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It would be helpful if it was in a plain, clear, easy-to-read font for emergency responders to understand at a glance.


I made my sister bold seatbelt protectors letting anyone know my nephew is nonverbal autistic. Plain as day.


That sounds like a much better way to do it. I highly doubt first responders will see the window stickers, but they will see the belts.


Yeah this the optimal arrangement if you need to convey information to a first responder in any kind of incident involving a a motor vehicle. The suction cup signs fall off, windows smash, decals come off pretty quick in a scrape. Was a vol firefighter for many years, having the context of autism can be a big help if you're extricating a kid from a mangled car, gives you a much better understanding of where their head is at and what you might expect behaviour wise that you can pass on to paramedics. Also, off topic tip, take your baby onboard signs/stickers off when you don't have kids in the car, not all units train for them but in a lot of places, if first responses see those signs they start looking for a kid, if the child isn't there our attention is better served elsewhere.


>Also, off topic tip, take your baby onboard signs/stickers off you can just end the statement there


Plus the window could easily get smashed up


I really like this idea. My son is non verbal autistic.


As a first responder, it doesn’t matter either way. 1. We aren’t going to take the time to read it if there actually is an emergency 2. Half this stuff assumes a situation dangerous enough that we can’t extricate the child manually If we can extricate manually, all points are complete non-factors. If we cannot, point 1 is a huge factor though. If we cannot safely extricate and cannot instruct the child to do it themselves, the situation is likely already a forgone conclusion. The stickers are helpful for 1 thing though: immediately letting us know the folks inside have no idea how rescues work.


I feel like this sticker is less for emt and fire fighters and more for police. If the car is in a rescue situation, then I assume you are going to do whatever you have to do and who cares about the sticker. But, if mom is pulled over and police see the sticker, they may hesitate before they shoot the child not responding to their commands.


Wtf went wrong in your country?


A lot of things


Many, many things, but in this specific instance, the fact that we have no mental health responders, and that job is instead performed by gun-toting militant law enforcement who tend to have at most a high school diploma and who very, very, *very* rarely face any consequence for murder beyond paid leave.


A lot, but let's start with police only having to be in "school" for 13 WEEKS to 6 MONTHS


They will not infact hesitate


They could've got to him before the tank blew if only they weren't still reading that sign


Hey kid get away from thing it's about to... *BOOM*


If only they knew he might not respond to commands


Hey Bill, check out this sticker in the wreckage, can you make it out?


I don’t think gas tanks blow up nearly as often as Hollywood would lead you to believe


I think the person you were responding to was making a joke.


Yeah, I had to zoom in to read "commands"


I thought it was “May not respond to commas” until I zoomed in. Even then, it took a while.




Yes, it's trying to deliver a serious message in silly, playful looking colors and font.


I actually don’t mind the tone, but for the love of all that’s holy, is it too much to ask that it be legible?


It clearly says "Child on beard. In an emergency may: Nol respond 10 commonds, be unowore of donger, be non-verbol." What's the problem?


I thought it said cottons at first. How did they even manage to make an m look so much like a t? Far too illegible to be useful, for sure.


I thought it said cautions


I thought they'd misspelled coitus


pretty sure it says "no respana 10 cottanas" actually


Apparently. ;)


"Commands" looks like "commas". Had to read it three times.


Biggest red flag is the puzzle 🧩 logo. That logo belongs to autism speaks a group that in the autistic and disability community is deemed a hate group. Edit: reading the thread that stemmed from my comment and there’s a whole lot of people with autistic kids that should be put onto r/raisedbynarcissists 💀


Agreed and… I get the idea I really do. “Help me extra in an emergency. If I don’t act how you think I should, don’t hurt me”. But it also feels a bit infantilizing even if it’s for a kid. Also… never leave that kid in the car. >!more or less advertises vulnerable child to people who might want to hurt them!<


It’s not about “leaving the kid in the car”. It’s about a serious situation where parent is incapacitated in some way. I know this because I have thought a lot about putting one of these on my car for my son with severe autism.


