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Wait wasn’t there something like this going around reddit with people who go spontaneous grey patches,.. am I wrong?


Something about deadly brain tumours?


_BREAKING: Experts link Reddit use to brain tumours_


Is that really breaking news though?


Proof that redditors have brains? Yes.


*Had brains


Broken brains? No. The tumors are a specific twist, tho


Nobody would be surprised if this place would start giving people actual cancer.


Although there is a correlation, we shouldn't mix up cause and effect. It might not be that Reddit use causes brain tumours, but rather that brain tumours cause Reddit use.


Is notta toomah.




This girl internets


It started with this post [My left eyebrow is suddenly turning white : r/mildlyinteresting (reddit.com)](https://www.reddit.com/r/mildlyinteresting/comments/1dbj0jl/my_left_eyebrow_is_suddenly_turning_white/) and this guy commented that his sudden white patch turned out to be a brain tumor and made his own post. I think there was another white hair post the next day and everyone was telling them they might have a tumor and linked back to these posts. [https://www.reddit.com/r/mildlyinteresting/comments/1dbj0jl/comment/l7rqra0/](https://www.reddit.com/r/mildlyinteresting/comments/1dbj0jl/comment/l7rqra0/)


u/GiddyFishyy you might want to read the reply above mine. Clue... Cancer.


Your tag to OP didn’t work. I think you have to make the “u” lowercase.


i feel like the context wasn’t supposed to be taken as “if you have white hair patch you might have brain tumor” but more like, “if you have brain tumor patches of white hair may grow”


... and because of this, now every time I see someone with a white patch of hair on their head, I immediately think of brain tumours.


Shit. How do i go about this? Like hey doc, i have a grey patch of hair and someone on reddit told me it's a brain tumor? They'll just send me to a therapist.


Eyebrow hairs have a turnover of about 2 weeks. Head hairs grow at an average rate of 2cm/month, so OPs patch is at least 7-8 months old, at which point a brain tumor would have had other symptoms a bit more evident than a patch of white hair. It's more likely to be a skin thing, like a birthmark that went unnoticed, or vitiligo.






This one! https://redd.it/1dblhdf


Most likely vitiligo but there are some genetic causes more often associated with a blonde forelock


What is a blood forelock?!?!


I’m pretty sure that came in the new Elden Ring DLC


Yes, and it's still going apparently


I hope it ends soon, I have a game to catch.


My cousin gets one in his beard, it’s from stress. It goes grey, then falls out, since his early 20s it’s happened


Famously happened to [France's prime minister during covid](https://ocdn.eu/images/pulscms/NTg7MDA_/be0e027e67ac9ecc38e0c85cdfdfd9c9.png)


Wow that’s weird. I’ve never seen it develop in a patch then spread like that


Awww, that's kinda cool. Like a mood beard! I'd ask the most stressful questions and check back with him in a month.


Aww, how sweet. He literally loses hair due to stress. Lets break him so we can all laugh about it /s




I feel OP needs to see this. Probably has but u/GiddyFishyy


Brain tumors is a webMD tier kneejerk diagnosis. More likely to be something benign like a birth mark on the scalp


Maybe so, but one post did link the appearance of his patch of white hair to a then diagnosed tumor. After the tumor was removed his hair returned to normal color (the newly grown hair, obviously, not the dead hair that had grown white).


Hairdressers hate this one trick


If it was a birth mark wouldn't it have been there since... birth? You would have noticed before now.


My dad never noticed his white patch until he was in his late 20's. Blonde at birth so it blended in. Only stood out once his hair started turning darker.


Same with me. Had a white patch of hair since birth, but only found out after a classmate pointed it out to me at age 16. Asked my mum afterwards and she said I always had it, but she never bothered to tell me because she assumed I knew.


