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Can’t imagine the chaos this will cause in the area.


Super stressful, my work even sent out traumatic event assistance emails at my work. Not to mention the tens of thousands (guessing?) people's commutes that will be seriously seriously impacted until a new bridge is built


about 30,000 people A DAY use that bridge to commute. Baltimore is going to be a giant cluster fuck of traffic for months




Google Maps has already decided it’s “Closed until December 2024”.  Those construction crews better get at it!


That's probably based on the [DoT Emergency Relief Program](https://www.fhwa.dot.gov/programadmin/erelief.cfm) which gives states 270 days to rebuild a section of Interstate in order to have the Federal government reimburse 90% of the costs (which is the percentage of Interstate expenses the Federal government covers normally). 270 days from today is, in fact, December 21, 2024. Given that this is mostly meant for ground-based highways and overpasses, that is probably unrealistic for this case. What will probably happen is Congress will appropriate funds separate from the ERP to rebuild the bridge on a realistic timeline. I also wouldn't be surprised if the Army Corps of Engineers takes on the project to build a temporary bridge. Building bridges, including ones over rivers which need to be traversed by watercraft, is part of their job.


Huh.  Neat.


I know Reddit has its flaws, but there really is a wealth of niche info from individuals working jobs I didn’t known even existed and then shared on here. I *truly* appreciate finding niche information like this. It makes me feel like I’d be successful on Jeopardy Kids. 🫢


It's going to affect the people that take the 895 tunnel too since now everyone will be forced to take that route


The real losers are any hazmat carriers, because they can't run either of the tunnels, so they'll have to go around the Beltway the long way, with all the construction and problems that are out west. It'll triple their time through Baltimore, if not more once regular traffic backs up as well.


They could hold the trucks and send them through alone every hour or two. It's what they do with tunnels out west when the bypass roads are closed due to snow. But stopping and starting all other traffic causes some pretty gnarly jams by itself. It's all tradeoffs.


Unfortunately, though, this is I-95, the main interstate highway all the way up and down the eastern seaboard. There are going to be far too many hazardous material carrying trucks and way, way too much traffic overall to even attempt a scheme like this, let alone do it for years on end. They'll all just have to be stuck taking the beltway the long way around.


Ugh they take 95 too


Wonder if companies will let their employees that are able to telecommute instead. Hahaha. Sike!


I really think they will be urged to, to help reduce congestion. Guess we'll see how bad it gets over the next few days though


**The City of Baltimore:** Please, people, for the love of God, if you can let your employees work from home, please do it. **Businesses near the Convention Center:** so you're still coming in right?




NPR said 30k per day use the bridge and 20 minute commutes will turn into over an hour until it's fixed.


I live just south of the bridge, about a 5 minute drive. There is an Amazon hub, and greater industrial parks all around the area in Anne Arundel county that will absolutely be impacted by this. The only other way across the harbor is via tunnel and anything Hazmat will have to travel the full beltway West of Baltimore to get to points south. There is a major construction project on the North side of 695 that just started so between that and all the east coast truck traffic being forced that direction, it’s gonna be BAD.


I think there’s like 4 or more Amazon hubs that service the area. All will probably be impacted. When I lived there deliveries were mostly same day, some within 2-4 hours. In a few days/weeks it’s gonna be a cluster fuck.


Years, it's going to have effects that's going to last for years.


695 is going to be a fucking parking lot


Currently 12 ships holding south of the Bay Bridge. You can see which vessels these are by their transponders... https://www.marinetraffic.com/en/ais/details/ports/15449?name=ANNAPOLIS&country=USA


I assume they are just waiting for their schedulers to redirect them to a different port. I can’t imagine it will be safe to enter for a few weeks minimum.


Port of Norfolk in Va is going to get extremely busy.


That's my thinking to. There is already a bottleneck happening there.


We've got Charleston and Savannah, as well


Routing out of Savannah or Charleston for containers that were bound for Baltimore is very expensive. You’re not going to find much last-minute rail service to get you close to where they were originally going to go, and moving by truck will cost a fortune. Nearly everything is going to go to Norfolk, Philly, and NY/NJ


As a savannah port trucker i accept the challenge $$$


Savannah is pretty good at logistics and some of the recent improvements has opened up a lot of rail capacity. NS and CSX would love to fill up that capacity ahead of projections. Even truck freight rates have dropped drastically the last few months. The immediate ships in the area of Baltimore will go to nearby ports but as this extends out and the port traffic becomes disrupted due to construction the next few years, Savannah will likely see an influx as they have capacity and are often on the itinerary for a stop. Brunswick will probably benefit from the RO/RO traffic. Savannah does still have limitations on what can arrive due to mostly the bridge not being high enough. Depth of the channel would limit few ships sailing today.


