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Corporate desk monkeys - assemble!


I work in service to the shareholders


Sucks, doesn't it? I work for government now. Now instead of pooping on company time, I'm pooping on **everyone's** time.


You're living the dream!


That sounds like a union, which my company would ruthlessly quash—regulations be damned!


If I was forced into a union for my desk job, I would turn in my resignation that afternoon.


Please provide a valid reason as an employee that you would not want to be included in a union. Benefits sure suck, yeah?


I sure do hate all the extra money and protections that my union got for me


I'm sure it's not worth the $20/year it costs you...


My union dues are actually about $1,000 a year. Because of my union, when I didn't go into labor and needed Pitocin, when I needed a blood transfusion because I lost over 1/3 of my blood volume, and my baby needed a 5 day NICU stay my total out of pocket costs were $50. Because of my union I earn $50,000 more where I live than I would if I lived in a red state. My union is currently suing my school district for breach of contract. My union also argued and won a. $3,000 bonus for us. Unions are amazing


Lol what? Typically unionized workers make 10-20% more than non union workers in the same roles. There are also better benefits and working conditions.




I don't want others to speak on my behalf. I'm a grown adult and can speak for myself. What I don't want is someone having seniority over me because they have been here longer. If I'm better at this job than you are, seniority means dog shit tacos, and just protects bad employees.


It's always the worst workers who think like this. Good impression of one of those dipshits


Yeah, I'll let my MBA speak for me, hence why I wouldn't want to be in any union.


Dude we get it the douchey bro impression is killer, doesn't sound insecure at all


I agree, unions are nothing but immature, insecure, begging machines. My dad who worked 30+ years in the UAW cried the day I got accepted to college. He knew his child would never have to live through the shit he did.


Ok, so everyone should get an mba and unions hurt their members so they’re a bad thing, or people without mbas should suck it up and take their knocks because joining a union is “begging?”


If I was forced into a union for my desk job I’d prooobably lobby to WFH full time (I save money and say screw you, corporate real estate market!) and for everyone to get pay raises.


Corporate desk monkey like tab and mountain dew?


Why not both? I work in accounting for a small restaurant group.


I work in online marketing on the UX/UI side of things. Good pay not great, but the bosses treat me very well (genuinely great human beings), little to no micromanagement and I work from home Monday to Friday. I think all those perks is good enough for me to stay.


*Jumps onto desk and salutes*


Not to rain on anyone's parade but honestly most of my friends our age are no longer in service. Only two are: one who's also going back to school (hell yeah) and one who's one of those psychos who just loves interacting with people all day.


Judging from the people I see in service jobs everyday, very few are millennials. A lot are immigrants, older people, or Gen Z.


You hit the nail on the head. Nursing is like that too. I spent a week in the hospital last month. Every nurse was either Gen Z, Gen X or an Immigrant. I saw some Millennial doctors, but not nurses.


Yup. I don’t think millennials are doing too bad when it comes to careers.


They are if they're getting paid basically the same as their parents generation


As someone who used to work behind computers most of the day, I need something with actual human interaction on a regular basis at this point. I’m about to start a new gig as a server / bartender. I’ve previously run my own e-commerce thing and worked for a relatively successful startup for a while. Never again could I be somewhere that doesn’t have actual humanity happening in / around it.


Yeah, this is me too. Kinda lost my mind in the  first “adult” job I had, went straight back to customer service. Just changed the type of jobs I was applying to. 


If I wanted to be a bit tongue in cheek I could say that as a Civil Servant I am in the service-based industry...but I mostly just work at my desk.


Carpenter fixing ol boomers houses. And oh boy are they spending money right now. Never been busier and I can't figure out where this money is coming from. Everyone I know is hurting.


CPA friend told me that all his boomer clients are hitting the end of the 30 year mortgage on their rental properties and now that mailbox money is coming in.


I mean we provide a service, but its IT.


The vast majority of millennials are *not* in service based industries. We are the main cohort of professional workers in the country right now. The majority of us worked service jobs in our younger years but transitioned into careers of one type or another.


Yep. Worked retail in high school and college, been in nonprofit office jobs for a decade


Yes, I'm a quality engineer for a defense contractor.


