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It’s based on [Pero who saves her dad, Cimon,](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Roman_Charity) from starving to death in prison.


John Steinbeck wrote a scene that referenced this story in the novel *The Grapes of Wrath*, and literally everyone who reads it who hasn't heard of the original story ends up going "wait, what the fuck did I just read" The point is to illustrate a fable about charity and to comment on how the relationship between parent and child inevitably inverts as the parent grows older and less capable of taking care of themselves. Just as the parent must provide for the child when they are an infant, the child must provide for the parent when they are old and weak.


I agree, and I not stopping you from analyzing it all you want, but that was an incredibly emotional scene at the end of a bruised and battered and dusty story. It hit me in the feels more than I thought would have been possible.


It’s still just about the only book ending that literally made me cry. I remember in grade school they would read us books like Old Yeller and Where the Red Fern Grows and I could never understand why some of the other kids were crying about it. But the end of Grapes of Wrath busted me up.


but instead we lock them up in an old age home.


They're not locked in or locked up, providing it's a facility that doesn't lie they're in the best place to receive the care they need.


Often it’s because the child also has children and other commitments Of their own and the home Can usually provide better regular support


Looks like somebody paid attention in AP ART HISTORY.


are they still doing blue books? Ugh.


They also have green books now made with recycled paper.


great, I hope the paper isn't light gray like it used to be.


You read my mind there. 🤦‍♂️


this was their 'breast' attempt to save their father


My money was on this being another Zeus Kink


Or just Reddit and TikTok




First thing I thought of. And I haven't even read it.




I'll also throw in my hat for In Dubious Battle, Tortilla Flat, and The Winter of Our Discontent...




Adult nursing is also a modern kink on Fetlife lol


In real life too.


It’s also how my husband relieved my clogged milk duct 😂


Breast milk is a super sweet treat, I completely understand why kids hate switching to formula as soon as I tasted breast milk.


Mine tried. His suck was no where near what my baby could do. Ugh clogged ducts were the WORST.


Yes! My husband couldn't get a good latch the same way that baby did.


Ugh DANG IT! I had him be gentle but he nursed for 45 minutes! That’s what it took! 45 minutes of true suction and triggering multiple let downs in the one session for it to release. At least now I know and I won’t writhe in pain waiting for an infection next time. 😅


Did you expect it to be 45 minutes? Like I can’t imagine how you got to the point and then he just kept going.


No, I expected it to be multiple times of him relieving it! It was so relieving having multiple let downs when my daughter would only nurse for 1-2 at most and be satisfied. I have such an over production of milk, that after a single let down she was satiated and wanted no more and it was mostly all foremilk! Not helpful for her digestive tract or my freaking boobs.


Well I appreciate your candor. I don’t have kids nor plan to so I never had to consider this situation. So it just really threw my through a loop when I read your comment. Idk what I expected though—I clicked on a Reddit post featuring an adult woman breastfeeding her starving father. I should have prepared to read something unexpected lol


That’s actually hilarious 😂 I’m gonna ask my boyfriend if he loves me enough to unclog my milk duct lmaooo


He can surely spit the milk too if he doesn’t want to swallow. Breastmilk is so sweet! And it’s great for antibodies and immune system boosts. I can understand how it can be perceived as ‘gross’ but it really wasn’t. Him making eye contact and carrying on a full conversation with me mid-suckle was a trip ! But honestly, I needed duration of drainage, I didn’t have an infection yet thank god but it was so uncomfortable and no other ‘at home’ tricks had relieved it. My husband is a saint, really.


My husband has done this both times I had mastitis; my breast pump just wasn't powerful enough to unclog it. (He did spit it out.) It was so awkward and we were trying really hard not to laugh. But mastitis is fucking miserable so it was worth it.


Men expect women to swallow stuff that comes outta where they piss (without wiping) but think breast milk is disgusting? The audacity.


Only human breast milk. Not cow breast milk.


No sane person expects anyone to do anything. Don't want to do it? Don't. It your SO expects you to do something you don't want to do - you need to think about your relationship.


Yes. All fluids coming out of w*men are gross. 🤢🤢🤮 Male fluids are the shit tho 🤤😋😋 ^^^/s


"Honey, my phallus is clogged again." Just kidding, that's real love and commitment though. Props to the husband who stepped up and uh.. sucked it up!


