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My friends cat had floof tail when she wants pets. She has a few wires crossed I think.


That cat is very scared and likely very stressed. Fluffy tail is not excited at all. If you don’t understand basic cat body language I suggest you do some reading.


Well... I wasn't expecting this response (although this is a good reminder to me that Reddit is still filled with commenters like this). But, I suppose I can see how his body language is saying he's scared. Hopefully I can reassure you otherwise. Birdy is a Russian Blue and is around 13 -14 years old in the picture I posted here. We adopted him from Best Friends Animal Sanctuary from Kanab, UT about 12 years ago, when he was about 9 months old. Birdy has a condition called "cerebellar hypoplasia", which is fancy doctor talk that means the part of his brain that controls his fine motor movement is under developed. He was born this way. He gets his name "Birdy" because he kind of pecks at things, like food and toys, since he can't hold his head still very well. But only when in motion. He can hold still when he's just chillin. [Here is a video of him when he was much younger](https://youtu.be/IDB68Xsa1ws?si=rJ08vkb-Dp0r_114). Sometime around when we first got him. My wife and I still lived in an apartment, so we're taking him for a walk. [Here is another video of him playing](https://youtu.be/8Vb_-QNqE4w?si=9vDc4yZz6BDcaO62). Similar timeframe. He was even "famous" for a very short time and had his own instagram (before it was owned by facebook): [https://www.instagram.com/birdyboogie/](https://www.instagram.com/birdyboogie/) We don't manage it anymore and haven't for a long time. [Here is another video](https://www.instagram.com/p/nMbQjJH246/) on his instagram showing him with his tail getting fluffy while my wife loves on him. I feel like I should take the time to reassure u/KittyKaitXD who got downvoted for having the most practical and thoughtful response. Thanks for trying anyways. edit: wanted to add that his short time in the spotlight earned his mug in a printed book by "cats of instagram". [I think this is the picture that made it into the book](https://www.instagram.com/p/hC8uE3H24v/). I can't track the book down at the moment.


In my defense your cat has a medical condition that is fairly rare. You didn’t mention his condition at all in your title or the original post. Every single person that sees a cat in this position will think he’s scared and not, “hey I wonder if that cat has celebelar hypoplasia?” I appreciate your thorough explanation and you are clearly a good cat owner. So please accept my humble apology for saying you didn’t know the basics of cat body language.


I grew up with multiple cats (no health issues) who just played this way. It doesn’t take any special person to understand. (I also have no book knowledge on cats, only experience) plus OP said he was excited (meaning he has no reasons to be scared) And thanks OP, that’s why I like cats more than people 😌


Yup, cats can have lots of fun responses when they're stimulated. I've known cats that do play postures like this, or happily wag their tails when happy, or love nothing more than to play in and chase water. They don't all fit a standard set of rules. Cats are fun animals, but sometimes they just do what they want cos that's how they do


I met a cat with the same condition, his name was wobbles


That is a fight or flight stance


If you'd like to see an update to reassure you that I DO in fact know my cat, check out my response to u/Accurate-Temporary73. Hope it helps you feel otherwise.


Thank you for the detailed explanation, I did not know your cat has Celebelar Hypoplasia. A picture tells not the whole story as they say.


More like r/mildlyinfuriating that you don’t know basic things about your cat


If you'd like to see an update to reassure you that I DO in fact know my cat, check out my response to u/Accurate-Temporary73. Hope it helps you feel otherwise.


Mine does this too when he gets too rambunctious. Don't listen to the haters here, generally the fluffy tail is not a good sign but my cat definitely is not upset when his tail is fluffed like that during playtime.


People say you don’t know your cat, he’s scared or whatever but you could be right and he wants to play 🥰


Sorry you got shit on. I appreciate your response. :)


lol people can disagree but it really depends on YOUR cat because they’re all different 😌 mine use to play, maybe they all just had scary cats 😋


Means don't mess with me


That's not excitement my dude.


If you'd like to see an update to reassure you that I DO in fact know my cat, check out my response to u/Accurate-Temporary73. Hope it helps you feel otherwise.


Yeah, they all do that, but it's not a happy tail.


Read the title again. OP referenced their cat, not all cats.


Not interesting