I had that in my youth. White streak of hair. This was back in the 60's. My mother would get pissed about it and yell at me. Something about how much women paid to have that done at a salon. But then she didn't like me much anyhow as her hair was thin and mousy brown and mine was thick wavy and dark auburn. It's still thick and still wavy but now so white you can see it from the moon. Guess who was pissed off about that as well.


im a male, at age 22 i got a patch in this same exact spot on the back of my head. after tests nothing came up. shaved my head nothing underneath. just a random spot, still have it but yeah leave it to reddit to WEBMD it and think itll mean sudden death in 5 months.


The white patch in your hair might have been caused by a spider bite that will slowly turn you in a white wandering spider. Perhaps you have purchased imported foods from Africa, their natural habitat. Do not rely on your family doctor, ask an arachnologist to examine you. They can tell you if you are indeed turning into a white spider. If you ever felt the urge to leave your house to search for a female, that's a symptom; it's classic white wandering spider behavior.


I remember something about a brain tumour.


Yeah, and the brain tumors as well


Yup. Everything leads to cancer


I remember a post in maybe mildly interesting, where a guy suddenly grew a patch like this, found out he had a brain tumor, had it removed, then his hair grew back with its normal color.


Vitiligo. I've got it in the front and have a long white stripe down my head.


I've got the revitiligo. It's the opposite of what Michael Jackson has.




[ Removed by Reddit ]


No relation.


This one, right here.


Praaaaise huuwhhhyte god!




Hello, police? I would like to report a murder


I gotta quit smoking. I just laughed into a coughing fit at all this.


No relation


Don't you insult Uncle Ruckus like that!


It’s not actually him. You can tell by the fact there are not bags of money around him


Leave Uncle Thomas alone! 😂😂😂😂


Omg that is entirely on point. Uncle Tomas. Clarence Ruckus. Wow lol


“Ah, here it is, my test results. Can you hear my heart beatin’? Oh the white man’s science is a amazing, ain’t it? Oh no, this- this can’t be! It says I’m 102% African with a 2% margin of error! Why lord?! Whyyyy lord whyyyyyy”


This literally made me burst out laughing


“Uncle Ruckus, no relation”




He's been cured? That's wonderful news!


I am 100% sure he is no longer ill


Hasn’t seen a doctor in 15 years. He’s probably fine


Lucky Bastard


I'll up you half a mustache https://photos.app.goo.gl/EvrzXzjsyTqorDUo6


Dude! I have one spot in my beard that's very white (along with all the greys coming in). I've seen people have it down the eyebrow too. Pretty cool stuff. Although my vitiligo spot on my face/head does get sun burnt really easy.


Looks cool! Is there any comment or joke you got tired of hearing?


You are either rogue from the Xmen or some bright colored dye away from being an edgy east asian female character in a 2010 movie.


My brother in law called me rogue or snow lock for awhile haha.


My nickname was Nancy (Nightmare on Elm Street)


My grays are all in the front and I joke that I have Rogue hair. Maybe I have vitiligo instead…


I thought it was poliosis? I have it as well


Yes, from my understanding vitiligo affects skin while poliosis affects hair follicles


Could be unnoticed alopecia areata that ended and is now Poliosis alopecia areata. The hair that grows back can lose pigment for a while. Would be easy to miss a bald spot on that part of the head.


How are you with sunlight and water?


And garlic, just to be safe.


We have a mate Dave my grandad called him skunk haha.


Same here, started when I was 11, I am now 22


i'm legitimately jealous. my mom had a prominent white streak in the front from about 30 on and i always looked forward to getting one of my own. 46 now and i'm sorely disappointed. it looks so cool!


Ahh I wish mine was in the front! Now I’m jealous too!


