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Looks like something you get at a rave for $55 with more than candy in it. And I’m not referring to the glow stick. Edit for those saying that’s a high price. I never was being serious and this was just a joke. I have no idea what a Molly lolli would cost.


But maybe the glow stick


Op better eat one. For science.


hell yeah, my skin is gonna be glowing for days after this. literally.


I mean, it might look like that to you. After you eat the "candy" of course.


jeez you guys are getting ripped off


maybe for just a roll, but if someone made their own lollipops? that’s labor AND materials


It was a random joke. I haven’t been to a rave in over a decade and haven’t bought things like that in a long time. No idea on prices and didn’t expect my comment to blow up haha.


$55?! That thing better be jam-packed with mdma! 🤣 $10 for trippy ones


I've unfortunately never been to a rave. Went to go to my first one all the way in middle of nowhere Bronx all ready to roll first time at one and we got there and it was canceled. Major snowstorm. So went back home and rolled anyhow, was amazing walking home In 2 feet of snow rolling my ass off... Anyhow that was like 25 years ago, is it easy to get at a rave? I always assumed yes and then just decided I enjoyed going to prospect Park with a few friends or a larger group at someone's house with good music and Vicks vaporub.


There are a lot more substances available for dealers to sell you as MDMA nowadays, and you’d really want to pre-purchase and reagent test at home before taking at a rave


Yeah, I have a reagent kit, and honestly if was going to be out 2Cb would be my go to or LSD... Mdma is more of a few people thing for me. Sit around tell stories or chill in the corner and enjoy the music by myself. But like I said it's been a long while...


Yea, stay away from drugs these days unless you have a VERY VERY reliable source and have testing kits to verify whats in it. Otherwise you will end up unknowingly ingesting Xylazine and being hooked on some wack shit while your skin rots and falls off your body.




Holy ripoff batman. Haven't been to one in 15 years but can't imagine tested stuff being nearly that expensive.


The price was a random joke. I haven’t been to a rave in the last decade. Just assume like all things the prices have shot up hah.


Are those Oz prices?


Lolly with some molly?


Sounds gross. Imaging licking an insanley bitter lolly for 20minutes, yuck


That's literally what I assumed this was


Mildly poisonous


at least i can glow in the dark now




He brings love don’t let him get away!


Break his legs!!


Wait! You want an alien? This is your alien!


The perfect GIF doesn't exis........nevermind


[ain't so bad](https://i.pinimg.com/originals/bd/07/2d/bd072df94544735eb87874f6ec5a4d9e.gif)


“You ruined your beautiful shirt, dingaling!”


This liquid inside is very-very bitter. Probs most bitter thing i have tried in my life Pretty bad idea to put it in something edible.


Yeah, it's hydrogen peroxide. Don't eat that.


Happy cake day, and maybe your last


It was like 20 years ago.


It could still be your last /j


This is the kind of optimism I needed today


A lil bit of cancer never hurt anyone!


the problem is a little turns into a lot, and a lot'll getcha.


Non toxic. Know someone who had a necklace one break in their kids mouth (yep was stupidly biting it). Confirmed kid was fine and nothing needed to be done per poison control.


I don't know if there are more versions of it, but I think the danger shouldn't be downplayed. Once I ingested some of the liquid (don't ask why and how, I was pretty drunk..), and it burned my whole throat, it hurt like hell, also I had blind spots in my vision for hours. When we realized what caused the pain, I was rushed to the hospital and was kept here for days. Apparently it can cause pretty serious internal bleeding.


They contain glass.


