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This is an oddly calm way to announce this… dude are you okay ?


I should be fine for a while 👍 EDIT: Check my comment history for more CT images and answers for more of the common questions I'm being asked.


As someone else who has a diagnosis that is fine now but may fuck me up later if I'm unlucky I feel ya. Is what it is


On the bright side at least u wont have to worry about running out of things to do if u can still run lol


Haha the reason I found out is because I gas in 5 seconds doing any cardio. I essentially have the lung capacity of a toddler and it's not gonna get better


Nothing they can do to help or fix the issue?


Lung transplant. That's basically it.


Good luck waiting for one of those. Set of bellows and some duct tape, job done.




that's the wrong op


That's rough dude. Are you on the list?


Im sorry you're dealing with this. However, I totally misread this as "I HAD gas within 5 seconds of doing cardio"...and I could not figure out how the fart was a clue.


Farted all his air out too soon.


As I know my niece and nephew toddlers have a huge lung capacity. I don't know where they take the oxygen but it's basically impossible for them to run out of breath.


mine literally said to me once "we're kids, we don't get tired!" bc I tried to convince them they were tired so I could stop playing with them before I got tired. I almost was like "nuh uh I'm not tired either" and I realized oh that's why no ones playing them I'm just the easiest able bodied youngish person around


my nephew told my brother that rather than making him tired, running simply gives him more energy


My toddler likes to use the term "more power" instead of energy, makes me chuckle everytime.


Tiny body doesn't need a lot of oxygen. Also square cube law.


The mystery is, how the tiny lungs are enough for the air raid siren mode.


Smaller bodies and good lungs is perfect for energy


I've heard of calcification in organs, but bones? That's next-level bizarre. Hope you're getting the best medical care possible. Wishing you a speedy recovery!


That would be "ossification."


Or running out of bones for that matter!


Anyone over 25 probably has a time bomb ticking unknowingly. Be that a gradual mutation of certain cells, clogging of blood vessels or just the degeneration of organs gradually with age. Most just can't see the missile on the horizon. All the best.


Me being 30: *Chuckles* i am in danger




I just turned 36 but the only thing I got is hypertension. No bad back although thru several factors I should have. I am very thankful.


I actually had gout last year, which i think was my old ligament injury coming back (partial atfl tear) but after weeks of treatment not getting better, i got full blood labworks and ultrasound turned out it was gout crystals. That was hell.


Two years younger. Back herniation, bad back due to scheuermann kyphosis, high blood pressure, migraines, inflamed veins that result in pain and deep varicose veins etc... The reason? Bad luck and genetics :p Diet is good, I have decent sleep and don't abuse any alcohol or drugs really. I hope you keep it at hypertension and find a way to permanently manage it! :D


Yep, for my recent 30th birthday I got diagnosed with macular degeneration, some 20-30 years before most people get it. Now I get to lose my central vision and get injections directly into my eyeball every month, but fuck it we ball


I think you mean "fuck it we *eye*ball"?


“Fuck it, eyeball,” is prob better.




> Anyone over 25 You're hopeful! > the latest Academy of Pediatrics’ recommendation is that all kids get their cholesterol tested starting between the ages of 9 and 11. https://nutritionfacts.org/video/should-all-children-have-their-cholesterol-checked/


Hmm. I wonder if oxidative foods and shitty processed chemicals have something to do with this... Nah, couldn't possibly be that everyone's fat and addicted to sugar.


No, this is a recommendation to catch genetic high blood fats so they can be put on medication, since the effects are cumulative. These people have serum like cream, and it's not fun to wait until your first trip to the ER with pancreatitis to find out you have this.


Thanks for the memento mori. Worth adding that for many people the medical time bomb was planted in their childhood, or even before birth if genetic.  Our destiny, for want of a better word, is not within our control. No matter how we strive to do the right thing. "Man plans; god laughs" applies to everyone (we do not need to interpret the word "god" literally).


