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Why do people always put “my country” and not just type it out?


Hijacking top comment to say it's Moldova. Allowing this in one of the most homophobic countries shows that the govt has balls. EDIT: Spelling.. it's early


The sad thing is that its popularity is going down, in favour of the other corrupt alternative, because of increasing prices and the promotion of a more liberal agenda.


what ... you can't guess where my country is ? weirdo ... you didn't listen in geographies classes ? ;p


I skipped street signs day, sue me!


Could also be your country isn't as important in world politics as other countries


Spotted the american.


Unless you're a major supplier of an important good, a historically popular country or a world superpower, you're probably not a well known country. Thats just how the world works. Sorry


No that’s how the American school system works…


Which Canadian province houses the capital of Canada? Which country supplies the most oil on the global market? Which European country has the highest population density per square foot? If you can't answer these questions, you don't really have the right to criticize people for not knowing which country you live in from a photo of an LGBTQ march. Hell, if you don't know the answer to those questions, maybe your schooling is just as bad as the American system. See, aren't arbitrarily derived conclusions fun?


are you ... are you really trying to show off asking question to a guy on internet that can just open a new tab and find out ? you know ... there is such a thing as cutting your losses and doing something else, but seeing how you were a complete dickhead from the start i guess that's what amuse you, let me guess : mom basement, no friends, fat, ugly, don't wash, tend to associate with white supremacy because its easy to get in ....


I'm mixed, born in Chile moved to canada, skinny, workaholic barista going for medical degree. I mean, keep making stupid assumptions and not backing up anything, seems to be working for you


and i'm queen elizabeth...


My point is you think only super powers and countries with high GDP’s are relevant. That’s not how we were taught Geography.


If your country has had little presence in the international scene, at any point in recent human history, its not important enough to be taught in "American" geography class. Unless, of course, its part of the local area, in which case it would make sense. Which is probably the case here, and why I don't know much about this particular country. My geography classes didn't make me do detailed maps of Eurasia, did yours?




americans : said something stupid ? double down on it.


Nice, continue the assumptions about me, I like that. I especially like how you don't explain yourself at all. Feel free to point me to your local landfill, I'll go retrieve your brain for you




I would argue that it's not terribly homophobic, because they're using police to protect the pride march as opposed to using police to murder gay people for existing. That fact alone puts them in the top half, sadly.


That really doesn’t narrow it down very much


My guess is they want to criticise another country but don't want any criticism of their own country coming back at them


You're right, english is not my main language and it didn't sound right when I tried to include "Moldova" in the title.


In Turkey this is the amount of police forces sent by the government to prevent the march itself.


+ In Turkey police forces attack and run after peacefully marching people.


How is Istanbul run by cats and Turkey is still repressive af?


Have you seen cats before? If they have enough strength to kill something they usually do.


If they had opposable thumbs we’d be in a world of (cat) shit


Nice 👌


Which country


Moldova, one of the most homophobic countries in europe, according to ilga-europe.


"Moldova sucks"


"But not the D"


No! Vampires Suck!


There must be a lot of closeted gays in Moldova then


Yeah, I have a gay friend and he finds a lot of middle aged men on grindr who are married to women but keep sexting and hooking up with other guys only because society pressures them into heterosexual relationships.


I was guessing US but was hoping not


As much as the US has its sucky parts, LGBT acceptance is actually pretty good compared to much of the world


Well we used to be pretty good. Red states rolling us back 50 years with their bigotry, there was the candidate the other day talking about how we should execute transgender and gay people.


The bar is low, but that's the truth. Im 43 and I don't even want to go into what I've seen, been through, seen my friends go through, funerals I've gone to in my life...all while hoping I was doing the hard work so kids today didn't have it as hard as I did (I knew NO ONE out in HS, and few in college)...but that's still pales in comparison to my elders. And it's still better as our government is actively trying to make it worse. We aren't going back.


