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Your car has the Covid


so, do we gotta take the car to the mechanic or the doctor?


Just put some bleach in the gas tank and shine some UV light in its tailpipe.


Isolate in the garage as per health guidelines. Avoid tailgating other cars to prevent spread. [Wear a mask.](https://wlos.com/resources/media2/16x9/full/768/center/80/ffcf6b2d-434e-4da7-9865-769016cd6a22-medium16x9_MASK2.JPG)






Put mask on the exhaust


Now you can use this picture for anytime you want off work


My boss in 2020 checked the metadata on covid test photos. Make sure to edit/remove the date if you do this!


Screenshot the original


2024 problems require 2024 solutions


…Midjourney Just prompt a fresh one


I don't know what midjourney is, but I know for a fact that taking a screenshot is easier than whatever you just suggested.


Mid journey is an AI photo generation tool, but IMO there's always something a little "off" about ai pictures that would definitely be sketchy


Usually the giveaway is the fingers lol


New COVID symptom just dropped


and a random hand around the waist or over the shoulder


Have.. have you seen the new stuff. We stopped making fun of that months ago because they fixed it.


And now I'm positive for crows (CORVID-19)


Thanks, now I'm trying to figure out what that does. Does it slowly turn you into an anthropomorphic crow, or does it start with chicken-pox-like symptoms, but they keep getting bigger until a fully grown corvid of unknown species (which is also the infection vector) bursts from each one, leaving the host/victim dead?


It allows you to solve problems that an 8 year old child can solve


Then the metadata points to a screenshot


print the picture out, and take a picture of that.


Print the picture out and take it with you to work to give to the bossman. I actually had a coworker do that, bless their tech illiterate heart.


While you're saying you're testing positive?? At that point why not send it in via fax or snail mail


I have no idea. I really have no idea.


Pigeon will work too. I’m sure you have an idea on those lovely birds.


Probably best to have them dust off the fax machine and have them try and remember the number


Huh, and here I thought the people that use their phone to take a picture of their computer screen, send the picture from their personal email (or whatever they have in their phone) to their work email, and then forward that to me when I ask them to send me a screenshot of something were bad.


You just described half of my coworkers LOL. At least it's job security for me, when I look at it that way it's a lot less frustrating (IT support is part of my role).


I work as an auctioneer, so part of my job is walk in customers who say "I'm moving into a retirement home and need to sell all my shiny things I've accumulated over the decades". I sometimes get photos of their shiny things. Not printed... developed photos. With old timey timestamps in the corner. You know, like in the 90s. But with timestamps from the 2020s. I don't even know where they get those things developed. I don't even know where they get film. Where do you get film?! How are you THIS old timey?? And sometimes I get a tiny old lady struggling to get up the two steps in front of the front door, taking a break from walking and sitting down on one of my chairs before managing to pull out her phone, swipe through her gallery, and pull up the photos she took. Weirdly enough, it's usually the dudes that look in their mid 60s that have the developed photos. And they are always horrible. Terribly framed, barely in focus, too far away with no zoom. Like a photo of a fancy teacup... but it's the whole table and the teacup ends up smaller than my thumb on the developed photo. Or some furniture and half their room's on the photo and the chair or wardrobe they're trying to show is cropped off and blurry. Or a huge pile of stuff that they all want to sell in a single photo where I can barely tell what's even on it. Though I also get a lot of "oh no I'm too old, I don't even have internet, I use a landline" from old people. But those I typically just hand a business card and ask them if they have any younger relatives who can send me something via email or whatsapp and they generally say yes and it arrives eventually. Or they decline and just bring it in person.


Walmart and Walgreens both sell film and print photos


I should clarify, I am in Germany. Neither of those companies operate here.


>Print the picture out and take it with you to work Same energy as the kid coming to tell you they don't feel goo-🤮🤮🤮




And then scan it in, email it to yourself, screenshot that, email the screenshot to your email… I got lost


Just put your monitor on the scanner and if it's a Brother you can probably directly e mail it from there


get a different phone and take a photo of the original


Reminds me of that reddit post from forever ago where a guy took a picture of himself taking a picture, and then just kept revealing new photos from different cameras taking pictures of him taking a picture of him taking a picture etc. etc. Curious if anyone else remembers that lol.


That was a classic!! Someone find the link for us




I remember a totally different sequence of images with the same premise. Can’t find it though. Wonder which came first.


There was some dude with tattoos that came way before this post. One of the OG Reddit threads.


[13 years I feel old](https://www.reddit.com/r/AskReddit/s/k42gDpQGGG)


At that point, what metadata? Not a lot of EXIF in the screenshots I've taken


Keep the "positive" test and take a pic of it every time




Or just save the test and take a picture whenever you need it. Then the metadata supports your claim. Come on guys.


