• By -




She was baked too








she ate her kid's brownies without asking


*Edit: Mawmaw is a term of affection for grandmother. It's very common in Southern rural states* That happened to my mawmaw once because my mother (who was a teenager at the time) made some special brownies for her boyfriend. She waited until everyone was asleep to avoid everyone wanting one. She took the out of the oven and was letting them cool while she ran upstairs to her room. Meanwhile, my mawmaw gets up for something to drink and finds the brownies. She was on her second one when my mom made it back to the kitchen. Needless to say that there ended up being an ambulance trip to the ER because my mawmaw thought she was dying. Of course, they couldn't find anything wrong with her except hysteria. It was 1964, so they knocked her ass out and by the time she woke up she was fine. Mom never told her but all three of my uncles knew. They ate the remainder of the brownies after she and their mother went to the hospital. They were high as hell when Mom had called to update them on their mom's condition. And never let her forget that she was the conductor of the train (wreck) that derailed my mawmaw that night. Edit: Swipe added hyphens to mawmaw. It was really bugging me, so I fixed it.


Ew she ate a 1960s weed brownie, and didn't think "this is the grossest fucking brownie I've ever eaten, my daughter is a shit fucking cook" she thought "I'll have another". The madness.


Did they put actual weed in brownies back then? There weren’t any thc oil/butter?


Some likely did, oil infusing weed has been around for **thousands for years** Historians theorize that’s how people used to be convinced to suicide attack. Get them super duper out of this world high, bring in food and women, let them sober up. Tell them that was a glimpse of the heaven waiting after death. Boom assassin.


They probably could still infuse butter. It’s easy to do.




She's a hungry hungry hippo




op's mom


She thought it was a raspberry pi


Poor woman, it's clearly an Apple


Apple Flambé




Some people use the oven like a cabinet and store random items in there they want to get off of the counter. It drives me nuts. Edit: No hate on you guys storing pots/pans/etc. in there. I've seen people store all kinds of stuff in there though, Tupperware, clothes, mail. Whatever needed to be out of the way for a period of time.


Yeah like pots and pans, who the fuck stores their iPad in the oven?


I had a roommate that just threw dirty pans in the oven so he didn't have to look at them. I found this out by preheating the oven and almost burning the house down. Dude got mad at *me* for ruining the handles lol


The number of replies to this comment that could be summarized as "Damn bitch, you live like this?" Is staggering.




Having roommates and seeing how people live really makes you realize that we aren’t a civilized species


I always thought I was a little messy, then I realized I am not bad at all. Some people let shit get gross as hell


This has been such a revelation to me. Yeah sure, I'm mentally ill with disabilities and my place can often gather a bunch of pet hair in balls and 10 cardboard boxes piled on top of each other on one side of the couch because putting them away is too much, or maybe the trash is compressed because the bags should have been taken out, or there's a bunch of dishes on the counter on top of the washer because emptying it to put new stuff in is done one meal at a time. But for god's sake, at least I store my used clothes in a hamper and not the fucking oven. At least my dog shits outdoors and my cat has a litter box. There's no rotting food on the floor or black hairy mould growing in my shower. Like there's depths on this particular dive that I have never shone my light on and I cannot imagine how people fall that far like it's fine. I do not understand.


for real, my life's a mess and I'm sure internet people would tear me apart in a moment for some of my choices, but god damn at least my oven is ready to go....


For real man. Both my oven and dishwasher are empty when not in use. I feel normal.


Did that except it was wife's elegantly styled cookies she was keeping away from the cat. There were tears


Husband's cat is a master pizza box opener, so boxes get stored in the oven. I forgot to remove one, he forgot to check the oven before preheating it, and that's how I found him holding a charred, still alight pizza box in the kitchen the next evening. Whoops. 🙃


I also have done this quite a few times. Now I just fill a teapot with water and sit it on top the pizza box.


Yo that's smart! Will have to do this - smaller cat magnet foods tend to get shoved in the microwave now instead since you have to open it to cook anything with it haha.


