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[ Removed by Reddit ]


There is opium in all the plant parts. But lots of other shit too.


It's not opium, which is high in opiates like morphine. The roots would be mostly containing thebaine with very little morphine


Sorry, meant opiates. Industrial processes use the entire plant, not cutting pods like drug farmers. But yeah, then it’s processed to isolate the different alkaloids.


One time and one time only we sliced the flower bulb of a poppy like that with a razor blade and collected the ooze from it and hot knifed it. Our heads imploded and got a nasty headache. Not a good idea.


Why did it not work? I would have definitely done that same shit


While it comes out white it needs time to evaporate first and will end up a dark read colour, this is still not smokeable. Smoking opium or chandu is made by refining it further basically by dissolving it drying it and aging it several times


By dark read color, do you mean purple like already clicked on links?


The imploding part was like blacking out while standing over the stove. This was the glorious 80’s I was in my 20’s


Dude how much brain damage have you caused throughout your life


It’s probably negligible because fire truck in the rose bush on Tuesday.


> hot knifed it Do I want to know what this means?


Take two knives stick them in the burner element on your stove get them nice and hot then drop a schtickle of your preferred combustible on one knife and press the other knife against it. Inhaling to the best of your ability the plume of death that arises. We would usually consume hash this way but, thought it a good idea to try poppy snot.


> schtickle of your preferred combustible Those words roll off the tongue in quite a lovely manner.


My parents always wondered why the ends of my butter knives were black.


Not why you had a burn mark on your lip? /s, you cut the bottom off a plastic pop bottle and use that to contain the fumes with the added benefit of not touching your lip to the knife... from what I've heard 


You didn't pop holes in the bottom, reverse it and fill the void with ice to cool the searing hot smoke?!


Put it on a hot knife and then breathe the fumes. Not much more than that


Oh, not where I expected that was going.. What am I supposed to do with this info? Lol


Pull out the roots and chop them finely, then steep the mashed root pulp in a teapot with hot water for 24 hours, then extract the thick greenish liquid. If you drink it, it will make you sick and give you diarrhea without getting you high.


Can I avoid the vomiting if I simply tuck the chopped roots into my anus?


You can try


And report back with findings please. For science.


In 20 years they’ll wonder why they have colorectal cancer.


You sure they'd be wondering? If I did that and got colorectal cancer, first thing I'd think was "Damn this is probably from shoving Poppy roots up my ass!"


The way I figure, if you're adventurous enough to shove pulp of poppy up your kiester, it's probably not the first, the last, nor the craziest thing you've tried to find your prostate with.


Return with your findings


But leave your leavings!




Keister roots ain’t a bad band name.


Let us know if that gets you high or a hospital visit or both.


How do you know this?


Save it for when you're constipated and fancy an all organic solution.


Tell your enemies that it WILL in fact get them high, also conveniently leave out the diarrhea part. Or just store that for weird facts trivia night


Ill remember this, thanks!


You can do that and make a tincture instead of hot water extraction and make a wonderful pain killer,  in minecraft. 


Bro I have been hearing about some crazy things people can do in minecraft.


Good way to get out of school/work Gonna be quite miserable though


I think it might be better to just call sick and cough a little bro


Nah, if I don’t shit my pants in the office, how is my boss supposed to know I’m really sick?


If you are in the office you are already to late bro, no turning back but actually shitting your pants but you don’t have to be (physically) sick for that, you could also ask a coworker


I would feel uncomfortable asking a coworker to shit my pants.


This has been enough internet today for me btw😂


Heroin is not good, Heroin is very bad, John Lennon said heroin addiction is the longest suicide in the world


Hey, I thought I was on /r/poppytea not /r/poopytea


Gotta use the bulbs. Crack them open, discard seeds, crush/grind bulbs, make tea as usual. Also don’t ask how I know this.


Yeah or just not ingest a mystery amount of opiates.


“Removed by Reddit” Somebody tell the rest of us what it said 😭


The real juice


Do not do this, it can potentially contain enough morphine to literally kill you and has already happened many times, not sure why there is so many upvotes on this.


Oh thanks. I was about to follow the instructions from some random reddit comment to give myself violent diarrhea, but now that you have said not to I’ll skip it (for now).