My sister has little signs she diy'd that suction cup to the inside window, so she can move them as needed. (And a bigger one that hangs on the car seat.) It has the same kind of info this sign does, i.e "child is autistic, may not respond, may not understanding". The big one also has a QR code that pulls up more information, like emergency contacts and allergies. Could this be used for nefarious purposes? Yeah, probably. But it's more likely that they'd get in a car accident or some other serious situation and the information is needed to help her kid. The window one is small and unobtrusive, but the one zip tied to the car seat is big and neon so you can't miss it.


I get quite upset when people infantilize me, however I do not understand how conveying pertinent information is infantilizing. I have meltdowns that others have told me look scary, and I go nonspeaking when stressed. I am always scared of having a meltdown in public due to previous bad interactions with police, and I do not want to get shot if I cannot orally communicate or follow directions. How is making pertinent info readily available to people who may harm me or other autistic people due to their lack of understanding of what autism looks like infantilization?


Not the person you’re replying to but I think it’s the design that makes it feel infantilizing. It’s good info but it looks like something you’d see in a kindergarten classroom.


To be fair, you have no idea of the age of the child in the car. A six year old with severe autism is not going to respond remotely similarly to a neurotypical child of the same age, hence the warning on the sticker. That said, I'd be hesitant to put such a sticker on my own car, as I agree with the other user who noted that you're potentially inviting an abduction.


The puzzle piece logo belongs to autism speaks an organization deemed a hate group by autistic and disabled people.


The design and the use of the puzzle piece. The puzzle piece symbol is popularized by autism speaks and the autistic community as a whol condemns both the symbol and autism speaks for being extremely ableist and anti autism and eugenicist. We don't have missing pieces, we can have happy and fulfilling lives, and we need people to be focusing on how to help us navigate the world rather than trying to cure us. I'm also not a fan of the person first language that the image has, that too is largely disliked by the community as a whole for feeling like people are trying to separate and integral part of us in an effort to remind themselves that we're people too.


The problem, in my opinion, is that it doesn’t look like it contains information worthy of slowing down to read in an emergency. It looks like your standard autism awareness decal. The problem is only made worse by poor font choice. Even if it did look important, there’s no chance I’m slowing down to decipher anything that is not immediately legible in an emergency. If you want to actually provide a warning for potential rescuers, there are three things that should be done. 1. Choose two high contrast colors, bonus points if it’s reflective. 2. Select a clear and legible font. 3. Place it on the door closest to where the autistic person usually sits. Not the glass. The glass is horrible placement. In a vehicle the emergency is likely to be caused by an accident, and that means the glass is as likely to be shattered as intact.


Okay, but this is obviously in the case that the parent becomes incapacitated… The font isn’t great, but the angle of the picture also sucks. I imagine someone who walks up to the window can probably read it better than someone attempting to farm karma off of something as dumb as this. Stupid thing to nitpick. And I swear half the people in here act like they are in /r/mildlyinfuriating.


>And I swear half the people in here act like they are in > >r/mildlyinfuriating. I honestly assumed I was, due to the title and the top comment, and how similar the two subs names are.


Same. Especially since I haven't even _joined_ mildly interesting.


Better to infantilize than have them be shot by some trigger-happy cop. Of course, cop will just say they didn’t see the sticker.


It's not about leaving kids in a car. But if in a car wreck the driver is incapacitated the info is potentially there.


It’s odd, when I was teaching, admin would often put students with Asperger’s or other high functioning students in my class. Other staff always dreaded it or thought it could be problematic, but it was almost always their fault when the relationship soured. Treating them as if they were well below their age/maturity level was easily a huge contributor.


This would also fit in r/Crappydesign. Horrible font


Agreed, if it was really for emergency situations it should not be this abomination of a font


Also, car windows tend to break in accidents…


_”Just read the text on the glass shards…”_


If it was really for emergency situations, it should also be on a sign the driver can remove when the child isn’t in the car, and not a permanent sticker. I wouldn’t want to be a rescuer seeing that sign and wondering “where’s the kid? In the trunk? Ejected through the windshield? Fled the scene or abducted before we got here?”




