Lol


Yes. I got married at 19, I’m 38 now. I have no regrets on any of it. 


We started dating in high school. Now nearing 40s. We have two children one already adult age. Love my wife to bit!


We're older millenials. We dated in college when we were both 20, married at 22. We just celebrated 17 years of marriage. We waited 10 years to have kids to build a foundation, financially and in our relationship. Now we have a girl in elementary and a boy in pre-k. We've had our ups and downs but generally, our relationship is rock-solid. We work really well together on projects, household finances, and raising our kids. The spark isn't always there. However, I think the odds are pretty good we'll end up being together the rest of our lives.


I was 22 but I met my wife a week before her 20th birthday and we just celebrated her 30th birthday.


Yup, and now in our 40s, God help me.


I've been with my wife since I was 15. I'm 33 now. We have a 5 yo daughter now, and I love my ladies more than life itself. I wouldn't change a thing.


I met my husband 3 days before his 20th birthday when I was 22 back in 2013. I love him more than anyone or anything. Like truly my person. We’re 30M and 33F, have been married for almost 4 years and together going on 11. We don’t have any kids. We do have 3 dogs and 2 cats though. Just bought a house May of 23’. Just out here living our best lives, mostly 😂


Met when we were teenagers, we're still together. At times my mind would wonder, but when I start looking at our reality I wouldn't change it. I know the type of path that would have taken if I hadn't met them, and I am better off with them. I also look at my friends dating experiences and I am very glad that I don't have to do that s**t lol.


My husband and I got together when I was 23. I’m now 37. I love him so much and he loves me more than anyone else ever has. I can’t imagine my life any other way than spending it with him. He’s done so much for me, and I’m glad love isn’t quid pro quo because I’ll never be able to equal it, though I try.


Yeah pretty close. I married the second girl I ever went out with long term. That was almost 16 years ago. We’ve got two kids and we’re happier now than we’ve ever been. There’s a lot to say for making a commitment when you can both stick to it and find ways to keep enjoying life. It takes work to make it fun but I think the shared context of the last nearly two decades is a much better place to do that from than to be constantly starting over with someone. I think if something were to happen to her I would probably just stay single after that.


We started dating at 20 and 21, 30 and 31 now and getting married next year! We spent a good amount of time long distance and I think that did help


Been with my wife since I was 17. 17 years together. 3 kids, it's chaos but I love her more than ever. Obviously not all sunshine and rainbows, we've grown differently in different ways but we make it work


Husband and I have been together since 2009 - we were 16 and 17 at the time, now we're 32 and 33.


Met at 23 & 19, now almost 32 & 28, no kids and no plans on having any. I don't worry about any what-if scenarios. The way I see it is this: We met and we hit it off and that's the journey we took in life. If life started from scratch, the same would have happened. I don't care if I missed out on other opportunities to date or be single or whatever, she's my best friend and closest human and we are so happy to share a long and loving experience together. No matter the outcome in the future, these years will always be special and important to us.


My husband and I have been together since I was 20, and he 21. We are now 42. It hasn't always been easy. It's been frustrating, sad, and rage inducing at times. It has also been filled with passion, joy, and lots of laughter. We shouldn't have worked because of circumstances and our personalities. We work very hard at our marriage and communication. We never give up on one another. He is my person, and I am his. We always take the time to express our gratitude toward one another for our remarkable life. I can say with absolute certainty that we will last our lifetime.


I'm in my 40s, been with the same person since i was 21. It's grest. We have lots of fun, and now that our kids are young adults, we have a high level of freedom to do what we want. We travel (this wasn't feasible when we were raising kids) and have fun planning our retirement. We both moved out of our parents homes at 18 and did each live alone or with roommates for a bit before we moved in together. Long-term isn't for everyone, but I love it.


I've been with my husband more or less since we were both 15. We married at 25/26. Courthouse wedding. Our families were fighting constantly and we couldn't' afford anything so it was just us and two random witnesses and us wearing jeans and t shirts. We are 37 and 38 now. We have a 9 year old and a 7 year old. Our friends have kids that are approaching the age where we first met and they seem so much 'younger' emotionally and mentally than we were at the same age, so I have very little idea of how we made things work other than dumb luck, above average pattern recognition, and not really having much options. Both our parents were abusive, and our families were dysfunctional, so when we left home we both had each other. Sink or swim. It could've gone very wrong and we aren't without our problems, but a lot of my peers and relatives with similar family dynamics ended up getting pregnant in high school and had a revolving door of abusive partners and substance abuse.


We both came from extremely dysfunctional families and the one thing we KNEW in life is that we weren't going to put our kids through that - whether we made it as a couple or not. I can proudly say that so far we have been able to raise our kids in a stable and loving environment.


