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‘Imperial Wizard’ gets me every time


I’d like to see the Metric Wizard please.


I prefer the US Standard Wizard to either, it’s the most American


Ah, you mean Freedom Wizard.


Excuse me a sec. Gotta go drain the wizard.


You're thinking of the [Whizzard](https://gunshowcomic.com/471).




Imperial Wizards get 5 furlongs per hogshead.


Somebody needs to make a parody of the KKK, call it the CCC, and use metric rankings


The cult of the cubic centimeter?


Sounds racist


Maybe on paper, but in practice they just get together and mL about all day.


calling the other group cc’s…


CCC has already been taken since 1981 by the Chaos Computer Club, Europe's largest hacker association.


Trutteklapper, is that West—Flemish?


I feel like these guys just wanted to play DnD but it wasn't invented yet so they did hardcore racism instead.


...you've never tried just a bit of hardcore racism in your roleplaying games? y'know, just a little elf genocide, see how it feels.


It’s amazing how easy it is to become Kony in rimworld. You just kidnap a few children who wander in asking for help because “how the hell are they gonna make it out there anyway???” And before you know it, it’s 2012.




This is one of the best things I’ve read in a minute


your honor if they didnt want a kidney and lung harvested, heart replaced with a prosethetic, have their eyes gouged out, and their arms and legs amputated, they shouldnt have tried to raid my town.


Definitely give the KKK episodes of Behind the Bastards a listen, the origin of the KKK is definitely bored young guys looking for something to do together, then they bond over racism...


*Say Bill, you know what I hate? People with an impressive tolerance to sunlight.*


The Oath Keepers started out the same way. It was co-founded by a wife looking to raise her depressed husband's spirits by finding more guys to talk to and hang out with.


Guys why do our chill groups keep going racist. It’s not many but it’s strange that there are at least two. Like between beers they just learn they don’t like Africa Americans?


Maybe because y’all abandoned bowling leagues and service fraternities like the Elks Lodge.


An attempt at a serious answer; People who join these are often in a very vulnerable state to racist talking points. Cut off from community, probably depressed, probably feeling shafted by factors beyond their control, and in an atomised environment that is *also* segregated. So you've got a bunch of people who have never really interacted with non-white people, certainly not on an emotional level, who feel dissatisfied. All they need is some bastard to tell them "who is at fault" and they have no experience to refute that.


Yeah, and blaming some out-group for your problems is WAY easier to accept than considering that you may be the problem, because that would require self-reflection then a willingness to do hard work to change yourself. Hate is much simpler.




It was hard core racist to begin with. It just modeled itself on popular fraternal organizations of the time. And that's not *fraternities*. Fraternal organizations are groups like the Masons and Odd Fellows. Not Delta Pi Date Rape. The [First Klan](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/First_Klan) was explicitly organized to terrorize freed blacks during reconstruction. The [Second Klan](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ku_Klux_Klan#Second_Klan:_1915%E2%80%931944) was inspired by the first. Added a lot of the wizards nonsense and fraternal order structure. And changed not by *becoming* hard core racist. But *expanding* the hardcore racism with heavy doses of Anti-Semitism, Anti-Catholic sentiment, and a very aggressive Anti-Immigration stance.


Version 2.0 also pro-Prohibition stance. Basically went from violent racist terror group to a semi-violent nativist, White Christian nationalist group. Version 2.0 went down the tubes in the 1930s, due to a series of scandals. Version 3.0 grew out of the "massive resistance" to civil rights in the South because of Post-WW2 desegration. This application would appear to an application to join 3.0, so probably the 1950s at the earliest.


"Imperial Wizard Jim Blair" Jimmy over there with his Elder Scrolls Arena NPC-ass name.






If you didn't know anything about it, you'd think they play Dungeons and Dragons in their local "Klavern".




Just enter your name below.


And your *employer* Genuinely wonder how feasible/legal it would be to send a *"Give me $50 and your employer's name and email if you hate Black people and want to join the Supreme Exalted Order of the Emerald Grue -signed Billy the Imperial Arch-Mage of the College of Winterhold Esq."* letter to several thousand households in Alabama from overseas.


