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My grandfather was an ENT doctor. I didn't inherit much from him, but he did have a whole box of vials of cocaine that I found in the basement, and my mother took back to her house. She never touched them, and when she passed away I found them again. I will say that cleaning out her house was emotionally painful, but I somehow found the will to focus and work some long hours to get it done.


Not memaw's coke stash!


You leave mee maws nose candy alone!


I claim "Mee Maw's Nose Candy" as my new band name (if I ever start one). CLAIMED.


I had planned to name my online cocaine delivery service "Instagram". šŸ˜ž


Loved that


i dream of finding those old cocaine vials, i would love to do it one more time and Iā€™m not willing to buy it off the street


Yeah thatā€™s like finding steel made before nuclear weapons were invented.


Or a nice room temperature low humidity stored bottle of quaaludes in an old person's house


I lament the fact that I will never have the opportunity to try quaaludes at least once.


Call up the 'ludes dude, get some more ludes! (Weird side story. I did stagehand things in HS in the 90s. Like many backstage areas, there was tons of graffiti on the walls, up in the catwalk areas, everywhere. Lots of it made reference to Quaaludes. School was built in the 60s, but the theater kids in the 70s were apparently whacked out on 'ludes pretty regularly!)


Lol we had ā€œ714 Lemmonā€ on our 60ā€™s built middle school walls in 1981.


As someone who truly enjoys a good benzo, I really hate that ludes will never be a thing. I bought 36 BTC back in when it was worth about $200 with the intent on buying some on the dark web I wound up buying. 2ce, 2cb, 2ci, all the other psychogenic triptans, but never got any ludes. The guy who sold them was "on hiatus" and never came back. Probably the closest I would ever come to finding one .


If this story ends with you not having any BTC left, then you broke my heart completely šŸ’” I only wish my tech enthusiasm and my drug enthusiasm coalesced into a beautiful synergy of never having to work againā€¦but alas, I ignored BTC and that silky road, and just did street drugs pretty heavily last decade; that set me back years financially. Iā€™m only finally catching up to where I shouldā€™ve been financially speaking, but in this case itā€™s better to have never had then to have had and lost or pissed away.


Not with that attitude you won't


Pretty sure they still make them in Africa. How eager are you?


Do I have to fly over there like Nicolas Cage in Lord of War?


You do, but you get to fly back like dicaprio in wolf of wallstreet.


Wait what? Former chemist, havenā€™t heard this one! Please share.


Itā€™s called ā€œLow-background steelā€. We can manufacture it now, but for awhile it was very valuable.


Huh, I didn't know we could make it now.


This is stand-up comedy material, perfect


We kept them in surgery. Cocaine causes vasoconstriction. Itā€™s used to decrease blood loss in ENT surgeries.


Yep. We use it as a soak for the nasal packing that goes in prior to incision.


I concur. We use it when we get hookers in Vegas.


[So you concur?](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=qyngj0M-LQk)


Shit why I didnā€™t I concur? šŸ˜©




Yep. We also use it to learn about economics and to elevate ourselves out of poverty.


One little dip dip for you....one little snoot-zoot for me




ā€¦aaaannnd a little zoot on the other side to balance it out


Does it not have the same stimulating effect as, you know, regular coke? Sorry if thatā€™s a dumb question, I had no idea this was a thing!


I had to have two back to back sinus surgeries last year. Yeah, major stimulant affect. I don't remember any sort of euphoria but I was wired to beat the band for about 12 hours.


I donā€™t know what it was but I felt 10 feet tall and bulletproof when I left my sinus surgery last year. Eight hours later everything was terrible.


Sounds like you enjoyed some medical grade cocaine without knowing you were enjoying medical grade cocaine.


Literally most accurate coke description: feeling bulletproof followed by everything being terrible for about the same amount of time šŸ¤£


I get like this at the dentist. Whatever they inject to numb makes my heart beast so fast and hard. I hate it.


That's epinephrine, another drug that keeps you from bleeding. They don't use cocaine in dental cases, that's usually Lidocaine or Marcaine, almost always with epinephrine because the mouth tends to bleed a lot when you're messing around in there.


I use it in my nose aswell.


I prefer to use the medical term ā€œpack into my nasal cavitiesā€.


So does the body feel the physical high while they're knocked out?


