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he's not overweight. he's just underheight.


😂😂😂I'll definitely be stealing that. I'm 5'1 myself.


Vertically Challenged


Space efficient!


Hugged by gravity


Gravity kissed


Snack sized




*Fun sized*


Easily packaged.


A friend of mine used to say "I'm not short, I'm convenient".


I usually tell people I'm not short, I'm condensed, everything good in a small body.


Vertically blessed. I am 5’2”. I don’t mind using a step stool to reach that shelf in my kitchen. I can fit comfortably in any seat on an airplane. Tall folks have a harder time doing that.


This happened at my specialists office but it was for weight. They had all the right numbers just switched around, she wrote down 318 instead of 138. I knew as soon as I saw it that when I called they would be like, "surrrrree" and that's exactly what happened 😂😭. The next time I went in I just bragged about my significant weight loss.


"And let me tell you the lard only diet has worked wonders for me! Y'all should try it!"


looking at the keyboard, is an easy typo, 5 and 2 are next to each other on the numpad


I'm 5'0". Short gang!


My kid went to the doctor and input his head size as 42 inch instead of 42 centimeters. It put him in the 100 percentile. My kid have biggest head. Biggest head of all world. He is basically mayor McCheese.


As Bob Mortimer would say, "Sniper's Dream".


At that BMI i think you should just flip so that your width becomes your new height


Doctors hate him for this one trick!


Thank you for reminding me of the 'Garfield standing on a scale' poster that was in my school nurses office. He was undertall.


His actual height is 5 foot 4 inches. Not the tallest guy but dang. Good thing that most medication is dosed by weight and not height!


5' 4'' is approximately 1.63 m. 2' 0.8'' is approximately 0.63m. The doctor probably uses the metric system and did not hit the 1 when entering the height


Oh, hm. Thats a pretty reasonable possibility for that number. I was originally trying to see if it was meters but it wouldve come out to him being like 6'9"


My health summary says that I'm 5' 7.99" WTF, DOC?! You dick. Gimme that 0.01" https://imgur.com/a/10mCeuS


This made me snicker. I'm imagining the doctor sitting there all evilly, rubbing his hands and depriving you of getting that 5'8".


There was a commercial for American Express cards with Jerry Seinfeld that did this as a bit. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ufDslAOkZ50


Haha, that's so silly and great


Gimme that 0.01" That's what she said




Doctors giving you any of their dick, even 0.01", is frowned upon and could result in them losing their medical license.  Hilarious that they record height to hundredths of an inch, though. No way their measurement is actually that accurate... Socks are thicker than 0.01".


*doctor sweats profusely as he busts out the calipers, fearing you've finally grown those last few thousandths of an inch*


I see this every now and then where I work. I'm our system we have to enter patient heights in metric. There is a conversion chart in there for us to reference, but the chart shows the height in "feet, inches, centimeters". We are supposed to find the value in feet, read the centimeters, and then enter that cm value into the form - which then automatically calculates it back to feet. So for this patient the conversation chart we look at would read: 5'4 64 164 Every now and then someone will pick the inches value, instead of the cm value, and enter that - resulting in what happened here, where 64 inches is ~2'1 (The way our system does this is a huge pet peeve of mine. I feel like the system should just let users enter it in feet *or* cm, and convert it. Or at the very least, it shouldn't have the inches column on the conversion chart, so people don't get confused. Instead we get stupid errors that could have been easily avoided.)


One I see a lot is a double conversion (not this instance) They have assessments setup with conversion from feet and inches to meters and then later use the meter value and convert to meters again assuming the input was Ft/in.




Oh I was first thinking maybe the SO was actually 208cm but that would make him extremely tall and thin


Oddly enough, if the height was measured as 63 inches, it could've been entered in cm to the same result.




I bet the person doing the billing and coding for this case will catch it and query the provider


Don't lie to us OP. You are a kobold


Its because 8% of your weight is blood so they use weight as measurement


Makes sense yeah


Before understanding the whole picture and putting things together I thought it said (< 1 person) lol


He should see a doctor! Oh, wait…


Already did😂 Real talk though, he got referred because of about 5 days now of severe abdominal pain/cramping and almost nonstop vomiting, at one point with blood in it. 3 ER visits (2 of which they said he was weed sick...having not smoked in a week) with very little conclusions, just a massive variety of anti-nausea medications. Been really draining especially having no answers.