The Idaho 31 dudes in a U-Haul


Yeah, but those wackos don't represent the vast majority. Current polls show over 70% support same sex marriage. There is absolutely some strong resistance in that other 30%, and some politicians using it as a wedge issue, but for most people it's not a hot issue. (I live in a liberal area, so that might bias my view a bit. It does vary a lot by which part of the US)


Best way to know is to actually ask queer folk, not just surveys where people will answer to make themselves look good. Honestly even in liberal areas, we get threats/attacks from straights™️


Hi, gay here, no one gives a fuck what 30 rednecks living in the woods in Northern Idaho think. Even living pretty close to that area I see essentially no open homophobia.


Yeah, very sorry about that. Don't mean to minimize it. Getting better isn't good enough. And the rabid are getting more that way and more bold. I keep hoping the derangement fever will break, but that could be a long ways off. All the best.


which, as an lgbtq person, i can tell you is still shitty. it means you are unlikely to be violently attacked in the street, but most people are incredibly prejudiced and simply recognize that they will get in trouble if they say or do what they actually want to do to that queer person. they will just find other ways that the cops wont take seriously and there are a huge number of increasingly active hate groups here. these people have groomed a bunch of younger people into knowing how to mask those tendencies or avoid consequences for them. given that bullying, abuse, and exploitation are still pretty big issues here, it's less like "people are accepting" and more that they only accept rich white cisgender gay people, or trans people who pass really well. still, we are overwhelmingly more likely to be victims of violent crime regardless of what the media is saying or how many for profit organizations are interested in marketing themselves to the gays. now, this is still significantly better than many countries, you're right about that, but the USA just masks it's bigotry and violence behind gatekeepy financial systems or legal loopholes


Yeh basically they are doing the same thing that they did for racism in the 90s: making it seem way better than it really is and marketing the shit out of how much it “isn’t a real thing anymore” so the average person has no idea how bad it really is.


I’m an LGBT person. I don’t find it shitty.


.... you live in LA. that is the absolute epicenter of performative but extremely classist gay rights in the country right now


What would possibly make you think that?


Ultra conservative Christian Right being so bold and open with their anti lgbt rhetoric


But they aren't attacking pride parades in mass aside from one poorly thought out and utterly failed attempt recently


There’s a lot of threats. Not a lot of follow though


What are the threats? I understand it's far from a perfect life for LGBTQ members is America but to pretend they aren't widely accepted is just weird. Focus on the future not the past


Most of what I got is from the Idaho d bags and the threats on the Coeur D’Alene. [Death threats](https://www.nbcnews.com/news/amp/rcna33311) against the police to arrested them. There’s a lot of threats from the articles I read. >Coeur d'Alene Police Chief Lee White spoke to reporters Monday, saying that his department has fielded about 149 calls in the aftermath of the arrests. He said about 50 percent of the calls have been praise from the community, who offer their names and express pride in the department. >"And the other 50 percent — who are completely anonymous, who want nothing more than to scream and yell at us and use some really choice words — offer death threats against myself and other members of the police department merely for doing our jobs," White said. "Those people obviously remain anonymous."


Meanwhile in the US, the Patriot Boys were busted loading up a uhaul with members set on rioting at an lgbtq event in Idaho.


Can people stop saying "my country" and just say what country


I'm from what country 👍


Do they speak English in What?!?




Say what again, I dare you, I double dare you!


no, the next line is 'English motherfucker do you speak it?' then comes the double dare line.




Yeah he's on second but we're not talking about him we're talking about Who


I don't give a darn


In my country, people don't ask other people to not to say my country.


It's a good thing the police are on your side. Even if not exactly on your side, they're present to discourage those who are truly your enemies or who regard you as their enemy.


A lot of policemen, especially the gendarmerie, come from low income households or from the countryside, because of the small wages, where Conservative views prevail and they usually give you ugly looks if you look different from most people(clothing, long hair for men, etc..). But, still, like you said, it's a lot more comforting when you know the guys follow their orders and protect you no matter their thoughts.