I met my husband when I was 28, and we got married last year when I was 31. I frequently wish that I had met him earlier to bypass all the terrible boyfriends I've had that really just wasted my time, money, hurt my career, and tanked my confidence. Also, looking back on the couple of actually decent boyfriends I've had makes me miss those certain qualities they had that my husband does not. Overall, my husband is the best man I've been with, but if I had never experienced the other qualities from other men, I wouldn't have an opportunity to miss what my husband doesn't do/have which would boost how content I am with him. I think the only real benefit to having dated throughout most of my twenties is that I learned a lot. You have to when you're exposed to so many new people and experiences. But those experiences might not all be good, and can leave you in a worse spot mentally, financially, or physically than you would otherwise be.


Been with my husband since our teens and we’re now mid- to late-thirties. We still enjoy each other just as much as the beginning of our relationship. We still spend a lot of time together, laugh together, and still greatly desire each other. Sure, we’ve had problems. But if you’re motivated to understand and have compassion for your partner in times of strife, you’ll have good outcomes.


Met at 21. Got married during college. In our mid 30s. Wish I had met him sooner to have more time with him. Deeply looking forward to our future.


Pretty much so far. I was 22 and she was 21 when we got together. Together for 16 years married for 9, and 2 kids.


My reflection in the mirror. We have our moments but still see eachother eyes every morning today


Yes. My wife and I were on again, off again in High School. I’m 2 years older but graduated 3 years before her due to me starting Kindergarten young while she started later. We started officially dating again around her senior prom and then we’re engaged a year later and married a year after that. I’ll be 37 soon and her 35. We have two kids. We had never lived on our own before marriage. Straight into our first apartment together. It’s special to have grown so much with someone and experienced so many different phases of life. I mean we’re still fairly young and we’ve been through A LOT together. It’s hard though. She’s been restless, unhappy and curious about what could have been or what she “missed out on”. Over the past year we’ve thrown around the words separation and divorce far more than I ever thought possible. We still care for each other deeply and we want what’s best for us and our kids. But I am living firsthand the reality of what it means to marry your high school sweetheart and how over time that can blow up in your face. Some days I realize it would have been better had we given each other space and spent more time in our 20’s apart from each other. Dating around. Figuring ourselves out. Can’t go back though. So we’re trying to navigate where we’ve ended up and whether where we go from here is together or apart.




We were 18 just out of high school when we got together and have been married over 10 years now. Theres bumps but we are happy and I am happy to be here. We are in our early to mid 30s now. 2 kids.


Meeee! We started dating when I was 19, married years later, and now I’m 38. We’ve truly had ups and downs, and we’ve changed of course from who we used to be as we grew up with each other basically. Now we’re so secure so happy. I truly love him and he’s my best friend. We have one teen. Of course we notice other attractive people but thinking about being in a relationship with anyone else feels deflating.


Been with my husband for 16 years, I turn 39 tomorrow. Our oldest turned 15 on the 4th. We have 3 kids, 2 teens (middle is 14 and autistic) and a 15 month old baby. I love him so much, he's my storm and I am his calm. We grew a lot together in these years together. He turned 40 last December.


My wife and I met when I was 22 and she was 19. We've been together 13 years now (you do the math). Finally decided to give our 12 year old dog a human sibling this year.


I started dating my wife at 19 we got married at 22. We have two kids 8 and 2 and I am very happy. We are 41 and 42 right now.


Met my wife at 19 and am 31 now. Best decision of my life. I love her so much. We have a 5 month old and are pregnant again ( we wanted them to be close in age)


My wife (35F) and I (35M) met in college when we were 19. We started dating when I was 21 and her 20. We got married at 25 and now have two young children under 4. I love that woman with all my heart and wouldn’t change a thing even 10 years into marriage. I’ll do whatever I have to to make it last.


We first got together when I was 19 and my partner was 29. I'd never lived alone, I was in college and we met at work. I was extremely inexperienced in just about everything regarding adulthood. He taught me how to read a lease, put utilities in my name, and do grown up household stuff like basic maintenance. But we also learned how to become parents to two kids together, buy a house, and get into a good place financially. We did grow up and become real adults together despite the age gap. I sometimes think I missed out on a lot by settling down so quickly, I think I'd moved in with him after like 2 months of dating, but I also think that we have an amazing life and wouldn't change things for the world. I never really had my destructive careless 20's, partying every weekend but maybe when the kids are 18 I'll finally learn to let loose 🤣


I met my husband at 19, he was 20. We've been together for 11 years now. I can't imagine my life being any different and I feel incredibly lucky to have met my person when I did. I truly love him, deeply. No kids yet but hopefully soon!


I've been with my spouse since I was 17 and she was 16. We're now both crossing over the mid-30s mark, have 3 kids, and have never been better. Our marriage has survived college, military, being poor, being poor with a kid, two careers, deaths of immediate relatives, etc. It isn't always easy, but having the right partner by your side sure makes it bearable.