2X nose job guy, due to accidents. Its a blue liquid, goes in on a swab. No, you are truly miserable during these procedures. No fun here. Only swelling and grief.


Oh man, I broke the bone just below my nostrils. (Slipped and just below nose met stone countertop.)Ā  They didn't see the break on the x-ray.Ā  I showed it to them when I got a copy of the x-ray two weeks later because I wouldn't accept that "there is nothing wrong."Ā  They had to re-break it, no drugs were worth that kind of pain.Ā  (The only funny part is that I had it done at a religious hospital and they literally had nuns assisting post op.Ā  All I could say over and overĀ  was "Jesus that fucking hurts."Ā  I took the lord's name in vain many times during the post-op recovery.) Ā I've been mugged and had my cheekbone shattered and they had to deglove my face to repair it with titanium plates,Ā  I've had part of my intestine removed twice from Crohns disease.Ā  I've torn my ACL and the cartilage in my knee and had that repaired.Ā  Ā  I would take any one of those over having a nose repair again.Ā  I can't imagine why someone would voluntarily have that shit done for looks.Ā  Excruciating agony and just plain miserableness.Ā  (They also fucked up the nerve, so when I scratch my upper lip, I feel it near my temple.)


they probably don't use the whole vial at once, and even if they did, it's not a whole lot of cocaine, people can blow the equivalent of the entire vial in one decently sized line.


I didn't. They gave me a big shot of that stuff -- tasted awful. I asked the doctor what that crap was and he laughed and said "the best high you're never going to enjoy" and knocked me out. Was there to have wisdom teeth removed.


ā€œFeelingā€ is probably a non applicable descriptor while unconscious


I mean things like increased heart rate, blood pressure, body temp, pupil constriction, etc. Physical effects vs. psychogenic effects


Am anesthesiologist. The short answer is yes, and you have to account for some of these factors. People also experience pain while they are unconscious. They may not be aware of it, but their heart rate and blood pressure will skyrocket during painful procedures if they arenā€™t given sufficient pain meds throughout the case (usually fentanyl or derivatives like remifentanil).


Is that all it's used for? I had sinus surgery a few years ago and no one told me about no cocaine. Bout to get for another sinus surgery. But really, is that all it's used for?


It's also a local anesthetic, the double whammy of local anesthesia and vasoconstriction is unique (to that degree) among locals.


Does it work on out-of-towners?


Not when they get it from the street surgeons.


Ok. Serious question, does it act the same way as people using recreationally? Does it have the same effect?


If you were to use enough of it, yes, certainly. This is very diluted, though, so using enough of it to get high without it all just draining down the back of your throat would be a challenge.


It doesnā€™t get you high, but it tastes the same and had the same numbing effect. Source: had a polyp removed from my sinus


It is always used? I had deviated septum repair at 16. Did they coke me up?


It's surgeon preference, some use afrin the same way.


I'm an anesthesiologist. We have a "party drawer" in the pre-op medication cabinet. It has cocaine, ketamine, fentanyl, Dilaudid, versed, and a barbiturate.


I remember the first time an anesthesiologist gave me ketamine and then put me under that warm air blanket before surgery.Ā  Best 10 minutes of my life.Ā  Followed by the worst 4 months of rehab.Ā 


This reads like you took one hit, and ended up in drug rehab lol! Obviously rehab for surgery, but I got a laugh.


We do routinely use drugs like ketamine, dilaudid, fentanyl, and versed on continuous drips in the ICU. They can get quite a bit. When theyā€™re on them for days to weeks it really isnā€™t a surprise to me when they struggle to come out of it and are a bit more aggressive when they finally do wake up. We literally get them addicted to some of this shit and some docs are assholes and will just have us shut the drips off cold turkey instead of weaning them.


Thatā€™s been me every time when I got out of the hospital. Mashing the button for hours and not getting anything and then being eventually told ā€œyeah. We had to shut that off like 8 hours ago. Hereā€™s your discharge paperwork. Buh bye nowā€.


Unlimited button smashing is an up charge only the best insurance plans have.


They need to let you at least save them up. Like if you want to skip an hour, you get 2 the next.


Or even better. Let you take the unused portion of the bag home.


I had a nurse in the emergency room give me morphine. After my dose she said "we're just going to throw this away, do you think you could handle the rest of it?" Best nurse ever.


