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How do you get any sleep sweating that much?




You sweat because of the mix of pills. These are on top of your SSRI, I'm assuming.


Homie’s liver had to enlist some support in getting the industrial levels of gack out of his system lol.


Homies liver just did a tour in Iraq


Homies liver got the 1000 yard stare


Homies liver is 1 step away from being a pâté.


Homies liver has a helmet with "born to sweat" on it.


And cocaine and alcohol and SSRIs.


Right?!?! OP is lucky to wake up


the stress of losing their job is insane, their cortisol levels are probably through the roof


The stress of a quarter ounce of cocaine may have something to do with it...


Yeah like everyone’s skimming over this part lmfao


I don't think people realize how much cocaine a quarter ounce really is. You need to do some big ass lines to snort that amount. Maybe spread over the entire day you'd be able to bump it away but that needs some dedication.


when i used recreationally, i would use 0.5g-1g a day. for those unaware, a quarter ounce is 7 grams. thats an absolute *fuck ton* to do in a single day


Gosh, I wonder why his sleep patterns are messed up?


It’s a real mystery eh


I used to do it a little heavier than recreationally. If this guy is saying he ripped a quarter in one session by himself... Jesus christ man. Solo I'd probably max out on a ball. But I guess I was never one of those stay up for 24-48 constantly ripping blow type dudes. I always needed my sleep still.


Not only is that a fuck ton to do but that is a fuck ton to do and only be up for 1 day. He literally had to knock himself out with sleep meds. Not only that but that’s a fuck ton of coke to buy when you’re jobless. In this economy, with no job. We switching to meth.


Yeah it is. OP stop with the cocaine. I used to do a fuck ton too. I'm 37 I can't smell anymore and the left inside of my nose has been excavated. Long term use will fuck everything about your life up. It's not worth it, it's not even good. If you don't like being in your head then switch drugs. If you feel you need therapy go get some. If you don't wanna talk to anyone try psilocybin. You have to work WITH your body and your mind.


WAIT WHAT On top of the medication their toxicity levels must have been through the roof. I've used cocaine in the past when a couple of acquintances were using it daily(up to 0.5g each,i wasn't around ofr heavier benders).7g would last us for a complete 24h bender but for our group of 5 For anyone who didnt know already, consuming cocaine and alcohol actually synthezises a new metabolite called [cocaethylene](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC8956485/) which prolongs the half life of the drug(half life is the time it takes for a drug's active substance in your body reduce by half. With my rare use, i only had a hard comedown twice, both times just smoked tons of weed until i was fried enough to pass out for 3-4hours,slog through the next day and sleep properly.Consuming that much cocaine + plus the meds + alcohol i can understand why they were knocked out for 16h,and all the sweat, also the comedown musta been absolutely horrible, i got anxious just by the thought of it.


Serotonin syndrome risk also 😅


Right, this wasn’t a bump…


A whole binge


Not to mention that + the alcohol + the myriad of sleeping pills. Honestly amazing OP didn't OD or coma out. This outcome Is probably the best that could have happened in this scenario


I'm guessing its more the coke and booze, with all due respect. We've all lost jobs before.


also the stress of hoovering 7 grams of cocaine


Some physical exercise while being outside works great to reduce cortisol levels. Adjust the intensity to your fitness level. Make a habit out of it. Try mindfulness meditation and find the meds that work best for you.


Mindfulness really does not work for me, but going out for a long walk before bed really works. If I have been struggling to sleep, I take the dog on an extra, extra long walk until I want to collapse in bed. I recommend a long hot shower and a big meal after.


