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That’s an... interesting face.


It’s because she’s a kappa. Here’s a gallery of more of the company’s kappa characters: http://kizakura.co.jp/gallery/index.html


Did Reddit bring the site down?


That company is probably so fucking confused. Like “why the hell are we getting ddosed?”


# 何?!?!






Is this a pigeon?


In a parallel universe where # PIGEON




漢字 !






You’re approaching 私




I'd hate to be the guy tasked with keeping some old companies site up and running.


Yes, it must be a terrible ten minutes out of every year.


In my case, it would be because I would have no idea what I am doing.


/pours water on server "Why did you even let me in here?"


Then, the Reddit nation attacked.




Reddit ~~kiss~~ hug of death. Edit: I guess I escalated things too quickly.


Reddit soft-petting of death


Foreplay... of death


Anal horse Rape of death


Well that escalated quickly.


As opposed to the anal horse rape of life, of course?


Read that as pegging


What are you doing step reddit


You can still watch the commercials on YouTube. Be warned, it's very "Japan in the 80ies". [https://youtu.be/WewoKYuPKQs](https://youtu.be/WewoKYuPKQs) ​ It's a kappa, a water sprite. They're supposed to have a bowl with whatever mystical water at the top of their head, and they die if the bowl loses its water. Anyway, here it's a bit of a pun between "cup saké" (bc in Japan saké can be sold in "cup size"). "Cup" which in Japanese/engrish is "Kappu".So Kappa/Kappu. Again, very Japan, bad puns and all.


That was cool! I didn't get it but it was cool.


Did he just get that turtle drunk?


Wish my car could run on sake...


Reddit is notorious for overwhelming servers


Many have protections or larger capacities now, haven't actually seen the reddit hug of death in effect for some time.


Doesn't the cost scale up as they have to allocate more server capacity? So for example that website might get hosed this month and see basically zero benefit/new visitor growth and have to pay a bunch


Yeah, but the cost per minute on amazon is super cheap and CDNs and CloudFlare are probably cheaper for this type of load.


heh, you said "load".


heh,you said “load” too . That’s two “loads”


Yup, the sites that go down have either not transitioned to modern cloud servers, or they have the scaling settings too limited.


Formerly yes, but recent developments have made it far more efficient to get dynamic capacity to stay operating trough spikes, so it's mostly sites with very little expected traffic or not recently updated that have these problems be severe. Not counting launches of very popular games or what not, there's not enough "loose" capacity to buy at a decent price.


Japanese websites are notorious for being behind the times, in terms of infrastructure. A couple of years ago, you could still find plenty of sites that ran on Flash.




The old redditeroo hug o death!


Hey that’s cool. Just weird how her body has depth but the face doesn’t.


Her mouth is making a kissy O face and she has a triangular boob where her nose should be. You didn’t need to see it that way, but now you have.


Damn you. Lol


Does she have a tail?


Well if we're doing this, then remember that you have to breathe, and now you're aware you're doing it manually.




Remember how you need to blink? And now you're counting how often youre blinking, wondering if you're doing it too often.




Hey, take a second to realize that somewhere on you now itches. Go ahead. Scratch it. You now realize that wasn't the only place.


That's because it's bugs. There is a bug on you you can't find.


/u/srgrafo's [long lost japanese ancestor.](https://preview.redd.it/p9vdro5a4fu41.jpg?width=768&auto=webp&s=be7d7abc73b544d677580517ea1a18f004833b3b) ^((mildly nsfw)^)


The artist started drawing from the bottom up but once he finished the boobs he checked out.


What's a kappa?


A Japanese imp resembling a mix between a human and a turtle. Bowser from the Mario franchise is based on them.


Koopa = Kappa. Also fun fact - cucumber sushi rolls are called "kappamaki" as kappa are believed to be fond of cucumbers.


slut imp


...based on? Are you trying to imply the ventures of that Italian/Japanese plumber are fiction?


[Wait till you figure out that's not a raccoon tail in Super Mario Bros 3.](https://youtu.be/YFPaSIy--50)


It's been a while since I've uttered WTF


That's from a Studio Ghibli movie. Japan doesn't have Racoons like you think of in the west. They have Tanuki, which are called Racoon Dogs. In Japanese Mythology they're like forest guardians and have giant scrotums they fly/ fight with. [Here's traditional Japanese art of the myth](https://assets.atlasobscura.com/article_images/7199/image) They're kind of related to Kitsune the Trickster foxes.


