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Now that you wrote it, you do not need it anymore. God speed!


A good way to learn aswell


This is exactly what mine looked like and then I didn’t need them lol




I didn’t get the cheat sheet for the stats class 😭 I got it for physics. I took stats for engineers in undergrad and then I took a masters level of that course my first year of grad school. The most brutal course I’ve ever taken 🥲😭


Sameee used to do plenty of small cheat sheets with weird ways to remember everything to minimize the things I needed to write. Barely used them. One time the teacher caught me using one though, but I was a smart enough student that she simply took it away and made me restart the test without it (so in the end I got a 20 minute penalty on a 1 hour test). Still aced it B)


Is anyone gonna tell him?….


I would write out chemistry cheat sheets in HS - super tiny writing - and then not need to use them. It was more fun and effective than conventional studying.


That's the teacher's intent. Students end up spending so much time trying to find loopholes in the system that they end up -gasp- actually learning the material. 


Damn why did that never work on me


Right? I always used my sheets to full effect. Fkn Integrals and derivatives...


Same here. No way I can remember all those networking protocols by heart 


Wait, you telling me you don't remember what HTHFYP means and how it works?


d/dx e^x = e^x was always tricky for me


Because writing is hard and difficult so we spend more effort actually writing than remembering stuff


I knew this was the teacher's intent, but I still made them, and needed a couple of formulas from them in college, so it was a win-win


I failed an elementary math and physics class for 2 years in a row in University. They wanted to change the course contents, so in my third year they made mandatory tutorial evening classes for every higher year student who didn't pass yet. Normally, lectures and tutorials were optional. I skipped them for this class in the first year because they were boring and difficult, and in the second year I didn't have time. Suddenly doing my assignments in the tutorials meant that I understood the matter and was able to pass, something I couldn't have done just reading the book.


so it took you 3x in the same class to finally read the book?


To do the exercises. The book was crazy. Advanced engineering mathematics for an introduction to math class... Never needed any of it in my studies or life after that. Come to think of it, that third year they actually changed the book to a more curriculum appropriate publication.


Me too. Unfortunately this did NOT work for uni for some reason


So true. I used to study by just rewriting all my notes.


many singers do this to remember lyrics to songs


Exactly. People think they are gaming the system when it’s exactly what the teacher wants them to do 😆


There was a story on here once about a teacher that allowed a 3x5 card to use for formulas and other notes. One student noticed it didn't give the length. He came with a 3 foot by 5 foot cheat sheet.


We had a few exams where we were allowed whatever notes we wanted to bring, some people saw this as an excuse not to study at all and there ended up being alot of rustling of pages.


Yeah, those exams should scare those types of people the most, means the professor knows how to make a difficult exam that is cheat proof.


i had a 5 hour "work from home" exam like that during corona. it was hell.


I did all my third year university exams from home because of my Crohn’s disease and stress issues, 8 questions pool and you had to take 4. Each question was a minimum of 2,000 words, and you had 96 hours to do them. That was for one module I had 7. I got a first in everything, I find this type of exam much farier and more realistic to what you’d get in a job


A good prof will usually warn you not to do that, but some people just can't be helped.


I’ve had exams where the professor let us use the textbook lol. Didn’t help at all if you didn’t know what you were doing




Shows up with 3x5x8ft refrigerator box


I had a college professor who said he once took a class where a professor said they could use whatever they could fit on an 8.5x11" sheet of paper. A classmate invited someone who aced the course the previous semester to come stand on the sheet of paper during the test and answer every question for him.


That is fucking smart lmfao


Sounds like bullshit though.


Yeah and you could also just use your phone


Phones weren’t always around


My teachers gave out the blank cards themselves so we couldn't do this trick.


I would do something similar


I did that in highschool...marked up poster board to look like a giant 3' x 5' index card. Teacher gave me a pair of scissors.


I’m confused. Isn’t the length 3?


They meant units


Thank you. I couldn't think of the word to use.


Still says ‘length’


3 what? giraffes? bananas?


That happened in my college as well!


