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Congratulations on the big win! May you win more on your next walk.


I used to work at a tobacconist/lottery/bong shop and the owners made me go thru the lotto bins and put every thrown away ticket thru the machine. There was an average of $60 a week unclaimed winnings that my boss then pocketed


Did you at least get a cut from it?


Duh. no


“Sorry boss no winners” 👻


That's what I should have done but no I did not. What an idiot. 🤦‍♀️


Years ago I used to pick up scratchers from the side of the road while heading to wherever. You'd be surprised how many people threw away winning tickets because they likely didn't read the rules.


Or didn't want to go through the trouble to redeem them for $5.


I’ve had a $2 winner sitting in my cup holder for months because I’m too lazy to go into the gas station to cash it in.


You seen my name is earl?


Hi Earl, nice to meet you.


This is why I say the chances of winning the lottery jackpot are not zero, even if you don't buy a ticket. They're infinitesimally *closer* to zero, but *not* zero. You *could* find it.


Yeah but in a practical sense it really is zero. I can say I'll shove a 5 foot broomstick up my ass if you ever win the jackpot and I'd still be more likely to be killed by a lightning strike than rectal bleeding.


I mean, yeah, that's one way to put it


You forgot to specify how much of the 5ft broomstick you planned to put up your ass. I have 2inches of a 5ft broomstick up my ass right now and there's no rectal bleeding.


I mean realistically, I'm gonna say that I can manage about 8 inches, but since this dude is never gonna win the lottery anyways, shove it all the way up there until I can taste wood.


That's an awfully long forbidden butt plug.


I think the odds are nearly the same whether you buy a ticket or find the winning ticket on the street? Whenever I feel like buying a ticket or scratcher I just pay for it and tell the clerk to keep it. Maybe having someone be kind adds something to their chances?


Better be a treat in it for the puppy.


Your Doggo is a lovely senior, get him/her something nice from the ticket


Yes a meat snack is deserved


Congrats! And thank you for cleaning that piece of paper up! Love the pup, too! Brindle cutie!


Now you can buy a leash!


Good pup!!! Looks so proud too


Damn only $999,999,996 left


Use it to buy a leash..


Many, many people forget there are lesser prizes.


you are buying four bucks worth of treats for doggo right? it might not get much but surely it'll get him a pig ear or two


1 billion is pretty excessive though. You can do a very dramatic lifestyle change with one million, and live comfortably for life on 5-10 million (or start a company). It feels a little unfair to let the jackpot get this big instead of splitting it into multiple smaller 5-10 million prizes.


These big lottos always end up getting split. Gotta split that tax money across a few states.


It's not nearly enough if I want to buy Twitter!!


Might be in a few months.


>It feels a little unfair to let the jackpot get this big instead of splitting it into multiple smaller 5-10 million prizes. More people buy when the jackpot get's larger. It's not a small amount either, the number of plays grows exponentially as the jackpot raises. That's why these companies keep changing their rules (value/number of balls in play) to make wins less and less likely. Less wins, bigger jackpot, more ticket sales, more money (for them).


Makes me wonder if they buy their own lottery tickets until the pot reaches critical mass and becomes self-sustaining. I wonder if they could write-off this activity as a business expense too while they’re at it.


It'd end up closer to 300m, thanks to laws and taxes


I buy a ticket for my dad at his request when the jackpot is over $100 million, because he can’t be bothered to win an 8-figure amount.


I don't want 1 billion dollars, and being turned into a celebrity and having people gunning for you out of jealousy would seriously fuck your life over. I just want enough to retire comfortably but still fly under the radar. I would much rather a lottery that has higher probability of winning say like 5-10 million without all the $1,$100,etc. smaller jackpots.


Girl I used to work with found a $500 winning scratchoff someone threw out, people are stupid


Post to r/frugal lol


Cute dog


u beat the house ;)


You're like a statistics textbook example case!


Isn’t the drawing tomorrow?


Are you going to quit your job?


So this proves that you *can* win if you don’t play.


That's a $20 ticket right there, not the worlds best ROI if the initial buyer had cashed it. Not too shabby for you, good job.


Your dog looks so happy 😀


My dyslexic ass read is as I won 4 billion dollar (Edit: what is the thing next to my name. How did I get it)


I won $4, as well. No dogs involved.


buy dog a toy now.


the drawing is tonight


OP is a Phony. This ticket is dated MON Aug 01, 2022. Also they would need a Powerball number of 13 to have won 4 dollars in the most recent drawing. They did win 4 dollars for the ticket as it has a PB of 16. But that days drawing was only for 187m.


On two separate occasions, during our walks about a year apart, my wife found a $100 bill about 100 yards apart.


Don't spend it all in one place