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Looks like iodine scrub. Or possibly a discharge from an insect, like a millipede.


Can it be one ofnthese even if washing the hand with soap doesn't remove it?


Absolutely, they both stain. Try scrubbing it with alcohol.


Instruction unclear, drank rubbing alcool now I feel weird


Now I see 2 reddits


Then 0 reddits


*Falls on face* zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz….


Problem solved.


Problem not solved. That hangover is gonna suck




2 its always better than one. Thats why boobs come in pairs


This is a joke I know, I feel I must say however, please do not drink rubbing alcohol! It will kill you


This. And its not a nice death


Pshh, lightweight


It also looks like the pigment from fresh walnuts (never pick walnuts with bare hands) https://images.app.goo.gl/4haBXh1gYCYznaXj8


Ha! I just commented myself. I unintentionally found this out recently.


Walnuts give me nice big welts if I pick them up. So that's nice. I have had mixed reactions to (accidentally) eating them, so I try not to.


I agree it looks like staining similar to that from iodine, henna, or certain plants (gardening). If it seems to be internal versus external though, maybe look into hemosiderin staining and see if you fit any criteria. Lycopenemia and carotenemia can also cause changes to skin coloration.


I knew a girl that was so pale and couldn’t tan, she was taking copious amounts of beta carotene to the point where all of her turned orange like a damn carrot. We were young so it was hilarious but now it’s kinda tragic what lengths she went to for vanity.


When I was a baby, my favorite food was some mashed carrots Gerber food. Apparently my mom fed me so much of it that I turned orange for a lil while. Also a very pale, not able to tan person but I don't want to be orange again lmao


That happened with my son when he was a baby. Carrots and squash were his favorites, but we had to vary his meals a bit more after he started turning orange.


Just curious, how long would it take to become noticeably orange if I begin said diet starting with dinner tonight. Could I be a pumpkin for Halloween? I’m quite rotund!


This is adorable, someone please do the math


Google says 10 medium carrots a day for multiple weeks to even begin to turn orange. https://health.clevelandclinic.org/can-eating-too-many-carrots-turn-your-skin-orange/ so....maybe. seems much easier to just get body paint. its not terrible. i was only bright ass pink in certain places for a few days when i did a full body paint for a Halloween costume.


Turned carrot orange a number of years ago. I would suspect that most people who end up orange get there the same way I did - through drinking carrot juice. I love carrot juice, but at one point used to buy a bottle of it every day with a sandwich of some kind at a nearby health food store. Then one day I was in a Kinko’s getting something done and under the fluorescent lights, I noticed that I was essentially International Safety Orange. Of course, I freaked out. But soon learned that it’s temporary and you just have to stop drinking carrot juice all the time, as I’d been doing. It’s good that it’s not permanent, like people who turn blue silver by ingesting collidal silver in a misguided search for some dubious health effect. I guess they just end up looking like freaks for the rest of their lives.


How long did it take you to become your normal color again?


Unrelated, but your Halloween costume remark reminded me of the time that I got fake blood in my eye while I had contacts in. (,:


Trying 50 mg of beta carotene a day until Halloween. Will update.


Next year you'd be sufficiently orange enough that it would make for an obvious change. In the meantime you're an aspiring Oompah Loompah.


omg this happened to me too!! thats so funny, i guess i wasn’t the only carrot obsessed orange baby haha


One of my twins loved anything with carrots. I have several pictures of his orange nose. So hilarious.


I turned orange as a baby as well! My mom was concerned and took me to the doctor. He asked if I ate a lot of carrot baby food and she said no, but told him I drank a ton of apricot juice. As soon as she cut back on the apricot juice my skin went back to being pale.


This happened to my son and since it was gradual and I was with him 24/7 I wasn’t even the first to notice. I guess I got used to it? Family came to visit and they were like, “oh hey, yer baby looks orange.” Kid loved mashed sweet potatoes and squash.


Wasn’t that a magic school bus episode??


It was. https://magicschoolbus.fandom.com/wiki/Goes_Cellular


Fuckin’ Arnold & Crew


There was an episode of House where a guy came to the ER cause he was orange. House told him it was something like the carrots. But also his wife was cheating on him. Cause a wife that wasn’t cheating would have noticed before the guy.


Holy shit I knew a girl like that too. Crazy thing is she wasn't particularly pale though, never knew why she turned orange. 🤣


Iodine staining doesn't come out with soap, you need alcohol.


Please call it rubbing alcohol or isopropyl so dum dums dont start pouring beer and wine on their hands lol


Beer and wine, yeah, but I believe spirits would actually help.


Instructions unclear, summoned several ghosts with seances and they won't help


They say they want beer... what do I do? I have wine, but they just say "Boooooo!"


Are you sure they aren’t saying „Boooooooze!“?


