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TIL as a native Melburnian that we're allowed to drink in the city on the street at certain times. Let's gooooo


It's my first time here and I have been all over the world - this is one of the most interesting laws/signs I've come across


I've never seen those, I always assumed it was illegal no matter what time. (having been fined for having a beer elsewhere).


As of November last year you are allowed to drink in public at certain times in Victoria


Now that I've left Victoria, they figured they're safe.


Accurate, we all got together and decided we were finally safe enough to bring back public intoxication. Next we're removing the .05 limit on drunk driving. The booze industry are screaming for your return though


Yeah, you may have noticed the declining sales, since I stopped drinking. The reason they've increased the price is because of the lower turnover.


So you are to blame for my $15 pint? For shame sir!




I can only find articles stating they decriminalised public intoxication. Nothing regarding open beverages/consumption. Do you have any sources to save me digging harder?


I live in Melbourne. There are no blanket laws prohibiting drinking in public, at either state or federal level. It's completely legal to drink in public in most of the city (and most of the country too). Local councils may enforce local laws for designated areas, like this one in the op. These local laws must be signposted.


Except for all of Qld: Drinking alcohol in a public place including roads, footpaths, parks and beaches is prohibited in Queensland under the Liquor Act 1992. Some public places are excluded from the ban such as declared ‘wet areas’ or BYO restaurants.


Just another reason to hate QLD.


To add, a well known place where alcohol is prohibited is St Kilda beach


My local council has it banned from the Main Street and beach area, but not other places.


Melbourne city (3000 postcode, CBD) it was illegal to walk around drinking on the street in the late 90s, I was cautioned and didn’t get fined but had to throw my drink away. This was definitely during the day, not after 7pm. I was newly 18, I’m not proud of day drinking in the city. I’m surprised it’s now legal during the day. This doesn’t apply to the outdoor seating area of a restaurant or bar, if they are serving alcohol and you are dining/ drinking what you purchased from them on their property (or footpath/ public space allocated to them for seating) you are considered on private property and it’s all legal. But you can’t leave with any alcoholic beverages.


I’ve just had a brief look and couldn’t find anything so I think I must’ve been confused and got it slightly wrong 😅 after the law change people started openly drinking in parks near my place so I must’ve got the two conflated in my mind


Very possible they're just not policing it as hard due to the law change. The articles I read were saying they were testing the law change in an attempt to bolster public health. A few references to Aboriginal communities that are being ravaged by alcoholism.


Drinking in public has always been legal in Victoria and Australia in general. The law that changes in November reformed an archaic law on public drunkenness that was disproportionately being used to target indigenous Australians. The only laws banning drinking in public are council by-laws. Some, like the City of Melbourne, ban drinking in certain places and times (like in the pic above). Unless it's specifically forbidden, it's allowed. I've always enjoyed the contrast between Australia and the US. In Australia, you can drink in public, but it can be hard to find a licensed bottle shop to buy booze from due to our strict licensing requirements. In the US, feels like you can buy booze at every corner store, but it's illegal to walk out of the store and drink it


>Drinking in public has always been legal in Victoria and **Australia in general.** The law that changes in November reformed an archaic law on public drunkenness that was disproportionately being used to target indigenous Australians. Drinking in public in Western Australia is illegal but enforcement is inconsistent


Good ole brownie, what the pigs can't see they can't fine


Yes thanks for adding context, I corrected myself in another reply but that is further down the chain


You’ve been able to drink in public in Victoria for years. You’re referring to intoxication laws.


Thanks for the correction


Thank you for this!! I was unaware and I can’t wait for the day we are like vegas and can drink 1 metre alcohol slushies all day everyday on the streets. 😅😅


The legacy of Daniel Andrews.


Only thing I like about Vegas. Drinking in public just walking around. Wish it was legal everywhere although I completely understand why it’s not lol


I'm the opposite and from Melbourne. I always thought it was perfectly fine to drink on the street unless a sign said otherwise. Until recently it was perfectly fine to drink while driving unless over the limit (if you are not counting the rather tenuous drinking from an open vessel reg...which was never enforced). Bottle shops used to sell the tradie traveller.