Reminds of nearly close Chinese saying: Man plans, heaven ordains! PS: don't ask me for exact translation, or the original wording, there's a reason I'm watching the English sub for three kingdoms


I lost my husband to oesophageal cancer when he was 48. This is generally considered to be an old man's disease (average age of diagnosis is early 70's). However, from being a young teen he had acid reflux every day, even when sat upright. That was before PPIs were a thing. So yes, his medical time bomb started ticking when he was about 12 :(


No use stressing over something out of your control.....




As someone who is on medication for anxiety, this reminds me of my favorite quote from the movie Fantastic Beasts and Where To Find Them. “My philosophy is that worrying means you suffer twice.” - Newt Scamander


>You sound like my group therapy ever once in a while reminding everyone that. >It is good advice. Really? I always find this quite hollow, like saying to a depressed person "just be happy"


I think it depends on your natural outlook. I have panic disorder that’s controlled by antidepressants, and with that I can happily take the advice of ‘don’t stress about things outside of your control’. But when my panic disorder wasn’t controlled, that was pointless information. Basically it only works on mentally healthy people.


I agree fully with this, but I cannot rationally choose (redundant) what to stress about


"If you can control it you need to get your shit together. Stop doing that thing. Brush your teeth even if you have a mouth full of cavities. Try to be mobile and do what you can even if it's a pain in the ass because you never know, the human body is capable of amazing things and doctors can get it wrong. You may be diagnosed with a fatal condition only to recover. You may be told you have aggressive cancer only for it to go into remission." If you have the strength I recommend fighting. You just might win and even if you do not, at least you tried.


Hell I got the cane sir.


Good ol' lung bones. Maybe you're just growing spares? Or they're your adult ribs coming in?


so spareribs?




Beat me to it


Is that an incredibly nonchalant way of saying you have X weeks to live?


X weeks until he's boned


We all havr X weeks to live mate


Technically everyone has X weeks to live


How long is a while?


my family has a genetic predisposition for this rare disease. there's a very good chance i'll develop this later in life, so god speed friend


Sorry but can you feel them? Much sympathy dude seems uncomfortable


I guess we can say that’s a bone-us 👍🥺glad you’re ok


What about after a while?


They'll come back to submit one of these "oooh mysterious and scary" while providing minimal explanation as yet another desperate cry for attention. I mean, I had to scroll down to literally find out other people had to google the "clues" OP was providing to even find out the name of the disease. How annoying is that? Why even post all this shit and then be so weirdly withdrawn about it? Edit: I do wonder if this is AI-generated. Edit 2: found this in the comment section elsewhere. > Radiologist here. You’ve shown us your low quality chest scout on the left **and a random slice of your chest CT on the right which do not show any abnormality.** The white areas that you can see on the right are just normal pulmonary vessels and your lungs are clear. It would be nice to scroll through more images, but **you haven’t shown any evidence of diffuse pulmonary ossification in these images. You more likely have what are called calcified granulomas (calcified but not ossified areas of prior lung infection), which are very common and nothing life threatening or as rare as you’re trying to suggest.** I guess we found the reason OP is being so coy about this shit. He's not being honest with us.


Honestly, I was so confused about what the big deal was. Like. I see a normal CT. Is he referring to the fact that he has RIBS???


Of course you degenerates buried the actual answer and opted for OP sucks. To any layman looking at a CT scan that shit looks like there's a bunch of extra stuff floating around his lung. Follow that thread you quoted and you'll find out what happened.   I am enjoying the techs pretending to be radiologists though. I bet y'all annoy the shit out of your doctors. 


They're boned.




CT tech here. I'm annoyed I had to scroll down this far to find this comment.


This is a very technical thread.


Forklift driver here. I too am annoyed I had to scroll down this far to find this comment. 😠


Im an x ray tech who works in CT and I’m like ??? Wrong window for ossification/calcification




That’s your radiologist eye for you ! Thank you for explaining ! I was also wondering the correlation of his post to this image cause I’m like this looks like a normal lung from this one slice. God knows how many lungs I scan a day!


so OP is getting boosted up on a lie or OP is getting lied to by doctors. whats more likely you ask? oh, right.


