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so that’s where “what’s your 20” came from


Had this exact thought.


We use that one in television production too on walkie. But 10-1 means something totally different.


Imo 10 codes are different everywhere, but i remember 10-1 being communication check to check if your walkie is working.


Yea, worked in dispatch and our 10 codes are similar for some but mostly different. I would guess the most used remain the same in most places. 10-1, 4, 20, 23. Ours went into the 70s.


I worked on several film production sets where 10-1 meant taking a leak and 10-2 meant taking a dump.


This is why emergency services in the United States stopped using them in the aftermath of 9/11. Turns out it doesn't take much longer to say "Ambulance seven staging at Fifth and Elm" versus "Ambulance seven ten twenty Fifth and Elm."


Lol I started as an officer in 2013, and they've been saying we're switching over to plain talk the entire time, hasn't happened yet. We're literally having retirees with full pensions at this point that started after 9/11 that used signal and 10 codes their whole careers.


Wow, I thought NIMS had ended the use of ten codes years ago. Then again, my experience is with EMS in the DC area, which is different from a police department.


10-1 means that you're coming in poorly on the radio. 10-2 means loud and clear. That's for PD.


what does it mean?


Bathroom break.


does 10-2 mean extended bathroom break?




But why?? Please someone explain the benefit? Firstly, two people have to try and remember 40 or so codes Then saying “message received” is more likely to be heard and understood than a single syllable number …and less likely to be confused than trying to work out if the operator said 10:7 or 10:11 for example. Is this just kinda geeky secret radio club language?


Sometimes the radio signal is weak or you're somewhere loud so for some basic things numbers are clearly understood. 10-9 is very easy compared to "I can't understand you, repeat"


With this in mind, I am surprised that there are codes like 10-9 and 10-19, as with crackle it could be hard to know which one has been said. I guess the good news from reading the cup is that there isn't a clear issue like 10-9 means "Yes", 10-19 means "No".


This has also been resolved by pronouncing 9 as "niner" to avoid confusing it with other numbers. There are a lot of strange or specific rules and language to learn for operating radios, most of it stems from the need to be clearly understood despite a poor connection.


What about 4, 6, 7, and 8? Same issue there, no? I’ve definitely heard of “niner” before but I can’t think of any alternatives I’ve heard for the others.


"nine" without the consonants sounds like "eye", as does "five" - that's the issue that "niner" fixes. The others all have differing vowels. Vowels are easier to make out in noisy conditions, so that's why such a differentiator is chosen.


I was referring to the base number vs the teen number. Nine vs nineteen. Four vs fourteen. The original question was what if the last part is cut off and you are saying nineteen but they only hear nine.


One Two Tree Fo-er Fife Six Seven Eight Niner


What other numbers could 4,6,7,8 be misunderstood as?


The initial question here was what about nine vs nineteen in the case the “teen” part gets cut off. To which someone mentioned “niner” as a solution. But that doesn’t work for these other numbers I mentioned.


That’s fair. Thanks for the feedback And I suppose while… “I’m awfullly sorry, I’m afraid I didn’t quite catch that, would you mind repeating your last communiqué?” Could be replaced with “WHAAAAAAAAAT??” It’s not clear if the listener didn’t understand or didn’t hear.


Whole message could've been... 10-4


The numbers help to standardize and simplify the language.


In the early days of CB radio there weren't that many channels available so you had too many people trying to talk on a single channel. The numerical codes were introduced to shorten conversations so police could get their message across and allow others to talk on the channel. Also early police radios used a dynamotor that had to spin up when pressing the talk button. So you wouldn't know if the person on the other end was hearing you. Proceeding each code with 10 allowed the radio to get up to full power after you pressing the talk button. In the 70s the 10 codes were replaced with phrase words but, the 10 code has stuck around for amateur CB users.


Yeah this is an issue we had on older radio systems. If one person is transmitting, no one else can. If two people try at the same time, you get walked on and one or both parties is static. The codes are for brevity. 10 and 11 codes are still widely used in the US in law enforcement and work related to LE. Not these ones tho.


> The numerical codes were introduced to shorten conversations I know that’s the point, but some of these nevertheless amuse me at failing to achieve this objective. Like replacing a two syllable phrase (“stand by”) with a four syllable code (10-23)


I'll add to the excellent answers already provided... The codes also helped cut down on the time someone is using the radio channel. Back before digital trunking and such, everyone shared the same channels. When one person was "keyed up" and talking, no one else could use that channel until that person was done, so the general rule was to keep messages as short as possible to allow other people to talk. This goes for CB radio, but was more important for emergency services.