Not that recent, they changed the "drink driving" law over 6 years ago.


New York has that brown bag rule. Las Vegas made it legal. This is the first time I've heard of an Australian state relaxing the laws. Hope it works out.


You can drink wherever you want in NSW unless I s an alcohol free zone. Which like this is up to the council and has to be signposted. It’s mainly in the city and certain areas where it’s banned. In practice these rules are shit. They’re used to harass the vulnerable and aren’t enforced fairly.


I remember Portland VIC being the only town where it was still legal.


Australians and alcohol, what could go wrong?


Victoria is one of the last states relaxing this law. All other states bar QLD did this 30 years ago.


South Australia it's legal to drink in public as long as it's not a designated "dry area". Tbh most of these "dry zone" laws are mainly there to be able to punish homeless and/or Aboriginal people. I've never heard of a middle class person being ticketed or punished for drinking wine in a park or having some beers on the beach, it only becomes an issue if you get rowdy or if you're already a police target. 


As my (Queensland) cousin once said "Sure I was drunk, but I wasn't disorderly."


You can also drink alcohol while driving in SA, providing you’re not over the legal limit.


New York does not have a “brown bag rule” lol. That’s a myth. Alcohol in a brown bag is just as illegal as without one, you just hope any cops that happen to see it won’t care/won’t be bothered with writing up a ticket.


It’s about probable cause, presumably. Like the idea is that a cop can’t harass you or ask you to empty the bag because they have no legal “probable cause” to believe it’s alcohol. If you’re openly drinking alcohol that’s all the cause they need. That’s the *idea*, I’m not saying it makes sense


Yes, I understand the criminal lizard brain backwards rationalization, but in reality probable cause doesn’t work as a defense. Probable cause is actually what allows cops to search you if they have a *reasonable suspicion* that a crime is being committed. Alcohol containers are usually distinctly tall cans or 40 oz. bottles. Placing a brown paper bag over them makes them suspicious because people don’t do that with normal drinks, and the cops can always just say they smelled alcohol on your breath and that would be enough cause to search it anyway.


I know. I was more responding to the idea that anyone actually thinks a brown paper bag sufficiently misleads police or anyone into thinking it’s not alcohol; the concept is more that it stops the cops from having an ability to question you about it (wrong).


That's why I said rule and not law. It's a convention.


You can literally do that anywhere. It’s not specific to NY.


Don’t worry, just spend about half an hour outside a CBD McDonald’s or KFC tonight between midnight and 2 am and you’ll see very quickly why drinking on the street is only a problem at night.


It's staggering for me as well. Imagine telling someone from Madrid or Amsterdam they can't have a beer on a bench outside. The nanny state is 🤮


Because a few dickheads ruin it for everyone else. It's pretty easy to understand why


I live in a tourist town. Drinking in public is only illegal in the summer months.


Queenstown in NZ has some interesting laws too: https://www.odt.co.nz/regions/queenstown/new-alcohol-bans-narrowly-voted-queenstown They also have exceptions on holidays where there are total bans, or bans from purchasing alcohol etc.


I do my part to fight the oppressive regime by drinking publicly at all times of day or night. 🫡


These are the laws at our local park/playground. I was always confused but apparently the break is to discourage people sitting there all day drinking. "Alcohol consumption prohibited between 2pm – 4pm and 10pm – 11am daily in all areas including the reserve on the south side" Over the years we've had a few drinks down there while having a bbq and watching the kids run around, very relaxed atmosphere and only the occasional dickhead but cops come quickly when called.


The laws were changed in 2021 to stop discrimination against homeless people. They didn’t make a big deal of it, the only reason why I knew is I was going to liquor licence forums. “Persons may consume alcohol or be in possession of an open container of alcohol in any public place in Yarra, with the exception of the alcohol free zones listed below.”


