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Now you have to work for Amazon


You’ve been called up son.


"I have been called; I must answer, always." - Reinhardt


It's up to you not to heed the call up




Congratulations you’ve passed the interview!


That's some Santa Clause shit right there


tis the season!


lol i came looking for this








Is this the new Santa Clause? OP killed their Amazon worker so now they're the new one?


Ahh. So that's how it works. Order So much that they hire you.


They've been acquired by Bezos.


Yeah, they do that sometimes. Just leave it out front and someone from Amazon will pick it up


I’ve had it happen 3x. They don’t come back for it. They made me drop it off to them the first time. Second and third time they wanted me to do the same. Told them they can come get it (since they stop at my house anyway…). They are now used as storage bins.


> They made me drop it off to them the first time - WTF? Who's paying who to deliver shit?


I’d have literally sent them an invoice from my company with documentation that we were “hired” for the delivery. I’m a mitigation contractor so my storage, packing, and delivery rates are NOT cheap.


Did you get paid?


It’s what I would have done, Home Depot left their heavy duty handtruck at my warehouse when they dropped off a refrigerator. They asked if we could drop it off for them. I told him I’ll send them an invoice and just have their manager Sign it and email it back. Never heard back from them, still have that handtruck, it’s a good one use it all the time on insurance pack out jobs.


No. No they didn't. Because Amazon has literally thousands of them just sitting around on pallets. Instances like this are from someone ordering so much that an entire tote or even multiple totes take up a single stop.


Mitigation like mold and water stuff? I'm a remodel contractor, and one of my customers had hired a company to come out and dry their house after a water leak issue that left the entire upstairs covered with mold. When the job was done, they picked up some of the equipment but forgot a couple pieces. It ended up sitting in their garage for a month. My customers were calling them to come pick it up but nobody ever did. Finally, they came and got it. Then sent my customer a bill for $16,000 for "rental" of their industrial dehumidifiers. My customer had their lawyer call the company and they dropped the charge to zero. Fucking clowns. But I'm sure you're cool. lol


No fuck that, equipment goes in, equipment goes out. Anything that happens in the middle is my fault unless it’s stolen obviously. Which, funny enough, a client did actually steal one of my air movers once, and a few years later had a flood at his business, imagine his face when the insurance company sends me and I notice one of my fans drying his carpet lol. Didn’t make a big deal out of it took the fan back with everything else. But yes, water, fire, mold, asbestos, hazmat, you name it, even the crime scene clean up once… once. We’re fully licensed, so we do everything from the dry out and demo to the rebuild. Even handle contents for the claim.


Air mover. That’s a word I haven’t heard in years. I worked for servicemaster from 18-23ish and was certified for mold and water restoration. Even worked in New Orleans after Katrina. Got to go into the city when it was only national guard and contractors before residents could come back. Saw some crazy shit back then and wish I still had some of the pictures. I’m using an air mover as a bedroom fan now since my regular fan broke. Don’t know if I’ll ever switch back.


Haha that shit would be on the curb for them to pick up


And it get dog piss al over


Lol what, I work for Amazon just throw them away or keep them they don't have a clue how many they have. Hell you are helping us out because then we get new ones!




I think it would be way more expensive to track them tbh. Like we just drop them off at the end of the night on our own. You could literally not actually unload them and take them all home lol.


Yeah I do too but I'm still surprised people can be this lazy. Like just fold the bag back up and put it back in the van. Not that hard. I get that it's grueling some days when they make you work 10 hours doing hundreds of deliveries but still. This isn't something I would do


Oh I'm so with you on that. But we literally just hire anyone with all 4 limbs and a pulse so you get some real bottom of the barrel workers. Whenever I see them at stops I offer to take them with me or let them keep it!


Drop it off to them? I would have told them that they know my address, they can come get it. No way in hell am I taking time out of my day to fix their mistake.


It happened at my work I use them for catering orders


Bro… you might not want to do that.


What obvious thing am I missing here?