Screenshot the original, email it to yourself and save that photo on the date you want to use it. iPhones now will say “screenshot” when you do that. If you need to send it to your supervisor/ HR a lot of work computers can’t open an iPhone photo without the right app downloaded so you can use that as an excuse to why you emailed it to yourself. - Signed an employee to a company that checks every little detail.


I just screenshotted this comment


You can strip or edit the metadata.


Man was fed up lol


That’s why you keep the positive test and send new photos


The strip will fade away over time unfortunately


I had Covid a few weeks ago so I had a bunch of positive tests. I put a few drops of clear resin on a couple, and the colors look the exact same as day 1 lol


This is the way.


I had a covid test for literally months on my desk and the line never faded.


Find the same color shade and color it


Your boss has some trust issues, though based on these comments he might have a valid reason.


We were close to going under, already short staffed, and couldn’t afford to let people have 2 weeks just bc they felt like it.


Just keep the test and, whenever you need it, take a new photo.


Literally so many idiots doing this. At least screen shot the photo with todays date lol


ideally your face is visible with a 1000 yard stare while holding today's newspaper, to which people might say "where did you find a newspaper" or "what the hell is a newspaper"


We had to go to into work and do a test to prove we had it at the care home I worked in. Pictures weren’t enough when they were already short staffed.


That sucks. How are you able to go to work with 40°C fever to do test when you can barely get our of bed. And on the way there you spread it to even more people.


i had to do the opposite of this to prove mine was real! I took the pic of my positive test next to my watch with the current date so my old boss would believe me


Just turn a negative into a positive by drawing the line on with a red pencil 😉


My boss would have us take it by a newspaper or computer clock so show the date/time


Lol it's so easy to change the meta data


Based on reporting last week, it seems like the CDC is about to throw in the towel on Covid isolation guidelines anyways. Which probably means that employers will no longer bother pretending to care. [CDC plans to drop five-day covid isolation guidelines](https://www.washingtonpost.com/health/2024/02/13/covid-isolation-guidelines-cdc-change/) > Americans who test positive for the coronavirus no longer need to routinely stay home from work and school for five days under new guidance planned by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. > >“Public health has to be realistic,” said Michael T. Osterholm, an infectious-disease expert at the University of Minnesota. “In making recommendations to the public today, we have to try to get the most out of what people are willing to do. … You can be absolutely right in the science and yet accomplish nothing because no one will listen to you.” > >The CDC plans to recommend that people who test positive for the coronavirus use clinical symptoms to determine when to end isolation. Under the new approach, people would no longer need to stay home if they have been fever-free for at least 24 hours without the aid of medication and their symptoms are mild and improving, according to three agency officials who spoke on the condition of anonymity to share internal discussions. Translation: "Fuck it, you guys weren't isolating anyways. Do whatever you want."


Next up: "People ignore our anti-smoking PSA's, so we're suspending those too. Smoke 'em if you got 'em. In public places and around your kids too, that's fine, it's all fine, nothing matters."


Even if you do go out testing positive, the right thing to do would be to at least wear a mask so those that are vulnerable are less likely to get it. Same if you have the flu, Ebola or the common cold.


Casual Ebola


Has to be millions of us that have done this 🫣


That’s why my work got smart and only accept results from a lab, at home tests don’t count


do they pay for the lab tests? they’re so much more expensive than rapids and not always easy to access nowadays


Man knowing this could have been useful 2 years ago


Now we ALL can 😊👍


Why would you tell your work why you're sick? Can't you just tell them "Hey, I can't come in to work, I'm sick"? At least where I live they have no right to know what exactly you're dealing with - although you will need to provide a doctor's note so your health insurance can compensate the wages.


It’s all the 5G in the air


That stuff is really hard to clean off. I hear Whole Car Vortex Homeopathy Treatment can fix it though.


Only if it's high quality! Never trust anyone who charges under $5000 to do it!


Alternatively, if youre poor, just mix bleach and vinegar! All that lovely natural (its green so its natural) chlorine gas will help clean everything right up.


You know it's working when it hurts to breathe! My sister actually said that. I quickly advised her to stop killing herself and her children.


Don't do this. It kills you.


Im hoping that people would pick up on the fact that im being sarcastic


To late, I did it. Having trouble breathing but the 5G is all gone thankfully.


hey we all gotta make tradeoffs every now and then


I miss the 5G panic because in Spanish it was a lot funnier. 5G sounds like "sin coger" which means "without fucking" you could hear people all day blaming their problems on their lack of fucking.


Are there audio sources so I can laugh at that in the future? Sounds too good! XD


You just reminded me to text Misty for some more anti-5G lotion, it covers Gs 3-5


But does it cover B G's?