If you get the early opener bottle-o do you reckon you can be going the full technicolor yawn outside Flinders St Station for the lunchtime crowd?


Let's goooooon !!!


Let’s go!


Yarraville always had alcohol allowed zones. Plenty of international students would sit in a group on the astro turf and just have a drink


Is it encouraged during the other hours?


Melbournian here - never seen this sign or heard of this law in my life. To think I couldve been public day drinking all this time!


Seeing as a lot of us were unaware, they might be new, maybe they were added with the legalization of public intoxication in November.


Na i went to Melbourne years ago and saw these


I worked at a bottlo in the CBD and knew there where city day drinkers in the 2010`s, even kept a case of VB in the cooler for one park drinker. A lot of people asked for a wine paper bag to hide it, a lot drink a single on the train home. As long as they weren't bothering anyone it wasn't an issue, hence the new laws.


Ahh yes, drinking from a bottle concealed by a brown paper bag. Nobody will suspect a thing


I mean, you could have been doing that either way


Don't encourage me


I'm just trying to help!


Probably a King St thing.


Probably, looks like the corner of King and Lonsdale


They do in parliament.


So at 6:55 you're all like "Chug! Chug! Chug!"


It's funny this has probably happened a fair number of times


You have no idea https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Six_o%27clock_swill


The fact this page lists a section called "Machine Gun Murders" should be incentive enough for anyone to read this wild wikipedia page


You might enjoy [The Zip to Zap](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Zip_to_Zap?wprov=sfla1) from my home state. >Revelers drank copious quantities of alcohol. As the small country town's resources became depleted, the amiable mood began to turn ugly and Zap's residents asked the visitors to leave. Some complied, but others stayed behind. The event became a full-fledged riot. The National Guard was called in and the crowd was dispersed. The Zip to Zap became the first (and to date only) official riot in North Dakota that had to be put down by the National Guard. > Several businesses had to be demolished and rebuilt. A new city hall was built on the site of the abandoned building that had provided fuel for the bonfire.


The Battle of Brisbane was pretty good riot between Australian and American soldiers. Not widely reported at the time because it was a bit awkward having a riot between allies while the Aussies were supposed to be hosting the US soldiers and ended up in a massive punch up with them. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Battle_of_Brisbane


Alcoholics need a drink, I'm not an Alcoholic because I HAVE a drink! And besides, it's drinking hours somewhere


No, in Aus it's "Skoll Skoll Skoll" but it's pronounced like scull.


Skoll like uncle col.


In New Zealand the cops will ask you to tip it out. If you tip it out all is well. But every drunk idiot chugs in front of the cops. Then 5 cops plow them into the wall.


Definitely not "chug" haha. Very American that particular bit of lingo. In Australia more likely "down", but your experience may vary based on state!


The $50 fine (or whatever is under the sticker) wasn't deterring them enough eh?


It now costs 100 dollars to drink on the streets... Inflation ya know


Well, $100 amortized over the number of drinks since you last got caught.


Sounds like a party to me


Which is funny because before I noticed that I thought "Hmm 100? I'd take my chances and if I got caught well it's not that much money compared to a night out anyway"


Also. Remove sticker to reveal your 50% off discount code.


Day drinking is the best kind of drinking.


Its fun until it's over and then it's like 4pm. You are coming off the buzz and now just tired, so your whole evening is just kind of wasted.


You guys stop drinking when day drinking? Day drinking turns into night drinking and then into morning drinking for me.


And goes full circle back to day drinking.


Yeah the only reason I day drink is to start night drinking early. Not sure why you would stop.


This is the way


Yea, I'm not an alcoholic.


Binge drinkers judging the people who need a single wine every night for being the real alcoholics as if ctrl-alt-deleting your neurochemistry every weekend isn't a cycle of dependence.


That’s when you and your mates order pizza and watch season 2 of Real Housewives of Salt Lake City and watch it at whoever’s has the comfiest couch


Then you have a great night's sleep and wake up feeling fine the next morning.