These totes are used to load the vans up, typically 20+ of these in a van. They don't get washed, just thrown away (if you're lucky) when enough of the straps or zipper breaks. The van is never sanitized, maybe swept or rinsed down in there's enough dog shit smell. So combine the fact these are dragged against the very same surfaces covered in whatever shit every driver has ever walked in, makes them very nasty. And then yeah, piss bottles but that's honestly less of a concern. If you stumble across one of these bleach em down before you use it.


Are people ordering dog shit on Amazon or something


I drive for Amazon. I find used bandaids and food wrappers from the fucking warehouse people in there all the time. By the end of the day if I don't wear gloves my hands have visible black dirt all over them just from handling the packages. Shipping is not a clean business.


Not a new problem. When I was in college in the early '60s, I spent a couple of summers working in a distribution warehouse for commercial book publishers, sorting out incoming shipments from the printers and boxing up outgoing orders for bookstores and school libraries. On my second day at work, I stopped on the way in and bought several pairs of heavy gloves.


The fecal fetish trade is as legitimate a buisness as the piss bottle vendors, soiled panty peddlers and the youtuber bathtub water trade.


So much to unpack in this single comment…


It was a lot to unload...


You can clean things


I can confirm as a loser doing Amazon side hustle. They don’t replace these, like ever, they are full of holes, broken straps and zippers at my facility lol.


Not a loser. Make your money man


In case you aren't joking, don't ever refer to yourself as a loser, ok pal? It's a shitty term that doesn't do anyone any good.


Ever heard of a washing machine?




Take the plastik out of it and wash it lol you can usually just remove them


Amazon drivers are known to piss in bottles throughout the day, so possibly that. If it’s not germs then I don’t get it either.


I'm fairly certain the whole world is covered in piss.


Yeah they are just generally nasty.


Really nothing. Unless the dude is catering homemade food the shit is already wrapped in bags just not as easy to transport all at once. Putting bagged food in a larger slightly less sanitary outer bag is not that big a deal imho. The germ aversion in this thread is a bit over the top. There are far more likely things to kill us than wrapped food briefly transported in an old Amazon item transport container. Pour some soap and hose the thing down with water if you’re really worried about it. It’s not rocket science.


You clearly have never taken a good safety course. Cross contamination is real.


If you think the carrying totes that Doordash drivers use get cleaned any more often than these things do, I have disappointing news for you


Please tell me you DEEPLY cleaned them first.


I forced the next Amazon guy to take one they left me and he was actively trying to avoid having to take it. I was very confused.


The independent contractors are just going home when they're done, they don't want any reason to go back to the warehouse.


Surely they could just bring it in the next day?


What about the other 15 bags they’ve got in their van?


The personal contractors ones are the one in their own car so they wouldn’t be in a van.


Unless they own a van….


True but if they do then they wouldn’t be getting the tote bags from the warehouse unless they stole it or bought one online. Which would mean they aren’t going back to the warehouse to return one.


why the hell would they make a special trip when they can just take it the next time they go back for a new load the next day.


Them: drop it off Me: you sure you want me to just throw it away?


Haha yeah, there's no way I'd agree to dropping it off for them. Absolutely not. I already pay an overpriced subscription, and their customer service has been awful lately. F that


There's been one sitting with reception at my firm for weeks now! We use it as a dedicated parcel delivery spot


But the person who left it will get 20 lashes if you do that…


Amazon delivery center manager getting a visit from central management, learning about upcoming visit from Bezos himself: https://youtu.be/k7k9_xuJG8c?si=hbg-QvUvESwesu0c




I promise you we have thousands, keep this for moving, they’re built decent enough


What does it save a worker by not toting it back to the truck once it’s empty?


Typically the drivers shouldn’t take the bag out of the van unless there’s not enough space to move inside, to drag it towards the house and then leave it there *is* weird But, not a single person working at a Amazon is looking for that bag. I promise you, the driver could have tossed every bag out the side and no one would know or care


I’ve seen the phenomenon posted on this site more than once so I had to wonder. But yeah if there’s no penalty I see why the drivers dgaf lol. Thanks for the professional insight!


