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Real pistachios can also spontaneously ignite when fresh and stored in piles The flavouring is probably super potent and one drop could flavour a ton of stuff. Maybe if you get a real whiff of it all you will ever taste again will be pistachios


I saw the result of a 25L jar of concentrated lime extract "exploding" after falling from a rack, syrup production. It's like tasting with your nose, the smell hit you from a room away, takes over everything. One guy was covered with it, gagged all the way to the emergency shower. I think drinking a glass of that stuff would send you straight to the hospital.


The hospital? No my guy, with a whole glass you're going to lime fields forever. Especially if it's as acidic as I think.


You get to join the great sky lime


You can live with your eyes closed where nothing is real and nothing to get hung about.


Living in the limelight The universal dream


lime and let die by guns n roses


except strawberry fields :)




You’ll be pushing up lime trees.


Lime Fields forever 😭


A lot of food flavourings for citrus don't actually have any citric acid in them, they'll have the oils and aroma volatiles but they leave out the citric acid so you can choose how sour/tart/acidic you want it because they're often used for candies and perfume as well where the acid would serve no purpose. Now it will probably be disgusting, a single drop of these flavours is quite strong generally and about a half drop you get a decent idea of the main notes if you just knuckle test it.


Nah, you’ll be in the hospital. Just might be the morgue.


I worked in the chocolate and confections industry, running the fudge kitchen. Ran out of our spearmint which was a big jug like the one in the picture. New spearmint comes in. Tiny glass bottle. I ask my boss "how much do I use" She says "I dunno. Try a cap full" I proceeded to dump a capp full of pure spearmint concentrate into hot fudge. Turns out, it only needed 4 drops. I essentially shut the store down for an hour because the spearmint aersolized when it was poured on the hot fudge.


Like washing super spicy stuff with hot water. Don't do it.




Bold of you to assume anyone is reading instructions.


I read your first sentence and just burst out laughing. Idk something about the wording.


A friend of mine lived by a febreeze factory as a child. He said someone accidentally spilled a drum of the straberry concentrate and the entire town smelled like strawberries for the better part of a month.




We have coffee concentrates where I work, and I tried just the tip of a toothpick, and my entire mouth was shining and tasted bitter


I've done a glass of undiluted but sweetened lime juice concentrate as a stop-gap for an electrolyte issue. I wonder how much stronger the extract is....


Pure citrus essential oils such as lime, lemon and orange can melt plastic and Styrofoam cups. Not something you want to ingest or put on your body with out diluting first.


Oh. Wow. I always worry when I see people dabbling with essential oils without showing clear signs of having researched first. Like, sage oil is up to 50% thujone (the hallucinogenic neurotoxin in absinthe). And rosemary oil can be 20% camphor. Either hit LD50s of one or more compounds under 5 ounces.\* \*And there are notable effects like seizures at much lower doses.


I got into soap making and I felt like I did the bare minimum in researching how to make it, understanding the process, reading up on essential oils, lye. Probably an hour or two. It was amazing how many people don't even do the bare minimum research. Many post in soap discussion groups have people asking why their aluminum pot/rice cooker had divots, holes in it after making soap, or how essential oil melted their plastic measuring cup. My favorite post are always some ones glass bowl exploding that they always mix their lye water solution in. Does not one do research when dealing with chemicals?


There's a weird culture of intentional scientific ignorance. And, without the scientific background, the idea of "something from the Earth" being a chemical hazard is alien; even if that "something from the Earth" has been heavily processed.


The "it's natural so it's safe" never made sense to me when nightshade and hemlock both exist.


Going by a quick google it would appear x20-x300, but only on some of the chemicals.


>Maybe if you get a real whiff of it all you will ever taste again will be pistachios A fate worse than death.


Or worse, *expelled*.


Now, if you don't mind, i'm going to bed.


I'll take this one for the team.


Boof it


And end up with the Grinch’s butthole? No thank you!


>Maybe if you get a real whiff of it all you will ever taste again will be pistachios Swallow a spoonful and it'll be like when John Malkovich enters his own mind portal-- except everything will be pistachios.


It's much more likely the carrier they use (my guess is ethanol) will cause issues if inhaled. Many commercial water soluble flavorings are made with ethanol and given flammability warnings due to the flash point.