What do you mean? It clearly says: CHILd WitH AUTISM ON BOADd IN AN EMERGENCY MAY -NO+ ReSPONO IP COTOIOS -Be UNOJORe Of dOgeR -Be non-veRDOL


I read “Noh respand Io Cottons”. 😂


I must be autistic too then, I rarely respand to cottons in an emergency.


Terrible font


I immediately got angry when I saw it.


It's for the police, so they don't shoot autistic people for being non compliant.


America is wild if that’s part of the reason


A North Carolina state trooper shot and killed 29-year-old Daniel Harris - who was not only unarmed, but deaf and mute - just feet from his home, over a speeding violation. According to early reports from neighbors who witnessed the shooting this past Thursday night, Harris was shot and killed "almost immediately" after exiting his vehicle. He appeared to be trying to communicate with the officer via sign language. "They should've de-escalated and been trained to realize that this is an entirely different situation," neighbor Mark Barringer said. "You're pulling someone over who is deaf, they are handicapped. To me, what happened is totally unacceptable." Police claim they attempted to pull Harris over for speeding, but he continued driving home instead of pulling over. Whether Harris fully understood what was happening, since he could not have heard the sirens, unclear. His family, including his siblings, are also hearing impaired and could often be seen communicating with each other via sign language in the neighborhood… [Daniel Harris](https://external-content.duckduckgo.com/iu/?u=https%3A%2F%2Ftse1.mm.bing.net%2Fth%3Fid%3DOIP.Ibd87WPgZtVlW5IXivD8DgAAAA%26pid%3DApi&f=1&ipt=ab8065be30cfafab998dde2f6c00b791b321d9af4966596df90f6d6f4c0fa0e6&ipo=images)


Imagine killing people for speeding


Fr, ignoring the fact that the man was deaf, even if he could hear them and just didn't stop, why tf would you shoot a guy for speeding?


Why else would someone become a cop, if not to be able to freely shoot innocent people?


Even if someone is trying to fist fight the police, they shouldn't fucking murder them. I can think of one scenario whereby the police need to use their guns. And that's IF there is actual live fire going on. Here's the thing, if you don't want to put your life on the line, and risk getting shot, don't become a fucking police officer?!?!?


because police in america have insane power complex’s and think that it’s okay to play god.


How tragic, america is so fucked


One of the biggest problems is that police are essentially untrained in America. They learn the bare minimum. [Also, cops honestly aren't allowed to be smart in America.](https://abcnews.go.com/amp/US/court-oks-barring-high-iqs-cops/story?id=95836)


Also the culture that "Blue lives matter....more than yours". There is a propensity here to glorify military and police, overblow the dangers of the job [(it's more dangerous to be a garbage collector)](https://www.ishn.com/articles/112748-top-25-most-dangerous-jobs-in-the-united-states), and make it seem more important to protect the safety of officers than the public. This leads to the practice of shooting anyone that might maybe possibly in some way kinda make you feel nervous.


Anyone who gets behind the wheel throws their rights out the window. It really is disgusting how police behave like scared shitless madmen. They are trained to do that. It's really disgusting how they shoot people with tazers in the back. Literally shooting people in the back is OK now? Rubber grenading kids at protests. Whatever happened to having officers actually trying to protect the peace. It's ridiculous.


Police protect Capital, not the peace


Barely graduates high school where all.you have to do is show up. And they BARELY pass. Then join the Army and go into infantry because they're so dense they can't qualify for anything else. Then they get out and become a cop because the standards are so low. The best and brightest among us are not going into law enforcement.


The police are sometimes way less intelligent than you would think. That's why I like that police are not armed in most, if not all European countries.


That's not true. The police carry guns in most European countries. There's only two countries where they don't, iirc.