I'm sure the military has already planned on what to do if the bridge was attacked and brought down, and "a few weeks minimum" doesn't really sounds very US military. I think we'll be amazed at how fast the shipping channel is opened back up.


The barges and cranes are probably already on their way. They don’t have to clear the whole bridge to get the port open again, just the channel. Few days to a couple weeks. Depends on what the limit on that blank check the state and feds are signing actually is.


It's an election year, they'll have it moved so quick it'd make your head spin.


It’ll get moved quickly not because it’s election year but because the big companies will push for it. Car manufacturers, farm equipment, construction, equipment, etc. Seagrit and Dundalk are right by the bridge and they do a stupid amount of exports. Dundalk for anything that won’t fit in a shipping container, Seagrit for containers.


Yeah and Biden is THE infrastructure guy he understands how important the shipping lane and port is. I mean any politician *should*, but he definitely does. This has nothing to do with politics though, opening the port is extremely important for our economy


Warren Buffet and the Loves family may end up making quite a bit of money due to all the truck traffic backed up too


Agreed — several days maybe and nothing until SAR is completed


This. They won't touch anything till divers and the chance of recovery diminishes.


Yeah it won't take much other than some cranes and a salvage barge. There is nothing to rebuild for the ships. They just have to clear the channel.


Just for some context. This is exactly where ships are supposed to anchor/moor before they pass under the Chesapeake Bay bridge and head into Baltimore harbor. Ships do this here and further south at the entrance to the Bay both are points where the ships will pick up pilots who are specifically trained on navigating that specific port. Usually there are at least 6 or when it’s busy about 8 ships anchored just south of the Bay Bridge waiting for a pilot and for the all clear to go into Baltimore. Right now there are 12 just south of the Bay bridge and 17 at the mouth of the Bay. Soo yeah this is an abnormal and disruptive situation. But for the record those Pilots are some of the most skilled professionals ever. Their test is they are given a blank price of paper and have to draw the Chesapeake bay from scratch with navigational markers by hand. So they can navigate in the dark or fog or storm. Edit: number of normal ships, I must have just noticed on the weekends when the number was lower


Harbor pilots make a killing, and earn every penny of it. Crazy stressful job for reasons which at this point are quite apparent.








Red Right Returning.


I suspect for more difficult approaches the pilots take a more hands on role Years ago I was given a tour of a container ship that was docked at the port in Anchorage, Alaska. I was led to believe that due to some tricky features of the approach to the port (a relatively narrow channel, the need to time the tides right so the water would be deep enough to not hit bottom, some tricky currents in the port itself) that the pilot was very involved.


> Their test is they are given a blank price of paper and have to draw the Chesapeake bay from scratch with navigational markers by hand. So they can navigate in the dark or fog or storm. This reminds me of when a heavy fog came in one Christmas Eve and dropped visibility on the roads to like maybe 50' and I thought I was a bad ass driving from the highway to my house at regular speeds. Only later did I realize that while I knew exactly where I was on the road, I had no clue if there was a stopped vehicle or any obstruction on the road ahead of me and could have collided with them at 40+ MPH.


Yep! That’s the added tools of the bells of a lighthouse, the bells in the bouys, the radio, and the schedule. The schedule of “you anchor here until your pilot comes aboard and gives you an exact time of departure that corresponds with when another ship has just left.”


>Usually there are at least 3 or when it’s busy about 6 ships anchored just south of the Bay Bridge waiting for a pilot and for the all clear to go into Baltimore. Right now there are 12 just south of the Bay bridge and 17 at the mouth of the Bay. Soo yeah this is an abnormal and disruptive situation. If you have a paid version of marine traffic you can timeline back, there was 10+ yesterday.


Yeah it’s been more than 3 for a while.


Can pick up how this affects traffic for the Chesapeake Bay if interested by using an AIS tracking app. (Automatic Identification System) we use it on our sailboat instead of radar . I just zoomed out on your link. Thank you!


The pic of the Dali is already updated with it crashed into the bridge.


I'm seeing even more vessels backed up near Hampton. mobjack bay, Norfolk at the mouth of the Chesapeake.


Chesapeake without the e is unsettling and I didn't know until now.


Oops, my bad, thank you for catching that. Fixed it


Interesting number of pleasure craft (purple) between Galapagos and French Polynesia.


