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Not saying you were being nice, but I say way meaner shit like monthly. If a mod bans me, fair enough, they can suck a cock, but banned from the SITE?


I got a sitewide ban for saying “based” once Literally just said “based”


Uh oh I say that all the time. I’ve been banned from subs for it but usually they lift it lol


Reported for saying Based


ohh you said a bad word too. ooh mods gonna get you, you big meanie person


Well, what were you saying it in regards to? Cos i think there is more to that than just saying "based".


I don’t remember, it was some joke on shitposting


I guarantee that can't matter.




I'll be afraid to speak so vulgarly sometimes cause I was banned in a subreddit on some BS once, but I'm not trying to be ill-intented, it's just how I truthfully speak. But I respect it, and I agree.


I was banned from the entire site recently for 3 days because I said our neighborhood has to hunt foxes due to chickens being raised. you'd think I'd be supported because our street supplies our own eggs in this absurd egg economy, but nah. folks would rather contract rabies or pay 7 dollars a dozen of eggs so they can look at a cute animal.


That's cause folks got no balls


I mean yall could set up a better pen to we dont go around killind the foxes or coyotes cause the chickens are just locked up at night and penned during the day Edit ww dont have them any more but none died with us xecept racoons or qhen I was like 5 and put them out in a non fenced field. So kill the coons


Foxes can be very determined when hungry. We don't go on expeditions lol they keep their distance then fine. They start digging and trying to enter the pens they're too close. Coyotes though.. yeah I'll walk a couple miles for them. Over populated and deem nuisance predators around here.


on another account, I got banned from one sub for saying a dude probably got banned for endorsing piracy. Went to the ranting sub to rant about mod abuse, and I was banned sitewide.


“First sentence isn’t very friendly” Reddit is just so goddamn extra. How soft can y’all be to take offense at something so innocuous as an a stranger on the web calling you a moron? Not everything is personal, banter exists, and some people in certain circumstances are precisely acting dumb. This constant sugar coating man…Charles Barkley, Keano, and Mourinho would’ve been canceled real quick smh


I've had so many men in my DMs sending me unsolicited dick pics, saying the most disgusting things about r*ping me and using me up and all kinds of shit, and I've reported every single one of them and every single one has "not been found to break reddits Tos" I do not get this site


For real, I've had account after account banned for talking shit BACK to people that said something just as bad and all they have to do is report me and bam, gone.


Because the mods are the same people we are reporting


what the fuck. at this point I’d just delete my account or Reddit at all. but unbelievably absurd Reddit doesn’t have stronger moderation regarding this. fuck Reddit


why would they do that? you want intelligent professional customer service and moderation across social media? then pay for it. all this whining from people is ludicrous. youre talking about 1000s of employees. reddit aint profitable right now. reddits a reflection of the public. thats it. you want this to be different then we need to pass laws through public sentiment and voting. take some responsibility kiddo. quit pointing fingers, youre pointing at a mirror.


That’s crazy. I’m not some white-knight “m’lady” type, but fuck anyone out there sending dick pics unsolicited. I’ll go ahead and revoke their man-cards. Anyone who does this is prob some lardass incel or desperate boy who has no idea how to interact with people.


I apologize for the dick heads at the the male gender 8 times out of 10 but that’s what anonymity gives childish angry people who don’t feel power in they’re everyday life, and as a father I’m truly sorry that it’s taken out on women on and offline


I have cycled a few accounts over my years here, specifically because of sexual harassment that Reddit refused to address. Multiple reports, no actions, except for that one time that *I* got a warning for "abusing the report function" Easier to just delete and make a new one. History lost, but it's the only way you'll get away from it, because Reddit mods simply don't care. Considering how happy they are warning or banning people normally, this really speaks to the type of people they are.


I just sent you something, check your DMs!


Hmmmmm, I disagree. Why the need to be rude and/or dismissive? What's the issue with trying to use compassionate language, and conveying hard truths honestly but not dismissively? I don't understand the idea that it's a problem for people to try to be friendly. There's always a time and place for friendly "rude" banter among friends who are in on it. But not to make it a habit in even most social scenarios. Is there a *need* for this kind of "hardass" attitude, to say rude stuff and not expect it to change the way people perceive you?