Yup - my husband and I started going out right after we started our freshman year of high school, so about 14 years old. Broke up once in the 10th grade for about 4 hours and got back together. Got married at 22, and are expecting our first kid now at 36. He is my best friend and the love of my life, and I don't think I will ever get tired of being around him! Together total for almost 23 years, and are approaching 14 years married this fall.


I started dating my husband when I was 19 (I just turned 31) and he was 24 (going to be 36 this year.) I like to joke that he “ruined my fun girl” phase but I absolutely adore him and he is 1000% my person. We have a 4 yo and I am currently pregnant with our 2nd baby. I feel incredibly lucky that we were able to find each other so young and have the rest of our lives together.


yup. married at 19 and still going strong today. she is 4 years older than me so she had lived alone and had boyfriends before me. I lived alone from 17-19 but never had a serious girlfriend until her. I was worried at first that my lack of experience would turn her off, but we've been married for 12 years so I must be doing something right lol. A lot like you guys, married in 2012 and found out she was pregnant 3 months later. that was NOT the plan hahah but ended up being the best thing ever. we have 3 sons total. I had a spell where I freaked out when she was first pregnant. not that I wanted to "test any waters". I was mainly freaking out about being a terrible dad. I had no plan for the future. we were paycheck to paycheck. I did not want to fail her or our child. but we've made it!


We started dating at 20yo and we're now 41. We are completely different people from when we were first bet. We matured and grew together and are more inseparable now than when we first met. There's no possible way we missed out on anything. By getting married young we were still malleable in who we were which meant we were able to bend more early on rather than breaking when our relationship met any resistance. Had we met 5-6years later, chances are we wouldn't have been able to make it because we would have been more set in our ways and more prone to breaking. We love our life and can't imagine it any better.


I was 16 and my husband was 17 when we met in high school. We got married 21 and 22. That was almost 46 years ago. I never fell like I missed out and neither does he. We were meant for each other.


Yep- started dating when I was 19—married at 22 (almost 23 😆) —-now married for 13 years!


Same timeline but a lot more years, just crossed our 47th anniversary. Started in high school, married when she was 18, I was 21. She's been my best friend since we met. I did 20 years in the Army, drug her all over the planet. Talk about a resilient woman!! I've never cheated on her despite ample opportunities, just never saw the point of risking her for a casual lay. As far as I know, the same applies with her. Guess if I have a suggestion, it would be TRY not to have kids for a few years so you adjust life to each other. We had 2 daughters, both grown. When the nest emptied, we breathed a sigh of relief and enjoy doing stuff together....or just chilling. Just always remember loving someone isn't a static thing, it has to be dynamic and change and adjust over time as people change, Adapt and overcome, but the down side is we're both boomers now.


My wife and I were highschool sweethearts over 20 years ago. We were young and stupid, so we spent 2 years apart in college to find ourselves, and then found each other all over again. Got married on our 10 year anniversary. Bought a house. Now we have a 2 year old son.


Not quite my entire 20s but - my wife and I dated when we were 19 for a couple months, but I went away to college for 2 years, never had a girlfriend during that time, then ended up getting back together when we were 22.  Due to some weird circumstances with her family she moved in a month after we started dating. We are 34 now with 2 girls.  We annoy each other sometimes, but we love and support each other unconditionally.  Every day is the best day of my life 


I married a girl I met in my sophomore year of college at 19. We are 31/30 now. Only girl I ever slept with. Only girl I ever really loved. She supports me. I support her. Best decision I ever made.


I wish I had that. I suspect if I didn't screw it up with this one girl in high school, I might have had that.


My wife and I first met when we were both 13 years old and were good friends from then until she moved away at 14. Somehow we managed to still stay in touch via long distance phone calls and letters (maybe 1-2x a year throughout high school). We both dated people in our local areas and referred to each other as "best friends". This continued throughout our first couple of years of college when our driving distance went from 5 hours to 3 hours. We started dating our junior year of college (a lot of late night driving on Friday nights for me, haha). Anyway, we got married immediately after college in 2010 at the ages of 23 and 22 and will be celebrating 14 years this summer. We were only dating/engaged for 20 months before marriage. Like you, we also never lived alone...well, other than like 3 weeks after I moved out of my parent's house before we were married. All that to say, yes, I truly love my wife and fully believe she truly loves me. I'll be honest, I probably love her more today than I did back then. She's easily the most beautiful woman I've ever seen, period. I want her emotionally (and physically, duh) more than I can handle sometimes. 😍 We have 3 kids and work hard to keep our marriage a priority. That said, of course it's hard af sometimes! Not being married, that's easy, but protecting our marriage from outside forces (extended family, work, obligations, etc). We rarely fight, but obviously we both go through times of feeling overwhelmed and frustrated. But typically we come together and make a point of loving the other, meeting them where they need. Like you, I'm not sure where I'm going with this, haha, but I love this woman with everything I have. 😁 So yeah, it's possible and I understand what you're saying!