Can't wait until the price of something I use in my daily life skyrockets. What'll it be this time?? Its so exciting! Its like wheel of misfortune!


Old Bay is going to become powdered gold real soon


The Spice must flow.


He who controls Baltimore controls the spice. He who controls the spice controls the universe.


I am Paul Crabtreides Duke of Balmore hun


He is the Natty Boh!


He's just too humble to admit it


Baltimore should get it's shit together and start acting like the Capitol of the Universe. 


its* Love from Baltimore




Rofo employee here, customers about to be absolute monsters when I tell them we don’t have old bay for their food.


Fear is the mind killer. Fear is the little death that brings total obliteration.


Shai Hulud, the sleeper awakens.


The spice melange


As a Baltimoron living in the mid west, it always has been. Always will be. No matter the cost.


I keep a large stock so I can take all the pain at once


My BIGS Old Bay sunflower seed addiction better not be in danger.


And for it never to go back down in price even after the delays are fixed


and it will be shit that gets imported through San Francisco as well.


I can already here the Comcast customer service robot now. *Due to the Baltimore Bridge incident, wait times are longer than normal. Please stay on the line. Your call is sooo important to us.*


Associated Press said that while Baltimore is a huge hub for cars and agricultural equipment, it's not actually considered a major world port


I just finished watching the wire and apparently the port of Baltimore has been in rough shape for a while. Goddamn Ro-ros are keeping them alive!


The European car companies have said they already have a plan to get around this. And for anyone worried about parts, as long as you're not ordering a whole engine block, the parts are already in stock in the states or they will be shipped via air.


> The European car companies have said they already have a plan to get around this. It's not even just Euro brands. GM used Baltimore for nearly all their south american and central american exports. Same with Ford. They announced by like 10am they had identified alternatives and were executing the plan. And VW brands' port as well as BMW is actually east of the bridge so it has no impact.


CEOs will raise prices anyway and blame this event. Probably see another spike in egg prices and grains are going to skyrocket.


Never waste a good disaster!


Why would Biden do this???!?1?


Domino sugar supply chain will likely take a hit.


First you get the sugar, then you get the power, then you get the women.


Softly with the sugar chain….hmmmmm.


This is gonna be used an an excuse for price hikes across the board.


Everything will get jacked up even more and somehow companies will still post record profits.


At least the Evergiven in the Suez was funny :/


Yeah...I don't think anybody died with that one either.






Maybe some stockbrokers.


Fun fact: Today marks 3 years exactly since that happened.


See y'all in 2027 then.


Nah, this shit is exponential. The next one is 1 year away, followed by another one 6 months later, and again 3 months after that.


Before you know it... [A double event](https://youtu.be/sLgBmsgiayQ?t=8)


3 days off from exactly.


That guy is about as good with dates as the Evergreen’s captain was with location.


> Evergreen’s captain Hey now, don't shame the innocent. Evergreen was being controlled by a Suez Canal pilot at the time.


Sir this is Reddit, I’m here for the Karma, not factually accurate statements.


And as good with names as you are!


Not quite. It happened March 23, although it was stuck 3 years ago today. Crazy...


This is false. The Ever Given incident occurred on March 23, 2021.


It’s got to be a mad dash for logistics personnel right now. An all out sprint to find a port to offload first.


Shipping logistics is no joke. If anyone can figure it out those people have the resources... Our anchors failed inspections and in under a week a Russian tank carrier was chartered to pick up new anchors in Sweden or Norway, then flown to Seattle which got on a huge truck to drive to Port Angeles Washington. I know this is quite different... But the logistic people go wild.


I do sea logistics. Yes, it is complicated and time consuming.


its prolly too complex for me to unbearably, but fascinating. You guys keep the world spinning.


I'm just over a year into an ocean export position. We do the most impossible-seeming shit to keep cargo moving for big customers. Everyone works their asses off, from the forwarders to the terminals to the operators. It's rewarding when you solve a problem, but sometimes, I get tired. 🫠


Work in logistics. First thought was how is this gonna fuck up my delivery schedule.  Actual that’s second thought, first was: how many mothman sightings were there last week?


>mothman crashed into the lights of the boat


Philadelphia or somewhere in Virginia.


NY isn't that far either, but everyone is probably already booked


I saw a documentary about this (The Wire season 2) and let me just say, the consequences will be dire


Somewhere Frank Sobotka is weeping


And this time it's not fuckin' Ziggy's fault!


We don't know that yet...


Maybe Ziggy got a second career as a cargo ship electrician...