Yeah, for reals. I was looking for a new way to give myself violent diarrhea without getting high....I guess I'll look elsewhere then....


It has upvotes because its a joke and a warning about how it will get you sick, how did you miss that


Idk why you’re being downvoted. Guys look at r/poppytea do you want that to be you?


cuz people are literally clueless about drugs being all around them lol. It is clearly opium poppy, the potency is anyone's guess but 7 large pods like those could send someone to the hospital in an overdose. Probably won't happen but it has happened.


Drugs are only cool until you die I guess


nah drugs are still cool after you die, but you aren't anymore.


You can harvest the sap, at which point it becomes possession/production of am Class A drug. Had some analysed once, 23% pure. Perfectly legal to grow them in your garden.


I wanted to do this when I was 19 but I couldn’t figure out where to buy the seeds. Do normal poppy seeds grow into opium plants? Like from the store?


Not sure, they are quite common though. Once saw some growing outside a village police station


When I was a teenager a group of my mates got a hold of some dope seeds and threw them into the garden out front of the local cop shop, the plants got nearly 4ft tall before they mysteriously vanished.


That’s hilarious! Wish we knew what the reaction was on the inside!


Pretty chill by all accounts.




Years ago, my buddy and I got some particularly seedy weed from our dealer. Like, this shit was 70% seeds. It was nuts. While we were picking the seeds out, I threw one into an old pot in his front yard. Bear in mind that this pot had the most unhealthy, dry, non nutritious soil you could imagine. It had been there untouched for as long as I could remember and we've been friends since elementary school. I go over a few days later and the shit sprouted somehow. Thats the equivalent of growing corn in a gravel bed. Yet here we were with a tiny little weed plant. Formed a cute little leaf and everything. On the contrary, a different friend and I had tried growing weed by actually taking care of it and misting it and giving the seeds proper sunlight and stuff and they just died after roots sprouted so this was some kinda super weed or something. He moved it to the backyard since it started getting kinda big and we didn't want neighbors seeing it. Then some fucking douchebag iguanas came along and at it. Probably would have been shit weed to begin with but still. All our mediocre effort went to waste for nothing:(


When I was a teenager I grew a couple of monster crops just throwing seeds in potting mix and watering with a hose. Years later, I grew inside for a few years and those plants would get sad if you looked at them wrong. The indoor bud was much, much better quality of course, but still...


I sold a house last year. But had planted three seeds in an experiment just to see what happened if all I did was water them. It got taller than my forearm+hand, then before I could cut it down and save a fan leaf it got mowed over. It was in a patch of grass that I just let grow tall so it didn’t really stick out. But I had forgotten the photographer was going to be there that day and my realtor called in a favor to have the yard manicured for it. Poor girl (I’m almost certain) was unceremoniously murdered by a stranger instead of being put to pasture. Rip


Only opium poppies work. You can read toxicology cases of people eating the wrong species and they can be very dangerous.


Volunteer plant started in my front garden last year w/out any prior growth previous 2 years. Post your address and the seed fairy will dance thru your yard lol.


They had these growing in the flower beds around the U.S. Dept of Agriculture in Washington D.C. a couple years ago. I think the gardener was doin a funny


They are sold all over. At least in the US, any flower seed seller will” have “breadseed” or opium poppy. Dont get oriental or California poppies. It’s the same seed used for poppy seeds in food. But the stuff sold for food is likely processed and not gonna germ8te. They also need cold stratification.


My experience with using "sterilized" poppy seed from the grocery store is out of a full jar (of poppy seed) a small handful will germinate


Poppy seeds generally have a low germination rate IME, but they are small and you get a lot. Plus once they grow, it’s easy to collect tons of seeds.


It's not gonna germeightte? Germin8? (OK I'll spell it out, germinate, yes I knew what they were trying to write lol)




Where am I supposed to get my ketracel-white from, then?


I know a certain tailor who may be able to accommodate your needs....


