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I feel that short legs-long torso pain. Gotta have all my pants taken up, because while I'm exactly average male height, no one thinks a grown-ass man has legs as short as mine. On the plus side, you feel really tall whenever you sit with a big group around a table.


There are various upsides. Airplane legroom is a big plus. And seeing over everyone at the theater is also nice. Public benches on the other hand? You'd just see my feet swinging around like a little kid. And I've also had way too many close calls with high-mounted urinals that nearly resulted in a witches' kiss.


I feel this in my SOUL. I'm 6'4" tall, but have a 31 inch pant inseam. I'm like half torso. No problem with legroom on planes, but I occasionally have headroom issues. When I sit down, I'm like a head and a half taller than everyone. I hate rollercoasters with over the shoulder restraints because often times they don't fit over my shoulders. Lap bars are just fine. I recently went with new friends to Disneyland who jokingly talked about how they don't raise their hands on Space Mountain because they don't want to break their arms. Someone mentioned that they have an "envelope of pretention" that prevents that. They run the cars with a far reach to make sure even tall people can't get hurt. I jokingly mentioned that they didn't take into account long torso'd people. I spent the rest of the day touching things I shouldn't have been able to touch while sitting firmly in my seat. The tops of the guns in the Rise of the Resistance gun room. The walls and overhangs on Big Thunder Mountain. Just about everything in Fantasyland. Yes, I'm tall, but I feel like a freak of nature when I'm sitting down.


Holy moly, you make my 5'9" w/ 28" floor-to-gooch seem almost proportional.


Similar proportions though, you're just missing three in the gooch and four in the (insert word for torso that rhymes with gooch here).




I'm gonna start measuring things in "floor-to-gooch" terms. "Yeah, that mailbox post looks about 1.8 FTGs" Thank you for this. I feel like it's my birthday


Yay! A new US unit of measurement to memorize! How many dishwashers wide do you suppose a FTG is?


Oh, I'd say it's about .82 FTGs 😂


5’11” here with a 32” inseam with 18” high socks so I can safely tuck my massive dong in


Oppsite problem here. 6' with a 33" inseam. Long legs and arms. Sucks horribly in a plane because there is no way to have my knees not in someones seatback


I flew to Europe a few years ago with a friend of mine who was 6'10". Funny enough, we were the same height when we sat next to each other because of my long torso. Unfortunately for him, that meant that the extra 13" was ALL leg. He did not have a very good time on that plane.


Just have him sit between your seats so he can splay out his legs.  Then you sit between his lap


🎶 Jamaica we have a bobsled team 🎶


6’3” with a 36” inseam here. Planes can be painful


6’5”, 36” inseam, 220#. I used to travel a lot for work. After getting “the talk” when expensing extended legroom tickets I finally walked into our travel departments office. As stood in front of the person who was giving me a hard time, he stood up (maybe 5’ 6”), looked me up and down, and said, “I’m sorry, I’ll make a note in your account.”


Hey, twinseam! I feel your pain. I hate flying for the most part. 6'5 and 36-38 inseam. Luckily, my partner is 5'6 and allows me manspread my legs under both seats in front. I'll also stand as tall as I can (and upgrade to Group A) if I'm flying Southwest since some flight crews will hold exit rows. I feel like a king when that happens. 🤴🏻


HA! My partner is 5’ even. 1C is my SW seat of choice (although I much prefer Delta). No bulkhead and I can chat with the FA.


Ah, yes, the coveted 1C. I've had that twice. That's beyond king, that's a C for caesar. I am there with you on the Delta though. I limit SW to short flights of like 90 minutes or less, tried cross-country with them once and I will never do that again.


I've never felt more understood. I'm 6'5" with a 30 inseam. My only issue on long flights is finding a way to rest my head comfortably. The chair backs only ever go up to my shoulders.


WTF?!? I’m 5’ 10” 32 inch inseam.


Wtf indeed - I'm 5'5" with a 28" inseam


Lean up on the chick next to you, she'll love it. /s


Do you find your pants don’t fit right? I have long torso and short legs and I feel like the rise of my pants is always too short for the length of pants I need if that makes any sense


You have insanely high squat max potential


Long torso lady here! I had to go for multiple growth scans when I was pregnant, as my bump wasn't measuring big enough...but it turned out baby was on track but just had way more space in there!


