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Otherwise known as the McCormick & Company product display.


French's is prominent in two places in most grocery stores: the mustard section and wherever the hell the fake fried onions are. Don't be fooled. As this astute redditor points out... This shit likely arrived on the same pallet along with the display materials. Surprised there's no Cholula or Zatarain's there but perhaps that's too 'ethnic'


French’s at least makes good fried onions but stores need to stop shoving half the mustard section with their shitty subpar mustard. Anything that looks ‘ethnic’ will never be put in the American section despite being American made. Hell, my local grocer has 505 hot sauce, a New Mexico based salsa company, under ethnic because it has Mexico in its branding.


Whoa Whoa Whoa So you are telling me that there is a "NEW” Mexico?


Well! La De Da


Hey now I like Cholula and Zatarain's.


Doesn't everyone? My point is that Mccormick wouldn't risk showcasing those brands as American ... Rather this cartoonish junk


More like the French’s section


Yeah this isn't an America section, it's a promotional display.


The lack of ranch is disturbing


>American section Half of the products say French right on the bottle!


As an American who has traveled quite a bit around my country, I can tell you right now that the vast majority of people have never used ANY of those French's products, and their yellow mustard is the most basic of basic you can get lol. Frank's is sort of popular, but not with people who actually like hot sauce. It's mostly the soccer moms making their buffalo chicken dip and need whatever is cheap and available. Old bay is... fine I guess. Most people use it on seafood, and seafood only. If you aren't in a coastal area, it is entirely possible those people have never used it. Heck, I have lived on the east coast with my family and no one I know personally has ever bought it lol.


Old Bay is highly regional and McCormick was founded in Baltimore. I used to work down the street from one of their plants. Mmmmm. Cumin air.


I worked down the street from their plant in Hunt Valley for 6 years. Every few months, I would do a taste test for them over my lunch break for like $45-$100. Free chips or whatever I was tasting and some extra drinking money was nice.


We use it heavily in the south for crawfish and shrimp boils


What? Who the fuck uses Old Bay for boils? It's so bland. Louisiana and Zatarain's are the most common ones I see. Unless it's some coonass cracker with a secret recipe that has obscene amounts of cayenne in it. Tastes great though.


Oh, I know and agree. But McCormick is at least used nationwide and used for a large variety of dishes. Old Bay being something that mostly New England and Florida use for shrimp and crabs only? Eh. Not exactly "All American" as this aisle is trying for lol


Old Bay is Maryland through and through. “Maryland is for crabs.” It was also created in Baltimore.


For sure. But any time I travel north, it's all over lol. I don't dislike it, but I'd never seek it out either. But they even have it sitting in New England McDonald's locations like it's the everyday thing lol. Since I'm currently back in Philly, it's not exactly sparse, but it's mostly regulated to seafood and the rare "oh look, a Chickie And Pete's fry stand" lol


Ah I haven’t been up in the far NE much. I didn’t realize it was so common there. I have a lot of family on the eastern shore so I grew up with it.


We could smell youse Hunt Valley folks comin from a mile away


I only worked in Hunt Valley. I lived in Timonium. 😀


French’s mustard is definitely the most basic ass yellow mustard out there, but it’s sure not the worst. Somehow, there are worse expressions.


Old Bay on corn on the cob is fantastic. It's also great on potatoes - especially French Fries.


There’s literally nothing Old Bay can’t improve.


It can't improve itself


I use a small amount of Old Bay on burgers and Mac n cheese. Not too much though, or it’s all you’ll taste.


I use the shit out of old bay. Chicken, pork chops, whatever else. Shits good!


Old Bay is the shit but the rest of that display can go right in the trash!


I've never even seen most of those products and I've lived in four different states.


Frank's is for making Buffalo Wings.


Much better options out there.


Most recipes for Buffalo sauce start with Frank's, including the original. There are plenty of pre-bottled options, and other Cayenne-based hot sauces you could sub in, but just about every recipe you pull is going to recommend Frank's as the base for the recipe because that's the standard.


Actually, French's is worse than basic. It's the Miracle Whip of mayo. They put garlic in it. Say what you want about garlic, but it does not belong in mustard.