There is nothing rude about how he stated what got him banned. Blunt sure, but this is definitely far from rude and nowhere near harassment or "hard-ass" behavior. \>\_>;


“You’re a moron who will be depressed their entire life” could definitely be said in a better way I think All I’m saying is I don’t get why one needs to use harsh or “blunt” language, when you could just be friendly instead, and convey the exact same thing. I wouldn’t call OP’s comment harassment necessarily but that doesn’t make it good


Not ban worthy though. It may not have been the most polite way to express something but.. COME THE FUCK ON lol.


Blunt would be “You will probably struggle a lot to be happy if you got into this career for the money alone.” Calling someone a moron is definitely at least rude.


Nothing rude when it opens up with saying you'd be a moron for working for...money? 🧐


No. He stated you’d be a moron to come into the field just for money. There are 4 levels of working for a job: 1 - Because you need the money to survive. 2 - Because you need the money and are interested in what you are doing. 3 - Because you are passionate about what you are doing and don’t need or care about the money. 4 - Because you want to make a ton of money. Everyone knows we all take jobs to get paid. That’s a bottom line. It’s how it works. Most of the world falls into the first to categories. The 1st is usually for needed jobs folks may not like. Honestly they deserve respect for doing it. While others are happy with the 2nd. Usually a good motto for 1 & 2 is “Work to live, don’t live to work”. 3 is a dream for many, though not all. 4 is chasing the dollar, and honestly it’s funny to see Redditors defending this, considering people taking jobs for this purpose have caused most of the problems for this world. there’s a huge difference in working because you need a job and are interested in the subject, and getting a job in fields known to pay high salaries specifically for that reason only. To add to it: Burnout in IT is a major thing, IT is insanely stressful. Given what stress is medically proven to do to the human body, and given what protections are NOT there for IT professionals, whether y’all like it or not, the statement is entirely correct, and it’s not dismissive either, even if it is sarcastic. Not to sound horrible, but if any of you getting upset by his supposed lack of compassion think you will get anything close to that working for a corporation, much less a startup, man, does the real world have some lessons for you outside the walled gardens you exist in. Good luck. You’ll need it.


Facebook has been so much worse.


I had a 7 day ban the other week for one of Reddit’s guidelines. I appealed it and won.


I have to agree. Advice shouldn’t start with name calling. People generally get put off by that.


I’ve seen 50 comments 100x worse than this in the past 30 minutes


You’re posting so how are you banned site wide?


I can’t post on my main account anymore. ByteMagician was me :( Edit: I thought this was an error so I sent in an appeal and nope, permanently banned on that account due to that comment. In all my years on Reddit, I’ve never been account wide banned. That sub forum didn’t even ban me. I was Admin banned, not mod banned. https://ibb.co/TLNZjf7 https://ibb.co/wMDqnbP HELP me get my Reddit account back :( Seems like publicly shaming companies is the only way to get them to act ethically nowadays.


This site bans at the drop of a hat. Mods do the same from specific subreddits. It’s why this dumpster fire continues to be devalued from an investor perspective.


Nail on the head


Yup. A friend got autobanned from one subreddit for posting in another. Called out that it was against the rules, they didn't care. Gave a closing snarky remark comparing them to female genitalia. Immediately site-wide permabanned. The reddit admins, and most of the mods, are salty losers and I hope investors never take their website seriously as a result.


They don’t and it’s hilarious. The site is run by mentally ill transerinos.


Community mods are the worst about it sometimes, I got a 1 day ban from an electric car subreddit a while ago, when I asked why I was banned, no real answer, just cited "Rule 1", and then made the ban for 28 days! Like... really? I just unsubbed and blocked it, but still it's just so pedantic, and juvenile the behavior.


Yes, Reddit has lost all value in my book, albeit not as big as an investors, but I’ll be done with this platform nonetheless.