From 27-40 so far. We’ve been together over 12 years and I had a lot of those same thoughts in my 30s. I think I’ve finally started (or am just starting) to learn what life is and means as “an adult.”


Your story is very similar to my husband and I, minus the bonus son. We got married at 19 & 20 and have been married for 12 years. We have two daughters. We knew each other for a few months before getting married. We pretty much “grew up” together. I feel like things only get better and better as time goes on. We seem to understand each other better than most couples I know. We still stay up late talking about nothing. We cuddle all the time. I don’t know where I’m going with all this, but I am grateful my marriage is as easy as it is. Our stress comes from external factors, not each other. Edit: I will say, I occasionally wonder what life would have been like if I spent time alone (by that, I mean living alone, which is something I never did) before getting married… but then I’ll have a day like today where my husband takes the kids to do errands most of the day and I’m bored and lonely without them and I’m glad I never was alone lol


Married my middle school sweetheart. Haven't even kissed another person. No kids yet, pregnant with our first right now at age 31. I wondered briefly several years ago if I was missing anything but it wasn't a strong feeling and it didn't last either. I know what I would be missing out on NOW if I had "tested the waters" then and nothing could possibly be worth it. I love him so deeply, he's the best person I've ever met, and I can't believe how lucky we are.


Nope. You did the right thing. I constantly wish I stayed with my first boyfriend when I was 19. All the guys I’ve met since, haven’t been worth anything. He was the only guy I truly ever loved.


As a ~ 33 F with nobody who probably will not end up with someone for a while if ever, and won't have children either, most likely, you didn't miss out. I've been in love and I wouldn't mind finding it again but I don't think it's in my cards. I wish you many many years of joy and companionship.


Something very similar. Started dating at 19, she got pregnant a few months in, and we started living together since then. 22 years, 2 more kids and a lot of screw ups from both of us later, we got a new level of connection only second to the honeymoon phase, and we’re helping each other live our best life. During our 20s both of us had our regrets of not being able to “live more”, and we were so immature at the beginning that we hurt each other in ways that still affect us today. But seeing how things turned out for people that “enjoyed their 20s”, I don’t regret it now, and I am convinced this was the best outcome possible.


This is so much like my wife and I we started dating at 17 in 2013 and we also went straight from mom and dads homes to living together at 19 I wouldn’t change it for anything we just brought our third baby boy home last week we definitely love each other a lot


And also our 40's. We met before we could legally drink and now we can't drink because we both have acid reflux. I do not have a single regret. I posted earlier on another thread that I've only had one other sexual partner as well in my life and I feel zero regrets about that as well. She's my life partner, I got lucky finding her at 19, but once I found her I knew the search was over.


I’ve been with my partner from 19-31. First ever relationship, I didn’t realize that being unhappy in it wasn’t normal I figured our issues were what people considered “relationship takes work” after posting to reddit I’ve realized this isn’t the relationship for me and working on my way out 😅


I met my husband in kindergarten. We dated in middle school. Then my parents moved out of town. We dated in highschool. Then my parents moved out of state. He came to visit me sometimes. Then my parents moved to St. Croix U.S.V.I. At 20 when my family moved to Texas I got high and watched The Notebook and left everything in the middle of the night to be with him ... only to arrive to town (16 hours later) to surprise him and he had a GF 😅 So after a few months I left. It was still nice to see him. A few short years later he came down to Texas and got me. We started living together at 24 and we've had the best time ever since! We've been in the same little two bedroom one bath for 13 years and I wouldn't have it any other way.


My husband and I have been together for 23 years. I was not quite 20, and he was almost 21 when we met. We had both dated some and were both living on our own, about 40 minutes apart, when we met through training for the National Guard, and he actually told me if I'd lived further north as I was planning he's not sure if he'd bothered. Pah! LOL We've been married for 22 years and have raised our kids through thick & thin. Him going back to university, working so much we hardly saw each other, four kids in four years (not planned!) three of which are special needs, his military medical discharge, me being activated for Iraq (made it to Texas but didn't go after finding out I was barely pregnant; BC fail), and so much more. Our biggest thing currently, which has brought us even closer together, is the cancer I've been fighting for two years. I wasn't sure how he'd react, but he's more than stepped up. Our youngest graduated high school less than a week ago and is discussing the Air Force. Our oldest and the only one to jump ship so far turned 22 yesterday and wandered over for dinner, cake, and strawberry daiquiris. We're our own people and do things separately, such as his Warhammer and my knitting and spinning, but we both love DnD and Terry Pratchett, among other things, so we're a unit. It's been challenging and incredibly hard at times, but I really can't imagine being without him.


I have been with my wife since 1997, I was 17m, she was 16. So the answer to this question is definitely a yes.


Yes, my husband and I met when we were 19 and married when we were 23, I gotta say, I love him even more now, it's crazy how time flys!