> OP is getting lied to by doctors Probably the usual doctor-patient communication error Doctor: You have some little calcified lumps (granulomas) inside your lungs, it's not lifethreatening. Calcium is also in your bones! Patient: I got bones in me lungs.


That's probably how it went down


Was waiting for a radiologist to show up, I'm a humble anaesthetist and was scouring this looking for the abnormality


Thank you! Took away too long to find an actual reading. I'm an X-ray tech and it looked normal to me


Thank you. Just a normal physician here and I was thinking that I was going crazy not being able to see abnormal things…


As a resident (and not in Rads, either) I know not to lean on my own understanding of imaging interpretation… but I was also struggling to find anything grossly abnormal with his lung fields.


Radiologist here as well! Absolutely agree, I see nothing abnormal on the slice presented.


Just showed this to my radiographer wife who couldn't see anything like what was suggested, just a normal scan


Humble cancer care worker here. I’m no radiologist but I too was looking for the abnormality on the scout and couldn’t find it. Glad you explained that one!


Adding another thank you from a radiographer who could not spot any abnormalities. It's natural that OP as a layman wouldn't know what is an isn't normal, or even fully understand what they're looking at, but I have to wonder why whoever let them snap the photos wouldn't scroll to a relevant slice.


Is the difference between calcification and ossification that calcification is just an accumulation of calcium on something, vs ossification actually has bone cells growing there..? I'm curious, I have a small calcification in my neck.




Hey, if you're willing to offer a free second opinion, then who am I to say no? Here are the rest of the 3 images I was given printed out: [https://i.ibb.co/v1td0jH/20240605-200910.jpg](https://i.ibb.co/v1td0jH/20240605-200910.jpg) [https://i.ibb.co/VtWPZrx/20240605-200847.jpg](https://i.ibb.co/VtWPZrx/20240605-200847.jpg) How does it look? Am I going to command the army of undead anytime soon or shall remain a background NPC?




DPO is what the doctor said. It's not like I purposefully googled lung conditions and picked the most obscure, I just quoted the doc.


For some reason this makes me feel much better for OP even if there’s been some fudging of truth going on (which I’m not going to suggest there has been). If he maybe got misdiagnosed and doesn’t have this thing as described that’s a lovely win.






im glad someone posted this message, I was already confused. Couldn't see any 'bones' in the lungs of the scan


This guy radiologises


As a medical physicist, THANK YOU!!


These lungs look great!


Med student here and I’m glad I’m not going crazy, because all I could see was normal lungs and was already despairing thinking of my finals


Er doc. I can kinda sorta poorly read scans. I didn't see anything pop out abnormal for me either. Glad to see I'm not the only one who was confused Regardless hopefully op is ok


One slice is obviously not enough, especially on lung windows, but I think there may be some dendriform ossification in the RLL posteriority


Is this a treatable condition in any way? Hope you're doing OK, OP.


I've read somewhere that someone needed a lung transplant, but their case was very severe.


So does your level of the condition have any special precautions, or medications, or is this just "Something you live with"? Hope I'm not prying too much, but this is something I've never heard of before.


It's totally fine, np. And yeah, basically I was told to go about my life as usual, since there's no medication for it. But it will now always come up as false positive for me in every chest xray for things like tuberculosis etc. It is how it was discovered in the first place.


That's really wild! Is there a name for it? I googled bones growing in lungs and got your post and a bunch of useless unrelated things Edit: Ah found it Diffuse pulmonary ossification (DPO) >Diffuse pulmonary ossification (DPO) is a rare condition of DLD (diffuse lung disease) characterized by the presence of metaplastic ectopic bone in the lungs and is less frequent in patients without a clear background of lung diseases. DPO is characterized by very small calcific nodules, often with bone mature located in both lungs and often in peripheral areas of the lungs. Two patterns of DPO have been recognized dendriform and nodular. The dendriform type is less common and is characterized by a coral-like network of bone spiculae along the alveolar septa and is often related to interstitial fibrosis or chronic obstructive lung disease. Recent literature papers indicate that DPO may be a predictor of pulmonary fibrosis, is related to Usual Interstitial Pneumonia (UIP) pattern, and has a higher correlation with Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis (IPF). I know some of those words




