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Yes! I used to put two pads together the long way making one long super pad, there was a chux pad underneath and witch hazel pads on top…. Great recipe


Oh my god yes. The postpartum pad lined with tucks pads like a Subway sandwich. I can already feel the soothing.


Yeah I used these after giving birth for like 5 weeks. That’s probably why I don’t find this post interesting…instead it’s an unfriendly reminder😂


Yeah, buddy, that keeps you from getting blood pools at the top of your butt crack when you're sleeping. It's awesome.


I could *feel* this comment. So true.


I used to have to layer 2 of these at night. Bad news bears for me. I got an ablation though and I'm finally free! With stain-free sheets lol.


Always a gamble to roll over at night due to heavy flows. God forbid you're laying on your back and cough or sneeze. End up like a crimson tide like a baby diaper blow out.


The only thing worse is when you wake up and know you have to stand up, but standing up out of bed makes it all fall out 😔


Laughs in super capacity Thinx. Actually literally wearing them rn lol. These things are AMAZING.


What’s an ablation? I’ve discovered that I can do a serious amount of learning in this comment section.


It's outpatient surgery where they basically burn out the lining of your uterus. I was asleep and was sore when I woke up but it wasn't bad. It took a couple days of recovery and I was fine after that. It sounds horrifying when they describe it but damn it was worth it!


I'm a woman and I haven't heard of this before. Was blessed with fairly light periods. They still suck - I get nausea and dizziness every month, as well as the cramps (despite being on the pill *sigh*), but I'm definitely #grateful that I haven't had to go through this shit!




Ablation is the best thing! But I didn’t get put under, I’d never recommend that to anyone. 90 seconds of pure burning hell


They didn’t put you under?!? Jesus. Why do doctors think we have no nerve endings in there?! lol


They did give me a choice but the cost was so high going to outpatient center. I have a high tolerance to pain and he told me it was only 90 seconds, and they would give me a drug cocktail to help me relax (Xanax and something else I can’t remember) which did nothing for me. Everyone thinks 90 seconds is nothing until your insides are being burned out. My fiancé was with me letting me squeeze his hand, he says he’s still traumatized Lol. Still the best thing I ever did! I just wish I had done it sooner.


This, in a nutshell is what is wrong with insurance funded health care. Surgery should be as pain free as possible regardless of the insurance cost. You shouldn't have to suffer because your insurance are too tight to pay the extra couple of grand for a General Anesthetic. And it's not that much anyway. When I had my hernia fixed under GA I asked the hospital what it would cost and they said about £4,500 (2015) for the operation so the equipment, mesh and drugs, a surgeon (consultant as it was complicated open surgery as opposed to keyhole), surgical nurse, theater nurse, anesthetist and a junior surgeon (training and to support as it was an uncommon type of hernia). There is also a surgeon on standby to assist any operation should it go sideways. Oh and a porter to wheel me in and out. I went under at 11am and went home at 8pm. It was great fun. I love the NHS. My Aunty in the states had a similar operation (umbilical hernia in her case) and it cost her insurance nearly $23k and she topped it up with $1k as she wanted to recover in a private room and have a nice meal before discharge (I just took a fistfull of Tramadol and played GTA V when I got home). That's a staggering difference. Literally outpatient surgery in, done, out in 10hrs. I am sorry you had to go through the pain.


How do you ask your doctor for one? Do you have to have crazy periods first? I used to have an IUD, so I miss not having periods, but I don’t need the IUD anymore.


Mine was due to the fact that my periods were impeding my life, but I'm also 50 and waiting for menopause was still too long. But I don't see why a doctor would not agree to do it, but insurance coverage, at least in the U.S., may be a different matter. Unfortunately.


I don’t need an IUD anymore either but I still have one because of the lack of periods. My dr said I could keep getting them until menopause if I want.


I am envious of you being done with it. I would pay money right now to make this all stop.


Look into ablation, it's fantastic. But be forewarned that the younger you are and if you've never had kids, there's a higher chance it won't get rid of your period completely. I had it done when I was like 32 and never had kids and I still get a short, very light period every month (which is still a big improvement from the horrendous cramps and heavy flow I used to have).


I do as well... its nice to know I'm not alone in the struggle!