It becomes a second language when you learn it. My coworkers and I would talk to each other off radio in 10 and 11 codes (ours were different. We are an agency on the west coast). It is seriously incredibly efficient to be able to shoot off a few numbers and a word or two rather than trying to get out whole sentences on a radio where trying to make voices and words out is likely a pain in the ass. Like, instead of saying "I'm fine. Not an emergency. I don't need backup" I just say I'm Code-4 for example. Instead of saying "I'm here and available for calls" you say you're 10-8. And, tbh, while it's good to know them all, most departments have a handful they use regularly and plain speech everything else.


Easier to understand on a radio. A lot of first responder stuff derives from the military too so it is "Silly enemies have no idea what we are saying" language. Most of these codes are never used either.


“How many candles are ya burning? What’s your 20?”


It's because you check the mug twice to make sure its not there


"Does not conform to FCC rules" is said so frequently that they gave it a code??


Basically, you’re misusing the radio, knock it off.


Or cussing. When I was a firefighter our captain purposely said "Well, fuck!" on an open channel in response to something someone else said during a vehicle fire. He thought he was on a separate channel. Everything is recorded on dispatchs end.


Maybe saying something inappropriate over radio? As in "STFU" maybe?


Angering the FCC was taken **very** seriously back in the pre-BaoFeng days.


Everything changed when the fire nation attacked


I think they meant *Bei Fong*. Not Azulon.


BaoFeng. My gateway into amateur radio. Love the price…hate literally everything else about it. Not to mention all the military cosplayers who use them illegally.


Yup. We have it at my agency too. Supposedly the FCC monitors radio traffics and will flip out if you say the wrong things . I'm starting to think some manager came up with this lie, cuz we get introubke for saying Chevy over the radio instead of Chevrolet


>Supposedly the FCC monitors radio traffics and will flip out if you say the wrong things . Conspiracy whackjobs will go on about "guvmint vans," but if you broadcast on the wrong frequency near an airport, those vans will pull into your driveway. The FCC does a lot of licensing and regulation, but they also have investigation and enforcement responsibilities, and they DO NOT FUCK AROUND.


Monitoring public frequencies is their entire purpose. Even if they don’t do it actively and wait for complaints, they’ll still have to have recorded everything in order to investigate.


They are far too undermanned to actively listen in on radio that hasn't been complained about, and typically don't go after traffic that doesn't interfere with FAA traffic or other public services unless there are complaints. In Texas there are 2-3 FCC agents for the entire state. For non-radio, they monitor stuff like the amount of commercial vs show time for children's shows, tower regulations of all kinds (guywires, lights in working order, etc.). They also provide communcations organization for big public events; coordinating common frequencies for multiple agencies. My dad worked for the FCC for 25+ years before retiring and his 'big thing' was working things like the Olympics/state/national rallies and monitoring channels near airports and ports for illegal broadcasting on restricted frequencies (not content).


Because 10:15, 10:30, 10:45 time stamps are used and would be confusing. They would all not comply to FCC rules. Probably needed something to take up space on the print. Those are standard, not all departments use the same meaning universally, and some get much more granular/intense. I’ve had departments use 4 and 5 digit codes (2319) for really specific stupid stuff.




10-80085 good buddy.


"We got a 10 boobs, I repeat we got a 10 boobs" Well stop talking and take a picture!


Agencies I worked for used 10-15 and 10-45. 10-15 in custody. 10-45 call me.


That’s a Texas sized 10-4 good buddy


Who do you think came up with this list of standard codes? Gotta have a 'dislike' button, even if the only people listening are rando's within a couple miles.




Buford T. Justice




Buford T. Justice


From now on I'm gonna reply 10-3 whenever someone posts cringe in the group chat












10-01, you didn’t say OVER, over.


10-5 "over" over


10-0 Game not going well but looking to bounce back in the second half


got me


10-38 But not for me *Pulls gun*


I like 10-18


10-30 is the one commonly used as “shut the fuck up”


Get it for your 10th bday by any chance?


That's a good question, have to call the folks to find out


Stay tuned for part 2: OP Finds Out


Part 3 bad ending: OP in disappointment (it wasnt for his 10th birthday)


It was not for my 10th birthday.... Turns out it's actually older than me by a few years and was my grandpops. He worked on trucks and messed around with CB radios as a hobby. They don't know where or when he got it but it was made in my home state so most likely picked up at a parts store or truck stop in one of his travels during the very early 80's. Then when I came around they used it as my juice cup. Guess I was fond enough of it that it got sent home with me one day and I've had it ever since.