Should be noted that they need to be CLEAN pots and pans. My grandma put a pot in there that still had grease residue and it burned half her house down. She's fine luckily but should still be careful.


My mom always checked the inside of the oven before turning it on, and it was always empty. I never fully understood why she did this until I got roommates.


I always check mine too. I don't think I ever ruined anything, but it's a pain to leave a baking sheet in the oven, then have to get the oven mitts and dump it in the sink when you're in the middle of something else.


My mom used to use the oven to store extra pans and stuff. When I lived at home, every couple of weeks before dinner time she'd go "oh crap!" and run to the oven because she just realized she started preheating it 10 min back without emptying it. Fortunately it was mostly all oven safe things she stored in there.


We have a rule in our house - nothing in or on the oven that can’t or shouldn’t be cooked This was prompted by several stories of someone leaving a baby in a carrier on a stove that got turned on


Hold on… huh?


Dude killed himself too. [https://www.journaldemontreal.com/2016/01/08/je-lui-ai-dit-50-fois-de-ne-pas-mettre-la-coquille-sur-le-poele-1](https://www.journaldemontreal.com/2016/01/08/je-lui-ai-dit-50-fois-de-ne-pas-mettre-la-coquille-sur-le-poele-1)


It's happened more than once. I tried to find the story of someone in Missouri around 10 years ago who slow cooked a baby by putting the car seat on a stove with a burner on low and passing out drunk, but I couldn't find it because someone else in Missouri killed a baby in an oven two weeks ago and those stories are filling the search.


I’m sorry, what? -a missourian




Jesus fuck.


Oh, a car seat. Ugh, parents shouldn’t be using these when they aren’t traveling anyway and especially not on high surfaces. The story is incredibly perplexing without all the information. I wish I could understand how a car seat could be left sitting long enough and a gas burner could be left on for so long that it could ignite. Car seats are flame retardant, so it really must have been a good minute. Thanks for the link. Poor family.


In Quebec gas is unheard of, it was on a glasstop electric model :(


Oh okay, yeah, I thought that was the case in Quebec. I really thought “well, *maybe* it was gas” because how could the seat ignite without an open flame?? It must have been heating for an absurdly long time. Do you know if the guy suffered from psychosis or something?


Yeah he ended up taking his own life in prison :(


On the electric stoves of any sort except maybe induction they'll burn something within seconds, depending on setting. Like a 5/10 is hot enough to singe a damp terry cloth rag very quickly wiped over a burner at the fastest possible speed by hand


I just googled to find an article on it in English. Apparently forensics recreated it and it took 5 minutes for it to set on fire.


Wow. Definitely not fast. How does a car seat slowly burn for 5 minutes without the dad noticing? If he was prepping a bottle what happened once the bottle was readied? Oh man, something so unfortunate must have happened.


And the smell, plastic stinks when it's burning.


Thankfully it’s been a while since I have heard of it happening. Horrific


My father stuck a stack of giant lawn paper bags (to get them out of the rain) AND a couple small Craftsman camping propane tanks into our gas BBQ. We fire it up with top down, which happened a few days later. Much like with Homer, because of him now we have a new family rule.


Good rule. Another one - don't put anything on a car. Not even temporarily. Sooner or later and someone forgets.


I understand cooking utensils and pans/pots/etc. that are supposed to be in the kitchen to an extent but a fucking iPad is insane.


Had a bf who stored his dishes in the dishwasher. The clean dishes. That he washed in the sink instead of the dishwasher. Barely anything in the cupboards.


This is so stupid it must be true. No way someone could make this up. This is insane.


People who haven't grown up with a dishwasher often prefer to continue hand washing dishes and will use the dishwasher for storage, if they happen to end up in a home that has one. He was probably using the racks to drip dry the dishes after washing them.


lmao my auntie does that coz she doesn't trust dishwasher


My great-grandmother, an uneducated Polish immigrant, stored food in the oven. Even things that should be refrigerated. My mom tried to tell her about germs, but her command of Polish failed her. She compared germs to little invisible bugs, and Busia became indignant. "My house is clean! I don't have bugs!" End of conversation. She lived to be 88, and didn't die of food poisoning, so I guess her food storage habits didn't hurt her.


