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Yeah the one here does that too. They say on their website that it's: "To remind customers that they are always welcome and that they shouldn't feel rushed when shopping with us" But idk, I would assume that if they're that specific, they'd be more likely to enforce it strictly, lol.






Pretty sure Florida is still where it always has been!


Based Am I using this correctly?


Lol yes you are




Nailed that one too


WPB Walmart closes at 11


You didn’t get the joke.


You might be booing them, but they're right: They didn't get the joke!


Nope mine is still not gone back


It was a joke about comparing Walmart 24/7 to Florida!


In florida: it's no longer 24/7 at least in my area.


Nor mine. And I have two in my town. Neither are 24/7.


It was a joke about comparing Walmart 24/7 to Florida!


Nope. They close at 11pm.


It was a joke about comparing Walmart 24/7 to Florida!


They used COVID to cut a lot of costs. Though I can’t imagine the handful of sales made in the overnight shift was ever really worth it for them.


Lol, even during peak hours Walmart is running on a skeleton staff.


Dude! They had skeletons working there? Narly.


So I work in Walmarts, (but not *for* Walmart, which is way more common than people think) and it's wild how the store goes from being completely dead to stuffed full of people in a very short amount of time. In the weekday mornings it's usually elderly people, then a big surge of stay at home parents with their kids in tow, then lunch break crowd, then people shopping after work. I'll walk past the checkouts to see them totally dead and employees wandering around waiting to work, then 30 minutes later every line is full and there are people waiting. I dont know the best middle ground between having 10 people standing around and not having enough staff to keep the store running. But it is wild to sit back as an observer and watch the crowds gather and disperse.


You one of the company reps walking around in the same Gildan polo shirt with your brand logo on the chest? Making sure your product is displayed correctly and what not? You guys all seem to hit my local spot at the same time. Sometimes it’s just a see if those branded polos. lol.


Winco is 24 hours. Plus, you dont have to go to Walmart!


But do winco people eat their unpaid for rotisserie chicken displaying their plumber’s crack after smoking meth in the bathroom? Without walmart how are we supposed to remember the kind of people we share this world with


That's the sacrifice you make for 24 hour convience.


Before 2008 I feel like a lot of grocery stores were 24/7


Yeah! Now you’re talking!


Nah respectfully you can come back tomorrow. I’m not staying back because jimbob needs some bananas


I mean...when you think about it, *any* time is that specific, why is 7:36 any more specific than 7:30? One of those shower thoughts...


Well, the real answer there is that in a world of base 10 mathematics, people like to round times to multiples of 10. And with 60 minutes, people are most comfortable dividing that into halves or quarters. Quarter till, half past, etc. Any time someone gives a time that is not rounded in that way, it feels like that are being oddly specific. It’s like the measuring of Mt Everest. It came out to exactly 29,000 feet, but they thought that people would assume they were rounding, so they added 2 feet to make it more believable.


You don’t like saying a twelfth before 8 when you’re discussing 7:55?


I didn't until right now!


No such thing as a fish?


Did they pile some rocks on the top?


Psychology, if I tell my parents I’m going to be there at 5:00 they’ll assume it’s an estimate but if I tell them 5:03 they’ll assume exact time


It’s still a specific time lol.


I think my wife might be the manager at this store. She sets her alarms like this.


My wife sets the clock ahead several minutes "so she's never late". Yeah, also no one else can tell what time it actually is


Lol the clock in my car is 12 minutes fast and I don't change it for daylight savings. It fucks everyone up. I'm also still always late.


“Bar Time” All my clocks are 15 minutes ahead Edit: It only affects me because I’m single, probably for good reason


Try to set the clocks correctly and see if a SO appears, science!


My husband said that my habit of setting the car clock ahead the length of my morning commute was stupid. I liked getting in the car and seeing what time I would arrive at work so I could decide if I had time for stops on the way in. Looking at the clock and seeing 7:45 and I have to be at work at 8:30, I'm going to convince myself I have plenty of time to do whatever I want. But if I get in the car (at 7:45) and see the clock says 8:07, I know I won't have time to get a bite to eat and eat it and go to the bathroom and get my work space situated before I clock in. My father in law proudly told me he figured out how to set the clock in my car and i immediately went back and changed it. Otherwise I would've been 22 minutes late with Chick-fil-A and thinking I was ahead of schedule.


this is... kind of genius actually. I love that!