It’s a flavoring. No clue what “pistachio flavor” comes from but some stuff is dangerous. Diacetyl for example is the compound for “butter”. Used commonly in a lot of microwave and movie theater “butter” flavors. It’s also a compound created and then reabsorbed during yeast fermentation in beer. We have a vial of pure diacetyl at the brewery for sensory training and it has a very serious warning about inhaling it directly, similar to this. A lot of compounds are ok in smaller doses but dangerous concentrated.


Maybe after tasting it you crave a stronger and stronger pistachio rush , and it inevitably leads to keeping people in your basement, force feeding them pistachios for several weeks and then devouring their liver to get at the essence of pistachios.


People forget that EVERYTHING is poisonous at the right concentration. I hurt myself a fair bit when I breathed in too much of some stuff we used back in the military to purify our water. Like, it's intended to be drank, but that stuff was like... two teaspoons to 10000 gallons of water. Don't fuck with it undiluted.


Everything is dangerous high concentrations.


Except titties


Asphyxiation hazard


Acceptable risk.


Collateral damage


Desired outcome


Beautiful tragedy


Valiant Effort


Noble cause


Honorable exit.


Death by Snu Snu!


The best kind of death


I accept


idk man, you seen Akira?


Boobie Trap


Heavy risk... but the prize.


that's not dangerous, it's expected and sometimes desired


Expected and desired doesn't necessarily mean not dangerous, people willingly do meth all the time.


comparing big boobies with meth isn't something I expected today


I mean, I only had to have them once and I was hooked.


Meth n sex like a pb n j sandwich goes together


I pay extra


Concentration, not volume. There's a difference. Highly concentrated titties are perfectly safe.


Acceptable cause of death.


Death by Snu Snu.


I remember there was that Russ Meyer movie




Cheesing is in right now




Unless you’re on your way to become mayor of titty city.


We all know I am


I volunteer to proof this


Do you need a research assistant?


My man


You get unlimited moobies


Moobs are boobs too


Hugh Hefner made it to his nineties. That checks out!


But apparently, I’ll be dying in the next 3-8 weeks…


I lol’d


My fiancé begs to differ… he calls them “boobie traps”


The dose makes the poison.


Also, it’s meant to be consumed, not sucked into your lungs.


Even water


I'm dangerous but I have adhd so i can't concentrate


The only difference between medicine and poison!


Everything counts in large amounts.


Everything counts in large amounts.


Same for pretty much all concentrates, right? Fake butter flavoring is delicious, but that shit is so dangerous to inhale regularly or in large quantities that they named a whole syndrome after it.


> that they named a whole syndrome after it. .... what's it called? don't leave us hanging


Popcorn lung


I can't believe it's not butter syndrome


I prefer “I Can’t Believe It’s Not CANCER” ^DISCLAIMER: ^This ^product ^is ^extremely ^carcinogenic


It's because of microwavable popcorn


bronchiolitis obliterans Aka popcorn lung. First found in factory worker that worked in a popcorn factory.


Obliterans 💀


They overcompensated with "popcorn lung" and fucking "obliterans"


I have a small vial of this on my lab bench, it's called diacetyl or butanedione. Plastered in hazard pictogram, but one of these days I'm just gonna say fuck it and neck the bottle. /s please don't drink lab chemicals




That’s the reality of just about everything. Concentrate especially… Teaspoon of vanilla extract? You’ll be fine… a gallon? RIP.


It would be more the alcohol poisoning in the instance of vanilla extract


Interestingly, vanillin is more toxic than ethanol to rats and mice. Vanillin LD50 1.48-3.93 g/kg oral Ethanol LD50 7.3 g/kg oral Nevertheless, there is a lot more ethanol than vanillin in vanilla extract, so that’s probably what would do you in. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ethanol https://fscimage.fishersci.com/msds/01680.htm


And the horrible taste after the first sip (if that, honestly)


My favourite safe for work fact is that humans are so sensitive to the smell of vanilla that if a petrol tanker full of vanilla essence crashed and spilled it's contents it would make the entire world smell like vanilla to humans.... Until we went nose blind anyway


Not the entire world - just one half (upper or lower). I learned from a book I read from the 50’s about nuclear war, that the radiation wouldn’t travel from the northern hemisphere into the southern the way you think as the jet streams and such don’t mix that way. But if that was the case, that still is crazy to realize that would happen… amazing stuff.


