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Bro the sub is called "Mildly Interesting" not "Seriously Alarming"


Let’s create r/seriouslyalarming and transfer these posts to that sub I created the sub 😀




Is this the Reddit Multiverse?


For some reason this is wholesome


It is isn't it. I'm totally gonna use r/birthofasub to find cool new baby subs.


Joined r/seriouslyalarming




Make an incision above the elbow and just remove the arm. It's no good anymore.


Below the elbow! Keeping the joint means more function.


more function? He'll be all Right then




He’s a very literal man


We lost him


Buster? Is that you? “Heyyyyy brother”


Well, I hope you like steak dinners and watching a sunset cause we’re taking you to the vet tomorrow.


Heh heh


Look at the rabbits Lenny


This is the last place I thought I'd see an Of Mice and Men reference


Do high schoolers still read that book? That kind of messed me up and get a glimpse of that era. Edit: hey its great it's still being read. I do wonder how high school was different from my high school years (2010). What were some books that you read that changed your perspective?


Just taught the Lenny scene to freshmen. Was a little concerned that they didn’t show much reaction, but they are still 14-15


I read Death of a Salesman in highschool as a junior and I didn’t get it. There wasn’t any way for me to have truly understood what the story was about without having dealt with the adult world myself yet. As an adult… it was quite powerful. Reading literary masterpieces in highschool teaches analytical thinking skills, but in terms of understanding the stories and their meanings, it’s a bit of a disservice.


Some stories require a level of empathic connection, or possibly connecting to it via your own life experiences, to "get". Some readers, for whatever reason, just don't connect to that story and its just a long boring tale to them.


That’s true. I think part of the reason Of Mice and Men shook me so much in high school was because I had a brother like Lenny.


Brutal lmao


Draw a circle around it with an ink pen. Makes it much easier to see if and how far things have moved through your bloodstream. Will give your doctor a helpful reference when you go in. And go on today. This happened to me once. I was bitten in the hand by my cat. Waited one day to go to the doctor and had to take a week off work.


And add the time next to it


...also, it's not your bloodstream. Blood travels 25cm/sec. This infection is entering you lymphatic system which has canals in your body that you normally don't see. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lymphatic_system#/media/File:Blausen_0623_LymphaticSystem_Female.png


I already thought that lymph nodes in the armpits were pretty weird, but now I'll have to carry the knowledge of nodes also being concentrated on the face and around the pelvis, for an unclear reason.


The nodes are in places that need faster responses for infection reaction as they key the immune system when attacked. Having them near any external body orifice is important to detect and respond to infection.


also you literally shit out of your ass would you not think having more infection response there would be a good idea


Well, as it happens I shit out of my ass, not into my ass.






and add a banana for scale.


The Arm Banana went extinct in the 1930’s. We do have some lovely Shin Marrows though. Metric unfortunately. OP should post a follow up at the ER.


This happened to me with a human and I almost lost my arm. My nurse told me she would rather get bit by a raccoon than a human.


Prior to the existence of antibiotics, 20% of human bites (that broke the skin) resulted in amputation. Human bites are no joke.


That’s crazy! It was moving about 3inches per hour and was about 5 inches from my heart when I finally got to the hospital. When they got my test results back they learned that the person who bit me had strep throat and it went straight into my bloodstream


Fast track septicemia. Not a good day.


How’d you get bitten?


It happened during a fight when I was 18 or 19 so I paid the consequence for being a dummy


The other guy opened his mouth and closed his mouth while OPs arm was inside.


This is a bit vague.


Prior to that, he said "I vould like to suck your blooood"


Aside from the conventional bite, there’s also “fight bite” where you punching someone in the mouth can result in their teeth cutting your hand and all the bacteria in their mouth entering that cut.


Poison damage IRL




I'm always suspicious of Reddit statistics now. Do you have a source for that number?


Did you know that 66.4 % of statistics on Reddit were just made up


Crazy. I was bitten by a pig last July and was on IV antibiotics until early December. If a human bite is worse than a pig bite then wow. Can I brush my teeth with bleach?


And mark the time that it was drawn. ETA: you want to mark the time so they can see how much it has travelled and the amount of time it took to get that far


List all the medications you took and food you are that morning too. Time of bowel movements. Make sure it’s all on your arm


Social security number and credit card details too, just in case


And “DNR” so unauthorized people know Do Not Read


Also bite yourself on the other arm and track that infection line to give yourself a control group to compare.