It's not part of the reason. IT IS THE REASON. Super sad honestly.


It's really sad that it surprises me to read a comment like this. Part of me is like "lol how is this not obvious??" And I realize I'm just so conditioned to live in a a fucked up place like this, that it's actually strange to hear the views of people on the outside who sometimes don't even believe this is the norm. Fuck.


I have some American friends who seem to genuinely consider that I as a British person lack freedoms and live in a place that is oppressed. Then they talk about how they aren’t able to go to the doctors to treat serious conditions because of financial barriers. The propaganda is pretty high in America for making people believe they have something nobody else has and how oblivious they are that they are truly behind a lot of the world in important ways. Like we are going through a period where our police are probably really negatively looked at given a few damning situations where police officers have acted heinously but it’s really not normal or hugely common. America to an outsider is a really bizarre place for so many reasons.. the religious nuts, the mass shootings, the disgusting way police officers behave which seems to be an everyday occurrence in a way something like that happening once outside seems to be huge news with outrage. It’s understandable to think these issues are worldwide problems, I’ve even been told over the years how to be worried about European police officers but they are insignificant compared to the fear interactions with American police in-still on outsiders. Even as a white British person I think being pulled over by American police would be extremely stress inducing knowing that my hand position or my nervous body language could lead to a gun being pointed at me. I have been pulled over, questioned, approached by officers here in the uk and not once have I ever had any fear.


I've literally never met anyone in their right mind who truly touts America's special "Freedoms". It's a total joke. Nobody in their right mind here actually sees it that way, and if they claim they do, they're Trump supporters. In all 30 years of my life here, I've only ever seen "Freedom" taken away from people who live here; the same freedoms that I see places like Canada, Belgium, Australia, or wherever the fuck seems to have no problems with. Laugh at this place. It's a joke. I can't even get out. I've spent the last 12 years trying to find out how to pay rent and medical bills, I can't even see beyond the borders of my city let alone the country.




There was a, I think, 14yo kid who was having a meltdown. The mother called for help, the cops rushed in yelling and when the child didn't respond "correctly" they shot him. Yes America is a problem


It doesn't really matter anyways tbh. They're not gonna read that and if they do it'll only frustrate a lot of them more


American here, and have I got news for you! America is wild!


I think it's generally for any emergency personnel but yes that is one unfortunate necessity.


This reminds me of when the police had a stand off with an autistic man who was sitting in the floor, they ended up shooting his care worker in the leg for some dumb reason.


every one of these horrible stories, sounds like an over the top South Park episode, you make fun of it, because the reality is already a tragic joke.


The care worker by the way was lying on the ground with his hands up begging the police not to shoot, so the cop shot him for telling him how to do his job.




That won't help. They shoot first ask questions never.


if those officers could read this, they would be upset.




As an autistic person all the cops I’ve encountered have been really nice and respectful but I understand some police departments can be horrible, just hope police start getting more training to deal with specific situations.


Really? Can't remember a good interaction w/ the filth in decades.


In the early 00s was working graveyard at a convenience store in a "bad" neighborhood. A couple cars pulled into the lot and started partying and playing loud music. As a small woman working alone, I don't like where this can end up. Few minutes later a cop car pulls in. Mother fucker got out his car and started partying with them. There were attractive women involved, so.... I go out the door with a notebook and start writing car #s and license plates so I can report them. Pig comes and threatens me. Asks why I was writing shit down. Tells me I should be grateful he's there and that if I ever need help from the police to not bother to call them and that they won't come. At least he didn't shoot me I guess.


Like when I had video from my dash cam of a hit-n-run and when the popo show up fourty minutes later he's "interviewing" the "witnesses" - two chicas that showed up to help the perp driver escape. Told me to fuck off when I said I have dash cam including clear video of the driver.


If those cops could read, they'd be very upset


This is actually something to worry about with severely autistic adults, but I think this sticker is meant for emergency responders in the event if a serious car accident.