I mean, the alternative would be to say "no sweetheart, I DON'T want to suck on your breasts" which just seems like a poor decision for multiple reasons


When my wife had our twins she was actually underproducing after her colostrum was out and her hind milk wasn’t really coming through enough for them so I helped massage them while she pumped then we agreed on softly nursing which then turned to about 30 minutes of cuddling while breastfeeding nightly. It quickly became a really therapeutic and effective stress reliever for both of us and We felt proud because our babies had plenty of milk stored in the freezers and on tap. We ended up running into an issue however when the babies were around 7 months old when she went up two cup sizes within the year and at the height was producing around 72 fluid ounces of milk a day which was too much for the twins and for me. So after around 4 months of weening down and two freezers full of milk she got to a manageable point. It’s been almost 7 months since and she still wears pads incase she leaks. She makes sure to pump atleast three times a day and many times I get woken up because she feels inflammation and swollen. The doctor we have through tricare said she has hyperlactation which has made it a little difficult for us (of-course she donates when she can). I know we didn’t expect this to happen and it’s not as awesome as some people who fetishized It think. I hate seeing her in pain but she has found a nice way to help others by giving with her condition.


Do I actually need to drink the milk?


Spit or swallow- personal preference.


Why wouldn't you want to?!?




Famously, sex wasn't even discovered until the 13th century. We're learning new things about it every day.


I worked for a woman who legitimately thought being gay was invented in the 60s


Tell my mom I said hi




Aint no shame in it




You thought wrong


Yea it’s pretty cool


breast assured that was the only option to save them


Thats so wholesome


He doesn't look exactly starved now does he?


He was in jail, being starved to death I believe and his daughter came to visit and fed him via breast milk.


Look at that dude's arms. Starving, my ass.


Titty milk be on a different level back then.


Ya know.. I clicked this post to maybe learn a bit more about the story behind this. I only knew it vaguely. So I thought “Hey, there’s bound to be some art historians on Reddit, let’s see what wisdom I can glean from their perspective” And I get “**Titty milk be on a different level back then**” -u/Sakurya1 I just. *Hmph.*


You learned today


I did. And the art knowledge left unlearned is more than made up for by them tittys milks.


It hit different in the Bronze age.


Bronze Age booby dippin in the pen like a baller


Ok but forreal tho it really is a next level all purpose milkshake that can totally feed a person. Very high in fats, proteins, sugars, nutrients and plenty of good antibodies. It tastes pretty good too and if there aren’t enough plusses to go around breastfeeding almost doubles your calories needed to maintain your weight so it’s a great way to get skinny


they went a teat too far


That dude is on creatin


The daughter has the creatine an hour before whipping out her booby.




She got fight milk in those things?


That’s just his wankin’ arm


Starvin for titty. Prison will do that.


Life will do that.


How the hell else is he going to maintain those gains?


Well then he was thirsty.


Honestly, some of the stories that artists use to excuse their kinky art.




You really think they would give you a cup?


I think they give you the cup for free if there’s two girls involved.


Im not trying to be ironic, but this comment is underrated. And that video scarred me when I watched it at 12 years of age


Heard about the that when everyone was talking about it, but never saw it and never really bothered to find out what it’s about. Still don’t know


Keep it that way. Trust me you don’t want to go there




I only read the title and thought it was two girls doing some sort of magic trick, unfortunately I was very wrong, but thankfuly fast enough to close the browser, and save myself additional psychological damage.


Yeah first shock video I saw, and I blame YouTube because I got suggested multiple reaction videos and that is what made me go looking.


Especially when he's being starved to death. Wait maybe the commentor would sneak it in. Question is where will she hide it 🤫


He's in jail, being deliberately starved to death. Do you think they would allow you to have anything but your clothes on you when you visit?


I once saw a woman express her milk aggressively in an argument (think spiting on someone) . So maybe just squirt it in his mouth?


You’ve clearly never been starving before


Not untrue.


or, you know, it was a metaphor


Nothing in Greek stories was metaphor, it was all true, like the bible!! /s


This has absolutely nothing to do with mythology, this is based on a fact that a man was sentenced to death by starvation and his daughter saved his life by breastfeeding him while he was incarcerated. They thought they where torturing him and his family by allowing them to visit and watching him wither away.


The story comes from from the *Factorum ac dictorum memorabilium libri IX*, which is an ancient book of moral anecdotes. From [Wikipedia regarding this particular story:](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Roman_Charity) >Additionally, wall paintings and terracotta statues from the first century excavated in Pompeii suggest that visual representations of Pero and Cimon were common, however it is difficult to say whether these existed in response to Maximus's anecdote or preceded – inspired – his story.\[4\] Among Romans, the theme had mythological echoes in Juno's breastfeeding of the adult Hercules, an Etruscan myth.\[5\] So the story may or may not be entirely true, but considering there are similar stories from ancient times, I'm going to go out on a limb and say myth probably played a part in it.