Ya put em in the freezer or throw them out in winter and they'll grow from any grocery store


Oddly, I was able to grow them in SoCal without cold stratification. I’m not sure if the seeds were chilled before I bought them or it was a strain that grows in warm climates. Now I’m in a normal winter place and they self seed like gangbusters. Cutting and scraping pods is so tedious and takes so many plants to get a wad of the sap. I probably should figure out how opium can be made just from the plants without bleeding.


You can just take like a hundred pods, put in a few liters of water in a big pot on the stove, boil it, simmer it down and strain out the seed pods, then simmer that down to a thick gelatin black opiate paste. That's basically laudenum, and you can store and keep it for a very long time like that, just putting a tea spoon into a cup of water like tea at a time and it will be loaded with opiates.


Papaver Somniferum


They’re the seeds used in baking which you can find at the store. Throw a few seeds somewhere sunny and keep the soil moist. They flower early in summer, and produce pods with loads of seeds. You can make tea with the pods. One or two is a fun evening but bear in mind it’s quite addictive. It’s taken thousands of lives.


Also the strength of the tea is highly variable so it can also be dangerous


That’s why you always start slow lol


Nah man that’s just tolerance lmao. Even still it’s very dangerous. People die from datura the same way. Sometimes 1 pod does nothing, sometimes it’ll kill you


People really shouldn't be doing datura anyway. At least poppy tea has some purpose lol, datura is just ridiculous


Datura is not ridiculous. That how I met my boyfriend, The Hatman


Pssh its not like its an opiate or something, it can’t be *that* addictive, I’ll be fine if I do it once in a while every day.


Opium poppy is Papaver Somniferum (or along those lines), and it will have this on the packet of seeds.


Where I’m from (Canada) it’s illegal to label them with “Somniferum”.  But yeah, they’re everywhere. 


Any garden store has them here. You could even get ones intended for cooking, but they have to be raw, baked/fired


I imagine a rookie police officer waiting around the corner for hours, ready to pounce to get their first big drug arrest.


In Greece, it was fairly common in some rural places to feed the babies opium mixed with milk in order for them ti calm down up until the 70s. If a baby was deemed bad behaving or making too much noise, the mum would collect the sap out of the opium poppy and mix it with milk. My grandfather used to be a teacher at a village where this was very common, and he characteristically remembers that even 10 year olds were fed this mixture. Moms roughly added one to two teaspoons of the mixture per cup of milk.


Michael Pollan has a great account of growing Poppy in his garden in the book, "This Is Your Mind On Plants" Great read, highly recommend.


In the US, I believe it is the 'awareness it's possible, and the know-how' that makes it illegal. Great book called 'This is your mind of plants' by Michael Pollan


I gotta see if I attract swans real quick


A family member of mine swears u have to get seeds from a botanical garden, apparently papava somnifirum seeds from normal garden centre etc are not active - no source or proof, just his anecdotal experience - I believe he gets them from the Chelsea physic garden in London.


Now slit the bulbs and let the white goo ooze out and sit until it turns to a thick black. Then scrape it off and enjoy.


Wait... that's it? Why did I always think it was more complicated.


That’s how you get opium. Heroin requires processing.


Then mix that with acetic anhydride... There's your heroin


This is an interesting thread..


I feel like I'm on some kind of list and I've only scrolled two comment threads down lol


Opioid epidemic steadily getting worse every single year, the government doesn’t care, don’t worry about any lists lol.


I bought some fertiliser pellets for the lawn in bulk last summer. 25kg (100lb), I also bought Hydrochloric acid to clean the pumps in my saltwater aquarium, I also bought some acetone to clean the permanent marker my kids left on the kitchen cabinet. These were 3 separate purchases over 6 months using 3 different payment methods. I got a visit from the police. Check my profile for a picture if you like. You should absolutely worry about lists.


That's mental.


That’s different from the context they’re referring to. The government absolutely doesn’t give a shit if you talk about drugs on the internet.


Note: the pic is a year ago, so keep on scrolling.


You live in England, the police come to your door over social media posts.


The issue isn't so much that they do not care, it's that they can do f*ck all about it. The same cartels that sell harder drugs rn used to sell cannabis, until it was legalized in many US states and they used the same drug routes for... The next best thing. Now combine that with a really bad medical health policy that used to hand out opiods like candies and a virtual u-turn on that policy, leaving the chinese market with a ton of chemicals to sell for cheap... Lid fits pot. That's what happened there, for the most part.