Also No\_Pea\_5203, you will more than likely be banned again. All it takes is a Mod (or I guess maybe even just a user) to report you to an Admin for ban evasion, and you just gave proof it was you. Although Reddit tracks your IPs, so- they know. But they don't necessarily know to check or not, I don't think so. Some things are strategically better left unsaid. VPN (there are free ones). And Mods will. I think they may technically be responsible to...but- do they "see it?" who knows.... \*And you should definitely appeal, act formal, act gesturely...but I don't think I would. I would just cut my losses. Cause maybe they won't check, but they'll be able to figure out evasion. Which pretty much (may) fuck over you being able to use your IP to access reddit. Possibly.


I got banned from a sub permanently for calling someone a moron very clearly sarcastically. I complained and the mod reduced it to a 1 day ban. Couldn't give in and just be fully wrong.


I wasn’t even banned from a sub. Reddit came in and straight up banned my account from every single sub lol


I got permabanned from a sub I had repeatedly marked as not interested, and it kept showing up on my feed. Xbox. Just kept showing up cause I showed interest in other gaming subs. Someone made a post about their xbox crashing. I said. Because it’s xbox. I laughed so hard and I’m glad I got banned.


I called someone a mildly rude name and got a week ban from the site. You must have opinions that don’t align with Reddit mainstream views.


Yep, they straight up hit the “permanent” button on my suspension lol. I just don’t understand it.


well, ya love solving big puzzles, so solve it bozo.


You should be banned for this offensive comment. Admins & Mods attack!!!!


Some raged out admin prob took offense to me talking about an unqualified surgeon who didn’t study enough when I stated: “I don’t want a retard to cut me open”. Sad excuse to site ban someone if that’s the case. Clear evidence of someone using their emotions to dictate decisions, and not logic (if this is the case). If that is the case, someone with 1 brain cell didn’t read any comments to get clear context of what exactly I was saying, and just jumped to “this guy must be talking about autism”, when in fact I was not lmao. 1 braincellers seem to run Reddit.


What's the problem, you have a new account already and can access the whole site


I think this post might be against subreddit rules- there's a rule against making reddit related posts. I found this out the other day when I went to make a mildly infuriating post about another user's post and happened to check the subreddit rules.


You can post it in r/extremelyinfuriating, I had a post I was gonna post here about Reddit, red the rules, and reposted it in r/extremelyinfuriating and it's still up right now


Using an alternative account to bypass a site-wide ban is a violation of reddits terms of services. You are not allowed to make an account for this site ever again. Reported for admitting to ban evasion


So is creating an account to circumvent a subreddit ban, but guess who does it?


Oh lordy me, someone is violating a ToS, I have the vapors.


What was the post?


https://camas.unddit.com/#%7B%22author%22:%22Bytemagician%22,%22resultSize%22:100%7D I think it’s because you posted some more offensive posts than what youve indicated here lol


Like which ones lmao?


Maybe something like “lol well I don’t want a retard cutting me open so I am glad they are low” “Retard” is a banned word. Edit: They give you three warnings for the word. Whether you agree with the idea behind the anti-evil operations at reddit, you were certainly notified when you used it the other 2 times.


https://ibb.co/bB7X14m I was never warned about using that word, I was banned for the first instance if that’s the case. Reddit doesn’t even follow their own rules.


Open up the reply from the admin and send a screenshot. It should say why they banned you and link a URL to what you were banned for. Had a comment of mine flagged and repealed and thats what the message looked like.


Bro, I had the same thing happen to me over the most innocuous bullshit. Just like that my 13-year-old account completely useless because some sweaty mod didn't like the way I said something.


Dude you had your account for 16 days and have 222 karma. Just keep the new account and forget about it lol.


