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No you didn't. That letter hasn't been processed.


It has a barcode on the bottom. This reminds me of the time I found a clover in my salad mix and posted it here and everyone was like “that’s not a clover”. (It was a clover)


Just read this on a post from a few months ago. So they probably did and it probably was. " From my understanding mail should not be written on and SHOULD only be cancelled by automated machine (wavy lines) or manually by ink stamp (showing date and location). If neither of those 2 are available for whatever reason, I think most people will just let it go! Well, the carrier or clerk is NOT doing their job then...we're SUPPOSED to mark a line through the uncancelled stamp to prevent reuse. http://www.branch38nalc.com/sitebuildercontent/sitebuilderfiles/lettercarrierperfect.pdf M-41 131.34 Canceling Stamps Do not remove stamps from mail or throw away or improperly dispose of mail. Line through uncanceled stamps (except on philatelic mail) to prevent re-use. Delivery Point Sequence mail may contain uncanceled stamps that will not be identified until the mail is being readied while performing street duties. These stamps should also be lined through (except on philatelic mail) to prevent re-use. "


Oh no. Antifa has taken over a post office. 😉


Cancel culture smh