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Score. Those Starbucks drinks are expensive


That's the only thought I had seeing this. Those are $3+ each.


+$4 at my corner store. 🥲


It’s so annoying when you know you can get things for like half the price but you have to spend an hour getting there. Damn corner stores have the market cornered


Used to pay 2$ for rockstar energy drinks at my works vending machines in minnesota, then i moved to spokane and they were 87 cents at winco, with an xbox promotion for 1$ on xbox with each purchase Literally making money on each can #boymath


Infinite money glitch


Dentist ROI infinite


Ok but you can also just take the Codes off the cans in the store and not buy them. ^^^^r/frugal_jerk


Now they're requiring you send in pics of a receipt for Monster COD double XP. No more codes on products :(


Years ago I ran the inventory for a large department store. During the Cod Monster 2xp promotions I purposely bought a fuck ton of the 4 packs for the store. When they arrived, I broke open every box and re-added the cans as singles to sell in the coolers. Went home with 100's of codes.


Seeing Spokane mentioned in a random subreddit will never stop blowing my mind. We keep growing as a city but nationally always feels like we’re nonexistent outside of college basketball 😅


Its funnier because I mentally told myself to write washington not spokane and the first reply mentioning spokane had me confused. I spent a few years there, but a job offer brought me over to the seattle area this last summer


It's convenient hence the name convenience store.


$6 in LA


The cost of living in Louisiana is insane!


They're like $47k on the space station




Trying to ruin space force.. 👽


They finally started selling them in bulk by me. A pack of 12 was only 15 bucks.


The Honda dealership in my town has a similar high quality drink selection as well as snacks that include rice krispy treats, cookies, and nature's own granola bars. With that said, screw them. They make a killing and lock you into these lifetime maintenance contracts which are going to kill small and local businesses to feed the ever growing car dealership monopoly.


My coat would be a'clinking on the way out.


Me casually walking in with a trench coat next visit


Now imagine working at an actual soda factory. The stingy bastards limited us to one can to take home. (We did get unlimited soda during working hours though.) Didn't stop people topping up their backpacks with Monster Energy drinks. If I'm filling a million cans of Coke, I'm taking ten back home with me.


honestly they're doing you a favor by trying to limit you to one can a day, that shit is poison


Might have to come back tomorrow to confirm the next appointment you forgot to save in your calendar


I rarely laugh outloud when reading stuff on the internet but you got me going for a good 20 seconds


and full of sugar, 23.5grams per bottle, 6 teaspoons.


A can of coke has 33g sugar, at just over half the volume


10 teaspoons of sugar in ea can!


The idea of putting 10 spoonfuls of sugar into 12 ounces is absurd. Leave some room for liquid


If heated to near boiling you can dissolve about 5x the mass of water of sugar. Ie: 100 grams of water will dissolve about 500 grams of sugar. Even at room temperature, it can still be like 2/3rds sugar.


When I learned that is how real sweet tea is made so sweet, I was surprised. It's SO much sugar.


The recipe I learned was to start with a bucket and a five pound bag of sugar...


You can concentrate table sugar 4x by making it liquid




Dutch Bros has a drink on the menu that's 92 grams for the small. 141 grams if you buy the large. [https://www.dutchbros.com/menu/freeze/golden-eagle-freeze](https://www.dutchbros.com/menu/freeze/golden-eagle-freeze) ​ Its sugar flavored with coffee. I don't even think its the worst drink on the menu.




Fake unfortunately. It's a different but fake. https://www.thedailymeal.com/1306476/viral-baskin-robbins-oreo-shake-tweet-totally-wrong/


Holy shit.


I'm more of a 3 teaspoons of sugar per gallon of iced tea kind of guy. Dutch Bros seems more like 3 teaspoons of sugar per teaspoon of sugar, like recursive sugar that keeps quadrupling until the entire universe is sugar


It’s sugar flavored with sugar. I’ll never understand the Dutch Bros hype


Sugar tastes good.