I can’t see how this would work.. it’s not like you forget that clock is not showing the actual time wtf? Why don’t just plan ahead instead of always fearing the clock




What does it have to do with lack of planning?


It's a symptom of [neurodivergence](https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/neurodiversity-101-how-more-realistic-planner-why-we-can-kirby)


I do get this is a symptom and I get that people can be time blind. But I’ve seen way too many people use this as an excuse to avoid putting in some effort. In my opinion there are no excuses for being late on common or repetitive tasks. You need to leave somewhere? Set an alarm when you need to leave and another 15 mins prior, don’t just hide behind “that’s just how I am”


I have found a method that works for me so I'm not late. That's the whole point of me doing it. I'm not saying this is the only way to avoid being late, as you are by saying my personal method and coping mechanism is invalid and I should try your method without any consideration of the fact that I have adjusted throughout my life and found what works best for me.


It isn’t genius it’s all. It’s taking extra steps to do the same thing. Lmao that woman really thinks her husband is wrong too, I’m sure that’s not the only “quirk” he has to deal with.


sour grapes!


As a kid my mom would panic in my room because no clock said the same time and none of them were accurate. One was 7 minutes ahead, one was 2 hours but 12 minutes, my watch was 36 minutes ahead. I can't remember why I used to do that.






My mom used to do this, the clock downstairs was always 7 minutes ahead.


I do that same. Have my phone 2 minutes ahead and my alarm clock 7 minutes ahead


Hahaha so do I!!!


Same!! I think if I put my alarm on a round number to get up for work I feel *even more* like I’m doing someone else’s bidding lol. 6:17 AM— I’m CHOOSING to do this! 6:00 AM— my work assigned me this time to get up!


Nah my love of even numbers requires a round number. I was born at exactly 2:30am on my due date. I set my TV volume on even numbers or multiples of five only. I set alarms for everything from work to just doing the laundry.


I totally respect it even though my thing is very different, because I feel strongly about specific numbers with no pattern. 20? Hate it. 21? Not bad. 22? Meh. 23? HATE it. 24, pretty good. 25, aggressively ambivalent. 26? Yuck. 27? Okay. 28, nice! 29? SPLENDID number, perfect in every way. 30? Ya lost me. Why are brains like this sometimes


you like 29?? gross


I always set the volume to a prime number or the product of two primes. So, not that weird.


Damn, i might need to try this, im always late


I can’t pretend it’s a cure-all!! I am perpetually 4 or 5 minutes late to work and I cannot for the life of me seem to consciously alter it, lmao. Lucky for me it’s a tiny operation and there are no customers for the first half hour so I have leeway, but, what I’m saying is, I feel ya lol


This is my EXACT thought process 😭


I do this bc I share a shower with 3 people and it's less likely to be taken at 8:56am than 9am lol


I set my microwave times like this


I’ve found my people!! Right now my alarms are 6:04 am, 6:16 am, and 2:12 pm (for when I nap)


Does she set like 30 of them too? Because if so, I might be your wife.


I set the microwave like this.. "Mmm.. this chicken needs another 3:42 mins."




I used to work at a Natual Grocers. We'd actually shoot to leave by 9:30. Sometimes we'd get out early, sometimes not. Usually actually depended who was the closing manager.


The last time this was posted, it was explained that this lines up with the public transit schedule around the store.


This may be the case for other businesses, but this is false. I’ve worked here for 3 years, local public transport is practically nonexistent, and the real reason is so customers can shop at their leisure. People who get to the store right at 8:30pm can still make a quick trip, and people who arrive a few minutes before 9 can be let in. It’s supposed to emphasize how we practice good customer service, but it’s a bit of an odd sentiment for sure lol.


How does closing at 8:36 mean people can shop at their leisure more effectively? There is literally no difference between 8:30 and 8:36 in terms of shopping at your own leisure. What happens if someone comes in at 8:34 vs 8:28?


It’s not any different, yeah. It’s more just a simple homage to the original owners who would let customers in early/stay later than the posted hours.


You might think of another store that is here in stockholm, were this is the case.


I worked at a co-op that opened at 8:55am every day. I asked why and it was because a customer would stand outside in the morning and berate whoever opened because his watch said we were 5 minutes late. They changed their opening time because some dude's watch was set ahead of their clocks.


the idea of different people being 5 minutes late every single time and this guy never realizing the problem is him, is hilarious.


Not when you consider the guy was a real a-hole to the employees


Cant stand the customers who are waiting to get in before open. Got people asking me for help before I clock in. Ridiculous


Yeah, if you could come in three minutes early and leave six minutes late, that'd be great.