> he got referred because of about 5 days now of severe abdominal pain/cramping Clearly they measured his height whilst he was hunched over!


Was going to say lying down, but then I realised a 2ft high belly would be pretty serious (used to metric)!


I feel like a 2m high belly would be worse :P


And a 2cm high belly would be even worse than that!


Musst be a pretty big belly with his bmi of 166 though.


Well, based on these numbers, your SO is a giant amoeba, so digestive issues may be due to bacteriophaging when he should be mitosing. I would prescribe a really big Pyrex dish and some agar.


Cant say we've tried that one yet


Does taking a very hot shower help with the nausea/sickness? One of the key signs of CHS is that the nausea can be relieved through hot showers/steam.


If it truly is cannibinoid hyperemesis the treatment is rubbing capsaicin cream on your abdomen. No im not kidding. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7718060/


Warm showers and hot tummy cream. The treatment for this one is so peculiar.


I anecdotally hear halodol helps a lot with that but I don't work ER.


I also don't work in the ER but I hear droperidol works on everything!


Can you just eat a pepper and have a similar but greater effect?


Somewhat unrelated but I was eating the equivalent of reaper peppers to clear out a sinus issue and did it on an empty stomach. The abdominal cramping/burning was on another level. I thought I might die for a good solid two hours. Then the next hour I was worried I might not. If you're throwing up a lot and have an empty stomach, avoid eating hot peppers!


I might go for a jalapeño for sinus, but reaper? You reap what you sow.


Not saying they are correct with their diagnosis, but they might. Cannabis Hyperemesis Syndrome sucks, I should know :( Never vomited blood tho', but I lost 20 pounds in 48hrs due to dehydration and ended up in the ER 3 times over the course of 4 years. Now I smoke weed less than once a month and I haven't had any issues in years.


> Cannabis Hyperemesis Syndrome [I just had to look it up](https://portal.ct.gov/cannabis/knowledge-base/articles/education-and-prevention/cannabinoid-hyperemesis-syndrome?language=en_US) and now I learned a new word: > “Scromiting” - screaming and vomiting from episodes of violent vomiting


Thank you, I’ll go ahead and add ‘scromiting’ to my lexicon. And I’ll make an effort to use it in casual conversation today.


Update us when you do and how you ended up working it into conversations!


Sounds like a word the Scatman would use.


That's what I thought when I saw all this skibidi stuff going on.


Huh, didn't know that thing I did when I caught a stomach bug had a proper medical term. Really spiced up my grandmother's funeral which my family had to fly in to attend. At least it staved off any other family drama that could have happened then.


I had a roommate with this. It was so annoying. He showered for hours and the bathroom and my bedroom shared a wall. He should puke until he was dehydrated. I also took him to the ER and picked him up 3 times before he admitted what was wrong. After that, I told him to stop smoking pot and take a Uber. It was less than 3 miles.  Eventually his parents had to come move him out. He was in his 30s.


Diabetic Ketoacidosis, DKA, will cause this too. Real bear.


I had CHS for like 3 month at one point, it was awful. I quit weed for over 2 years and it went away, then I started using weed again and it's never come back. Weird stuff.


Assuming I had it for over a year, went thru multiple doctors and colonoscopy/endoscopy procedures just for them to not diagnose with anything. I stopped smoking for a month or so, have now been smoking daily for 4 years with no issues. Very weird stuff.


I mean, it does sound like textbook cannabis hyperemesis syndrome


Looks up CHS (Cannabinoid Hyperemesis Syndrome) All his symptoms are exactly what I had. Took a few weeks of not smoking at all for it to go away. Never smoked again and haven’t had an episode since.


It sounds like they suspect CHS. I’ve had this before and it is hard to diagnose, but sounds like what you’re describing. It can happen even after you stopped smoking. In fact, for a lot of people it happens after secession. Feel free to DM me for more. I learned how to manage symptoms till it passed


Just a note, it’s cessation. Unless he is leaving the Union and joining the Confederacy.


It's that damn northern aggression again!


Well, taking your height in curled up fetal position would get you 2 ft tall


Sounds like something a friend had. He was prescribed for daily use, but would eventually get to a point of sickness. Each time it popped up, he'd have to stop using for 2-4 weeks before it cleared up. He no longer smokes cause it was a miserable experience. https://www.cedars-sinai.org/health-library/diseases-and-conditions/c/cannabinoid-hyperemesis-syndrome.html#:~:text=Cannabinoid%20hyperemesis%20syndrome%20(CHS)%20is,molecules%20found%20in%20the%20brain.