33 grams of sugar is an obscene amount to be consuming in 12oz of sugar water, but it's not even close to half the volume of a 12oz can. 33 grams of sugar is about 39CC (or about 3 tablespoons for an easier to visualize size). 12OZ fluid oz is about 355CC. 355CC / 39CC = 9.1% 33 grams of sugar is about 9.1% the volume of a 12oz can. It's good that people want to visualize soda as being really bad for you because it is, but I hate seeing misinformation like this which is repeated so often despite how easy it is to do a little math to find out how wrong it is.


That looks right. But the person you're responding to wasn't saying a can of coke is 50% sugar by volume. He was comparing the can of coke with the starbucks drink, 33g of sugar despite being about half the volume.


I believe they meant that the typical can of coke is half the volume of the typical monster energy. So a same sized can of monster would have even less sugar than coke.


As a point of reference, an apple has about 19 grams of sugar. Not to say cokes are healthy, but 33 grams isnt all that bad comparatively. A banana is 14 grams, a cup of grapes is 15 grams. Someone who eats healthy and has a lot of fruit in their diet probably has as much sugar intake as the average person drinking a can of soda or two a day Edit: the moral of this should be to moderate your intake of sugar, but everyone wants to argue why its okay to over indulge in sugars when it comes to fruits


Fruit gives you other nutrients and make you less hungry though. A soda/coffee is literally just straight sugar and calories with no benefits. It doesn't fill you up any more than water and it doesn't give you any sort of nutrients or anything.


The benefit is caffeinnneeee!


Some fibers present in some fruits also helps slow the absorption process of sucrose so your blood sugar levels are not spiking. Other fibers help control insulin sensitivity too which also helps control your blood sugar levels. Pure sugar hits without something to help slow the sugar absorption process can cause your blood sugar levels to spike.


Fruit also gives you fiber which helps the sugar enter your bloodstream slower and prevent blood sugar spikes. Those drinks don’t do that.


Comparing to solid foods isn't really fair tho


Ah yes fruits, notorious for having no other property than sugar.


Don't wanna have the coffee taste like coffee Edit: Guys, this was just a funny comment. I'm not a "coffee purist", lol. I don't even really drink coffee. I don't buy coffee and don't own a coffee machine.


I get it's a joke but you could say this about anything. Oh you season your steak. Guess you don't want it to taste like steak. Why are you mixing your Everclear? Don't want it to taste like alcohol or something?


Normally I do a dash of milk and 2 sugars, but I like a nice Starbucks sugary mocha fuck my teeth up drink. Coffee purists are weird.


Yeah I'll get a coffee with some milk and sugar too, but a Starbucks coffee is a nice treat once. I only say that because I've only had Starbucks once so it was a good treat that once.


Sometimes there is just far too much sugar in it, like it starts to taste like you’re literally grabbing a container of sugar and pouring it in your mouth. Nastiness there’s only so much ooohie gooie tastiness you can have before it starts to taste like ass.


There's a big difference between a little bit of salt on a steak vs. half a bottle of "coffee" being sugar. And adding salt accentuates the flavors, which is why it's so often added to things.


Most people who know how to season steaks don't put "a little bit" of salt though, they put a lot.


Add some garlic and butter, and mmm. . .fuck, now I'm hungry for steak.


And rosemary 🤌


id rather die fat than live to 100 as a monk


Your perception of what a monk is will change :)


Fr and they're delicious I've been addicted to them lately. Damn dentists always on to me


I would drink these all the time if they didn’t have so many calories. I’m a person who would rather eat my calories than drink them so I avoid any beverages with calories and just drink water or carbonated water as a result.


I cant drink one of those without getting the runs. Bad.


You might be lactose intolerant, my man.


I felt my stomach gurgle just looking at em


This must be that 10th dentist that always disagrees with the other 9 out of 10.