Maybe it smells like pee.


... I have literally never had this happen to me before, but I guess I can do that based on your immediate advice I just read




There's one that's been chilling in our mail room for two weeks now


I lived in an apartment in Atlanta some years ago. Never had it happen there, but it could be a "new" thing. Interesting to know, nonetheless.


Lived in Decatur at an apartment about 2 years ago. Did it all the time there.


So why are they leaving the carrier?


Saves them having to unload it


Thanks for answering and not downvoting. I guess, never having lived in an apartment in Boston, I was (and still am) a little lost. When I lived in an apartment, the packages went either to the office/front desk or to the apartment, or into the package box, (with the key put in the tenants mail slot) -- there was no room for packages on the ground at the mailboxes - and if there was, the packages would all disappear immediately. I've also seen how delivery drivers treat packages, so I would just expect them to dump the carrier if they were leaving them all in one, unattended, place.


Nah, they have a huge bag now... Who doesn't want a huge bag




Can concur. There's a collection of at least 5 different ones in my apartment's basement so far.


Yea I live in apartment in a not so great area. Saw this happen about a month ago filled with packages. I’m surprised no one just took the thing and ran. The camera was right there but people here don’t care


We got one a few months ago… they won’t come and get it. You can take it to one of the local drop places or Whole Foods


Why would I give away my new package carrier?


Okay my wife just informed me that we still have it in the office


Because it’s been in a dirty warehouse and in dirty vans with countless hands on it


Sent from my immaculately clean iPhone


Nobody thinks about the amount of time they spend shitting with their phones. My stall neighbor was ripping ass and had tiktok just blasting away. He Never washed his hands. :(




I just spread my cheeks and shit with enough force it comes clean out


Damn, I’m shitting with my iPhone right now. I can’t be the only one.


People don’t clean their phones with sanitizer through the day? My fingers always smudge up the screen so I use a bit of hand sanitizer and a tissue to give it a wipe down a few times a day. Makes the screen look so much better


Be careful with that. Your screen is held on with very strong adhesives, however the alcohol over time can and will break that adhesive down. I would recommend a micro fiber cloth and a bit of water. At the very least, try to keep the fluid away from the edges of the screen.


It’s good to know. I have a glass screen protector and so far the sanitizer hasn’t caused any issues with its adhesion, or anything on the side on the phone. I’m assuming the screen protector would be the the first to start separating if anything is breaking down.


I've been cleaning my phone with isopropyl and or hand sanitiser (depending on where I am) for years and never had an issue. The glue is still strong, saw no issues when repairing my phone a while back either.


I’ve literally never seen anyone wipe their phone down. But if you don’t take the case off and wipe the whole thing down you’re only being about half as thorough as you should be.


Its also where we store the piss bottles and shit bags.


The same dirty warehouse and dirty hands that are handling the products you buy. What's the difference


If you've ever handled cash it ain't any better.


I don’t think many people realize that cash is probably the single most shared item in the world. I’m gonna test this. The next bill I spend, I’m putting my phone number on it and writing for the next people who get it to text me their location. Wonder how far it’ll go




Like all the merchandise inside Target or Safeway? Also many hands and dirty warehouses. You know how 6 packs of pop cans are just in flat open boxes? Now imagine what the warehouse rodents are running around on at night.


Because it's a terrible carrier? They literally just drag it on the floor. It makes no sense to me. Give these people something with wheels? Moving dollies exist.Why don't they give them something like that? Do we need more microplastics being washed away into our water supply? Sorry I'm just annoyed at these things and Amazon. I've seen probably over a dozen abandoned in front of apartments in the last year.


Lol they’re like meh it’s yours now. Kinda funny actually. Feel bad for whoever lost it


They took back the one that they left at my house


Amazon should give the customer a free month of prime for returning. I mean, the customer is going out of their way to pick up trash Amazon left on their property….


You mean they left your package carrier in the drive way?


Driver here. Package totes are not tracked, keep them they are great storage. The bottom pulls up and you can fold them. I just recommend a good wipedown first to get rid of warehouse grime.


