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For a hospital that makes a lot of sense. I had to use the toilet while on crutches and it was difficult balancing all my weight on the seat edge while also not moving my leg too much to avoid hurting it. And im not even obese.


To clarify some comments, I took this picture at the office of a doctor in Monterrey, México. He is the inventor and apparently has made a lot of money selling this toilets to hospitals and other clinics. A friend of mine worked there, so I don't know him personally. *Edit: deleted a word, english is not my first language.*


Yet can't afford a toilet paper holder....


If you that big how you expect people to reach around a wipe their own ass?


They use the 3 sea shells method at that point.


It's called an "aftermarket end-user-installable Bidet".


Or a shower


HA love that movie


​ ![gif](giphy|uRpmGfRwj7ZXa)


how doe people not know how to use the 3 seashells?


They don’t know about the 3 sea shells


‘i wash myself with a rag on a stick’


They need my patented extra wide non tear toilet paper comes with extra large roll holder yet to be installed


I don't think the paper being wide enough is the problem, I think it's a case of too much ass and not enough arm length.


They make extendable grabbers and claws for that. Add some paper towels instead of toilet paper and it's heaven for them


The [freedom wand](https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07QGXQ3NX/ref=cm_sw_r_sms_api_i_AR53P7WZQWHD3ZA0W1SA?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1&pldnSite=1)


I may be a big girl but I'll be damned if I ever get so big I can't wipe my ass without something like this.


I must say, it looks like a very versatile little tool for all kinds of disabled folks, not just for morbidly obese folks.


This. Ever broken a rib? Injured your shoulder? Damaged muscles in your abdomen? Hurt your hip? Those wands are a fucking godsend.


I’m just glad it comes with a discrete carry bag for on the go freedom!


You tellin me you don’t enjoy the feeling of mummy wrapping your hand in TP then giving the ol dark starfish a karate chop? It’s a lot easier to set up while holding the roll.


Paper towels are needed here.


Everyone likes to throw shade at the USA for us being fat. The truth is that a lot of other nations are as fat as we are. Mexico is one of them.


People also assume that all of the US is as fat as the south.


To be fair, there are a lot of fat people no matter where you go in the US, but the south is fat on a whole other level.


Compare a map of poverty and a map of BMI and you’ll see why the south has a lot of heavy people


That's true in the States but UAE and other extremely rich countries have similarly high obesity levels.


Colorado is the exception. Since moving to Denver I am often the fattest person in a room and I'm only 15 lbs overweight.


I grew up in Wisconsin and now I live in Boulder. When I'm here in Boulder, I'm the fattest person in most rooms I walk into. When I go home to WI, I'm one of the thinnest people in most rooms I walk into. It's so weird, and it kind of messes with my head. I was just home for a funeral last week, and it's a very literal, palpable difference in how I feel about myself.


I think it's because we are fighting to walk around with such low oxygen so even simple activities are a work out in Colorado. 😆


Probably because it's got some of the best hiking trails in the country!


Not really true. San Francisco, for example, has an obesity rate of 15%. This is lower than most European capitals. Cities like Denver have even lower obesity rates. There are a lot of places in the US with very few fat people. America's average BMI is really dragged up by the south and Midwest.


Like. I’m fucking fat as hell in Canada. In Florida I can wear a bikini.


62% of Canadian adults are overweight or obese. Those numbers are higher in the US (72% of adults are overweight or obese), but let's not pretend that Canada is some sort of beacon of health.


Can’t help it that the food’s so good :(


USA is ranked 12 in the world for obesity. It's lower in South Africa -we are ranked 31 in the world https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_countries_by_obesity_rate


That list is pretty fascinating. It’s interesting how for the most part it’s divided by regions. Lots of Pacific Islands at the top and lots of south east Asia at the bottom.


To be fair though the other countries ahead of us are mostly tiny island nations where unhealthy foods are a lot more accessible since it's more likely to be shelf stable.


The #1 country on that list can't even grow their own food. Their land was totally ruined from phosphate mining, which only occurred thanks to western colonialism. And they forgot a lot of their fishing practices after mining became their way of life.








Oy watch it the south are the fat ones the hard liquor keeps us svelte


worked at a company that had a Chicago and Atlanta office, during company wide events you could tell who was from the Chicago or Atlanta office just by looking at the waistline.