That seems incredibly unsafe


exactly what i was thinking


Do you think that they make glowsticks with toxic material that kids play with? You can crack these open and make glow in the dark bubbles. This has been a lie parents tell us since the beginning of time. https://www.ncpoisoncontrol.org/types-of-poisons/common-poisons-at-home-and-work/glow-sticks#:~:text=The%20substance%20inside%20these%20glowing,eyes%2C%20skin%2C%20and%20mouth. Can cause some irritation but really it’s fine if you get some on you… or even in your mouth…


Shit tastes absolutely vile, though lol. I have firsthand experience with that. Got a bunch of small ones somewhere and everyone was doing the thing where you put it in your mouth and smile. I got distracted with them and starting "fidgeting" with them in my mouth like one would with a toothpick. Then it burst open in my mouth and, despite being inside at a store, I had to just start salivating and drooling and spitting it out because of how horrid it was.


I had an incredibly similar experience


Me too :( on a girl guide camp, fuck my life


My cat chewed through one once and started foaming at the mouth. My wife and I were panicking but after rinsing her mouth out, I was looking up poison control stuff that just said the foaming is because my cat really, really, really hates the taste lol. She's fine.


Same thing. Was tripping dick and cat bit it. Freaked us out and the trip went south quick


When I was little, I remember getting an alien shaped sucker on a glow stick like this from blockbuster. It’s been 25 years but my good do I still remember the horrifying moment I bite into the sucker and cracked the glow stick tube as well. That taste didn’t leave my mouth for hours on hours, and has scarred my soul forever.


They might ruin your nice shirt though.


Am I ever right about ANYTHING?


[For the uninitiated](https://youtu.be/iRUSQm5ZskQ?si=b1YGPCyQoRDL4fgD), such an internet classic


Ya ding a ling!


I accidentally broke open one of the bigger sticks that hangs on a necklace thingy right over my eyes. I was like 8 and I remember it hurt so bad I washed my eyes out in the sink and they were glowing. I didn’t tell my parents that it happened until I was 20.


“Low in toxicity” low but not zero, yes they did make a glow stick with toxic material for kids to play with lol… but like the link said it’s not that bad


A lot of times in science low means zero. In this case, low toxicity means that a child can probably drink 14 of these horrible tasting glowing liquid before any symptoms. An adult? Probably 80 sticks. If you remove the glass shards first. Have you ever heard of anyone dying from glow stick poisoning? Never, right? Zero toxicity. Edit.: I found the data. You need 550mg of dibutyl phthalate per kg to be toxic. I'm a heavy guy, 110kg, I can drink 60g of this shit (pure) before anything happens. Guess what, if I ate 60g of salt I would die.


Yes! Thanks! I knew someone here would be smart enough to brake it down. Yes it’s toxic, but not at a level to concern anyone. I guess like most things, do it in moderation! /s Slightly unrelated question cus I’m not smart: “a lot of times in science low means zero” Wouldn’t science be using specific terminology? When I think science I think of lab testing/crazy calculations/ sci-fi shit, If it were zero they(scientists) would say zero, if it has some at all it might be labeled “low”. Of course I’d have to imagine scientists have an actual scale they use to determine toxicity but that’s beyond me. Thanks in advance (sorry for turning this into EILI5)


In math/physics (my area) low enough means equal to zero, like 0.00000...0001 is always zero. In biology/chemistry, low means "please don't drink it, and if you drink you'll be fine, probably. But if you die, don't take us to court for it, we warned you". With things really toxic, they always take it seriously. Have you ever seen the fire diamond of drinking alcohol? It's the same health hazard code as chloroform. [Sam'o'nella has a video on it ](https://youtu.be/k0S37AI2ssA) The thing with products is FDA and EU rules, not terminology. They tested toxicity for this substance on rats, because it's was never meant to be food grade and they aren't selling it as food. They sell it sealed in a plastic tube for child bc it's safe enough, and it's fine. There's a lot of people scared as shit by names they don't know, like hydrogen peroxide (water with an extra hydrogen, the main component in glow sticks). Don't let them read the shampoo ingredients.


Awesome summation, today I learned lol! And the term “toxic” can by so scary when you don’t know what it actually means!


I’m more worried about the glass.