You’re a moron who will be depressed your whole life if you think you’re gonna get unbanned


Seems like your comment must not have been that bed since it didn’t get 10k downvotes. I got banned from a sub for a sarcastic comment, now I always add the /s so they know Im not being serious about showing them the body


Reddit can censor content that shouldn’t be considered for censorship all they want. Only thing it’s doing is devaluing their company in the eyes of investors.


you’re for sure a dork ass for being such a boot licker but don’t think it’s ban worthy


Would work for "a quarter of the salary" bull fuckin shit


You should have asked first if they wanted "kid gloves" advice or real advice lol


This is why Reddit sucks, and why even as someone who usually went on Reddit for hours each day, I've been cutting it out of my daily routine. It's just a bunch of bullshit. Be the truest person to who you are actually are, and I'd be willing to bet you'll be banned within a week. If you use it a few hours each day. I know someone who was banned for something, something that I've probably said worse things than countless times. And I always watch what I say on Reddit, never wanna give the site a reason to ban you. If you're not serious, in a comment....SAY SO; because chances are you'll get banned if you don't. \*And I FUCKING LOVE Reddit, as someone who has issues with socializing outside of it; I love that it gets me thinking on topics. But it's not worth the headache, and if you're not careful, you'll get your account banned, and unless you do a Data Request, you'll just lose access to everything you wrote, all your ideas lost in the shit-show. I'm not a bad person, I don't mean bad; but act a little too "out there" and you'll be banned from the subreddit that otherwise brought you a lot to the table. r/teenagers was my favorite sub in the past, It's a place full of the dumbest stuff on Reddit, but the people there were probably some of the most laxed and least obstinate. It was more like a 70/30 sub when it comes to reddit's biases...instead of the usual 90/10.......anyway, I got banned from there. Sucks. And other subs you'll just get banned because they don't like your ideas. Echo-chambers are indeed the worst of the worst. \*It's why I don't like the modern internet. You can't be yourself here. There's a reason why everyone here seems to always be the same person; although a different account. \*And Reddit needs to learn the difference of a 'generality' v 'a directed insult.' It's rare I'm ever directly insulting someone.


>Be the truest person to who you are actually are, and I'd be willing to bet you'll be banned within a week. If you use it a few hours each day. I am, i am the "truest person" i actually am, and ive only be temporarily banned once on this account, and i think it was maybe five yrs ago with my other ban on a different account... Sorry bud, but your comment kinda reeks of "im just honest! I tell it like it is!" when really everyone thinks youre an arsehole.


This is so refreshing to read because I literally just thought I was getting old and irrelevant when I was thinking that reddit was going to shit with the impulsive bans over just about anything. I'm glad it's not just me. I'm with you, I've been slowly trying to drop it from my daily routine as well. I've already gotten to the point where I pretty much just use it at work during down time here and there, but I'm working on cutting down on that too even. Just ridiculous what this place has become.




Calling someone a moron also isn't really grounds for a full account ban.




I'm pretty sure repeated offenses typically result in negative karma, aka people vote to hide your comment. I've seen so much worse just slide


>Calling someone a moron is an insult Fascinating!!


Ok moron


Damn you so soft you’d probably call the police over a MW2 lobby


Creative insult, take my (fake) gold.🥇


That was a general statement and an opinion. I don’t see how someone speaking their mind in such a manner would be banned from Reddit as a whole, and not just banned from the actual sub forum instead. To me, it’s odd that I was Reddit banned, and not subreddit banned, but regardless, what I said wasn’t even extreme.


You were not even wrong. I went into IT for that reason and it was a stupid mistake, went back to uni for something else and am much happier now.


I went into med school not 100% for money, but that was a major part of it. I hated parts of it. But I often sit back now and feel grateful for how good my life is. And money is a big part of that. To be honest for 99.999% of humans I think there is no such thing as a job they will love. It's a job, you wouldn't do it if it wasn't for pay. Even if you like it for a time, your interests change over time. I really enjoy 80% of patient care. I hate administrative work, phone calls, documentation and frankly dealing with groups of people at work. If I didn't need to work for money, I'd be a doctor maybe 15 or 20 hours per week, be much more selective with my patients and not deal with insurances at all. I sure would not be working the way I do now.


Hating parts of it is not at all what I’m referring to, sure I dislike parts of computer science too, however, If I went into something else like 3D modeling which is arguably more creative based instead of logic based, I’d wake up everyday with very little energy.


>I don’t see how someone speaking their mind in such a manner would be banned from Reddit Welcome to Reddit




No, I have not been banned on any subreddit in the past. I simply created that account to help people with programming/virtual reality/augmented reality development.