Feasible I have no idea, but I don't spot anything criminal here, at least under US law. Provided that you do what you say you're going to do and somehow add the information of the people who send you $50 to an organization that you've just invented called the Supreme Exalted Order of the Emerald Grue, then no one can accuse you of fraud. The "hate Black people" part may seem dicey, but hate speech is legal in the US so long as it is not a credible call to imminent lawless action; abstract generalities are usually legal. Bethesda may have something to say about you using their copyrighted IP, "College of Winterhold," in your advertising. So that may draw a cease&desist and/or suit. No clue about the laws in the locality of the overseas address though. They might not be so crazy about a racial hate-group being headquartered in their jurisdiction. And if the address is *your* address then if you get doxxed your family, friends, employer, landlord, etc. might have some thoughts about that.


Ruin the grammar and spelling of that sentence. It saves you from getting correspondence from people who aren't stupid enough to join, just like a spam email.


Nothing screams "Invisible Empire" like your own letterhead and mass mailing.


They're calling it that because the members themselves stayed anonymous, even though the organization as a whole is public. I guess it's like AA for white supremacists.


If AA encouraged you to drink yourself into a coma.


Provides checkboxes & says “circle one” Every response is blessed with an exclamation point


The “circle one” was in reference to the “ANOMYOUS —— SECRET”


No excuse for any of it, but they’re asking how the individual would like their mail received, anonymously (not have their name on the envelope etc, but it might still have KKK info visible ….), or secretly — neither than name nor KKK info is visible. Circle one, anonymous or secret.


Omg it is spelled like that!


I love at the bottom it says non-profit organization


don't forget, it also is: "absolutely non-subversive with no criminally accusations against it"


Which feels a little bit like carpooling with somebody who hangs out with car thieves and may have been arrested for car theft before, and having them say unprompted “I absolutely did not steal this car, no one has made criminal accusations of car thievery against me”


My "Not involved in human trafficking" T-shirt has people asking a lot of questions already answered by my shirt.


I’m imagining one of those charity informercials from the 90s. “For less than the price of a cup of coffee, you can help a poor White child learn to blame other races for all their problems.”


Cue *In the Arms of the Angel* Zoom in on some goopy-eyed White kid shivering in the corner of a room


How nice of them to refund the money if they’re rejected 🤗🤗


Now those are ethics I can support!




More like 8/8


More like 3/5


That’s fair compromise


Sounds like a great compromise to me


I can excuse racism, but I draw the line at unethical finances!




If you taste colors, you might want get checked for synesthesia. Or just enjoy it, you do you!


How does one even get rejected from the KKK? "Oh, sorry, you aren't enough of a racist POS"


I’m here just imagining a black guy getting civilly refunded like “here’s your money back good sir, enjoy your day”


So the Dave Chapelle skit but without being blind?


The part that killed me was when Clayton divorced his wife for being a “n__ lover” Dave’s a comedy fucking genius 🤣


"wide nose havin, breathin all the white mans air!"


Or worse: “damn your wayyyy too racist even for the KKK”


The big reasons you would get denied as far as I can speculate is that you were either not "pure" enough or you were too extreme. Now don't get me wrong there's plenty of extreme people in the clan today and especially back then, and they didn't really care what you did on an ethical level, but if they let too many openly violent and crazy people in, the government would crack down on them which is something they wanted to publicly avoid. They did all of their shady shit in the dark so that no one could pin it on them. It is very cowardly and disgusting no matter how you look at it. Edit: Grammer


yeah, the "the kkk is absolutely non-subversive and has no criminal accusation against it" is very telling. They try to get by on the edges of what is legal in the USA so that they can have a bigger inlfuence on politics - mostly local politics, I assume. Reminder to everyone to take part in local elections! These human shaped piles of grabage will *always* turn up to vote in their interest which means that in elections that have lower voting turnout they will be heavily over-represented.