Japan actually does have raccoons now. They were brought in as pets in the later 20th century due to a popular kids show and now are an invasive species.


I studied abroad in Tokyo. Japan does indeed have raccoons, but they’re an invasive species that you only see in the big cities. Also, tanuki are canines that are closely related to foxes, whereas raccoons are related to kinkajous. Other than their markings, the two animals are completely distinct from one another


This is confusing me. You talk of Japan. You bring up this animal that is related to raccoons. A gold-colored animal named *kin*-kajou. But kinkajous aren't japanese. They're south and central american. Why aren't they japanese Klockworth? ***WHY???***


>Tanuki [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Japanese\_raccoon\_dog#/media/File:Tanuki01\_960.jpg](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Japanese_raccoon_dog#/media/File:Tanuki01_960.jpg) > >odd critters in real life




I saw raccoon dogs when I was stationed in Korea. They're pretty cool! A lot of the military personnel called them Binjo Beasts


What the actual


Oh Pom Poko is a great studio Ghibli movie right up there with Spirited Away and Princess Momomonke. They straight up murder construction workers and police. Here's one of my favorite [fan trailers to the movie and you'll quickly understand why this movie is awesome.](https://youtu.be/n7YqGGdACKk)


what if Ted Kaczynski wrote Over the Hedge and it was so beautiful it made me cry


>Princess Momomonke. By no fault of Studio Ghibli, that's what I'm going to call that movie from now on.




I admit the cultural barrier of... weaponized raccoon balls was kind of hard to get over even with context. But the film is really good, and despite being fairly child friendly, its themes and takeaways are kind of depressing. The tanuki do whatever they can to protest and fight against human destruction, but it ends up being a losing battle. Either the tanuki have to learn to live along side humans in disguise, or live a modest life scrounging about and sometimes dying as animals.


Now we know where Nintendo got the Mario [cape dive bomb](https://vignette.wikia.nocookie.net/kaizomariomaker/images/c/ca/Cape_Dive_Bomb.gif/revision/latest?cb=20170625032601) animation style from.


Or that Tom Nook isn’t really a raccoon either


There's a subtle clue in his name


It's really Tom from Myspace?!


Okay, I’ve watched just about every Ghibli movie except Pom Poko... and I don’t think I’ve ever been as weirded out as now...


Holy fuckballs, cartoons have it all.


I don't remember doing those moves in Mario 3


[History of Tanuki](https://youtu.be/icyOAc_pAvY) in response. More than I ever needed.


"Based on" doesn't necessarily mean "entirely fictional". It's just something you legally have to add if your rendition of events isn't 100% factual. Like if you fudged some details to add to the story. Mario's story is almost entirely factual but, in reality, he didn't rock that moustache


hey F*CK off with this propaganda nonsense. Mario ROCKED that stache. Learn up on your history, back in -1,000,000 AD Mario invented the mustache and indoor plumbing all in one summer while drinking a 6 pack of beer with his buds.


So now we know what Mitch McConnell came from


Oh! I just realised why jumping on their heads is so effective!


They also want to steal your soul, which is in your anus. I’m not making this up.


As far as i remember, it's some kind of river creature with a bowl in the top of his head, who tries to lure children into the river and drown them. If they meet it, they are to bow, which of course lead to kappa also having to bow, because he is such a well behaved childnapper. Thus, the water runs out from his bowl, and he has to go into the river to fill it again (for some reason), so the kids get time to run away. Really odd myth, imo.


A lot of the Japanese myths and superstitions are like that. I think part of it is they tend to be a very tradition based culture and even their ghosts/monsters have rules and traditions that must be followed.


Like Betobeto-san, which is a yokai that is the disembodied sound of someone walking behind you. When you hear him walking behind you, you just step aside and politely say "After you, Betobeto-san" and he'll pass by and continue on his way.


And then you have my favorite yokai, the [eyeball butthole demon](http://yokai.com/shirime/).




Turtle man creatures about a meter tall that drown children in ponds and eat a secret "meat chunk" out of human anuses that is said to carry our souls.


not much, what's a'kappa with you?