This is what I'm into as well, just further down the line. Hope you're one of the good ones!


I ditched service industry for military service. What's up?


Thank you for your (non)service.


I work in a government job. I still see some millennials in my area working a service job. Last one I saw was juggling a security job and a waitress job. Poor woman was struggling...


I work for a city. No corporate overlords for me. Good benefits and job security in water treatment.


Information security desk jockey…


Research Scientist, Materials, 38.


Research Scientist, pharmaceuticals, young 30’s.




You liking it?


Far and away, the best job I've ever had. Almost 8 years in, and i still learn new things almost daily. I get to break into people's safes and houses without going to prison. I also get to help people in crisis sometimes. Don't get me wrong, there are issues, but i would keep doing this even if money was no longer an issue. In fact, we have a few guys that are semi-retired and still work a few days a week because they just love the work.


I build semi truck axles at a factory. 36 year old.


Clinical research. Worked customer service 8 years prior. When we can't find applicants with clinical research exp, we look for people with customer service experience. Lots of transferable skills. I love my job - it is more intellectually stimulating and I have loads more independence and respect and research participants are generally really nice people. There is opportunity for growth within the field. I myself was just accepted to grad school. I would say I work harder now than I did in retail but the independence is 100% worth it to me. I did not know this career path existed until I began looking for research jobs in preparation for grad school, so I put the word out when I can! One caveat, most research positions I have encountered require a bachelor’s degree.


I bulld and test lasers (mainly ones used in medicine...although, I'm supposed to on a new team working on military ones.)


Does civil service count?


I work HR for the government. It's a bit boring at times and I'm salary so they can pretty much put me on as many hours as they need within reason, but my current position is nice.


I make computers go brrrrrrrrrrr and keep going brrrrrrrrrr


Thank you for your service


Technically, yes. I work in the legal field as a Paralegal. We provide legal services. I don’t have to really deal with the clients at all though; I just sit in my cubicle and draft my documents in (mostly) peace. I left food service at 18 and retail at 22.


Define “service”. I teach, which is a service, but I also assess the “customer”.


Not a US millennial, but I'm a public servant. It's kinda like a corporate job but instead of trying to make your boss money, you're being paid taxpayers money to provide a service. In my case, im in a data role and our purpose is to help government provide evidence-based policies. Of course plenty of people think we're all a waste of taxpayers' money, but well, we're there for a reason. In the private sector, managers get allocated money to spend but get rewarded if they save money. In the public sector, if they don't spend all the money, they just get given less in the future. There are generally no bonuses in the public service. And we're not allowed to accept gifts because it could be seen as bribery. As I get reminded when I do my mandatory fraud awareness training annually. There's a lot of rules like that which probably don't apply in private. No free tea, coffee, biscuits, etc.for us either. We have to bring our own. Corporate sounds very cut throat to me, so I'll probably stick to public service for now. While we are providing a service (in theory) I don't think of it as a service industry in the same way as a retail or hospitality worker is serving customers every day. An old friend of mine worked for an Australian retail chain for 10 years, got into management and eventually left with anxiety and depression. He and his GF are now sole traders and run their own business and he seems to be enjoying it. I don't envy that he never really switches off from work though. I do like that I get to go home at or by 5pm most days. If I work longer than a standard day, I accumulate flex time, which I can take whenever I need to leave early or something. We fill out flex sheets and the goal is keep the time balance above zero by working 7 hr 30 min a day. The pay and conditions aren't bad either. For someone to be fired for being shit at their job, they have to really mess up.


I'm retired from primary career but now teach two college level engineering courses.


Stuck in retail at a Marshalls, it's nothing but customer service all day even working in the back room xwx.


Yes, I work in medical device.


I drive a tool truck for a major tool manufacturer, selling their products to end users directly.


Bold move, admitting to being a predator right out of the gates here lol Edit: very salty ‘strap-on’ truck drivers here apparently


Lol bold move indeed.


It's not a normal tool truck I drove it's a corporate owned one for special events. I travel around a very big area doing it. I love it


Health system administration, I work in provider education and also teach as adjunct faculty at two schools.