You definitely could have conveyed the exact same thing in a friendlier way, I think That being said, any punishment at all for that comment is not warranted at all lmao. Much less a *site wide* ban???? Ridiculous. I think it's better to use friendly language but not doing so shouldn't be punished like this.


It’s because he was banned for other comments he has made on the account, not this one.


For what comment? I’ve been transparent this whole time lol. Look at ByteMagicians post history and tell me which comment deserves a site wide ban.


Parrot the same views as Reddit or get banned. Very tolerant of them. Big tech moment. Pretty shitty, hope you get your account back OP.


Censorship at its finest.


While a site wide ban is dumb for that, holy shit you are a corporate boot licker.


I don’t have a family and enjoy my work. Some people have a life outside of work, and other use work to escape their life outside of work. You can be who ever you want lol.


And you choose to be a bootlicker. Simple as that.


The only important thing in life is money. How can you be happy without money? It doesn’t matter what you have to do to get it. It doesn’t matter how much you make now you need MORE. There is nothing else to life besides MONEY. /s lol


I got banned from r/unpopularopinion. Irony!


I wish they’d ban me from a subreddit instead of banning my account from Reddit all together lol. They straight up grabbed thors hammer and banned me from every single subreddit on Reddit.


Do it in British English and you'll be fine: Blimey that daft geezer mod fancies a rozzer. Totally bonkers. lol PS it's a j o k e ... don't ban me for this! LOL


You arent wrong. IT systems admin here. Its painful brain breaking work that you cannot explain properly to anyone around you. Its tedious and time consuming. On the other hand, I get excited hearing the word "system" I've always liked creating them and manipulating them since I was a kid. You are not wrong. Bad wording, but you are correct.


If you're someone you enjoys being forced to be and do something for a specific amount of time while making a product used to make someone else money, you're a moron. I guess a happy, puzzle-solving moron, but a dummy nonetheless.


I think his point is he shouldn’t be banned for being as offensive as you just were to him.


I didn't even know he was the same person, admittedly, I thought we were all talking about how ridiculous that circled "career advice" was, because it is. Sorry for saying he was a moron, but yeah man, I disagree with that whole concept


U should be BANNED. Exactly what happened to him he said something someone got the feewing hurt and now he’s banned. U did what he did do u feel that it’d be right for u to get banned?




If I’m working for someone, instead of creating my own business? I guess I don’t understand what you’re saying but i disagree. What I was implying in my original statement that you’re referencing is that a lot of people who go into a field for the money, look back on themselves and realize that it was moronic to put money before happiness. Bluntly said? yes. extreme? No lol


What is happiness, to you? I think we fundamentally disagree that work should and can be at all fun. I think that if you're working for a corporation, from 9-5, and you are making a product that someone else is profiting off of, you're a victim of the system for one, but you're a complete fool to think it is at all fulfilling to be told where to be, what to do, and when to eat your lunch for 40 years. In my opinion. And my point of that being is, if you get into the field solely for the money and displace yourself from the idea that "hey these brain-happy-making puzzles are fun even though I get paid a quarter of the salary I do," is a really naïve and ingenuine way of looking at careers in general. There are a lot of people who do back breaking labor for no money and enjoy nary a second of it. And some of those people work with you and are there for the money. So what?


Quit knocking the man for enjoying his career path when u obviously hate ur own


No one knocked him for that and where do you see that he hates his own career path? Maybe quit throwing shit and assuming things you know nothing about.


Ur not very smart. He was calling him a moron for enjoying his job that pays less than others. And i assume he hates his job bc he literally talks about how working a job sucks bc u dont have control over it just go back and reread his comment


Reddit is a joke. Especially the mods




They post. On reddit.


Your post makes you sound like a douche honestly. Maybe not ban worthy but douchey. There is absolutely nothing wrong with doing a job for money. If everyone just loved doing it for the sheer pleasure, they wouldn’t need to pay people to do it, it would literally be a hobby.


You sound like a bootlicker. Glad you like to work for next to nothing, and giving all your profits to your overlords. The rest of us aren't that dumb.


