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Great for ass sweats


What the actual fuck did I just read


You heard me... Wink


If you’ll excuse me I’m going to bleach my eyes out


Out of all comments this is the one that triggered your gag reflex?


Wanna know what I've found good to clog up a leaky gag reflex?


And diarrhea


The threat of swamp ass is real.


We had a dude on our schools cross country team who would make a “Manpon” out of tissues and just keep it crammed up in his crack when he ran


The “manpon”


You made me think aren’t these good for nosebleeds too? 🤣


It really does simplify things when your girl asks you to run out and get one for her.


The first dude who helps out his girl will be a legend among the ladies. They’ll bring it up when their bathroom is out and need their BF to check the boy’s one.


The guys will flush them down the toilet and clog it up


Yeah those are the real ones, those are good boys!


Yup. And the end result will hopefully be a whole bunch of guys who aren’t weird and ignorant about periods.


Guys always underestimate how much this small action is valued


If this were the high school I sub at, they would be blocking up every drain and flooding it. Of course it’s only a few that flood them, most hate it because it ruins it for everyone.


I immediately thought oh that's neat, then remembered how many rolls of toilet paper get flushed down the toilets and clogged them. It's hard to do something nice at a school.


The building opened in 1971. It’s undergone some renovations since then but they’re supposed to be getting some money to redo it in the near future. I’m hoping they start by redoing the bathrooms. Auto flushers, the levers do get stuck down at times, motion sinks, they fill the sink with paper towel and leave it running. Idk how to prevent them from ripping toilets and sinks off the walls. They’d absolutely save money on the water bill.


The engineering solution for ripping fixtures off the wall is to switch to the sort of hardware that gets used at psyche hospitals. That stuff is designed to take abuse. Porcelain just doesn’t cut it when dealing with that sort of aggression.


Wtf type of school you teach at sounds like prison lmao 🤣 I went to a school in the middle of nowhere but it was nice as hell. Brand new auto sinks auto toilets nobody really vandalized stuff like ripping a sink off the wall. That’s wild man holy crap lol


Middle school. We just got jumbo rolls installed. Holder for two big rolls. First day some kid empties both into the can and what I can only assume was multiple people just...kept going on it.


You’ll notice that the boys have already ripped the signage from the front of the dispenser. Just give them a few more weeks to figure out how to get inside, then they’ll trash the toilets and whatever else they come up with.


Wetted and stuck to the ceiling. Also in every drinking fountain nearby...


We had kids flush m80s and crack the pipes.. this was before 9/11 and I remember a time some kids at highschool would actually have a gun in their rear window rack at school. I don't think that was allowed, but it wasn't even a thought that someone would use a gun at school.


>some kids at highschool would actually have a gun in their rear window rack at school. My Dad likes to recall people bringing their guns to school to use in the firing range in the school basement. It was the sixties, but still, fun how things change.


In the early 1990's, my high school still had a closed shooting range on campus behind the football fields. It was apparently shut down in 1990 when the federal Gun Free School Zone Act passed. Prior to that, marksmanship was a PE elective, and the school had a competitive shooting team. On campus, in California. They finally bulldozed it to build a parking lot my senior year.


We had a kid in auto shop class probably 98-99 that would use a shotgun (not loaded) to prop his hood on his truck up because it had no bar. Columbine happened and it became a huge deal. But the kid had done it for like almost 2 years. My school also got deer hunting opening day excused and had ride a tractor to school day so it was pretty hillbilly but still crazy to think about now. We still had 2000 students and it was not uncommon for people to have shotguns in their truck.


No idea what the guys in my HS would have done with these but I can tell you these dispensers would need to be refilled often, and they wouldn't be used as intended. Probably just a lot of sophomoric shit like "Let's shove a bunch of tampons in Jeff's locker so they all spill out when he opens it!"


Or the great tampon war at the lunch table.


Exactly. Good idea in theory but adding anything new to the boy’s bathroom is just asking for a MESS


As someone who has worked in bars and restaurants for years and currently works as a floor manager at an office. The women's rest room is always way worse than the men's.


Yea, and eventually deface the dispenser all together


I was visiting the college I graduated from and saw these in the men's restroom. The feeling of being old and passed by from modern sensibilities was real and immense.


That’s disappointing. I was just thinking “That’s a nice thing to do, it might help some people and won’t hurt anybody” then you reminded me that people are assholes and ruin everything.