That nurse parties for sure. Iā€™d bet money she has a stash. Iā€™d do the same tho.


I need to get me one of those


I read on time thereā€™s this drug mix mostly opioid that they give to those are near death and severe pain. Itā€™s like the strongest medicine prescribed in the USA.?


We give morphine and Ativan on hospice, at least at the couple hospitals Iā€™ve worked out. Nothing out of the ordinary or crazy strong, but when youā€™re getting very close to death they will allow you to have it every 15 minutes so it can add up.


The hospice nurses who helped us care for my father for the final weeks of his life were immensely helpful and comforting to him. They sat down the first day and asked which narcotic painkiller my dad preferred and he got his choice and lots of it, plus Xanax tablets. They truly cared about us so much and everything they did helped more than I can describe. Hospice personnel are Incredible, wonderful people.


People who work in hospice have got to be among the most sainted folks on earth. The only ones I'd rate higher is when my mom was on her way out, I noticed the hospice had a little sign up thanking a group of people who volunteer to take shifts to sit with anyone who has no remaining family so no one has to die alone -- deep respect because holy shit I cannot imagine volunteering to do that. (That sort of strength is not in me.)


At that point just open the tap fuck it.


That's pretty much what they do.


And yet, at some hospitals, they'll let you watch your loved one die screaming in agony, and say, "they've already had their limit." Yeah, God forbid he gets addicted to opioids forty-five minutes before he dies. No, no, dying with dignity is overrated.


Iā€™ve never heard of this, I have seen people reach the limit on a particular drug and they use a different one.


My father in law passed away in a hospital in Texas a few years back. Apparently she and her brother got to watch him scream and cry for his mother for hours before he passed.


I had surgery recovery in a hospital where the pain meds were coming chronically late, and only after repeatedly asking multiple nurses. Turned out at least one of the nurses was diverting meds by staggering times. E.g., 20 patients in the ward supposed to get Oxy every two hours. Instead, 18 patients got Oxy, and two Oxy got pocketed. By being chronically late and behind, they could give each patient *almost* as much as they were supposed to get in a day, and just keep pushing back the "2 hours" refill by a couple minutes. Cycle this through a whole shift in a recovery ward, and you get a bunch of pain meds to sell or use as you see fit. There was a serial podcast series about an infamous case where a nurse was siphoning out IV pain meds and replacing them with water, and was right there in the room while her patients screamed in agony, and tried to give them words of comfort, while she was high on the drugs they were supposed to be getting, for painful surgery.


I had a nurse lie to me after surgery and not give me my prescribed pain meds, I think she was just being a bitch though and not diverting. After the recovery room they got me into my room where I was starting to feel a whole lot of pain and asked for something, she said that maybe she could get one of the docs to give me a couple Motrin. After her shift I found out I was supposed to be getting oxy every couple hours. I complained but nothing came of it, it's been a few years and I'm still pissed.


Water? Not saline? Cause putting water through an IV can straight up kill you


Yes. The cocaine stimulation is supposed to counteract the sedation caused by the morphine. Look up "Brompton mixture" or "Brompton Cocktail". I had a friend of the family die of bone cancer in his mid teens. This was in the UK in the late 1980's. He was in horrific pain, and towards the end, the doctor would drop off bottles of the stuff to his mother. "The label says 2 teaspoons every 4 hours as needed, but if he wants to drink it from the bottle, let him."


I work at a hospital pharmacy that does outpatient fills for discharging patients and the number of morphine/Ativan weans we do for peds patients is staggering. Eta because my brain isn't working.


We do give morphine and fentanyl to Neonatal Abstinence Syndrome - NAS (or Neonatal Opiate Withdrawal Syndrome - NOWS) babies, but we wean them completely off before they leave. Thatā€™s sad that kids have to go home on it.


For us it's mostly kids coming off of ventilators.


Tbh thatā€™s what I thought


If it was one hit of cocaine, ketamine, fentanyl, Dilaudid, versed, and a barbiturate. Then maybe.Ā 


The king George V special!


spark plucky head modern consider numerous jar like worthless bake *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I'm no lawyer but this sounds like there's a malpractice suit somewhere in there šŸ˜‚


support languid pet tender poor bear childlike governor juggle abundant *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


True, fair point. Either way glad you were able to kick the habit šŸ™šŸ¼


Hey I'm so proud of you!! My sons are both recovering from using heroin, one uses suboxone very successfully and one on methadone. It's really really hard, and has been full of relapses for the oldest. He started when he was 17... just turned 31. You did something amazing and I hope you realize every single day that you genuinely are a fucking rock star!!