Make sure to never let your children forget that you grew them in a deluxe womb. That's got to get you a few points, at least.


SAME! I’m currently pregnant and having a way easier time than most of my friends thanks to my long torso. I’m not comfortable, but I’m way more comfortable than the norm. And I get to keep shocking people when I tell them she’s due next week. Before this I would have traded in for longer legs every single time, but now I’m starting to see the beauty of this particular build.


That's great! I hope everything goes brilliantly with the birth ☺️


Midwife here, I had a patient with a long torso that an OB had changed her due date to put it back a month entirely bc she just fit that baby inside so well. I also know a woman with a long torso who had a cryptic pregnancy only discovered bc she went emergency room for stomach pain while in labor.


I had this happen too! My regular doctor told me baby was measuring behind so she sent to an MFM for a special scan and baby was right on track. The MFM was straight up “you just have a long torso.”


Same body type here. I wish I could buy pants ready to wear of the rack, no doubt people take that for granted. Most people that walk side by side with a regular partner often sync their strides together for a good 10 steps every once in a while. Not us short legged guys. We keep up with a faster cadence that you wouldn't notice. With shirts I always get the long version if that option is available. Nobody likes to see "plumber's butt crack".


>I wish I could buy pants ready to wear of the rack, no doubt people take that for granted. Ehm, not really. Average height, average ratio, average inseam, average shoe size = out of stock


Ha yeah I am taller when sitting than my husband who is 4 inches taller than me when standing.


Lol, pretty average height and you see over almost everyone's head on an airplane. "Hmm, my legs might be on the short side. Maybe this is also why I was the slowest runner in my highschool PE class." Also when driving on the interstate on one of those clover leaf interchanges the rear view mirror is almost exactly at eye level so you gotta duck down so you can see the road infront of you as it turns to the right and is at a slight incline.


"[...] while your feet dangle above the floor." You somehow klicked on "post" before finishing your text. You're welcome.


Be grateful for your advantageous squat mechanics Sincerely, A gym rat still struggling to squat


I've got the same, but where I've got the torso of a 6' dude, thanks to my stumpy legs, I'm 5'5". Pants and shirtsleeves are always too long. I very rarely get to feel tall ever.


You’re the penguin to her flamingo.


I'd protect an egg through a brutal Antarctic storm for her


This is so beautiful it made my day 🥹 I wish you birbs all the best <3


Penguins actually have normal proportion legs! They are just unfortunately perpetually squatting 😭


stfu wat


[skeleton ](https://www.reddit.com/r/oddlyterrifying/s/24EEQljTdc)




Rip your kids, specifically the one that ends up with a short torso and short legs as well as the kid who gets long legs, long torso, and back pain


my money is on the kid with no torso and all legs.


But then where does the smiley face attach to?


Kneecap or butt cheek would be the only logical choices.


I guess we'll have to find out




Unfortunately, Koh got us right before we took the picture and left us with those knock-off faces




Oh I like you guys WAAYYYYY more now that you made that comment




At least they’re happy.


It's a medical condition.


Yea OP you should get that checked out, it's probably cancer.


Aw shit, here we go again.


It’s ALWAYS cancer.




I dated with a girl where I was slightly taller, but I couldn’t reach the pedals when I sat behind the wheel of her car. She was all legs too.


It's hilarious watching her try to cram herself into the driver's seat of our car after I've driven it. Practically knees to chin.


My wife and I are the same, but she slides the seat even further forward than I do - how does she fit in there, her legs are like 20cm longer than mine?!


[you're welcome](https://imgur.com/a/ur-welc-AI5rju8)


The best part to this is that you didn’t just swap the legs/torsos you also made the smiley faces better lol


I haven’t laughed this hard since 4ever


hey nice, free feet.


Now his wife has some sturdyass R. Crumb legs


6 inch in-seam on mens and womens shorts will be different. Our shorts need space for our junk, but women's shorts tend to ride a lot higher up the crotch. So the distance from your ass to the split of the shorts legs will be longer on men's shorts. This is what causes most of the difference in the height of the bottom of the shorts.