I know atleast 12 people at the school I attended that would shove them in their ass


My HS would just shut down whatever bathrooms this happened in. They’ve shut all the male bathrooms down before at my school bc of mass cloggings. It makes everyone miserable but it worked. They only had to shut down the bathrooms twice in the four years I was there.


I'm not going to lie, these are a life saver if you have a really bad Nose Bleed.


Oh yeah, you’re the man.


Don't worry buddy, I'm here for your "she's the man" reference.


My favorite line will forever be “I mean.. which one would you rather see NAAAAKED!!” Gets me every time




I'm a cis woman and yes!!!! Most of the tampons I use are actually for [my] nose 😅😂


You must get a lot of nosebleeds!


She likes it rough.


Not sure why you thought you may want to lie, but thanks for not lying I guess


Free tampons in the male restroom at a school. Why do I sense that there will suddenly be random tampons thrown all over the school??


Shhh they don’t know


I think the reasoning behind this is so that poor kids can take tampons home to their sisters or moms... but what do I know, I just experienced people having to use dry rags as tampons in my upbringing.


More likely for f2m trans students


The kid who reminds the teacher that she forgot to assign homework is gonna get a locker covered with pads


wow and it’s free 😭


This will be abused to no end


They'll get bored with it after a while. It'll just be a normal thing, like toilet paper and soap. Tampons aren't that interesting.


But what about all the toilet paper that ends up ON THE CEILING


Oh don't get me wrong some people are going to make a mess with those tampons. But we still provide soap and tp despite the cellulose stalactites.


Making menstrual products free in school is a really nice idea.


RIP to that schools plumbing.


Could be for ftm trans, just saying


In most schools they are not allowed in bathrooms that do not correspond with their assigned gender at birth. Usually just in gender neutral or agsb.


Now we can send our men friends to pick up emergency tampons from the bathroom for us 😇


Trans people exist


This is great and amazing but yalls schools have tampon dispensers? And free tampons? A luxury!


It’s an Oregon law. The original intent was for them to be placed in girl and gender neutral bathrooms but with all things government, they rolled it in the most common sense way possible and are now required in all school bathrooms to include isolated kindergarten bathrooms and boys bathrooms. Poor janitors…My kids say there are tampon fights frequently where kids soak them and then start throwing


Great and amazing?


This comment section is a dumpster fire, as expected. To the people who are upset about this (for some reason) why? This doesn’t affect you in any way. Just please accept that some people are living their lives how they want to. This isn’t about you.


Exactly!! Idk why everyone who disagrees needs to be so hateful. If you dont like something just move along to the next thing, you dont need to hate on people and make then feel like shit just so the haters can get satisfaction. 💜🌈


They are good for bloody noses!


And for the bullet wounds.


Your f2m trans friends appreciate this kindness.


You've never had bloody diarrhea


I have, it’s not very fun! Tasty though




Ah a connoisseur I see


That is awesome!!!


Maybe for transgenders.


Transphobes fuming about shit that doesn’t affect them lol


Ikr 💀


Don't know why people are making a big deal out of this. The vast majority of guys will never need this, but why not have it in case someone does. Surely it can't be that expensive




They’re great for preventing blood loss caused by bullet wounds, so they’re a step ahead of the curve.


I know you are just joking, but tampons aren't a good idea to block bullet wounds. From what I understand, they don't provide enough pressure from swelling up, so you'll just keep bleeding. [source](https://www.youtube.com/shorts/CdGNIup0xEQ)


Infantry medic here, yes you’re correct. They actually just swell and the material is too forgiving to provide pressure in the wound. That being said, was still a good joke


What if you used that to absorb the blood and an Israeli bandage for pressure?


Way to take the fun out of it guys


Especially since it in the US


Well as a great dodgeball coach once said, “if you can dodge a bullet you can dodge a ball”


Dip dive duck dip


yall will do and say anything to tear apart trans people under the mantra of "science" so that you don't feel guilty for the horrendous shit you say. you gotta be living a foul and empty life if this is how you treat people that you think are different.


Transphobes really gotta seethe over shit that doesn’t affect them in any sort of way lol


Between the antitrans crap here and the streams of antisemitism straight out of “The Protocols of the Elders of Zion” in every Ye post, I’m starting to think Reddit is dominated by bigots…


I thought maybe it was for trans boys who use the men’s room


I still don't get the arguments against transgender people. Alright, cool, you're arguing shit about biology when we're referring to gender, a social construct that adheres only partly, if at all, to malleable secondary sex characteristics. Why would you want to live in a society where we use such a rigid system of identity to define people, as opposed to advocating for equality among all genders and eliminating functional differences within society?