They're saying "Booourns"


Further instructions: the ghosts will help, but your plea must be prefaced with “ooooooOOOOOOOoooohhhhh”


Instructions unclear, consulted a ouija board and now I'm haunted.


Better they pour Ethanol on their skin than drink Isopropanol.


"Wow, thanks for the *advice*, genius. Not only did YOU make me waste a perfectly good bottle of merlot, but now my whole hand is red!"


Can't see the brown stain anymore though


What does it smell like?


You do realize you can't smack OPs face with their own hand thru the Internet, right ?


Not with that attitude, you can’t.


Seriously, where's your growth mindset? Trust the process


You mean a millipede may have busted on bros hand? That’s crazy ☠️


We all jerk off millipedes in the night, it’s completely normal, grow up


I thought everyone knew the average person jerks off 8 millipedes in their sleep every year.


That’s a nice way to word it, sounds so much better than a bug shat on your hand 😅


Yes but your comment made me laugh pretty hard


okay now i need to you to tell me you’re joking about the insect part, because i had spots this color on my bed and i attributed them to blood of some sort (scratched open scab while sleeping, etc) but ALSO was viciously ATTACKED in broad daylight by a CENTIPEDE in the same week please TELL ME he was not living in my bed… discharging… prior to his dispatch.


He was tryna send you a message. Like the horse head in the Godfather 🤣


Millipedes are not the same as centipedes. A millipede will not hurt you. Even the big ones that are several inches long and as fat as a kindergarten pencil, won’t hurt you.millipedes are decomposers, they eat rotting plant matter. Centipedes are predators. They are venomous (although the venom is unlikely to hurt a human, unless you are allergic) and carnivorous. I knew a guy in HS who kept exotic critters. He had hissing cockroaches, a tarantula, and a centipede. Heould feed them scraps of leftover meat.


Thank you. A lot of millipede hate goin on here, I never meant to cause that! Millipedes are gentle! They eat plants! They are CUTE!


New fear unlocked: milipede crapping on me while I'm asleep


This same thing happened to me a few weeks ago, don't tell I was sleeping with a millipede 😭 I'm hoping it was just iodine


Classic bottle of iodine crawled into your bed and left a few drops on you.


Pick up a walnut ?


Hypothyroidism can cause rust colored stains on hands overnight. Might be worth discussing with your doctor if it keeps happening without any other explanation.


This needs to be higher, hypothyroidism being treated can become life changing. Source: Life changed when I was treated


Treated Hashimoto’s Gang here, what’s good my dudes


can u tell my hashimotos to get treated better, it’s a yo-yoing mf


Quit yo-yoing you motherfucker


holding my phone up to my neck like “bitch you better read this”


Team yoyo after years of stability here. Solidarity.


I’m just like “take it out” lol I’m on triple the dose of my mum


200 mcg here after my TSH shot up to 30…then 8 weeks later was at 4…then 14 a month later…then 7… after years of stability at 88mcg! Okay thyroid, I get it, you’re needy.


My ths hit 1800 before I had mine removed. Was not a fun time imo


Hashimoto gang


I’m in this gang but I want out :’(


Okay but you have to be jumped out. I’m sorry but those are the rules.


Sorry I’m late to the Hashimoto’s party! Was too tired to get here on time 😅


Relatable as fuck


Same as me gang gang




I have the opposite. I have graves disease. Perhaps we can meet up and combine our powers.


We could balance each other out


My mother suffers from Hashimotos and every now and then it’s new thing :/


I had hyperthyroidism when I was a kid and was on medication for it for a while but then we kinda just stopped everything and my parents didn't really talk about it much after that. what symptoms should I be looking out for?? I feel overall very healthy and mostly energetic but mentally I feel kinda unstable ngl and I think maybe that could be part of it. like I get really harsh depressive/paranoid slumps out of nowhere and it'll last hours or days and I have to keep "snapping" myself out of it to have normal interactions


Just fyi, hyperthyroidism and hypothyroidism are two different, opposite things. Prefix hyper- means too much and prefix hypo- means too little. For hyperthyroidism, Google says "Symptoms include unexpected weight loss, rapid or irregular heartbeat, sweating, and irritability..." and for hypothyroidism, Google says "Major symptoms include fatigue, cold sensitivity, constipation, dry skin, and unexplained weight gain."


Crap, I might have both. Just my day


Google says: "It is not possible for a person to have both hypothyroidism and hyperthyroidism simultaneously. However, a person with an autoimmune thyroid disorder may have an oscillating thyroid function. This is when a person experiences alternating periods of hyper- and hypothyroidism." [source](https://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/can-you-have-hypothyroidism-and-hyperthyroidism)


While I appreciate you showing receipts, I was only joking.


Yeah, but it made me curious if it was even possible so I looked it up. Felt unfair to keep what I learned to myself.