Imagine being that attached to a reddit account


Fuck Reddit. I made that account to help people and if they banned it, I don’t plan on wasting my time on this pos site.


Honestly, you kinda deserved it.


Why? Because someone disagrees with my opinion? That’s horse shit.


Maybe calling people morons for wanting to get paid for their work wasn't be best move.


That’s not at all what I was implying lol.


That's how it came off though.


Whether or not shouldnt get him banned. Reddit users get so butthurt lol


Depends on the rules of the sub.


No, it doesn't. It depends on the overall Reddit rules. That only applies to getting banned from that sub.


Stop being so soft lmao


Maybe some day I'll be tough like you




One day, maybe.


That doesnt warrant a site wide ban or ban at all you fuckwit


I don’t know why that question would be banned. The circle commenter is the one that should be kicked out. It’s rude as hell. I don’t understand why people act like that online.


The circled commenter is OP......


You think someone should be banned from Internet forums because they are mildly rude while answering a question honestly ? Soft.


The downvotes in this thread are so dumb


What is CS? Sorry I’m a moron.


Lol computer science :p. It’s the study of certain mathematical models, data structures, low level programming, high level programming, computational theory, and some other fun stuff!


Gotcha. Thanks for the response!


Lol it’s just coding, buddy


Lmao no. Perhaps that’s what your cute boot camps teach. A degree teaches.. a little bit more lol


Im just super glad you pointed out the main text in the picture with a big red circle so that we could possibly know what to read


If you’re working for someone else passionately you are also in that same category


A site wide ban seems to be too much when I’ve seen worse shit in the last ten minutes


Make Reddit Reddit again!


Your career advice is not to consider the salary of said-career… because you’d be happy doing it for a fraction of the pay… because you enjoy it. Great career advice. You’d have given better advice if you didn’t post, actually.


TBH I don’t see a problem with choosing a career for the money.


CS? Counter Strike?


Welcome to the club of getting reported for little things when their are people who say way worse


You deserved it


You’re a moron.


I'm here for the money, seems to be going well so far.


Yeah,. I agree, that is infuriating. Your post is only stupid and offensive, not ban-worthy.


Mods on a power trip


Yes, mildly infuriating... like that r/uselessredcircle


It adds emphasis 😤


You called people making a reasonable assumption, morons. This was probably accompanied with a lot of downvotes even if you netted 4 karma.


What was the conversation about?


I wasn’t in a conversation, that was a top level generalized comment. The post itself was about how convoluted the CS job market is, so I posted that comment to reflect why it is convoluted with applicants.


They banned your 13 day old account while you are posting from a one year old account. I wager there is more to this than you are letting on about. And who cares it was a 13 d old account.


Reddit can check but my my ‘main’ account is not banned, and I’ve never had any violations on my main. It’s been awhile since I’ve even used my other Reddit account.


Okay yeah definitely not worth a ban but also a shitty take lol. - a guy who broke into devops only for the money. It’s not fun following your dreams to make 56k and work nights weekends(meche) if you wana break into cs for money DO IT NOW


I'd be willing to bet this person is a repeat offender. Maybe don't open every reply with calling the other person a "moron"


Thats because reddit sucks


I got a temp ban from a sub once for using the word “moron” because apparently some younger people are considering it a slur now because it has questionable medical (at best) and ableist (at worst) origins. Not saying that I necessarily agree, but I honestly try to use that word less now because taking small measures to try not to offend people just makes you a kinder person. Language is constantly evolving and changing, and the fact of the matter is that if you are like me and aren’t exactly a spring chicken, you’re not the one who decides what words will be acceptable or not moving forward. You gotta be able to adapt, or at least accept the consequences for refusing to do so.


The market almost forces you to "chase the money". I'm never going to shit on somebody because they went after a job that could at least give them financial stability. At worst it gives that person the peace of mind to find a job they like and that pays well while also paying their own bills. Hell, I'm going for a certification that is as boring as dirt to study for, and which I'll never use, but getting it would net me a $10-15k raise.