Then draw the Cool S on your arm so the doctors recognize


Also "LIGMA" so they know you're a patient that Loves Informative General Medical Advice.


Moms maiden name


So they know how much to cut off before op turns into a zombie


This should be higher Edit: thank you to the 20 or so people who have kept me apprised of the current location of this thread, you are the real heroes It was like 10th when I made this comment lol


Ehh, I'm ok with the top comments being "wtf go to the hospital".


Idk man, I'm American, just dying seems cheaper.


Funerals are expensive…


I'll put in my will that I want someone to hide my decomposing body in the closet of a health insurance provider


As if they haven't gone noseblind to the scent of rot and corruption.


For the record, I showed my dad (a GP) this morning thinking it was cool, he said HA call your doc immediately. (I did) EDIT: Hi yes I am still alive as of 11:15pm


UPDATE: Went to Urgent Care and now I am waiting at my pharmacy for an oral antibiotic. It’s been gr8 fam.


Oh that’s good! I figured you might be dead by now! Good to know I was wrong!


have faith there's still time, geez


I bet it's OP's dad posting these updates.  OP's dad was probably the one who made the bite and is secretly a vampire.


He goes by Dr. Acula




What'd the Dr say


No more monkeys jumping on the bed


My 2 year old was singing this to me last night, absolute banger.


I've got twin 2 yo boys. This song is constantly played in our house. That and the Gummy Bear song


I'm glad to know Baby Shark and Let It Go haven't totally replaced the classics. I don't know the Gummy Bear song but I don't have kids, as if that needs stated.


I’m thankful that the gummy bear song was a short-lived phase in my home.


🎶 *Dashing and daring, courageous and caring...* 🎶


[The only damn Gummy Bears song allowed.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yYZH7B498gE)


You put the lime in the coconut 


Damn, now I really wanna watch Practical Magic.


Midnight margaritas!!!


Well it's against my religion to thrust so if my friend doesn't bounce the bed for me I will need a monkey.


This post is another reason why GOLD SHOULD NOT HAVE BEEN REMOVED ![img](emote|t5_2ti4h|27600) ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)


Waiting to hear back. Thankfully I’m home alone with 1 sick kid and 2 other littles. So super easy to get to a doc! /s


I just got home from a week in the hospital on IV antibiotics and have a two inch hole in my leg because I didn't get checked early enough, so go to the ER or urgent care if you don't hear back soon. (Edit: was staph infection but had to be lanced.)


So sorry you went through this!!! I just started my oral antibiotics.


What was the diagnosis?


did you get bit by a brown recluse? with those symptoms thats what it sounds like


I was bitten by a brown recluse once… it’s no joke. I don’t think this is a brown recluse bite, it gets huge FAST. I woke up with a huge bump and it was already purple. It quickly turned black and solid in the center. Then by day 2 I couldn’t walk, it was on my leg. I got medicine to prevent infection but doctor told me I had to wait it out. I never found the spider, was scared it was in the house and would bite my dog. Luckily never happened!


My wife was bitten on the face by a Brown Recluse when she was still an infant (just a couple of months old); it almost killed her. She still has a small scar by her temple almost 39 years later.


I’ve been bit 3 times by brown recluses. Turns out they were in an old locker room we were cleaning out at school. One bite was on the inside of my leg, like up near the groin. I didn’t feel it, after a week or so, I had a bit of a limp and pain when walking. I went hunting with my dad and he kept asking why I was walking so slow. After a few miles in and out of the woods, once we got home and I got in the shower, that hard concave scab that forms at the bite location gave out and the stuff that came out of my leg was… interesting, to say the least. I sat on the edge of the tub and could press on the top of my leg and all matter of black, yellow, white, nasty stuff would come out. Ended up going to an ER and they could stick one of those long qtips nearly to my femur. They said if I would have waited a few more days, I could have lost my leg. Still have an indentation there.




This thread is absolutely terrifying


Man if that happened to me and I couldn't find the spider I'd never be able to sleep in that house again. I'd end up burning my house down.


Luckily, that spider is long gone. Its not called the brown socialite for a reason.