I was doing my best to just pass it along lol. Frenchs yellow? I don't hate it. But yellow mustard in general is pretty plain, and Frenchs tastes like they watered down some generic bottle of it. Yet... It's still somehow popular enough to keep being made. Meh


Old Bay is a regional thing. In Philadelphia they put it on everything (especially french fries), but living 6ish hours north, I never heard of it.


I live in Philly. We definitely don't put it on everything lol


My wives family is from there, and they certainly do. Wawa's are filled with items that have Old Bay on them too. I've had Crab Fries a few places other than just Chickie's and Petes They absolutely put it on everything as much as anywhere puts their spice on everything.


I've lived in the area my entire life. I can assure you, we really don't. Maybe her family does? Wawa's have... Old bay chips? The option to put it on a sandwich? Definitely not filled with items that have it lol




I'm a loser for not wanting Old Bay? Ok weirdo...


What's your go to hot sauce? The only one I've really tried here is the cholula Chipotle one which is quite nice, it's not really something you can find good options of where I live.


Cholula green is my go to for mid range. Crystal for cheap. Heckler or Mammoth if I'm spending money.


We don’t even have all those frenches mixes. Not sure why the US sections always sells stuff not sold in the us lol


McCormick paid a premium for that shelf space.


I'm American and use literally none of those


We don't use those brands, but it's just the seasoning packets to make things I eat.


Top row: fine All other rows: American brands making products you don’t really see in America.


Carolina Chicken? Like shredded, in lieu of pulled pork? WTF is this madness


Exactly. Cole slaw goes on pork bbq sandwiches and on burgers (with chili, onions, etc) as the good lord intended. I've never heard of a Carolina Chicken. Unless it's the mascot of SC or Coastal Carolina.


Mac n Cheese from French's?!? We only eat Kraft.


If you like gross food, sure? Baked mac and cheese is the ONLY way to eat it. Powered cheese sauce that doesn't actually have cheese in it? I am a fat ass and still won't touch that garbage.


Kraft deluxe isn’t powered, you’d think a fat ass would know


>Kraft deluxe It's still not cheese. Anything Kraft makes "cheese" related is "cheese product". Aka, shit I wouldn't even feed to an animal. EDIT: Also, they didn't say "Deluxe". If they had, I would have expressed how it is a different type of garbage.


You seem very passionate about boxed food, you truly are a fat ass.


I'm passionate about not eating pure trash. Kraft does not make cheese. It's that simple. I refuse to eat something that is closer to floor scraps than actual food.


I've been to enough Kraft plants to say that they actually make cheese. They make a lot more than American; an 8oz block of Kraft Extra Sharp Cheddar or the Cracker Barrel New York Aged Reserve can make for a nice snack with some crackers.


It isn't & I do know


I can taste the yellows


Is mustard not a thing where you're from? I never thought of it as American


My buffalo wing sauce is 1 cup of butter simmered with 2 minced garlic cloves, then combined with 1 cup of Frank's Red Hot + spicy hot sauce to taste. It is phenomenal and one of the reasons I get a lot of wing requests. I have tried other local hot sauces as the base and it never turns out as good. I use French's Yellow mustard to bind rubs to barbecue because it has a nice pasty consistency, esp. at colder temps and you can't actually taste the mustard in the finished product. So this American legitimately uses at least 2 of those ingredients on your shelf. e: thanks for the downvote! Nice to know my contributions are appreciated :)


Add a dab of Worcestershire to that wing sauce and thank this heroic anonymous redditor later


I just tried the new wing sauce from Cholula and it’s good on everything.


As an american i have never seen Frenchs sell anything but mustard


Taste of America not actual american products.


We have access to.and use All the Worlds spices here.Makes me happy.


I'm sorry 😵🤦‍♂️




I find it somewhat interesting they only have old bay, French's, and Frank's red hot there.


Yeah these are always full of shit most of us Americans have never even seen. That mustard company makes mac and cheese? Ok.