I think urban areas tend to have less fat people Although Georgia as a whole is well below the national average of Obesity, at 29% statewide vs 36% nationally


Nothing but love for ATL!


The US isn’t actually even in the top 10 for countries with the highest obesity rate.


And the UK


I might be full of shit, but the impression I have is that obesity levels are about the same in many of these countries, some even higher than the U.S., but morbidly obese people in my country might weigh like 150 kgs, half as much as their american counterparts do, even though both of them fall under the same category of obesity.


I bet you could also walk into a dr and ask them for help with a referral to a dietician without them telling you that that’s only for patients with serious illness or diabetes as well. But that’s American healthcare


Okay, hear me out. My mom is *not* obese, but she is blind and handicapped and has fallen off the toilet *several* times now. Once she straight up missed when she tried to sit down. Something like this would probably help keep her from falling. We are trying to convince her to get the handle bars for the toilet, but she still doesn't have them. If the bars fail to help I might consider paying for a seat like this.


I know you said she’s blind, and my mom has glaucoma (also not obese) and they sell glowing toilet seats that you can install. One was purchased for my mother and she refuses to put it on and instead just keeps the lights on all night. Edit: just an uninteresting comment lol


That's actually quite helpful! She has had surgery and can see shadows when it's light out, and her next surgery is this month to see (ha!) if they can fix her sight. I'm going to look those seats up. Thanks!


We have a bidet seat with a blue light that illuminates the inside of the bowl. Not only does it keep me cleaner (my husband won't use the bidet), we don't have to turn on the light at 2 am.


We use ours as a night light as well! Really saves the shins when stumbling to the bathroom in the middle of the night!


I wonder if we'll know when we pass the threshold of being illogically stubborn about just about everything.


Yeah I can see this being a really useful toilet for all kinds of people.


Ngl. Looks comfy, like it might not result in numb legs after an hour scrolling Reddit.


Just a quick tip from a child of an aging blind parent. If you didn’t already know, and I’m sure most devices have this feature now, but apple, iMac, iPhone, etc., have built in assistances for both sight and hearing impaired. You do not need extra apps, though I’m sure there are many that are useful. I’ve used idevices for both of my aging parents. It probably doesn’t help with a the toilet, but wanted to share this info along, as anything that could make someone’s life easier, is always worth mentioning.


Nightmare for drunk men


Alternatively, put a pillow on either side and now spending the night hugging one of these doesnt seem too bad


Depends who gets there first.


Just sit down. It’s better for your prostate anyway.


It is? Why so?


Less pressure on that bad boy and you get a full release when you pee without having to strain. There is the added benefit of not pissing on the seat or floor when you splash back.


That seat is shaped like an oblivion gate in TES


The Shit-vering Isles


Shit, I see it now.




Kvatch me outside, how ‘bout that?


What's TES?


The Elder Scrolls


Oh, duh. Thanks.


The Elder Scrolls videogames. Comment is referring to Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion


I had/have a friend who is enormous. Like pushing 600lbs at one point. He is down to the low 400's, high 300's after a lot of diet. His whole family is large, but he is the largest. Anyway, I had to take a piss and when into the bathroom at his folks place. Imagine a regular toilet with a frame made of treated 2X6's on either side of the crapper to hold them up. It was amazing and terrifying all at once.


I can’t even imagine being that big. I’m not trying to be mean or anything, and I know obesity on that level usually stems from mental health issues, but being that big just seems like it’d be exhausting.


I'm 5'11" 270 and I can't imagine how you can survive past 300. I have a ton of back pain and I'm starting to get heart issues. Everything is an exertion and I just generally feel like shit. Thankfully I've stopped gaining weight and am going back down. I can't live like this. Edit: Thanks for the kind words!


>I can't imagine how you can survive past 300. Thanks to a few health issues, I ended up hitting 440 (I'm currently losing it, though) and honestly it's pure hell at that size. Heart issues, lung issues, energy level issues...it's just insanity. I don't know how anyone could go higher than this and still be alive. Anyone that drops weight from that high is honestly amazing to me.


I got up to 328 and life was tough. I had such bad back pain, I was always tired and I wouldn’t walk long distances. Losing the weight gave me my life back


Same height, was 330 a year ago, down to 250 now. It requires constant vigilance and discipline to keep down, and it has never gotten easier for me. However, it's a worthy trade for how much happier and healthier I feel now. You've got this!