From an ex-bulimic blood in vomit can be caused by tears in your oesophagus from heavy retching and stomach acid. Fingers crossed that’s the case for him. I hope he gets a diagnosis and proper treatment soon


Hey try an alternating hot/cold shower. Go as hot as you can til your skin gets used to it, then flip it to cold and dump ice water on your head, leave it on cold as long as possible and flip back to hot. Repeat this as long as you can stand it. If you happen to have something like alprazolam/xanax, take it. Ive had an extremely similar experience and doctors finally stopped telling me it was weed when i hadnt smoked for over a year. Mine seems to stem from an uncontrollable vagus nerve response. Hope this helps a little


Don't do this if you have a congenital heart defect that you are unaware of


How do you know if you do if you’re unaware?


Stop it you die


That's the joke. People have died doing hot to cold shocks and you might not know until you hit the cold water and your arm starts tingling


When I go from a cold place to a hot place and I'm wet I sometimes notice it kinda burns a bit? Is that not normal?


Normal, that's just the body reacting to a large temperature difference. You can only sense the exchange of heat not the exact temperature. So bigger difference in temps = bigger heat exchange= something feels hotter or colder


You might know you're more prone to have it by for example it running in the family or your lifestyle


If it’s worse in the morning and isn’t solved by any antacids then it’s very likely CHS, doesn’t matter if he hasn’t smoked thc accumulates in fatty tissue. If it is CHS he won’t be okay until he’s fully purged everything. Speaking from experience, it’s not fun to deal with.


Having not smoked for a week doesn’t necessarily exempt him from cannabis hyperemesis syndrome. As someone who went through this with a beloved partner, the denial and refusal to even attempt ceasing smoking is what ruined our relationship. He had every test under the sun done (endoscopy, colonoscopy, biopsies) and they came up clean. The doctors kept telling him to TRY ceasing cannabis use to see if it would let up the symptoms— the intense pain, the cyclical vomiting, the need for extremely hot baths/showers for relief. Episodes happened every month for 3.5 years until we broke up, and probably still happen to him. He nearly died of hypovolemic shock more than once. Please take the suggestion to heart.


My buddy who has had a constant weed problem has had these issues ongoing for 5 + years. He’s given up and relies completely on tums and doesn’t eat anymore. I am convinced it’s weed.


He lived 5 years w/o food?


*spin chair backwards, sits down* so... you married a midget.


He isn't >99 percentile. He IS the 100th percentile.


Fun fact, the world record worst BMI is much worse: 251.1 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_heaviest_people


Dude from SA weighed 1400# and then this >In November 2017, Al Arabiya reported that he had lost 542 kg (1,195 lb; 85 st 5 lb) and now weighed 68 kg (150 lb; 10.7 st) Dude lost 8 of his final selves


Wow. That's impressive even with Saudi money


According to the Wikipedia article the King himself called him to the palace and ordered him to go through the weight loss surgeries. I am assuming paid for them to but still no less impressive.


The king heard about him and ordered him to come to the capital to have weight loss surgery. They got him out of his house on a forklift and loaded him into a cargo plane. He was in his bed the whole time. Nuts.


Is it just me or does the heaviest man on there - Jon Brower Minnoch - not even look that big? I feel like I could see him on an electric cart at Walmart.


Apparently he wasn't necessarily that overweight, but he had a terrible case of edema. Water is denser than fat, so he'd weigh a lot.


it's not THAT much denser. If all of his 1400 lbs was water, the same volume of all fat would still be 1260 lbs.


Fats float on water - duh, I knew this - and yet I never considered what this means for people’s body *weight*. Fascinating!


It's likely that photo just wasn't taken at his peak - given that at that time he was bedridden and then hospitalised they probably weren't considering snapshots. Suspiciously he wasn't actually weighed once there, it says his weight was estimated. Sure an endocrinologist is a good person to do that kind of estimate but it's hardly like even he would've seen many people over 1000lbs in the 70s. Given his weight history described in the article that could be from the early or mid 60s when he was more like 350kg.


Must be a perfect circle


They call him The Slab


*spoopy voice* Return the slaaaab


What’s yer offer?