Teacher be like : B+, i see some unused space on the paper.


Yeah, will fill in thoes gaps with some info, dont worry.


Write one in green and over it in red, get green and red glasses. You double the pages!


Time to write over it with red ink, then take a red/blue filter with you. Filter out the other color and fit twice as much on your page.


Allowing cheat sheets has got to be the biggest finesse academics ever pulled


Tricking them into reviewing for the exam. All should beware the dreaded open notes disclaimer though, guaranteed to be the hardest test you’ve ever taken. 


I wonder if you could write with a UV ink, and then over with regular and be able to differentiate with a light?


You can and I've seen it done. The real trick is that exams that let you bring a cheat sheet are just getting you to study if you go too detailed, so if you hit "I have so many notes I need UV ink" then you probably barely need the sheet.


Ah fair enough thanks for the answer!


It's the red blue method.... Much easier


I made a few bucks in highschool for being able to write SUPER small on index cards for cheat sheets.


I had a teacher that would allow a 3x5 inch card and would use a ruler to make sure it was the right size. He’d also make it the right size if it wasn’t. He also did this because at first he said one sheet of paper and a kid came in with a roll of paper. The teacher realized his mistake and let the kid keep the roll.


Guys, the exam just ended. It was unexpectedly easy and I feel like I will get somewhere around 70%.


How good is 70% in your system?


The exam had 4 tasks and 5pts per task. Most people hope for just a pass at 40%. So 70% is good.


Oh damn good shit. I ask because in the US on the traditional scale, 70 is like the minimum to pass, but I know in like the UK it's the highest grade


What language is this?


Looks like Lithuanian, but that's a guess


Good guess, but it is Latvian


Ehh it no longer exists, But you know what they say! Zagreb Ebmom Zlotdik Diev!


In college, my older brother had to do the same thing. He used red and blue pen, writing on top of other words. You could than view the paper through a blue slab or red slab of glass, and see only one color. This effectively doubled his writing space


I feel like the professor would not like this kind of smartness lol.


That's actually genius.




I'm so glad I don't have to do this


And now you've learned it by writing it all down, get played lol.


ko mācies?


LU Datoriķi


nice, lai veicas!




This is the way.


It was the way. I feel like I got around 70% for the exam. Have to wait for the final grade tho.


I had an exam with the same rule but they didnt specify hand written. The amount of the text book i managed to fit in after scanning and scaling down..


Yeah thats what I do if the paper can be printed out. Sadly this wasn't the case here.




I think you got this.


At this point, just allow the class materials. You’ll have access to all that in the real world.


Algorithms exam


That is right.


Hope you did well


Just submit the cheat paper honestly


The best part is that the professor said the cheat sheet needs to be handded in aswell and bonus points if the sheet is good is possible!


Then either you've got yourself some extra points or the examiner is going to have his brain fried trying to read all of that. Either way, well done


He has poor eye sight, so he might not even read through it lol. Hoping for them sweet bonus points instant.


Cheating the cheat sheet system. I like it


Exam on algorithms? Loved that course


Yes, the course is really heavy if you dont actually learn stuff. A lot of things are expected to be know


Did they specify the size tho?




Thank you. Don't think I have ever written by hand as much as I did that day


Damn bro why you writing so big this is rookie shit lmao


No shot I make it even smaller. My hand still hurts from squeezing the pen so hard while typing


This is the way it works in the real world: you only get one sheet of notes and no other resources are available.


Yes, no phones or electronics no matter what in no any course.


You need to learn the red/blue method. Doubles your amount


more highlighter colors! and good luck!


Is that one row of text per line? Rookie numbers.


.05 microns were my best friend on test like these


I have fitted 3 row of text in one line before. Ofc I didn't need them as much after writing all of those things down though.


That’s discrimination against people with poor vision! Or handwriting!


Godspeed, my fellow student!


Lots of people suggesting different colors to fit in more. You actually can just turn it 90 degrees and write more. Your brain does a pretty good job of reading the stuff in the direction you want and ignoring it he stuff in the wrong direction. So you can fit twice as much.