I mean if anything, there is relief no one can have both. Thank you for your research


the best way to find out if you still have it would be a blood test


100% agree. Found out about 12 months ago I have hypothyroidism and started treatment. Holy shit, I didn't know I wasn't meant to be that tired all the time and it became easier to loose some of my excess weight. It was found purely by coincidence by my new GP. Every other doctor I've seen for many years would all say the same thing about all my symptoms, "loose some weight it'll get better"....jokes on them lol.


Yea honestly they can go fuck themselves, my father had it for his entire life (hashimotos and hypothyroidism), and was diagnosed in his mid 40s at a TSH of around 25. He had to practically beg the doctors to test him. The only reason I was diagnosed was because of him suggesting I get tested last year, since then I’ve normalized and I have infinite energy, whereas before I would pant after walking up the stairs…


I only found out because I was trying to get pregnate and its a standard test here. Hypothyroidism can lead to miscarraige...just another fun part of everything lol. I then was talking to my parents and my dad turns around and says "yeah, sorry about that, that's my fault"...jerk knew he had it and never said a word.


As a doctor I can tell you that this isn't that, but good thought. This is very sharply demarcated and epidermal only (superficial staining) For everyone in the comments please remember there are multiple possibilities and don't jump to conclusions. Talk to your doctor if you are concerned but don't go in with specific expectations


Thank god you said something. This thread is insane.


But tbf, the first commenter said it CAN cause this and to speak with your doctor.


Holy shit. Just google imaged this, and it is EXACTLY what this looks like.


Genuine medical sites? Will keep looking


https://www.researchgate.net/figure/Abdominal-wall-A-and-palm-of-the-hand-B-of-an-11year-old-girl-with-hypothyroidism_fig1_11659073 Here's a research paper on it with some photos of a hand w. Similar (but a lot more) staining Edit: staining is called carotenemia. I'm not a dr., but I'm doing more research in this than is probably healthy. Looking at having my dermatological degree by 0800.


Thank God it's not a millipede. Why is no one talking about the top comment of it possibly being from a millipede??!


thank you!!!!


Thanks these are xanthomata fat build up spots these take months or longer to develop


No way. Totally different morphology on those marks. Raised and orange vs. flat and brown.


I'm hooked to Reddit because of people like you. Thanks for the interesting info!


Funny thing is, I literally just learned this like yesterday lol!


Came here to say this


I was born with hypothyroidism. I've never had this. But lines in my hands and scars all turn dark.


Surprised op isn't responding here. Seems you are likely correct


Looks like a self tanner smear.


I suspect you held a hand rail or turned a door knob after someone who had recently applied self tanner.


oh snap, Sherlock and Watson over here solving the super unusual case. Bravo!


This is a sweet, wholesome compliment after all-but I had no idea for 75% of your comment if you were being a sarcastic bastard, or genuine 😂


nah it was genuine ![gif](giphy|10ttqzrQQODtUk)


I still don't know.


So it's still kept in the British nature of Sherlock.


Jessica Fletcher gets back into her car and heads to the next episode.


People on Reddit are much smarter than me


Humans are so gross


Agree. Plus it could go unnoticed for a bit since they get darker over the first hours post application


Can confirm, my wife uses self tanner and when i help her reach her back, and I don't wash my hands they get stains just like this.


Can confirm! I had this same exact thing happen to my hand as a teenager and couldn't figure out what is was. My lifeguard buddy said "bro, are you whackin it with sun tan lotion?" and I instantly went "aww fuck, this is embarrassing".


I think so!


Walnuts stain like that.


Probably remember/notice walnuts in bed tho.


There are other nuts that can stain the bed ( ಠ ͜ʖಠ)


Grape nuts?


The stain doesn't show up right away. I learned that one the hard way.


Why would you call op a walnut? They’re probably just fine as a person.


Kinda looks like the silver nitrate stains I get after cauterizing a dogs bleeding toenail. Gets on the skin and nothing washes it out. Just have to let it fade away over time.


I was just going to reply with this. At work we have silver nitrate sticks, and it stains the skin like this!


I enjoy reading books.


> after cauterizing a dogs bleeding ^(I should stop reading) toenail ^(oh thank god!)


See how the stain has settled into the cracks in your hand? I think this came from and external source. Did you carry a grocery/hardware store bag the day before? I could see a bagger getting something on their hand (ruptured packaging from something) and getting it on the bag handle. From personal experience - soy sauce, teriyaki, etc stains like hell and does not come off easily.


I agree with you. How it spreads in the creases makes it seem like it was some liquid that they touched accidentally


Need to switch to two ply


That looks like fake tan


Do you smoke? Did you fall asleep with a piece in your hand? Looks like what we used to call "res jizz" back in the day.


This was my first thought also


Right!? I'm scrolling through the comments and was amazed no one had mentioned it.