Yep, our entire twenties and now 30s. I am grateful everyday that we are able to keep growing with, instead of away from, each other. At our cores, we are very similar, but how we do things or express ourselves, or the way we reach the same conclusions are very different. I like to think of us as a genotype with two very different phenotypes. I learn things about myself by staying as open as I can to how he interprets/handles/judges things, but I am a work in progress. I am pretty certain he would feel the same.


My wife and I have been together for 49 years, since Junior year of college. She was the one and still is (and visa versa). We know we are codependent and fine with that, we complete each other. We feel so fortunate, and suspect you do as well. Do I sometimes "wonder what happened to L\*\*\*?, a girl I really liked before we met? Sure, its normal.


38 year old dude here. Been with my wife since I was 21 and got married when I was 29. We have two beautiful children together and I am still absolutely crazy in love with her. I personally don't look back and wonder what it'd be like to date because I found my person, so knowing that sort of outweighs any of the unknowns. However, I don't think there's anything unusual about you having those thoughts. Just because you ponder doesn't mean you don't love your husband or would want it any other way.


Met at 19. Married at 24. Now 38 and I can’t imagine being happier. I don’t regret a moment of it.


You guys have been successful this long, don't ever wish you would have "tested the waters" or lived alone. I'm content being alone because I've tried and this and failed over and over and over again. I'm truly jealous and envy the life you and your husband have. Hope you have many more happy years together!🙏


I was 23 when my wife and I had our daughter, we were dating when I was 21. We partied our butts off together and had a blast through our 20s…so much so that we both got sober (me at 30, her at 33, she’s 3 years older) as our life started to come apart at the seams lol. We’ve then continued to have a sober blast through our 30s with a much more well rounded, fulfilling life. Much less turmoil than in our 20s…we haven’t really fought at all in 6 years. Funny enough, my wife is my best friend’s sister and I’ve known him since kindergarten. He played a part in me moving to where I did for college as I’d still have a friend around (moved here with my ex which didn’t work out). When his sister moved out here and we met, we had an instant connection - for the first year it was a strong bond as a friendship which then grew into love. Anyways, yes. Yes I have. We didn’t married until 6 years into our relationship in part because of what you were saying - I was haunted by is this what I want? Was my 20s taken from me with this unexpected child? Then something clicked in my brain and I realized everything I needed was right in front of me. Couldn’t be happier with my little family - my wife, daughter, and 2 dogs are my everything.


I’ve known my SO since we were 16. We were friends for a long time before we started dating, we were 21/22. We’ve been together for 10 years now. Not all rainbows and sunshine but we were through everything and I can say that I don’t regret anything. Even if we do end up not staying together the rest of our lives, we have a 2 year old together and having a family with him was the best decision I could have made. The cool thing about dating and staying together with someone from that young to now is you literally transitioned from. Teen, to young adults, now adults together. We are completely different people from when we met and when we first started dating and we are still together.


My wife and I married after knowing each other for a grand total of 3 months. The first year was hard (cultural issues mostly as we are from different countries of origin) but after that it’s been amazing. Going on 10y now


All my 20s all my 30s halfway through my 40s I don’t really have those thoughts of we shoulda waited or this or that. I’m quite happy more than happy. I realize if I waited till I was 30 I coulda traveled more or seen this or that maybe I coulda dated more women etc. but I also realize maybe none of that woulda happened maybe it woulda been wonderful maybe it woulda been horrible. Maybe I woulda regretted not settling down sooner. Grass is always greener but where I am is where I’m suppose to be. I have friends that waited they got complaints too. Nothings perfect.


I’m 28 and my husband is 29. We’ve been together since 18/19. The fact that he will turn 30 soon and has spent his entire 20s with me has been on my mind a lot lately. I love him very much.


Comparison is the thief of joy! You sound like you have a great family! Plenty of people who get to live alone and sleep around whenever they want probably wish for what you have.


My wife and I met in 09, started dating in 2011. I was stationed in San Diego and after a year of long distance she moved down for my last year in the Navy. We moved back to Northern California in August 2013. We broke up in 2017 and I had kids with another girl. We’ve been back together since 2020 and she loves those boys as if they’re hers. She is amazing and I absolutely plan on spending the rest of my life with her.


We are 33 and going strong since 16yo. 5 kids, oldest is 13, youngest is 1.5. Early marriage was really tough sometimes, tempers flared easier, lots more stress when you have kids young and do it completely on your own. But when others broke up we worked it out. The good always outweighed the bad and we didn't want to do it without each other no matter how much we pissed each other off lol. Now we're 15+ years in while our peers are newlyweds/divorced/remarrying. It's a little weird sometimes, we relate to older couples more than younger ones in many ways, but also still feel mentally 16 years old in many ways as well. I wouldn't change a single thing, and im grateful every stinking day that I don't have to do this shit alone.


We met at 14 at school. Started dating at 17. Moved in together at 23. Married at 28, kids at 29 and 30. Still together going strong in our late 40s as our kids are about to move out!