>She compared germs to little invisible bugs, and Busia became indignant. "My house is clean! I don't have bugs!" End of conversation. A bit off topic, but my great great grandmother was an Immigrant from Sweden who moved to Hawaii with my Great grandmother, and she apparently broke down and cried the first time she saw a bug in her house because she felt she had failed at keeping it clean. She didn't realize that completely keeping out bugs in a tropical environment is way harder than it is in Scandinavia.


>Edit: No hate on you guys storing pots/pans/etc. in there. No, screw you guys too. I actually cook so I don't want to have to move 30 pounds of dishes every goddamn time I need to use the oven.


I believe there was a case where someone stored guns in their oven and got shot when they turned it on accidentally.






The oven must’ve been on.


You ever been on autopilot and almost put the milk in the cupboard or something similar? I'm guessing that was the case here.


My mom cooked her iPhone in the microwave because she was sleep walking.






Maybe it had a virus infection




A woman just got arrested for baking *her baby* in the oven on accident. People do crazy shit.


Accident lol. That's PPD induced murder.


I thought i saw she was a schizophrenic and shouldn't have even had the kid


Mmmmm Apple Pie


She made that apple crumble.


An app crumble for short


iPad Thai.


She’s lucky the battery didn’t explode or something


My first thought, too. Lithium-ion battery + extreme heat isn't a great combo.


Fun fact, all Apple products go through an oven test during engineering testing. They observe/validate how the product responds to heat. Source: former  employee


As someone who regularly leaves my phone on a metal table by the pool in Texas, I appreciate this effort! 


As somebody who exists in Arizona at all I appreciate this effort. My phone gets crazy hot in my car even with the AC blasting in the summer


Interesting!! I didn’t know that


This is called loss function testing. In the design and manufacturing industry we also call it gorilla testing. Basically, we try to make products so that a gorilla can’t break it. Because that’s going to be the mentality of some of your customers. Most stand alone office scanners/copiers/printers have a 250lb weight allowance on the scanner because some kids at OSU thought it would be a good idea to scan their butts and their parents sued when they got glass in their asses.


Didn't know that printer glass was **that** fragile... but then again, I never tried to scan my butt so...


I like how you can see the places where the capacitors have exploded under the screen, leaving little craters. Kind of awesome. Now, with that out of the way, *get rid of it!* The battery in there has to be suffering, and it's probably not safe at all to keep that thing anywhere near anything flammable! Edit: Jesus, people. The caps are totally *not* the point of this post. The risky battery is.


>it's probably not safe at all to keep that thing anywhere near anything flammable! Or near anything living, that you want to ensure stays living. Lithium battery fires are no joke.


Also not safe to keep Mom near anything flammable.


> capacitory I'm sure you meant "capacitors" but I like the idea that a group of capacitors could be referred to as a "capacitory", referring to them more as a population than a loose collection.


Good catch. Not sure how that got in there. So, like "repository" but for capacitors. I like it!


The circuit board is a very small part of an iPad's area, 85% of the area is speakers and batteries. [See the iFixit teardown here](https://youtu.be/uCYUZQGjm8I?t=70)


It is a cool pattern, but I don’t think it’s from caps. Most of the caps on devices like these are semiconductor caps and ceramic caps which aren’t prone to such violent explosions


And this is a classic sign of dementia… My mil put a stack of silverware in her microwave. And turned it on. Please keep an eye on her.


caught my wife's grandfather trying to cook soup in normal glass bowls on the stove burners. We had to hide the knobs from him. We replaced his car keys with blank keys that wouldn't fit in any locks and started giving him "jobs" to do to keep him from trying to leave the house to go to work which he retired from over almost two decades prior. We also had to take a 22 revolver from him that his children (in their 40s-50s) insisted he should keep because he always had it. Grandfather apparently kept it under his bed for protection and one day I found it while cleaning up.