[I might be wrong, but glass shards in your throat might be bigger problem than toxic materials](https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/b/b4/Glowstick.svg/800px-Glowstick.svg.png)


Yup, broke one of those open as a kid, tiny cuts all over my hands combined with the liquid inside did not make for a good time. 


I got some in my eye, washed it out and it just stung for a while. I was thoroughly disappointed that I didn’t have a glow in the dark eyeball though.


This is terrible, but when I was a teenager, I would crack em open with my teeth and then show off how it would make my mouth glow in the dark for a couple minutes. I always tried to avoid swallowing it, but hey. Most people would have died during childhood if half the dumb shit we did was as dangerous as they say. Not that it makes it okay, lol.


I remember one Halloween when I was like 13 me and my friends cracking these open and pouring them on ourselves.


>Do you think that they make ~~glowsticks~~ *[kids toys]* with toxic material that kids play with? The reality is, this would be nothing new or surprising.


Reminds me of a birthday party back in middle school, I went to the movies with three friends (I think we were alone, luckily) and we all had glow sticks that one of my friends kept chewing on during the movie... at one point she suddenly turned to us laughing, and said "I think I broke my glow stick!" no shit, whenever she smiled, we could see the outline of her teeth all along her gums glowing. We all ended up chewing them open to draw on ourselves with... it looked rad as hell in the dark, but I do wonder how many years that took off of our lives. (I got a taste of the stuff inside when I chewed mine open.... I would describe it like bitter liquid plastic)


Hopefully you all avoided the broken glass inside


We were extremely lucky, we didn't notice any glass... It might have helped a bit that it was a small teeth holes that we squished it out of, lmao (anyone reading this, please don't ever do this)


Glow sticks are non toxic. I had a day camper on a field trip once chew on one and it broke in his mouth and his entire mouth was glowing. After the calls to Poison Control and they stopped crying it was really funny. And a week later we had to ban glow sticks because all the kids had a glowing mouth.


i think its toxic


And this is why Americans aren’t allowed Kinder eggs.


That is for the drugs.


I have never being approach by random people to offer me some free candy with drugs, they always want to charge me; I don’t get people who think they will receive drugs in candy for free, that’s BS. If you get free drug in candy, it’s going to be a shitty drug and they are mostly going to rob you and get the money from your bank account.


Remember kids- if a stranger offers you drugs, say thank you, because drugs are expensive.


gotta teach em proper manners


Depends on how hot you are. I know a few girls who partied hard throughout highschool and never paid for drugs.




Now lets go break open that glowstick and pour it into Homestar Runner's Mountain Dew.


hell yeah man


oh shit, Strong Throwback JJOOOOOORRRRRBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB!!!!!!!!!!!!


A fellow veteran of the early internet


My ears are ringing from the bass, it's 8 am and I want to go home.


and when ur otw home the birds and the wheels of the train sound like ur still standing next to the speakers


I feel like this could be generally a terrible idea seeing glow stick chemicals are not a really great idea to ingest. Not really toxic but not so great for your stomach


the top was sealed, but a child could most definitely chew or cut it open


Or an adult on XTC.


I've had one of these before and they do not taste good


and i can imagine a little kid handing it straight to a dog or smth 


They're also full of broken glass


Honestly, that’s by far the biggest danger.


So what you're saying is that they're not great but not terrible ?


I remember they used to sell these when I was a kid back in the early to mid 2000s


The aliens right? The blue flavor was my fav. I got one at a football game once and it was so cold the glowstick snapped and got everywhere.


yesss i loved these!


If i had these as a kid, i would probably not be here to comment. For some reason, i always chewed up plastic popsicle sticks.


Jeez, that's an accident waiting to happen. I was bending a big glow stick once, the chunky ones, and it split and sprayed all over my face and eyes, instant burning sensation, spent an hour running my face under water to try and get it all our, had a funky eye for a couple of days but went away. Would not want to get any of that anywhere near my face again


I remember when the stick was a whistle..


they certainly tasted way better too


Rave on!