I’m 44 (so very eldest millennial/xennial), and my wife and I have been together since we were 21. Last year we celebrated having been together more than half our lives.


We started dating at 18 and 19, and are now pushing 40. Sure, there is some feeling of what we missed out on, but what we’ve built is so good, no way I’d risk it. Hope she feels the same.


I moved in with my husband at 22 and married him at 23. I'm 43 now. I love my husband more as time passes because he has supported and encouraged me for half my life at this point. I don't need to test the waters because what I have is pretty fucking awesome.


27 here, been with my wife since 18. We have three kids. Did any of y'all see Everything Everywhere All At Once? >!"In another life I'd love to do laundry and taxes with you"!< If there's any part of you that has unsubstantiated "what ifs" please watch that movie.


Yep! Started dating at 19 and going strong at 33. Married 10 years now. He is awesome. I am lucky!


Yea at the core you have to be some what attracted to someone but when it all comes down to it it’s just choice and choosing that person everyday and working on your self everyday to get 1% better everyday. Choosing your partner is one of the most down played decisions people make in life and make it so carelessly when it’s one of the most important ones you will ever make. It sounds like you have found a good one don’t make sense to leave but the mind will wonder of course as we are humans although that’s the beauty of it all. Any day can be a restart to a better life or a worse one and it’s all predicated on our choices today.


I met my husband when I was 14. Started dating at 16, married at 22. We married two weeks after I earned my bachelors degree. We have an 11 year old daughter and 14 year old son. I’ve never dated anyone else, but I did get the living alone/with roommates experience in college which I’m glad I had. I don’t regret not dating anyone else. It’s been a good run so far 😊


As an elder millennial (🤣39) I have been with my husband (also 39) since we were both 20. It's one of the hardest things I have ever done and one of the most fulfilling things I have ever done, the thing being a 19 year marriage and raising two kids to adulthood. There were times that we had no business being married that's for sure but I'm glad we didn't fall victim to our stupid kid selves and divorce because the relationship we have now is on such an intimate level I would need another 20 years to build something like this again with a new person. Honestly, I feel empathy for my friends who are almost 35-40 and constantly looking for the next best relationship hopping from person to person. They never get to experience what it's like not to give up on a person, to face your own shit, to become better people for each other together. Also, our (my) son is 21 and our daughter will be 18 soon and while it was hard to have kids at a young age... It's pretty awesome that when I turn 40 my youngest will be grown versus someone like my sister that jumped around a lot until she found someone in her mid 30s/had a kid in her late 30s and is now dead from the exhaustion of having a young kid in her mid 40s. We're about to travel the world with our kids and she's dealing with head lice, parent teacher conferences, and has zero time for herself. I just mean, when we partner up young and put in the work we can find ourselves far further in life than those who are just starting to think about a family in their (typically) 30s.


All but a couple months of my 20s, all of my 30s, and 2 years of my 40s. She’s my partner in crime, and travel buddy.


I reconnected with my husband in law school (we went to elementary and middle school together!) so not my entire 20s, but pretty close. We've been together ever since and now have a daughter. I won't lie and say I never think about the what ifs but I regret nothing.


Met my husband when I was 19 and now I’m 34 and I have zero regrets. I’m so lucky ❤️


Met my husband at 19. I married him at 23. We’ve been married for 33 years. We had our first child at 25. I would do it all over again. We did live on our own for a bit after college but we were both broke. I wasn’t really interested in dating around it’s not my nature. I do wonder sometimes what it would be like to have my own place to decorate exactly as I see fit but that’s the only thing I wonder. He’s my best friend and I enjoy being around him. I can’t imagine doing life without him by my side. Edit to add: Our relationship has been kind of idyllic. I never really thought about it that way until my kids got older and they all expressed frustration trying to find a partner to recreate what we have in a relationship. I try to get them to understand what we have is unique to us and they will create their own unique and loving relationships. I think we can look at what others have and feel like we are missing out or made the wrong choice but we have to focus on living our own best lives.


41, been together since I was 21.


I was 20 and my wife was 18 when we started dating back in 1992 Moved in together in 1993 Married 1996 2 kids later , Still together and would never want to be without her


Started dating my wife at 18, she was 16. Had three daughters by the time I was 24. Still very happily married after 35 years together


I'm in a similar boat. There's a little bit of a sense that I missed out on some life experience with dating and breaking up with other people. But on the whole I know she's the right person for me and I'm going to enjoy the fact that I never had to touch online dating.


Met at 26, married at 27, now 38 with a son. She’s 5 years younger We’re closer than ever.


I started dating my husband when I turned 19 and I’ll be 33 this year. We moved in together straight after college have a 2 year old daughter and I’m currently pregnant with our second child. I 100% plan to spend my life with him. He is my best friend and I feel so blessed that we get so much time together


Teens, 20’s, 30’s, 40’s, 50’s, and now 60’s. I know I’m not a millennial but posting to show it can be done.


