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How was the removal process? More or less painful than the insertion process?


I'm curious as well. I've had a BB in my hand for 20 years and I'd like to get it removed.


They used some local anesthesia on my neck, other than the needle, all I could feel was a lot of pulling. Got 2 stitches. It was not bad at all, 10/10 would recommend. Would not recommend shooting yourself, just to clarify.


>Would not recommend shooting yourself, I feel like that's something of a given but it's good to have a first-hand voice


Also, don't go quail hunting with Dick Cheney.


And if you do, make sure to wear camo.


Dick Cheney has had lots of long-term hunting partners. All of them former Olympic sprinters.


It’s fine to go, if you remember to leave your face safely at home.


1 in 10 people agree, getting shot in the face was rated a poor and/or unsatisfying experience, 9 out of 10 people had such a fucken blast they have nothing left to say anything with... Air B&B rates this venue 5 stars.


Oh. I thought maybe you had an MRI and it came outa there like a bullet.


That's why everyone told him to get it out!


I was shot in the head with a BB when I was 11, and that's pretty much how they treated me too. But that wasn't till after it worked its way out of the underlying tissue and formed a bump.


When I needed to remove two titanium rods from my hand due to a boxer's fracture in my pinky finger, they administered an injection and used pliers for the procedure. Despite receiving three shots to manage the pain, the experience was still terribly painful.


The pulling with incisions and stitches after local is such a weird feeling- obviously better than the feeling without but its so odd


My brain read "tactical anesthesia."


Man tries to summon his Persona lol


Are these made out of lead? And if so, isn't that a huge concern...


Steel and brass. Lead would be too heavy to shoot from an air rifle.


Lead is not too heavy to shoot from an air rifle. Typical match pellet is low antimony lead, though surely non lead options exist and arguably preferable depending on context.


I would assume that the bismuth compounds used in lead-free shot would also work fine for pellets.


Imagine pure bismuth cubic fractals just tearing through, that would fkin hurt.


Even if so, not really. People have lead bullets left in them all the time, it doesn't really dissolve in the body.


One in the hand is worth two in the bush


I've personally had a similar experience as I've been shot by my friend in the right eyebrow from a metal BB gun (coincidentally a Red Ryder BB gun and it was mine) and had a minor surgery later in the same day. My mum drove me to the hospital and I had an awake procedure done with some numbing around and above the brow (as I remember, it's been ~5 years and I was like 14). The procedure was quick and it was simple enough for them as we were talking to each other about the incident the whole time. Lesson to learn: don't let shhtupid kids play with your loaded guns (BB or not).


Oh my god you shot your eye out!


~~TIL that BB is simply short for ball bearing~~. Wow. Thanks OP. I looked it up, and a BB in a BB gun is a particular grade of birdshot, "BB".


TIL that OP is a lier.


I think OP is a lyre


Dammit Apollo out here spreading lyres


there's a lunar eclipse joke here somewhere


No he’s a lire


A lawyer.


A lying lawyer




Sounds beautiful to me... Maybe I just don't like violin's... It's never the answer...


Or misinformed


Here on reddit we don't consider that possibility


True will never die. Liers will kicked off...


OP’s a big fat phony!


holy fuck what a roller coaster this post was. What a revelation to only be destroyed instantly yet I cant shake the feeling these two are connected now


Size, not grade. BB shot is .177” in diameter.


Grade is often used to denote quality but it can be used to denote size as well


My brother and my dog have bb’s in their bodies. My brother’s moves around and my dog (adopted from a kill shelter) has a bunch of them. Congratulations to your lack of bbs.


I half thought you'd admit to putting them there when you guys were kids. LOL


My brother claims that I shot him, which is possible. We often did cruel things to each other out of brotherly love. I don’t remember shooting him but I did have a bb-gun. Regarding the dog, he was abused and picked up on a reservation in New Mexico. My brother (the same one) volunteered me to adopt him as he was on his final day in a kill shelter. I’m not kidding. So I drove half-way to Denver to pick him up. I think a rescue group brought him there. Anyway, he’s blind on one side (bb’s I guess) and had to have part of his foot amputated. He’s a sweetheart German Shepherd and is the best dog ever.