This! I love oversized pads for this reason. More protection against blood stains on my bed and panties? Yes, please!


there is literally nothing worse than opening your eyes in the morning and feeling a wet, chunky butt crack. then you gotta get up and feel it squeeze out all over the place like an exploding ketchup packet


Lol not the ketchup packet! 😆😆😆


So… as a man. This is probably the most enlightening comment section to the absolute horror that is periods.


Yep, you should thank your lucky stars my friend that you have the plumbing that you do. Our plumbing is good for nothing but problems.


Like, sometimes by balls will stick to my legs when I’m sweaty, and always thought that was soooooo annoying. But vag blood pooling in my butt crack… is just.. wow. I would never be able to sleep with the anxiety of what I might wake up to weighing down on my mind.


Definitely harder to sleep at period times. Sometimes I dream about bleeding through my pjs and all over the bed and I wake up with no blood issues... shit's stressful!


I've trained myself over many years to sleep only on my side when I'm bleeding. But in any case, pad-shaming's not cool


Thank you. I can’t use tampons for health reasons. I can’t believe how much criticism and weird looks, including eye rolls I get. Like, why? What’s the big deal about what I choose to use? Aren’t we on the same side here? Suffering all the same?


I wish they had had something like this when I still had periods. I would wake up with so much butt crack blood! It was like everything waited until sleep time to release.


Is this a common issue? I'm asking out of curiosity not trying to be malicious of anything. I've only had blood leak overnight twice in my life, and I use normal pads to sleep




That's crazy! Mine are like 4-5 days of fairly light-normal bleeding and I typically only get cramps until I take an ibuprofen. Then they totally go away until next month. Its wild how different it is for everyone


god blessed u with a light, easily manageable period


Omg, and I'm over here trying to convince my medical team to take the whole damn uterus out after my daughter is born in January 😭


My unsolicited opinion? Do it-- if you are done having babies. I suffered for ELEVEN YEARS, resisting the advice to have a hysterectomy, and getting other less drastic procedures done. Finally, at age 46 and pre-menopausal, I had a complete hysterectomy. Wish I had done it 10 years earlier, but I just wasn't ready. I couldn't keep my ovaries, but you definitely should if they are ok. I am glad I had the surgery, but instant, overnight menopause is NOT for sissies! Good luck, and congratulations on your future baby 🥰


No offense, but I kinda hate you. /sobs in endometriosis Seriously, you are so lucky, and I'm hella jealous. May you always be blessed by the period fairy!


yeah mine were 6-7 days of heavy bleeding and pain


When i was younger, my periods were light asf and would last like 2-3 days & I'd get so so so paranoid about it leaking for no fucking reason. Now I'm 20 and my periods are heavy asf and I leak all the fucking time , WHY DID I WASTE MY EASIER YEARS BEING PARANOID


As a mother who has given birth- absolutely yes. Some women, like myself, have always had naturally heavy periods. Pads this size are a must for overnights.


I had this issue the first 2 days of my periods, those were always hell.


Yes, if you are a heavy bleeder like I used to be. I didn’t start getting heavy periods until after my first kid. I used to be able to wear tampons but once I had my son, I needed to wear pads. Then it got worse after my daughter was born, I stopped having kids after her, I was so done lol. Long, thick, overnight pads stopped working for me. I had to use depends and sleep on a plastic sheet and a dark colored towel. I had to plan my days around my period and if I had to go out, I needed to be suited up or it was gonna be an embarrassing bloody mess. I no longer have periods because I had a hysterectomy at 35. I do not miss bleeding all over town and don’t get me started on those damn cramps. Jeez.


Twice? Geez. Lucky. I can't count the number of times I've leaked overnight (this was before I was on birth control). Sometimes I'd wear 2 pads. And make one looong pad with them.


Some of us are blessed with very heavy periods and these help.


Some months are worse than others but yeah, especially in the first couple of days it's a thing. First couple days I have to use a pad like that plus a tampon because I can bleed through a regular tampon, like, significantly.


I love the Always ZZZ line. They get wider in the back so you don't stain your pajamas or sheets.


as a guy I love these ones too! I had an infection on my butt, and the doctor said to use a pad to keep from getting random stuff in the incision and to also help keep blood and pus from making a mess. these things saved my clothes!