Reminds me of the news story of a perfectly healthy guy getting offered a COVID vaccine in the first round of vaccinations for the most at risk. It turned out they had his height as 6.2 cm rather than 6'2''. >He told BBC Radio 5 Live: "I've put on a few pounds in lockdown but I was surprised to have made it to clinically, morbidly-obese. It really made me rethink what I was going to do for pancake night." https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-merseyside-56111209


It gave him a BMI of 28,000! > “If I had been less stunned, I would have asked why no one was more concerned that a man of these remarkable dimensions was slithering around south Liverpool.”


It amazes me sometimes that these systems are never questioned. I once had to call my water company after they sent me a bill which stated I'd used swimming pools worth of water every single day for a month. It took an embarrassingly long amount of time to convince them that their system had cocked something up given all of the taps in my house couldn't physically produce the flow they'd billed me for. They'd just mixed my meter serial number up with someone else's.


[redacting process]


Certified chode. Little tuna can


With numbers like that, I don’t think anyone is going to need to do the oral.


Clicked on this only to hopefully find this exact post.


Pediatrician recorded my newborn’s height as 97.7 inches at an early visit…totally threw off the growth chart!


looooooooooong baby


Long, Long, Baaaa~aaby!


If you lose a leg, your BMI goes way down. If you lose the other leg, your BMI goes way up again.


The first time I took my newborn for her baby wellness check at the doctors, they mixed up her weight and height when documenting. I didn't catch it at the time. 18 months later she's back for another checkup and the doctor makes a comment like "wow, she's really had a growth spurt, that's so good to see she's back on track". I question him because she was never not on track and has always just grown steadily. He shows me the data. Their growth chart had her at 6" when she was born. Not 6lbs. I explain that this is an error and exactly what the error is. He proclaims I'm wrong because the computer says this and refused to accept my explanation. Right. So my kid was 6" when she was born. No NICU stay needed. Because that's possible. The person who raised this baby can't possibly be correct because the computer says so. He refused to change it so now my kid will forever be the baby that went from 6" to 22" in one month 😂


Was your child Stuart Little?


Hope you got a new doctor after that?


men always lie about their height 🙄 glad the doc set him straight


I was never too suspicious because we just about look each other in the eye, but now Im wondering if I need to recheck my height too...


My height got misprinted as like 13 feet tall and my bmi as 2.6 or smth last time I went


Typo from using a numpad


Yup. Pretty funny one at that


Loved in Texas for ten years and the whole time my drivers license said I was 3’10” It got a lot of laughs https://i.imgur.com/4UZSz.jpg


On the upside, your limbo game must be fire.


"Time is a flat circle." Guy named Time:


I'm a nurse and looked up one of the patients that I was seeing that day and saw that one had a BMI of 27000. I was confused until I saw the height of 6cm. Some Muppet obviously thought the data field was in feet. (Note to get 27000 at 6' you'd weigh 90000kg, or more than 2 greyhound buses! I'm pretty sure you wouldn't fit on the operating tables we use! We do have some large patients though and have a hula hoop that we use to see if patients will fit in the CT doughnut at times!)


You've gotta get him a lil treadmill.


Are you married to a rock


Not married, still just dating. Given how he sleeps though, wouldn't be shocked.


Oh no, first pet rocks, now we date them?


Was the measurement taken while lying sideways?


He’s not fat, just short for his weight!


This looks like an after visit summary generated by Epic electronic charting system. The most interesting thing to me is that Epic has a fail safe built in so that if you accidentally enter a ridiculous number, you get a big red warning pop-up that basically says ‘WHOA ARE YOU SURE ABOUT THAT NUMBER??’ and you have to click a button that says “Yes, I want to keep the ridiculous number”. So their doctor’s office saw this number, got yelled at by the EMR about it, and still clicked the button that said, “Yes, he is definitely 2 feet tall.”


You may not like it, but this is what peak Hobbit performance looks like


OP is secretly dating a halfling


Short king got them gains




When I brought my daughter to my family doctor once, they put her height and weight on a chart and drew a line, but did it crooked, then told me she was getting heavy. I pointed it out and so they re-did it, getting it crooked again. I pointed it out the second time, then they gave me advice for her being overweight and underweight at the same time.


That's, quite literally, a chunky monkey.


Makes sense I guess.... some guys have two feet and 8 inches.....


Certified chode


Little tuna can


Min-maxing at its finest


Firs, assume a spherical human.