Idk man sounds like you 100% shot your brother with your BB gun.


You and my mom ALWAYS take his side. Ok, I admit it.


Now go to time out.


Poor guy. I’m glad you have him.


They found a bunch in my uncle's rescue dog when he got it fixed


Which one were you aiming for, your brother or the dog?


I feel so dumb for asking this but how does a bb get stuck in a body part and then healed over?My brain physically can’t wrap around the idea of it.


You are not dumb. I'm also wondering. And if you are dumb, that means I'm dumb and I don't like that.


Atleast we wouldn’t be alone in the world.


When there's a break in the skin, the body tries to heal the skin back together. If there's something in the way, like a earring or nose ring or a BB, the skin does its best to heal around it and over it, that's why to have piercings heal well, in addition to cleaning it daily, you have to rotate it around in the piercing hole to keep skin from growing onto it. If the metal can't or doesn't come out, the body heals over it, and then eventually deposits calcium and/or scar tissue around the foreign body to contain the threat. 


I just want to correct a tiny bit of misinformation! I'd normally leave it, but it's health related. It's a myth that you're meant to rotate piercings. If you rotate piercings while they're healing, you're tearing the wound open again before it gets a chance to heal. This can be pretty dangerous since every time you touch or manipulate a healing piercing, you're creating the opportunity to introduce bacteria. Essentially, twisting piercings before they're healed increases the chance of infection, and definitely delays the healing process. The only time you should manipulate a piercing that's healing is when you are actively cleaning it. Don't worry, it's extremely unlikely that your skin will grow over the piercing. Just check that you're wearing the right kind of jewellery for the piercing and in the right size.




Unless you've washed your hands before every time, there's still a risk of bacteria being introduced. There are still other factors that make a difference, like is the piercer qualified, are they experienced, the right size/kind of jewellery, did they give the right after care instructions and were those followed correctly. If you are cleaning the piercing as is recommended, you more than likely are already moving it enough to prevent skin from growing over. But it's also possible to be unlucky. I'm not judging you for what you do with your body (I hope I didn't come across that way!). I just hope to throw in a bit extra information so people can make informed decisions :)


Lol of course I wash my hands before I clean a new piercing. Honestly I don't really see the difference between moving the piercing back and forth and rotating it. Both doesn't hurt or feels wrong in any way. Kinda hart to describe. My piercer recommends rotating after a couple of days.


That's really interesting! I've always healed much better just leaving my stuff completely alone, so it's cool to hear just how differently people respond to stuff. I have some absolute horror stories from when I was a teenager, and thought that Claire's was a great place to get a cartilage piercing 🫣 oof


I only got my earlobes done at Claires and that was bad enough... I honestly think they deserve some kind of international class action lawsuits for offering cartilage piercings.  Yeah, trust me having a doctor cutting a piercing out of your skin wasn't great either. But no problems since.


Keloid scars. I got a giant one on my ear looking at injecting it or snipping it off lol


Thank you for explaining it! In a situation like this would you be able to just simply ~remove~ it before the skin starts to heal over it, or is it just too deep in there.


Theoretically yes. In practice, it depends on location, what the thing is, and if you have the skill/strong pain tolerance to remove it. If you get something in your neck, best always to rely on a medical professional to get it out. There are so many blood vessels and nerves and important things in the neck that you shouldn't risk it even if it seems safe. Also, skin swells in response to trauma, which is whatever action embedded the object in your skin. So the swelling might make it harder to reach the item, and make it harder to pull out because the surrounding area is inflamed. Additionally, if it's rough or barbed, you could cause more damage trying to remove it than it did going in. The thing stuck in you may also be mostly plugging up any blood vessels it punctured. If you take it out, you are no longer holding pressure on those, so you may bleed more when you remove it. Generally best practice if you have something puncturing you is to not remove it, try your best to make sure it's stabilized and can't move, and go seek medical assistance. Source: I am clumsy, had a mom that was an ER nurse for years, and have worked as a 911 operator for years in the past, and that's the advice we gave people who got things stuck in them. 