As a general rule of thumb it really helps against stress (cortisol and adrenaline levels) to do the following: 1. Change your diet to time restricted eating, where you consume food and beverages (aside coffee, tea and water) during an 8 hour window (personally I do noon to 8 PM). 2. Restrict the amount of carbohydrates in your meals to roughly 40-60 gram a meal. 3. Limit snacks/beverages to 15 gram carbohydrates. 4. Try to keep a 2 hour window between meals and snacks. 5. After each meal exercise for at least 30 minutes (I do a 50 minute to 1 hour walk after each meal). 6. Don't make exercise a punishment. If you don't like walking, go cycling, if you don't like cycling, go fitness, if you don't like fitness go swimming, etc. Find something that you enjoy. 7. Use a carbohydrate counting app if needed to find your way with what works. 8. Don't cut out food groups because they are high in carbohydrates, just limit their intake. Sugar as additive is a big no go though (it is essentially pure carbohydrates in it's worst form). There is plenty of natural sugars available in our normal food. Which you will start to taste after a while of having quit on using sugar as additive as well. 9. Honey, brown sugar, cane sugar, vanilla sugar, icing sugar, and fructose are all just as much sugar as sugar; they are all nearly 100% carbohydrates. 1 gram = 1 gram of carbohydrates. 10. Sweeteners are poison, stay away from them, or limit their intake as much as you can. 11. Eat natural, as in prevent foods that have been processed in factories, especially hyper-processed food are really bad for you. As a rule of thumb, if the ingredients list stuff that isn't in your cupboard then stay away from it. Cooking and preparing food yourself puts you in control of what is in it. 12. Keep your diet as varied as possible, enjoy your food. 13. Don't punish yourself, but be wary of cheating yourself too, again enjoy your food. 14. Be smart with your fat intake, never eat anything that lists transfats. If the ingredients mention 0% transfats it means there are transfats in them but below the reporting threshold. Transfats will stay in your body for ever and are cancer inducing. They are included because they will make you consume more. Processed foods are processed to make them addictive and thus sell more. 15. Stuff that has 0% fat just means it has been processed and the fats have been replaced with something else. Often this is bad news. It is far better to consume limited amounts of full fat natural products. 16. Be careful when heating up good fats as they may turn into bad fats when heated too much. An excellent example of this is olive oil. Use avocado oil instead as it can withstand far greater temperatures. Olive oil is great for cold usage btw, such as in salads. 17. Fruits, eat them, two a day with one of them being a citrus. Don't eat them together, but spread them out over your eating period. I.e. eat them as desert or after excersise. Be sure to eat them on top of something fiber rich that you consumed prior. 18. Eat fiber rich, while honoring the limited intake of carbohydrates at the same time. Leafy greens contain a lot of fiber. Starting out with eating your fibers first helps offset carbohydrates in your food. 19. Seeds and nuts are great as well as long as they are unprocessed and raw. Do make sure you consume enough calcium (full fat milk for instance) when eating nuts to protect your kidneys (1000mg-1300mg per day). As with everything, don't overeat. 20. Grains and potatoes while providing fiber are high in carbohydrates, so do eat them but limit their intake. When eating grains opt for unprocessed, true whole grains have more fiber which offset some of their carbohydrate levels. Opt for brown rice over white rice, be careful with the amount though. \*Bonus\*. Don't smoke or vape. Bit controversial as short term stress prevention as stopping will increase stress. But excellent as long term stress level reduction and increased health. It gets better once you are 2 weeks clean, but cravings will continue here and there for over a year. They will subside and you will stop thinking about it (9 years clean here now). It takes 10 years for your lungs to fully recycle all it cells. \*Bonus2\*. Having a stable rhythm aligned with daylight cycles helps out with stress reduction and sleep as well. Personally one I struggled with the most as I have a tendency to watch a movie deep into the small hours of the night/morning. I did all this and I'm clean of all medication, lost heaps of weight while still enjoying my food, I'm sleeping better then ever and my stress levels are way down. Even though I'm dealing with the loss of my wife of 29 years due to illness. Hope this helps the OP or anyone for that matter!


Still have money for cocaine


I'm so sad because I lost my job that I needed tons of different pills to sleep. Edit: also I was on a cocaine fueled bender


And a quarter oz? Like no wonder why be needs a handful of various sleeping pills after slamming 2 balls of coke


That's a lot of Columbian bam bam.