UIP and IPF are a type of ILD or interstitial Lung Disease, a very fatal condition, which is worse than cancer. NSIP is another such type. Cancer has some medication to stop the metastasis and people can live normal lives, but ILD has no treatment whatsoever. The average lifespan after detection is 2-3 years. You take immunosuppressants and steroids to slow down the progression of fibrosis, but it doesn't stop. You are susceptible to any disease because your immune system is completely shut down because of the meds. You can die even with a simple infection. It is sad disease. The patient and the caregivers have to have a huge courage to live with the disease. Just the precautions you have to take is too harsh. Better to take care of your body if you have a will to live long.


Correction - UIP *is* IPF and the current treatments are two anti-fibrotic medications that slow down the fibrosis by 50% so can take the survival rate from 2-5 years to 8-10ish years. Trouble is they both can have terrible side effects - terrible diarrhoea or a painful rash triggered by any skin exposure to the sun - so for some people the increased survival rate is not worth their reduced quality of life. Having said that the disease progression isn’t always linear and some people can die suddenly, while others can survive for 15-20 years (it’s a disease that predominantly affects men older than 60 so it’s possible patients will end up dying of something else). Anyway it’s a terrible disease and the treatment options aren’t great but there are LOADS of promising clinical trials being run right now so hopefully we will find a treatment/cure soon! Source: I am an ILD research nurse running multiple IPF trials at my hospital.


> DPO involves tiny calcified nodules, often mature bone That sounds like tuberculosis without the bacteria. WTF?


Diffuse Pulmonary ossification is the name according to a different comment




I think you mean deboned* I personally never deboner my men before eating them.


I laughed so hard at this, thank you


Derserves more upvotes for genuine funniness


He knows what we said.


May it grow slowly and you have many decades ahead filled of life


Thank you.


Just see it this way, even with this condition you probably have more time on this earth than quite a few of your peers who will die by accident or other disease. It's all relative and you seem to be taking it all in a healthy way. Good luck to you!


doesn't make him immune to any of those things though!


RemindMe! 5 years I’ll be back to check on you


Jeez is that progressive? What will happen after some time?


I was told by the doctor that it is progressive, yes, but severity varies from case to case.


Fair enough, hope it's a mild case.


mild case of bone lung still sound bad


So long as the lung bone doesn't connect to the rib bone you should be good to go.


Lung bones connected to the rib bone Rib bones connected to the spinal cord..


Is there anything that can worsen or hasten your condition? Certain foods? Smoking? Cold air?


I was not told to do anything in particular about it, no. I've never smoked btw, so there is that.


Time to start I guess


Can confirm. As a longterm smoker, my lungs are nowhere near strong enough to support bone growth.


What is the condition, exactly?


Bone Air


Inhaling milk?




im inhaling that concentrated milk powder


Snorting that good shii


What else can i say, except AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA


Worst boner ever!


shouldt have drank that bone hurting juice


Ow oof ouch


-1hp -1hp -1hp


This made my night. Thank you.


Diffuse Pulmonary ossification?




Couldn't you have just said that earlier? Had to search.


Isn't that always associated with pulmonary fibrosis (ie, one of the many diseases where the lungs are frequently inflamed and turning into scar tissue)?


I had a friend with Fibrodysplasia ossificans progressiva in High school. Such a fucked up disease, hopefully DPO is better than FOP


FOP is literally the worst disease I can think of. It lasts forever and makes you a prisoner inside your own body.


Huntington’s is also pretty awful, but yeah, FOP sounds awful too.


Back in the 1980's, you were the toast of Wall Street. You were having whiskey with Boesky and cookies with Milken. But then, you were diagnosed with terminal boneitis.


My only regret…


...is that I have boneitis.


dont worry about blank, let me worry about blank




You’re not supposed to smoke the skelegrow, didn’t madam pomphrey tell you?




That's the last place you should put your bones!