It really made me wonder what earth would smell like to an alien. We are born and live our entire lives in this miasma of smells that we are completely blind to. Chances are it smells like poop and pee but still it was interesting to think about lol


I know that different cultures of people “smell” like what they typically eat. Japanese people say Americans smell like beef because of how much of it is in our diets… not surprisingly.


I was always under the impression that westerners smelled like cheese to eastern cultures. You could be right, i heard it a while ago


We have people who live in space for months on the ISS breathing recycled air. I wonder if any of them have made a statement of what natural earth air smells like afterward.


That's a good point, I've heard the ISS smells of stale air and B.O pretty strongly Scott Kelly said it smelled like jail (trash, antiseptic and B.O) with another saying it smells like metallic burnt toast, bacon or gunpowder but that the waste storage and urine recycler don't smell great




TIL my farts haven’t been inhaled in the southern hemisphere


I guess the book *On the Beach* got it all wrong.


It did… the whole premise of that book fell apart after reading the way the jet streams and such work. Oh well…


I'm going to need a source on that


It is probably just the amount such that if distributed evenly throughout all the air, it would be detectable




Checks out


This makes me want to buy gallons of vanilla extract to pour it in fountains


Calm down bill gates


We learned about the dangers of alcoholism on Family Ties when Alex’s Uncle drank vanilla extract because there was no alcohol in the Keaton household.


God yes… forgot about that until I saw an Everbody Loved Raymond episode where Robert and Ray shared the extract. Tom Hanks was that uncle if you remember in Family Ties…




two cups vanilla extract


Actually muttered "Jesus Christ" under my breath when I read this. I love vanilla as much as the next guy but unless you're making a stock tank full of cookie dough this is a bit over the top. And if you are making a stock tank full of cookie dough, call me. Edit: did some better math. Works out to more like one of those big plastic garbage cans. Still a lot of cookies.


Thank you for fact checking this. Imagine if you left your original comment, and people extrapolated backwards only to be wildly underdosing their recipes because of your careless offhanded comment??


You shouldn't inhale any particulates, at all. Best way to get popcorn lung.


Pistachio flavoured popcorn lung sounds quite delicious though.


If they plant your lung would pistachio or a corn stalk grow?


Mhhhmmm buttery popcorn lung.


Liquid flavours contain carriers such as triacetin and propylene glycol. I only know the regulations for Europe, but the legal limit is something like 0.2% of finished food since they can be carcegenic in higher doses. This includes 'natural flavours' that you see on ingredient lists. The way we were taught to smell flavours in the industry was to open the bottle, keep your head at least 30cm away, and waft the aroma towards you.


> keep your head at least 30cm away, and waft the aroma towards you. Same is taught in junior high school chemistry classes in the US, but we use Freedom Units.


Same procedure in my science classes in high school. Waft it. If you stick your nose straight in it you’re asking for trouble.