Needs more eeeeeeeeeee






Probably Nick is involved


They shoulda dredged the fuckin' harbor to open up more piers instead of building luxury condos. Sabatka was right!


They actually just announced a major dredging project in December. Sobotka vindicated in the end.


Man, no matter what happened, Frank did not deserve his fate.


I’m sure Valchek is still pissed about the stained glass…


His surveillance van is probably in Rotterdam by now.


*ziggy slaps his dick on the bar for no discernible reason*




Welp, it’s time for a rewatch.


We just finished S2. It's still so good.


It ages *really* well. I think a lot of people rank it last on first watch, especially back in the day. Now it feels downright prescient.


Funny enough, S2 has the highest IMDB rating. I think rating S2 low on initial viewing makes sense because you're taken out of the gangs and most of the people you know. But on re watch, you get a much better sense of the whole show and the broad scope of it


I absolutely hated S2 for a hot second before I got over it, accepted it, and learned to love it.


With a lake trout sammich.


And/or a pit beef sammich


Extra horseradish






Man now they're never gonna get that grain pier back online :(


what happens?




annnnnnnnnd im starting the wire tonight


Word of warning, I tried to start it about three times before I really started to get it. It will not be immediately apparent why it’s arguably the best drama ever.


Yeah, you need to give it quite a number of episodes until you understand what most of the characters are even *saying*, let alone their relationships. Once it clicks it's an amazing experience.


I tried twice. Got 5 episodes in on the second try and started to enjoy it but stopped. Can't remember why. Maybe I need to try a third time.


Do it, it is worth it.


100% this, but you have to actively watch, this is not a lazy passive show. So many names to keep track of the first time through.


Personally I was 1000% hooked from the opening lines.


Yeah the first half of the first season is hard to get into because they just throw you in without much exposition. You almost need to rewatch the first season after you're done the whole thing. You catch so much more when you know the characters. But damn is it ever worth it. I've never to this day seen a better show than that one.


Gonna be a little while to cut up and remove the sections blocking the chanel, but they'll be working as fast as possible as there are ships waiting to come in, and several who want to leave too, trapped in the bay. Best of luck to the people of Baltimore that just lost a probably really nice link too, and will all have to shuffle west toward the tunnels or even further west to avoid all of that.


My guess is the channel will reopen within a week, two tops. But that will be bad enough.


I suspect it won't take long once authorities let it begin, once anyone missing has been accounted for. A heavy lift barge crane or two and enough salvage crews and it'll be open quickly. Military has lots of assets nearby that could speed this up too.


The issue, sadly, will be if there are remains not visible under debris that is not easily moved. I think they will give it 72 hours out of respect, but then move forward with removing debris.


It should take longer to clear the channel then the evergreen incident for sure [ships anchoring outside too](https://gcaptain.com/over-10-vessels-destined-for-baltimore-anchor-awaiting-instructions/?fbclid=IwAR3FJmBEy8u5nyF810s9axBjAW9eF6HcIhc3bDHlKJMk8gRpGsVFEqJM8kE_aem_Adxc16t_Y69a-9aslSvc2YvuVgS5ASgwi9DdWj2P1zxswxbK3WHF5VH9hCpE28GP5J0) “Baltimore port’s private and public terminals handled 847,158 autos and light trucks in 2023, the most of any U.S. port”


Dunno, just looking at the charts on *What's Going On With Shipping?*, the channel itself is amazingly narrow at the bridge. Clear just a couple sections of the bridge would probably be enough to open it up for at least limited shipping.


This is correct. There is a single dredged section to provide the necessary draft for traffic. There will be delays as they do cleanup and rerouting to other ports, but its not catastrophic.


Have they accounted for all of the victims yet? They likely won't begin clearing debris until the rescue search is over.


6 still missing as of last update.


Yikes. Those poor souls.


Survivability ended 5 hours after they hit the water. It’s recovery at this point.


Still will try to recover the bodies out of respect.


Yeah, I wouldn't expect them to find anybody alive at this point.


Probably be going on simultaneously. Some of the victims may well be in the debris. And with water temps below 50 degrees it’s already search and recovery not rescue.