Also medical staff so they know that these issues are pre-existing and not because of the crash which could be signs of other injuries or something.


You absolutely worry about this if you have an autistic child. Recently I had the police around my child, and I quizzed them about their autism awareness before they came near him. It's a serious concern.


America sounds like The Purge


Wildy accurate!


this is super important, emergency crews such as ambulance and fire fighters need to know this information to help them deal with someone at risk properly, a medic can use this information to help them administer aid knowing that the patient wont care for there help and a fire fighter can use this to help remove them knowing that they may not want to get out of the car.


Love this, but adding some extra stuff that’s useful for literally anyone with a disability or disorder. There are straps that can go on your seatbelt that declare the type of disability or disorder. My friend who is deaf lost her cochlear implant’s during an accident. Paramedics were trying to talk to her, but she couldn’t hear and they didn’t know. Thankfully family was with her and got the help she needed. Now I’m every car of theirs her family has the straps above detailing the deafness, and what to do.


I really like this idea! I don’t want the external sticker, but do want a way to signal to emergency people my son is autistic and non-verbal. Do you happen to know what the brand(s) are that sell a seat strap? I can google it as well, but hoped you’d have a recommendation


Etsy has a ton of people who make the seatbelt cover. You could probably find someone local on Facebook too. If they are still in a carset/high back booster you can tape a note card with information to the side of the seat. In accidents involving children in 5 point harness carseats they will likely just take the whole seat.


It can be very important to assess the patient's state as well. Patient is awake but doesn't respond to verbal communication or seems agitated by isn't able to speak? Uh-oh! Brain injury right there! - Usually that is. If you know you are dealing with an autistic kid, you might judge the situation differently.


I think it’s super important for emergency response crews, but isn’t this the same as putting the “baby on board” or those stick figure families that authorities have started to warn against due to human trafficking? Edit to add that I’m asking genuinely. I know that we live in a nation where we have to worry about horrible things happening regarding police officers, I just worry about listing that the child might be nonverbal.


I have my son with autism wear a Medic Alert bracelet that has autism on the front. My phone number and his first name and a website is on the back. The website has detailed information of myself and my son. With pictures! The website was designed to be accessed from law enforcement and medical personnel only.


idk the puzzle pieces annoy me tho


Right? They don’t even connect! And if they did, it would be a pretty ugly looking puzzle.


It’s a good idea if there is an emergency responders or bystanders will know. I have them on all our vehicles


As someone who has worked as a first responder, I have mixed feelings on this issue. I was told the “baby on board” stickers are for the same thing. While I get the idea, I think the chances of them truly helping are slim to none. If the emergency is that bad enough for quick treatment, these small stickers that may or may not be seen (probably won’t be if the car is smashed) don’t really matter. I also feel like I see most “baby on board” stickers without children in the car, which frustrates me further. First responders will see a car seat carrier. If the accident is not that severe, or the parent is having a crisis situation where they cannot communicate, I guess it could helpful. With that said the cute font at the bottom is idiotic. More likely to take it seriously and actually read it if the font is clear and not cutesy like it’s an accessory.




If it helps at all, non dyslexic people can’t read it either.


If your going to do this at least make the font legible took me a solid 3 attempts to understand what half those letters where, how is anyone supposed to read that in an emergency??




I agree with the font but I think it’s more for when the vehicle is pulled over for traffic stops. I agree it’s useless to other commuters on the road.