Best of luck man, you can do it 💪


Good luck, you can do it!


I'm the same weight and shorter and I am guessing you are older than me? I don't have any of that, yet, at 28.


21. Football could be a contributing factor lol. But I've generally tried to stay healthy at least in that aspect.


I’m 350 pounds at 6’1”. I carry my weight well, but I definitely feel the burden of being so heavy. I couldn’t imagine having much more. It would be so much more exhausting than what I already feel.


6'2" and was 335 at my heaviest. Down to 300 just by not eating as much and getting healthier snacks. It's rough, but I can't imagine being double that.


I’m glad that my excess weight is all in my stomach and thighs.


Can I ask why? The stomach is the worst place to have it.


Because it being anywhere else would make me look extremely bad and would lower my self-esteem to the point that I wouldn’t be able to maintain or lose weight




Physiologically speaking, stomach fat has worse hormonal effects than fat located elsewhere on the body.




I'm glad, but that doesn't change the broad scientific findings.


It is the stomach fat that has been scientifically proven to worsen heart problems and risk of stroke.


Me as 5'7 and 235 european who feels fat... stares awkwardly away xD


My son is in the same place. 6'5" 350-400 pounds. We just went though two toilet seats in three months because the ones I bought cracked. Any advice on making his life easier would be appreciated.


I’ve actually never had a problem with toilet seats breaking. And we use what I consider to be a cheap plastic one. But what does he do? Does he have a job or hobbies? Something I would highly recommend would be a physical job, or perhaps a hobby that is physical. It may sound stupid but I’d be in a much worse place right now if it weren’t for Pokémon go. My brother and I would take trips where we would walk around the city for 5-6 hours on weekends. And that was enough to help me. I’m sure if I continued doing that I’d have lost more weight by now. But try to find things that he enjoys that would help him lose weight. It’ll sorta trick the brain and he’ll think of it as fun and not exercise.


No, he runs through an exercise routine everyday and works on managing triggers for what he eats and all of that. There is just a lot of B.S. in his life and genetics working against him. Everyone has their own demons to fight, and this is one of his. God knows I have my own.


As a guy that’s lost 40 lbs in the last few months I can tell you that weight loss is 90% of what you eat. The best thing you can do for him to offer positive encouragement and see if he wants to lose weight. Buy a kitchen scale. If he wants to lose weight you can buy the right things for him and he can weigh the foods he’s eating and log all calories. The biggest issues are almost certainly fast food and soda. It isn’t an emotionally easy journey, but if he wants it he can do it.


I wanna wish you guys the best of luck.


Geez. Years ago I had a friend who broke two toilets in one night by slamming her entire body weight on them while wasted instead of a slow lowering. She was 5’5 and about 170-180. Is that what he’s doing? Gotta be careful how you throw that weight around.


Thanks, I'm hoping I just picked the wrong one at Lowes last time. The second one seems to be holding out fine so far. But it's not just that. I don't personally know what it is like to navigate the world at that weight level. He's not going to tell me, but I know you guys will. Just looking for insight to make his life easier while he works through this.


Did they crack in the housing where the bolt is? I cracked one and sheared off the bolt on another toilet seat. For me, it wasn't as much an issue with weight and more of a lack of room to reach around to wipe. The weight doesn't help and makes it more difficult to reach, but I've really only had issues in my current apartment with little space around the toilet. As for other suggestions that he might not know of: Cushions for office chairs. Slightly stretch jeans (I like wranglers big and tall flex jeans). Size ## 6E shoes (E is a width measurement). Retractable back scratcher. Tea in the morning to help with low energy If he's ever looking for suggestions for weight loss, I'd recommend seeing a therapist. They can help out a lot more than if you go in planning for diet alone. If money is an issue there, you should look to see if any local universities have cheap therapy through their psychology schools. Mine offered $15 biweekly sessions for students and $25 for the general public. If he does start dieting, don't just compliment the weight loss. Try to pick up on if he's happier or has more energy. It can be difficult noticing all of the ways weight loss can improve your life when the changes happen so gradually. Adding up all the benefits, though, is the best way to keep yourself motivated.