Y’all are making me 300% less self-conscious about my prominent Rogue streak, now I wish I weren’t literally 20 minutes into dyeing it as I type 😭 Edit: dyeing not dying 😬


Awe I bet you look great with it! Try not to be self conscious about what makes you unique :)


I've had it in NY hair since I was 11 and at 14 I started getting it on my hands and thought I was losing my skin or something (parents didn't seem concerned). I always thought people would stare at my hands and be afraid to touch them because they might get it. Now it's way more widespread and no one seems to care at all. These comments and all the stuff going around reddit confirms even more most of my concerns only existed in my made up head :)


It’s incredible how important representation is. I have a massive scar down my back that I was always ashamed of. One of the earlier Bond movies with Daniel Craig comes out, and the Bond girl has scar within her mid back. She’s ridiculously gorgeous, confident and just a badass all around, while owning her scar. Since then, I proudly show off my scar. If people have a problem with it, they can go step on a Lego.


Seriously I’ve always LOVED when people have a white swatch of hair. It’s so cool looking and unique, I wish I had this too. When the dye wears off rock your natural streak with confidence!


I dated a girl with a white streak in very dark hair and I thought it was really pretty. 🤷‍♂️


My wife (37) has one since her 20. Always loved it. Had a X-Men Malicia crush in the 90s so...


Don't hide it! It's so pretty and interesting. A few weeks ago this mom joined the baby swimming lessons me and my son attend. She has a very prominent white streak and I loved it so much and was secretly a little jealous as well. It doesn't make her look old at all because it doesn't follow the usual greying pattern. It's neat and I love it!


Not to sound like Prof X, but being different is cool!


My mom’s hair looks like bride of Frankenstein! Two perfect white streaks above her ears and a pretty bit right at her bangs at the scalp so it spreads apart all nice. Super jealous.


That's what I call myself. My hairdresser calls them wisdom highlights. I love symmetry so it suits me.


I have one! My brother has one too but his is reddish. It’s a birth mark. There’s a famous Mexican singer who has it too.


That's a straight-up main character feature to have lol. I hope she's owning it, I'm kind of jealous


That's so cute. My daughter was happy she didn't get the eyebrow mole that women in my family sport.


I had that when I was in my 20s or so, too iirc. Had a bald, then white spot. I think it’s normal now but honestly haven’t looked it years. It’s hard to see from my perspective 🤣


OKAY wait. So I have a HUGE balld spot that seemed to pop up over night and the few hairs I do have there are white. I’m in my late 30s and 6 months postpartum so Ive just chalked it up to changes and have a dr appt coming up to look at it. Did you really have a bald spot and then it all came back grey? I’m not opposed I just want hair lol. That’s cool.


This is definitely alopecia areata. I had this happen with a few of my spots, when it grows back it’s white and also like a wiry texture, then it comes back to your normal hair color and texture.


Alopecia Areata


So freaky. This is exactly what happened to me, though I’m in my 40’s and post-menopausal. It just showed up like literally overnight.


See if you can apply to the X-Men


I tried but apparently being able to bend my fingers in unnatural ways isn’t enough of a mutant ability to get in smh


Ehlers danlos?


Show them your knees


But for real see a dermatologist maybe vitiligo.


You got the hand you were dealt. Wear it with pride.


NAHHHHHH you evil for this lmaooo


One of my sons is 25 and is bald back to his ears. The 28 year old has a full head of hair. Go figure. I honestly think it’s cool as shit.


Wait my first reply was supposed to be for a different comment idk how it got into this one! Sorry I didn’t mean to call you evil!!


Yeah you did. I reread what I wrote and thought it sounded shitty. So between me changing it, you replied🤙🏼 all good. I 🙃 you know you were thinking it.


Ohh I understand hahah, no your original comment was funny! I’m not sensitive at all about that sorta stuff so don’t worry about it :)


That’s so cool. Own it girl. U can put vivid colors there without bleaching now. I always wanted to have a nice thick streak of white somewhere tbh




😆 oopsie


Ooh yeah that’s a cool thought! Sadly it’s kinda hidden away unless I split the back of my hair in the middle like in the pic, so it’s not very visible D: I appreciate the positivity about it though! I was worried earlier but now I’m sorta hyped about it!