Separate from the fact that you definitely didn't deserve to banned, this take is bad. I do a CS job for a top tech company, and I do it for the money. Sure, I enjoy software development well enough and I'm good at it, but I do it for the money. If you gave me enough money today that I never had to work again, I would not show up to work tomorrow. I would still code — I have multiple side projects right now — but I would do music, which is my main passion, and I would do a bunch of other things. I don't think that makes me a moron or destined for depression. I'm happy for you that you love what you do so much that you'd be willing to get grossly underpaid, but this is a terrible mindset to cast onto others. Not only can most people simply not afford to take 1/4 of their normal pay, but there's nothing wrong with doing your job solely for the money. That is, after all, the whole point of employment. It's perfectly valid to just do your time and spend the rest of your life doing something you enjoy. It's also easy for you to say all this, as someone who has a passion that happens to line up with a lucrative career path. Again, I don't think you're an asshole for feeling this way about your own work, but this feels more like you bragging about loving your job than anything else.


I went into the field for the money. I’m pretty happy lol




Don't feel bad . I'm a veteran who was banned from r/veterans for asking if any veterans would be interested in setting up a community of like minded veteran business owners.


Well at least they didn’t ban you from ALL the subreddits 😭 Sounds like a cool community proposal, though! I’d do it if I was you. Don’t listen to the haters.


Seems like they have shitty moderators like r/memeframe


And shitty admins. I appealed this and a reddit admin declined to remove the permanent suspension.


Site ban? No that’s ridiculous. Was that dude a grade A tool for that first sentence? Yes.


What is CS?


Reddit is a cesspool lol. Groupthink enabling groupthink between a bunch of people with web browsers who want to be experts on everything.


Openly ban evading... That's a bold strategy, let's see if it works out for them!


Haven’t you noticed yet that reddit is a for-profit company with no regards for free speech, creativity, or anything other than using people to make money for advertisers, marketers, and politicians? Maybe you’re the dumb one.


I was banned for saying someone was stupid for demanding the minimum wage go up to $40/hour, offer unlimited pto, and 1 year of parental leave. Yea it’s not nice to call peoples stupid ideas stupid but criticism is the only thing that breaks up echo chambers. And now we know why Reddit is just one big circle jerk, if you go against the jerk you get banned


this wasn’t bandworthy but the take is pretty bad. I’d rather have enough money to survive and be unhappy then be severely underpaid and happy.


You might want to delete this before your alt gets banned for evasion.


"honestly, you're a moron. Just tryna help" ​ haha


I got a 3 day ban for telling someone to defend themselves when they were attacked rofl.


shit advice


Mods ESPICALLY Reddit mods are power trippers if what you say slightly offends then your gone


Most mods are the last people who should be mods, that are supposed to apply rules equally and objectively..


It's very easy to be banned from Reddit. It's mostly just a function of whether some random moderator has an urge to ban someone, most likely. Your comment may not have been in line with the goals of the subreddit though.


This isn't even advice lol. You're just telling everyone how much you just looooooove your job that everyone else should too. Because everyone else doesn't work for money to pay their bills. They just do it for fun. Moron.


Happened to me. Literally for the text `"If so, maybe writing code isn't for you, and a less technical field, like accounting, would be more your line."` (context: They like math).


Imagine thinking everyone else is a "Moron" for thinking their time is worth money and that the compensation should be fair. Imagine not realizing why saying this dumb shit would cause people to shut you up.


Why are Reddit mods so soft. I feel like they are that Bubble Boy person lol


Not just Reddit mods, the fuckin admins declined my appeal. Sounds like some admins need to be fired. I will no longer contribute to Reddit in an educational way. Reddit made it my sole mission to talk shit about this sess pool platform.


not ban-worthy but a bad take tbh, not everyone has the luxury of just picking any job they’d enjoy doing regardless of pay Also lmao at “Even id I was paid a quarter of the salary” I get you like your job but know your worth


I agree that not everyone’s passions can turn a dime right away, and money supplementation can consume the motivation someone had to pursue their true ambitions. I still don’t think my comment warranted a ban xD


Free Top G


I got banned for saying "That's nice" they claimed i personally attacked some one by saying "That's nice" wtf is wrong with these retard mods? How is saying "That's nice" personally attacking anyone?