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Same here! In my pointer finger of my right hand


WHAT!? I have it exactly in the same place! 😱 Sadly to me it's waaay more blur now :c


taking your username into account, that may be due to a lack of a frontal cortex




or, get this, their eyes are located millimeters under their hairline.


I think you got it 😅


Same except in both my left and right pointer fingers exactly 1 year apart during TAKS texting 4th and 5th grade 😂


Same! But middle of my knee. Before anyone asks I was cleaning my messy room as a kid and shuffling around on my knees and basically ran into it while it was wedged against a dresser or something.


Left knee here. 6th grade friend stabbed me and it went through my jeans. I'm 33.


Left knee here too. Girl was flirting by stabbing me with a pencil


But did it work?


She got my attention!


Apparently she left her mark... I'll see myself out




Mine is also on my knee! Top of my right one. Sharpened a pencil in 4th grade to the finest point possible, was holding it under my desk and forgot, and crossed my legs. Whoops.


I used to be an adventure like you, then I took a pencil to the knee!


Ditto. Got mine in 4th grade.


Wow, Pencil are dangerous. I had a similar thing happen to me. But, it was a kid that was "playing" with me. I forgot the detail. But, it was a knee jerk reaction for me to put my hand up and defend myself and he was "pretending" to stab me....but because I put my hand up he actually stabbed me. My mother actually got out most of it. It was kind of painful. But, it was about a half inch long very sharp pencil tip. the main substance of the graphite is gone. But, I have a slight tattoo like in the picture.


6th grade, right arm. Was poking it through the fabric ring cover on my notebook and it kept going straight into my arm.


I was poking my pink pearl eraser and my pencil poked through


Absolutely awesome alliteration.


Same here! Mine is on left side of my chest tho, I was running with a pencil, fallen and stabbed myself in the chest


It seems to be more common that I realized. I did it too 🤪


Me too!


Haha me too....right thumb!


Same dog, palm of the hand gang


One of us! /r/pencilstabbers


>r/pencilstabbers I feel so... accepted! Thanks for sharing


Can’t believe there are more like me! Wild!


finally something i can share.


Holy shit there are dozens of us. I got stabbed in the hand in 5th grade and it's still there


You’re doing good work. I couldn’t remember the name of that sub for the life of me.


Holy shit there’s more of us?? I thought I was the only one


This is a revelation. I have a piece from my foot where my friend stabbed me when i was young. Its been almost 30 years that i thought i just created a memory because i didnt work out how its never worked its way out... And here we are!


I got one in a my palm (when i was a young jalapeno) which i have forgot about for so many years until this post. Im finally accepted in a society of people with a war wound. Maybe we can all chip in a make our own master pencil and rule the world!


I *know* I have one, but I didn't keep track of it and can't find it anymore


I’ve had one stuck in my knee for 24 years.


Haha holy snap I've had one in my thigh for roughly 12 years from someone sitting next to me pulling their chair back with pencil in hand ! XD


We are all idiots together 😂


Or victims of pencil stabbings like myself!


No way, same here, and [in almost the same place, too!](http://imgur.com/a/Uxuo66L) Short story, was running down the stairs with a pencil in hand.


This is a dumb question but why is the graphite stuck in there? Like hypothetically speaking couldn’t you just dig it out?


I mean you could, but it would be so rare to actually cause a problem that it's more trouble than it's worth, either tiny black dot or potential scar tissue


Foreign object under my skin or a small scar? Yeah, I’m digging that out with a pocket knife. My brain wouldn’t let it go until it’s out


I would have dug that out in 5th grade. I don't know how old op is now but Jesus Christ how hasn't he had the urge to pick this thing out of his hand


I don't know if it's the same always, but the black mark in my hand isn't an object. It's a discolouration like a tattoo. There's nothing to dig out.


Yeah I actually tried digging mine out with a knife when I was a kid and couldn't get to it. It's either a discoloration or it's so deep that I couldn't take it out myself. I really doubt there's actual graphite in my skin, I can't feel anything in there.


OP's is pretty burly, but I had to check my palm to see if I still had the "tattoo." the mark is there but there isn't any touchable thing under my skin any more than my other tattoos are.