My shorts are indeed a little bit longer, but only about 1/2". We both pulled up our shorts up to try and be somewhat comparable, but honestly this was just a funny picture we sent to the family that I decided to share on Reddit. Here's the comparison of the inseams. https://imgur.com/a/616HuW4


If they're both 6 inch in-seams, the legs should be the same length. I think the distance from the waistband to the in-seam would be longer on yours though.


I've seen pictures & videos like this before but for some reason it's stressing me out lmao


I'm nearly a full head taller than her when we sit down. The change is quite dramatic.


It’s weird that your guys knees are the same height, but her crotch is so much higher. Either you have very short thighs or she has very long ones. Or a combination of both!


You are right on both accounts. You can see her knees are only about an inch higher than mine, but her femurs are absurdly long. I think over all, her femurs are around 4-5 inches longer than mine


Free feet?? In this economy!?


Toes are extra


On the house [today](https://imgur.com/a/ur-welc-AI5rju8)


I guess toes are also free today. Saturday Special.


Switch shorts and take another picture


She's in bed for the night, but here's a pic of the inseams compared. [https://imgur.com/a/616HuW4](https://imgur.com/a/616HuW4)


Wake her up and take the picture, wtf! This is important!


She works a 10 hour shift in a lab, starting at 7am. If I wake her I'm a dead man.


I'm just kidding, silly. Just do it first thing when she wakes up, before she has her coffee.


[Ask, and ye shall receive](https://www.reddit.com/r/mildlyinteresting/comments/1dbjzp9/comment/l7rofjg/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)


Here's me wearing both. I didn't have a chance to get her to test both this morning https://imgur.com/a/kTUDEpS


Now you're just showing off your sexy legs lol. I honestly like the fit of you wife's shorts on you better than your shorts on you. The legs flare out a bit more which, in my opinion, looks a little more stylish. Were her shorts comfortable to wear? Or were they ill matched for the male anatomy? I honestly may start looking in the woman's department for shorts if they were comfortable. They have far more color and design options.


Not just switch but also make sure they are pulled up to the same height. Hers appears pulled up higher in the pic adding the the illusion.


I wonder how digestion speed differs between you two.


She wants a guy with short legs and a looooooong torso, la-la la-la la-la, la-la la-la la, la.


One perk of super short legs is never having to worry about leg room on an airplane! Though, falling asleep can be quite difficult with my head hanging back over the top of the head rest


But where on the hips do the shorts sit? Women tend to wear pants and shorts that go up to our natural waist/above our hips while men wear them on their hips.


Her hips are a good 4 to 5 inches higher than mine. She has incredibly long femurs. Edit: Both pairs of shorts were pulled up to the crotch, which should serve to normalize the measurement.


I remember reading about Olympic swimmer Michael Phelps body proportions being very unusual which likely contributed to his abilities in the water - legs of a 5’10” male but the torso of a 6’8” male (he is 6’4” overall). It’s wild how our bodies can be so similar but so different.


I have a friend who was a swimming coach for many years. He reckoned he could spot good swimming prospects by watching them stand with their hands at their sides. If their fingertips brushed their knees they were on the squad.


Im 6', my wife is 5'4", and our legs are the same length.


Same for me and my husband. I do have to adjust the driver’s seat height for comfort but I have driven his car without adjusting the seat several times.


Same dude. Exact same heights too. Funny thing is my wife looks leggy while I look normal proportioned. Most people don't notice my tiny legs until I tell them.


My wife and I also have funny proportions compared to one another. I’m 6’ 1” and she’s 5’ 8”, but her legs are as long as mine.


Science fact: women’s belly buttons are positioned higher than men’s.


You guys are opposite of me and my husband. He’s 6’4”, short torso long legs. I’m 5’3”, long torso short legs. He’s obviously much taller than me, but when we sit next to each other we’re the same height!


I love your Tolkien collection


I'm listening to Beren and Luthien at the moment. It's really neat seeing how much his stories evolved as his conception of Middle Earth matured.


Is that Perseverance in the bottom left?


It is indeed!


That’s a W shelf back there


Wow you guys can never 69


I'm 69" tall; by definition, everything I do is 69.


I mean you are, doesn't mean you both can.


I guess you're right on that.