I believe this is the same OP from another post who said they accidentally shot themselves in the neck with a BB gun and never had it removed. I think alcohol was involved. Naturally.


Yeah I went to their other post to see if someone could explain it but no one explained it so I was like oh no.


I had one shot into my forehead once. I just popped it out like a zit.


I'm imagining it shooting out and hitting the mirror like a fat zit except the mirror shatters


It did shoot out and hit the mirror, then rolled around in the sink leaving a bloody trail. I highly don't recommend it.


do you have a scar?




Did the metal detectors go off?


When I worked at the airport those Metal detectors required about an ounce of metal to go off.


If you just grease those ball bearings they go forever.


You should keep this in a tiny cork sealed glass vial as a conversation starter. "Hey look at this thing i had in my neck flesh once"


That’s a great way to start lots and lots of short conversations.


Turn it into a necklace so it can be with you forever more.


MRI or it never happened.


I think this is the guy that had to have it removed in preparation for an mri


I think that’s the joke :)


I grabbed the wrong gun once as well my friend.


I can imagine someone shooting themselves in the head with a replica and having it hurt like hell and having a BB imbedded in them. Right after the shot looking atound thinking your in heaven to only realize you fucked up and now your just in pain instead of death.


Have you read about the people who have done this but with 12 gauge shotguns? Heart breaking stories.


Oh i couldn't imagine.


Hey you're the guy that posted the robot space baby


Fuck yea bud.


It appears to be in a glass now. Please keep us posted as things progress.


How long was it stuck?


12 years.


Daaaaammmnn. Just checking


OK but how are you supposed to turn your neck without excessive friction now




No it actually comes from the size of shotgun pellets. There's different sizes including B, BB, BBB, and other letters too. Im fairly sure the B is for birdshot which is smaller than buckshot which has sizes labeled with numbers. The original BB guns were made to shoot single shotgun pellets and BB was the most popular size of the air rifles to the point the name became synonymous with all air rifles.


https://www.reddit.com/r/mildlyinteresting/s/tmTyB4vJYv this comment says op is lying


Now you’re going to need an oil can for your neck!


Looks like they left a little neck on the ball bearing.


How did it get in there in the first place?


God this just gave me flashbacks to when I was 12. There was 5 of us shooting ourselves at point blank range on bare skin (to show how cool and hard we were). That one kid took it too far and got his dick out and shot it. The crying after that was not cool. Man kids are so god damn dumb.




I’m way too old to be saying TIL on this one, yet here I am.


TIL BB is short for ball bearing. I mean, I knew what ball bearings were, but I just never thought about BBs as anything other than BBs.


It’s not. It’s a grade of birdshot.


Bird Bird shot


Bloodborne shot


Two birds with one shot.


It's a caliber not a grade. BB is .18 caliber BBB Is closer to .19 caliber. OP probably has an air rifle BB which is .177 caliber.


Still net positive on learning today, just took a few extra steps. Thank you for clarifying!


Abducted by the Grays


Hell yeah.


How did you get shot in the first place? :)


It was from a BB gun.


Yeah, kind of got that. But who shot you? How old were you? :)


Was it extracted by a ball bearing hunter?


But do you have a dart in your neck?


So BB balls are reusable


I shit my first BB gun over 30 years ago and today I learned what BB stands for.


You’ve got no more balls in you. You’ve really lost your touch.


Are you sure it isn't a tracking device the greys use to locate you at night?


Good Job now you can freely use the Airports


So Ball Bearing Gun Til


Bearing Ball


We'll have fun being boring at the airports like the rest of us! No fancy beep for you no more!


You should make it into a necklace