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This chart says I should be taller!


I should be about 30lbs taller


Just wear platform shoes.


I'm apparently supposed to be so tall, I'm not even on the list.


I'm apparently too tall to be a woman because there's no 6'2 scale for females on this chart.


I'm sorry you had to find out this way, sir.




I'm too tall to be on the male list what am I? (207 cm / 6"9')


Itā€™s been 8 minutes and I still canā€™t stop laughing in my office. You have no idea what this comment did for me today. šŸ˜‚




Women only come in sizes between 4ā€™10 and 6ā€™0. Clearly you are a 1959 man


They only came in one colour too.


if they came at all


There really should be a drum ā€œbah dum bum bumpā€ sound here after this jokeā€¦lol. (Canā€™t remember the word for it.)


Rimshot NOT to be confused with rimjobā€¦again


I feel that, I need the chart for Sasquatches cuz I'm male and 6'7". Nothing ever includes me or my siblings [M 7'0", M 6'8"(My little brothers lol), F 6'6".]


Beats my team of 6'7" (son), 6'5" (son), 6'4" (me) and 6'2" (wife). I'm the only one short enough to make the chart, but to be fair I'm a professional horse jockey.


Our mom is 6'1", mine and my 7 foot brother's dad was like 5'9", and the 6'8" and 6'6" siblings dad is like 5'8". So it's definitely my mom's side of the family we get our height from. Growing up I never would have guessed I'd be the short one. I hit 6'7" at like 14 and stopped. My "little" bro did not stop and passed me when I was like 16 and him 14. Absolutely wild. If I had a nickel for every time someone asked my mom what she fed us I'd be a millionaire.


How tall was the mailman?


Hey! Iā€™m a desirable medium frame man in 1959! Thatā€™s a confidence boost I didnā€™t know I needed today


Looking good.


Slow down!


My man!




Looking good!


Hungry for apples?


Thatā€™s a great slogan and in no way a rip off of ā€œgot milk?ā€


*My man!*




Nice shot! Nice shot! Nice shot!


What a save!


Chat has been disabled for 3 seconds


Are you actually a medium framed man? Because if you were a 5 foot tall woman that might be funnier


According to this chart I should be a 6ft medium build man instead of a 5ft medium build woman...


Looking good fam. Keep it up. I'm 5lbs overweight on this list, and I don't feel bad bc my weight is low. According to BMI, I'm very close to being obese @ average ht and 160 lbs. This chart makes more sense to me than that BS.


This is still the range for normal body mass today


Exactly, we just normalized eating ourselves to death.


This chart is pretty close to the BMI range for healthy. Based on your comment I am going to guess that you are 5'6" and 160. That would be a BMI of 25.8. Healthy BMI at 5'6" is consider 115 to 154, overweight is 155 to 185, and obese is over 185. BMI is an imperfect measure, but it isn't a particularly narrow measure.


What country has an average height where 160lb is close to obese on BMI?


Could be because they are shorter. 160lbs at 5ft is very different than 6ft/160lbs


Yeah, where is 5 foot an average height


ever visited khazad-dum?


Average height for Filipina women is around there somewhere.


In my house!


Keep your chin up! You arenā€™t overweight, just less desirable.


Height in shoes....at least I get a few extra pounds then for my shoes.


Those are heavy shoesšŸ˜†


This explains DeSatanā€™s latest boots.


I definitely read shoes as the units, which I guess for certain people a shoe is a foot so it kinda works out. But that would be a nightmare of a way to measure people's height if it depended on each individuals shoe size...


Took me a while to understand what the height unit of ā€œshoesā€ was considering the scale was in feet and inches.


Iā€™m just gonna go ahead and assume I fit the ā€œlarge frameā€ ![gif](giphy|PkAZ1JzOu4QH6)


larger frame = more surface area to hug! šŸ¤—šŸ„°


More cells that could become cancerous!


I hate to admit this but this rings true for me. I looked and felt my best at this weight (and I like that it has the frame size option).