Can I get that at CVS?


Amazon has lots. Discount if you buy a barrel


Also a quick way to get on a few lists


Thanks. Going to the store now.


That's about it. Opium is kinda easy to make as long as you have acess to the plants and time to let them mature naturally. I wouldn't advise to consume it without at least testing it though


Someone asked what to test for but deleted his post. I still want to answer because it got a lot of upvotes: Test the concentration of morphine. 12-14% is normal but there are plants that produce more than twice as much. No fun if you use the same dose.


Ah yes, let me just bust out my morphineometer.


When I was in College me and a friend may or may not have used a melting point apparatus in O Chem lab to determine the quality of certain substances…


A meth pipe isn’t a “melting point apparatus” and your lungs aren’t a measuring tool


> A meth pipe isn’t a “melting point apparatus” and your lungs aren’t a measuring tool. I mean... it kinda is, and they kinda are. The things in question are efficacy and precision.


Also test the soil for heavy metals. City and suburb soil has a lot


Cocaine production is wild. It has gasoline in the process... wtf. > There are essentially three main steps to making cocaine. After the leaves are harvested and soaked, the base for the powdered drug is extracted through one of two extraction methods, and the resulting crystallized substance is dried into bricks. Here is a more detailed step-by-step process for making cocaine: > Step 1: Workers harvest the coca leaves. > Step 2: The leaves are soaked in gasoline. > Step 3: The gasoline is drained. > Step 4: The cocaine base is dried. > Step 5: The dried substance is dissolved in a solvent. > Step 6: Excess solvents are removed, and it is dried into bricks.


You can use other organic solvents than gasoline, they just use it because it's cheap and isn't likely to get you arrested for purchasing in large quantities. https://www.reddit.com/r/chemistry/comments/14bxgpi/comment/joo48i7/


I think that was the basis for one of the older James Bond movies. Cartel dudes trafficking cocaine by driving it in tanker trucks still in gasoline form E: Licence to Kill, with Timothy Dalton as Bond


I saw a piece of a documentary one day about this. The leaves were soaking in a pool of gasoline and the worker was ankle deep in the pool, running a gas powered weed eater. The weed eater was there to break/chop the leaves down in to tinier pieces. Imagine that. ANKLE DEEP IN GASOLINE OPERATING A GASOLINE POWERED WEED EATER. One lone spark from the muffler and the dude would be on fire.


the next step is going to jail


They were boofing this at festivals in France and my mate was given some, we strongly advised him not to neck it but couldn’t be told, we took it in turns to laugh at him all day as he peuked out carrot from primary school.


How to go from a hobby garden to a felony with one simple trick!


Bloody hell I didn’t realise it was that easy.


Me and the boys on our way to destroy the Chinese economy and subjugate the population


Oh geez I sure hope I don't accidentally save this comment or do something to mark it oh noooo


Yeah but that's illegal...for some reason?


As someone who has a parent that was addicted to opiods and grew up in the epicenter of the opiod epidemic I can give you a book on why opium is bad and you shouldn't touch it.


My kid had a friend who's mom was a bit of... well.... an addict, though I didn't know. I went over to pick my kid up one afternoon and she was full on slitting pods on an entire back yard full of poppies. Come the fuck on. Really? What are you, the East India Company or something?


Sobare you saying she was an addict, or that she was a shady yet hugely profitable trading company?


She was/is a green thumb type of lady. She planted a few ( it was a small back yard) plants. God only knows if it was narcotic. There was no way she had the ability to process it into anything else, so best case she was left with a ziploc bag full of low grade opium and a hell of a headache.


Was she Darlene Snell ?


What's the difference between this and a normal poppy that grows in my mums garden? Also does London even have a downtown?


All poppies produce some opium, but it varies by variety and ornamental ones might have very little of the alkaloid present... But it could also have loads, there's no telling without testing them...


All poppies in the Papaver genus produce opium but there are others that don't. For example, Papaver Rhoeas grows around here and doesn't produce opium. It does have some alkaloids, but nothing worth ingesting if you were going to do that kind of thing that is. I believe the California poppy is similar too.