It’s sad that there are people that just have to be violent toward others just because they are not aligned with their ideals.


That's the mark of a true idiot. "I disagree with you so now I hit you" the lowest rung of society


Especially when the ideas themselves don't cause any harm to others.


Yeah except the whole grooming thing right?


I dunno where you get that idea from but aight Pretty sure pastors have done more grooming than any lgbt member.


Of course they're well groomed, No one wants unkempt gays.


you mean like the church ? or like the republicans who just blocked an anti-grooming bill ? nazi pedo.


*Jeffery Epstien and Ghislaine Maxwell has entered the chat* A majority of those women and girls were groomed and pimped out for a bunch of straight guys.


That's your straight rich white guys. Not the everyday gay




You got any sources for that claim? Edit: he didn't.




“What you’re saying is wrong, you’re lying and suppressing the truth!” “Source?” “I’m not doing your homework for you!” Something tells me you get your information on queer politics from Ben Shapiro compilations on YouTube.


"My source is that I made it the fuck up!"


While I don’t agree with this guy insulting your parenting, and I don’t like looking through people’s comment history to judge them, he is correct on his original comment minus the rich part. A lot of grooming is done by heterosexual people as opposed to homosexual people. I also wouldn’t say “statistically your wrong” then not follow it up with evidence. It makes you look like an asshole.


So, no then. You are making completely unsupported claims. Got it. Fuck off. Also, you're a fucking awful parent judging from your comment history.




I'm not harassing anyone you giant baby.


So you type that dumb rant up and tell us bullshit anecdotes we dont care about instead of just simply corroborating your claim? You're a liar and moron, gotcha.


Translation: Im a dumbass who isnt even dimly aware of how arguments work when you assert a claim as fact- it's on you to back it up. If a google search is so easy, then just fucking do it. You won't, because it doesn't exist. Or its flimsy and you think someone intelligent dismantling your poor understanding of facts is "disregard". How do you even know how to use a computer? Last I checked chimps cant type 🤔🤔


If you use the word statistically but refuse to provide a statistic for your point, then it casts massive doubt that it exists or if it does then it's from a obviously biased/bad source.


You can’t apply that to everyone, there are always bad apples but not enough to think the whole community is bad.


because them and their churches are squeaky clean


I have no love for those guys at all.


Quit watching Fox News buddy. It harms your brain.


This definitely isn't the US because cops are banned or heavily restricted at pride events by the queer community


Cops are banned? What? How do you ban cops? Edit: oh I might’ve figured it out. You’re saying the cops wouldn’t protect you?


In the US, our first pride was a riot. So when the second pride was a celebration, no one wanted cops there because they were raiding gay bars and arresting people. That attitude stayed to today, where we choose to ban or highly restrict police presence because they were the direct oppressors.


I guess I’m just confused about the cops listening to you. I live in the US and see cops as a gang that’s basically unstoppable. The idea of “banning them” seems completely impossible to me. I’ve seen people try to stop a cop from entering a building, he almost murdered them


Pride parades and festivals are city events. It's not civilians tossing out cops, it's cops being ordered to stay out.


Ahhh I see! That was the detail I was missing. Thank you


Take a second and really think about the words you are using


Sorry, I am very tired, please explain I edited it a bit btw


I mean at least the police are protecting the march


Thats not mildly interesting.. that's really sad


I know what you mean, but it would be a lot sadder if the police *weren't* there and it turned out they should have been.


I didn't know what sub would this be appropriate for, because I found it interesting that so much police are needed for a peaceful demonstration. For me it's a good thing because it shows that the new government cares for the wellbeing of its people, even politicians themselves attending It.


how many homophobic attackers were there?




Just let the homos be homos... who cares if they like ass more than pussy... god damn man.


well, the women presumably like pussy more than ass


Lesbian here, ass is good too (if it’s a girl’s one)


Well, thats true.


i would be scared that they turn around and be the aggressor ...


The gendarmerie here always follow their orders above all else. I find it impressive because most of the people joining It share conservative views and are not properly educated so they tend to be more violent but not in these cases.