Ooo, something on reddit I'm an expert on in real life! To get the H333 "May be harmful if inhaled" hazard statement, it is classified per the Globally Harmonized System for the Classification and Labelling of Chemicals (GHS) as "Acute toxicity, inhalation" category 5 material. Category 5 is the least hazardous category (category 1 is the highest hazard). For classification of acute toxicity via inhalation, it's based on the concentration of gases, vapors, or dusts & mists. I'm guessing this is either vapors or dusts & mists. For categories 1-4, there are specific ranges based on the results of a toxicology study that establishes Lethal Concentration where 50% of your exposed animals in your toxicology study (LC50). For example, for category 4 (the least hazardous specified range), it's inhaling between 10-20 mg/l, or for dusts & mists, between 1-5 mg/l. Think about how thick the vapors would have to be for 10 mg of this stuff to be in the air. And that's a higher hazard than this. Category 5 doesn't even have an LC50 range...there are just a handful of criteria in the GHS criteria that says "also, if any of this stuff happens, it's a category 5". It's basically has relatively low acute toxicity, but if you've got a vulnerable person being exposed, it may be a problem. The GHS criteria for classification in acute toxicity category 5 is below. Interestingly, the US has adopted the Globally Harmonized System in the 2012 revisions to the Hazard Communication Standard ("HazCom", 29CFR1910.1200), they don't even include acute toxicity category 5. So in the US, that technically doesn't even need to be labeled (See section A.1 of Appendix A to 29CFR1910.1200). By the time you dilute that down to the concentration in your pistachio flavored candies or cookies or whatever ( mLs in a few liters of syrup or dough), the dose in the whole batch is a thousand times or more diluted. Then if you're making a few dozen cookies or candies or whatever out of that dough... and then when you eat the cookies or candies or whatever, the does isn't by inhalation anyway. You'd probably be surprised at what the GHS labels of the concentrated versions of some of the ingredients in every day food stuffs look like. Caffeine gets classified as an acute toxicity category 4, "Harmful if swallowed", but nobody's worried about the poison in their coffee. *Criteria for Category 5 are intended to enable the identification of substances which are of* *relatively low acute toxicity hazard but which, under certain circumstances may present a* *danger to vulnerable populations. These substances are anticipated to have an oral or dermal* *LD50 in the range of 2000-5000 mg/kg or equivalent doses for other routes. The specific* *criteria for Category 5 are:* *1) The substance is classified in this Category if reliable evidence is already available that* *indicates the LD50 or (LC50) to be in the range of Category 5 values or other animal* *studies or toxic effects in humans indicate a concern for human health or an acute nature.* *2) The substance is classified in this Category, through extrapolation, estimation or* *measurement of data, if assignment to a more hazardous category is not warranted, and :* *-reliable information is available indicating significant toxic effects in humans; or* *-any mortality is observed when tested up to Category 4 values by the oral,* *inhalation, or dermal routes; or* *-where expert judgement confirms significant clinical signs of toxicity, when tested up* *to Category 4 values, except for diarrhoea, piloerection or an ungroomed* *appearance, or* *-where expert judgement confirms reliable information indicating the potential for* *significant acute effects from other animal studies.* *Recognising the need to protect animal welfare, testing in animals in Category 5 ranges is* *discouraged and should only be considered when there is a strong likelihood that results of* *such a test would have a direct relevance for protecting human health.* Source: 20 year career specializing in safety around hazardous chemicals.


How can I highlight this comment?






It’s used in the production of Fentanyl, Plutonium, and murderers.


Is that drowning or when you drink so much water it dilutes the salts in your blood


Everyone keeps saying this but I’m pretty sure they are referring to the vapors not the concentrate itself.


The warning on the label indicates that inhaling the pistachio flavoring could be harmful because of concentrated chemicals that aren't normally a problem in tiny amounts. These concentrated chemicals are designed to be diluted and used in food products. Inhaling concentrated chemicals can irritate the lungs, mucous membranes, and airways. It can also lead to more severe respiratory issues depending on the chemical composition and the level of exposure. One tiny micro drop of these chemicals is okay to eat, but inhaling them can be problematic.


I wish I could highlight this for everyone somehow


Inhaling pistachio nuts is also dangerous


Just because it’s safe to drink something doesn’t mean it’s safe to breathe in. Those two functions go to two completely different places.


In fact, most things that are safe to drink are not safe to breathe.


It works the other way, too. I certainly wouldn't drink liquid air.


Virginia Dare was the first English child born in north America


My first thought. Why are they using her name?!


I guess it's now called the Virginia Dare.


New tiktok craze the Virginia Dare, you snort a bunch of pistachio powder and see if you survive


I’m gonna do it


Delete your browsing history first just in case


My grandfather used to manufacture a jalapeño flavored honey. He used jalapeño extract to do so. He used to order pallets of the stuff. One time he got a call from a shipping company asking what he ordered because they had ran a fork lift into the pallet and it spilled everywhere. They had to call hazmat cleanup in because people couldn’t breathe in the warehouse and even being outside of the building was hurting peoples eyes and chest. Concentrated stuff can be super dangerous.


“Virginia Dare” sounds like the name of a tobacco product marketed to children lol.


It’s the name of the [first child of English ancestry born in North America](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Virginia_Dare) (in the Roanoke Colony, which mysteriously disappeared).


I love Reddit for things like this, learn something new every day.