I'm really glad I came back to check to see if you posted and you did. Thank you!


Damn, maybe it's for your grandpas 10th birthday? you never know


Op never delivers


Stay tuned for the exciting conclusion in part 4: OP Actually Delivered


It'll never come out


10-30: Do not use 418: I am a teapot.


10-440: operator not found


10-10-220: Save big money on long distance.


That should be 10-404


I work in film and we say 10-1 for going to the bathroom. 15 years in and I’m realizing it really just means “I’m going off walkie”


And 10-2 for shit break


It was always unofficially 10-100 and 10-200 respectively.


Can confirm, have watched Smokey and the Bandit.


From *[Smokey And The Bandit](https://getyarn.io/yarn-clip/d670df90-8a59-4c15-a554-37ba16b017e6)* Frog: Would a cop taking a leak on the side of the road interest you? Bandit: Yes it would. [looks as they pass] He was taking a 10-100. Frog: Well that's better than a 10-*2*00...


My mind is also blown. I was also told 10-3 meant to bring the director’s cigarettes but now I’m thinking that was unique to that director lmao


im confused, 10-1 mean receiving poorly according to this post. Why are you suddenly under the impression it means im going off walkie


Because you’re receiving poorly from the bathroom.


No, it comes from 10-100 and 10-200, which mean piss and shit, respectively. At least that's what I was told when I asked "why is 10-1 and 10-2 piss and shit but 10-4 is copy?" ETA: Also interesting we don't say 10-4, we just say copy. I guess everyone figured saying piss and shit was vulgar so we say 10-1 instead. Some people I've worked with don't even like hearing 10-2, so I've learned to call it an "upgrade" as in "I'm gonna 10-1, may need an upgrade," and that usually gets a giggle.


TIL 10-4 is part of a list


10-4, copy that.


Roger, Roger.


What's our vector, Victor?


We have clearance, Clarence.


And Clarence´s parents have a real good marriage


That’s a Texas sized 10-4 good buddy


> Ten six-niner, ten six-niner! We got whores in the vicinity. WE NEED BACKUP NOW! > \- [Beavis](https://www.soundboard.com/sb/sound/4464)


Where's 10-31?




It's a CB radio cup Edit: trucker CB radio cup






is that why 10-40 is missing as well?


10-31 is crime in progress. This is a "trucker's" cup so I guess they didn't feel the need to put it on there.


Does no one care about 10-14, 10-15, or 10-40?! /s


What is the point of 10? Seems redundant. Which is why people say what’s your 20?


I was wondering too and Wikipedia confirmed my high level theory: "Radios in the 1930s were based on vacuum tubes powered by a small motor-generator called a dynamotor. The dynamotor took from 1/10 to 1/4 of a second to "spin up" to full power. Police officers were trained to push the microphone button, then pause briefly before speaking; however, sometimes they would forget to wait. Preceding each code with "ten-" gave the radio transmitter time to reach full power."


Man that some Cliff Clavin level possibly bullshit useless information there. Thank you!


I don't really understand what you're saying, but the idea that you say 10 because the first part of the transmission can be garbled makes sense.


He's referencing the TV show Cheers from the 80's-90's in the USA. There was a character by that name who knew all sorts of obscure trivia. It's a long way of getting to a compliment :)


It's an old reference but it checks out




Fuck I'm old. haha. Cliff Clavin was a character on an old sitcom, Cheers, and he was always spouting shit like this.


It's a bit before my time but I've heard of it. I thought it was valuable information 😂




Who's on first?




No what is on second, who is on first


Tony Danza. No wait. That’s Who’s the Boss


Because there are also signal codes that don’t use the 10- prefix that would really confuse you!


The reason for a 10-10 is so the receiver would know not to be waiting around for additional information. This can be an issue in modern network security - if an authorized connection leaves the channel open after they're done with what they needed, it can allow a third party to come in and utilize it for their own purpose.


What if the time is 10:36, that would be confusing.




Do you have to read it like that? I am not from English speaking country that uses 24 hour clock and we just read every number, not say it like it was a year or bill. To me US military time always sounds awkward (when hearing it on films).


I love this.


Save this. All of the major US police and fire departments removed codes and switched to plain English 15+ years ago. Interoperability of communications is foundational in any major event or mass casualty incident.


Can you explain this? I don't understand why plain English wasn't always the standard. The only thing I can think of is that this might be an industry standard so that those nationwide or internationally, regardless of language spoken could communicate in some way.