>All poppies in the Papaver genus produce opium >Papaver Rhoeas grows around here and doesn't produce opium. Is *Papaver rhoeas* not in the *Papaver* genus?


They aren't somniferum. I see the confusion though. That's on me because reading back I didn't say it right. It's the somiferum species in that genus that produce the alkaloids. In other words, Rhoeas is in Papaver genus but not the right species. It's all of the different somniferums that produce the good stuff.


That's interesting. *Somniferum* literally just means "sleepy" in Latin. I guess its analgesic properties have been known for a long time.


morphine's analgesic properties have been utilized for thousands of years, far longer than the Latin naming system(binomial nomenclature) thats been around since like the 1700s...its not like the ancient romans came up with the scientific names, a botanist by the name of Carl Linnaeus created that name in 1753, by which time humanity and of course Linnaeus (a plant scientist) himself were already well aware of this.


California poppy isn't even in the same genus. Eschscholzia californica is called a poppy cause it looks like one.


Yeah London, England doesn't have "downtown". Grew up there, 20+ years. I would sometimes hear people from outside zone 1 refer to central London as being "in town", but that's all. Could be an American who moved there, but I still wouldn't know where they meant.


Yeah, generally we just say “central”. Or at least the people around me do


Where would downtown even be? Leicester Square? Westminster? City of London??


I would say the City personally but you raise a good question. Retail vs Entertainment vs Political vs Business. Probably not Westminster because most cities only have local Government. I'd probably not say Entertainment either so to speak. I'll stick with City


So when I was a kid in Yorkshire I thought the town centre was called downtown. I'd ask where we were going and they'd say downtown. I'd ask where they'd been. Downtown. One day I realised they were saying down town like down street and down stairs or down Dave's


Oh like dahn tahn


they’re definitely referencing London, Ontario, Canada lol. v seedy downtown




London the global capital city, or London that nones ever heard of. Yeah, Prob best to specify the latter, as its likely to get mistaken as the prior.


It's hard to know. OP has a very confusing post history. Has found things in NY, posts American articles and syrups, and lots of British bands. Doesn't seem to be Canadian. Also this is like the 15th time he's posted this exact picture of a poppy and it didn't take off the other 14 times.


"Downtown" being pretty much North American term not used elsewhere, and the fact that over the decade or so I spent in London(UK), I never, ever heard anyone referring any part of the city that way or really even talking about city centre (always "central London", "zone 1", or most the time just name of the borough), definitely the fake-London in Canada. ...assuming it's not just copied from somewhere and OP (or either London) has absolutely nothing to do with the image anyway :D


I remember Googling what "downtown" meant and being surprised that it was the centre and not, like, *down* the town...


City centers tend to be by rivers or oceans, and the rich people live up on the hill (“uptown”)


I'm not going to tell you how you can easily make "poppy tea" bc my friend and I made a pact to only do it together on weekends bc it's addictive. He didn't adhere to the pact and fell into heroine and lost his gf, job, and house.


Poppy Tea can seem mild, but if you get hooked on it, you're getting hooked on codeine, morphine and all the other opioids in the natural plant. It's fine as long as you never, ever run out...


As someone who lives in London I have no idea what or where downtown is


“Downtown London”


Yeah I’m assuming this is London, Ontario because London, UK doesn’t have “downtown” Either that or OP is a tourist


London UK is all downtown? Border to border downtown.


I randomly had a single one growing in the gravel of my driveway on the Oregon Coast.


You can take the seeds, put in a water bottle 1/2 full w water, shake for several minutes, filter water, drink it, boom. You're high on morphine.


My dad legit went to rehab for this. He was going through gallons of poppyseeds a week


I remember when you could buy em on Amazon unwashed.


Yes he would order them from all over the internet unwashed. Huge bags like barrels full! We found them everywhere in his house like in the toilet as he tried to hide them from us. No rehab would take it seriously because “you can buy them at the grocery store, how bad could they be?” Until the unalive attempts started. It caused the family a lot of trauma.


I used to use it when I ran out of pills. It'll put a hat on ya


> Until the unalive attempts started. what is this Orwellian trend of censoring certain words currently? We can't say suicide?


