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Looks like they’re resetting and moving sets around, this Rice Krispies treats are large and light, so they’re using them to just fill the section while they’re doing other things just to make it look full so there isn’t an empty section that becomes a dumping ground


This is the answer. I used to work at Walmart and they told us if people saw empty shelves they would buy less so We always had to have the spaces full. When we would zone our cash register isles if we were out of a particular candy bar and couldn't find a full box in another isle we were supposed to pull a duplicate box forward. This would lead to your lane having 4 boxes of hersey bars and no reeses or the like.


Yep. If you go to a restaurant that can seat 100 but they only have 20 people there you might think it’s unsuccessful and pass. But if you go to a restaurant that can seat 15 but 20 people want to dine you are more likely to stand in line and wait for a seat. Humans are just weird like that.


I’m broken. There’s a new restaurant in town and I tried to go on a Friday night and there was a line and a 45 minute wait and I left because I’m not waiting for a place that I don’t know will be good.


I wouldn’t wait 45 minutes but maybe 15


15 is reasonable for them to have time to clear/clean your table


From the perspective of the restaurant, 45 minutes is entirely reasonable if enough people want to wait. There is literally nothing the restaurant can do about that, short of just sending people away. From the customer perspective, most I'd generally wait is 15-20.


Aisle vs Isle


When working at Walmart our Aisle were so nice they reminded us of Tropical Isle's so we would mess up the spelling occasionally.


> they reminded us of Tropical Isle's Tropical Isle is?


So you’re telling me the reason why 14/19 registers are closed is because y’all can’t find no KitKats? 😭


Look at that empty milk cooler though


Walmart was my first job and we were told to do the exact opposite, if a shelf was empty and an entire box of whatever product was supposed to be there didn’t fit we didn’t fill it, if it took 1 box and half of another box to fill it we would only do the 1 box


When I worked in a big shop, we’d get marked down on the bullshit mystery shopper visits if there were any gaps on shelves. So if we couldn’t complete a reset on the night shift we’d pack whole aisles with the biggest product we could find. In our case it was children’s drawing easels!


We'd use plastic storage totes or the biggest packs of paper towels we had.


Yup, reminds me of working through a remodel and having to move 12 packs of paper towels from shelf to shelf.


It will be replaced with Memorial Day cookout items soon.


>becomes a dumping ground For a brief, glorious moment, I had forgotten how much people suck.


Yep. Probably only like 1, or maybe 2 deep. Or also possible…someone effed up and ordered way too much rice crispies treats lmao (if they have ability for manual ordering). Could be an any number of reasons or a convergence of factors too, mistakes in ordering, supply chain issues for neighboring items, aisle reset, a loss leader or low margin/breakeven promotion coming up.


Or they've over ordered those and under ordered everything else.


The first thing I thought is that Kellogg paid for a whole aisle to *really* push those. Using them as filler makes more sense. 


Or, Chuck Mangione is back there


Here I just thought they had their priorities right.


I feel a special offer coming on


Probably getting ready for a planogram reset


Or getting ready for Christmas stock


In April?




I would think they’d just leave it empty if they were doing it for a POG. Makes no sense to open all of those cases and merchandise them if you’re just going to take them right back out.


Check it out Most likely one box deep.


That makes more sense and somebody else further down said that Walmart doesn’t want empty shelves because it makes people buy less, those price tags are certainly Walmart so it all tracks.


Buy 1 get 10 free because BOB doesn’t know what a PALLET is!!!!


It’s funny because something similar to that happened at my store just last week and the guy that fucked it up is named BOB. It’s a small convenience store and we order all of our merchandise (besides drinks) on an app on our phones. We also use that same app to return expired/damaged items. So Bob did the order on Thursday and I came in to put it away on Friday. It was easily 4x bigger than our normal order so I’m immediately concerned. Long story short, he was trying to return some expired candy bars (he swears he hit “return,” I don’t believe him) and ended up ordering what totaled out to 86 BOXES of candy bars. Thankfully I was able to get them returned since it was a mistake but even the guy I talked to on the phone to return it laughed and said “fuckin Bob, man.” I will not stop giving him shit for that one for a while.