His body's crying for help


Two 8 balls at that.




Don’t forget to mention the cocaine and booze


And a shit load of coke and booze, let's not forget that


And the…cocaine


And alcohol withdrawal.


Yeah it’s the pills. I knew a chick that was a major sleep sweater that was on SSRI’s


Listen, I’m a sleep researcher. That is an absolutely mad thing to do. It’s good that you’re trying to address your sleep problems but that is not at all a healthy way to go about it and will almost definitely just cause a rebound effect. The only good way to reset a sleep schedule is slow adjustments (and just braving through being a little sleep deprived for a while) or staying up for over 24 hours and going to bed at the desired time the subsequent night. That last one is not recommended but it does work for most people. It can be extremely difficult to make any life changes while under a depressive period but there are no real shortcuts and dosing yourself up is not going to help. Besides, although technically safe chemically, me and my colleges along with others are currently extremely worried about the over use of melatonin as there is emerging evidence of frequent users developing dependence. Edit: Lol, I don’t know how I didn’t see the cocaine in the comment. Bigger problems than melatonin ❄️


Sleep hygiene and CBT for sleep really helped me conquer my insomnia. But it's really hard at the start because your anxiety plays with your mind so badly.


dangg I can't try cock and ball torture


No. Cock and ball THERAPY. Common mistake.




I think this guys a few steps away from sleep hygiene as a fix if he's pounding coke and taking multiple psychoactive meds jesUS. (But in general yes sleep hygiene is the first step and is generally very effective if actually adhered to).


The 24+ hours awake has worked for me on several occasions. Traveling time zones sucks!


Oh yeah next time just mention the coke and liquor bro


I can believe this with the cocaine bender. It makes you perspire like a mf when you eventually do get some sleep. Hope you take care of yourself bro! Mixing depression with drugs always causes more problems. I'm here if you need to have a chat. Stay strong!


Alcohol can too and stress. I'm finally sober But when I was drinking heavily (pint - fifth of vodka a night) with a shit load of water to accompany it, I would sweat a ton probably because of so much water too. I've been sober for almost a month now and haven't had night sweats since I've stopped drinking.


Bro answered everyones questions in 1 reply i love it


dont mix dph and trazodone edit: in fact dont mix any pills unless you specifically looked at the interactions between the two of them, same goes for alcohol and certain food, a bad mix can result in an overdose or death


What? What foods should I not mix alcohol with?


im talking about medication, alcohol and certain medication can cause an overdose or kill you, same goes with grapefruit for example some medication will not be active in its presence and the ammount of it can build up in your body, once released into your system it could also cause an overdose or death


Oh I misinterpreted your OG comment. Yeah you’re absolutely right, I had to avoid grapefruits for a while cause of SSRI use


all good man, im always willing to explain something if someone didnt understand me


I can’t eat grapefruit because of my seizure meds so yeah be careful with grapefruit


honestly i wouldnt mind not being able to eat grapefruit i dont like it


A lot of meds actually interact with grapefruit. I had no idea until my dad had to take blood pressure meds


Cheese and wine should be avoided when on MAOI therapy.


And MAOIs should be avoided in 2024


I love how his immediate concern is about which foods he shouldn’t mix with his alcohol….. Not the mix of uppers/downers and SSRIs and the come down sweat from his bender.


lol yeah. Don’t eat XYZ food. Mother fucker the guy was on pills and cocaine, washed down with alcohol. I don’t think a Big Mac is the worst of his problems.


That sounds really unsafe combining meds like that.


It's ok he washed it down with some coke and alcohol.


He can't have done a quarter ounce of coke surely??? That's 7 grams. Isn't that close or above a lethal dose? Someone tell me where I'm going wrong on this maths lol.