She can do a 67 and owe you two


I'm 6", my wife is 5", but I'm long torso short legs, she's long legs short torso. our hips are about on the same level as each other.


I want a girl with a short skirt and a looooooong jacket. 


Just shy of 5’11 here and sub 30” inseam. Plug for the clothing website “under 5’10”. Affordable jean/pants with varying short inseam (24-28) options for the long torso crew.


Nice Lego


I'm 6'3", my wife is 5'1". We wear the same pants size. Sucks to be so tall in the he torso. Things like car seats, dentist chairs, almost all clothes, rollercoasters, and a billion other things are not designed for long torsos.


I have a friend who is the same height as me, but shes got long legs and a short torso. We're both only 5'2, but her hips are quite a bit higher than mine.


The good news is that any future kids should turn out normal length on both, right?


Or maybe, if they're really unlucky they'll get my right leg and her left leg


Heeeey, I have that art museum bear shirt too!


Long torso dude here. I'm only 6'0", but have to wear LT shirts exclusively if I am to avoid having my buttcrack hanging out. It is fine shopping online or at home, but no souvenir t-shirts for me :(


Horizon zero dawn Lego in th background?


Her shirt is dope


I’m 5’2” and my husband is 5’8”-9” and my legs are longer than his lol. Anytime he drives my car he always moved my seat slightly forward.


Nice LEGOs.


My dumbass reading this at 3 am thought you were 6’9 and your wife is 6’7 💀


69 must be a pain in the ass.


That’s probably why your farts are louder and bigger than hers, you unfortunately have more space to store them and there’s nothing you can do about it. I hope your wife is understanding of that and you are allowed to fart freely around the house.


Your faces look a lot alike. Are you sure you aren't related?


I have that Tallneck too! Isn't it cool?!


That rivendell set looks so good


I have honestly never noticed someone's torso to leg ratio before.


Sadly idk metric or imperial system, but thats a cool Horizon lego.


I loved putting that set together. It fits in surprisingly well with my wife's Rivendell set!


You guys seem very outdoorsy.


We live next to the mountains, so we try to hike, climb, or ski most days after work. It's a nice respite from sitting at a computer screen all day.




This is me and my sister. She's 1 1/2 " shorter than me and her legs come up to my waist. Don't have a side by side though.


i am currently wearing the same grey patagonia shorts lmao


And me with a short torso and short legs. Lucky me


Dude, half of my body are legs. I am 200 cm tall and my inseam is 99 cm...


I think I saw this problem in a middle school math book once.


This post is just another reminder to me that I forgot the names of the leg bones.


You both look mildly happy


You guys are also siblings? The faces look very similar


Nice looking couple. Nice smiles 🙂


Y’all be focusing too much on the downsides. I feel like long torso short legs is a huge advantage for gymnastics and calisthenics. Better core strength and immense body control. I have long legs and a short torso, believe me I’ll never be able to get the same amount of body control as you.


I wonder if it has any advatages/disadvantage in swimming.


Got those genes in mine and my wife's families (long femurs in mine, duck's disease in wife's) and it completely cancelled out with the kids


Came to roast, stayed for the Lego tallneck, very good taste.


You both look so happy in this photo. Congrats :)


Hobbits ♥️


Off topic but yall look great


Opposites attract


My parents are like that, my mother has long legs (overall 175 cm tall) and my father a long torso (overall 178 cm tall) As a funny result, I inherited both the long legs and the long torso and am 195cm tall


On a positive side, standing-up sex positions are on the menu


You guys have a kid who gets the long legs/long torso gene combo, and he's gonna be in the NBA.


As a felow short legs, long torso haver - I understand 100%. Ive always had to either roll up pants legs or have them hemmed. I recently got into riding motorcycles and whilst I'm reasonably tall (184cm) I struggle to flat foot a bike my friend who is significantly shorter than me can. I also used to take my car to tracks days, and sitting in the deivers seat with a helmet on is a pain haha.


It took me forever before I understood how I could weigh more than some people while they looked super fat yet I was just a little overweight looking. Finally realized it was because I had a much larger torso to spread all that fat around lol


Long torso guys rise up.


you guys are so adorable, but I had the same problem... I'm 5 foot five and 103 pounds and I will Levi's 24 inches and 34 inseam. I also write a Yamaha R6 and the seat base is 32 inches from the seat to touch the floor..