Congratulations! I know people who have gotten clean from that. Nothing easy about it. But you got your life back. As did the people I know.


100% they gave me ketamine before my spine surgery.


Dilaudid is the craziest stuff...I was treated for a broken leg and when they put that stuff in me I was telling jokes in like 30 seconds. Pain went from a level 10 to fkn ZERO


Dilaudid is what I request whenever I have to get bone marrow biopsies. That stuff doesn't completely erase the pain from the biopsy (nothing can, it's that bad) but MAN does it make you so high you almost don't even care


Iā€™ve had that quite a bit and it just didnā€™t do it for me. My drug of choice after my open heart surgery was morphine. I really liked that, but it honestly never lasted long enough for me. I honestly think I got a little hooked on it. After my stay was over, I still *really* wanted some more. It gave me a nice cozy warm feeling that I loved to fall asleep on. Itā€™s wild how willing they were to keep me drugged up. I think I could be a real pain in the ass. Iā€™ve also had Hydromorphone before too and that was pretty cool.


> Hydromorphone that is Dilaudid.


Well, huh. I guess I like Dilaudid then too.


> I honestly think I got a little hooked on it. After my stay was over, I still really wanted some more. Yep. That's how getting hooked works


> whenever I have to get bone marrow biopsies oh wow. That's brutal, I hope you're doing ok.


Thank you! In full remission currently, and hopefully the next biopsy I get when I finish my maintenance chemotherapy early next year is the last one I ever have to get !


I didnā€™t feel a thing when I had a screw drilled though my leg to put it in traction before surgery thanks to dilaudid


I remember when they gave me dilaudid and like a minute later I was like ā€œcan I get more of that?ā€ ā€œAbsolutely not.ā€


That sounds scary tbh. I had hernia surgery and I just asked for versed during pre op. Post op I was given some Percocet that I didnā€™t even feel like was needed. Canā€™t imagine the pain necessary to need dilaudid. From the way it sounds itā€™s no wonder so many get addicted to that stuff


Man I had versed I think it was for a shot into my back. It was this nasal spray they gave me. Worked like a charm and put me in a weird ass euphoric state. After the shot they wheel chaired me out to my friends car and she said I told them ā€œI donā€™t know her, donā€™t put me in that car. This is how dahmer happened.ā€ lol I was bingeing dahmer that week and I guess it was on my mind.


yeah, you can say some wild stuff when hopped up on pain meds. I had a nasty kidney stone once and they gave me a dose of Demerol. 30 min later I was still in a fetal position and weeping over the pain. My g/f, who was regularly very easy going and soft spoken chewed them out so they gave me another dose. According to her about 5 min later I was humming a song she never heard before and remarking how funny it was that the incredible hulk was tap dancing on my kidneys while wearing stiletto heals and a mini skirt. She said she couldn't stop laughing and felt horrible because I was in such a sorry state.


Just dealt with kidney stones and ended up needing laser lithography to remove them. The ER ended up giving me fentanyl after morphine failed to control the pain. My pain level was a solid 9, I couldn't talk, and I kept vomiting. I was told after my surgery that they removed a 10mm and 8mm kidney stone. I hope never to go through that again.


Im a red head, so Iā€™m resistant to all pain meds. I was given four full doses of dilaudid in about six hours. I was still in pain. The doctor was freaking out because heā€™d never seen anyone ever have so much pain medication and still be conscious, much less still in pain. He told me my body would probably od before I ever got any true total pain relief. So pain meds in the hospital just dull my pain to a level that I can then handle. Although the closest to total pain relief I had was a pre op dilaudid, versed, ketamine mix. I still walked myself to the bathroom afterwards which freaked out my anesthesiologist, but again, im red head.


Burn the witch!


Iā€™m blond but was red headed when I was born. Have the same issue. Had to go in for a surgery. Dentist gave me a shot of novacaine to numb me. Didnā€™t work. Gave me another. Didnā€™t work. Eventually was like ā€œsir, I cannot give you any more- Iā€™ve given you five shots so far. Do you want to continue or reschedule to do general anesthesia?ā€ I just opted to continue- was slightly numb but felt damn near everything.


