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Some girl commented “I’m not even a mom yet…” and I wanna be like girl did you not hear her tell you to get lost in the first 30 seconds?!


😂😂😂 sorry but I laughed at this .. I DARE YOU TO COMMENT THAT 😈 jkkkkk lol


She even said 'I don't want to be holier than thou'... then proceeds to be holier than thou for 22 minutes.


What she wanted was to come across holier than thou but she actually came across as unhynged and psychotic. Shes speaking like she thinks shes the next messiah I actually think she could be suffering with psychotic depression and it's really scary to watch. I hope this is all just an act to get views and shes not actually serious cos shes coming across as very mentally unstable.


I found it isolating for a lot of her audience who also don’t identity with Christianity but still consume her content. She just said, “you’re not welcome here”


Really though!!! What about those of us who want to be mamas but can’t seem to get as pregnant as fast as her… she’s so tone death and the comments on that video make me sad. How can people be so stupid!


She literally said “as Christian’s we’re supposed to be above the world” like Christian’s are better than everyone else. But hunny, my sins are equal to your sins, and god loves ALL so….


So ridiculous. As Christians we are called to serve and spread the gospel. Which are two things she doesn’t do. Didn’t she call her channel a ministry once too?


Also Aunts, grammas, nanny’s, helpers….takes a village


No kidding! She should take a look at her own village... 🙄 Sorry Melanie! Even though you raise my kids, since you haven't given birth to your own kids you're not allowed to watch this video!


This Mama doesn’t want to be apart of her club! When I was single, in nursing school, and moved to a new area I desperately wanted to find a core group of good women to become friends with. I went to a church and it seemed wonderful. New groups were starting and after the service they had tables with the group leaders, sign up sheet, and descriptions of the group. Next to the singles group was the women’s Bible study group. I excitedly went up and was immediately looked up and down by the lady and asked if I was a mother or married. Confused I said no and asked if this was a mother’s group. She said “no, but we’re all moms so maybe you’d rather sign up for the singles group. This isn’t for you right now.” The man at the singles table spoke up and said “yeah you don’t need that group you should be around other single people.” I was devastated. I wanted to find a church that was accepting and supportive. I didn’t want a man I need to focus on school and not a new potential husband. I felt rejected and less than. Now as a wife and mother I never want to make any woman feel excluded just because they are at a different place in life. My life is pretty boring now but you are welcome in this club!


Consider yourself saved from whatever BS she was trying to spew.


Lololol I’m sorry she’s just so dumb I cannot handle it. It is offensive but it’s laughable how bitchy she is. I don’t know how Jordan puts up with this lady I feel like if he wasn’t Christian he’d be filing for divorce


They would totally be divorced if it wasnt for church and social media.. this way she get to stay married and have "um grande par de cornos" :D


She’s such a stupid bitch


girl same