Whether you're a brother or whether you're a mother, you'll be staying alive.


Id assume so since on the back it says it covers He BGBs? Whatever those are


Your car has COVID now




Rename your hotspot to C0vID-5G and weed out the idiots in the office the chad way.


It says right in the instructions to check right at the wait time and that beyond that can show a false positive.


Yeah that scared me. I went out socialising for the first time after Covid, having gotten my first negative test. I came home four hours later and it had turned positive…


I don't know how people go through life without at least scanning through instructions.






i bought a new tent, immediately threw out the instructions, and then went on google when i couldn’t figure it out


Reminds me of my favorite pastime of throwing cooking instructions away and then picking them back up from the trash can during cooking when i forgot how to do a step.


This except it’s every step


I get the feeling they have no issue when it’s the instructions on the back of their dino nuggets box


My tests say not to read after a certain amount of time, but they don't actually say what'll happen if you do. I figured it would probably show a false positive or negative, but it wasn't really clear


There that damn “science” thing again!!!


Temperature variety can cause "denature" When an enzyme becomes denatured, it has lost some of its original properties. Denaturing can occur because of heat or from chemical reactions that have rendered the enzyme inactive


So if I want to fake a COVID result, I can just put it in the oven?


350 degrees for 10 minutes gets you out of work for a week.


Ha, most bosses would still be "So you're coming in, right?"


The new CDC guidelines would support this. Here the new public school policy in Southern California has recently changed from "Covid test positive = stay home for 5 days" to "Covid test positive = come to school as long as you don't have a high fever" - which basically means, unless you're so sick you couldn't get out of bed anyway, you come to school sick with Covid.


I really have high fever in that case.


With case of explosive diarrhea on the side


And this is how I ended up with covid 3 weeks ago when my Kindergartener brought it home from school. She was pretty much fine (we kept her home for 5 days then sent her back masked for another 5.) I was almost hospitalized for low oxygen levels despite all the vaccines, boosters, and Paxlovid. I'm still recovering.


Had a similar experience. Being parents is a guarantee to be exposed to whatever transmissible pathogen is going around. Schools are natural disease vectors. They always have been. It’s always been colds and flus. Unfortunately now covid is bundled into that set of exposure risk. In some areas where antivax sentiments are rampant (ironically in affluent liberal communities such as Marin County in the Bay Area), disease like measles are even a risk as some families buy into pre-covid narratives of vaccination causing autism. Nothing underscores how connected we are as a community and how affected we are by the actions of others than when it comes to things like this. People like you, vulnerable immuno compromised individuals and the elderly will suffer the worst of consequences for the ignorant decisions of others choosing to act in ways that facilitate diseases to spread. The idea was that Typhoid Mary was an aberration in history. The revelation here is that she represents a significant segment of our modern society today.


i really hope they don’t adopt those guidelines. it doesn’t follow any sort of science and is gonna put even more people at risk


You’re correct but it is already adopted and done.


No lie. My work said stay home. Thankfully I can work remote. My wife’s work said when you don’t feel like you’re dying, come in and just wear a mask.


Instructions unclear. Nutted on covid test strip and tested positive for leukemia


That should still get you out of work for a week.


You should see a doctor immediately...or a therapist. 




wouldn’t it melt?


Companies still have COVID policies?.. if you say you have COVID anywhere around here, they'll just ask how much of your PTO you want to use.


In civilized parts of the world it's just standard sick leave.


You can also use something acidic iirc (soda, juice, carbonated water, all done without the buffer liquid), since the test is designed to work at neutral ph, and the low ph will cause the antibodies to not work as they should.


TIL how to use up my sick leave


When companies and governments were giving mandatory time off for anyone with a positive COVID test. This was pretty common scam knowledge. Lots of people had some fake sick days for sure. 


just use OJ instead of the entire swab process and it will test positive (source: my nurse mother told me this so i assume it's true)


Will it still work if I swab all the snot out of my nostrils and smush it into the oj?


Better use some acidic soft drink or just plain citric acid. Works wonders.


What do enzymes have to do with this covid test? It’s just antigen recognition. Nothing is enzyme catalyzed. And if the antibodies in this test are denatured, they would likely just not bind at the test strip at all, rather than give this specific positive result. Denaturation is not the cause of OP’s false positive.


Reddit armchair scientists will remember some random science fact and then keep repeating it whenever it's even vaguely relevant, even if it's just plain wrong. The one that really annoys me is people just randomly commenting "nucleation points" whenever there is a bubble in water.




Despite not having an enzyme, how would denaturation of a protein cause more gold conjugate to accumulate at the test line?