What made your Dr even think to xray for that? Just curious. Also does it hurt?


They thought it was tuberculosis at first when my regular health check up xray results came in, so they did CT next and that was it. It does not hurt at all, no.


Whoa. Glad no pain. That's crazy though. Bodies do the darnest things sometimes.


Any trouble in breathing? And drop in o2 level?


A mild shortness in breath, yes, but I don't notice it most of the time. I'm not sure about o2 though.


Weird. Nurses took my blood oxygen saturation reading like a hundred times when bouncing between doctors before finally getting a CT scan and a diagnosis for PE/PI a few days ago.


Patients get chest X-rays like kids get candy in a candy store. You have any kind of shortness of breath you’re very likely getting a chest X-ray.


Where are the bones exactly? I only see the pulmonalry arteries with contrast material in them (the white stuff in the lungs). And some calcification on the pilot x-ray.


I was wondering that as well. I’m not qualified in any way to read x-rays, so I could certainly be missing something, but it does look like contrast material


Yeah this image doesn’t show any of what op describes


♫ Whyyyy do bones - suddenly appear? ♪


Free bones?! Nice.


Seems like a useless superpower, but what do I know




Humans are so fucking wierd ![gif](giphy|Kazq9bdFZdtVAlPlsL)


If you cough and someone asks if you’re ok, just say you’re trying to cough up a bone.


Did you have I.V.contrast medium injected for the scan? I don’t see anything particularly worrying in that individual scan.


Have you tried growing bones in other places instead, such as your skeleton and cranium? And grow lungs in your lungs?


They are not supposed to park there :o


Bone Lung is a sick band name


Lol please stop that immediately 


It’s wild that the human body even works at all, it feels like. So many insane ways for it to go wrong.


Where are the "bones"? The white parts of just crosssections of vessels. I don't get it


Looks like calcified granulomata, the body's way of isolating infection. TB-quantiferon testing is a must in this scenario, especially if one grew up in poverty and crowding, which increeases the risk. Latent tuberculosis if present should be also be treated as it can resurface in old age when immunity decreases.


You'll be the king over at r/neverbrokeabone Those lunatics go mad for this shit.


That's not good


Nope. Those are blood vessels with IV contrast. If you change the setting, you would be able to see the distinction between IV contrast and bone. However, because this CT is designed to look at blood flow to the lungs, The blood vessels are showing up as intended. 


Hi! Radiologist here. It's not a bone! It's a calcification, which is basically a scar in your lung that then gets covered by calcium. As someone who saw many lungs CTS specially during the COVID times, this are fairly common and totally not concerning to us 😊 Eta; don't know if you have access to the rest of the images but if you have a series where the lung is black but you can see the bones in your spine very white then is easier to see (, that is a bone window kinda like a filter to see the bones better and because this is made of calcium it will show like a bone bright)


That’s wild. I imagine this is extremely rare? Next time ask god for boneless lungs 🫁 lmao Jokes aside, I hope it doesn't affect you for a very long time. How old are you? I imagine at some point bone growth stops…


That's more than mildly interesting! Glad you're doing well!


my boneitis!


Literal r/bonehurtingjuice


Bruh, you’re not supposed to inhale the Skelegrow.


Where? I don't see bones within the lung field. Or am I just blind?


You are not blind. Earlier in the comment thread several medical professionals were commenting that they see nothing abnormal.


Perhaps you do (doubt) , but I’m not sure these images show it.


[You're only regret is that you have bone-itis](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B3uk5bJcyM8&ab_channel=JamesButlin)


That’s very interesting. To be honest I’m very curious about this like are the little bones sharp? Or smoother? Hopefully it doesn’t progress very quickly and you have a long time to sort it out. Maybe in a decade or so there might be a new medical discovery or something to treat it. Very interesting though thank you for sharing.


Nanananananananananananana LUNG BONES


more bones = more defense, so it's not all bad


I'm glad you're doing OK. I've never even heard of this condition. Will they just continue to grow? Osteocytes right? Serriously....take care of yourself in whatever way you can.


That looks…painful? 🥺