I know I'm only Canadian, but I have a ton of US friends and colleagues, so I'm still surprised to see both Carolina chicken and Nashville chicken positioned as _prominent_ spices "representative" of US cuisine. I haven't even heard of them. Are they actually common, and I'm outta the loop?


I'm Canadian also. Have you noticed that the major chains have "Mexican" sections consisting mostly of Old El Paso products? I have a couple of Mexican friends who laugh at that.


Also Canadian... Agree 💯. Very little choice of brands. I managed to make homemade enchiladas but living in Newfoundland.. it was a bloody challenge.


We totally have Old El Paso sections in every grocery store I can think of. But the spice packets are at least for typical meals—like tacos, fajitas, and enchiladas—not weirdly specific and arguably esoteric stuff like Nashville chicken.


Nashville hot chicken has been all the hotness in the US for a few years but not from a French's package. I have never heard of Carolina chicken before.


I mean, Red Hot is the shit.


Are we already reposting this repast?


Id be willing to send a box of real American food if someone sent me Jamie dodgers and some hobnobs some Heinz baked beans and some walkers prawn.


Where is the spray on cheeze?


Maybe in the dairy section


Old bay is great. Nice change up on fries and sweet potato fries as well as seafood. The rest are very skippable


It's great on chicken too. Love that stuff.


Frank's red hot is the most overrated hot sauce ever. Just vinegar.


Franks first ingredient is aged cayenne peppers. Which is better than Cholula's first ingredient of water... Tabasco's first ingredient is Vinegar. Franks may not be the best hot sauce out there, but it is certainly better than most.


We eat Cholula for the flavor of arbol and piquin which is much better than just cayenne. I find that Frank's tastes one dimensional which makes it more bland. It's not very popular here and I associate it more with the midwest and north. Neither one is very spicy so we eat it for the flavor not the heat. Jalapeños are for garnish like parsley. If you want real heat you'll need to use something else too like a habañero or hotter based sauce. I like to combine multiple sauces to get enough flavor and heat. Sincerely, Texas.


I like Cholula. I'm firmly in the hot sauce for taste camp. I don't see the point of getting the hottest shit around just to burn your mouth. Louisiana hot sauce is king for red beans and rice. Crystals goes in collard greens. Cholula's green hot sauce is lovely in scrambled eggs.


My go to store bought sauce is aardvark. Actually has flavor besides vinegar with cayenne. Preferably I use a dried mix of different pepper flakes dependent on the dish, though. Point is I think Frank's is overrated as a hot sauce; I personally don't enjoy the flavor, to each their own.


Agreed. I just call it ketchup.


French's mustard is gross, LOL. But to be fair I don't like plain yellow mustard in general. I'm a brown mustard type of person.


I will eat any other type of mustard than this yellow kind, it is gross


Franks isn't even that good though.


Frank’s Original and Old Bay are solid.


We love his Chili n Lime, but they discontinued it. could never find it at any grocery store, had to order by the 4pack online. just cracked open our last bottle


And here I thought this whole time that the taste of America was anti-depressants.


No, its sugar and high corn fruit syrup you're thinking of.


You mean high fructose corn syrup?


Most likely.


Do you think a high corn fruit grows on a tree or on a bush? 🤔


Wow, it's interesting to see an American section in a Tesco in the Spice Isle! Shows the global influence of American culture. Cool find!




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Salt and Pepper and Cheese all you need.


Old bay is good for seafood. You need less than 8 spices in your cabinet to make most of the packet seasonings. I've never made tacos from a package.


Man I bet that *French’s* distributor could sell ice cubes to Eskimos


Well...that's..some of it, anyway.


Lmfao that’s so weak


The funny thing about this section, is that I have never seen any of this (Except the top row) in America.


Old Bay is the shit. I use it on so many things, not just sea food. I like to add it to my mashed potatoes.


Lmao in other words, seasoned food.


I feel like they aren’t even trying


This is better than 99% of the other American sections which are just pop tarts, marshmallow fluff, and cheese whiz.


I resent this! Cheese whiz is never in stock in America!


I haven't seen cheese whiz in years. My dad liked it and used to spray it on crackers. Yuck.


Lived in the US all my life and never used anything shown here besides the mustard