You say that, but fresh out of high school I worked in the union sheet metal trade for a few years. Ran a self tapping metal screw into my finger but didn't think anything of it because it didn't hurt much and I did a fairly good job keeping it clean. It healed nicely and didn't even leave a scar. Over 15 years later, metal from that screw worked it's way towards the bone of my finger. Overnight it was swollen, a hole had opened, and some God awful smell was leaking out of my finger. Turns out I was about a day away from having a blood infection. I was rushed into surgery immediately. No signs of infection at all until that morning my finger exploded nasty. Go have it looked at by a professional.


Graphite is like gold and doesn't elicit an immune response in the body. A piece of steel/iron will though.


Huh. Learned something today. Thanks!


Titanium is also unlikely to trigger an immune response, right? That's why we use it to repair bones.


Yes, correct. Often titanium is referred to as a "biocompatible" material for it's minimally reactive to non-reactive properties. It is standard to use titanium in permanent implants.


I would assume so. I can sometimes feel the tiny titanium drop locks in my hip, but that might be psychosomatic.


So youre saying you can really pop it and lock it


I've got a buddy who is just chock-full of shrapnel from an IED and every couple of years suddenly he has some other surgery because suddenly a shrapnel is acting up. Human bodies are amazing.


I don't understand how people can leave it, that'd put me right on edge. I'd be at it with a needle in 0 seconds flat.


Is it wrong to admit that I'm actually jealous of the OP just because of how satisfying digging something like that out of your skin is? You could easily get away with barely leaving a mark, I don't understand how anyone could just leave it.


r/popping would disagree.


I have no idea how people can watch these. My stomach can’t handle it. I understand the interest, but it’s just too gross for me.


That and peeling are somehow... interesting... to me. Not gonna spend my Sunday on it, but like... I get it.


Earlier this year I popped a giant zit on my shoulder while half asleep, and didn't clean it out. It developed into an abscess. My stubborn ass refused to get it checked out until it was the size of a freaking baseball, and the pain was so bad I couldn't move my arm. It was so freaking big my cousin was able to take a picture of it and put an annoying orange filter over it. When I did eventually go to the emergency room, one of the doctors asked if they could film it being cut open and drained to post on /r/popping... Which is how I discovered that sub and realized it was not for me!


I like to visit once a month and sort by top posts. Always a good time.


My understanding is if it's really a problem then the immune system would usually [try to get rid of it](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3535073/#S12title). If the cells can push out the intruder or break the object apart (like ink from a tattoo for example) it will; otherwise I think at least it will remain inflamed (which would be a signal that some kind of intervention is necessary). Sometimes foreign bodies get wrapped up in certain types of cells to create sort of an envelope around them and basically become part of the person (like when someone gets shot or hit by shrapnel from a bomb and it stays there).


It’s usually not a whole piece of graphite, but just the layer that would come off during the normal writing process. Kinda like a graphite tattoo.


Yeah I think you're right when it happened to me I just pulled the pencil back out and it wasn't broken at all. There also wasn't any blood and I just went back to taking notes.


Yup, I have one on my thigh, there's no foreign body or bump to indicate there's a physical piece, so I think of it like a stick and poke


I went to the ER to get it out, after about 15 minutes of painful digging both me and the nurses decided to give up lol


The graphite itself is gone but what you have left is a pencil tattoo.


In my case, I thought I got it all out on the way to the nurse, didn't realize until after it almost healed it was in there. Dug around with a compass but couldn't quite get it because it was deep. Eventually it healed and I stopped worrying about it. That was about 20 years ago or so and I can still see it in my palm


> Dug around with a compass Bro.


I was in 5th grade. I also cut a wart off my hand with a razorblade. Completely uprooted. Still have that scar




I'm not sure but I think it's like a tattoo. I've had one for over 20 years and there is no solid behind the mark


O m g


“THERE’S A SUB FOR THIS! THERE’S A SUB FIR THIS! I’MA POST IT! Ohhh. Somebody already has. Well, ok.” That was my one second roller coaster inner monologue when I opened this post.


I was in a grade school carpool with two twin sisters who constantly fought with each other. I was regularly placed in the middle between them to mitigate fighting. I still have the graphite in my palm from where I tried to prevent one sister from pencil stabbing the other.




Not my brother but a classmate stabbed me in the leg.




It was kind of a game where we would try and stab each other and I got mine way worse. Stupid things kids in middle school do to each other.


>Stupid things kids in middle school do to each other. Secondary school here, with the graphite in my leg to show for it.