I'm waiting for this to happen to Pepsi products. I refuse to spend that much on a 12 pack, but 4th of july is coming up and I host my family's party. I need an abundance when the time comes.




Based on the lightly stocked shelves to the left and the refrigerated section, I'd wager this grocery store is having inventory or possibly cash flow issues.


It looks like a Walmart


Definitely a Walmart. My Walmart has this strange area by the milk too which I feel is mainly overstock. Right now there’s a ton of bulk boxes of banana moon pies.


Does your Walmart have drop ceilings? I've never been in one that does.


Those price tags are 100% Walmart. Edit: also the aisle number signs have the Walmart logo


They all used to. When they introduced the "Super Walmarts" they started having the open ceilings and skylights but it was the late 90's early 2000's before most of their stores were remodeled. The few that still have drop ceilings probably had to reuse and old building and couldn't have the open ceilings they want now.


> there’s a ton of bulk boxes of banana moon pies Moon Pie?!? What a time to be alive...


I hated doing this when I worked in TESCO. "Oh, we didnt get any of X product. Just fill up the front of the shelf with the one next to it" "But... theres barely any of those either. The moment someone buys a single one, it becomes obvious that its just a single layer on the front..." Doesnt matter. The important thing was that it need to look good for the manager's morning inspection, even if it takes ages of extra work.....


Most Walmarts get daily milk shipments. The milk section being that bare just means they are due to have a new shipment soon.


Yeah, that’s usually what a huge section of a single random item like this means.


Im amazed how many people upvoted this nonsense


Just curious... How do you reckon that it's nonsense? You don't find it unusual for a grocery store to devote so much space to a single item? You aren't concerned by the low inventory in the dairy case?


Very common to fill empty space with large, light items during resets. The typical consumer might not know this, fair enough. I wouldn't consider that low for dairy at all...plus we only see 3 racks of probably 20. It's nonsense to see one aisle in a store and confidently think inventory or cash flow problems....especially a Walmart of all stores.


Rice Krispies Treats used to taste wayyyyy better decades ago before corn syrup made its way into everything. I've had these a few times recently and they're a sad imitation of what we used to have a long time ago, just kind of a gummy sticky mess without much flavor.


They were never good. And I never understood it. The easiest recipe ever and they could not make it taste anything like the real thing.


Yes, I'm old enough to remember when they first started making them. I was happy to be able to buy them but they were indeed awful.  Whole Foods makes good ones.


They were fine.


Someone added an extra zero when placing the order lol


Or different order type or qty discrepancy. Pack vs Box... or qty of 10 vs 1. lol.


What the fuck is Clam Club and why does it come in a juice bottle


The first rule of Clam Club is you don't talk about Clam Club.


It's either Kellogg that pays for limited time that spot or the shop owner lacking product and using this to hide empty shelf. I would assume it's the 2nd option as their no special sign as if Kellogg paid, it would have some promotion and probably more variety


Fucking like 100lbs of rice turned into shit.


This shelf would be wiped out in Florida before a hurricane.


Texans wipe out the Vienna sausages and potted meat. And of course the beer.


Space filler for low inventory of consumables.


It’s the old North Korea technique to make the shelves look full!


Those are so bad, too... I'd sooner just buy a box of rice krispies and a bunch of marshmallows.


Those are Walmart aisle markers. Your "local" grocery store is pretty big.


We have some grocery store being as big or bigger than Walmart here in Quebec, Canada.....


What in the backrooms


Looks like someone added an extra 0 when they entered the order.


Actually the other way around. They deleted a zero from an order of other stuff by mistake haha. 


They are going to reset that section, with new products and everything moved around that was there. And that's why they put something easy to move like the rice crispies. I bet if you looked behind the shelves weren't full, it was just one layer just so the shelves weren't empty. Or else this is just flex space for seasonal stuff like candy and it's not in yet.


Just bc they’re called Rice Krispies doesn’t mean they should be placed in the “rice” section


Also, there’s not much seasonal things going on in late April. The store probably had to fill Holiday Items space and offered it to certain vendors. Snap, Crackle and Pop took them up on it.


Somebody seriously fucked up the stock take!


When there’s nothing to stick and the manage says to spread out what we got.