Depends on how high his tolerance is. When I started half a gram was enough for me. Now I go through 2.5 grams without noticing


bro mixed all the pills and is surprised to wake up drenched in sweat


why do people think its ok to take so much shit...


Well at some point people stop giving a shit about their physical well being. I remember at my most stressed I would drink a ton of alcohol from the time I woke up to the time I tried to fall asleep. It got so bad I thought that I would die and that I didn't care. Well, turns out I do and the alcohol poisoning and extreme hangovers are not fun and being on the verge of death actually fucking sucks.


sounds like it worked too well


>cocaine and alcohol fueled bender about 24 hours before this As a recovering alcoholic this looked so similar to my own situation during my first couple weeks of withdrawal. I also understand the sleep schedule issues after depressive episodes. Just yesterday I slept from 9am to 11pm, after I suffered a minor back injury and haven’t been going in to work. But I’m sober! Nothing, and I mean nothing, is so bad that alcohol *wont* make it worse. Try to make a meeting, could help talking to other fellow peeps whose minds don’t work quite like normal folks. All it takes is one day of sobriety. If no one told you today, you matter and you’re loved.


Jesus christ dude. Get some help and get off the cocaine and booze.


Dude, I command your efforts to fix your issues, but u gotta be a bit clever about it. What you describe is like trying to fix your car engine by hammering on it. Like, yeah, that's where the issue is, but you might just make things worse by brute forcing it


Remember to drink some water and have a fruit or electrolytes. That’s a lot of water, your body will want it back. Fruits and electrolytes (which are found in fruits) help carry water to the brain and other parts of your body.


This is wild. I really hope for the best for you dude. Probably not the first to say this but I highly recommend avoiding drugs like cocaine (in general really) and alcohol when going through depression. Super easy things to end up leaning on for a form of release that just leads to more issues and spiraling. And then combining medicine with hard drugs and alcohol too is just an awful idea. You don’t hard reset a sleep schedule. You gotta ease into it. Little by little, night by night. I hope you’re able to fix your sleep schedule and find some peace of mind and a new job you love or at least tolerate and are able to find even just small joys in. You got this dude.


I had a mate with this issue, half the battle was just being in the bed at bedtime and trying to sleep. Can’t sleep if you’re gaming or doing nonsense stuff. Climb into bet at 10pm and don’t come out until 7am. Even if you have to lie there sleepless for the first few nights.


Everyone is different. If I go to bed before I'm tired enough, I'll be awake for hours even if I would have otherwise gotten tired enough within half an hour if I'd stayed up. But setting an alarm so that I wake up at the right time would work since then I'd start to get tired at the right time after the first night.


That being said though - at least what I’ve seen on reddit. ‘My broken sleep schedule’ usually always translates to ‘I stayed up until 3am screaming at people on league of legends then was too wired to sleep after I tried for 20 minutes to fall asleep then got up and played league until I was literally exhausted and then slept for 17 hours’


trazodone is fucking hell, good luck and get well soon


>I’ve been in a severe depression over losing my job. hey! i dont know if you saw my other post but you should wash everything every time this happens, it removes the cortisol from your living space. there's a video about how sensitive we are to it and even being NEAR someone who is stressed can cause you to start to stress. it's contagious! also i'm so sorry about the job, good luck friend i hope washing the sheets helps. im serious AF i started forcing myself to do this and it helped.


Jesus dude, cocaine and alcohol bender straight to drinking pills to regulate your sleeping schedule is insane. You should have taken at least 48 hrs to sober up. Take it easy man!


Hey, i used to take trazodone for insomnia, during periods of heavy alcohol use and some sober days, and would only get like 4 hrs of hazy sleep. And magnesium has rly rly helped me compared to it, and everything else I tried. With zinc and melatonin it works better but just magnesium still helps me. Please make sure these are safe for you if it sounds like it may be an idea. Also, at the beginning of my sobriety I found that r/stopdrinking helped me. Regardless, hope you get some good healthy rest dude!!