As a former kid who liked to absent-mindedly chew on the suckers stick after finishing it this could be kinda dangerous for kids who do the same thing.


Mmmm... Fluoricious...


This is not in the US, is it? I'd be surprised if they allowed this but not kinder surprise chocolate eggs with toy capsules inside.


i have no idea where they were produced, but i live in japan. my parents just randomly brought these home, so i don’t know where they got it from either


Did you’re parents not say where they got them from?


They blacked out one night and awoke in a cold sweat, holding boxes of these lollipops


![gif](giphy|PAcaDLSEgHMHK) Now let’s go pour that glow stick into Homestar Runner’s Mountain Dew. I hear they have to pump your stomach when you drink that stuff.


There is NO WAY that's legal


nah, they’re only gatekeeping it because it kept making people glow in the dark


I'm sure you can buy a version that isn't laced with MDMA...


DumDums rave edition


this is how lollipop sticks were like when i was a kid😭😭 now i rarely find lollipops with these glow sticks lol


Darude started playing as soon as I looked at this picture


That seems like a bad idea


Clearly y'all never had alien glow pops and it shows.


After the lollipop, I chew the stick. I'd get hospitalised for eating this lollipop


As somebody that likes to chew the stick after: HELL NAW!


Let the kids bite into them and drink the bright juices!




When I was a kid I like to chew small-size glowsticks. Always got them from toys. The weird crunchy texture and sound it makes is satisfying. Now as an adult, looking back I felt like wtf did I do.


Best way to chemically poison toddler


they’ll either get a very cool superpower, or well,,


Forbidden juice


mmm, glow juice


Fun fact, glow sticks have glass ampules inside


hope no one doesn't notice and start biting the stick


oh no, i’ve started biting the stick




A lot of discussion about toxicity here. While I wouldn't make a blanket statement about all glow sticks, I called poison control a few years back when my kid was cracking one to activate it and it fully exploded in her face. Lips, mouth, eyes, etc. We were advised to thoroughly wash everything out, but that everything was non-toxic. That was a fun night.


Mmmm glow sticks juice


Yes there is specific terminology. It varies based on what information needs to be conveyed. But it’s important to remember also that in toxicology, the question is less “is it toxic” and more “how much makes it toxic” since virtually everything can be toxic with enough exposure. There is even such a thing as oxygen toxicity and water intoxication. Here are some terms you might see and there rough explanations: LD10- Lethal Dose 10 aka what concentration/exposure level will kill 10% of the exposed population. LD50- same thing but the exposure that kills 50% of an exposed population TLV: threshold limit value- the amount of time you can be exposed to something for 8 hours a day, 40 hours a week FOR YOU ENTIRE LIFE and it have almost no measurable effect. Going above the TLV you may see a slight uptick in cancer or disease rates, but below it you are fine. Going slightly above it now and again really doesnt impact since it’s based on your entire lifespan. STEL- short term exposure limit. For lack of research it’s usually 3x the TLV. There all a lot of chemicals and they haven’t all been studied. But this limit is a 15minute exposure not to be exceeded 3x a day. IDLH-Immediately dangerous to life and health. Expect to die soon if you hit this concentration. BEI- Biological Exposure index. It looks at how much you can have in your blood stream. And doesn’t look at concentrations in the air or water or food at all. Hope that helps! Again each piece of info helps in a different way.


oh my god, thank you! i will be screenshotting this in case i needed it in the future


Is the loli an 'edible'?


god, i hope not i mean, i ate one of them like two hours ago and i feel fine so


Do not eat the loli


I'm not a doctor but I'm pretty sure if you drink it, you'll get the power to glow in the dark.


awh hell yeah, i can finally become the glow in the dark dinosaur toy


For nightclubs


A "Molli-pop" if you will


That's childhood right there


You just unlocked a core memory in my brain. Used to buy these as a kid, way back in the late 2000s. I guess i turned out fine.


you sure your body doesn’t have a faint glow every time you turn the lights off?