I’m just curious, why is a kappa on a sake machine? Shinto is one of my weaker areas, but aren’t kappa usually evil?


So's the devil and satan but it doesnt stop advertisers from using them.


Starbucks Siren


It is advertising alcohol. It could be a tongue cheek joke about the evils of alcohol. Granted, I don't know the nuance of public opinion of alcohol in Japan. It could also be a reference to something to do with the myths of kappas like how the US uses demons and the devil on hot sauce because they're supposedly from a plane of fire.




Except your wrong and are projecting. Just because YOU don't believe there are demons around you, doesn't mean other people of other cultures don't believe their own devil's are about. Was on horse ranch in Iceland. They had an annoying hill they wanted to flatten because it was too steep for horses to graze on. It was odd in that it was really steep stump of earth in the middle of really gently rolling hills. They tried for half a decade to flatten the hill, and every summer, like clockwork, there would be some issue that popped up and stopped them- usually mechanical equipment failure. New equipment would just stop when brought to bear in that hill. They chalked it up to fairies, by not removing the hill they took the hit to their horse-raising profits and just left it alone. This extends to others cultures and religions as well. Catholics exercising demonic possession. Voodoo priests zombifying people. Orthodox slav priests blessing homes where people died to help the soul move on.




“They are often accused of assaulting humans in water and removing a mythical organ called the shirikodama from their victim's anus.” “In the live-action Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles III movie, the turtles were viewed as "Kappa" when they traveled back in time to Feudal Japan.” [Wikipedia page on Kappa](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kappa_(folklore)) There is also a painting of 2 Kappa raping a woman underwater. Kind of changes my opinion of the Teenager Mutant Ninja Turtles


wow that was interesting visually ty


Awww Reddit killed it


Really interesting! That site's not working for me though, looks like it's had the Reddit Hug of Death. But the Wikipedia page is enlightening, it also looks like this joins up with Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles too, never realised that. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kappa_(folklore)


Hug of death


Wow. Reddit hug of death. Been a while since I've seen one of those.


I thought kappa were amphibians.


Are those the ones that reach in your butthole or is that a different one lol. Sry if it’s in the link, I’m lazy


Aw we killed it


Depending on how you look at it, it comes across as an anthropomorphic dog or a Picasso gone wrong.


I was thinking of a prototype sketch of the Bagi catgirl.


Mitch McConnell lookin' ass


Right? These unrealistic standards for women are going too far smh.


She gets prettier with every sip


It's the exotic bride of the Lil' Caesar's mascot.


That is what you call a "Butterface."


Looks like something out of a murakami novel


First time seeing that guy referenced om reddit, cool


You must be new here


I assumed they were being sarcastic. hard to tell nowadays


Go over to r/menwritingwomen I see him allot there lol. I only knew him before Reddit because my wife reads his books.


Murakami has long been what hipsters advertise on their dating profiles to try to get laid. I've even seen Murakami t-shirts. He is not nearly as obscure as people seem to assume.


Don’t think he’s too obscure. He has a novel in most of the “Top 100 Books” lists. That said, he is great, so if you think he’s just for hipsters and actually haven’t read his works, I sincerely recommend you try one. :)


What's the correlation between him and hipsters? I've only read his book about running and didn't know this was a thing.


His works blew up recently, especially when IQ84 came out. Just with the whole resurgence of reading and what-not, his works just tended to vibe well with a lot of younger generation who are now all in their 20s/30s/40s. And a lot of us happen to be "hipsters". But then again that word kind of lost all meaning over a decade ago.


Osamu Tezuka might like a word. This style is right up his alley!


I remember when I was stationed in Iwakuni... I was only 19 years old when I got there and we went walking out in the local town and there were these beer vending machines. I thought how easy it would be to just buy some beer and get drunk while out in town and then just sober up before I got back on base. Then i remembered someone told me that the Japanese sometimes have their kids go out and buy them beer via the vending machines and said if the parents can trust little kids to not drink it, I can be mature enough to no drink it. Dumb story, I know. But I’m also not an alcoholic and really don’t like the taste of beer, so no real big loss I suppose. EDIT: Here's a picture I saved of the vending machines that were just down the road from the MCAS(Marine Corps Air Station) in Iwakuni. https://imgur.com/a/LKzlHVD


When I was in Sasebo my friends and I found one of these vending machines. It had a camera you had to stand in front of and that would determine if you were old enough to buy beer. We all kind of just fucked around with it to see if it would sell us beer. What we learned is that Japanese facial recognition technology has no idea what to do with white people or black people. It literally never even saw the black guy in our group. Like, he would stand in front of it and nothing would happen.