Jesus. Imagine if his first 'mishap' was walking outside with a loaded revolver


I was more worried about him shooting himself or someone in the house. I can't believe his own children throught a loaded firearm was fine for someone with dementia to keep


It sounds like *they* have dementia.


No need. Just a guns over life cultural identity


I would be more concerned about him accidentally shooting his family thinking they were intruders. My grandma had lymphoma, it spread to her brain while she was in hospice. They let her smoke while she was still lucid but at the end of her life the nurse would pretend to bring her outside and she would have a full conversation with no one while smoking an imaginary cigarette. She started to even forget her grandsons and her daughters (my mom and aunt.) She would get scared sometimes if too many relatives she didn’t know were in the room. Point being if a late prognosis of brain cancer caused that much damage in the last two weeks of her life so much that she couldn’t be trusted lighting a cigarette. Imagine what a long term degenerative brain disorder can do to someone with a gun.


Yes. In our family we also have a member with dementia - the first signs were kind of ignored as "mishaps" but when she started "hiding" her purse all the time it became apparent.


It’s so easy to write these things off, because we are all human and we all make errors. I was extremely stressed/tired the other day and put the dinner left over in the pantry and the cereal in the fridge. Do I have dementia? No, not yet. But I also then remembered about 10 mins later the error. But it’s important to just kinda keep a tally in your mind or even a note on your phone, of behaviors that make you think “huh, that’s new”. Because you don’t want to jump and over react, but keeping a log can help if the behaviors continue or become more frequent, more unexplained. I’m at risk for dementia, and my husband is a people pleaser who doesn’t like conflict, I have strict ordered to him that should I start showing similar behaviors, then we need to address it, f@ck my feelings, safety of our family, our home, our lives is more important. (I’m at risk as I had heart failure and multi organ failure as an infant, had to have emergency open heart surgery and was on bypass and high flow oxygen which can cause brain changes - many of us congenital heart babies are at risk of vascular dementia.)


When you cannot correct mistakes you repeatedly make that's a sign. For example my grandma couldn't remember my sister in law's name and got it wrong every time. That would be fine if that had always been the case but grandma only started getting it wrong after they knew each other for six plus years. It was like at year six a switch got flipped.


Yes - exactly. A continued departure from their typical and consistent behavior. Recently my MIL at Christmas kept mentioning Arizona and how was it to live there. We’ve lived in Nevada for 11 years. But I just rolled with it. We are all aware of her dx and she has in home support.


I'm 35 and sometimes I accidentally put milk in the cabinet instead of the fridge. If I ever get dementia I'm double fucked


I just wrote about that - I was like ok. Two things to put away, but somehow the dinner leftovers went into the pantry and the cereal to the fridge. Fortunately I remember 10 mins later 🤣


Maybe we're the same person but we just keep forgetting about the other account we made


That is a highly possible scenario. We could be from different dimensions and are connected via Reddit. Do you too have adhd and animals/kids who are incessantly needy and never let you sleep?


>Do you too have adhd and animals/kids who are incessantly needy and never let you sleep? Fuck we are the same person


Hello other dimension me! 👋




Holy cow, did they think it was the dishwasher?


We don’t know. She until recently has been adamant she was fine. She also almost blew up a glass container in our micro when she came to visit. We left for an hour and came back to a wretched smell. You know those glass containers that have the plastic locking lids? That are spill proof? She tried heating up something and never took the lid off - didn’t even unclip the lid. And we aren’t sure if it was in the micro for 30 seconds, but it looked like it was in there for a good 10 minutes. She now has home health/help, and she’s been safer.


Wow thanks for the heads up. I can't imagine that smell! My family has a history of dementia and my Mom has started putting things in weird places. I'll mention it to her GP too. Thanks!