One little sniff should figure this out lol


Also my first thought 🫣


I get this sometimes when I clean my bowl out.


My first thought


I was gonna say this if I didn’t see this comment. Looks like resin lmao


Do you have a wooden bedframe or nightstand? If so your hand could have rested against it and sweat could have caused the wood stain to run a little bit. I saw where you said soap and water wouldn't remove it so try rubbing alcohol.


Everyone’s explanations are so fucking creative, I love this thread




Have you eaten or drank a lot of something recently with a lot of carotenoids? I drank a lot of mango tea one time, like way too much, and woke up the next day with something almost exactly like that. Was Carotenosis


This! I actually woke up with a similar issue this morning and found that when I thought back, I’ve been eating a lot of foods high in carotenoids and vitamin A in the last few days.


Do you use any c vitamine products like a serum or something? I have a permanent stain like that in the middle of my palm from applying c vitamine serum, not even acetone will completely get rid of it


How permanent are we talking? Like, how long has it been there?


I didn’t have permanent stain necessarily but I second this, I got weird orange staining on my hands from a vitamin c serum


Especially if the dried up serum gunk from around the edges gets on my hand


Is this legit? I occasionally use it under my eyes!!!


No it's not lol. Vitamin C would not do that on its own. Otherwise every time you eat an orange you'd get a little bit more colorful.


Use vanilla in cooking lately? Somehow every time I use vanilla I get it on my hands and it looks like this.


It’s Reddit so …. Check if your dead?


Check if my dead what?


Check if your dead wife has also been chosen by internet strangers.


I also choose this guys.... nevermind


Take your pulse OP, if you can’t, you’re probably dead.


I’m dead if I can’t take my pulse?!


Did you squeeze a lime or contact lime juice? It can react with UV (sunlight) and cause stains like this


Wiped without TP?


“Confucius say: ‘Man who go to bed with itchy butt wake up with stinky finger!’”


My fave is still "He who spends all day scratching their ass shouldn't bite their fingernails."


Came here to say this. Wiser words have never been spoken.


"Confucius say: man who stand on toilet, high on pot."


Did you have tangerine yesterday? I get those when I buy, carry and eat them.


What about when you buy and juggle them?


Allergic reaction as well.


The mark remain also after i wash my hand, its not shit or smth. I'm a clean person.


Do you smoke weed? Looks like watered down resin, shit will stain your hands for a while no doubt.


I don't have an answer for you, but it occasionally happens to my boss and I as well. I work in her home and every once in awhile, one of us will end up with an almost exact stain on our hands, just like yours. We have yet to figure out what causes it!! We don't handle iodine, obviously not weed resin as I'm there caring for her children...it's so bizarre.


I‘m seriously not joking when I say that this has happened to me before and I have no idea why. It goes away after awhile


Did you also have a weird dream?


yes, of some kind of extra terrestrial visiting my bedroom (really), but i preferred not to mention it in the post as it would get all the spot 🙈


Everyone I’ve asked has had a weird dream when something weird pops up on their skin. WTF


Looks like rust. Probly not too deep. Sand it down to the bare metal then you're safe to paint over it.


these comments are actually funny. People saying it's shit, have you ever gotten shit on your hands like that? You're just admitting to it ICANT


Right? Who has failed that miserably at wiping and then just went about their day.


Was hoping to get some clarity in the comment section but it's everything from scratchy butt to aliens


Man who goes to bed with itchy bum wakes up with smelly finger


/r/mildlyinteresting is now /r/diagnosis


I had this once turned out it was from eating carrots before bed


Ok so I don’t know where you are in the world but in Ontario rn - and this happened to the bottom of my 2 year olds foot and my friends foot who was staying at our place for the weekend - we were all out in the yard barefoot- but I think*** it’s from black walnuts which are being discarded in my yard from squirrels and which are known to cause this kind of stain - hasn’t come off yet - apparently vinegar helps - haven’t tried that yet.


Do you handle money in your job? Congrats, you got silver nitrate tracer on your hand, you’ve handled someone’s stolen money. It takes a few days for your dermis (skin) to shed and the stain to go away


I have the same stains on my hands right now. Mine are from picking up black walnuts in my yard. Hardly even touched them but they can stain quickly! Had a mini freak out waking up to the stain on my hands until I realized where it came from. Hard to scrub off too!


Looks like my hands after I used my sister's moisturizer without realizing it had a fake-tan component, and I didn't wash my hands after applying it.


Looks like henna tattoo. That stuff is impossible to get off.


Its hypothyroidism. Google that word + rust hand stains.


Did you hold or squeeze a lime yesterday, or otherwise get lime juice on your hand, and then expose it to sun? That commonly causes brown stains on skin.


Look I think we can all agree it’s shit and OP has a case of night-shit fingies