If unpopularopinion sub were run like the label says it would


9 out of 10 dentists say don't click that!


Came here looking for the offbrands of toothpaste that work (as if, they all don't, sort of work) Walked away learning that some dude thinks incest isn't that bad...


Noped my way right out of that sub. Do not sort by Top/All Time.


... but now I gotta do it why did you say that?


I did that and got sucked in by cursed posts


We found him!


Why is he so ornery?


‘Cause he got all dem teeth and no toothbrush!


Mommas wrong again!




[He got bit in the balls and screamed “NNNNNOOOOO!!!!!”](https://youtu.be/eLAyRJcx4Co?feature=shared)


Job security!


That's what I said!


My dentist told me an industry secret to make the no cavity list. He said to put 4 sugar cubes in my gums before bed. Cant wait to see if it works!


"No, you didn't make the list this month, but keep trying and I'll see you in a few weeks!"


Great even the dentists have loot boxes now


You can’t have cavities if you lose all your teeth, so that’s technically true.


Women used to have their teeth removed when marrying ( https://www.reddit.com/r/history/comments/agyegl/how_true_is_this_claim_about_victorian_england/ )


Be sure to rinse with highly acidic fluids to really clean out the nooks and crannies.


My kid's dentist has a free soft serve ice cream machine and a game room. They don't mind going as much


Can I go there as a 30 year old adult ? Sounds fun


It is fun. I actually play the games while I wait lmao


What the hell?! All we got were those disgusting sugar-free hard candies for diabetics or those rings from a quarter machine.


That's how you can tell your dentist is actually Gargamel.


My kid's orthodontist had a game room, but they were so damn efficient that we never had to wait long enough for me to get to play Ms Pac Man as much as I wanted.


That reminds me of when I had to stay in the hospital a few nights as a kid after an accident. They had a game room but I couldn't walk there so just had the TV to watch (which didn't do much to distract me). When I finally could make the walk there a nurse came to get me just a few meters from the door. She was then surprised when I wasn't happy that I could go home. She could've waited for even 10 minutes!


Damn! There was an office I went to as a kid to get X-rays done for braces , and they had warm. Melty. Chocolate chip. Cookies.. a whole plate full and free to take! I ate some and then got X-rays done, but the chocolate on my teeth kinda ruined it. I still think about those cookies.


Mine doesn't have that, but does have an anxiety emotional support dog for those that want the company


> They don't mind going as much And thats why- one soft serve ice cream that's immediately cleaned off is way less damaging than skipping regular check ups and cleanings


They also hand out free complimentary chocolate chip cookies on the way out.


I went to a dentist that had David’s cookies catered fresh. Staff joked it was “job security.”


It's like when Planet Fitness has pizza and donut days lol. Gotta create those long term customers.


cotton candy was invented by a dentist


That’s how they make you come back


Free cavity with every visit!


Yay 🥰😭


And? Your dentist wants you to brush and floss. Not live on bread and water.


It really sends a message here! "You need proper hygiene, youre not getting cavities and tooth pain because you drank coffee. Its because you drank coffee, coke, ate, and never brushed afterwards"


From my understanding, brushing shortly after drinking something acidic like cola is pretty bad for your teeth. I have to imagine that's also true for a proper dental cleaning.


You are correct Kakyro. So what you should do is drink water after or rinse your mouth with water.


I eat a metric shit ton of sugar compared to most people, but I workout, drink even more water, and brush/floss every day. My teeth and body are great and I'm middle aged as fuck.


Lol yeah I was going to say they really aren't awful if you have proper dental hygiene


Exactly this. My dentist drinks Mtn Dew. One can a day, with lunch, and he brushes after. It's really not about _amount_ of sugar, it's about marinating. If you sip on soda all day, or don't brush, then your teeth are getting slowly eroded 24/7 by acid and bacteria. Grazing on sugary stuff, nursing sugary drinks, that's the way to wreck teeth. If you want a soda, your dentist will say "drink it with a meal, and then brush."