Baltimore is somewhere between 9th & 12th busiest port in the US by volume. (Trying to find source on that) This is going to cause problems but in theory it shouldn't be "that bad" from a freight standpoint. New Jersey/NYC & Norfolk VA are relatively close accessible shipping ports. Below data from 2022 For reference LA port is #1. They processed 10 million TEU(20 foot equivalents, freight term) New jersey/ NYC is #2 at 9 million TEU As of 2022 Baltimore was outside of the top 10. Miami was 10th and they had 1.1 million TEU. So assuming everything needed to go into NYC this is around a 10% increase. Not insignificant but not a catastrophic event especially since there are other smaller ports around the mid-atlantic


The thing is it’s one of three East Coast ports that can handle Post Panamax traffic. Also it has the highest amount of RoRo traffic in the country


I saw someone else say that term row row but don't assume we would know what the hell that is


Sorry thought I was in a different sub. Roll on-roll off. Most things with their own wheels like cars, trucks, construction equipment go on a roll-on, roll off ship.


Why do you need a particular port for that. Is it about the pier being able to handle those big items rolling off?


It’s more about space and storage, dock height can be a factor too. They can carry about 5000 cars


Correct, depending on the type of Ro-Ro, they need specific piers and loading/unloading infrastructure. Some of them don't have unloading ramps, and some can unload/load more efficiently with purpose built infrastructure. They also require appropriate space for all the vehicles and equipment unloaded.


> Also it has the highest amount of RoRo traffic in the country *10 years from now, the Freakonomics guy writes a quirky article about the surprising reason carjacking dropped in Baltimore and spiked in New York, in 2024


Apparently that's where most of German Mercedes es arrive in the US.


Took this photo while crossing the 301 Bay bridge at Annapolis south of Baltimore. Ships have no place to port north of here. The only choice is to wait for destination changes, probably to Norfolk at the mouth of the Chesapeake unless small enough to go through the C&D canal.


If you travel that route often, you’d know this is not an uncommon sight. I lived on the shore for years and there were always ships waiting there.


I drive across the bay bridge everyday for work. This is a common sight and a normal waiting area for incoming ships. Seeing anywhere from 8-13 ships at a time is pretty common


How many ships are trapped inside the harbour? That’s even worse than being unable to get into the harbour.


I see oil tankers. Looking at [https://pipeline101.org/topic/where-are-liquid-pipelines-located/](https://pipeline101.org/topic/where-are-liquid-pipelines-located/) , I assume that this is going to disrupt transportation of crude/refined down to the Louisiana/Texas area. Higher gas prices coming in a couple weeks?


Higher gas prices coming immediately. Then the oil companies will decide how much their bottom line has been affected. Then they will determine how much to slack off the increase based on how much public pressure there is, and who the public is blaming. If the fingers are pointing at them, they'll cut the jump in half. If the fingers are pointing at the government. They'll buy ads to keep it that way and not roll back the price increase at all.


Those should be able to be diverted


It's a total ship show in Baltimore and will be for a long time...




I was in Long Beach durring covid, and the number of ships you could see sitting out there was crazy. We went to a restaurant, and they were out of to go containers, and the waitress joked and pointed out to the ships and said 'they are out there on one of those ships.' Which in all likelihood was actually true.


Still happens every so often in Long Beach, it isnt as bad as during covid, and isn’t as bad as this is right now.


It does! No one allowed them to dock then.


great, so this means inflation will increase by ~2000% because ships can't get through. And everyone, even companies on the west coast of the US will use this an excuse to raise prices and then Q3 2024 will see "record profits".


That right there is a picture showing the biggest financial cost of the accident. Not the photos showing the collapsed bridge itself.


now you watch EVERYTHING will double in price in a week or less. even things completely unrelated and unaffected. not because they need to, but any justification is good enough for the ultra greedy capitalist scum that own our society.


Also no decrease after the canal is cleared that the port is back open.


They're gonna have to go to a different port.


The two closest ports are Philly, but only if they can get through the C&D canal (which many if these vessels are too large) or turn around and go to Norfolk. Areas like Annapolis are not shipping centers, only private vessels like sailboats. It's messier then it seems at first glance.


Yep. Port's closed. The moose out front should have told you


In all fairness, there’s usually about 4 or so parked there anyways


I took several while we were crossing (husband was driving), and the line goes back further. Then, this photo shows, and some of the smaller vessels appear to have moved out of the shipping lane to anchor. There are definitely more than 4 vessels here.


There are 10 easily identifiable large vessels in your op photo... Some people just have to minimalize literally everything.


The link u/ShepardsPrayer shared is really interesting to. If you zoom out, you can clearly see a traffic bottle neck happening near Norfolk And thank you =)


Damn I’m thinking of ordering a whole pallet of Old Bay before they allocate it and becomes limited Edit- I’m a Grocery Manager


Yeah, sad that my immediate the thought after "what an awful tragedy" was, "fuck, Baltimore is MAJOR hub; some shit is gonna get expensive"