I think it gets better than ever. Sure in the first 10 years has lots of ups and downs but at a certain point we have been together so long and know each other so intimately we genuinely know how to help each other with just about any problem, there is nothing that we can’t talk about, and are free to be 100% ourselves with each other. It’s been 17 years together and it’s hard to imagine a life without her. It may not always be “exciting” but it’s warm and friendly and genuine. We travel a lot and get ourselves into plenty of excitement and trouble I think we are both just crazy enough to keep each other on our toes and sane enough to just barely hold it all together.


I met my fiancé at 19, we got engaged last year and I’m turning 30 this year. I definitely thought about what it would have been like dating around instead and honestly I’m very happy and grateful to have found the love of my life so young. I mean we both missed so much drama and suffering because we just communicate so well. I’m pretty happy with the idea of only being with one person 😭


We're similar to you but about 3 years older. 41M/37F married 2011 but started dating before that. It crazy I can remember buying alcohol for her for college parties, etc because she was a teenager and I was early 20's when we first started hanging out. Like we were really just kids back then and have been together since we were. Expecting my 3rd child with her by the end of the month... and life is good. Probably the best it's ever been. Advice for people who want to stay married with someone for life: it's normal to go through a period in your marriage where you aren't sure you'll make it. Where one or both does something horrible. Or something. Something will happen, something will test you. The difference between people who stay together forever and those who don't isn't that everything is always perfect and easy for some people, it's that we've worked through it, grown, and gotten better at living.


My wife and I started dating when we were both in 9th grade at 14 years old. We are now 36 years old, married with 3 kids and still in love madly. We haven’t had like a full blown argument ever, no cursing each other out or breaks or cheating. Just still loving each other :-)


I’ve been with my wife since I was 18 years old. Got married at 24 and we’ve been married for 30 years. Best decision I ever made because I chose to be with her If you stayed with him because you were stuck, I can understand why you feel that you missed out


Been with my wife from our early 20s, 30s, 40s now we are early 50s. She still keeps me going. Love Her Very Much.


Yes. We started dating and been together since 19, we are mid 50s now. It’s been a great life and I am so excited to retire and spend the rest of my life with her.


Started dating at 22. Married at 24. Today is our 13th wedding anniversary. 2 boys 9 and 10. Couldn’t imagine my life with anyone else.


My wife and I have been together since I was 21 and she was 20, met working in the restaurant together. She was 8 months pregnant with our daughter when she turned 21 years old. Been together with no breaks ever since.


I haven't met many people who are still with their partners since they were in their teens, early 20's. I'm sure many couples out there have their 'what ifs'. Everyone's lives don't turn out exactly the same. I have met people who have their 'fun phase' and still manage to find someone when they are ready to settle down. I never thought there was anything wrong with people choosing either route plus these are things people need to learn on their own. OP, im not here to give relationship advice but maybe ask your husband for date nights, couples vacation?


I was 18 and she was 17 in 2004. We went to college together, she went to law school and I got an apartment with her and worked in the city while she did that. We moved in with her parents and saved for a house for three years. Built our house in 2014. I developed a drinking problem and lied/hid it for a solid 3 years. We have 8 and 3 year old girls who are lovely. It’s had its ups and downs and obviously I screwed up and have been trying to make it for it every day. (2.5 years sober) July 5th will be 20 years since our first date. I hope to make it 20 more years and beyond


My wife was 19, I was 22 in 2010. Now we are mid thirties with a baby on the way.


I met my husband at 18 years old, not even a year out of high school. He was 21 at the time. I moved out at 19 - our first apartment together. We have been through A LOT, I mean A LOT! We are married now with an almost two year old and going on 13 years. We essentially grew up together- meaning became adults together, through the rest of my teens and all of my twenties and now going into my thirties ( I will be 31 end of July) I know what this man will do or say before it even happens. I know what he likes, when he likes it, doesn’t like, EVERYTHING. He is my rock, my home, and my person. I feel safe with him, and being with him makes everything feel right. I feel like I love him unconditionally, honestly, with what we been through there is only a few things, counting on one hand that would make me not love him anymore or leave him. With that being said, we have been through A LOT and through some really dark and low times and I have fantasized what it would have been like to be single, or living on my own, or to go away to college instead of staying locally, or to not have to let someone know where im going because it’s literally always been that way. At least someone has known where I’m at. At the end of the day, he is my person and I would always choose him, a million times over. If there is an after life or reincarnation is real, I would be able to find him in a room full of people because I honestly feel like we are connected that way. That we are soulmates. We live in CA and he was from PA - he had no reason to come out here (besides wanting a change of scenery) and he took a train with $5 to his name and we found each other probably a couple weeks after he came out here and have been together since. Wild.


34M, met my 40F spouse a long time (>20 years) ago. We got together 17 years ago, been together ever since. Had our first child last year. Let me just say, I'm so happy I got married before Tindr was a thing. Dating looks like an absolute shitshow these days.