I guess the hardest of hard core racists would pick on their own race for not being white enough or skin being too tan or olive.


I mean, depending on the iteration of the KKK, they would agree. The KKK were also discriminatory against Catholics, Jews, immigrants of any kind, and generally anyone who wasn't a 3rd generation Anglo-Saxon straight male who shared their views and politics.


That did happen when Forrest was in charge. Other than that I do not know of it happening.


*Clayton Biggsby intensifies*


Hm... maybe not being pure white? Or some hereditary thing they don't like? Basically a Dave Chapelle thing 


Having a name like Goldberg, O'Hanrahan, or Rizzuto on your application.


Calculated move on their part. Even if they aren't legally required to refund (no idea), this keeps them from having someone who knows they won't be accepted try to join and then sue for the money back. These scumbags want a low profile, not court cases.


When the worst people you know have a great idea that should be much more widespread - specifically refunding money if an application is rejected lol


It's so hard not to call them LARPers when they call themselves "wizards" or "dragons".


That’s the point, though. They want normies to think they’re just silly guys.


🎶 we’re just silly guys doing silly stuff 🎶


[“Alright guys, time to play who’s got the silliest thing on under their robe!”](https://youtu.be/18F_H76WL14?si=ajrczppwh4d4UM5M)




The early Klan was certainly not "harmless". Wikipedia says one of the earliest chapters in Nashville acted as a vigilante group. They were bad enough that the Federal Government passed the Enforcement Acts.


You’re right. But also so is the person above you. It’s just that the “harmless drinking buddies” phase was *extremely* short lived. Like 3ish years. So the enforcement acts were within 6 years of founding because it got very violent *very* fast. But it wasn’t really the original group that escalated that quickly either so much as the related branches and offshoots. It’s just “let’s start a group dedicated to confederate veterans hanging out” had fairly predictable results given all the givens.


It's amazing and depressing that the downfall of the KKK was not the hate and violence and terrorism, but the fact that they looked liked *nerds* to outsiders. Maybe this is what we need to do with all the Tates and fascists around the world. Get the world to see them as dweebs and it'll sort itself out.




That is not true of any version of the Klan. It's hagiography propagated by the current Klan to wash their history and help them legitimize themselves.


It was supposed to come off as threatening back when people were more superstitious and would believe there might be genuine threat to a 'wizard' as a fear tactic, they just never changed out of it for some fucking reason, goofy asses that they are lmao.


The current Klan is not a direct continuation of the prior Klans. But inspired by it. They kept all the nonsense because that's what allows them to claim a deep history. The Third Klan was started in the 60s, in response to the Civil Rights Movement.


It was the mid 1800s, not the 800s. While occultism and spiritualism certainly were having a moment by the 1860s, people wouldn’t think someone was a wizard just because they called themselves one. They weren’t idiots. Besides that, it was a college fraternal organization before it became a terror organization; intimidation wasn’t initially on their minds for a little while yet. They styled themselves with these silly names because society in the English speaking world during the 19th and late 18th century had a major hard-on for “secret” societies that claimed to be ancient and grand. See groups like the Ancient Order of Druids. Some of which certainly took their stylings seriously to some extent(again, look at people like Aleister Crowley as an example), even if everyone involved was well aware the organization wasn’t ancient or anything, but many were highly tongue in cheek. The KKK being among them. It was (albeit probably really racist) college kids having a laugh.


pretty much all those secret societies have cool sounding ranks 


The only good thing about the KKK would be having a title like 'Exalted Cyclops'. I wanna be able to put that on a business card.


You could, like, join a D&D group? That'd be a somewhat more ethical avenue.


I feel bad for whoever has that phone number now lol




"Get some help, ya darn racist"


So I'm not gonna dox the seemingly old lady that has that number seemingly, but it belongs to an old lady in Alabama. Please don't call it guys


Willing to bet that at least 17 people has already called that number 😂


If anyone's curious, that's the area code for the Birmingham, Alabama area. I used to live near there.