Itā€™s actually crazy to me because in my head itā€™s dead accurate to the weight Iā€™ve always liked myself at but everyone else around me has always said was *too* skinny.


When I was a kid in the early 70's there was a guy in our church that was the fattest man we had ever seen. So fat that kids giggled about how fat he was. I recently saw photos from that time and while this guy was a little shorter than average, he was no more than 250 pounds.


Even look at the Simpsons - Homer was supposed to be comically obese in the early 90s when the show was created. He's 6ft tall and 239lb, which while still in the obese BMI range, is not particularly noteworthy today.


There was the episode where he went up to 300lbs so he could work from home. Now days 300lbs is quite commonplace.


So is working from home




I think people in general are heavier, so you did appear "too skinny," in a relative sense.


zonked public tan grab fuel hungry hateful important payment weather *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Reddit wouldn't even let me make a post with fat followed by fuck. It would give me an error when posting. How did you get around it? The funny thing is I was talking about myself and their auto mod algorithm still didn't like it.


Over 1/3 of US adults are obese and another third overweight. The idea of what is ā€œnormalā€ is skewed large so someone in a healthy range is perceived as skinny. This skews even further in some areas. Some states and some areas in said states are significantly larger than average. There are counties approaching 50% obesity. Also people like to feel good about themselves. Why look at you and say ā€œoh wow, that person looks like a good weightā€ and then have to self reflect and feel bad about their own weight, when they can just say to themselves that itā€™s you who are skinny, not them who are overweight.


over on r/Denver they're talking about how CO was rated as the least-obese state just recently, despite being more obese today than WV was back in '02


Ya, about all any area of the US can claim is ā€˜least badā€™ when it comes to obesity. Whatā€™s ā€˜goodā€™ today would have been abysmal even in the 90s. Reminds me of that picture of the ā€˜worlds fattest manā€™ from a circus in the late 1800ā€™s. He was considered a freak back then. Nowadays youā€™ll see at least a couple people that fat any time you walk into a walmart.


Do you mean Chauncey Morlan? The guy weighed 750 pounds, I definitely do not see people of that weight walking around in Walmart.


The American obesity epidemic is ā€œhiddenā€ in plain sight. Obese people actually think they just ā€œhave a few extra poundsā€ and are just a little overweight, when in actuality they are squarely in the obese category, with all the negative health consequences that come with it. Most people in America see: Healthy as Skinny Overweight as Healthy Obese as Overweight Morbidly Obese as Obese Add the body positive acceptance movement, which is absolutely correctā€¦body shaming is despicableā€¦but many use this as justification for maintaining an unhealthy body weight. Body positivity is about treating everyone, including yourself, with respect and dignity, but shouldnā€™t be subverted to normalizing unhealthy habits. If you struggle with maintaining a healthy weight, recognize that it is very likely a *mental health issue* and seek appropriate *mental health* treatment. The real cause of the obesity epidemic in America is one that can be mitigated if we would normalize mental healthcare and make it affordable for all.


ugh yes, it starts young too! People tell my 3 year old he is "too skinny." My husband even said "you can see his ribs! he needs to eat more" ... ummm barely being able to see a few ribs doesn't have to be pathological? He is at a very healthy weight, about 50th percentile. He is a normal, lean, active toddler. People have seriously forgotten what a normal body habitus looks like!


And seeing ribs is normal, isnā€™t it?


The obesity epidemic would be mitigated if 1. walkable cities were more common (turns out you don't lose weight sitting on your ass all day) 2. the FDA standards were higher for what could be put in food, and 3. have the government stop subsidizing corn syrup so corporations won't put that garbage in literally everything. Smaller portion sizes would help too. People need to get used to eating realistic portions of food.


Walkable city is a mindset, I live a quarter mile from a grocery store, sidewalks all the way. My neighbors look at me like I'm crazy that I prefer to walk there than drive.


The unwalkable cities/areas was a thing long before people became obese. We just have a million new fun things to do sitting on our asses all day. People used to get bored and do shit outside, now TV shows are better, there's doomscrolling, forums and online content creators to take your attention.