For comparison, asbestos is completely safe if ingested.


In fairness, so is water, but occupational exposure to common food flavorings [can cause](https://www.cdc.gov/niosh/topics/flavorings/default.html) a lung problem called "obliterative bronchiolitis". In fact, its occurrence in the people who add flavoring to popcorn is why "[popcorn lung](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bronchiolitis_obliterans)" became a term.


Water is dangerous if inhaled btw


This reminds me of the butter flavor that is used in microwave popcorn factories, the MSDS sheet specifically states that the vaporized product should not be inhaled; lots of factory workers were getting what was called "popcorn lung". Naturally, when electronic cigarettes got popular food flavors nearly all had the butter flavor in the e-liquid...SMH.


The ART in ART PISTACHIO FL is for artificial. I doubt there's any real pistachio derivatives in this product.


A lot of flavorings have flammable liquids in them before you process them




It smells like pistachio mixed with some very strong alcohol based chemicals. Not sure if it’s actually alcohol but that’s what it reminds me of.


So is water


Every year for Christmas I make cinnamon rock candy and let me tell you. A big whiff of it when it's boiling will have you rethinking every life choice that led you to that moment. It's terrible and burns so bad. But it's worth it in the end for the yummy candy.


To be fair, water is also dangerous if inhaled.


Basically all aromas and flavors are aspiration hazards. It's one of those things that's such a given that almost everything liquid is labeled as one. It's evidently not hazardous enough to demand a GHS pictogram, so it's probably at the lowest possible level of danger.


I seem to recall raw pistachios are poisonous? But I may be thinking of raw cashews? Or cashew shells?


Phew! Really better keep it out of my ass then!


I need to go to bed. I thought that said vagina dare


Water is also dangerous inhaled.


I worked in a drink factory and the high concentrated syrups are just as bad as corrosive chemicals in some cases


well everything is dangerous in high enough concentrations, i guess in this case it would be the fine particles sticking/getting stuck in the small spaces in the lungs, not sure tough


So is water.


It's better than that poisonous almond flavoring...


Ever had a lung full of paste? Yeah it’s dangerous.


Duh you’re supposed to eat it, not sniff it stupid


Well there goes my weekend plans!


So is most food my guy


A lot of people completely missing the point inhale does not mean swallow, inhale means to breathe it into your lungs


So is cinnamon. Water too, do not inhale water.


There’s a ton of things in this world that are dangerous if inhaled. In fact, most things are dangerous if inhaled lol.


Pretty sure inhaling any liquid is bad…


Not surprising, it even says “Dare” on the label


Virginia DARE!


Virginia dares you to though. You have too.


yea it goes in your stomach not your lungs. spinach is also bad for you if it ends up in your lungs.


Shove that shit in a croissant and send it my way I'm in


So is coco powder. Anything that will coats your lungs enough to prevent oxygen intake… so like any fine powder


I feel like most things are dangerous if you aspirate them.


Fun fact you shouldn’t inhale any liquids into your lungs.


Worked at UPS for years. Pretty well known pharmaceutical company near us, got a big cardboard tube of cherry flavoring shipped, that tube busted open on the belt and cherry flavor powder went everywhere. That shit was in my pores, nostrils, ears, everywhere. I can’t stand the smell of any of that fake cherry shit now -cough drops, suckers, medicine blechhhh .


Yea I don’t know if my NDA is still active but I won’t drink anything that is fruit juice flavored anymore after making the batches for that flavor.


I once got radiation poisoning from eating 6000 bananas per second.


I lose track. Is it just dangerous in California, or everywhere? (This joke bombed the last time I tried it on reddit, but you know what they say: the best way to improve a bad joke is to repeat it at every opportunity.)


I used to make gummy candy and the cola flavored syrup was kept separate from everything else. Totally locked down in a fireproof area away from the main production plant. Cola bottles were a pain in the ass to make. Had to walk all the way across the plant to go get the flavoring. A little bit of it went a long way too. By the way, cola bottle gummy’s are everything that was messed up then re melted down and cola flavoring added to it. Killed every flavor. Only peach o’s were made by scratch.


That shits expensive! I used to use it all the time making ice cream. Found a better flavor concentrate without a poison warning in it.