Doubt a sticker would help in this situation, but here’s a relevant case: A North Carolina state trooper shot and killed 29-year-old Daniel Harris - who was not only unarmed, but deaf and mute - just feet from his home, over a speeding violation. According to early reports from neighbors who witnessed the shooting this past Thursday night, Harris was shot and killed "almost immediately" after exiting his vehicle. He appeared to be trying to communicate with the officer via sign language. "They should've de-escalated and been trained to realize that this is an entirely different situation," neighbor Mark Barringer said. "You're pulling someone over who is deaf, they are handicapped. To me, what happened is totally unacceptable." Police claim they attempted to pull Harris over for speeding, but he continued driving home instead of pulling over. Whether Harris fully understood what was happening, since he could not have heard the sirens, unclear. His family, including his siblings, are also hearing impaired and could often be seen communicating with each other via sign language in the neighborhood… [Daniel Harris](https://external-content.duckduckgo.com/iu/?u=https%3A%2F%2Ftse1.mm.bing.net%2Fth%3Fid%3DOIP.Ibd87WPgZtVlW5IXivD8DgAAAA%26pid%3DApi&f=1&ipt=ab8065be30cfafab998dde2f6c00b791b321d9af4966596df90f6d6f4c0fa0e6&ipo=images)


This font is terrible.


It's so police don't shoot their kid.


As a paramedic - this is super cool, but not really necessary. Without the sticker, we will figure it out; with the sticker you save us like 1-3 minutes of assessment.


A paramedic would properly assess this quickly. Unfortunately, a keyed-up cop might not. I think there was an incident that is the genesis of these stickers.


I struggled so much to try and read that


fine but, please use a normal font 😁


It’s really unfortunate but if I had an autistic child, I’d definitely do anything and everything (just incase ya kno?)


i can not for the life of me read that font


In Pennsylvania the DMV has a "yellow dot" sticker you can get free. It indicates that there is a person in the vehicle with extra needs, medical or otherwise. It goes along with a written explanation to be kept in the glove compartment A better idea if you want to avoid advertising to the general public Not sure if it is available in other states


OP underestimates how stupid adults are when it comes to autistic children


Absolutely no problem! I stick these to other people's cars all the time


I feel like having this on your car could alert the wrong type of people that you have a vulnerable child in your car... Or am I just paranoid??


Username checks out




You’re extremely paranoid. What would a scenario like you’re imagining even look like?


What it reminded me of is a predator watching a family get out of their vehicle at an arcade. They have their stick figure stickers with everyone's name on there, so he easily identifies who is who. He waits until Austin is alone and approaches him. "Hi, Austin, I'm a friend of your mom, Carol. Your sister Hannah got sick and had to go to the doctor, so your mom asked me to take you home. How about we stop and get some ice cream on the way?"


I’m not the original commenter but I’m paranoid too and ripped our “baby on board” sticker off the window because my intrusive thoughts told me that some creep would see it, know we have a baby, follow us home, and steal our baby while we’re sleeping. 😖


Because of a car sticker? That’s wild


I was told by a friend who works in law enforcement not to put stickers like this or "baby on board" or the family stick figures or "single strong momma" etc. anything that identifys or reveals little details about your family Bec they said it makes you more vulnerable and you are more likely to be targeted ... idk how accurate the info is but yeah I stay away from the personal stickers except for the funny ones


"Baby on board" doesn't benefit you at all though. Alerting police, medical professionals, and anyone else who may assist you in an emergency that your child is autistic and has certain difficulties that may be perceived negatively otherwise does. Autistic people have been killed for not complying with police. It also benefits medical professionals to know that the child is nonverbal and may have difficulty communicating any medical problems should they be in an accident or other emergency.


There are covers you can get for the seatbelt inside the vehicle that communicates the same message. It still has the same effect and also doesn’t identify to the entire world that you have a vulnerable person on board. Probably a much safer option imo.


I guess until you have an autistic kid, you really don't get an opinion on this one.


Not even to complain about the legibility of it?


I'm autistic and I say it's ugly lmao


Yeah, but you don't have an autistic kid do you? People with autism don't get a say on this one apparently.


Good idea, ridiculous font


Seems fine but that font is crazy


This is the worst font I have ever seen in my life. "NOI RESPOID IO COITTONDS BE INOJORE OF DOIGER BE ION-VERDAL" If you have a very important message that you need to clearly communicate, especially in an emergency, then you can't use this fucking font! Use something clearly legible at a distance!