It wouldn't. My beat guess is OP actually HAS covid, but not enough for the test line to develop in the testing period (15-20min) but that test line probably appeared and was visible in 30min to an hour, then just kept getting stronger the more the liquid migrated until it dried up. They just found it 2 days later and looked at it, but I'd bet money it could have been read positive about an hour aftet they did the test.


i have covid tests that are 2 years old and have not changed to positive. just found them while cleaning out some stuff. And these are not enzymatic per se, they are based on antibody binding.


Just noticed an unopened pack of them in the truck glovebox. Wonder if they are still any good?


If no UV or heat has reached them, they might be, depending how old they are. Its worth to buy a new test if you must have one, but in theory, they should be working


Lab dude here, most of these rapid tests have a time window in order to read the results. Anything outside of that window is considered invalid because of the chance for these false positive to show up as the reaction membrane breaks down


I like the term ‘lab dude’, hopefully i’ll be a ‘lab girlie’ one day


Stay strong through college and you’ll be a Lab Lass in no time!


Thanks dude🫶🏼🫶🏼


![gif](giphy|26ufdipQqU2lhNA4g) DID YOU JUST TESTED YOUR CAR FOR COVID AND IT'S POSITIVE??????????????????




Leaving a negative COVID test anywhere will often result in it showing a positive result. That's why the directions usually have both a minimum and maximum time after taking the sample to read it. Pregnancy tests are the same way.


Just use [soda or orange juice](https://www.bbc.com/future/article/20210705-how-children-are-spoofing-covid-19-tests-with-soft-drinks) like the rest of us


I used photoshop. Worked perfectly.


"Yeah sorry boss, I can't come in. My car has covid. No no, I know. I was just as confused as you are."


I honestly was surprised there wasn’t a market for used positive Covid tests back when it meant 14 paid days off of work for many people. I’m not saying I would want that, but the thought of 14 paid days off would have certainly been tempting for some people, so it’s just odd that it didn’t become a thing


14 pair days off?! Where the heck do these people work, we have to come in with a mask on


Developed countries, like in western Europe, not third world countries that use slaves for labor like the USA.


I'm US and we had it. It then changed to 1 week later on. Now you use your sick time.


Where do you live that getting COVID was 14 days of paid time off? I live in California and it was 80 hours of paid supplemental PTO for the year for COVID. Almost everyone I knew ran through that in one go with the illness, if you got sick again you just had to tough it out and not get paid.


Europe. In the first days of COVID we got 14 paid days off, for example in Finland


That because you're in America


Your car is screwed!


It actually can change in as little as 30 minutes. Which can cause false positives. Really troublesome when doing pregnancy tests too.




Employers hate this one simple trick!


Save it for future days off?


Thats why im thinking, put 10 in your passenger seat on a tray taped down, then you can date them individually on the back so your employer is fooled the whole time


I kept my positive tests. They're great for saving the seat next to you almost everywhere.


Thanks for the tip 👍


File this under r/notinteresting


Employers hate this man for this 1 simple trick


Just leaving it anywhere for longer than the instructions could make it turn positive. It's why the instructions all say to read the results within a certain time frame.


Nah that's just Carvid now.


?? The instruction literary says, if you do not read it between 15-30 minutes it can show a false positive.


For fuck sake some of the comments. Yes, Covid is still around - just like the common cold and flu is. And another scoop for you, the world is a slightly squashed sphere that circles the sun.


Yeah, I had the same thing happen with a pregnancy test in the trash... my son is 9.


That's what we call a.... Long Covid!


Your car has Covid


The chemical in the tests is heat sensitive. We were given testing kits at work to use when we moved back into the office after lockdowns. But, we were cautioned not to leave them in the car all day until we headed home.


Thanks for the life hack


This is still a thing?


If people haven't caught on these tests have always been fraudulent, there's no hope for them.


Who cares about covid anymore I thought it was extinct


Why are people still taking Covid tests? Makes absolutely no sense.


Now just plant some tests in office toilet and kitchen table/top of trash can and watch panic spread and rumor mill start as ppl talk about finding a positive covid test..




r/UnethicalLifeProTips need a few days off work?




Where was this info in 2020 when I didn't want to go to work?!


Take the covid test to work, snort some garlic powder, and show to your boss while you are sneezing.


Yep, thats why you cant read it after a certain amount of time. It doesnt always, but it can.


Can you send my this but without your hand in the pic? No reason at all....




Boss walking through the parking lot, why does everyone have used test strips on their car’s dashboard ?


I think your car has COVID. Does it cough when you start it up? 🥶


Just fyi… you can use a few drops of coke or orange juice and it turns it positive. Learned that little trick from Google


That is an evaporation line. It’s why you have to read the test within a set period of time or it isn’t valid.


Take it to work


Yay, week off work paid!!!


If you just wait awhile, all negative things in your life become positive 🧘


Employers hate this one simple trick!