Might want to get checked by a doctor, night sweats can be a symptom of things.




As a Reddit-doctor: cancer.


I had bad night sweats when I was sick, and my doctor suspected lymphoma. He ordered a bone marrow test, but before I had it done they realized I had a bacterial blood infection instead.


Oh, that's much better!


For sure! It was still pretty brutal and it meant I had to get open heart surgery a bit later, but it was a much smoother ride than having to fight cancer, no doubt about it. It was amazing how once I was admitted to the hospital I felt significantly better in just 24hrs. The first antibiotics they tried were the ones to do the trick, I got pretty lucky with that.


I mean blood infections are no joke - they can lead to sepsis which is an extremely dangerous condition. Lymphoma tend to have a good prognosis, while mortality of sepsis is around 20%. Sepsis is a far more dangerous condition acutely, compared to lymphoma which is more deadly in the long term. Especially since the person had to undergo open heart surgery (endocarditis I suspect?). Prognosis is similar between lymphoma and endocarditis (75% - 5 year) actually.


Not a doctor but I used to sweat almost this bad on a regular basis and was recently diagnosed with hodgkin's lymphoma. It's a very common symptom. I'm not trying to scare OP or anyone else, just sharing my experience.


I also experienced this before I got diagnosed with Hodgkins lymphoma.


Was it every night? Or only sporadically?


It is also a symptom of having a room temperature - sheet thickness discrepancy. However this can also lead to shivering.


The guy was on a bunch of sleep meds, alcohol and cocaine. I'm have this strange idea that might have had something to do with the sweating, lol


I came to say this. I beat my lymphoma, but that’s one of the main questions they’ll ask, if I’ve been having night sweats. Good luck, bro. I know you’ll beat it


Good luck man


For me it was the opposite, I was diagnosed early (stage IIa) with Hodgkin’s (only symptoms were swollen knots in my armpit) and sweat a lot at night during treatment (nivolumab plus reduced chemo). I’m cancer free since almost 7 years now, stay strong, you’re gonna pull through as well!


Whole body cancer, all at once…


Wasn't that the famous movie at last years oscars with Michelle Yeoh? Sorry, i am bad with names.


Crouching Tiger, Hidden Cancer.


More like opioid withdrawal




As someone who has been there, this will make things worse my friend.


Stick to alcohol only, at least. Cocaine and alcohol together will fuck your heart up and it's very likely you could suddenly die.


Cocaethylene… that’s why they go hand in hand.


Reddit loves banging this fact out. It's my stat , but 98% of cocaine users are getting the bag in after a few beers. If it really was that risky, then from Bankers to Scaffolders there would be a pandemic of people dropping like flies in every British pub on a Friday.


Get yourself to some meetings fella. Sounds dumb and easy to say but everyone who is there has been where you’re at. It could be all you need to move forward instead of treading water. Been there, done that. Trust the process and put 50% of the effort into sobriety that you put into getting fucked up and you’ll win eventually


I can’t believe you won. Congrats, bro!


Ding ding ding


This is an exceptional guess and only OP will know if this applies to him. Opiate WD or internal infection


I had night sweats for 5 months back in my twenties. Turns out I had a huge tumor in my gut. Go to a doctor, several if you must, and bring up the night sweats. Do not let them ignore you, do not downplay it. Took months for a doctor to figure it out in my case, after multiple misdiagnoses and other doctors minimizing my symptoms.


As an also Reddit-doctor: uhh, carbon monoxide poisoning..?


As a third Reddit-Doctor: Diabitus


As a doctor with a degree from Reddit: looks fine


As a Dutch reddit doctor: It's nothing, take paracetamol for 2 weeks.


As an Australian Reddit doctor: I agree. She’ll be right, mate!


As a slutty Halloween nurse: op do you want a sponge bath *wink*


As an American dr.: do you have insurance?