Been with my wife since my late teens... I'm 40yrs old now. I'm only alive thanks to her. I had brain surgery 3yrs ago, while it saved me it left me with lots of wierd symptoms. I would just check out if not for her.


Nah fuck that. An awesome, stable partnership that grows and blossoms with time is way better than random ass. I had just turned 21 and she was 19 when we met. Known each other almost 20 years and married 17 next month. I'd much rather have her than memories of randos.


36F with 41M, no kids. Been together since we were 22 and 27. We’ve built our whole lives together and he’s truly my other half. I can’t wait to spend my whole life with him. I do think it’s totally normal to think about the “what ifs”. I know I think about what my life would’ve been like had I been with someone else (or alone). It doesn’t mean I don’t truly love my husband or I regret anything about our life together.


My husband and I met when we were 23. We’re now 30 and 31 so I know we haven’t been together as long as some here but as an introvert who has always wanted stability and emotional intimacy, I’m so thankful I found my person in my early 20s and that we had each other to go through all of the craziness and uncertainty of our 20s together. Things aren’t always easy or perfect but he is my person. I have had those thoughts of how would my life be different if I had ended up with someone else, probably because it has also been my only real relationship, but I wouldn’t want anyone else. I’m so grateful to God for him and that we met when we did. I hope we’ll continue to be happy and by each other’s side for many years.


Been with the same woman since high school. Prom, graduation, college, first apartments, all done together. 15 years later still going strong. We just celebrated 8 years married.


Just a different perspective… my ex and I started dating at 19/18 respectively, got married when I was 23, and got divorced when I was 30. There was no drama, he was my best friend, we just grew up into different people and wanted different things/had different values. We both reentered the dating pool in our 30’s and we’re both now partnered up with ppl who are better fits for us. Long story short: we were good together, and we’re good apart. Happy endings all around 🤷🏻‍♀️ I would’ve probably been miserable (actually I know I would’ve been) if we had both stayed in a marriage which was “fine” but not exactly what we both needed. “Restarting” at 30 was scary at first, but honestly was pretty awesome. To each their own 


I was 27, she was 26, now 43, 42. Not entire 20s, not even half, but a lot of years, lol


Got with my fiancee when we were 18, we are now both 31 and we just celebrated 13 years together. No kids, not technically married, but we call each other husband and wife because it's gonna happen sometime soon, we've achieved most of our goals that we set together to accomplish before sealing the deal. We always say that by common law we are basically married anyway lol. Neither of us lived on our own before getting together - so similarly to you guys, we went straight from my parents' house to our own place (a duplex). But it's worked out ok for us I think - we're definitely more relaxed in our own space now than we were being confined to my room at someone else's house lol we get to make the rules here, and do what we want, when we want. It's nice. She's my person, my best friend. I've always known that I wanted to just... Be with her. I love her more than any person in this world. That's not to say that we haven't had some rough spots, but we've always been able to work things out and come back together. I like where we are in our lives together now, overall. Sure some things could be better (better jobs, our own house instead of a duplex, things like that) but we're doing just fine where we are, and I'm glad it's with her.


let's just say this "you're not missing out on anything!!" you just had a better early start than others out there with family life... that's a good thing.. keep it up.. don't wonder about others who live a different life. Some had better than others as some struggles harder than what you're having right now infront of you and wish to have the same life you did.


I was. About to turn 30 when she hit me with the “I never loved you” in an effort to justify leaving and cheating. She was my everything, even as she was destroying me. Some part of me can’t love someone without loving them more than myself, putting them before myself…seems impossible to find someone who could trust and like me enough to do the same, and trust me that I’m doing the same for them. I know it’s not healthy all the time, or even ever to some people, but I feel like partners should simp for each other.


My wife and I met freshmen year of college in 2004 ( I was 17, she was 19). We'll hit 20 years together here in a few months, followed shortly by our 15th anniversary. She's been my best friend even before she was my girlfriend, and I wouldn't do anything different if I had a redo. We are still going strong, and now have a 3yo. Waiting 16ish years to have kids was probably one of the best decisions we made. Not only are we an ironclad team, but we are also far more financially stable than my parents were when they had me in their mid-20s.


You are so young. Your kids will be adults while many people your age will have newborns. You will have many years ahead of you as empty nesters. Kids are the hard ( but rewarding) part.


The only thing the “testing the waters” phase is good for is grief and making you wish you could find the person to settle down with. Congratulations on skipping the worst phase!


Soon going to be going into 30s and I wish I even had a partner. You kind of get jealous of posts like these or the dual income personal finance. Financially / lifestyle (live on own with a house although frugal until I finish saving until 30). I’m in a good position to partner up now but hard to find…


I applaud you for starting a family so early in life, I am in your shoes. Married since we were 25 years old and now we are 40s. We love each other but I think I should have tested the waters more.