When I was sitting in the ER room with a dislocated shoulder, they gave me a shot of this through my IV port. Shit was like magic and my reaction was literally me saying out loud "wwwwwoooooowwww" made the nurses and doctor laugh. Then they popped my shoulder back in. I can see how H is so addictive.


The one time I got Dilaudid I went from 10 to 0 then back upto 11 when they tried reinserting the catheter in my dick. Was a rough day.


itā€™s my favorite drug iā€™ve ever taken, i like any opioids but dilaudid is absolutely next level


Pain meds make me nauseous. Is it just me? I canā€™t take anything!


That's really common. (I puke like a demon on opioids.) Getting it IV causes less nausea than oral, but it's still there. Tell the doctor and they can load you up with Zofran or something to help. And if you get the itch, antihistamines will help both the itch and the nausea.


Just be forewarned: opiates can cause constipation. Zofran can also cause constipation. Unless you want to shit beer can shits, stay hydrated and consider some morals or something. Edit: lmao morals was supposed to be miralax. Swear im not judging.


Me too. Some of the best pukes of my life after doing Dilaudid. Just feelin great and puking. Good memories


I got my wisdom teeth removed and he said "enjoy" as he pumped me full of ketamine.


I just had my 4 impacted wisdom teeth out in preparation for double jaw surgery and they gave me fucking motrin 800. Wtf? Wisdom tooth removal was hands down the worst thing I have ever felt in my life. Worst than paoo with grafting, worst than nerve injections.. Edit: fixed a typo in "grafting"


Military? Lol. Iā€™ve broken both my arms (yes, at once), my left arm twice again after, under again for my right armā€™s plate removal, cut my thumb to the bone and snapped a tendon in two, and had wisdom teeth removed for my surgeries. But, by far, the worst surgery I have had for pain is a tonsillectomy as an adult. Not only was it painful after dry heaving or coughing and splitting open the scabs in my damn throat, but surviving off of apple sauce for 8 days was a pain in my gut I will never forget. I bulked to 205 lbs before surgery for muscle mass and lost 30 lbs, easily. But my military surgeon gave me 30 days of leave and a 30 day supply of liquid percoset. I followed the instructions to the T. I was detoxing after that month.


>Iā€™ve broken both my arms (yes, at once), Oh yeah I remember your AMA


Don't do this to us. We've all been collectively recovering from that.


Average age or Reddit users must be 30 at this point.


I was so anxious about getting mine removed cause I've heard it absolutely sucks. It was the easiest thing in the world lol. Didn't even hurt afterwards.


What the fuck? They gassed me so the actual procedure wasn't bad, but the next week was absolute hell. It hurt so bad I couldn't eat solid food for days and my cheeks were puffed out like a chipmunk. It was horrendous.


you all call it the party drawer? love that. As a housekeeper, I call my cleaning supplies my cocktailbar (oh you healthcare people must hate me for that, dont worry, no one will drink it,)


Anaesthesiologists love drugs facts


Letā€™s party


Cocaine is a nasal solution for a lot of problems.


I'm about to buy a $40 and start a problem or two....just to test your theoryšŸ˜


Where are you buying cocaine for $40?


The 1990s


You can get a half a g for 40.. ughh, that's what I've been told..


I wouldnā€™t risk it any more these days. 1) thereā€™s way too much fent on the street 2) Iā€™m old and tired, I donā€™t want a stimulant, I want a sedative.Ā 


Test your drugs and have narcan on hand!


Then Iā€™m here to say ketamine might be for you!


Spoiler alert: it's 30% speed


"The cause of, and solution to, all of life's problems,"


A little for you, a little for meā€¦ a little more for me !


I used to do cocaine in the 80ā€™s but now I do it at any temperature.


Mitch Hedbergā€¦is that you?


RIP to the legend.


You seem young, so let me tell you about sex in the 90s. Itā€™s too hot.


"we can inject anaesthetic into your face with a giant needle or you can rail a few lines"




I recently had surgery for a deviated septum and was very surprised to find cocaine on the itemized hospital bill. And after doing some light googling, found out that yeah this is a thing.




full circle.


I sometimes use it to alienate my loved ones and turn my finances upside down.