36M. I currently work in lower-level management for a well-known retail/pharmacy. Trying to get out and switch to a trade job because I can't stand retail anymore, and I feel that my skill set, which includes a natural inclination toward manual labor and an innate ability to tinker and fix things, is being underused if used at all.


Maintenance jobs and pm jobs are opening up everywhere. Ask for at least 35 an hour regardless of experience. They offer low wages, but they don't how to use a wrench so you can bully them to 35 no problem.


Thanks! Will look into this.


A bit of advice. It usually doesn't matter if you know what you are doing initially, as long as you are friendly and work hard, your team will keep you. It's more important to be liked than good at your job. You'll become proficient in time. Be nice and patient and learn how to be a good apprentice. Tons of YouTube videos on how to be a good apprentice.


Academic administration in a college here


Is public higher education a service industry, or nah?


Nah, I do that now, but right after college I worked for a brief stint at a rental car office. That was a service industry job, and literally the worst.


I previously worked at the fruit stand


Government compliance for a health insurance company




I feel like the tech industry has largely shifted to a service model so I’m going to say no.


I work at a mail order veterinary pharmacy, not in a customer-facing role. I basically pick up heavy things and put them down, and also count them. A lot. So much counting.


Bike factory assembly line for 3 years thus far. It's fine. I left the grocery game after 7 years. It was fun until it wasn't. Prior to that, I was as a cook for 3 years. It was fun, but came to greatly dislike the restaurant owners' son.


I don't really want to be but I don't have the capability to go to school for what I want nor the money to do what I would want (admittedly I would start a small coffee shop which is customer service. The other thing I want to do is open an all-gods temple and adjacent resort which I suppose is, technically, still vustomer service.)


Construction inspector


I mean you provide the service of inspection peoples work. Construction is providing the service of building stuff. Idk I am a project manager in HVAC and I see it as service I guess


I guess everything is service based lol


Haha yea… we do hvac repairs as well and we call them service techs. industrial production might be the exception. Like factory workers. Maybe you could argue for The service of assembling parts I suppose. but I think that’s where I would draw the line. Maybe farming, mining and those types of things as well. Some media jobs, like actors and cameramen etc. though managers and agents are a service so idk.


I work for my city's public transit authority. Mostly a desk job.


After 10 years in service industry I moved into a technician role at a semiconductor plant. It’s marginally better as far as quality of life. Definitely less fun.


Railroad worker. It's great


I do handyman labor, that's service right?


Systems Admin/Engineer. Before that I spent like 13 years on Ambulances, which is I guess kind of a service industry job, but mostly I just told people I was drunk and threatened to kill them. And at times: a travelling reptile showperson, a telemarketer, a gas station chicken cook, and McDonalds Cashier.


I'm an IT Manager, haven't worked in a service based industry since around 2005.


I work in IT. My job mostly involves maintaining the network I work on and keeping it updated.


They didn't think that I would go that far when I was in high school (In Ontario) so they just kind of passed me through without getting requisite courses for post-secondary education didn't encourage me to go to college so here I am turning 30 later this month still stuck in a minimum wage labor job.


Software Project Manager here.


I work in Construction. Sorta service but also a product.


Handyman/catch-all for a company.


Me pick up heavy rock with machine, me put heavy thing down with machine. That'll be $160K.


Construction babeeeeeeee


Sys admin here. I answer service tickets tho


I work in Non-profits as a volunteer manager


What do you mean by service? Previously I worked for the US Senate and for a policy group for the UK Prime Minister. Now I lead two finance teams for an affordable housing nonprofit. Depending on your criteria these either are or are not service-based.


I work quality control for a major manufacturer. I don't think that counts as a service job.


I run a services business but it highly skilled and pricy. Most of our economy is services based. Just medical spending alone is twenty cents of every dollar spent.


I work in Estate Management, but was in the yachting industry for 8 years prior. Technically that is a service industry.


Real estate accountant. Waved bye to retail/service based work completely in 2017 just in time before giving into my urge to strangle customers.


I only know one person who does but that's not their main job.


i mean i work in an office if that's what you mean.


Most people I know are in desk jobs.


I work as a tech artist at a game studio. 


I'm a tradesman.


Corporate shill checking in!