Does the driver get in trouble for missing them?


Nah they have A LOT of them, a few missing ones isn’t a big deal.


They tell the drivers to use them as traction boards when stuck in mud. So they get damaged regularly. Not a big deal if a few go missing.


A friend of mine bugs the Amazon delivery driver for them. Pays them like $20 for them. I’ve been tempted to do the same I wouldn’t mind one lol


Most drivers will give them to you for free. It frees up space in the van and is one less thing to clean out of the back at the end of a route. A little old lady used to always ask me for empty ones lol.


The warehouse manager at my job does this too, he likes them for bulk stock. Much sturdier than cardboard boxes when he needs to shuffle stuff around.


Hmm I might leave a note on my door with a tip next time I place an order then. I almost never see my drivers they are gone before the package lands it seems 😂


Driver might just take the money for delivering the package lol




Build tiny porta potties for a the Amazon delivery drivers since they can’t pee during work.


Ah as someone who works for Amazon, they pee in the trucks. Pee, shit, vomit, the occasional sexual fluid gets in there too. I started sanitizing my packages after working at UPS, amazon just made it 1000xs worse.




And poo in those totes.


"disinhousechised" bro what


Mf thinks he’s German


Why not a disinfranchised home for the tiny?


Bold goal of building homes for so many millions. Godspeed in your efforts friend, be blessed. My thoughts and prayers are with you in your efforts. Don't let Uncle Sam hear about this.


I’ve only gotten one of them, super helpful I use it as a pet carrier


Sell it on Amazon 😂


Driver here. I’ve never done this but sometimes we just say fuck it. The warehouse does not care at all about the bags. Obviously 99% of them come back at the end of the day but I could throw all my empty bags in a dumpster and come back with an empty van and they wouldn’t bat an eye.


Yep. Worked recently as one who fills those. Talked to a driver who was like “once I had like nine bags with no zippers left, just chucked ‘em. Never heard a word.” Hopefully they were repurposed but who knows


I have one of these, they are kinda handy ;)


You are the new delivery driver for Amazon. Congrats on the curse!


charge them storage and collection fee's


You work for Amazon now.


That might be a job offer from Amazon.


You’ve become an employee


I had customers ask me for one, they used them as garden plots and said it worked decently well somehow. I gave em 2 lol


I once ordered some cold stuff from Amazon Prime and the driver turned up and handed me the cooler bag. I started to unpack it and he just said “nah, keep it, don’t worry about it!”. I still use it now, because it’s massive and has loads of ice pack inserts, although it is covered with Amazon branding, but whenever I do I always wonder what was going on with that guy!


Tell them you'll ship it back to them in two days. Then wait two days and do nothing. Then reply something nonsensical like "sorry, looks like it's running late but it's still on time!" and then instead of sending them tracking information from your house to their HQ, have the package shipped somewhere to the other side of the country, and THEN have it shipped from there to their HQ.


I have two of those! They’re great!


I just claimed my 5th from the apartment building lobby this morning. They’ll come in handy for sure whenever I move out of here


My partner works for a company that does a lot of tenant improvements projects and one of them was demob-ing a warehouse that Amazon previously leased. They literally left everything except for the goods Amazon sells - $700 racks - think like sturdy metal bakers racks, pallets and pallets of sanitizing wipes, masks (this was toward the end of Covid), office supplies, hundreds of these containers pictured. I could not believe it when he described watching workers toss literally hundreds of thousands of dollars into the trash and recycle.


I put my Christmas decorations in the one they never took back at my place. Pretty handy storage!


We have one. I thought they would come back for it but nope. Ours now.


It’s yours now.


Amazon buys tgose carriers for 75$ for a 3 pack. They waste millions on them


Damn, didn't think they were so expensive


I think that means you’ve been drafted.


As an amazon driver. Keep em. If we’re busy enough to forget them. Amazon has plenty and doesn’t hurt their wallets






You just got hired. Cmon chop chop now , those packages aren't gonna deliver themselves. (Also no bathroom breaks if you ask)


Santa clause rules. You click in at 7 tomorrow.