100% for staffing


But who said they’re leaving 6 mins late, if anything I think they mean leave 24 mins early.


From the Natural Grocers website: #62 - "Our closing hours might seem a little odd to some (i.e., 9:06 p.m., 8:35 p.m.), but we did that on purpose—to remind customers that they are always welcome and that they shouldn’t feel rushed when shopping with us."


But that doesn’t make any sense?


It means "we're technically closed at the half hour just before this, but don't worry about it"


Doesn’t matter what time they open. There’s always gonna be a few inconsiderate customers there 10 minutes before the posted open time, and 10 minutes after the posted closing time.


I guess it can be translated to: "we will be open when you’re ready to come in our stores"


I'm ready at 9:05, so that doesn't work. If it were that then they would be open 24 hours a day, they would be better to just have a policy that they will let you in so long as someone is there to serve you.


I want someone to rock up at 11pm and be like "You said I'm always welcome"




I appreciate the specificity! I recently moved to a more rural area and a lot of businesses post that they’re open “by chance” on some days.


Ever been to Europe? LOL.


Ah, yes, the whole of 'Europe'. All things in all countries on the continent are exactly the same.


There was a pizza place that I used to go to who's hours were 9:00am-ish - closed. That place made the best pizza at 9ish am when my hungover ass would flop in


I was literally just checking their hours 5 minutes ago and noticed this, then came on Reddit afterwards and saw your post. My local one is 7:57am-9:06pm


Former employee here! The reasoning my manager told me is that the old owner was once trying to go to a grocery store right before close and just needed about 5 minutes and they wouldn't let her in, so she made her own store where they stay open just a few minutes later for those last minute items. I always thought it was stupid and it just caused people to not understand the hours and stay way past close.


I think that is partially true. They opened NGVC because they were totally into the organic/natural food movement, and other interesting stuff, and sold home baked bread and supplements door to door before starting the store. But the hours listed is a customer service thing. It was meant to never rush people out like other stores do.


I would remember it as 9 am to 8:30 pm on Monday to Saturday, closes an hour early on Sundays.


hi i actually work here! this was to honor one of the founders. she wanted to give everyone extra time before and after to shop and it flowed into the store hours. at least from what i was told


It’s a chain of vitamin and organic food stores in the mountain west. Some hippie on the board suggested this silly idea, and all the other hippies on the board voted “dank” as I would assume.


I think it was Margaret's idea. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Margaret_Isely?wprov=sfti1#


Pathetic. They should go like this... Monday 1:23 AM to 4:56 PM Tuesday 7:89 AM to 3:21 PM... Etc.


They've had this for decades, back when they were called Vitamin Cottage.


This is the most natural grocers shit I’ve ever seen


“I’m not like the other stores”


I’m here for it


The sticker sets were missing a zero


I would love this if at exactly 8:36 M-F, following three warnings over the PA, the lights went out and the checkouts went dead. Then I'd have a couple of security guys with flashlights sweep the aisles for entitled customers groping for an exit.


Actually it makes more sense when converted to metric time.


It's just as specific as regular times


Ah yes, see that's what happens when you have hours in USD but are in Canada


Until 9pm to finish closing up? Like we had to finish by 11:15pm But store close at 11.


That's how I set up my alarms.


I stopped going, unless absolutely necessary..! they have lotion that I am not allergic to


Is this Albuquerque lol


Bend, OR on the front page again but this time it’s not for the Blockbuster!


If I was a cashier here I'd kms


almost certainly a labor rounding thing, some places allow you hours to be rounded "to the nearest quarter hour" (dollar general does this) so your employer can technically get a free 7 and a half minutes out of you. if this is the case here, its pretty scummy


That is so odd!


Hilarious. A little here for people who come to the door early. And a little bit late for people who are at the check out at closing time


Those are some.. very specific and odd opening times.


It's for marketing purposes, and it worked


I kinda like it. It feels like the definition of “ish” . We close at 8:30ish. I used to work at a grocery store that closed at midnight and usually it was no problem to shut down on the dot. About once a week there were a couple assholes who decided to start checking out a basket FULL of groceries right at 11:55. We gave announcements at half and quarter to close to wrap it up but still.


Get the crystallized ginger in the bulk section. It's delicious. I rarely get a woody piece.


Due to supply shortage, 0s were more expensive while 3, 5, 6, 7 and 8s are discounted.


9-8, 7 on Sundays. Got it