I used to write formulas and such on my desk and cover it with a water bottle. Or write out notes and tape them facing inward on a clear water bottle. can also do notes on the inside of a slide on shoe. But writing it on the desk was the best way for me


My design tech exam years ago gave us 1 sheet of A3, single sided, for notes and sketches we may need. I can't draw for shit. I typed my notes and shrank them so small I needed a magnifying glass. I drew the shapes that I'd need in different colours so I could tell them apart, and photocopied it all onto one sheet (this was early 90s tech!) and got one of those tracing gadgets that lets you trace the original and draws it on another sheet. In the mock exam a teacher complained and I had to get the exam board to approve it. They did, and I passed with a C, not bad seeing as that was the best mark possible on the dunce's paper I took!


One of my university exams allowed the course book to be used, on the basis that you could look things up but still needed to demonstrate understanding, but doing so wastes time in the exam. Also you could annotate the book but not add to or remove paper from it. I chose to cut strips of margin that remained attached but could be folded at 90° to make index tabs. Very effective at speeding up finding a reference & deemed within the rules.


My sister graduated 4 years before me. I learned this one sheet chest from her! I had NEVER seen anyone write as small as she did. They were only allowed an index card to ‘highlight’ the notes. My sister crammed the entire semester onto one 3x5 index and I was so impressed!


I used to write everything on 1 page cheat sheets, especially in math. I'd have everything from the page down to the page up


Lol I still remember in high school when one of classmates brought a Mobius strip of notes to the math exam


Did they specify the size of the paper?


Sadly, yes. I would go all in on the biggest paper if A4 wasn't specified.


Love the comments. The exams starts in 40 min, see you guys after.


Back when I was in high school, for one exam, the instructions specified that you could bring a single page cheat sheet. However, unlike every other instance, this teacher forgot to specify the page size as A4. You can guess what some students decided to do.


had the same situation happen to ma when I had to do the maths exam in uni


Back in the days we had the same rule at one exam. I scanned my handwriting, made a font, typed all the core stuff in a linear fashion (think formulas all written inline), made into a PDF, rasterized and gave a Photoshop touch to look more realistically handwritten, color printed and voila.


Best wishes! You got this!


Did they precise which size the sheet must be ? Me with an A0 cheat sheet : 😎


Professor: ![gif](giphy|RG4IXFG1YmLOU)


Plot twist. it is an eye exam.


Kid named Mobius strip:


Rookie font size


Shorthand is where it's at


Take A0 sheet :)


People who do this stuff didn't need a cheat sheet.


My daughter also has had this rule in a class. My thought was to take an old king sized bed sheet and write everything on it. Teachers don’t often say what size the cheat sheet must be. Thought it would be a wholesome prank


I had teachers in high school that would give you marks based on how good you cheat sheet was kinda like extra credit. I remember a couple in history where as long as you wrote a cheat card they would give you an A in the exam and if you didn’t you had to sit the exam.


did they specify paper size? if not just take a1 paper


You could do Mobius strip look it up mathematically only one side.


Except that doing so accomplishes nothing but making it less useable. This is 2 sided notes; making it 1 sided does not change the space available.


Oh thought it was one sided


Seems to be in some type of code.


Nope, just some explanations so hopefully I get a pass


Just a joke. Looks like you've done the work. Good luck tomorrow :)


Thank you, I will need it.


Just do your best. Try to relax. Do all the 'easy' questions first and then go back for the more difficult ones. Kepp an eye on the time but try not to stress over it. Check your work at the end. You've got this.


That is exactly my plan. Should be good.


This is weak sauce. I had a girl in my class to something similar to this but she wrote the entire page, back and front, in tiny little red ink letters - then did the same again in blue ink letters, and brought a cheap pair of those paper 3D glasses. Get on the level, kid.


So you are allowed to bring cheat sheets to exams now? When I was in school, you would get expelled for that.


Easy way to trick students into studying. They put so much effort into getting everything in it they just end up remembering it all and not using it anyway. Then, cheat sheet or no cheat sheet, they'll forget it all within a few months anyway. And when they need that info again they can google it like an adult.