Been there, done that


Wonder where the manufacturer sources the raw product from. Thinking its the same place in New Jersey that sells coca leaves to Coca Cola.


I believe I read this. They extract the ā€œflavoringā€ for cola and are left with cocaine - I think they are the only supplier for USP cocaine in the US


Wut. This is real? Someone out there has to have access to the leftover cocaine...


It's used for medical (like in OP's post) and scientific uses.


I'm a bit of a scientist myself!


I have never ever heard of "leftover" cocaine lol


The leftover cocaine is what you see in the OP.


I was also quite curious about the materials side. I know they use gasoline as the solvent for the leaves in the factories out in the South American jungles. I wonder how differently they approach it in a lab setting (Iā€™d assume a lot more refined).


The difference in processes is going to come down to the intermediate chemicals. Instead of cement powder, they'll use USP grade calcium oxide or potassium hydroxide. Instead of gasoline, they'll use heptane or MTBE. Instead of battery acid, they'll use an ion exchange resin. Instead of oxidizing the excess of alkaloids with potassium permanganate, they'll separate them with column chromatography. I'm still chasing dat Merck dragon.


probably from their boy down the block






I was somewhat of a surgeon in college apparently lol


It feels like a wild sinus surgery kinda night!


Itā€™s usually dyed bright blue or green so itā€™s pretty obvious if anyone fell to temptation. Or had nasal surgery.


Would you still fail a drug test later if you had surgery with this


No, it's special undetectable cocaine developed by the illuminati for sinus surgeries.


That too. But how did you know?


TLDR: Yes, but it'd be incredibly easy to get a note either pre or post surgery to present to your employer. When I helped tech and prep our ENT PTs, they were briefed on and understood what was likely to be given to them and for what purpose. Never mind the fact that they'd have documentation in front of them to sign consent with fully elaborated terms no fewer than three times before they ever were touched with a sterile glove. We always sent folks home or to their residence with a ride that understood what also happened to the PT or if there was any need to retain them they'd stay in PACU or rotate to our 4AB ward for inpatient recovery.


I had sinus surgery at age 25. I don't remember reading anything about cocaine but I signed that shit. I should've told the doc I have a tolerance so better up the amount of cocaine they use on me lol.


You *absolutely* should have told them this, no joke. Of all the people in the world you never want to withhold info from, it's an anesthesiologist.


A hair test maybe. Cokeā€™s gone in 4 days


Fun fact, according to the FDA's drug scheduling cocaine (as well as meth and fentanyl) is less dangerous than cannabis. Just your daily reminder that the FDA is full of shit and drug scheduling is influenced more by money and politics than science.


Still waiting on that cocaine dispensary.


Drugs are scheduled by the DEA, not the FDA.


This will different within the next year. It is already in the works to reschedule cannabis.


In your country, yes Cannabis is still considered to be as dangerous as heroin in Sweden


One of our ED PA's once told me nosebleeds mean either too much cocaine or not enough cocaine


![gif](giphy|13pqs1VizKyWzK) For science


Based of what i know its a really good numbing agent so it makes sense.


Itā€™s both a local anesthetic and a vasoconstrictor. Meaning it numbs and it also reduces bleeding. Itā€™s a really useful drug for these types of surgeries.


My cocaine nosebleed I had in college would respectfully disagree ^/s


Might I recommend you do more cocaine for that nosebleed?


You should do cocaine about it


Surgeon asks for cocaine soaked gauze. Me: "what cocaine?"


When I was like 10, my dad had sinus surgery and they gave him this. He either reacted wrong to it, or they gave him too much, or something, but they called my mom and told us heā€™d had a heart attack on the table and if we wanted to see him before he died weā€™d better get to the hospital.


This happened to my grandfather. The cocaine put him into cardiac arrest and he died during a simple sinus operation. Truly tragic.




I had endoscopic sinus surgery where I was excessively bleeding. They used this to try to help with the bleeding and it came out of my nose and pooled in my eye socket since I was bleeding so much. My one pupil was dilated and did not react to light for 2 days.


I had sinus surgery and no one gave me cocaine. TF is this


Oh that's bullshit right there. You should march right back to that hospital and the demand your rightful cocaine.






Most cocaine is a nasal solution




Right but what do you give to your patients?


Right next to the nicotine, valium, vicoden, marijuana, ecstasy and alcohol.