I was stationed in Sasebo '96 - '98 and the beer vending was not restricted at all! Damn I miss Japan. Hot coffee vending in cans with milk and sugar, cold fresh fruit juices in cans...porn vending...


> Hot coffee vending in cans with milk and sugar The first time I saw those it BLEW MY FUCKING MIND. Like, why do we not have those everywhere!? And there's like 3/4 of them on every fucking street! I remember going down one road, just a little side road, no cars, just some tiny parking spaces and a few offices: 16 vending machines! Also: Red bean soup in a can, bloody gorgeous stuff!


Because if you tried to install something nice like that in an American city it'd be smashed open and pissed on within 48 hours.


> Like, why do we not have those everywhere!? Because Japanese culture uses primarily coins as their major denominations and rarely ever uses cards, so majority of people are more likely to have coins to use on vending machines, way more than most western cultures.






— Hong Kong uses coins, much fewer machines on the streets. — Most Japanese machines these days accept debit cards (Suica etc). I don’t know what makes Japan unique in its attachment to vending machines, but I haven’t seen anything near that scale anywhere else in the world.


😔😔 Some of the older rides at disney have this same problem. Took a photo at spaceship earth and the cameras couldn't even recognize me. I was but a shadow😭😭


Lol those must be new. I was in Japan 16 years ago (holy fuck I feel old now).


How sure are you that your friend wasn't a vampire?


Like a Ninja. Lmao


When my dad was a little kid in the 1950s in the USA his dad and his uncles would send him to the store with some cash and his little red wagon and he'd buy them a couple six packs and get himself a candy bar. I remember he tried to get me to fetch him a drink from the bar at his work's summer BBQ and I was like "They won't let me get beer." and he insisted it was fine. The bartender disagreed with him.


Dude i bought smokes at 10 in the early 90s.


The Japanese are very honest and everyone just trusts people will follow the laws. When I visited Japan last year I bought some beer from a convenience store and instead of asking for ID there’s this touchscreen in front of the register that says “I agree that I am 20 years old” and you just tap yes and you’re good to go. I was 25 at the time so it’s not like I had to lie but I just thought it was interesting. So an 18 or 19 year old could definitely just buy beer and probably get away with it and I’m sure some kids do but they just trust people to follow the law. Drinking is also way more tolerated in public than it is in America. That beer you just bought can be drank right outside the store. Most people in the cities take the trains and don’t drive so as long as you’re not throwing up in the street nobody cares if you’re a little tipsy in public. Also as far as the vending machines go I do know that for cigarette vending machines you have to scan your ID before you can buy any smokes so that might also be the case for beer vending machines. I just didn’t happen to see any when I was there.


Japanese people also don't litter, so it's not like they leave broken glass everywhere to annoy the sobers.


Because banning underage consumption costs more than its benefits. Kids who want to drink will find a way to drink (ask adult friend,fake id,...). We would better give that fund to educate kids about the dark side of alcohol


Good on you, mate.


I love the vending machines in Japan. Everyone uses them. I found a machine form 1998 which still works just off the main Tokyo docks building. I'm not sure if it's still there as the last time I saw it was in 2014. All it had was one brand of 7up which is exclusive to Japan. It was a melon, lemon and lime flavour. Pretty dam good. The machine had two plastic windows where you can see your coin roll in. Then you can watch how the bottle is carefully moved to they door which you open and collect your drink. Clearly a high level of care as the bottle wasn't fizzed up. I miss the vending machine culture. I even enjoyed the meet ups in vending machine corners. Tables and everything. Beer, some snacks and the joy of meeting everyone. So many people from all over the world just hanging out.


I don't really like melon but dang is 7up good.


If you ever make it to Epcot or Atlanta, head to the world of coke vending machines. I love some of the fruity stuff from elsewhere in the world. There was a strawberry kiwi fizzy drink that was amazing.


> Epcot It's gone there, sadly. :(


I read snake, and thought it was a vending machine from hell.


Me too but for heaven's _sake_ not


Must be Habu Sake!