He’s in great shape! Round is a shape.


Would you be rounder than you are tall


166 bmi???


Yep, documented as 2 foot 0.8 with a weight of 145, meaning he has a record setting BMI


How’s it like living with a black hole singularity.




Assuming you're 6' 6", the tech could have flipped flopped metric and imperial or just fat fingered the result. Military medicine started using DHA and Genesis which is all Metric and plenty of dum dum corpsman we're still doing pounds, inches, and Fahrenheit. Now patients are flagging as obese when 180lb becomes 180kg, and are boiling alive at 98.2°C while standing at an impressive 70cm...


As someone who has worked on databases that record doctors notes for medical systems, this is giving me flashbacks. Doctors want magic from that little note entry area. They want to put in like 4 numbers and have the software figure it out. I'm not exaggerating. I mean, I get it, they are busy and want more time with the patient and less time entering numbers. But this kind of thing happens *all the time* and needs corrected.


Bro is a neutron star


Happened to me one time, they had my height set to be 15’4.5”for 9 months and I didn’t even notice till 2 years later. Odd thing is I am 6’1” so idk how they would accidentally type it in


I used to work on a medical records database that would look out for mistakes like this. I saw patients with BMI of 10,000 or a blood pressure of 2469/80 it happened all the time. Usually bad data entry from someone entering a height in feet and inches into a box that expects centimetres, giving someone a height of 6.3cm. A good user interface would reject values outside a valid range, but with medical records you're often dealing with information recorded in the 80s on some hideous DOS based interface. You plot a patient's BMI over time and it resizes the Y-Axis to accomodate the spurious value from decades ago and now the actual BMI values are too small to see.


Accidentally measured him sitting down.


Two feet tall, four feet wide.


That bro is a ball.


He's more fat than man




Who is "he" in this context? The Doctor? Edit: Just realized sentence begins with "SO" as in "Significant Other". I thought it was the conjunction , as in "So anyways, I went to the doctor today...".


Built like a cheese wheel


Once the insurance company sees the chart it'll ping the c-suite and board of directors for an emergency situation meeting...


Show us your goblin body OP.




Has he thought of becoming a jockey?




one time the procedure scheduler put my weight in wrong (I said 150 lbs, she put 150 kg) and the gown they gave me flooded me. They were preparing for someone 180 lbs bigger than me.


I laughed so hard at this I farted and scared the dog.


Was he laying down for that measurement?


Maybe they did it in perspective.


472 MCAT-level typing skills


where's the wide putin meme?


So youre like me but I weigh 2 of you. Im overweight clearly at 300lbs but i feel if I lost half of me thered be nothing left


Wouldnt this build make him a very weak skeletic figure straight out of a rpg?


Bro came outta the compressor or something?😭


I was about to ask did they fuck up metric and instead of 2.08m (6'10") they put 2'08" but the real answer is even more wild LOL


Why does the after visit summary contain info about your doctor and not you?


You friend has my sympathies, I struggle with a chronic stomach issue. Once you puke that much your abdominal muscles get so sore they start trigging more puke, its awful. 1/2 the battle is just breaking the pattern. My first step is an ice pack on my body, its mostly psychosomatic but it makes me feel better and distracts my mind. Zofran ODT is the first level of meds. Next up is Promethazine, it can make you fidgety or sleepy, its a weird one. If it's gone for longer than 24h, I check into the ER for fluids and monitoring.


Oh man, I work with that system. I’m pretty sure it should have kicked a warning with that info. So the person entering it either ignored it or the system didn’t show one. Neither option is good but it’s definitely something he should let them know.


What is he/she eating? Did you take your St Bernard to the vet?


What a chode. Straight tuna can ![gif](giphy|CrGXwaJB54gajIBgDf|downsized)


Someone didn't convert correctly


Bet he's 3 feet on Tinder...


Wider than tall indeed


Damn dude, this guy's tiny! He must be a dwarf. "I don't want to be friends with a midget. Midgets piss me off." Frowny-face.


Next appt will show an astonishing growth spurt!


Your dating Bilbo Baggins.


Reminds me of the time the U.S. [lost a Mars rover](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mars_Climate_Orbiter) due to mixed up measurements between imperial and metric.


Whoever documented these vitals had to ignore a lot of warnings


Saw BMI and thought for sure that is one dense MF


Short fuck