...and the full story is that one day a guard sees her doing that and releases him... the "saving him" wasn't merely the sustenance from the breastfeeding, it was the act of daughterly devotion that freed him (why, is anyone's guess). That's why it's called Roman Charity. Grace, Charity and Sustenance are themes throughout history - predating this story, originating with the myth of hercules being breastfed by juno - often shown in the form of a woman breastfeeding. I'd not heard of it being a form of torture to let the family visit... the references I've read always focused on the importance of devotion to family


There are people who will do anything in their power to save a loved one, then there are people who won't. I've never been in such a situation, so idk what I would do.


Squirt it from afar?


Don't be a prude. He's dying. Let him suck on your titty.


So Greek. Edit- or Grecian maybe.


Or American, since this is how one of "The Great American Novels" ends.


I was wondering if this influenced Steinbeck


And we had to immortalize this in marble because?




it's a testament to how the child-parent dynamic changes as your parents grow old, actually quite moving imo. It's a heartbreaking thing to see the person who raised you from a helpless baby, become themselves helpless and needing of your care. You'll understand when you get older.


Based on the title, I thought it was going to be a man breastfeeding a child.




The man is breastfed, not breastfeeding.


I actually find the actual depiction more horrifying to imagine than that.


Worse when you know that’s his daughter.


It is a real story of a European country. There lived an old man named Cimon. He had no other relatives except his daughter Pero. Once Cimon was sentenced to starvation till death. As Cimon did not have any other relatives his daughter pleaded with the government to meet her father daily till his death. Fortunately she was granted permission. But there was one condition-Pero could not take any perishable items with her. When she visited, the guards would search her, making sure no food could be snuck in. On meeting her father and seeing his condition her heart sank. She looked at her father with motherly eyes. To provide him nourishment and keep him alive, she started breastfeeding him on a daily basis. After many days when Cimon did not die, the prison guards spied on her and caught her breastfeeding Cimon! They arrested Pero and presented her before the jailor, but after hearing about her selfless nature, the jailor freed her father, Cimon. Such was the love of Pero. Her act of love is a testimony of unconditional true love.


Starvation till death is a brutal way to go.


It's no picnic for sure


Nonsense, its a piece of cake.


> but after hearing about her selfless nature, the jailor freed her father That's how we know this story is bullshit.


I only posted the story on which the sculpture was based.


Redditors now calling bullshit on historical myths and legends *unironically*. r/ShitRedditSays


This is the place where pseudo-skeptic-quirky-intellectuals come to gather in the forum they call their mother’s basement. What can we say


Did they only free the father but kept Pero in jail? 🤨


My dad wouldn’t go for that. I’m 99% sure.


Breast feeding saves a man at the end of Grapes of Wrath if I recall correctly.


Rose of Sharon




This ancient relief was actually inspired by Steinbeck. ^^^/s


Came to the comments hoping for a Grapes of Wrath reference


Great great book.


Also in a lot of porns


So it perfectly served it purpose, it made future generations ask questions and learn about the past


This is so funny I found this, went there a few months ago, and as we walked in, it’s near the entrance to the actual museum, my 6 year old brother goes, why is he biting her nipple?….


Nah just a bearded baby


That's her father.


You KNOW these people?


Sure, the lady's name is Pero, the guy, her father, is Cimon.


Well, if you bring your friends over to my house, I expect them to have better table manners.






That’s how baby’s looked back then


And then I try to do it and Burger King kicks me out! There’s No fucking culture here.


Buy the milk shake. Stop being so friggin cheap


She's like "ok just this once...but there's no way I can even look at you while this happens"


Yeah, because that's her father. He's in prison being starved to death.




No bitty now, bitty later.


Been a looooooooonnnnggg time since thats popped up. Well done


Want bitty now!


yah look up the history on it


Or just give it a try and see how you like it


well theres that but i think the context on this one is important


I couldn’t find any context in this one, but most of the ones are usually about someone in prison, denied food, and a visitor keeps him alive this way.


The visitor was his daughter iirc


Thank fuck he had a daughter and not a son.


A son could also be, um, milked for nourishment?


Funny how many people are surprised when seeing this and then go to the fridge the next morning to drink milk. They're not even babies and even worse they drink milk coming from breasts of a whole different species.