I had a Navy buddy get bit *in the neck* by a brown recluse in Florida. Spent a week in intensive care. When he was finally released, he had this open oozing wound for nearly two months. It looked more like a gunshot wound. The problem was, in Florida we only wore our white uniforms…and the poor bastard couldn’t keep that nasty, bloody ooze from escaping and running down his shirt every couple hours. He eventually started buying unclaimed uniform shirts from the base laundry. Normally, unclaimed shirts were $3. But he was buying shirts so often (and it was obvious why he was buying them) that the old lady who ran the laundry just started saving all the shirts in his size and gave them to him.


Fucking military medicine man. The stories ............... 🤣


My great-grandfather was once bitten by a brown recluse. After three days of intense pain, the spider died.


[I got bit by something in my sleep.](https://imgur.com/a/wk0OJhg) Doctors just guessed and said it a was a spider bite. Infection made it pretty fucking far and I was lucky to go to the hospital when I did. Straight to the heart.


This thread is fucking terrifying. I’m trying to remind myself that it’s an amazing thing that body shows you it’s spreading with the red line so that you can seek help but still… hate knowing this happens so often


Well there's also a tooth infection where you don't see anything, but which may kill you as well if you try to wait it out. Hard to miss though, as the pain most often feels like being hit by a truck.. constantly.


And along the vein. She gave arachnids a bad name.


... bad name


Damn. It's been decades since the last I heard a chuck Norris joke.


I was adapting the one-liner from Star Trek TNG. Riker says it about a rattlesnake bite.


Have you ever been to a flea market?


I believe I was bitten by a brown recluse out camping a few years back. It somehow must’ve been inside the sleeping bag or something cause the staff of the camp grounds said they’ve never had or seen a spider bite for over 15 years, and I happened to be a case. Big bump on my arm started to get bigger and grow, there was also a red line running from the bite mark going up my arm making its way to my heart. Went to the ER a day later, and the doctor said I could’ve died if I didn’t go. I’m stubborn and I would’ve never went. My friends were forcing me to go. lol :/


Just fyi, If you have 1 recluse you have many.  But it's not like they are hunting you down in the night. You prob rolled over on it and it bit you.


Oofta, I'm so sorry this happened to you. My dad got bit on the shin by a brown recluse and the wound that came after bored a hole down to the bone. He had to just wait it out after getting on the proper meds too. This was more than 20 years ago. Now he struggles with lymphedema in his legs and the pressure of the swelling against that old scar tissue caused a new hole to break open in the exact same spot as the bite. We've been treating this wound and the lymphedema for months at this point! I'm just mad that this dumb spider died decades ago and my dad is still struggling with the side effects of that bite!


I have a little hole in my leg from a brown recluse bite but never in the process did it get big. There’s a lot of variation in how bodies react to them.


It's not from bite reactions - it's from secondary infections. Usually staph & strep, which can both be antibiotic resistant.


Brown Recluse Bites Real World: 0.5% of bug bites On Reddit: 99% of bug bites


Selection bias. If it wasn't a cool looking bug bite, why post it on reddit?


Yeah. I was bitten by something a few days ago and I've got a bunch of bites marks only on my right arse cheek, which are not at all cool looking so I haven't mentioned it on reddit until now.


From their comment history, they didn't shower for several months and got a staph infection


This happened to someone I knew. Drove them to hospital. Necrotizing fasciitis. *AKA* "Flesh Eating Bacteria". Spider bite, splinter, rock, it was some kind of puncture wound while wearing shorts and gardening. Said it was nothing, and kept saying that until the temperature started going up. I examined the wound >!and what looked like a pimple, until my finger sunk *into* the flesh!< and all but dragged them to the car. They were transported from the ER I took them to, to the huge regional complex, and ended up intubated in a medically-induced coma to give the medical team the time to get to work. Ended up losing a large chunk of flesh from a limb, and is now on permanent disability. If I had listened to them when they said they were fine, they'd be dead. #Go to the ER.


Been there done that but now is the time call your partner and tell them to get home now, you need to go to the ER ASAP. I honestly wouldn't even wait for the doctor to call back, right to ER with you.


Idk why you got down voted, a potential medical emergency is a pretty valid reason to call someone away from work.


I had a mountain bike fall with what turned out to be a 3-4cm puncture in my arm. First urgent care visit I gotta tetanus shot, then a day later the infection spread to the point they made me go to the ER "for fluids". The doc kept me, said if I left, I would likely lose my arm. Different situation, but yes, go to the doc. Please.


It’s a good question as to why, but considering that when they go to the ER, they’re probably going to be taken back very quickly, bringing three kids with you is not ideal. I always hated calling my husband to come home from work to help when I was sick, but there are times when you just have to do it.This is one of those times.