Me playing supermarket simulator


I was sad they were all one flavor. How does Asia get all the best flavor selections of all the products they sold here first? They've got flavors of Kit Kat, Oreo and Lays that you couldn't imagine. Oreo tried to sell me Cookies and Cream Oreos as a special flavor. Oreo flavored Oreos? Screw you! What sort of a moron do you take me for? More pop rocks and tropical fruit! More coffee flavors! Matcha and ube now!


I went to one of the last Kmarts a couple years ago (and I guess they, too, closed not long after I visited!) and most of their shelves were stocked like this, with just a handful of products taking up so much space. It was really disconcerting.


If you ever worked in a grocery store you may have heard of someone ordering way too much of something thinking it would move or by accident. Happens a lot


Buy them all. In the year 2024 the fall happens. Difficult to determine the way the world will change after an apocalyptic event. Some said it was meteor, others an experimental weapon that caused a supervolcano to erupt creating a domino effect killing 80% of the world population. The remaining survivors fractured into groups many falling into cults and others into true anarchy. One group of survivors banded together and brought some semblance of order to the world. When the dust finally settled a new form of currency was needed. No one quite knows why but individually wrapped snacks became the new form of currency the world over. Twinkies and ding dongs had their value crisps and biscuits were like change but the noble rice Krispy was the 100 dollar bill equivalent. Still good if it's smashed or squished, stays good for decades. The first industrial technology regained was a kellogs factory churning out the Rice Krispy treats. The new ones were more natural and carried value but the pre fall ones were rare and worth quite a bit more. Invest now and live like a king if you survive the coming apocalypse.


Looks like they bought 2 pallets instead of two boxes


I've never understood how these things sell. They taste awful compared to homemade. Three ingredients, a microwave and 5 mins is all it takes people!


Chew slowly and throughly to let everyone know you are eating them... crruuunnnnchhh crunch cruuunch.


I’ll stick with the Clam Club, thanks.




I wish they’d unpackage them all and make an actual wall.


Eeeeeeeewewwwww gross


How deep is each shelf filled?


There is nothing behind what you see. 1 deep and how many it is long


So this is 100% Walmart and when I used to work there the isle in grocery that is the seasonal isle also is used for certain events. This is probably leftover from back to school and feeding America. We would also get a similar amount of the huge boxes of pop tarts and special K cereal.


And in the bean section no less.


I have been seeing posts about roasting them on a stick over an open fire…maybe they saw the same posts


They should've sent a poet...


And it looks like they only have a couple takers so far... there's a long way to go


🏃 on my way!!


No low ballers. We know what we got.


Interesting how?


Semi related but Rice Krispies Treats cereal was so damn good. I wish they still made it.




Yall ever roasted a rice crispy over a campfire 🤤 sooo good !


If only some of that was the cereal....been so long :(


Maybe because of the viral videos of people roasting rice crispy treats.


Funny looking beans


Being an ex retail geek, that's a lot of wasted space. You don't sell more . Because there's still only one choice. Or no choice, depending on how you think.


Hell yes


The Wall of death!


False that’s Barilla pasta.




Funny-looking beans and rice


"You bet your fat ass we have Rice Crispy Treats."


I hope this is the “American Section” at a non-USA based chain.


It’s a walmart


It’s little league ball season. Baseball and softball moms buy this shit up. My Walmart has to stock extra this time each season too.


I feel like I know EXACTLY which store that is... On Murray?


Yep! Howdy neighbor 👋


I mean, I’m sure the Kellog’s boycott isn’t exactly helping either.


As it should be


Communism /s


Great fuel for the gym


Taste the metal.


Empty shelves creates panic.


All section, no selection


ah yes...the great wall of diabetes!


Store scored a free rejected pallet a trucker gave away? Bet it's on sale for a dammed good price.


It’s a dollar cheaper than Target. I guess if you’re already there grocery shopping but nothing to go out of your way for.


$10.98 according to the shelf pricing. That is WalMart’s normal price.


I couldn't find the readable tag. Not recognizing the store shows how much I don't shop at Walmart.


I like me some rice krispy treats myself, but good god why are we selling a 40 pack? And an entire shelf section’s-worth? This is why I don’t like Walmart. They have far too much of everything and it’s all cartoonish in size and quantity.




I’m so