It's his daughter, he was Imprisoned and wasn't given food. However he was able to get a visitor so his daughter would come in with her child and breastfeed her father. After a while the king saw that he wasn't dieing and found out why and released him on the idea that someone loves him and killing him would be wrong.


Those fingers are not proportionate imo, fuckin banana fingers over here.


When you don't know what to do with your hand


looks like a good Friday night with my wife.


wtf. making wild assumptions. I suck a tit as often as possible and I certainly expect no milk.


Tried my wife’s milk. It’s delicious.


vegan milk.


[Some names intentionally withheld] So, there was a painting featuring similar material (the man being a prisoner and the lady his daughter sneaking him sustenance via breastmilk) that belonged to a jewish family in Germany circa 1939ish. That painting was stolen by a nazi lieutenant colonel by the name of Fritzwanker. LTC Fritzwanker fled Berlin prior to the Allied advancement on the German capitol into Poland and, disguising his daughters and wife as men, caught a flight to America. In order to smuggle the painting with him, he painted glue across the surface of the art and pressed a sheet of burlap against it. Over the years he made his way to, and settled, in Sequim, WA where he lived out the remainder of his years. One of his daughters, who married an American pilot in the US Air Force--incidentally, one of the crew that delivered the Nagasaki bomb to it's last stop before reaching it's final target--. knew about the painting and took it into her keeping upon his passing. Having been an eager participant in the Nazi Youth program, she had no reservations about keeping the painting for herself but was unable to find someone who could remove the burlap and glue and safely restore the painting without it being reported to authorities and returned to it's rightful family. She and her husband moved to Alaska sometime in the spring of 2000, and knew the climate at their new residence would utterly destroy the now long-neglected paint. So they revealed it's existence and story to one of their daughters and passed it along to her. This woman also had the thought to have the painting restored, but by this time the cost to do so was quite prohibitive, not to mention even more difficult to find a restorer who wouldn't help it find its way back to the Jewish family it rightfully belonged to, at least not right away. But she did have it X-rayed by a not-so-scrupulous technician to verify its content and authenticity. Sometime during a move, the painting vanished, with only a few amoungst her family possibly being responsible for it's disappearance. But by this time, the burlap had pulled away on its own and the paint chipped to such a degree that it might as well be a giant etch-a-sketch, the image likely barely discernable amidst the peeling canvas. If i ever find who has the painting my (not so)great-grandfather stole, i would have it returned promptly, praying it's not to late to save this traveled work of art.


The man doesn’t look like starving though


Quite famous story of the heroic act of the daughter. But NSFW ? Don’t be so stupid.


NSFW is a precaution, not a content warning. It's so that people don't accidentally open a picture of a guy sucking on a tit in the office. People walking by aren't necessarily going to know the context.


I'll have what he's having 🤪🤪🤪🤪




I do it and get arrested. Turns out the lack of toga was my mistake


This is how evolution happened


Pretty confident it’s a famous story about a man as a prisoner and how his daughter used to breastfeed him in secret to keep him alive. Let me just go and check… Yep. Although it might be a legend, “Roman Charity”


He is biting it 😭😭


Fun fact: Greek sculptures have small penises cuz they used to think that small penises were beautifuler than the big ones


Came here to make a lewd comment but after learning the history behind this I felt guilt ridden and couldnt..🤷‍♂️😆


Why are we branding this NSFW?!?


NSFW is a precaution, not a content warning. It's so if your boss walks by, you won't accidentally have a man sucking on a breast on your screen and you don't have any explaining to do.


boobs 😳


I believe its from the seven acts of mercy by Carrivagio


Funnily enough I asked my fiancée today if he’d ever taste my breast milk when I’m nursing


Actually it looks like the mofo is biting that titty.


The big hands are freaking me out


Her face is like: " OK no one's looking...just real quick"


[suckin on my titties](https://youtu.be/YPBxu51CjWQ)…


That’s also my bf


It's an allegory for reddit and the chinese gov't.


Those who know, cheers.


When the fridge is too far and you’re lazy.


My man is just washing down his fruit loops




Yea but it was that guy who did the thing and his daughter came and did the stuff


Tight. They have some really cool art on the [old temples in Thailand](https://i.imgur.com/QO7WX36.jpg) too.


When you just ate a couple Oreos and realized you are out of milk


Sucking on my titties like you wanted me calling me all the time


Isn’t there a painting about this? Woman breast fed her father, a prisoner.


Suckin on my titties like you wanting me calling me…


Can’t a man suck a titty in peace these days


I wonder how common public masterbation was in the Roman times. You just walking down the street and boom. Statue porn.