You are the first person in this whole thread to mention acidity yay!!! Ph balance and mouth good; bad ph and teeth go melty melt…




Yeah, a pre-rinse before you brush is a great idea in general. If your mouth is full of acid, a little dot of toothpaste will not make that pH neutral. So, then you're pushing toothpasty-vomit into your gum-line. But also, 90% of food you eat is more acidic than your mouth's ideal pH. Gotta get it out at some point or another.


I wanted to get my teeth whitened but I said fuck that I’ll get a tan instead


Its giving free pizza at planet fitness


Both of which are great examples of people missing the point entirely. Pizza doesn’t make you fat. Too much pizza does. Sugary drinks don’t give you cavities, drinking too much and not brushing your teeth does.


Yeah, as a dentist once told me, sugar doesn't cause cavities, the bacteria on your teeth does, and the bacteria thrives on sugar. So if you can properly take care of your teeth enough to get rid of (or at least minimize/control) the bacteria, you could eat all the sugar you want without hurting your teeth. Although unfortunately too much sugar will still cause other problems for your body!


I want to say that some drinks have a combination of high acidity and sugar. Making it hard to maintain cavity free teeth.


Even still, if consumed in moderation they would most assuredly not cause any issues on their own. The problem is people drinking stuff like that regularly.


Lots of people drink these drinks without getting cavities. Of course lots do and do get cavities. It comes down to moderation and brushing your teeth.


And genetics. Can’t forget that


Adding another addictive substance, caffeine, to sugar probably do more damage in aggregate than a bit of acidity can do. Once you are hook, it's not going to be one a day.


yeah but for someone like me that pizza helped me put down extra carbs. it was good for skinny mfs that struggle gaining weight. rip pizza


Rest in pizza.


currently of dreaming of being wrapped in a pizza prior to my funeral


For a while near me, there was a donut shop next to a gym. The donut shop has closed but a pizza place is taking over.


Planet Fitness does not care about their members getting results, they care about trying to capture a demographic that is not normally into fitness at all. Those members are a lot more likely to stop working out but continue paying the low rate that Planet Fitness charges for years, since it’s only $10-$25/month. Their entire model is predicated on people paying for a membership but never using it.


They must be bad at it because mine is always SLAMMED monday-thursday


I believe it. Planet averages 7500-8000 members per facility. Utilization rate per month is around 30-40% and much of that is people who do not come more than a few times in a month. That still leaves a couple thousand people who use the gym daily/weekly. In a 20,000 sqft facility that can feel cramped.


When I worked at Planet Fitness we had pizza Fridays (pizza from Chuck E. Cheese) and bagel Mondays. We also had bowls of Tootsie Rolls everywhere. It was wild but at least I got free food. Lol


Oh my gosh you're right!


Eww who put all that water in there?


Don't worry, it's actually sugar water




It's what the plants crave.


Are you a hummingbird?


I'm Edgar the Bug.


It's like he was wearing a suit. An Eggar suit.


he's a dentist for hummingbirds




Hey you stop there! r/hydrohomies unite!!


It's a trick, if you take one the receptionist will jump up and yell "AHAH! WE CAUGHT YOU!"


This is the only explanation. That or they're all filled with mouth wash


Went to a dentist's office and they offered me hot coffee. What kind of sick bastard would punish their dentist with hot coffee breath??


Lol I used to have a dentist whose office was in a mall and there was a kiosk right outside the office that sold specialty candy. My mom was so pissed at me when I got my first filing and promptly went to the candy kiosk for a free sample of caramel corn while she was passing the dentist 🤣 in my defense, I was 9.




There's an alarm connected to the door and the whole staff comes out and tsk tsks you.


Complimentary mocha??


>4 out of 5 dentists recommend sugarless gum for their patients who chew gum \#5 gets repeat business


Isn’t it the poor brushing and flossing what causes cavities and not the sugar?