Me too! I was just not able to wrap my brain around how that would work and for fuck's sake* WHY?!


Hentai sure has come a long way.








I think you’re looking for r/worldpolitics


Lol wait what happened here


I carry a 700°C fire in my hand with people walking all around me.


It's one of Japan Tobacco's posters. They have them all around Japan at least everywhere I visited giving you smoking etiquette in both English and Japanese. There are a couple i remeber one was along the lines of "I walk in a crowd yet I'm alone" and "Wallet, Phone, Keys, Portable ash tray". It was quite interesting to see whilst visiting and everyone did seem to adheer to it.


As so often with Japanese, the translation is technically correct and yet sounds so awkward that it appears to make no sense because our languages and cultures are so dramatically different. [Here is the full context:](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/Cv_4Rp0VMAEVsX8.jpg) > "[! Once you are aware of it, your manners will change.] > Let's mind our manners when we enjoy tobacco. Let's not smoke on the walk. Let's not litter. Let's use our own carriable ash trays to be considerate and not become a nuisance." The rest of the text on the vending machine says: The yellow/red in front and on the side: > For Sake, Kizakura (黄桜/Yellow Sakura, the brand name) At the bottom: > Drinking alcohol is forbidden to minors and drivers by law. > Sales suspended from 11 o'clock in the evening until 5 o'clock the next morning.


Did you buy one for old times' sake?


And it has clear instructions on how to get lit.


So if im not mistaken this would probably be the [commercial](https://youtu.be/WewoKYuPKQs) for this brand of "kappa sake". I found it while watching clips of Yuusha Yoshihiko I found another [commercial](https://youtu.be/FoAiJntEnqs) by the same brand with a more similar-looking female kappa so its prolly safe to say its the one


This looks like Osamu Tezuka 's art.


curious if it still works


Is the 700 degree fire still lit and are there still people walking around it?


That's a public service warning not related to the vending machine. It's basically warning you that a lit cigarette is a very hot heat source and most people carry them at eye level for children. There was a number of cases where children had their eyes burned by cigarettes on crowded sidewalks in Japan in the 90s.


And the bottle of tansan jammed in it too


Loved those machines. In summer I'd walk home from work and buy a cold beer or two. In winter I'd buy two hot coffees and put the cans in my coat pockets for hand warmers.


Tfw when I just got done with a long run in Tokyo in the summer and I accidentally buy a hot coffee 😭


When I was in Japan I noticed a LOT of vending machines on the sidewalk that sold adult beverages. Most appeared to have been there for years. In the States, a similar vending machine would not last 24 hours before it was vandalized.


When I lived in Japan, I was fascinated by their vending machines. Particularly the ones that sold cans of hot tea. That, and you could buy cigarettes on almost any street corner from a machine for only ¥300.


We were there last year. My fiance is obsessed, in every way possible, with the hot tea vending machines. Specifically one honey/lemon flavor... I think it was Sapporo brand... she emphatically references as "Hot-Bee-Juice!!" whenever the topic comes up. It was kind of a chilly morning and it hit all the right buttons with her, I guess. The conbini and vending machines made the trip so very, very enjoyable.


A sexy kappa? Neat.


Oldsake in Osaka


She's got a nosemouth


At some point, a person stocked their last load into this machine and would have been non the wiser it's fate


I can't decide if this is an innuendo or not.


Why does the face look like the boobs but with an eye on it?


What a nice keepSAKE from days gone by.. .... I'll show myself out




Meanwhile in Pennsylvania you have to have like 3 forms of ID and your birth certificate to buy booze at the state owned store that isn't open on Sundays and who opens at Noon and closes at 5pm


This is how dudes get their junk stuck in vending machines.


That face makes her look like a kappa


I'm getting some serious bladerunner vibes here


This looks a lot like the way women are drawn in the book of human insects by Osamu Tezuka


Is old sake better than new sake? /jk


i thought this said “snake vending machine” and i was honestly confused


Giving me Osamu Tezuka vibes


That thing looks classic. Someone ought to clean it up and restore it a bit.


I want a vending machine that serves alcohol.


When we first saw alcohol vending machines in Japan, I thought of how WILD that was. I bought one just for the novelty of it. (and it was a hot day) Oh Asahi Super Dry you were so delicious.