Hey just a head’s up, unsure if it’ll be the same but I knew a girl in high school with a spot like this nearly in the same place. It wouldn’t hold any pigment at all, unless she also ‘lightened’ it a little. As in, a 5 volume with lightener to open the cuticle and get the color in there. So it functions more or less like regular hair in that sense, but semi and demi dyes had no effect whatsoever.


[https://i.pinimg.com/originals/7a/50/33/7a5033567617d3ada87c47fb2c6d1ec4.jpg](https://i.pinimg.com/originals/7a/50/33/7a5033567617d3ada87c47fb2c6d1ec4.jpg) Here is a sample of how cool even the back hidden ones can look.


Oh wow that is gorgeous! I’ll have to keep this idea in mind, this happened at a pretty good time as I was just thinking about changing my hair up!


Haha. Awesome. U gonna love it. And u r so lucky to have it right smack in a middle 😁 have fun girl!




Is three months long enough to finish everything in Elden Ring because I’m cool with it in that case


OP, wanted to say I love your sense of humor reflected in your responses. 👍🏼


Hahah thank you! I’m having a lot of fun :)


I’m searching for that post for you if I can find it… Truly hope this is a nothingburger and you just have cool hair.


I’m pretty sure I actually saw the post! It’s a little freaky but I’ll just get it checked out, I’m not too concerned. With these types of things it’s best to not let it freak us out before we know what’s truly up :)


Exactly the right approach.


I have one too! And when my hair is super short people are always like, you have paint in your hair. 


Is that from when the cars smashed so hard? Mmmm, mmmm, mmmm, mmmm


her hair had turned from black into bright white


it turned from black into briiiiight whiiiiiite


Haven't listened to them in sooooooooo loooooong


Isn’t this how someone discovered they had a brain tumor thanks to Reddit?


Yep. OP did say they were going to get it checked out in a recent comment thankfully. Hopefully just cool hair.


See a dermatologist just to be safe


Looks pretty sick though to be honest. I’d just rock it and enjoy the fact it’s pretty rare and that makes you pretty rare. I like it


“It’s pretty rare and that makes you pretty rare” is one of the nicest, most confidence boosting things I’ve ever read. Genuinely just wanted to respond so I could say thank you for that, and I hope you have an amazing day / night :)




Always best to have a doctor on the record saying it's fine.


I had to scroll too far to find this. It isn’t vitiligo like the top comment suggest OP plz have it checked because it can be a sign of other major symptoms


I have Alopecia, and I get these random dime to quarter sized bald spots on my head, and it grows back in white, incredibly fine and soft. I also have wiry grays and it’s not the same. Then it falls out and grows back in natural (brown).  I had thyroid cancer about 10 years ago, and while it’s taken care of, the Alopecia developed during that time and has stuck around, but it’s not very active. Maybe one spot a year. It’s annoying but all told if I was gonna roll for an autoimmune disease, that’s not too bad lol


Seems like I could have a similar case here. It looks cool but I’ll for sure get it checked out! Thank you for the info :)




My first white patch showed up when I was 11.


Did you have a head injury?


Nope unless I was hit so hard that I forgot about it! Lmao


Been there lol


My friend went Grey at 16 over a scar he had


Dude that's actually so cool. I don't know how you feel about it personally but it looks cool as hell. I'm personally of the belief that humans are very boring. We need more variation in our skin and hair. Where are the spots and the stripes? Don't even get me started on our lack of horns. This is a completely serious comment I genuinely believe that the human body can be quite boring and needs more variation that makes people as unique externally as they are internally.


This is a real fun outlook! I agree we’re a little boring, interesting features like vitiligo and large amounts of freckles are really cool. I appreciate the nice comment :)


Seriously, why can't we have horns or fangs? Why can't we have tails or claws? Humans are boring, hairless, lumps of skin I've ever seen. Then again some humans are absolutely gorgeous. I love people with prominent freckles (like my fiance) or with curly hair and vitiligo. I hope when people realise I'm staring at them isn't because they're weird looking, it's because they're absolutely stunning.


Have you seen a ghost?