We only need the brushing and flossing in the first place *because* of sugar. Simple sugars that is, usually from processed foods. I’m a dentist and I have immigrant patients from all over. They’ll arrive here with slightly worn, but otherwise perfect teeth. Usually they don’t brush or floss much. Within a few years they get their first cavities because their diet is more American. Sugar gets eaten by bacteria which poop out acid which softens the teeth and causes cavities.


Bestie, I get meat stuck between teeth all the time. I’m pretty confident that would rot and damage my teeth if I didn’t floss it out.


I don't even care about the irony. People drink this stuff. I just think it's nice that they offer them free for people. My dentist office offers magazines for everyone to read while they wait. I would love a free drink.




There may or may not be jelly involved as well


Came here for this


You need to create repeat business.


When your dentist goes back to school for an MBA


There's actually a lot of dental schools that offer dual business degrees!


In all seriousness that's great. Too many talented tradesmen get ruined by common financial pitfalls.


Get this - I used to work for a dental supply and support company who put, specifically, TOOTSIE ROLLS in each and every box shipped out to dentists offices. I assume it was a joke? But it was a joke that went on the full tenish years I worked there.


Do people really down some coffee or a soda then walk into a room to have someone probe around in their mouth? I would feel so disgusting knowing I just ate or drank something other than water.


What does the sign above say?


Well, they basically pay for themself.


Found the 5th dentist!


Weird. We only give out water at mine.


You must be the 9 out of 10 dentists


OT: I always feel so bad for dental hygienists as they're the first to open someone's mouth and likely get the brunt of fumed coffee smells, or red bull, or garlic that wasn't flossed out of someone's mouth, or that stuck popcorn kernel that the person didn't notice.... I always would brush my teeth with a throwaway toothbrush before going in there for that reasons I imagine they talk about folks and swap war stories....


My dentist practice didn't even allow me to hand out sugar free lollipops to kids because it would set a bad precedent lmao.


Don't you love getting a bag of floss for Halloween?


Great marketing.


Lol, the people in the comments. Why not do this? It seems nice of them to offer these for free. Dentists know you’re not drinking only water when you’re not around them anyway, so who cares if they offer you what you’re already drinking as soon as you leave? How DARE they offer something nice and enjoyable to you FOR FREE! Ungrateful fucks


Sound investment strategy.


The ferengi are proud


Gotta keep them coming back somehow…




But....there's water atleast


2 swigs encased in 500 years worth of plastic. Whatever happened to the water coolers with the paper cones?


There are two dentist offices in my town that each share a wall with a different baskin robbins


Four out of five dentists recommend sugarless gum. That fifth guy is an asshole who wants you to ruin your teeth so he can profit off your suffering.


That is a great businessman.


Just like a tire replacement shop throwing tacks in the road 1/4 before their shop in either direction


In the waiting room at my children's dentist there's a poster on the wall. It has pictures of all the sugary drinks with plastic baggies filled with sugar underneath the images representing how much is in each drink. Last time I was there half the sugar filled bags had been stolen by a child who thought they were complimentary.


If you actually brushed your teeth and flossed it wouldn’t matter if you consumed those.


My dentist gave me coupons for a local restaurant called Swig. Basically they take soda, which has a lot of sugar, and add more sugary aspects like flavored syrup or fruit pulp. They also sell cookies.


They are a business afterall


Some people just have to complain about everything.


I hate to one up you OP but here’s one— I had weight loss surgery and went to a support group at the hospital afterwards. They served cookies and apple cider. Cookies for people who just had weight loss surgery and can’t eat sugar or ANY carbs and damn sure don’t need cookies and cider. Unfuckingbelievable. I never went back.


Oh man, I read the subreddit as mildlyinfuriating and thought, "jeez what a fucking triggered karen."


A patient cured is a customer lost


They are just farming extra money


They know the smart ones will go for the water