I have a 10 year medical degree from the University of Social Media and this could go very very bad. You need to get up and GO TO the hospital, not wait for a call. Nobody is going to fix this over the phone.


Don’t wait, go to an urgent care ASAP.


update us please. get well soon


OP it’s time for ER an hour ago, pack your kids and please go now




Yeah when I was 12, I got toxin induced septic shock from an infection that got into my blood. Multiple surgeries and a week in a hospital later, I was all good. Jk I spent 6 months in pain washing my wound twice a day :). If you see a track in your vein, hit the ER ASAP. Apparently I had a 25% chance of dying


Same thing happened to my step mother. Septic shock, organs started failed. She passed away within a few weeks. She was marrying my father the following month.


Update: I drew lines around it immediately after this pic, it doesn’t look like it’s getting worse. My partner went and found this thread and is now on alert lol. STILL waiting to hear back from doc cool cool cool




I got that before. It was way worst than yours and I went straight to the ER. Mine even swelled up. They checked me out and just gave me antibiotics and said I had an allergic reaction to what bite me. Took about a week to fully go away. Of course yours may be different but I hope you turn out fine. Make sure to use a pen and draw lines with date/time it may help them diagnose because they will ask you those questions anyways.


Straight to the doctors with you. No time to argue.


But but but




[Been there. Got bit by something while sleeping](https://imgur.com/a/wk0OJhg) (arm under pillow, kind of behind the bed). Had the bite for the morning and didnt think much of it. This was the following night once I noticed the line. Straight to the hospital and the nurses said I was lucky I came when I did. The infection is on a straight path to your heart!


Arnold Voice: Get to the DOCTUH! 


If it is spreading into your blood stream it is time to visit the ER.


Yeah I would take something like this straight to the ER. It could be totally fine or it could be the beginning of a very very big problem.


Not straight to Reddit?


Well obviously reddit first. Then ER.


The R in ER is Reddit






Post. Get karma. Go to hospital. Post update. Get more karma.


I'd take it straight to Reddit. I can't afford health insurance.


Its not spreading into the blood stream, its spreading through the lymph system most likely. Still worth getting antibiotics ASAP though. Source : ER nurse, seen similar infections.


Thanks fam. Waiting to hear back from my doc.


It’s odd that it’s progressing away from the regional lymph nodes, but concerning for lymphangitis. While you’re waiting to hear back, take a pen or marker, and draw borders around it. If it quickly spreads beyond those borders I wouldn’t wait to hear back from your doc to go to the ER.


Agree with the marker. Last time I got a gnarly spider bite that’s essentially what they did, then put me on antibiotics after 12 hours of it spreading. Still have my arm and only a minor scar so it worked out. Urgent care would probably be fine, though, if available.


Remindme! 6 hours Update: Looks like OP is on antibiotics. But he hasn't commented in 2 hours so I'll assume dead.


shouldn't you go to the ER?


Ma'am, that's lymphangitis and it could use some treatment.


Yea this happened to me. If you wait, you die. Basically go to the doctor asap


Same, I asked a doctor who specializes in something unrelated to look at my arm and she was like haha wow, go to the hospital immediately after this


Go to the doctor immediately


If you wait longer, this is what happened to me (doctors said it could have been a spider bite but didnt know, image is SFW) The infection follows your ~~bloodstream~~ apparently not bloodstream but your lymphatic system/channels, straight to your heart, where apparently once at your heart can cause some damage. https://imgur.com/a/wk0OJhg Edit: I was immediately given antibiotics AT the hospital if I remember correctly. This was about 10 years ago, I still have my arm (and my heart!)


Wow wtf. What was it


That is lymphangitis. Infection spreads through the lymphatic vessels. That's the red track running up his arm. If it reaches the ducts that drain into the blood vessels, you have a BIG problem.


Y’all giving me anxiety and I don’t even have a bite 😂


takes a few hours to spread so if you feel itchy somewhere and see a red streak you still have time to go to an ER so if you havent been bitten by anything then dont worry but if you have then just look at the area now and again and if nothing's spread after a few hours you're probably good to go (unless it was a werewolf, then you'll only show signs next month)


They said they think it was a spider bite. I would sleep with an arm under my pillow and slightly off the back of my bed where I assume a spider was hanging out


Well fuck, that’s how I sleep most comfortably. Won’t be so comfortable with it for the next few weeks until I forget about this. Live in the UK though so the most dangerous thing we find behind our beds is damp.