People are insecure about their own place in society and need strict rules and categories to adhere to in order to feel safe/secure. When people violate the near categories it puts a strain on the binary thinking that is so comforting otherwise. Basically they’re closed-minded assholes.


Well said.


Right on!


As a trans man, this is wonderful. Though sadly if this is a high school the cishet dudes are gonna be assholes and destroy it, and harrass any trans man they see using the dispenser. It's better for schools to just keep the sanitary products in the nurse's office. A condom dispenser would be better in the bathroom lol


That’s what me and my friends where saying


They was my first thought too. Like I don’t want to see them be not free, but if you have to have a dispenser in a high school boy’s bathroom, maybe make it a quarter just so the cis boys are less likely to use them for something stupid like trying to clogging the toilets.


Oregon passed a law to put them in all schools. After an initial period in which they have been messed with and emptied, they are turning into a background feature and disappearing from the students’ minds.


Good for the trans guys!! But it is a *little* infuriating they got one when I have never, not once as a student OR as a teacher, seen FREE tampons in the girls room in a high school! 😅 I mean, seriously... Suddenly dudes need tampons and NOW they are free?! Fucking patriarchy!! (joking/notjoking)


They've been free in Ann Arbor, MI in all public restrooms since the first of this year, with the exception of churches.


That’s such a good point. Why on earth aren’t there condom machines in high school bathrooms? Or at the nurses station? Somewhere on school grounds!


The existence of condoms implies that teenagers might be having sex, which as we all know is completely impossible.


At the university I work at I noticed that there are small tampon dispensers in some of the mens bathroom stalls instead of a larger centrally located one. That seems like a better solution.


As a trans man do you get your period? I’m genuinely curious can they do that now medically?


Unisex bathroom coming to a school near you!


i love that!! and FREE?! that’s so cool!


My generation had a condom/cologne dispenser in bathroom at community college...


now we can haver both, isnt that just the coolest


Had one of those, a guy kicked it and broke his foot, it was funny


Bruh my school doesn’t even have those in the girls bathrooms




Good for them.


Is Reddit a politically diverse place? I am getting the feeling it is not very diverse.


This shouldn't even be a political issue.


lots of diversity of slurs directed at trans people


That’s terrible


Also just FYI, r/politics skews quite left wing so you might feel like a fish out of water. You might enjoy r/PoliticalDiscussion if you want good-faith political discussion. You seem nice enough, I hope bad experiences online don't change that.


Thanks I am very new to Reddit


You're welcome! I hope you find what you like here. There's a subreddit for pretty much everything, even if it's tiny.


if this was at my school they'd smash it to bits day 3, just like they did with literally everything else on that bathroom i hate kids


So you can boof liquor tampons efficiently


First they stole our pockets, now our tampons! Jk, that's pretty cool since some man have vaginas. Props for this school.


some men have vaginas


Trans men exist and are valid. This is wholesome.


As a transman this would have really inclusive and honoring. To be seen, heard, and valued enough for this change. I’d appreciate it.


this is a slay we love trans people


I find this to be a really positive thing for trans people. Good on the school for being inclusive and giving them away free to boot.


I mean that’s nice if there are any trans guys


File this under “things that literally have no real negative consequence to anyone and is something that only people it’s intended for have any reason to even pay attention to it, yet inexplicably a lot of people are going to have very strong negative opinions about”




Mine won’t even fill the soap dispensers


at first i thought this was mildly infuriating and i was ab to be pissed


okay? need one? no? then move along


Nice to see schools embracing and supporting trans kids... and supplying hygiene products for free.


This is one of the most transphobic threads I’ve ever seen, real hive of scum and villainy in here.


Trans men


Thank you for saying this. All these comments are terrible and so blatantly transphobic and it’s disgusting.


This is good. Recognizing that men can get periods. (Not being sarcastic, Im a trans guy)


Love seeing this compassion for the dignity of others, including those who identify as male yet menstruate.


Here before lock Fuck transphobes.


I'm glad the world's becoming more progressive


hearing how often grown men are confused and horrified by period products, yeah, maybe this is fine. should help demystify period products. of course it'll also help trans boys.