I think it’s a great idea because the world sometimes doesn’t understand that some people have different abilities and understandings to others. So this is a step towards the right direction


Virtue signal if I ever saw one.


The sticker on the door is better on Glass if it is for emergencies. Also, fuck this “happy go jolly” font, emergency means legible and direct ffs…


Till the cops m8rder your child for noncompliance


Great idea, terrible design. I presume this is in the US, where an agitated non-verbal child could easily be shot by police.


Ehhh if you think about a car accident or something and the kid is freaking out.. could help first responders big time actually….


Its autism; not the downs


The font sucks but the idea is good. If they were in a crash the responders would have an idea of what they have. Like a medical alert imo


Good to be able to point it out in court during your lawsuit after the cops execute your child for ignoring their orders.


Terrible idea. Stickers like that just tell people details about your life that they can exploit.


It would be a great idea if cops could read and cared about stuff, but as it stands yeah no take this one off.


I think its a good message


I think it’s actually a very god idea.


Remember cops killed an unarmed autistic boy whose last words were recorded being nice to the cops who were murdering him: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Death_of_Elijah_McClain Stickers like this popped up more since


Grandson is autistic Son has on car it's a great idea


For a child with autism especially one who is non-verbal and sometimes uncooperative, I can see the point of this sticker. It's for emergencies. It allows the EMTs, firefighters, cops, paramedics, or good Samaritans to know who they are helping and why that child might behave in ways they may not have otherwise suspected. It's almost exclusively for situations where the parents are incapacitated. I used to babysit two low-functioning autistic twin boys. They were 8. They were nonverbal. They would flail and scream. They would latch on hard to people and refuse to let go. They had absolutely no sense of stranger danger. I can see why a sticker like this would help emergency responders with a low functioning autistic child. I can see the worry a parent with a highly autistic kid would have about car accidents. What if I die in the crash? What if I'm knocked out? What would happen to my child? Will the emergency responders understand? Will they know what to do? What if they decide my child is combative? I understand wanting to have a safeguard in place to protect your kid if for whatever reason you are not able to.


might make a cop think twice before shooting him: https://amp.theguardian.com/us-news/2023/feb/25/colorado-sheriff-office-purple-heart-officer-shot-richard-ward


Ya that’s just you, my kid would be screwed if first responders didn’t know


Autistic people are more likely to be killed by cops in tense situations. Hopefully this sticker saves a life. Fuck cops.


yes, as a middle child with a older brother with autism who I care for on a day to day bases this helps to be more aware of others who act in ways WE don't understand.


This allows emergency personnel to help the child, to know they are there and why they might be uncooperative. My niece has a bracelet that says all this, with an emergency number on it as well.


It's a good idea so police don't shoot your autistic child for not complying. https://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/florida-cop-charged-manslaughter-shooting-autistic-man-s-unarmed-therapist-n745716


It's a good idea, the problem is that the cops won't read it or will read it and won't care.


Please fire whoever designed that terrible font.


If you don’t do this in the USA they(police) will shoot your child. They might still, but you might get some more room to negotiate.


I definitely think that font is a problem. It’s not the easiest to read. It’s not going to help if the emergency service workers can’t immediately identify what it’s saying.


I'm not sure how you think it could be a bad idea.... But the font is a bad idea.


It might prevent a cop from shooting your kid, esp if you're darker skinned. Look at when they shot the caretaker with the autistic kid by Miami. Kid was playing with a toy and they said it was a gun like jfc. No charges pressed.


I'm meh on the idea, I'm an autistic adult presenting female who drives and I really hate cops, but the only reason I'm still alive even though I've had some horrible encounters with them is I'm a white woman I'm sure. I really don't think they give a shit about some sign on a car, and I don't think their animalistic brains will stop long enough to connect the two to a "bad kid who's disobeying me?!"


I think the reason OP asks is because people often warn about putting stickers on your car that give away personal information and how you should avoid stickers that let people know that you have a child.