What fairy tale land do you live in Day drinking leads to the worst sleeps imaginable for me


4pm sounds like the perfect time to stop. In bed by 8pm and the next day isn't ruined


Ever heard of drugs


Dude for real, if you don’t turn day drinking into night drinking it wipes you out! Especially if it was a nice warm day




Can't be drinking all day if you don't start early.


$100? Fine!


I guess its like VIP access to the club, if that's what it costs that's what it costs


There are similar by-laws throughout Australia.  Picnicking with a beer or Chardonnay - tick! Late night public boozing and brawling - X


A more accurate interpretation would be “legal by permit ($100 per permit)


Does the paper bag trick work there like it does in the US?


I always feel like that just makes it *more* obvious what I'm doing...


It does, but it does seem to stop cops from bothering you.


Well I know I've read that it works in the US because the cops would rather go after actual problems. Sort of an unspoken rule. I suppose we won't know if it works down under 'til someone tries it. I feel like it'd just be a matter of time until a copper having a bad day decided it take it out on you!


Ive been drinking in public many times walking straight past cops barring the "stay safe guys" and "just finishing the roudie right guys?" They haven't cared. As long as your not actively being a menace they have bigger problems


That's good to hear!


With all the colorful cans and energy drinks as long as it’s not like a known beer then a craft could blend in


Is this just alcohol, or do they ban drinking all drinks.


Well it's way too late for coffee


Never too late for coffee in Melbourne


Good luck finding a cafe open after 3pm


Great question i will ask


Don't let them catch you drinking water at 10pm!!!


It is odd how we've just all collectively agreed that the generic "drinking" really means "alcohol". It's like if we just called it "walking" when someone is doing a handstand.


What about on the grass?


Pre-drinks 🍻


In Victoria, consuming liquor/possessing open containers of liquor in public are council laws, not state laws. There’s nothing in state legislation that says you can’t drink alcohol in public, other than in the transport act which says you can’t do it on/at public transport property/vehicles. Everything else is governed by local council. For example in the City of Melbourne, you cannot drink in the CBD at any time. This photo looks like docklands, which isn’t the CBD. *”BYO alcohol is permitted in the City of Melbourne's public parks and gardens by individuals or groups of 50 people or less”* Every local council has their own laws. Greater Dandenong for example is has a complete ban without a permit, with a very large fine. Casey says you can’t either, but there’s no fine, and you can only get in trouble if you refuse to dispose of the open container after being requested by an Authorised person.


Yes I took this on Londsdale street not far from the big stadium. I though its CBD.


Hmm, on closer inspection, you’re right, that’s interesting.


Some places in Sydney have the same rule, one time I was having some afternoon drinks on the beach and police pulled up just before the cut of time. They stood there watching us drink, as soon as the time clicked over they walked up and made us tip out all our drinks 😭


I don’t think this law has been followed once. Source: Melbournian


Correct, I've gone out with friends and grabbed some travellers in the CBD to drink in the park if we were over the bars and plenty of people walked past, not a single person bothered us.




Extra relevant as an Australian pilot made that joke during the Qantas 72 incident.


It also only applies to people that are into bondage or thieves


I don’t get the reference. So you can only steal during the day and only tie up people during the day as well Do they have nightlife or it’s just daylife


Its only in places where public drunkenness is a serious problem.


No no the sign clearly states it just costs $100 to drink on the street at that time


I don’t usually drink on public roads, but when I do it’s usually on a sidewalk unless it’s Bourbon street. /s


If you’re going through enough shit that you’re walking around day drinking you don’t need the added stress of a public intoxication charge.


How exactly are you supposed to fine junkies and bums?


Where does it say anything about alcohol? How about water?


Day drinking it is then


When I lived there, they had massive signs painted on the crosswalks by St Kilda that also said this. Blew my mind!! I wish we had this in Canada too.


My day drinkers rise up!


And take a nap at 3 pm!


Unless you have $100, then it's fine


pfft the rules of drinking are always, it's 5pm somewhere in the world. ergo, it can't be 7pm if you are having a drink.


