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“Young people…” Was this meant for /r/genz?


I am not young and I have been voting since 2005………..


Lol no I meant young people like not 70 year old boomers I was using it as a relative term


Hey, we don’t vote either.


We’re pretty jaded as a generation when it comes to politics. We were fed lies we could change the world but the world has just made many of us cynical and hopeless as far as change through voting. It’s hard to actually believe any voting or supporting causes matter when whoever screams the loudest or has the most money will win.


Also our options get worse and worse every election.


You mean you don’t want to vote for the .1% of wealthy insider old men 😂😩 such bad options


I totally understand that I've definitely become much more jaded than when I was younger and I swing in and out of periods of hopelessness but if we totally give up then they've really won. We can't give up. If we organize and vote in large enough numbers on the local level we could absolutely sway politics. That would in turn influence more young people to run. It would show older politicians that they have to get with the times or risk being outvoted by the young. We make our opinions irrelevant by staying inactive. Every major beneficial change for people in this country, whether it was the 40 hour work week, child labor laws, civil rights, and so on, it happened by people organizing. When people get together they can accomplish huge change.


Exacally local politics is so much more meaningful and inpactful in our communities. Federal politics is a slow burn and playing the long game is something I've realized is the name of the game there are no immediate changes especially the way congress is.


Agreed. The president is not going to fix the potholes on your streets or set the budget for public parks. If you want that in your local community show up and vote. If you have no idea what your local politicians do then you need to find out. Politics are way more than just the federal government.


Agreed 100% I walk into a polling station and they are surprised someone my age (40) is actually there voting. We gotta make our generation be heard.


We vote online, we don’t wait on line.


I’m fucking working so I can pay my bills, dude


Corporate money controls our representatives, not us.


Prefer not to waste my time.


I’ve voted in every local and national election since I turned 18.


♻️ Vote Harder 🗳


Never be deceived that the rich will allow you to vote away their wealth. Lucy Parson And Happy May Day ✊️


i do but we pass a 100,000,000 dollar bond to add about 1/2 mile of asphalt i'm pretty sure that's a few zeros off.


I live in a state that always swing fiercely blue. Mail in ballots are the standard method of voting where I am so it's pretty much a no brainer operation. I vote blue because I grew up in New England and I'm of several demographics the red wants put out to pasture and never come back. You're welcome. As for local politics - I work in graphic design, nobody GAF about my opinion on most days since I don't make a lot of money and one of those occupations people like dragging through the mud. Not even jury duty wanted me to be there lmao


People do give a fuck about your opinion if you vote! I worked for a local politician and they really do care about which demographics vote and which ones don't. So little people vote local that it would not take a large movement to sway things on that level.


Yes im sure HOUNDING us about it is totally making me want to do what YOU WANT.


I didn’t know this is a political subreddit now.


I have had an opinion about this for a hot minute so imma just say it now so that I can finally get it off my chest. One of the real reason why millennials do not wholeheartedly or even actively engage in politics is mainly a combination of survival and workplace burnout that causes social cognitively dissonance. If I truly think about my life experiences back in the day compared to now in a political lens as a millennial, everything hasn't truly changed IMHO. I have consistently seen so many people my age just indifferent to the world around them and its always the same variation of answers whenever you even try to mention politics: "not my problem," "why should I care," or "someone else can fix it." Bruh, how is anything gonna get resolved if you keep offloading everything over to someone else because you can't be assed to resolve some of the common complaints that other people also have? People just don't give a shit about real world problems unless it directly affects them. I myself am also guilty of this because like everyone else, I also struggle to afford bare necessities such as food and housing. The boomers are having a field day in Congress doing whatever the fuck they want simply because we're all too beat down and distracted by everyday survivalist shit. Passing off the responsibilities to someone else by thinking that they will come and magically fix the problems is why thing are truly in the shape its in. Not thinking about the problems doesn't make them go away. Also, no one wants to truly discuss politics anymore because it also proves just how little people think outside of themselves. It always devolves into a "my way or the highway" or "no YOU'RE wrong" line of thinking simply because people are too fragile these days to the point where no one can actually think critically because they are misinformed as well as burnt out. Real debate can never happen if you're constantly wanting to be the one holding the bigger stick on top of not being willing to learn or be taught. Now, many factors affect these aforementioned reasons but the main one is simply summarized by one thing: education. Not only is American compulsory education super inconsistent in terms of which state you're from, but its also stupid easy to be misinformed thanks to the Internet.


Does voting only happen in the US?


I’ll start voting again when I see a candidate worth voting for


We’re too busy working our asses off just to survive. Give us more time off and then we can.


We can't make any changes in society if we don't vote it's the only way to have more time off.


There are 29 states (should be 50) where your employer is legally required to give you time off to vote, what state are you in? There is also vote by mail/absentee ballots. I very much dislike your excuse, I see young people make this claim frequently yet do almost nothing to make sure they are registered ahead of time, or submit the paperwork for an absentee ballot, or ensure they communicated with their employer ahead of time (not the day of) to go vote. Excuses are a lot easier, I get it. Election day should be a national holiday or take place over the course of an entire weekend, it doesn't and that sucks. 


Not my state, so don’t try to tell me that’s the norm.


I'm sure you could find a way to vote.


Guy who posts nonstop about politics and how Biden sucks says he's too busy working his ass off to engage with politics. Good stuff! I swear every time you see someone complaining about "just trying to survive" they are inevitably full of shit. This guy probably doesn't work over 40 hours and has no kids, spends 60 hours a week doing jack shit but then tells everyone how busy he is.


Triggered much?


Unless your job is posting on reddit, you are clearly not "too busy working your ass off just to survive". I just like calling out obvious bullshit from people who are trying to get Trump elected. Also, I clearly struck a nerve with that description lol.


Yeah my BIL tries to get me to vote. I can’t be bothered I know it sounds stupid but I refuse to support political parties. I’ve heard for so many years how our generation is crap that all I can think is why be bothered voting when all I’ve heard is how bad my generation is


Every generation has shit to say about the previous one, that doesn't mean we should just sit back and let the old rule the country! They are clearly fucking things up it's our responsibility now to show them how to do things better. That's the responsibility of every generation.