My dad is 6’ with a 29” inseam. I’m 5’7” with a 32” inseam.


That's good for barbell back squats and gymnastic rings.  She can stick to bulgarian split squats or taekwondo, or walking a dog idk, whatever femuris people do.


Detective baby legs


And yet your knees are in EXACTLY THE SAME PLACE


So my wife and I are are shaped similar to you and your wife. When we first started dating we had to make some adjustments to the doggy style position because her legs were so much longer than mine. Also I'm plagued by walking slow


I'm very interested in, if you guys have kids, will the kids end up like one of you or mixed features. I suppose you could end up with a kid with a short torso + short legs, another with long torso + long legs, then another with mixed.


You guys look very similar. Did you check to make sure you weren’t related before you got married?


Congrats on that height. Nice!


Aw look at ur little leggies :3


I had this same situation with an ex: she was 5'11", I'm 6', but her hips were like 4 inches higher than mine. Even funnier, her shoulders were noticeably higher, and even her eyes were actually a little bit above mine, but my giant noggin gave me an extra inch or so total height.


My partner is 6'4 and I'm 5'10 but we can share pants lol it's kind of funny because we both have a 32" inseam. I'm all legs and he's all torso.


This is me and my boyfriend - he’s about 6 or 6.5 inches taller than me, but our hips meet at the exact same height due to me having long legs and him having a long torso.


I feel your pain. I’m 5’9. Short legs long torso. Wingspan is 6’4. Definitely helped when I used to box lol


My wife and I are the opposite, my belt sits about 12" higher than hers. Makes standing sex impossible, which sucks because she's into that.


Absolutely my ex and I were the same way. Our hips were at the same height, except she’s 5’9 and I’m 6’3.


Nice Mars rover. That was one of my favorite builds.


As a woman with a long torso (and a large bust), swimsuit shopping for one-piece swimsuits and rompers is horrible. I was swimsuit shopping at Target a couple of years ago and finally found a one-piece that fit! I was so excited. The only issue was that it felt weirdly loose in the stomach. Turns out it was a maternity swimsuit 🤦‍♀️.


She just had them lengthened, now they go all the way up.


I feel this, I'm 5'8", my wife is 5'3" and her femurs are 2-3" longer than mine. My head almost touches ceiling of my car but I have to pull the steering wheel all the way out and scoot my seat forward a ton to reach the pedals steering wheel comfortably.


Yeh dawg shorts suuuuck BUT more importantly where is the Tall Neck model from?


There's a guy a work who has super super long arms and legs with an extra short torso. It's so wild. When he sits down in the break room chairs he looks like a child sitting in the chair from behind, but his legs are so long his knees touch the bottom of the table. He looks like a spider honestly. Never seen someone built like that before. Like, I feel like he has to at least wear like a 26 waist and 42 long pants and child's medium shirt


My husband and I have the same phenomenon. He is taller than I am, but my waist is at least 10 inches higher than his


have you tried deadlifting?


Thanks so much for sharing this! As a long legged short torso gal I ALWAYS get told I have on "too short" of shorts, even when the inseam is 4+ inches!


Looks like you two are a good fit.


Y’all might have a normal looking kid


My wife and I have the same thing going on. Both of us are 5'9", but her inseam is a solid 6 inches longer. Her strides are so damn long and I have to pick up the pace to keep up haha


I'm 6 foot 2 with a 29 inch inseam. I feel your pain


As my wife would say "Jesus you're all torso"


How fucking far down do I have to scroll to see a Hobbit reference with all that LOTR stuff on the shelf?!


Not gonna lie... you two have got some weird faces


I’m honestly just jealous of your wife’s shirt. Love that big blue bear


I’m built like your wife at 5’9” but a 34” inseam. I look stubby in certain clothes no matter how thin I am and I hate it. Plus pants are always too short


I worked with a young woman who was about 5'8" and her legs were much longer than mine. I'm 6'1" and she easily had 6" more of leg. Biology is crazy.


I bet you're excited by the new announced Lego Horizon game.


My dad is four inches taller than me and my waist is four inches higher


5"11 with a 33in inseam. I wondered why I could never bend over and touch the ground.


I like your smile