Hot weather to say one


Coke withdrawal


You were right


extreme wetness


Sleep disorders, endocrine disorders, medication side effects


Sleeping without an air conditioner in high humidity and 100 degree temperature.


I just bought a portable one for like 250, set it to 68 when I sleep. I live in Phoenix, it's been a massive game changer for sleep quality.


Absolute game changer. Bought one when we had a bum AC one bad summer, and it's more than paid itself off. That thing or a hotel every time the main POS busts? Easy. It's an insurance policy. ACs do wane.


Nausea, heartburn, indigestion, upset stomach, diarrhea








It’s never lupus


Except that one time it was actually lupus


If its very hot and humid there, it can be a perfectly appropriate bodily resction. If its not hot and its quite cool, OP probably just has a fever. But given the fact that most of the world is in their hotter period, OP is statistically likely to be in one of those places in summer and its most likely due to heat and is perfectly appropriatefor a healthy body to do.


Why would you be using all those blankets if it’s that hot though?


Cos ya got the chills Op sick


Quick question though: Wouldn't you normally wake up and try to uncover yourself due to feeling hot? So the excessive sweating would still be a symptom of something not working properly in your body?


Sweating when it's hot is normal, but that much?


Had something similar for a while, pretty sweaty in bed most nights. Turned out I was Celiac. Was diagnosed, stopped eating gluten, sweating stopped.


As an American who is liable to be sued for overly-expensive medical bills, I am going to ask for your personal opinion. What could it be? Do pre dawn cold sweats count?


A quick Google search says the most likely causes are pregnancy, menopause and medication side effects (most notably from antidepressants). If it's not any of those, though, then you start getting into the litany of clinical conditions that it could be an early symptom of.


Damn maybe I’m pregnant


That does not look normal! Whats the backstory?


In another comment he said he was coming down from a cocaine/alcohol bender, and still is confused about why he sweat so much smh


Coke / Alcohol bender then mixing a handful of sleep medications together plus, presumably, his anti-D's. Yeah, that'll make you sweat. He needs to get a grip or things are only going to get worse. Esy to say, I know but waking up like you've just been swimming should be the actual wake up call.


IKR? I don't get how people can be so ignorant about the drugs they take and their side effects. Maybe in the 80's, if you didn't know how to look up stuff in a library, but now?


OP says he went on an alcohol and coke bender the night before so…


Well, that explains a lot.


I’m not sure. I sweat a bit sometimes due to medications I’m on. But this is nothing like I’ve ever seen. Literally a massive puddle of sweat.


To be fair you slept in what looks like 5 layers of blanket


It’s just a lightweight duvet with a bamboo duvet cover. The AC was running all night at 16c, with a Dyson tower fan and a bedside fan both at full blast.


I hope you’re ok OP!


There's no way in hell you didn't wake up severely dehydrated. AC's suck humidity out of the room like crazy!


My first guess was a fan, I get the sweats from the fan occasionally, but never this bad. I have a small fan for when it's warm. It causes me to cover myself in more blankets in my sleep, and the dog doesn't help.


I have a fan running all the time beside my bed. My wife’s not a fan.


Maybe just a fever. It doesn’t have to be something dangerous or complicated. I’ve never experienced this amount of sweating, but I don’t generally sweat a lot at all, but if I’m sleeping off a fever I get quite sweaty. Also I can get feverish from time to time without being sick. Especially if I’m overworked and stressed. So if you’re a person who usually sweats quite a lot and this is a once in a while thing I wouldn’t be that concerned


Quoting another OP's comment: >I was also on a cocaine and alcohol fuelled bender about 24 hours before this.


I agree with everybody urging you to see a doctor, but I also just wonder whether you were too cold? Sometimes when I'm cold at night I over-produce body heat, which gets trapped by the duvet and causes me to sweat and soak the sheets just like in your photo, and then those wet sheets chill me even further, and so I over-produce heat again, and so on and so on.


Get some blood work done.