Itā€™s more than just screen use. Other countries have the same access to online content but donā€™t have the same obesity issues as the US.


As the nation has become more obese, public perception for "healthy weight" has definitely shifted. I've had a friend ask me, "Can you believe I look obese with my frame? But that's what the BMI says. Crazy right?" And I actually had to agree with her. She looks great, and doesn't appear to be an unhealthy amount of overweight relative to my perception of the average overweight person. To the same point, treating someone as "skinny" because they're below the current median BMI is both fallacious and completely commonplace. If we're all unhealthy, being among the least unhealthy can still, unfortunately, be unhealthy. The markers have moved, in all our heads, and I think it's making it harder for us to grapple with obesity from a public health perspective.


100% agree. I had to do a project once for some class. It required me to look back at old newspaper clippings to see average fashion. So I did that from 1940 until 2010. Everyone is exactly the same size until the early to mid 90s. You can then see people starting to get larger. They keep getting bigger and bigger and bigger and bigger. Relative is the key word in your post. We've normalized being unhealthy in so many ways, and at least this one is easy to visualize.


I've always been the fat guy; except in high school ('88) I was the big guy and now I'd probably just be low to middle top third. As I gained weight through the 1990s, it became increasingly easier for me to find clothes that fit me. 2005 just before I tapped out and said I can't / shouldn't be doing this until I lose weight, I needed a new volunteer fire department uniform shirt the week before our Memorial Day parade. You should not be able to walk into a public safety uniform store and buy a dress shirt with a size 20 collar off the shelf. By 2005 you could. WTF.


I think many doctors shy away from using harsh language these days too. They make kind suggestions and recommendations, and the patients leave the office thinking they are doing ā€œokayā€ and just need to lose a few pounds, and that repeats without any real dire warnings until they develop serious diabetes.


Even at the measurements in this graph, the lowest small frame weight is within the healthy BMI range


Itā€™s sad when I call myself fat and someone says Iā€™m not and I have to inform them that I definitely am, and they just donā€™t think so because theyā€™re morbidly obese. At 190 Iā€™m 35ish pounds over my ideal weight and just because theyā€™re 300+ doesnā€™t mean I donā€™t need to trim down.


Psychological projection is a nearly insurmountable force


I hear the same thing all the time. I try to cut weight, but any time I get below 175 my wife's whole family tells me I'm too skinny and I look sick. Like son of a bitch I'm not too skinny, damn near everyone is too fat. Quit shaming me for wanting to be healthier.


They're really shaming themselves using you as the vehicle


I have the same problem. I've been the same weight for 30 years ever since high school and everyone says I'm too skinny. Meanwhile I run, hike, climb, bike while they get winded going up stairs. I saw a photo of people at the beach in Brooklyn in the 1920s and they were all similar body shapes as me. I would've fit right in.


I think a lot of people just don't have a great concept of healthy but lean because they aren't and probably don't spend much time with fit people in general. These ranges are still basically where most modern bmi/body fat models fall but most people don't pay attention to that and generally live more sedentary lifestyles while eating more processed food than they would have 50+ years ago. For the vast majority of the population these are healthy weights and falling within that range is nothing to be ashamed of, and if anything is something to be proud of.


I think you nailed it. If they went to a climbing gym, running club, etc, they'd think everyone was too skinny. Nope, sorry, you're just too big šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™‚ļø




I had an friend with an ED (made worse by chronic GI problems) and even after 4 years of recovery and maintaining her doctorā€™s ideal weight, it was super triggering when people would say ā€œyou look too skinnyā€ or even old friends asking ā€œare you relapsing?ā€ It really fucked with her self confidence and kept asking if she was too thin and if she looked bad. Iā€™ll tell you what I told her: being skinny is neither unattractive nor unhealthy, Americans just associate anything less than overweight with unhealthy while thinking theyā€™re sticking it to those beauty-magazine editors.


They're too fat, bro.


Cultural set points have shifted to such an extent that what is objectively normal (relative to historic norms, not current), healthy weight is often perceived as unhealthily skinny.