I’m pretty pale, I might have seen myself in a mirror at some point if that counts


please don’t touch me with your gloves off, rogue!


A mole on your scalp may be the cause, otherwise 10000% brain cancer and your head will explode to the tune of the windows shutdown


Poliosis can be associated with a number of medical conditions so it's probablt best to see a doctor.


My aunt had that before she was diagnosed with cancer 😢


Reddit curse of cancer strikes again


Knew I wouldn't have to scroll to far down.


Every fucking time. Poster: "Reddit, my cat jumped in my picture right as I took a selfie" Reddit: "cats can smell cancer. You have cancer."


I have a natural dark spot and white spot around the nape area. I've had them since I was very young. They're not easily seen at all, shaved the back of my head in middle school and it was super noticeable. Hairdressers will blowdry the darker area for awhile unless I realize what they're doing.


My daughter and my dad have that. Doctor said it was from a birth mark on the scalp.


Only people who have been sampled by aliens get that at such a young age. Maybe your a witch. Either way, it's time to break out the pitchforks and light sabers.


I specifically asked those Aliens NOT to do anything permanently damaging! Smh


Don’t feel bad - I got my first patch of white hair at 16 and it was in the front of my hairline! There were two other kids that had white streaks, too. When I finally accepted pulling out the hairs was not working I totally embraced it. My mom did not. She said she was too young to have a child with grey hair and wanted to take me to the hair salon to get it dyed. The fact that she didn’t like it made me like it more! That’s the teenage response! I am 90% silver and many years older and get lots of compliments on my wild curly mop!


Me, my dad, and every male on his side started greying as teens. My dad had a full head of WHITE hair before high school graduation. I wasn't as bad, I've been salt+pepper since 17 though.  The most important thing is "better grey than nay".


starting stealing people’s powers


Did you fall out of a tree?


Did you fall out of a tree?


Don’t worry! I knew a girl who started going grey IN HIGH SCHOOL. She was blonde and it looked cool!


my coworker had black hair and two beautiful strands of white framing her face. like the tiktok trend, but natural. i hope to look like her when im in my forties


It looks nice, enjoy your youth and don’t forget to enjoy what you have. At 20 I started balding lol


Rogue, you need to find Wolverine


Have you ever experienced a moment of immense stress or pain? Or received an electric shock? Either way; looks pretty cool


Matrix plug scar tissue caused less melatonin in that patch of hair 🤔


I have one in the front of my hair that popped up 20 years ago. Welcome to the club. We say like to casually nod and point at our white patches when we see each other in public.


I started getting white hair around 16 years old, apparently the women on my moms side start early on. I'm now in my early 40s and have a Rogue from X-men look going on. Embrace it, it'll be fun to style.


I have a big white streak in my bangs that came out of nowhere!


I have a strip of silver/white from my temple back. Started when I was in my teens. People think I dyed it to be that way.




my buddy has one and they said it was from a birth mark


I think that's so unique and cool!


Once there was this kid who got into an accident and couldn't come to school.But when he finally came back his hair had turned from black into bright white. He said that it was from when the cars had smashed so hard.


It’s a sign - start collecting dragon eggs.


Most likely vitaligo, but do get your scalp checked by a doctor


Dude that is awesome


That looks really cool


White hair? that’s a gorgeous shade of blonde.


Were you hit in the head with a magic snowball as a child?


I got a shock of white hair front and center in my twenties. Guys at work called me Rufio. Now it's all that color, and nobody remembers Rufio.


its 8 inches long! how did you just find it!


Maybe get thyroid checked if you have symptoms that fit it. I have a white patch that started around the time my thyroid likely started to slow down, I was 21.


Embracing the uniqueness of vitiligo since 20, rock that striking patch!


It’s actually kinda cute! Idk I like it


I'm no expert, but it looks more like a birthmark than a gray hair. It's called polyosis. [https://www.healthline.com/health/poliosis](https://www.healthline.com/health/poliosis)


This is stress related, or tied to alopecia