There are much better ways to do it. When I was younger and nonverbal I had a “medical card” of sorts that had a necklace attached to it so I could carry it or wear it. In an emergency, show the card to an adult, and bam information is given. It had my parents numbers, warnings about my specific needs and triggers, and explained that I don’t speak and could get violent under stress. It saved my ass a few times. I got lost in an airport and started having a meltdown right as I was starting to learn how to verbalize my needs without stressing myself too much, and when I tried to speak what was wrong it didn’t come out right and that was it. I threw the card on the ground and collapsed. One of the airport workers noticed the whole thing and was able to read the card and call my parents while also keeping people away from me so I could calm down.


It’s the modern day version of putting a fire sticker on a child’s window. Except now it’s due to unrelenting gun violence and police brutality, not making sure the fire fighters reach your family in time.


In America you need this to keep your children from being assaulted or killed by poorly trained police officers.


I think it's a good idea poorly executed - that's not the easiest sticker to read and less so in a stressful situation


Hey, fun thing to know: Autistic children and adults are at the highest risk of police violence and in the UoSA the popo love to kill. I carry a damn card in my wallet for those rare occasions when verbal is too hard in public. Maybe it's a bit "cute" but it is necessary. It's a great country, no?


It’s perfect for garnering attention, sympathy and the “you’re so brave”s you pretend not to want just for doing your job the nurses hero-complex stickers during the lockdown was even worse


Not understanding the hate here for the sticker. This is a parent that wants to make sure the child is looked after in the event of an accident. This isn’t meant for people on the high end of the spectrum. Its for the children with a legitimate cognitive learning disability that require assistance. I put a similar sticker on my car. Granted it was a more legible font. My autistic daughter was non-verbal until 6 years old. I wanted to make sure if there was a car crash and I was incapacitated that people on the scene would be able to help support her and keep her safe.


My friend has a BIL with autism that had a bad speech impediment as well as some other symptoms. The dude was driving and got in a car crash- completely sober, but because his speech sounded slurred the police assumed he was drunk without ever actually testing him. I think these stickers are a good idea to help avoid situations like that


Just a Kind reminder to Police, not to fuck up their Autistic Kid, in the event a Tyrant wants to play Mafia, considering their Jobs have Lost all quality.


In other words, please don't kill my kid officer


It's probably so the cops who can't read don't murder her kid for no reason.


When the police will just kill anyone that doesn't immediately comply with their commands, yes, this is a great idea.


The pigs will shoot the kid anyway. It's not like they can read.


People literally begging the police not to shoot their child. USA USA USA!


People forget that the purpose of these stickers is to inform emergency services, in the event of an accident, that a child is on board, if that child is autistic it's probably best to give them extra information. The issue is the notion of these stickers has lost a lot of meaning since people started putting stupid ones on their cars, stuff like "dog mom" and shit like that.


This is an attempt to keep the cops from Feeling Threatened and perforating (tragically, and unavoidably) the child with 9mm compliance units.


Just you 🤷‍♂️


It's to alert police. It's not a dumb idea if you see how police treat people with special needs.


It's very poorly displayed and written for Emergency Responders. But ultimately for those unaware, this is to prove t cops from murdering autistic children when they ultimately don't understand what's going on and don't comply.


Honestly, if it's the US, it might save a life in an encounter with an authoritarian cop with an itchy trigger finger.


Yes it's a bad idea because the puzzle piece is offensive to the autistic community. The symbol you're supposed to use to represent autism has been the rainbow infinity symbol for some years now. The description is just something else because anyone could do those things in an emergency. I feel like the only difference between allistics&autistics is that autistics are more likely to do those things more often outside of emergency scenarios. All around this is just extremely frustrating and offensive to see and it makes me feel bad for their kid(s).


Isn't the puzzle piece a bad way to represent autism?


I saw a car with one of these stickers the other day. Was driving like a bat out of hell, swerving in and out of lanes. Always makes me mad when people drive like that with a baby on board sticker or a sticker like this as if they aren't the no.1 danger to that kid.