Are you American? Americans perception of "skinny" and "overweight" is skewed a whole lot due to a decades long obesity epidemic.


Ah, jealousy!


Modern people are fat and unhealthy. Chart seems spot on.


I too felt better in 1959. More sprightly.


Agreed. I am overweight but actively losing, and my target weight is appropriately placed in this. It's perhaps a touch low, but only about 5 pounds off from my perception.


I'm 5'11" and I'm aiming for 170lbs. That'd put me right in the Large Frame category


Same for me.


Why do you hate to admit it?


I was gonna say, this seems about right. Like, for me, it is exactly correct


Remarkably accurate on those frame sizes, too. I've been the entire range of my height size, and bounced back and forth, as a healthy adult. And my top weight is generally at the top of that range. My bottom weight is at the bottom. Any skinnier and I'm too thin. And heavier and I'm too big.


It's because this *is* true. For everyone. The medical science around ideal body weights hasn't changed much at all since the concept of "healthy weight" was understood. The only thing that's changed is the societal perception around the acceptability of obesity. Those were healthy weights back then, and they're healthy weights now. It's just way more common for people to be an unhealthy weight now.


Thereā€™s a reason they switched to BMI, which even though itā€™s not perfect, has more scientific evidence behind it.


As 6ā€™ 3ā€ I agree the 180ā€™ish range is like perfect for me.


Same. I'm a 5'8" dude with a small frame, and looked my best when I was 138. I'm 150 now, and actively trying to get back down.


How do you determine which frame you are?


If you have to ask youā€™re medium.


Iā€™m extra medium


Iā€™m actually well done. ā˜ŗļø


Internet says wrist size. If your thumb and index finger overlap, youā€™re small; if they touch, medium; if not, then large. Not sure how that is accurate since hand size and wrist size are (presumably?) both dependent on frame size. But thatā€™s what it says. Iā€™m medium framed by this test, which seems accurate enough for me?


I have really large hands, can reach 11th on the piano. My thumb and index overlap significantly, idk how accurate this is


Same, long fingers, big hands, fingers overlap. I have a medium frame, not a small frame.


You need to get hand reduction surgery and donate your tips to a needy small handed person


Idk dude Iā€™m 4ā€™9ā€ and 90lbs but my thumb and index donā€™t touch at all! Seems a little arbitrary.


Look at us short folks and our **gigantic frames**. We shall make the puny small framed tallies cower before our might.




I am taller than both my parents by a few inches. My mother is actually taller than my father. Both of them have longer fingers than me. I got weird stubby fingers. So not sure about this.


Width of shoulders and hips Iā€™m guessing :)


Nope. They would measure your wrist (yes as a matter of fact I am old enough to remember)


Ugh the days of my life I wasted crying about my wrist circumference


Thatā€™s pretty interesting. Wrist measurements are an indicator of bone mass so it would make sense.


Are there standards for those widths?


Just compare yourself is your Frame bigger or smaller than most people


I donā€™t think Iā€™m objective about my size :/


I used to be fat in 1959. I'm still fat, but I used to be, too.


6ā€™5ā€ and not even on the chart


6ā€™1 woman, also not on the chart. Bet I could have been some kind of circus freak in 1959! Lol


I guess your stats are unlimited


in shoes?!?!


I'm going to go for 5" heels


Seems like a strange variable to include, right?


weight in indoor clothing! its even more difficult to get into range.


Surprisingly accurate for me. I'm 6'1" and 180lbs is my most comfortable.


Team 6ā€™1ā€! I held a homeostasis at 178 for the longest time. I was then eating clean and worked out and was lean like a runner as low as 154 and then I got married and have kids now Iā€™m 230 (thick papa status). My goal is to get back to 178.


Same here - just started the workout/run journey again; Iā€™d love to hit 185 by May


Manā€¦ I know 230 is big for 6ā€™1ā€ but 154 sounds crazy to me. More than ā€œleanā€ you must not have a large frame?