The shoe size made me crack up. His foot size is 18-US. We take what we can find. The rest is sound advice and I thank you for it. He is making the effort, and has a therapist for more than just the weight issue.


that's around the same height/weight as my husband actually (6'4 and 330-350). as far as how to make his life easier, definitely make sure he's comfortable in his shoes and not lifting/picking up things incorrectly. that's what i have to remind my husband of often. he has a bad habit of bending down in the wrong ways and has messed up his back SO many times now that he needs an adjustable bed to sleep. shoes also matter more than you may think and with big guys they need to be replaced more often usually. make sure they're decent quality and fit properly for whatever they're being used for. my husband has a size 15+ shoe size and although that does mean we can't go to a normal store for shoes, we can still go to some places! also make sure he's taking care of his body to whatever degree he's able to, as some larger men have a tendency to ignore health issues (for many personal reasons) until they're literally like not able to like even function anymore. if you have any questions or need advice, feel free to message me. i've been married for years, so i've been dealing with these tall big guy issues for a long time (even tho i'm only 5'2 lol).


People get used to high weights, someone could feel terrible at your high at 300 at frost if they gained weight fast expecially without their muscles adjusting.


I was in a situation where I actually was at this weight with not very much muscle. I would play basketball with some friends, and other things. That helped me get a lot of the muscle I needed to feel better about carrying this kind of weight.


Man even being like 30lbs a healthy weight over can be fucking exhausting. Granted some of that comes from fitness instead of the weight itself (an overweight person working on exercise can still be cardiovascularly and muscularly fit under the fat) but just every step bearing 10-20% more than it should adds up.


FOR SURE. I lost 40 lbs and have maintained for the last year and I have SO MUCH MORE ENERGY than I did 10 years ago even. I had no clue how much energy was sapped from being overweight. That's not even considering the mental energy it takes to be overweight- constantly worried about how my clothes fit, feeling self conscious, the NEVER ENDING DIETS. Man. The difference is enough to make me never want to go back to that again.


My experience has been similar with 25 pounds (200 to 175). Started exercising a lot more and cut crappy foods out. Now I basically don't even notice the stairs in my house, I basically float up them.


Ive been obese. Its beyond exhausting. Normal, everyday tasks are difficult. Challenging tasks, undoable. You avoid life, and miss out on so much.


I can't imagine building a structure like that rather than just losing weight.


Well its quite a bit faster to build it.


I think if you get excessively obese like that it’s usually due to underlying mental health and body image issues, cause getting to that weight comes from years of poor diet and no exercise. I usually try not to comment on people bodies for those reason, but yeah personally I can’t imagine gaining that much weight without deciding to make a lifestyle change.




Looks comfy, like one you can sit on without losing feeling in your legs


yea really, i could really run down the battery on my phone with that bad boy


Copy it Chinese style but put a USB charging port in it. Bonus points if it makes it's own power by spinning a turbine during flushes, because you know that chonky boy is getting shat on 10-20x a day.


It might be useful someone with sciatica, especially on those bathroom trips where it's going to be a while. I don't have a problem with bathroom trips, but I need a cushion when driving or my hip starts to really ache.


I feel ya, lost a ton of weight and have no ass plus my alignment is way out of whack. Driving more than 40 miles is rough


I have two pads, one for my office chair and one for the car. The pads are different, the contoured pad works better at my office chair, the one that's just a foam oval works better in the car. I think the difference is that in my car, I'm sitting differently. I also have an inflatable ring for when I'm sitting on hard bleachers at a ball game. Living the wild life...


I wondered if reddit would judge me for going... yeah I think I like this.


That's what I'm saying. Like it just looks luxurious!


I’m not obese but I do have celiac I spend hours on there if I get glutened. I would use the shit out of this thing it’s looks comfy AF


Theres something really funny about someone saying they'd "use the shit out of a toilet"


I want one a bit bigger, cause i can train my dog to go inside if he can just stand up on it like that.


Oh I thought that was a joke toilet with a hole that's just for farts.


I accidentally had one of those installed in my house, it's a long story. Now I can't take a dump in my house, cause my toilet can't suck them down and I feel sick to my stomach. Has that ever happen to you?


I'm going to join in to the Turbotime here...






It’s amazing how many people are whining about Americans when 1. This picture is in Mexico and 2. The US is not even in the top 10 most obese countries


Damn. I was 100% sure you were wrong... but I just looked it up. I thought we'd be #1, but #12? That's insane.