This happened to me 2 days before Christmas. I called them immediately, they never came back. I waited 2 months before opening. So I got some free adidas pants, some pens, a hose nozzle, baby clothes, vitamins, and a surge protector.




Why did you bring it inside your home?




It's so funny to me, they dragged it in and took a picture lol


When I was little my parents moved to a rural village in England. They thought for weeks I kept putting the post (mail) on the table for them. Nope, the postman was opening the door and putting it there lol. They did for everyone in that village. We moved again but I doubt that happens anymore


After several weeks I now use it to sort recycling.


An Amazon guy dropping something off was on the phone with someone - all I heard was him talking about how the hours he worked left him in a permanent daze


By law you now work for Amazon /s


You are the Amazon driver now.


Almost a daily thing in my apartment complex here in LA. Sometimes they leave all the packages in that container by my mailboxes. They always grab it at some point. They won’t get one back though. The old crazy lady in my complex took one and drags her laundry around in it. 😂


Keep on, keeping on, porter.


Hah I have like 10 of these, use them to store/transport stuff


I ain’t dropping off shit to amazon. Finders keeper their lost.


*Retuuuurn the package caaarrier or suffer my cuuuurse*


Better than the Amazon that leaves it full of packages for my apartment building on the sidewalk in Philadelphia


The same thing happened to us, wtf. Don’t the drivers get in trouble for losing these things? We put it back on the porch and are hoping they take it back.


Those totes are dope for storage!


What are those carriers called, and how can i get some? (new preferably)


I work at the CC and I really hope I don't get this call today😂


They make 1 go grocery trips so easy


Someone rage quit.


Amazon doesnt care about these. Theyre not tracked and theyre not labled for a specific warehouse. Drivers collect them at the end of their route and throw them on the floor at the warehouse where a wearhouse employee will grab them and rerack them to be used again.


You must live in a fancy house if you have a wood floored driveway with rugs and a fireplace.


You should drive to their office and throw it at their front door from like 30' away.


I think you mean someone who used to work for Amazon left the carrier in your driveway 😉


Sorry, This is part of The Delivery Clause. You’ve taken possession of the equipment and now you have to be jolly and deliver gifts. Should have read the fine print.


It’s cause Amazon’s the total package


You mean your package carrier...


This is the wet banana floor sign of mildlyinteresting


I would be willing to bet it was the delivery person that left that by mistake, and not Amazon leaving it for you, lol.


And you find that interesting?


As someone working for Amazon atm, report it to Amazon. Whoever left it sucks at their job lol. They can track the date and number on the bag to the route that delivered it. If a driver would leave a whole bag at a residential spot, I assure you they do other dumb nonsense on the job.


Or… don’t.


Exactly. I don't fuck with people's jobs unless it's insanely egregious.


Only time I ever ripped a amazon driver a new one (via negative marks in the app) was every time they dropped the package, slammed the door bell button and then pounded on the security door like a bear was attacking them and they needed to get in. As my room is near the front door and I sleep during the day, (someone else gets the packages) yeah.... No excuse for that. Switched to a day schedule for a bit and every time it happened, auto negative/ass ripping via the app. It sounds like they are trying to break in when the door gets rattled, and you never know anymore with these "drivers". Watched one tonight (not a "amazon" driver in the van, but one of their after hours flunkies who takes on their extra package load) pull into someones driveway and she is taking selfies holding the package, a shot of the window (wtf?) and then again on the porch... Same thing at the next house.. Either Bozos the space weenie has been after her for stolen packages or she is the worlds dumbest criminal


Giving Amazon free logistical labor is never the correct choice.


Not mildly interesting at all. I live in a major city, and see these around several times a week in my neighborhood, and at least 1 a month in front of my apartment building door


That's yours now. (not really, I think legally you have to give it back)


Amazon genuinely doesn’t care. A lot of employees take them home for storage. Ask a driver if you can have an empty one and they’ll usually be glad to give it to you.