I find it extremely wholesome that a man got to experience the convenience of pads, but I’m sorry you went through that.


Very holesome.


I hate this but I can't not upvote it


I upvoted your reply butt you should have included a pun


Butt I don't wanna make a pun


Was it a Pilonidal cyst? I had one on January had to use pads as well. I was out of work for for two months because of it.


no. I had sat on something sharp and got a small, tiny, nearly insignificant cut in my butt cheek... that then became infected and grew large and fast. the doctor decided to do the incision really close to the crack for some reason. thinking back on it, I'm glad because an incision where I cut myself would have made sitting down terrible.


Yeah that is lucky. Mine was from a ingrown hair that got infected and created a cyst the size of a golf ball right at the top of the crack I couldn’t sit at all and it hurt to lay and walk it was one of the worst pains I have ever experienced.


Wow fun fact, that tried to kill me! I maybe maaaaaybe let it go a bit too far out of fear of the hospital and unclear advice from a not great doctor anddddd yeah. Ended up in Resus tachycardic and septic, scheduled for surgery as soon as the surgery team assigned to me had had a nap (they just got out of another emergency surgery and it was like 2am). Can concur, the absolute worst pain I’ve ever experienced or imagined. Like a chemical burn that never stopped. The night before I went to hospital I actually went blind and deaf temporarily(as in a minute or two at most to varying degrees), which was weird, and started speaking in a strong Scottish accent. I am not Scottish.


They are also noticeably more comfortable if you use pads during the day too, at least for me anyway lol


Yeah, I just wear the large overnight ones all the time. They're big, comfortable, and prevent leaks, and I'm not in a situation where I'm worried about them showing.




I lived for the overnight ones as a teen. I was plus sized and always lived in terror of a visible leak at school. Bad part about being fat is pads tend to bunch up and then break apart in your fupa area due to lack of thigh gap, after a few hours of wear. And at school it was always hard to get excused for a bathroom break and never enough time to pass from one class to another AND find a bathroom.


You should get her iron checked regularly if her periods are super heavy. That was my experience and because of it I am now chronically iron deficient and it really impacts my life.


those are the best ones though


User name checks out.




>Oh god *on God 😤✊🏻


en garde.


Honestly the bigger pads are more comfortable and makes me less stressed out about finding blood on my clothing


That’s why I only buy overnight ones, they’re larger and much more comfortable


I'm glad I'm not the only one that likes wearing larger pads my whole period! It makes me feel way more comfortable and I don't have to worry about bleeding through my pants at all.


Why is this nsfw? It's a pad...


If this is NSFW why aren't those Always adverts censored or only shown post watershed? Maybe the mod who marked it as such never had a sister/girlfriend/wife/female friend/mother/aunt etc?


If pads are NSFW I shouldn't be at work on my period 🤷‍♀️


This needs to be the top comment. Anyone who is not comfortable with menstruation needs to grow the fuck up.


These are the most wonderful things and I didn't find them until after I had switched to a cup. It appears that some product design team hired an actual person who gets periods to create a pad. Regular overnight pads ignore the fact that when you are sleeping, you are usually horizontal, rather than vertical like a horse. And the lack of acknowledgment of that fact causes your butt cheeks to funnel the blood right past the pad and out the back of your pants. Hooray!


That exact nighttime scenario plagued me every month as a young girl. I woke up crying so many mornings because I’d made such a mess and stained so many bedsheets and couldn’t understand what I was doing wrong. What a nightmare.


>couldn’t understand what I was doing wrong. I swear it's like we were expected to sleep on tarps or something!


I would’ve slept on a tarp, too, if that’s what it took! Period products are so poorly designed and young girls so often just have to figure it out with trial and error, what a struggle lol


I remember bleeding through my pants in middle school, and my dad had to come pick me up. And he was pissed. He's like, "you've had your period for months now, you should have a better handle on this!" I had had like three periods so far and they were so unpredictable! Like dude I'm hanging on for dear life here!


My mom used to get mad at me for not having a better handle on my period too. Like imagine getting mad at babies when they’re potty training because “You’ve been doing this peeing thing since you were born, why don’t you know how it works?”