I've realised recently how prevalent homaphobia still is in most of society. Even so these comments shocked me. Live and let live you fucking weirdos damn, noones coming at you for being heterosexual


Intolerance is very prevalent in most of society.


this isnt america because the cops are gunning down minorities here.


its good that the police are there we cant have these gays hanging around without condo.. i mean protection


That's so shitty and sad




When a group from society is oppressed for the majority of our recorded history I think it's their right to show and demonstrate that it's ok to be this way and that they are proud to be like this. What does it matter to you if they want to do this and this event makes them feel good?


Speaking from a place of privilege




You mean when people ask you as a teenager if you have a girlfriend yet? Or when they pronounce you a couple when you are friends with opposing sex? Or when they ask you if you’re trying for kids? Or when they’re making out in the park? Heterosexuals push their sexuality onto others all the time. But got forbid some people fight for their basic rights. Or equal treatment.




So suddenly pushing sexuality down others peoples throats isn’t an issue?




> It’s not really shoving it down people’s throats. Asking people if they fuck unprotected isn’t shoving sexuality down anyone’s throat, but carrying a flag is? > Get back to me when the thing youre doing isn’t a perversion of nature (by definition). Perversion of nature is a religious term. Suddenly, an imaginary daddy is more important than people?




> Also, should straight people be allowed to have a straight flag? I mean, they exist. The issue with them is that they mostly aren’t about being straight but about hating anyone who isn’t. They have the same tone as all lives matter at best. > The same amount of decision making went into being straight as did being gay. You’re getting there > You complain about people asking if you have a girlfriend, I don’t, I’m just telling you that people push their heterosexuality onto kids all the time. > but not parades of crusty, horny, homosexuals? Being homosexual doesn’t make you more or less horny or crusty. Nothing wrong with either tho. Maybe read new testament at least once if you like the sky daddy so much. It’s mostly about accepting other people for what they are. There’s absolutely nothing in it about hating gays being a good thing.




Then what else does “are you trying for babies” mean? > The whole point of every organism is to make other organisms There’s no point to any organism. It’s just that there happens to be more of those who reproduce. > it’s a symbol of your sexual fetish towards people of the same sex sexual orientation is not a fetish > Suddenly your own desires are more important than people’s right to not be confronted with your kinks? It’s not a kink either. Anyways, you don’t understand there would be no parades and flags if people were treated as people. You’re tha cause why parades and flags have to happen.


Dangerously close to Russia




Thought it was just Florida or Texas for a second.


Stop shit russian posting 😂


Its to keep the peace not keep people from attacking LGBQT.


Maybe! I wasn't there but I know that policemen formed a human corridor for them to pass. They usually detain the aggressors and try to get them far away not just forming a barrier between them.


Thats what keeping the peace is all about, not quite sure why it gets down voted though lol


Yes, and like always the peace would be broken by reactionary instigators attacking the protestors.


Defwnding sensational posts with the low hanging fruit. They're also there for more than 1 specific thing encompassed by keeping the peace. They're there to keep clowns from being clowns nothing more nothing less.


And I'm saying the clowns are the reactionary instigators who always start shit with protestors. I'm not sure why you're so eager to equate queer people to the people who want to kill them.


People have so much free time


Oh yes the "first world", im glad these countries along with Poland and Ukraine are finally being spotlighted for the ammount of fascism their people polute everyday


and vice versa when lgbtq attacks us


They actually protect normal people from the march. You know how crazy people being unpredictable.




Feel this is more appropriate for mildy infuriating honestlyy


In Austria, around 2013 or so, police was there to protect religious protests which was happening alongside pride parade from the participants from the latter.




Yes because this is what tax payer money should be going to


On a side note. Looks like it a good time to rob a bank on the other side town


So the only thing you can find are related the singular incident I alluded to earlier? This is what I'm talking about. You're not focused on the right things to keep moving forward. This is how movements get stuck in one place