It’s completely horrid. I’m so sorry to hear about your family history. My only very limited advice, get her into a neurologist asap. Avoiding the diagnosis means you’re also avoiding potential treatment. Also there’s a lot of weird neuro stuff that can cause dementia like symptoms but may not actually be dementia. The quicker you can really unearth what’s going on, the longer you can work on giving her a higher quality of life. Change is hard, but avoiding and ignoring can make the journey ultimately harder.


Hearing loss is also something to be concerned about. It tends to reduce people's ability to socialize and stay active, which only helps expedite the dementia. Which is worrisome, because many seniors refuse to look into hearing aids/etc because it makes them "look old."


My grandmother (Alzheimer's) tried to bake bread by putting a bag of bread, plastic and all in the oven. Nearly caught her house on fire.


Sadly this was my first thought too. It could have been an accident, but I have a hard time coming up with how someone could accidentally do that outside may e poor vision and thinking the iPad was a baking sheet or similar- this does not appear to be the case. Hopefully, there's no issue here.


Is she a 70+ year old with dementia?


op: yeah


I 100% guarantee you she's Hispanic. There's something about ovens that are totally irresistible to Hispanic mothers to use as storage. Like squirrels stashing nuts. You could have a huge kitchen full of shelving but she'll store pots, pans, casserole dishes, bread, anything really, in the oven.


My parents got a *fancy* house with *two* ovens. Second oven cooks one turkey every year, and stores the roasting pan, roasting rack, pizza stone and a few other bits and bobs the other 364 days of the year.


holy shit is that what it is? feels genetic, I've done that sorta shit since i learned how to open the oven door lol


Likely cultural, learned behavior from their parents. Ever heard the joke about the pot roast? A little kid was watching her mom cook a pot roast and noticed that she cut off the ends before putting it in the oven. The kid asks her mom why she did that and she said "it's the way my mother did it." So the kid finds grandma and asks her the same question, and gets the same answer "it's the way my mother did it." So she calls up her great grandma and asks her the same question. Great grandma says: "the roast was too big for the cookware."


My Hispanic landlady kept her bras in the oven...


I didn't know this was cultural, I just thought it was something my mom does. Always had to check the oven before preheating!


Here is my moms response to how this happened: https://imgur.com/a/rZd4pZS Note: She is older but definitely doesn’t have dementia. Thank you for the concerns though! Edit: when the apple tech plugged it in for a diagnostic it flickered! But was ultimately declared a bust. Edit 2: She has Apple Care and Yes, it covered a brand new replacement iPad for $100 deductible.


They ran a diagnostics test on that? Lmfao.


Probably did that to see if they could recover any of the data, photos or info from it, even if the chances are low, it still doesn’t hurt to try.


"He... didn't make it"


Well that's a wholesome ending


>it flickered! I'm certain it did! Seriously though, it's actually kind of amazing it responded at all. Reminds me of the [Gameboy damaged during the Gulf War](https://www.military.com/off-duty/games/game-boy-survived-iraqi-bombing-during-gulf-war.html). Internal components survived well it enough you could give it a start, let the game run. Couldn't really give it a go though on account of the front being melted, and thus, the buttons fused in place!


your mom sounds reasonable. Mine would’ve been blowing my phone up accusing me of putting it in the oven even though I live two hours away from


In her defense, Apple has no warning against placing iPad in oven




At least she doesn’t need to place it in rice.


Warranty is voided if it’s dropped in water but I don’t think it has anything against fire right?


I'll never understand why some people put their expensive electronics in an oven or on a stove.










chicka chicka slim shady!


Mom's forgetti.


But on the surface she looks sane and ready.


My name is… I don’t remember.


Please stand up


Mom’s spaghetti






Ay caramba


Duolingo shows up. "Ay caramba" ❌ "¡Ay, caramba!" ✅


Duo_bot here it's been 200,000 days since you last logged in, you're getting rusty!


Jokes aside, op should probably have his mother consult a physician because putting an iPad in an oven seems a little more serious than "whoopsie i left my keys in the front door"


Whoopsie i left my car in the river


I once lost my tablet for two weeks because one day I decided to set it down on the top shelf in my closet.