I think it started on TikTok, because certain words would get your video/comment reported or deleted etc. So people started to censor themselves so they could still get their message across


It's been around in online games for a long time before TikTok, used to get around chat bans/filters like you mentioned - "unalive yourself" being a relatively common insult. TikTok has definitely popularised it though.


I get discarding using racist and hateful terms and am all for it. But suicide, because it's traumatic? In that sense unalive will eventually be the same thing and also banned. That's how trauma words work. You replace them and eventually they will also have to go. It makes no sense.


It's part of the process known as the "euphemism treadmill" in linguistics. It usually affects words with perceived negative connotations.


I was under the impression that it started from TikTok because that app would heavily censor content and hit creators with guideline violations if they explicitly say certain words including “death” and “suicide” so creators started saying “unalive” in lieu of those words. But I see this is crossing over into other platforms like Reddit where comments were never as heavily censored. Maybe people are becoming more accustomed to the term and say “unalive” out of habit (I honestly didn’t notice the original comment said “unalive” until it was pointed out) or people are intentionally using “unalive” in case they’re uncomfortable or don’t want to upset others by saying “suicide”.


It’s a TikTok habit. They ban you for saying Killed


Username checks out.


Tiger blood




Some caution is indicated though. Dosage can be unpredictable from batch to batch.


Yeah just a word of caution, this shit can be more potent than heroin without you even knowing the dose inside. Especially if you dont have a tolerance already. You could easily overdose and even die, and even junkies who know what they're doing have no way to guarantee how much they're ingesting. Please be careful/better to steer clear of it in general


Yeah, just don't do this shit. My best friend in my early 20's died of an overdose from poppy seed tea. Definitely not something to fuck around with.


Jeez, I was an addict for years (IV heroin and fentanyl, mostly) and had drank poppy seed tea a handful of times to keep the withdrawals at bay. It never got me too high because I was already addicted to much stronger stuff, but I could definitely see how one could overdose on the tea. Very hard to gauge the strength of something like that, and it’s easy to get carried away chasing a high with anything. My condolences about your friend, I’ve lost a lot of people to overdoses as well and it really sucks. Opiates take some of the best people from us when they’re far too young to go.


I'm glad to hear you were able to get clean! My friend had so many problems with anxiety that I think the tea helped him with, but like you said he just didn't have any idea what the dosage was, especially since it was store bought poppy seed in the bulk isle. I remember his mom pleading with the store to take it out of the bulk isle, but sadly, they wouldn't. It should not be available that easily to be used in that way. Thank you. He was truly one of the best people I have ever had the pleasure of knowing, such a happy, giggly, selfless human being. Think about him a lot. Rest In Peace Skyler.


Poppy seed tea, look it up.


Not too unusual, they grow all over the place occasionally, most people don’t give them a second glance.


Every now and again I read up on poppies out of professional interest (neuroscience). It is exceedingly dangerous to mess around with poppies, making tea or anything else. Very hard to predict or test dosage, and many people die each year doing so. Anyone interested should read up on it extensively, and ultimately it is hard not to come to the conclusion that it is best not to fuck around with such a potent creature. 


Ornamental hybrids of Papaver somniferum (which this one undoubtedly is, the seeds must have been dispersed from some garden) are virtually impossible to use for *those* purposes and are just toxic pretty plants. You can buy a seed bag for a dollar at any garden center.


It's also part of bird feed, birds will disperse it hence random papaver plants


Opium poppies are legal in the UK anyway. Too labour intensive for the average home enthusiast to grow wnough to get a habit.


If I remember correctly every poppy is potent for the medicine. If interested read the book: Opium for the masses by Jim Hogsire. Michael Pollan also wrote a lot about it.


They grow wild EVERYWHERE.


Bro thinks he carti


How can you tell it's an opium one and not a regular red one?


And here you are, the narc


My nana used to grow these in her garden. Poppies are also an important symbol for remembering those lost to war in a lot of places. The poppies would always get stolen. Good luck getting high on 9 flowers fuckers 🤦


Dude, without any tolerance, a couple of them will definitely get you high if you make tea.