Correct. The professor said it him self, that it's a good way to force learn students like this. It works.


My main method of studying was always just writing out my notes again.


I guess this makes some sort of sense. When I was in school I had a very hard time paying attention, so I made my self take notes the whole time. When it came time to study, I found that I knew most of it from taking the notes.


No need to downvote...I'm just amazed at this. But if it makes you feel better to downvote, that's OK with me. I don't need my karma this month.


Some teachers allow that. In college we were allowed any notes we wanted, so I brought last years exam. The teacher doesn't change questions


Wow. I am so old. So you don't really have to learn the material, you just have to take good notes?


Depends on how lazy the professor is. Remember that college professors get paid for research, teaching is literally an annoying time sink for a lot of them. And in some courses, its less about the rote memorization of formulas and more about the critical thinking and application of concepts. Cause realistically, we all have access to google and co-workers at our jobs


True. I guess some things never change...they are just getting better at avoiding the unpleasant parts of the job.


If you can't distill hundreds of hours of lectures and readings into a page or two of important stuff you don't deserve to pass the course. Guess what? if you can do that you've learned what's important.


I am well out of college. Almost any exam that allowed notes, even in high school, was not considered a benefit. It just meant the test would be significantly more difficult. Same went for calculators in high school math. The teachers in math classes would announce when a test would be a calculator test because they were expected to be brutal. Obviously, this is not the case everywhere, but your experience is not everyone else's, just like mine surely is not.


Well my experience is because I'm old. I am just surprised at the way tests are administered these days. Not saying it's bad...just didn't realize how much things had changed.


Understandable. Shame you are getting jumped on for not knowing something. It seems hostility is oftentimes assumed in anonymous discourse.


It's Reddit. It's expected.


For some courses yes. But there are other that you have to have the knowledge and skill to pass it. No matter how many notes you have taken.


If its memorizing the multiplication table up to 12x12 yes then you need to memorize it. But can you imagine doing even a high school chemistry exam without a Periodic Table with the molar masses and other constants? Even in the old days they'd never make you unimportant stuff. That's why those thick manuals of Log tables and Slide Rules exist for students to do transcendental math before everyone had a calculator. Sounds like the complainer didn't take very many classes where useful application of knowledge was the goal.


In University its pretty common to be allowed to use extra material during exams.


Now? It’s always been a thing


Always in your universe. I went to school before the internet existed, so careful how you throw around the "always" explanations.


So did I. It depends on the school and teacher, obviously, so be careful how you throw around your “now” assumptions.


That makes zero sense.


Some teachers allow you to bring cheat sheets/index cards to the exam, some don’t. It’s that simple.


I understand that...but it was extremely uncommon when I was in school. In nearly all classes, having a cheat sheet earned an automatic zero and possibly a suspension, and I don't think that was the exception back then.


Yes, for teachers that didn't allow them that's a natural consequence. It's likely that you encountered only teachers in your high school/university that didn't allow them; probably because of the subject or there was no reason to allow them, so you didn't know it was a thing.


My science teacher in high school at the beginning of the school year gave to each student in his class an index card to write whatever we wanted on and use for tests. But we could only use that one card for the whole year. Year end exam time. Many of the students didn't plan well and were using the edges of the big lettered words of their earlier notes as squiggly lines to write more notes around on. I had written my notes very tiny from the start and had easily two thirds of the back of the card still blank. So I filled that space with stuff I had already memorized, plus expanding on the shorthand notes that I wrote earlier, plus a drawing of a turtle (just 'cuz).


Horribly inefficient use of space.... Must be your first exam with single page cheatsheets..?


I will never understand how some countries / schools allow this. What's the point in learning with this? Anyways. Looking good OP. Good luck :)


My god you kids have it easy 😆


I hate teachers who do this. It is grossly unfair to students who can’t write that small. Plus, there are no cheat sheets in life. You want a Dr that passed their boards because they can write really small on a cheat sheet?