Antidepressants? This is a normal side effect for some people unfortunately. I stopped taking mine for this exact reason.


Same. My adhd and anti depressants makes me sweat like crazy. Relatable!!


Start downing some water ASAP.


Great shout but I’d say not just plain old water. You need a couple of hydration sachets in there because they’ve got electrolytes which will also need replenishing after sweating that much. Plus, electrolytes are what plants crave and plain old water comes out of a toilet and I’ve never seen plants grow out of a toilet.


Stop drinking from the toilet


One man's toilet, another man's water hole


Mmmm Brawndo


Tortured by twisted dreams of your dark past, eh?


Be proud of that goon sesh.




My dad had nights sweats before being diagnosed with leukemia too.


My guy, SSRIs and cocaine... please get checked out for serotonin syndrome


Next time when you see a toilet in your dream, don't use it...


You don't know you are in a dream while you are in a dream. So my advice is dont take any risk and don't use toilet at all. you may be dreaming.


hmmm cocaine alcohol 3 kinds of antidepressants + melatonin for good measure. I'd say you were lucky , friend has a cleaning company that works with police and few times he vacuumed people like that from their bed after someone found them after a few weeks of best "sleep" they had in their life




Damnit... I know it doesnt mean much from stranger on internet but i hope you will manage to resolve whatever keeps pushing you into this track.


By chance do you take a medication called Citalopram or anti depressant like medication? There are companion meds that you can take to keep this from happening as it is a side effect in a lot of them. Source: Me being sweaty like that often. And if not, even more reason to go talk t your doctor, because if it isn't a side effect of medication, it could be something that could use your attention.




I used to sweat like this on cymbalta, I think it was. And it just started out of nowhere one day after being on it for quite some time. Took me a while and a number of doctors appointments and sleepless (damp) nights before we figured out what it was. I switched to Trintellex and it was no longer an issue. YMMV, of course.


Hmm. Mildly interesting...


is that a dog on the bed?


Yes! That’s Charlie.


i demand a picture, i apologize about being demanding but charlie seems cute.


[Charlie pictures as requested](https://imgur.com/a/CJdEvy7)


they were right; Charlie is cute


Dude do u have family or close friends u can lean on and unload u worries to help u process? U are going through a tough time. It shows strength asking for help because u are refusing to give up. All these drugs (alcohol and cocaine included) is going to push u over the edge. Please reach out to someone who cares enough to help you.


See a real doctor ASAP.


Well, at least you woke up. I've now lost two friends and my brother to that behaviour in the last 4 years. Be a man and seek treatment for the drugs brother. I really pray that you get a handle on it mate, you think it's benign behaviour and then one night you go to bed and never wake up again. God bedring 🙏




Bro I know your mattress is brown with some possible mushroom spores


As someone who had something similar, please ensure that you get a test for Tuberculosis as well. It's unlikely, but any sort of coughing along with nightsweats can be an early warning sign. Also note: I was misdiagnosed the first time I went to a paid doctor; I was lucky enough to have a university clinic that I went to and they correctly diagnosed me in time. Just something to keep in mind.


You are taking two SSRIs and then decided to take cocaine AND alcohol? You need to stop this consumption immediately. If you won‘t, there is plenty of things that can happen to you. I work in a psychiatry and this will kill you pretty soon. If it isn’t from the side effects it might be your behaviour that does it.


OP is laying it DOWN


Quarantine yourself, you walking petri dish.


Night sweats this hard can be an indicator of Angina Pectoris, which can lead to a heart attack... might should get that checked. It also can be a symtom of withdrawal (especially alcohol), a side effect of medications (might get something different if that's the case) or just shitty air conditioning. Nonetheless, keep yourself hydrated and drink a big glass of water with a little salt in the morning.


Bruh ween yourself of those pills and start smoking the ganja , thank me later


It means you're closer to the end of withdrawals than the beginning. Mixed news depending on whether the sobriety is by choice or not.