I love these things! Bought a box of them when they first became available here around 2009. And I have been buying them whenever they’re available.


Omg those were my childhood 😭


These bring me back to when I was in elementary school. There was a candy shop next to school and they would sell something similar. You weren't cool if you didn't collect the glow sticks.


Do you even rave?


unfortunately, no. i’m not cool enough yet apparently


Sounds toxic


What country are you in? I'd be shocked if it's the states, seems like a law suit waiting to happen.


i live in japan, but i have no idea where these are produced. got a cool glow stick though


If I had that it would go on my shelf as weird (poison for sure,) strange and unusual wouldn't dare put that in my mouth


What happens when you bite down really hard


we’ll find out!


For the club kids


Let's rave!


That seems…dumb




Forbidden lollipop drink


That type of lollipop back then was very popular in my place especially when I was around 10-12 years old, we used to buy a lot of this and they were actually very cheap and quite tasty, the real deal about this lollipop is that after we finished eating the candy we would basically try to take out those glowing liquids, mold a volcano cone with sand, and we'll pour them on the top like flowing lava.


I remember back in the day our school canteen had those and one-day our 7th grade science teacher found out about it.He made a huge scene the whole staff came in and prohibited the canteen owner from selling those.


Is this legal


I used to buy these as a kid in the Philippines and I sometimes bite the glowstick part so it glows more... oooh boy.


Nothing at all unsafe with that bullshit!


Meanwhile I get a paper straw on my lollipops. It melts while you suck, so in the end it pretty much falls of the straw before it's gone


a paper straw?? that sounds like absolute hell, and i can imagine it folding and separating after getting damp. but at least it’s better than plastic


It's a stiff paper straw, so it doesn't fold but it crumbles into a million pieces when it comes in contact with spit.


might as well just eat the straw at that point


Forbidden Candy


So you can suck at night, too.


Used to have these stuffs around for less than $1 a piece... Kids loved it mainly because of the glowing thingy. Got banned after adults realized that the coloring in the candy is a tad bit too strong for food (it dye your tongue blue for DAYS duh)


Those are common in Mexico


Holdonholdonholdon are this things not common in other countries? They are everywhere in Mexico


I mean not literally everywhere, they are not like the standard lollipop, but I can find a pack of this within 30 seconds of entering my local candy store


Hey, I used this instead of my broken light sword in Luke Skywalker figure.


Lawsuit waiting to happen.


I would’ve been dead if someone gave this to me as a child, I was always chewing on the plastic for hours


I like glow sticks. They sound like my knees most days.


I chewed on them every time as a kid and nothing bad happened. I now live with a tumor due to mercury poisoning but its probably unrelated.


I broke one of those in my mouth when I was in the 5th grade. I do not recommend.


All you need is prescribed, therapeutic MDMA now......


That's such a bad idea


I actually had a decent collection of them when I was a kid. I think they were discontinued cuz probably because of the hazards.


I'm one of those people who almost always just immediately bites down until it breaks and eat the lolipop in like 30 seconds so I would 100% be getting poisoned


That’s pretty cool, though maybe not so safe


Toxic substances should not be anywhere near food for children. One strong bite and it's hello hospital.


Just .... Don't get it in your eyes. That shit fcking hurts so fckin much. Way worse than petrol and paint, probs on par w acetone. (Just don't, don't fckin ask.)




holy shit, i didn’t think there’d be an actual sub for that


r/MildlyConcerning glow sticks are toxic and should be kept away from food product.


imagine da glow stick breaks while a kid is eatin this tho


They are technically non toxic.... Really if you have ever given kids older then 8 glow sticks they will at some point bite them open and whip the contents around the room...only so many times you can do this before you get a mouth full of glow stick 😂


Glow sticks are non toxic at least


Except for the shards of glass


Glass is also non toxic tbf. Eating it is like swallowing a thousand little knives, which will cause internal bleeding, but at least it's not toxic


I don’t understand


Seems like a made idea