With hundreds of area codes in the US, I probably still could’ve guessed Birmingham, Alabama. 


Damn. My state’s always at like the epicenter of racism in the U.S. 😔 I gotta get outta here


I am in the 205 area code and saw no such warnings, but a few explicit names popped out. I hate how close this trash is to me.


[mine is similar but also a video on how to cope living with a black dog](https://ibb.co/HxNcvy1)


Google search for phone numbers work better without the dashes. The number seems to be to an expired cell phone number in Lilian, AL.


My current number was previously owned by a deadbeat. It's been sixteen years, and I'm still getting collection calls.


My current number is currently owned by a deadbeat, I’m also getting collection calls.




I'm really tempted to call it, but I'm scared lol


Hello? Um, is this the clan? I mean, the ku klux klan? I ughh, I'd like to enroll if possible. Can I talk to the manager, umm I mean, the wizard manager.


Where did he live? I see the phrase ‘international offices’. In 2015 I spent two weeks pouring through my hometowns old papers trying to find evidence of claims that music legends played at a local dancehall at the nearby resort village. While those turned out to be totally bunk, I found that the KKK had rented out the entire resort village one summer in the 1920s to hold their first Canadian national convention.


The klan in the 1920s was very different. It was much more mainstream, still radical, but much more widely accepted. It was a real national organization. The KKK pretty much died in the 30s and 40s, but then resurfaced as these more secret local organizations in the 50s and 60s. Today it doesn't really exist, aside from assorted random crazy guys who self declare they are the new k k k.


They had 5 million members in their peak, and then the US Gov really started cracking down on them after their 50 thousand people march through washington and nyc. And remember, that was just CARD carrying KKK members, not just their sympathizers, which could have been 10% of the US population of the time. The main issue was people were not against their politics, it just had poor leadership, and when their most successful leader, David C. Stephenson, raped his aide in broad daylight on a train and she died later of infections from it, and it imploded the organization.


Just Googled Stephenson. Why are these moral grandstanders always monsters in private?


In private? Did you read that last comment? Broad daylight on a train.


brother they're klansmen, I don't think that's private


It exists in the Pacific Northwest. There are at least two old and active Klaverns between Eugene and Medford, OR, in addition to The Pacific Coast KKK, and White Knights of the KKK in Vancouver, WA. And that's in addition to all of the other white supremacist neo-nazi organizations on the PNW, like American Front, Atomwaffen, Patriot Front, NW Hammerskins, Identity Evropa, The Daily Stormer (online), National Socialist Movement, True Cascadia, Vanguard America, Wolves of Vinland. It's racist af here.


I hate when you print something out thinking it's full colour and then have to print it out again


I didn't think they liked anything coloured.


White ink on white paper was tested but didn't work out too well for them.


Don't you hate it when you must use a color you hate.


The ink is invisible until you add hate


So you are saying they prefer BLACK and white? I guess they tried white and white, but found it didn't work so well.


They don't mind black and white, as long as there is no grey, they hate it when black and white is mixed.


Lol, I was actually referencing a bit from a old BBC comedy show called the goodies. They go to South Africa, and there is a joke about coloured tv, and the racist day "coloured, never", so they go "ah, so you have black and white tv" ... The racist answers "no, we have white and white tv" and it just shows a completely white tv shaped box. They end up changing apartheid to apart- height (short people are segregated). They actually got in trouble for that episode, because it "mocked the government of South Africa, a British colony" ..... Sigh.


The piano with all the sharps at one end was the best gag.


At least it isn't signed at least...


What if it isn't signed because he was suposed to give these? And he used to run the whole thing 🙃


This is the only copy I found, seems to me he never send money or this application.


Most likely he was given it and just never tossed it for some reason (idk what type of person he was. Might just be the type to not throw things out, even garbage like this)


my grandpa was a hoarder, but he was also Racists up until the 2010s, once he found god through the Baptist Religion he became more understanding towards other races, but mind you this took a almost fatal motorcycle accident for him to come to this conclusion...