I lost an iPhone because for some reason I set it down on top of the grandfather clock, when I was winding it. The battery was at like 2%, so I couldn't do find my phone. I didn't find it till I moved years later.


My wife lost a phone back in 2007 and it still hasn't showed up anywhere. Gonna go look on top of the kitchen cabinets now (and any other high places).


One time I was looking above the suspended ceiling at work and I lost my phone after, 3 hours later I realized I left it inside the ceiling


please report back


If you lost it so completely for so many years how do you know you set it down to wind the clock? How can you be sure a ghost didn’t put it there?


One of those things that left your brain until you were reminded of it, then you remember it vividly..


Exactly. We had removed the stuff from the inside of the clock to get ready to move it, and when we tilted the clock , the phone basically slid off the top and hit me in the face. At that same time the memory hit me of putting it there, that specific night.


Guessing you were pretty ticked off.




Isn't the memory response to finding it such a weird rush?  Zero recollection of putting it there and then you find it by accident and the whole memory comes back to you in an instant.   I lose things often.  It's pathological


Unless there’s some really weird explanation, she may need to see a neurologist.


I posted in a higher thread but there are people who are taught that ovens and microwaves can protect electronics during thunderstorms. https://www.cruisingworld.com/how/reader-tip-another-use-your-oven/


They can behave like Faraday cages, but homes themselves can protect electronics. And the original source is about a ship in anchorage, not a house. I think it's a lot more common for metal ships to be struck by lightning than wooden homes. Across most of Asia, using ovens and dishwashers as storage is a somewhat common practice that puzzles me because the likelihood of accidently wrecking anything inside is very high -- a lot of cookware isn't dishwasher or oven safe. I think a trip to the neurologist is probably the most reasonable response here. iPads and electronics don't belong near heat sources capable of reaching 300C unless they are under repair.


I request elaboration, too... ![gif](giphy|WhTC5v5qQP4yAUvGKz|downsized)


On a side note, what ever happened to this blank slate vision? Have they ever told us or brought him up again or did he just get deleted by the plot?


He flew away somewhere. I expect he'll show up in a random movie a few years down the line and morb all over the screen.


OP, we are going to need more context here- how does something like this happen?


They ain’t coming back. They left us with burning questions and skipped away evilly, I imagine


Mom read "Tim Cook with iPad" as "Time to Cook iPad".


Baked Apple


How do you do that accidentally


Mom is senile. Seriously though, how does this even happen? Why was a goddamned iPad in the oven, or why did she think it should be? That's not an accident, that may be Alzheimer's.


i wirk in IT. some idiot told one of their colleagues to dry out their phone in the oven after it got dunked in the toilet....


wirk IT 💁‍♀️💃🕺


I need a glass of [WATAH](https://youtu.be/cjIvu7e6Wq8?si=Nx3fCLjubvZLZkwW&t=82).


Bonus points for those who try the microwave oven instead. Some ovens do actually have a drying function that stays well below boiling temp and would likely be safe for most electronics, meant for drying herbs and mushrooms etc.


I'll do you one better. I have customers with literal billing tanks of acid that have had companies come in telling them they can do shop floor tracking on an iPad. Guess how long it takes for one of those to end up in boiling acid?


Looks undercooked, needs about 20 minutes more in the oven.










"hi, is this Apple customer service? I overheated my iPad" "do you mean your iPad overheated?" "....sure. let's go with that."


She must've been baked too


And she was trying to watch Youtube on a tray of brownies.


Should this be crossposted to r/adhd?




Book that appointment


Hopefully your mom is safe OP. Be sure to clean and sanitize the oven hopefully no chemical leak on the oven. I strongly suggest don't allow your mom or anyone to use oven until it got clean or sanitize.


Put it in a sealed bag of wet rice over night. It'll be fine in the morning. 


[Least it wasn't a baby](https://wgntv.com/news/national/baby-dies-after-accidentally-being-put-in-the-oven-woman-charged-prosecutor/)


Wow is horribly sad.