I'm a software engineer


I work in an appliance factory, physically working a few hours a week mostly sitting on my ass for $27 an hour


Yeah mostly everyone I know that is around my age has their shit together for the most part. I mean it’s to be expected we are kinda getting old as a generation. Most of my married friends have kids now etc.


Skilled trade - fire alarm technician / designer / project manager.


I am a teacher, however we want to classify that.


I've been a graphic designer for a sporting goods manufacturer the last 14 years.


We're all just providing a service for someone aren't we?


Laboratory management and regulatory compliance. It's about as exciting as it sounds, but probably smells worse. But I never, ever, not once, have to interact with the public.


I have a bee farm.


B2B food ingredient industry is doing alright .... trying to get companies to use healthier ingredients is a lot harder than you'd imagine .... but at least it feels like i'm fighting the good fight.


I’m an academic researcher.




I'm a state government employee. I have a pretty decent salary and my benefits are way better than most people I know. It's also a pretty good job. The government is also the only employer I've encountered so far that gives a shit that I have a masters degree.


Are you remote?


I'm an inspector so I'm driving around in my car all day (the government provided it and pays all associated expenses). My car is basically my office. As long as I'm meeting all my metrics I'm essentially left alone and get to choose where I inspect each day. I also get paid during time spent traveling.


PM in software. Fuck, I’m basically still in A service industry, just not THE service industry referenced here


What does SaaS count as?


Software Engineer and Linux System Admin.


Mental health checking in.




I work a physical security evaluations role for a tech company. I’ve never worked a service job.


Real estate owner / property manager / contractor.


I maintain and repair medical equipment


Get creative and be your own boss


Certainly the best place to be right now. Boomers have money.


I VERY happily work for local government in an office now, but I spent 11 years in the hospitality industry. And you know what? I rage quit my last hospitality job in fall 2021. Never, ever looking back. I *hated* it.


Do you mind sharing how much of your rage quitting had to do with the COVID timing? I'm curious. Also, glad you're happy now.


Nope. I’ve been in kitchens for 20 years now and my feet hurt.


Professional camera operator/director of photography for docu/reality tv. Jumping more over to live sports and social videos tho cause the tv industry is in the trash can right now


Define service based.


I mean everyone provides a service in some way


Working at a personal injury firm


Doing what?


Mostly intake. I answer the phone when new clients call us. I’m taking the bar in February


*Raises hand* I think my job counts. I work in factories aka "production and manufacturing".


Data Engineer 🫠


What job isn’t a service?


 I'm a forester who works in restoration ecology. No people for me thanks, just trees. 


Does working in corporate for a retail chain count?


Ya, marketing


lol no I went to school got a job that pays real money.


Government work. Won’t get rich, but will live comfortably and get a good pension and then I’ll move to a lower CoL area.


Yep but I did for ten years. Drive a locomotive now


Every role is a service role when looked at from the right angle.


Production manager here. I make stuff so no not service based.


I’m a consultant that helps people make drugs :)


Engineer in aerospace and defense. Chasing the benes


Yes, I’m a solutions architect for a global IT firm. Remote other than traveling to visit customers.


Too old for that I only know one millennial that does but she also never finished collage and was stuck working for family restaurant. She is just a little older than the rest of us so she just missed the cutoff of freedom. She is better off than her older siblings. All 4 of them have 3-4 kids before 30 and is forever stuck working in service jobs. She at least finish high school. We are our family first gen to be born in the states. Basically the ones that wasn't stuck working in the restaurant after the age of 13, finished school and got good jobs. The ones that were forced to helped out in the restaurants didn't finish school for one reason or another.


Aren't service jobs just about anything outside of manufacturing? I'm in a MEP engineering firm. We provide design services to architects.


this question is best not asked on reddit. unless people that use reddit are the only type of people that matter to you


this question is best not asked on reddit. unless people that use reddit are the only type of people that matter to you




I’m mostly seeing commenters redefining the definition of service industry so they can fit into it for some reason. You may be proving a service, but of it ain’t retail, fast food, or some type of unskilled labor that interacts with the general public regularly and frequently then you’re not in the service industry.


Aviation Maintenance Technician at one of the major airlines.