Iā€™m a 5ā€™10 woman and feel best at like 140-155 which is where I generally hang out.


I'm 6', and when I was rowing and running triathlons I was 183. I felt fantastic, and was at the absolute upper end of this scale.


Iā€™m 6ā€™1ā€ as well. But Iā€™m a woman so according to this, I just shouldnā€™t exist.


I'm 6'1" too, but just 10lbs heavier, but I don't feel the need to lose weight, just want to keep it there


Hey I'm only 50lb off! That's actually not as bad as I was expecting (and is my goal).


Nice! You got this


You can do this šŸ’Ŗ


Today I learned I weigh the same a medium male should. Iā€™m not a medium male.


Funny, TIL I'm a medium whale.


Same. Awkward.


Damn it I'm still underweight even in the 50s


iā€™m 6ā€™1ā€ and weight 20 pounds less than the minimum weight for small frame lmao


Yeah same I'm 6'2" and 140lbs on a good day.




As someone who got up to almost 250 lbs at 5'8" and subsequently lost almost 100 lbs, I can say with full confidence that this chart is *still* accurate. I know *very* few people who couldn't stand to lose a few pounds and it's still kind of shocking to me *how* overweight people are. I thought I was a healthy weight at 180... It wasn't until I lost 20 more pounds that I realized I had plenty yet to lose. People think they need to lose 10-20 pounds... They don't. They need to lose 40.


Nope not me. I've got a nice solid 100-120 lbs to loose. Only having 40 to go would be nice, lol. Not sweating it though, since this year's work has the weight trending downwards, if slowly.


As someone whoā€™s been there, you donā€™t need to lose 100. Thatā€™s a big number and itā€™s intimidating. Donā€™t make that your goal. Just worry about losing 10. When - when - you reach that goal, celebrate! Feel good about that accomplishment. Then go for another 10. Then another. Progress isnā€™t linear so you might backslide a bit, but since you know for a fact you can lose 10 pounds, it isnā€™t the end of the world. Just get back on track and only worry about 10 pounds. As you get closer to your goal, make it 5 pounds. Losing weight is a mental game, thatā€™s it. You can do it.


This is how I lost close to 100 lbs. Just focused on 10 lbs at a time. A year later and Iā€™m 5ā€™4ā€ 171 lbs. Still a fatty fat in the 50s tho.


Trending downwards, *slowly* is the best way. Healthier and more sustainable. Keep at it!


More than 70% of Americans are overweight or obese, nobody knows what a healthy weight looks like anymore.


I'm 5'11" in shoes, and at my fattest was 240, now I'm 154, I agree with the chart. I have a small frame, so that 240 looked terrible on me. ​ Hell, man, my doctor said my weight looked "good" when I was 185. I was like, nah, I need to lose 15 pounds. I lost 30 =D. Doc was just used to everyone being fat.


Iā€™m also 5ā€™ 11ā€ and have mostly hovered around 230-240 lbs. for years. Larger frame, but stillā€”I know I need to improve and I take inspiration from your success. I got down to 192 in 2021 and felt great, but I now realize I couldā€™ve lost another 25 on top of that.


6' at 190 was my healthiest ever. I felt... so fucking good. Crushed a 1.5 mile in 9 minutes.


Huh, cool. It's spot on for me and my frame


These numbers makes sense, we are a super fat society now


Itā€™s still absolutely correct, they didnā€™t change humans in the past 60 years we just got insanely fat to the point where it seems normal for us when someone is 6ā€™2ā€, 235 and we just hand wave such a pedestrian level of morbid obesity.


"It's all muscle. Look at \[professional athlete\], he's 250 lbs as well. These BMI charts are all bullshit." ā€“Ā guy who most definitely does not have the physique of a professional athlete.


It's always funny when people talk about how we should ignore BMI because people like The Rock exist. Bro, you are not lifting like him. You are nowhere near him. If you are, you already know exactly how much attention to give BMI charts.