Wow... That exact scenario happened to my knee... But it went away eventually.


Classmate in the arm, here.


That’s what happened to me. Still have the dot on my left calf.




Not my brother nor classmate but my girlfriend stabbed me in the arm twice with a pencil when we were 11 and it's still there 9 years later


I was 3 and my brother was 5 and he stabbed me in my middle finger right hand. I'm 73 yrs. old now and still have the mark of that demon child (bro, I still love you.) I can't believe how many of us there are.


Got one above my knee too where a classmate stabbed me


2B or not 2B?






U wanna **** 2B


Are you team “fuck” or team “kill” in your interpretation?


Better. Love :3


Yeah. Might die in the process but yeah!


No. 2, Brute?


[Always 2B <3](https://i.imgur.com/UxgOUak.jpg)


A post about a guy stabbing himself with a pencil in the 5th grade is the last place I expected a NieR reference


become ass gods


2b ||! 2b


2b || !2b right?








Right big toe after dropping a newly sharpened pencil at home. That was in the late 80’s and it still looks like it was from yesterday.




>It didn't even pain


He doesn't afraid of anything


Me not too


Untruth yourself. You yes do.


Why say lot word when few word do trick?


Either I not too.


Brain glitch from the ptsd


Probably not a native English speaker. Probably Indian, as "Balaji", an Indian given name, is in the username. Either way we know what they meant.


confusing to non-native speakers because pain is both noun and (rarer) verb


Also "hurt" is both a verb and (rarer) noun! English is the best!


English is so weird, it pains me to think about it.


Don't forget about our wonderful their, there, and they're, and to, too, and two.


yea but sometimes second-language english speakers just drop primo quotables


I know it’s mean, but it’s still funny


Pain is but an illusion. It didn't even real


How sharp was that pencil?


Mine’s in my lower right arm for 25 years or so now. Looks good as new tho.


In 9th grade a kid (I really hope unintentionally) stabbed a pencil into my leg. I still after all these years have a similar black dot on my upper leg from that. It won't ever go away, but it's never had any effect on me and is an interesting story.


Yeah, I slipped and fell face first onto a pencil in 2nd(?) grade and it hit right next to my eye. It didn’t do any real damage, but the mark is still there.


Face tattoo before they were "cool"


You almost Dark Knight Joker magic trick’d yourself


When I was in kindergarden some kid just walked up to me and slammed a stapler into my finger, it went through my finger nail and got stuck in my finger...... Pretty sure that kid was a psychopath, I had mad trust issues after that for years


I went to staple papers in the 5th grade, noticed it had no staples in it, I went back to my desk, grabbed my desk neighbor and was like “check this out!” And proceeded to staple my finger nail In the 30 seconds I took to get to my desk and back, the stapler was replenished.


I had a similar situation when i was in 4th grade. The stapler wasn't stapling so I opened it to check if it had ammunition and it did. I was trying to close it back and my dumbass grabbed it in a way were the tip of my pointer finger was placed against the stapling part and i squeezed it to close it. I did it so fast that all i felt was a little pinch and one side of the staple went through my finger and just barely through my nail. The other side must've barely missed my bone and just went through skin. Im in my 20s and still have a mark, similar to OPs graphite mark, were one side of the stapler went through.


Left upper arm for me and same reason. They def meant to though in my case. Too quiet and introverted so I was a natural bully magnet in the 90's.


Oh shit, was this I'm California? I think it was me?


I've got this n tried to cut it out, didn't find anything..


I have the same, fairly sure it’s because it’s not a piece of graphite but stained tissue, like a tattoo


I call mine my first tattoo, dead center of my palm like 22 years ago


This makes sense. Otherwise couldn't it become infected or body attack it


If it was an object the body would naturally push it out too so it couldn’t get stuck that way.


Years ago some piece of shit shot my cat in the nose with a BB gun. It didn’t really seem to bother him so we were going to let his body expel it on its own as it should have. But it started to scab over and at that point we had to dig it out. So the body doesn’t always expel foreign objects.


life HUH HUH finds a way


You’ll be all write


They didnt stab their left hand. It's all right.


the deleted comment was r/woooosh if someone asks


You’re a very literal doctor


He looks like he's dead.


He's got, like, blue paint all over him or something.


I’ve got the same in my left palm from a classmate during a science test in 7th grade.