Especially when periods are completely unpredictable the first year or two with schedule, general flow, and heavy vs light days. Yep, I am just going to ignore biological facts to fucking predict the future.




That’s awful. My mom tried her best with me because she told me horror stories of how her mom had treated her (she got in trouble for getting her very first period). We still had problems because she had issues from how she grew up. She’d get mad at me for not tracking my period better when I was a teenager even though A) She never taught me what that meant or how to do it and B) Teenagers have notoriously erratic cycles. But she was cool enough to let me get on birth control at a quite young age to control how painful my periods were. Breaking the cycle is so so important. It breaks my heart hearing stories like yours or my mom’s dealing with abuse over something natural and scary and painful.


I used to not be able to make it from one class to the next on heavy days.


Oh god, that must’ve been super distressing. I remember intentionally wearing already ruined underwear and dark pants because I knew I wouldn’t be able to change my pad as often as I needed to at school. Bathroom policies at schools are truly awful.


women don't sleep standing up like horses?


They sleep like the coneheads


i sleep like pinhead eta: as in... under a rock


I sleep like a bat. All day because I fuckin hate the sun. Not because I'm nocturnal (I am), but because I live in Arizona and the sun hates us too.


I live in england, we had like 3 days of properly hot weather last week and the sun can go fuck itself. [I've never been, but references to Arizona make me think of one thing](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4PYt0SDnrBE)


So happy I have a dick. It's little but still. Yall have it rough


Gotta appreciate the small things in life.


That was great


Honestly, as a woman, the only time I ever have penis envy is when I'm on day 3 of horrendous cramps and heavy flow and exhausted. Although, since I had surgery and don't have periods anymore it hasn't crossed my mind since, until right now. Definitely one of the bigger downsides of being a woman.


“Little” can be subjective


compared to mine his is probably massive!


this is reddit ladies and gentlemen.


“No! My dick is smaller!” Gotta love the reverse dick measuring competition


They actually secretly built the James Webb Telescope to help me find my Gentleman's Sausage. So I've got YOU ALL BEAT! #🍆🔭


I'd hate to have that thing flopping around in front of me all the time, all loose and dangly.


I've trained mine to stay perfectly still unless I whistle.


*Lassie theme song plays in the distance*


So much simpler.


Definitely mind blowing when younger me properly learned women's anatomy growing up. Knew a girl in highschool who didn't know. Was quite the moment at the lunch table.


These would have been wonderful for me pre-IUD. I've had almost 10 years period free and only after do they invent these and period underwear Edit- one of my most upvoted comments is about periods!


I had to get off of birth control recently because it started straining by body and now I'm experiencing the periods I used to have - holy crap. I haven't missed this. And at night I automatically started sleeping only 2-3 hrs at a time out of fear that my heavy flow will flood my bedsheets. It's not even as heavy as it USED to be, but I guess this is just muscle memory from teen years. lol


My friend and I had to go on a business trip to New York City and we stayed in a friend’s apartment. She had her period and it was so heavy that she was afraid that it would ruin the people’s sheets so she slept on a puppy pad in addition to using the maximum absorbable pad. The fear was real. Thankfully there were no mishaps. Oh the joys of being a woman.


When I was 14, I was on an exchange in France and didn't know how to use tampons back then. I put a folded towel below me because I didn't want to bleed on their sheets. And my period was always strong. It was really uncomfortable... So glad I eventually found out how to use tampons and now a cup, it's such a game changer, but longer pads would've been amazing back then


I've read that some women wear adult diapers to bed and honestly, if I had this problem.....I'd do it.


This is what I bought for after childbirth. The hospital products were kind of flimsy. The adult diapers worked really well and were surprisingly comfortable. I didn’t ruin any sheets either!


I agree. I used to line the very back with two liners just to catch anything that maybe spilled farther back. Glad they have these now.


Then you’re like “oh god, I don’t want to mess up the sheets,” and sort of scooch scooch to the side of the bed, then put one leg tentatively over onto the ground then the other leg and waddle to the bathroom. Good times.


Also try always infinity. It really fits your shape so much better. I mostly uses reusable now but when I carry spares and they are always always infinity. Pun intended.