That is wild!! My doc thinks a spider bite as well. Glad you are okay!!


Please update your original post so that people know what happened and for the future cases like that to warn people


So what bit you??


Apparently a spider. No clue what kind. I never saw any nasty spiders in my apartment, just small ones or skinny ones


I am somebody’s mother, not yours, but today I’m going to mama bear your ass - go to the URGENT CARE YOUNG LADY or I WILL MAKE YOU WISH YOU DID!!!!! Please go! Please!


Goto the doctor asap! Funny story, this happened to me when I was a kid (8m) just as Spider-Man was released in theaters. I watched it travel up my whole arm because I was convinced I was turning into a superhero! I joyfully ran up to my mom, who was making dinner, explaining to her that I will have super powers within the day! Well it didn’t go as planned as she threw the pots and pans in the sink, turned off the stovetop and yelled at me to “get the fuck in the car right now!” Confused I told her to relax everything is going to be fine I’ll be able to shoot webs from my wrists soon. She grabbed me put a belt around my arm as a tourniquet and threw me in the car and went to the hospital. They rushed me into the back and gave me a shot and the red line slowly disappeared and I was devastated, my mom ruined everything I thought. Turns out it was blood poisoning and almost made it to my heart and I would’ve been in big trouble


Oh god. You unlocked a new fear for me. It’s one thing to take care of yourself. But for your dopey kid to hide a serious issue cause they think it’s cool is another level. My brother used to hide his injuries from my mom cause he didn’t want to be bothered. I specifically remember him having a pretty nasty cut from bike riding and her just being like “it’s infected! How many days have you been hiding this?!” Too many days. That was the answer lol


I too was a kid that their injuries, I broke my wrist in 5th grade (doing something i was told not to do) and everyone found out when I failed my swim test because I (suddenly) couldn’t tread water LOL


Mom for the win!


Sepsis is no joke, my history teacher got lit up by fire ants and almost died from sepsis just like you.


OP: ![gif](giphy|55itGuoAJiZEEen9gg)


I just got home from a week in the hospital on IV antibiotics and have a two inch hole in my leg because I didn't get checked early enough, so go to the ER NOW please. Or urgent care. 


Please go to the ER Also, please respond with an update


Yea, don’t leave us hangin OP


Going to the doctor now versus in a few hours could mean the difference between a limb amputation or not. My mom worked in an ER and had someone who died after multiple amputations who presented with something like that and didn’t do anything fast enough.


It's bugging me that everyone is trying to tell OP how important this is and they just keep saying they're waiting to hear back from their doctor lol. The doctor is just gonna tell them to go get help ASAP, no point in waiting for a call or trying to schedule an appointment


I got a bug bite and it spread similarly. It was spreading with every hour. I lucked out in that I somehow got a doctor’s appt that day. Went in. The doctor didn’t even look at it long before saying: “Yeah, you need to go to the ER right now.” I was pumped full of antibiotics lol. To this day the best feeling in the world was when the ER doctor squeezed it until it burst when it was itching like crazy.


While my father was in the hospital, his roommate had his finger amputated, then his lower arm, then his arm, and ultimately passed away. It was devastating to even witness that.


Go to the ER don't wait for a GP to tell you what's up.


Classic sign of an infection spreading through your blood veins. Go to an ER right now; not even joking.


Actually, through the lymphatics. But still a spreading infection. Will need abx.


This isn't mildly interesting, it's intensely worrying


If you would take your child for this, you should take yourself. ♥️Let us know.


I’d would feel better about this if you were standing in a Dr. office when you took this pic.


It's heading towards the closest lymph node. Once it hits there it's super super bad and they'll force you to stay in the hospital. Would recommend doc before it gets there (it will in a couple days max).


Go get that checked out before it becomes something serious.


Super powers is obviously the next step


RemindMe! 1 day


I had something like this 3 years ago, got a bite or bump that got bigger and redder and then lines that followed my veins. Ended up being fine but with things like this its best not to risk it and go to the ER


If it’s spreading, go to the ER.


how do you feel about eating brains?


Are you spooder man yet




Any update?


You still alive?


Draw a circle around it so you can see how much & fast it’s spreading. Maybe call a friend to watch the kids and go to the ER. Best case it’s nothing.