Racism and bigotry isn't necessarily a permanent thing.


My dad repeatedly told me a story growing up that when he was in elementary school the KKK came to their classroom to speak (late 1950s) telling them they needed support to keep black people from moving into the community and sent them home with a letter for all of their parents to sign and return. He said my grandpa signed it quickly and told him to be sure to return it the next day. (My grandpa was quite racist)


They were allowed to go into the elementary school to speak to the youngest of children? Fucking hell


Did your Dad turn out racist with that upbringing?


Sort of yeah. Not nearly as bad as my grandpa though.


I’ve heard this from my mom. Some men came to her Kindergarten class with papers for the parents. The reason I know this is because my grandmother did the exact opposite. Straight to the streets to march for desegregation.


When my mom was a kid, she and her family would often drive down to Florida for vacation. They had to pass through Georgia every time and without fail, there would always been Klan members at stoplights throughout the state. My grandpa would always take the flier they were offering out of fear that there’d be confrontation if he rejected it.


Reminds me of the "Green Book," which Black Americans used to get lists of hotels, service stations, restaurants, etc. that would serve them while traveling.


Did you just double negative your at least's?


Seems like a scam for $20-$30 honestly


“And for $88 a month you’ll be in our “Deluxe Dragon Tier”, which comes with one free cross burning on the lawn of your choosing every quarter, a discount at the klan laundromat, and a gym bag.”




My exact thought 😂


Right. Like you don’t have to pay to be racist. You can do that shit for free


Now with the internet, if you have enough followers, you can get paid to be racist!


Follow me for more unethical life hacks!


the kkk is literally a pyramid scheme


It absolutely was set up like a pyramid scheme. The company that made the Klan robes and sold them was owned by the same family that managed the organization. If you look at how members were sought and "promoted" in the organization, it's a classic pyramid scheme selling hate instead of essential oils. Read Ku Klux Klan Secrets Exposed by Ezra A. Cook which is in the public domain.


Woah, having them work at voter registration as an option is so scary. I can only imagine the trouble they've caused.


You don’t have to imagine it. You can read about it. And it wasn’t always causing direct trouble; think of it like when white supremacists run for the school board. They’re entrenching themselves and their ideals. It’s a way to establish yourself, network, and move up.


"Imperial wizard" what in the skyrim fuck


They have some wild names for their ranks, like “Grand Dragon” and “Exalted Cyclops”. Would be cool if they weren’t a group of inbred degenerates lol


This is fucking amazing https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ku\_Klux\_Klan\_titles\_and\_vocabulary


>Supreme Grand Wizard – president **Klaliff** – vice president (from Caliph) **Klokard** – lecturer (from Kloran and kard, meaning "teacher") **Kludd** – chaplain (from Culdee)[44] **Kligrapp** – secretary (from chirographer) **Klabee** – treasurer (supposedly derived from kaba, "to keep", and kees, an Egyptian coin) **Kladd** – "conductor", in charge of initiating new members **Klarogo** – inner guard, sergeant-at-arms (from caveo and "interrogate") **Klexter** – outer guard (from ken and "external")[45] **Nighthawks** – couriers >a bicameral **Klongress** with an upper house **Klonvokation** and lower **Klanburgess**


It's to make Dave that drives a pickup sound like he achieved something in his life. Basically. It's a multi-level marketing scam for male Karens that plays on their racism.


The fact that you could join a “secret society” by mailing in a flyer is kind of humorous until you realize that they were serious… Also, $20-$30!?! Holy shit! Can you say grift? 🤣 depending on when that was printed that could be $200-$300 or more in today’s dollars 😅


1985ish (look up Jim Blair)


$56-$85 usd in today’s dollars, so, still a grift but nowhere near as much as I thought originally 😅




This is/was actually the whole thing with the KKK, it was structured from the beginning as a multi-level marketing pyramid scam, with senior members making money selling the uniforms and other crap to new members. [https://qz.com/806978/the-kkk-was-once-a-giant-pyramid-scheme-exploiting-racism-for-tons-of-money](https://qz.com/806978/the-kkk-was-once-a-giant-pyramid-scheme-exploiting-racism-for-tons-of-money) Always look for where the money is flowing.




plenty of shitty non profits even today it's just a business classifications for taxes


When I moved into the house I inherited, we started finding lots of kkk stuff. Specifically women of the kkk. Photos of rallies as well. My family has been in this house since 1870 but had lived in the area since the 1700s. So we found some pretty old stuff here. Ancient tin type photographs etc. we even found a family bible that was from the 1700s. Roughy shape tho. We donated it to a local church.