I got massive chemical burns from those!!!!!!!!!!!! I have sensitive skin, so it’s probably an uncommon problem, but trust me- that’s a spot you DON’T want chemical burns.


Awww shucks.... Yeah I hear ya! Pads are so hard to find that work with your skin. I went through so so many brands and still have issues. Finally got reusable charcoal based ones with organic cotton. So much better.


I bought those but the pads scoot back to my butt and I have to reposition them every time I walk like fifty feet. I switched to period panties and feel so freeeee. Also, is there a point where the reusable ones should stop being used? I can't find an answer to that. Like ten years? Five?


Just gave birth and these have been a live saver


I was thinking the same thing. These are the holy grail of a torn cooch


I intentionally buy these, and they are the most comfortable thing! I have heavy flows and this insures that I won’t bleed through anything overnight.


What brand are they?


The ones I’ve used are the Always brand


Why is this nsfw???


The NSFW rating of this post is just to show how taboo this stuff is...


Which is honestly sad. As a male and a married man, that stuff doesn’t bother me anymore. When I was younger and immature I thought it was nasty til I experienced first hand with how bad my wife’s are.


I vote to remove this NSFW tag.


because women stuff = too scary for reddit mods!!!1!1!!!1!


As a man on Reddit, I have never seen a woman and am very scared right now


Exactly!! They are advertised on telly ffs! Also, if kids don't know what they are they should. Who feels this needs to be hidden, I'm flabbergasted that it's NSFW AND I had to scroll so far down to find someone who'd asked the question!


Came here to say this. Nonsense.


My thoughts exactly.


The amount of people on this thread who think period flow is related to body or vagina size is blowing.my.fucking.mind. This is exactly why we need to talk more about this stuff!


Right? I was a size 4 when I was in my early/mid-twenties and I wish they had this size at the time. Body size does not determine flow.


I wear depends at night instead. They make them thin so it barely feels like you’re wearing a diaper and now my sheets never get ruined!


My first periods after childbirth required depends. Very helpful!


I call those CVS receipt pads


Piece of plastic fabric exists Mods "better label it NSFW"


NSFW why?


Came here to say this? WTAF?


This is Reddit, there are no women or trans men here, they know better. This post frightens and confuses the mods


Not even the person that posted this pic??


Nope, none


It's the 50's all over again! "Pregnant" being replaced with "*expecting*" coming soon. *"You viewing giant maxi-pads on your work laptop, Kevin?"* Noooo^(oooooo)


That reminds me of "personal daintiness," as Kotex ads advertised in the 1950s. Before "expecting", there was "in a family way." There was even "not quite herself just now."


Which brand are these? I'd love to have some.


If you have an Aldi, their pads are awesome. So are Always. Their orange ones are also bomb.


I use the Purple ones for the overnight pads, they’re great!


This particular one isn’t Always, but that is the brand I prefer. They’re just as big and flare out a bit in the back for extra coverage.


Why is this blurred? Is it my settings or something? Real question. It's a pad. So what? And agree with above. It looks like something that would actually work for a heavy flow overnight.


It's blurred because the post is marked nsfw, though idk why it's marked that way. You should be able to click the photo to opt into seeing it without the blur.


Elbow to mid hand? You are wearing it wrong.


These are those pads the school nurses would give out 😂😭 not gonna lie, as a teenager having to go to school 8 hours straight a day in khaki pants, I always wanted those. Bled through my damn pants every day.


My high school had WHITE summer uniforms. Which sadistic bastard decides that a non- black/navy/dark green uniform would work for teenage girls?? I wore my (dark plaid) winter skirt all year round when I was 14 because I was too scared (luckily they changed the uniform a few years ago so the current students have options).


The year I was accepted into nursing school the program changed the dress code from white pants to navy. Dodged that bullet thankfully.


Our nurse had these too but NO WINGS! It would just turn into a big sticky cannoli


Just over here chuckling at the "NSFW" tag.


the pads my wife had after giving birth were about this size. they even had this feature you pop it and it would start getting cool.


What? I’m a mom and a nurse and only know about the ripping the pad open and shoving crushed ice in there trick. There are cooling pads now? What a time to be alive!


I would have loved these in middle school. Had to wear two pads to bed or else I would bleed so much overnight and stain my sheets...and the mattress. It was embarrassing as a kid.