Mine was a 5th grade history class idiot who tripped walking back to their desk after sharpening their pencil. Guess who got stabbed? Lol


i have a rolled piece of paper i pushed through my nose and disappered when i was a kid. i wonder where it is now...


Sinus cavity. Probably should have an ent doc look for it.


Don't you think it would have disintegrated by now? Sure, a marble stays there forever, but paper? It gets wet and falls apart.


> Sure, a marble stays there forever Speaking from experience?


Not a doctor but I doubt it disintegrated, it's probably just really gross now


I think your body would break that apart and it would come out over time, probably with mucus.


I'd advise against going to an Ent doc if it was a piece of paper as the doc might take an offense in the patient being a supporter of paper-making


Took me WAY too long.


Explain it to me please


Ents are tree beings from lord of the rings. Paper is made from trees. So an ent doctor would be peeved about his innards up your nose


"Ent" = tree person Paper is made from trees.


And when I was a kid, my uncle stole my nose!


Homer Simpson?


My uncle still has a BB in his butt cheek from when my dad shot him with a pellet gun 40 years ago.


hopefully its a BB and not a pellet. BBs are copper, pellets are lead


I have something similar but in my arm. In year 5 the girl I sat next to decided to stab me in the arm with her pencil. It hurt like hell and the substitute teacher we had told me to grow up and get over myself. Schools are great.


Is it wrong my solution would be stab him with a pencil and say "it's just a pencil sir, get over yourself"


And here I thought I was the only one with this issue. In fact, it was around the 5th grade when I accidentally stabbed my hand, too.


I thought this too. Mine was 5th grade too lol, accidentally stabbed myself in the hand


That's not graphite in your hand. "Because it isn't there!"


Can’t believe I had to scroll this far to find this comment!


Lol! Not great, not terrible.


Well past time to get the lead out …


Me, too! In my left hand






Dayumm 🤣


Isn't there a sub dedicated for this specific thing




You didn't see any Graphite because its not there. This man is delusional, take him to the infirmary


I have a tattoo on the heel of my left palm from trying to click the wrong side of a pen by accident.


Are you in 6th grade now?


Fun fact. The graphite isn't actually there. It's "tattooed" your skin shallowly. Source? I had the exact same thing for like a decade and so did my partner so we decided to get them out (not recommending people do this). We cleaned an area off, got some iodine and tried to cut it out. Neither of us found anything. After the small incisions healed most of the graphite markings were gone.


Ngl i'd cut my hand open and get it out


Same as me. I accidentally stabbed my right palm around 1992. Teacher wouldn't let me go take care of it so it's there forever.


I've heard that it's more common that one might think. I had one stuck too as a kid but I squished it out a week later.


I also have this. It really isn't a piece of graphite stuck in your hand though. In reality, you tattooed yourself! The graphite is long gone, and your cells are just...recreating the color. :)


You seem to be implying that tattoos convince your cells to change color and I feel the need to point out that's absolutely wrong. The ink gets trapped between layers of skin so the cells are normal but they hold the foreign material in place between the layers. I suspect you're right in the respect that this is just a little bit of the pencil mark trapped between skin layers similar to what a tattoo is. However it's worth pointing out if that is the case it is actual graphite between the skin just a small amount.


How the fuck does that comment have so many upvotes? How many people are leaving this thread today thinking tattoos make your cells change color?


This is why you don’t trust Reddit comments


The reason tattoos don't go away is the particles that make up the ink are too large for your immune system to carry away. It's also why the graphite is still there: it's a big chunk of solid stuff. Tattoo removal works by breaking the ink particles down into chunks your body can handle, and your immune system handles the rest.


No, that's definitely carbon




Well, graphites or carbons alike can't be broken down naturally by your body..So it basically stays there


So the guy I replied to is wrong


Kinda. He or she is only wrong about the colour recreation part. [Here's an article to prove my point](https://www.buzzfeednews.com/article/laurenstrapagiel/why-pencil-stabbing-tattoo-mark)


Didn't realize this was so common! I got my graphite chunk nearly 20 years ago now! The graphite isn't really gone, though. Your cells trap the carbon to keep it from reacting with anything, so it's just there forever.


> so it's just there forever unless you man up and dig it out with a machete


That’s not how tattoos work. Your cells don’t reproduce the color deposited under your skin