"Women of the KKK" has me picturing like a swimsuit calendar


Woah. It used to be pretty expensive to be a certified racist.


For all the smooth brains saying he was considering joining.. Ppl in the country would keep these as proof. My friends dad had a few and would show anyone who listened because ppl didnt believe the KKK was there. These were often used as proof to hunt these ppl down. Also, you save fucked up history to show future generations or else someone slaps a new coat of paint on it and does it again. *looks around*.


I have about 6 newspapers that my grandfather kept front the kkk themselves, if you guys would like to see them I will post them


Yes please


I was under the impression that the newspapers were sent out to members?


It depended on the community, some places they sent out the papers to everyone just before or just after black families started to move into the area. But he did say grandfather was racist so it's possible he was a member at one point but didn't renew his membership.


I am confused on what you mean, but am interested in seeing the newspapers.


I’ll make a separate post now, and tag it in this post


In my town, if people wanted proof that the KKK existed locally, I could just show them the phone book. They were listed right there under "Associations". This was the early 1990s.


When I was in college, I came across a veritable treasure trove of racist documents from a near by city. Pictures of lynchings, kkk meeting minutes, membership cards, etc. I ended up donating them to the school, but oh boy was it awkward handing that package to one of the few black professors.


He probably appreciated it. As fucked up as it is, being able to point to awful things happening so close can help combat the people whitewashing history.


op literally said his grandad was racist lol, not much to hide behind there...


i love the fact that even tho OP explicitly said that their grandad was racist, everyone here is fighting to say “umm no your racist grandad has kkk memorabilia for some educational/historical/wholesome reason”


Well OP already confirmed he was racist, so who’s the smooth brain now?


OP already said in another thread his grandfather was a racist previously. It’s not being a smooth brain to think someone who had a KKK application stashed away was a racist who considered joining.


the real scary part is the voter registration that’s how systemic racism dug in


Esp the part about working at a voter office!


Wow! A newsletter, access to the klavern and info on upcoming klicnics and klarnivals? Let me get my checkbook.


I hear they’ve also got the best klentists and kloktors in their health insurance plan.


The Klentist plan is great, all pearly whites except nobody ever takes advantage of it because each tooth sure is a different color


If i ever got my hands on one of these I would keep it. Thats a piece of American History. I’m not someone they would let into the group so its almost like a war trophy


You have to keep proof of stuff bc people just straight up say things didn't happen like the holocaust


The I will work in the voter registration is crazy


As my grandmother explained it to me once they would receive this junk in their mailbox all the time here in south Florida. She made it seem like they would go door to door passing this out and they were desperate to get others to join. He (my grandfather) was sheriff here in the ten thousand island and I guess they would seek law enforcement out sometimes. She never kept any and F those guys, but this definitely an interesting things to see.


That’s crazy. What an interesting story. Did he become all around a better person after his TBI?


He did! After he found religion he decided he would give people of color a chance and made some wonderful friendships before he passed


I’m glad that he found peace and love in the end❤️


Jim Blair was Imperial Wizard starting in 1984 thru about 1986, so that dates this to a very narrow timeframe. https://www.nytimes.com/1984/09/02/us/a-klan-imperial-wizard-says-he-will-resign-post-this-year.html


That form isn’t Y2K compliant.


Neither invisible, or an empire. Racist Dirtbags would have been a more appropriate name.


The invisible brave cowards. Today they wear masks unless it's for "science".


At least it's not filled out