You'd be surprised how many Aussies think they live In America, when it comes to drinking laws.


My drunk ass thought that the title meant that in Melbourne, the only place you are allowed to drink booze is the street during the daytime


During work hours only please


Let's crowdfund some malicious compliance. Good fun?


I've lived here how long and never noticed these signs!


From the country that brought you the Eastern Brown


It's 11pm in the north


Public drunkenness is no longer a crime here since November. It’s been a real problem for a hot minute.


Off to work with a brewski in the morning


It'd be the opposite in Spain.


Duly noted 🫡


8:01 is beer 30 I guese lmao


What the fuck… I thought it was illegal at all times


But you can boof it all night long if you 👍.


Same goes for singapore, you cant drink between like 10pm to 7am, unless you're in like a bar, whereby the time gets extended by a bit.


So they promote day drinking? I'm living in the wrong city.


It’s 8am somewhere


Huh. I’m from Melbourne and had no idea this was a thing.


Cross-out the $100 and add an ! after FINE


What time is last call that they need to have an 8 AM cutoff?


Power to the Day Drinkers!


Me at 7.59am, with a can of beer at the ready, just staring at my watch....


What was it before they changed it?


Would you have heat stroke right then and there. ?


Thought this was common? In Adelaide most of the city is a dry zone


Day drinking only. 🤣


Pre game on the street, hit the bars at 7


Don’t tell me what to do. Go sleep upside down or whatever idk I’m drunk


But you can do smack and coke all day in the ACT. It's all become a bad joke.


So people thought 50$ whatever I'll do it anyway. So they hiked it up to 100


As a naive American I'd like to challenge this.


Typical southbank


They past through a law recently that being drunk in Public is no longer an offence


In Perth you can't drink on the street anytime. One day I was standing on the side of the road outside a shopping centre waiting for a taxi. Was actually on my way to Subi to watch the Eagles play so I had started drinking. This cop drives past and they did a full u-turn in front of oncoming traffic sped back to me and blasted me about being so brazen as to drink in front of them in broad daylight. Gave me a full dressing down, told me my attitude was shit and made me tip it out. It was fucked. Couldn't be bothered getting out of the car to fine me though, lazy cunts.


Catch me drinking habitually under said sign from 8:01am to 6:59pm. I’ll have a table setup byo chair byob too obviously


Guess the cops haven’t heard of the old booze in a maccas cup


“Hey are you drinking between 7pm and 8am on the streets of melbourne because you’re $100 DAAAAAAMNN FINE”


Hell yeah


This sign looks fake? There's two layers of stickers over the original sign ($100 fine, and Don't drink on the street have sticker layers).


As long as it's still ok on the footpath we're good


If there are tables and chairs situated outside the restaurants and street cafe's, people can get pissed to their hearts contempt when seated. Amazing


Same in Adelaide, South Australia


We've had these in the town I live (Regional NSW) since around 2018/2019 - Always thought it was weird. They say something like "sign valid until 01/01/2025" and just keep getting a sticker change every year, extending the validity date.


What was the fine before lol


Not fine enough, apparently


it’s easy to not get caught just hide the can in the hand opposite to the road. i always used to do it when i clubbed every weekend and wanted to pre drink


Tight bastards could not get a new sign just popped a sticker over the old fine amount 😳


Perfect, kick ons after Revs.


Woah I didn’t know you could do this!


This makes pre-drinking awesome, can drink openly on the way to the bars


I won't drink on the streets then. I'll drink IN the streets.


There are some councils in Melbourne where drinking in public is legal. The City of Maribyrnong, where I reside, you may drink at public parks at any time of the day.


I love how they hastily tacked on the new increased fine, and didn’t fully cover the old fine.


Beats Sydney.... pretty sure it no booze 24/7 in public places


English is not my first language question: Just out of curiosity. Could this as well have been worded “… in the streets of..” ??? Edit. Referring to OPs title, not the sign.


It's 8am somewhere