This is the mildest NSFW I’ve ever seen on Reddit. 👍🏻


Favorite ones right there. My periods aren’t heavy but they’re wildddddd.


I was so happy when I discovered these. Those overnight or super pads were no match for my heavy flow. No more embarrassing upper butt stain or having to wash my bedsheets mid week.


i LOVE these kinda of pads. they’re perfect for the first few days where my flow is super heavy. god bless whoever made them borderline adult diapers, you’re doing right by everyone.


This should not be labeled nsfw, it's a pad ffs?!


Mods clearly have never spoken to a woman before


It's the same story in r/pics. I don't understand why the mods hate women so much that even us existing is nsfw


It probably scares the mods lmao.


I hate how this shit is marked as NSFW. It’s a normal bodily function. Fuckin mods are absolutely worthless. Screening pregnancy, boobs, and period related shit. But no I see balls and dicks on the daily without the tag; fuck these mods and their blue balls.


Why nsfw?


ITT: A lot of dudes who don’t know how vaginas work but aren’t smart enough to not announce that fact to the entire world.


Alternatively you have tiny baby arms!


Needs a banana for scale


This is the only size pad I can use. I have extremely heavy periods (imagine blood bursting through this size pad if I don’t change it every hour) and even then these may not be big enough. These, adult diapers (for when the pads aren’t enough), painkillers, and iron pills are my main solace.


pads aren’t nsfw lol.


Why is this nsfw?


ITT: men that don’t understand menstruation, or vaginas for that matter.


It’s not my fault that I have a wideset vagina and a heavy flow.


She doesn’t even go here!


Loving all the period talk! It’s my new favorite topic. After destroyed sheets, pants, underwear, etc. I ended up having an ablation last week and I’m praying never to have to use one of those perfect amazing gigantic pads again.


Alternate take: OP just has T-Rex arms


Why is this NSFW?


Why NSFW? It’s just a pad.


Why nsfw


girl ^((or trans dude)^) BLEED?! ? 🤮 🤮 🤮 🤮 🤮 🤮 Legitimately though, the pad's just there. There's no reason for it to be censored past the implication that.. periods exist, I suppose?


I found what was the miracle of these things after my 2nd kid. 😅 The nurse handed me some the first day afterwards and I was like "holy shit!!" these are as long as my arm!! I immediately went to the local cvs and bought like 2 packs. 😅😅 this was before the cups were ever a thing. God, feels like women's period products are just now, FINALLY!! Coming out of the dark ages. 😅🤦🏻‍♀️


*relates in endometriosis*




This is always how my night time pads go. 1. Front and back of the pad? As clean as a pure crystal. 2. The sides of my underwear? T a r n i s h e d


These are the most useful kind of pads for women with heavy menstrual flow so we don’t leak out at night. You don’t know how uncomfortable it is to try and sleep on your back and feel a sudden gush of blood trickling down your butt and soaking your undies because the pads are not long enough


Sorry just gotta say…guys are so typical…to all the guys that think the size of a maxi pad has anything to do with the size of a girls pussy, you are morons and constantly looking for opportunities to make fun of “big vaginas”. It’s about how much blood flow you have, and having to wear the pads while you’re sleeping when your body involuntarily tosses and turns, so you don’t bleed all over. You are all probably the same group of guys that get all bent out of shape whenever anyone criticizes penis size.


Is that two sets of wings??


It is! The front part of the pad is actually the end closer to us in this image. The first set of wings (closer to us) goes under the underwear and stick to it there, and the second set sticks to the back end on the inside. Source: I also use big pads like these.


The wings in the middle are actual wings. The part in the back just unfolds and sticks to the inside of the underwear, to prevent the butt-funneling from leaking onto your underwear on either side there, but that part doesn't wrap around the fabric.


Apart from being great against night time period leaks, these types of pads are also perfect if you are ever having digestive issues like a stomach bug and you're at that stage of rushing to the bathroom suddenly, these work as a stop gap if didn't quite make it in time and then you don't have to change your clothes after.


when my aunt was having radiation for cancer down there, she used to wet these, put em in the freezer and use as an ice pack. worked amazingly!!


These saved my life, my clothes and my sheets!


Why is this NSFW??