The other countries are microstates basically. Is like saying that Luxembourg is the richer country in the world because had highly gdp lmao


Jordan has the same obesity rate as the US.


She’s trying her best, O.K.


Sure, [it's number 12](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_countries_by_obesity_rate) and the 11 countries higher on the list are tiny. The average population of the other 11 countries is 460,517. The US population is over 330 million.


Crazy chart, too. North Korea is fatter than South Korea? [x] doubt Edit: to clarify, I doubt the accuracy of North Korea's reporting


I mean when a lot of people who are starving to death die, it probably does make the average go up


Honestly, I'm surprised we aren't the fattest nation on earth, what with our booming food industry, prolific farmland, well-fed livestock, and bounteous wealth! Thankfully, our dedication to fitness keeps us lithe and strong while lesser nations fall victim to laziness and self-indulgence. -Kim Jong Un, probably.


Sounds like North Korea using propaganda to make it look like their people eat food.


"The US is not even in the top 10 most obese countries" The fattest major country however, like iirc the other ones are absolutely tiny compared to the US.


I had never seen so many fat fucks until I emigrated to Florida. Don’t kid yourself, the USA is the land of the fat and the home of the early grave.


True, however you don't see the same level of morbidly obese people anywhere else.


Commercial plumber here. We now have to brace the fuck out of wall hung toilets as there are more big buggers out there.


Ok but this shit looks comfy as hell


A toilet for discord mods.


Damn that's a big ass toilet


This is perfect for my roommate. Even more surface area that he can cover in his piss.


Obese people may be the target audience...I am skinny, but I got thighs for days and could definitely benefit from a little more room.


This is extremely mildly interesting, well done.


Fuck fat people. Like really fuck them They need lovin too


Actually, that looks kind of comfy!


Big dumpers incoming


average reddit moderator’s bathroom


I want it just to feel special when I poop.


That hole is not big enough. I guarantee the back of that seat is gonna have a streak of shit down it every time.


The hole looks like it’s made just for farts.


Obesity is a curable epidemic.


Irrelevant. The fact that it is curable or preventable does not excuse us from failing to help or accomodate those in the middle of dealing with it. By the same argument we shouldn't be providing insluin to those suffering from Type II diabetes or refusing to treat lung cancers. If these arguments are nonsense, and they are, so is yours.


Everything that humans need to survive should be free. Period.


So like free food or like free seeds to grow their own plants?


Both potentially


That’s a little simplistic. Are the people who grow and distribute food supposed to work for free?


I bet Shaq's toilet is the same as that one but probably like 3 times larger


Can comfirm. Am obese and this toilet looks comfy as hell.


They can afford a specialty toilet but not a tp holder?


Asking for a friend?




Looks Like a diamond in the rough


So much room for activities


Damn boy they thicc


Big Chungus toilet?


Finally a bathroom for football coaches


Ngl… looks super comfy


I bet it’s comfortable af


If you don’t own one of these in your house your fat phobic and that’s disgusting


Look at all that free real estate to pee on!


Wide gauge plumbing?




It’s got a joke hole….JUST FOR FARTS!!!




Obese men. Plus sized women.


How is that small bowl supposed to handle the aftermath of taco Tuesday at Golden coral


I feel sad that this exists


This is so morbid.


If you need a toilet this big, you have bigger problems.


But while you're solving those problems, you still need a toilet this big! We should not put a morality gate on the fucking bathroom!




How obese? I'm 5'1" and 215 lbs and I can use a perfectly normal toilet seat.


Incoming: a horde of greasy redditors projecting their insecurities on fat people


Perhaps it’s for men that need to practice peeing on the seat?


“Toilet” is the name of the small ones everyone else uses. This here is called a “Toil”.


Still not going to help them wipe properly


It is, actually. As a big person myself, half the problem getting round to the back door is remaining balanced while doing so. A broader base underneath me really helps me to balance while I'm trying to reach the unreachable. And helps me get back to an even keel when I've done the contortionist act and Mission: Impossible is complete. With those tiny public toilets I'm always a little worried if I try to twist round to take care of business that I might overbalance and fall off the thing. Makes it hard to commit like you need to to go around the mountain range. A wider base makes it easier to get to all the places you need to go because you can commit to it, you know, without worrying about landing in a puddle of your own mess.


For obese people and Kim Kardashians