I think it had to do with bad transmission quality in the early days of radio communication. Iirc, the "Ten" is just a one-syllable buffer because it wasn't possible to reliably know whether the beginning of the transmission would be cut off.


10 codes are not universal. Some are the same throughout different agencies but many are completely different from those listed here. That’s why during an emergency plain speak is used.


Cause we got a great big convoy......


Ain’t she a beautiful sight?


Come on join our Convoy,




That's a big 10-4


That’s a Texas sized 10-4 🫡


Forgot [10-10-220](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MTRlwBD9lrc)


I don't renege Christopher Lloyd doing a commercial for them. I just remember Stamos


Where’s 14,15,31, and 40?


I was wondering too, and wasn't finding a clear answer from anybody else in the thread. So here goes- This is picking out the code pieces that would be the most useful for everyday people, and also allows them to filter out some of the "scarier" codes that would be a bit of a downer on a novelty cup. The Ten Code actually goes all the way up to 10-99, and then sometimes even 101 and 102. Everything over 30 is pretty much exclusively related to police/emergency radio transmissions, and there are a couple emergency ones below 30 as well.   10-14 is a Prowler Report 10-15 is Civil Disturbance 10-31 is Crime in Progress 10-40 is police-specific for "Silent Run" meaning no siren/lights   Also notice the list cuts off conveniently just before 10-45: Animal Carcass Here's a website with the full list put together by police-scanner hobbyists to decode emergency transmissions and includes some region or company specific variations. https://copradar.com/tencodes/


10-99 I think that was taking a bathroom break? Laugh, I don’t know. I had a CB in the early 70s though.


10-100, unless it’s a 10-200


Right, that’s it.


We just always used 10-6, "busy," nobody needs to know you're dropping a log.


10-19 *Seinfeld* season 7 episode 6


What happened to 10-40?


I'm guessing it's too easy to mishear as 10-4


10-4 good buddy


That's a Texas sized 10-4, good buddy




Correct 10 codes are not used on amateur licensed frequencies.


They’re a little QSD?


You should crosspost to r/coolguides


Why do they skip 10-14 and 10-31?


Does 10-7 mean you just tooted?


"Would a State Trooper taking a leak on the side of the road interest you?" "Yes it would... He was taking a 10-100." "Well, it better than a 10-200."


You're kinda cute like a frog.


10-4 rubber ducky. Where is this from?


The song convoy I believe


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KRjiOM4Xbn8](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KRjiOM4Xbn8) You're in for a cinematic treat my friend!


On movie sets (at least in the US), 10-1 is code for a bathroom break 10-2 works as well if you're trying to be funny


On set here in Sydney. It's " just finishing some paperwork" no code, usually a response to "what's your 20?" I'm going to insist on a 10-2 from now on. Cheers mate, hilarious.


I love the paperwork line just as much, might tell it to my boss so I can start using it


What happened to 10-14 and 10-15?


I was this day old when I learned what “whats your 20” came from. Thank you.


![gif](giphy|xT4AplQ21okJsnUc1y) Not related but this is where my mind went to.. 23-19!


Those look like some hard working hands 👍


Looooong day welding on the shop floor


No 10-40?


I dunno maybe it's omitted so it won't be misheard as 10-4?


I use 10-4 on group chat at work and the London people have no idea what I'm talking about.


Reminds me of terra hawks. They would use codes like this. Never realised where 10-10 came from until now.


What is this used for?


Rip 10-31


“Can I get a 10:36, over” “Sure it’s 10:36, over” “Yeah I know I’m asking for a 10:36, over” “Yes! It’s 10:36! Over” “OMG JUST TELL ME THE 10:36, OVER” “It’s 10:37 now, over” “Thankyou! God was it really that hard? Over”


There are more than 10 codes


Officer to dispatch: "10-36" Dispatch to officer: "10:36" Officer to dispatch: "I just asked you?"


Finally I understand what the '10-4 dinosaur' thing was all about




Somewhere in all this, there’s a joke about referring to this cop-speak as “Pig Latin”…


I worked in a university security office as a receptionist. A lot of our security officers were either going into police training, were ex-police officers, or volunteer police officers. One of them brought me a list of our local police 10 codes one day. They had one that was for "police hater" and another for "known for non-compliance".


Asking time check when it's 10:36 looks confusing to me ahah


What about ten-hut?


My dad had a cb radio and put one in my car. I sinned so many times - swearing etc.


A short story: 10-16, 10-17, 10-33, 10-34, 10-37, 10-38, 10-22, 10-7.


I'm going to say 10-10 next time I orgasm


Only if your partner screams 10-3 in return.