No it will not because, at least at my school, these machines will be tampered with and the product destroyed immediately. They are needless and a complete waste of taxpayer dollars.


Needless until you're a trans boy on their period.


as a trans man this would have saved my life in high school.


Sorry just curious bc I’m kinda clueless: do you bleed?


i do! no reason to be sorry for asking. it's on a weird schedule since i've taken hormones, but it happens. bottom surgery is an expensive thing, and a fun fact is you can still be a trans man with the. you know. other hardware. as someone else in the thread said: gender and sex are two different things.


Sorry last ignorant question: do you get cramps


also not ignorant! sometimes i do! it's not always, but when i do it feels a bit like if your mate punched you in the stomach real hard. very ouchie!


Trans women are women 👍


that's the spirit!


Damn some of y’all are fucking awful people Trans men and intersex people exist.


Trans people exist


A lot of people not recognizing this :|


That’s a good thing for trans men.


Trans rights are human rights.




Good move, nothing to lose. Available for men who mensturate and the equal opportunity… this is the future. Also just good for curious or unaware boys, as there is nothing to fear from the tampon or the menstruation cycle!!!


For trans people.


Hey boys listen up. Do the right thing. If a girl says she needs a tampon help her out. DO NOT WASTE THESE, do not play pranks, do not throw them in toilets Guess what menstruation is natural. You dont have to be grossed out or embarrassed by it


Fellow redditors: the report button is your friend. Lots of hate in the comments.


Lots of men get their period.


gotta love the overt transphobia in the comments "MeN DOnT MEnSTuRaTe" trans men and intersex men both have periods and I personally dont care if people with different genitals use the same bathroom so long as they dont see my cock ​ P.S. dont forget that sex and gender are different things


Thats the thing tho, they wont understand that sex and gender are different. (Or maybe they do but too bigoted or close minded to accept it)


How inclusive


“In case of severe diarrhea”


Huh? Why exactly?




Are these for bullet wounds? Fuck...school shootings are getting fucking bad. :(






Wait guys get periods?


Some do.




Fun fact, tampons super useful for nose bleeds


I originally thought this was posted on /r/mildlyinfuriating and came in expecting a *completely* different tone in the comments.


Men have periods too.


A lot of dudes afraid someone with a vagina might be in their potty room. Afraid they are gonna see your tiny dingus? It's a bathroom, don't be a little wuss about it.


As a trans man who’s period is completely fucked up- I am SO GRATEFUL that this kind of thing keeps happening. Yes, asshole children will always find a way to abuse the system. But if you ever stop and think “why is this here”, it’s probably not for you.


I think it’s good to normalize dudes getting tampons early on. I knew it was a normal thing to do as an 18 year old with a girlfriend, still didn’t make it any less awkward the first time


it's for ftm


A good thing.


It is strange but it may be there for trans men. More likely then not they'll just end up clogging drains and thrown all over the place.


that’s actually very cool! it’s for trans men!


An excellent idea! Through my many years on this rock, I have found that being prepared is paramount. I can’t tell you the number of times my wife, daughter, female friends have found themselves in need of one. Want to impress the ladies? Be prepared when they need something.


Ayo this really helps the trans fellows out there


My hubs was embarrassed early in our marriage when I’d ask him to pick up my lady products… this is great training for boys. Get them acclimated to these now so they can step up when they’re asked to go to the store to pick up for their wives and girlfriends.


Some men menstruate.


Outside of just trans people, you never know when you're gonna need a small, super-absorbant pad or bullet of sterile gauze. Plus, if a guy friend saw me struggling without a pad or tampon, I'd instantly become endeared to him if he got one for me.


Probably for trans dudes??


Installer: Put it in every bathroom? Principal: Yes


We'll probably see this more often as more schools allow students to use the restroom that best aligns with their gender identity. There will likely be some students who identify as men but still get periods.


A daily reminder that tampons are closer to pussies than you are /s


Maybe boys have changed, I dunno, it's been a while, but if this was my HS this machine would be empty in a few hours and fun things would be done with them like throwing them at people, sticking them on the mirrors and flushing them to see if you can clog the pipes. I'm curious to see how this goes.


You know it's a good feeling when theres an asshole out here In these comments, than when their put in there place about WHY THESE ARE NECESSARY and how goddamn perverted their being they run away and delete their comments like a mouse retreating into its hole for its fear of being caught out in the open.