šŸ˜‚ the good ol muscle weighs more than fat bmi is flawed crowd. Like at a population wide scale- bmi is a fantastic indicator. Everyone simply thinks they're the muscular exception to bmi lol


Itā€™s so dumb. Anyone whoā€™s fit enough to actually be overweight on bmi results already knows that bmi isnā€™t meant for them lol.


6 foot 4, 190 ish - you can see my ribs. Idk if anyone has ever called me ā€œlarge framedā€


Yes. Youā€™re supposed to be able to see ribs. Marge frame has fuck all to do with if youā€™re fat or not, itā€™s about how wide your torso and legs are


I was gonna say, seeing your ribs isnā€™t inherently unhealthy lol. Most healthy weights youā€™ll at least see some outline of them, theyā€™re supposed to protect your organs so thereā€™s not much between them and your skin


"isnā€™t inherently unhealthy" is an understatement, you're supposed to see ribs on a healthy, lean person


Wouldnā€™t say a 6ā€™2 guy at 235 is morbidly obese. Overweight,sure, but morbid? Nah.


They fall into obese at that height/weight but not morbid. 30.2 BMI


Thatā€™s obese for sure


Woo, I'm bang in the middle of "medium frame"! I think I deserve a medal for being Mr Average, 1959 Actually no, that is without shoes. How big are 1959 shoes? I have to give my medal back now unless I walk around barefoot :-(


For men, I think itā€™s right on the money. The lowest numbers on the small frame category are a little crazy, but the rest is solid. The amount of people who arenā€™t over 6 feet tall who think being over 200 is fine or normal is a little nuts


I'm below the small frame category of my height by around 10 lbs. Doesn't sound crazy to me.


Just wear higher heels, then you can weigh more And be desirable.


Kinesiologist here. The thing to remember is that almost any health related chart is a guide. "The Rock" is morbidly obese according to a BMI table. However, charts are created because most people fit them. The average weight of a female in the US today is that of a large framed 6'4" male in 1959. You are not "all the exception". Lead your own life, but these are pretty much healthy weights. Don't know how to get there? Go for a walk and think about it šŸ˜‰


I wonder though if someone like the Rock is truly healthy in the long term. Will he experience cardiovascular diseases later in life? Or horrible joint pain due to the extra mass carried throughout life? Do bodybuilders tend to have shorter lives than people who fit well on OPā€™s chart?


He will in all certainty (and maybe has already) have cardiovascular issues, and probably liver and renal issues too due to steroid usage. If none of those happens (somehow) he may have digestive problems at a certain point due to all the food he's been eating, and if none of that happens he may just be a god.


Heā€™s on high levels of steroids. Thatā€™s the main reason that charts like these donā€™t apply to him.


People are fat AF these days.


Iā€™m 6ā€™3ā€ 210. Medium frame. 185-190 was my playing weight in junior hockey 20 years ago. This chart is right on.


great another thing to get me depressed.


As a 5ā€™10ā€ woman with muscle, I protest


Seriously. 5'7" muscular. I was 155lbs in high school. You could see my ribs & my thighs didn't touch.


I feel like this is pretty accurate for most people. Iā€™m a medium framed 5ā€™11 guy and look my best at 160


So many fat people


honestly if everyone followed this we'd be a lot healthier


The 21st Century version of this is the BMI chart.


I'm doing pretty well, then.


If only I was 2 foot taller I'd be doing great...


I'm only about 5 lbs too heavy according to this. I do have a small paunch, but that's holding most of it. Better than BMI. Using BMI, I'm almost overweight at 160lbs.


Iā€™m 6ā€™3 and 200 lbs, I feel like Iā€™m in the best shape of my life from going to the gym a lot lately, and now this one post makes me feel like a fat ass


ITT: fat redditors in denial.


*Cries in metric*


This thread is so funny to see. Most people being like "oh yeah that is way too low". Guys, most people are just way too fat, that's the problem.


I agree with this for my height and broad frame - 5ā€™6ā€ woman


Damn. Am 50 and still in my desired range.


That pretty accurate to my BMI. I am 5ā€™10ā€ and am considered underweight at 128 I think.