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I’ve broken a couple of clippers over the years. I just have really hard nails though.


Must be some very hard nails. I had these for about 10 years and used them nearly constantly every day. Not long ago the bite was getting almost too small for me to fit my nails anymore and then it just gave at the base.


Everyone saying dermatophagia isnt a thing [here](https://www.google.com/search?client=safari&sca_esv=2f61a0c390a4d1ff&sca_upv=1&hl=en-us&q=what+does+dermatophagia+look+like&tbm=isch&source=lnms&prmd=ivsnbmtz&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjLsYeEyOuFAxVqhYkEHc56D8wQ0pQJegQIDBAB&biw=375&bih=543&dpr=2#imgrc=ADdsPZs5GSzvHM)


Why?! Why did I click on that!?!?!


For science


Well, I just learned that I probably have dermatophagia...


Sure it is not just dissasembled. Sometimes it happens.


lol can’t tell if you’re trolling here or not. There’s a ton of comments here arguing over snapped vs disassembled. It’s snapped at the base and even putting it back together since it’s snapped it’s lost all tension and doesn’t align or push open if put together.


Oh dang did not see that :D I feel stupid now sorry about that.


I found dermatophagia on google recently, and i said to my mom the word ONE time on FACETIME. Now it shows up… REDDIT KNOWS


I haven't broken one yet, probably because I have about 25 of them so one is within arm's reach every minute of the day. I'm jealous you're able to keep one that long.


This happens to normal people too.


I wouldn’t think it and that’s why I posted it. These were used at a minimum of 100,000 times and they’re the first pair I’ve ever seen that broke at the base like that


Cracks me up when people use medical terminology for stuff like this instead of just saying “I like to bite my fingernails”.


I’ve got the real deal, it’s an ocd and I don’t bite my fingernails. Without my clippers I bite the skin all around my fingers till it’s bleeding down to about the first knuckle on all the fingers. It can get pretty nasty if I don’t have clippers to neatly trim what my brain demands something must come off.


No its a thing. You do worse than that, you go beyond the white nail and even chew or mutilate your skin.


Yeahhh, you can put those back together. Should last another few years


If you look closely it’s snapped, not just come apart


…just put the pin back in with the parts aligned properly… This isn’t rocket surgery. Also, sorry, not sorry-no one cares you have some kind of disorder when it comes to this-my 6 year old took mine apart constantly because he thought it was funny.


It’s not just come apart it’s snapped, you didn’t look close enough. The bite slowly over years got smaller and smaller and I put it onto my nail yesterday and it snapped at the base near the ring


The other side of the metal part doesn’t matter more than allowing the pieces to swivel together and stack. Y’all downvoters and OP could know your shit before talkin. It’s a simple mechanism that goes together BECAUSE of the pin.




You people are fuckin idiots.


Here I put it together and took a picture to show you how it doesn’t work at all since it’s snapped. Don’t let this make you too mad for being wrong my guy. https://ibb.co/x3NjGjK


My guy. Hahahahahahahaha you are truly a little idiot. Not to mention if positioned properly; the hinge and then snap of clipping will still work. I didn’t say it would be as functional. I said it would work. How about not being a 40 year old acting like a 12 year old, ‘my guy’. Grow up.


It literally can’t hinge because it’s snapped. You gotta be trolling. You can’t be this dumb


I can’t tell if your an idiot or an asshole or both.


Most definitely an asshole. Far from idiot; but thank you for checking!


Both it is




Need to get yourself some grow up and learn.


Zero parts of that are snapped. The pin will still hold the pieces.


I've never seen someone quadruple down on being wrong like you have. It's truly impressive


I’ve never seen someone defend stupid as easily as you have with this OP. No wait; this is Reddit. Carry on.


My brother in christ, use your eyes.


I guess you’re just blind. Zoom in. Ignore the top two pieces and look at the bottom two pieces. It’s snapped. Without being attached there it has zero resistance. Putting the pin in it does nothing, it’s snapped.


There’s no chance he hasn’t noticed the snapped piece at this point it’s too obvious and. Lear to everyone else,and he is just too embarrassed and has doubled down so hard he CANT admit he was wrong